The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-30, Page 8- - 47T71 , ' ease neneeteeitietreatiatitt : ) _ 7.- . _ • _ ' in.tenor of increasing euecess in- tbi west, but patriot and hero that ,he weir, lie gave up gratifyihg sinet reendingt aid lucrative oraPIotnitica 0 DISTRICT MAITERS• for the -hardships and perils of trench life. iiis ,letters from -the place of _ clanger breathed courage and cheei ness and lid met hie -fate hi the act of Patriotic Euchre -7%; f * The wise man who needs a pair of good solid Shoes tor everyday wear, wil e buy them h e g e Ever week this class of foot- I of. cards,. table the the report et eeeieeind inittee who bad 1 °11"nre is hi/i-soulen resistance to cruel Kais- t eri rn. If hearts have been Amite sad. charge ef the Patriotic -Euchre in by, this death they ought also- to be Cardrere Iran, receetly: Amount tak- en $130; exposes, .$15; ba.ltince, - cars. !Robert Steong"s. table Won hi h st prize, four lieautiful peeks_ h and Mrs Lorne Petlaiers • .40, low pr•ize four boxes) of bon Good Priced -Bet Shortage of Help. bons. The conunittee wish to thank the' -In reriewing, his subsceiption. to The following for their ' kind donatiens? Expc),aitor, Mit B. G. Sainris, ef B Mrsla rf f:r:i1:.1.rigs. lafic11- 1orr't -mtai gives tthi: t tr:Ill des- Mrs Bras, V, , iiiir . I , n e r p ion 0 A iti i a ; i town papers for free advertising which we believe dedtdbe pretty ac- - i / ; y ea; c ' ly thegeneral situation in the Notes, for the Soldiere-En- 'Western provinces, He saw: win eouraged il be the lerge doman and I ydu please change the address from ready sale for the French five franc.1 Bit/Press, Alta., to Bindloso, Alberta. is latter post -office is • lately eatab- notes (95c in Canadiad money). the Tin ch of the Canadiari Bank of liehed- and is a small town just build - notes. -The denomihations• tW° ge).eral stores, blacksmith shop, filled' with a noble pride, for it is such self-sa.crifice that we owe our heritage of confirmed liberty. wear is going up in price, and 1 in a short time, Shoes of this r_ kind wiilibe hard to buv at I any price: e have a number I of extra goad styles, that will • • . British give you splendid satisfaction. )SIT011 Made of Shaved Kip, 6 has now obtained a snoty ing • There are three elevators, lumber yard, livery and ound and ten shillings, which dostuarant, udta.9g0eaannda $e20.11454nrieesupcece tiovetthye. Tirica habar; P., ail' dd613 barberQtand hop, express W o ffiac re e, gland of heving ready Brit- logated Just eight tulles fronl this y can easily be appreciated _place and 23 freen Empress, both on expected that those who arc; the Swift Current-BaSsano line of• the abit of senclihg small radt- CPA: We have a fine tract of coun- ty here, situated between the. 'Red friends and relatives in Eng - 'avail theniselves of the fa- Deer and Sasliatehewae River st The this bane. yield of grain. Lait :year wheat ran , ea. generally about forty bushels to the Killed In. ''AftittilrAnother Sea- acre, with some pieces ,reening) as forth boy has paid -the price. *Word high ee eixty 'bushels. Prices are wee received from the war office on -high, wheat $1.70; oats. 50c, barley Friday In: that Fred Weir had been 83e. Livestock is Also selling high, a wag followed on Siinday by 'the rine nomicement of his death from gun jeweler' Ana shot wounds Pte. Weir enlisted with s'"'' 1 the 4th University Corps, recruited as teener Marriage Licenses reinfoteemehts. to the famous Prin- • - cess Patricia Regiment, and he ligel tAAFORT ON 1' 1 been fighting in:thectrenches in France local bran 'Liras Calf and, Tan i Common. Grain Leather with • of British ere one p • heavy waterproof soles sell for $ 4tid bellows tongve. ThboyesIdnyth Every pair solid, riland it°11ise in the h tames to $3.25, 4-4_ to $4.50 a pr. . - E. Willis Quality footwear - -Opposite Expositor Office. Seaforth • o land will cilities afforded by the enterprise of is good and Produce a' large good horse will gring $300 and a good dangerously wounded. This -measage .ow po to $100, and tither things in proportion.Wages are high and men are hard get..A good man caniget frorn $50 to $60 per irionth for ithe summer, some are asking even. inore, than thet. I . would- give $60. for a good man for the sunimer. - We Teel the- effects of so 'many enlisting, even worse here than you, do in Ontario as the country is new and spareely set- tled and there are very fete who can be spared without affecting labor con- • diticins.- fear • there will be some - land not- seeded this spring on account Annual Meeting of the Women's of shortage of help. I think we War AuxillarYt-The annual Ineetiiig Should do all we capa to help keep up the liation's food supply. We want PO other result in the present con- flict but coniplete vietery for the rights of humanity. • . - The Newest' Wail Papers Tapestries, Japanese Leath- er, Japanese Grass Cloth.,and 1 for over of the and one poeular anhounc perSonal tevnewh aymp th a year. He was a graduate Seaforth Collegiate Institute of the best known and most boys in Seaforth„ 'SO that the emertt of his death zaine as a shock to the people of the o will extend the keenest Byrn- e y to -the bereaved mother and sist#. He was 18 years of age and all the rtewest wall lepers. th, only Styles suitable for everyttioni and prices suitable for every - pocket,. We do Painting and Decorat- ing in Town and Country. T G SCOTT . Painter and, Decorator RAFORTIli ..... ONT. Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Company son of Mr st George Weir, of James street. The YdVIC.A. Campaign. -The corn- mittee who have _ beencrin. charge. of the campaign to esecure funds for the Y. M. ' C. A. work among our boys • at the front, -aremeeting with good.success and the -list in Mr Sohn Beattie's store has; been Well subscribed to It is new th�l intention do hold the list -open un- til iext week to give those who have nott been able to, subscribe another 'ortunity to do so. There is per- m. organization doing the war wor to -day that is more worthy or doing a better work than the Y.M.C.A... They provide necessities, many com- forts, every lux**, if there, is such a thing at the front and every home touch that the boy out of the trenches eeeives There is- not a citizen in Seaforth that would refuse to bright -- in a good live Farraers' Mutual Com- the life of one of these 'boys could pany. • - he step direct from the trench to your e , Our rates are very, low-ofilt" aoo door. This is your opportunity, ev- per thousand per annum. - ery dollar you give to the subscrtpton We pay all losses of $1.00 and over list in Seaforth reaches the soldier in from this date forward. Present .pol- some form just as surely and oireet- icyholders note this announcement. 1 ly as If you handed it to hiin at your For full particulars see or 'phone door. We hope Seeforth will realize any of the following agents:this and contribute her share to this S Hoed Geueral Agent, Exeter cause as she has to others before it. R.G. jarmuth, sub agent, Bornholm N. Ogden, Sub -Agent, Centralia Spring Millinery Openitigs. - The 11. H. Hill, Sub -Agent, Auburreit millinery openings on Friday and Sat - or write the Secretary urday of last week, were, in spite of Chas. Monteith, R .R .No . 1, Woodham . the unpleasant weather, well attend- . (Note the change in Secretary. ) ed by the ladies of the town and coune James, Scott, Pres., Cromarty try. As usual our iderchants were 2570-3 ' ready with all the newest designs in -- ---.. -------- ee.... ' hats as well 48 the most aroved Protect your property against dam. age by storm or cyclone •by a police ' op ha ."- al pars Our New Wall Papers far surpaSs our' efforts 1 gresive.euchre party. in the evenmg. front, 8 emirs ehiris and three boxes valued at 0.30, CONSTANCE. Wood Bee. -Mr. Benjamin Riley, of Constanee, had a summed wood bee on Monday afternoon and held a tiro - The prize for the best player was give uto Mr .William Moore, of stance, while- while Mr. Joseph Mann, of Men received the booby prize. They are Flpent an enjoyable evening. 1. of •OrevIous •Ye -ars- If you war.it the newestWall Papers for your home at prices that will astonisn you, n ake a point of seeing our s -election. l'hompsoli .0. BoOkstore 8 etifor f Window `Shaoes and Picture litanies Agent for New Idea Patterne 'MIMS CiSCO, 80115 of Rev. J. W. Hodgins, for- merly of Seaforthi were in tovni thie week. -Rev- G. McKieley preached anniveriary oervices in Goderich on Sunday last. -Mr. Virilsoe, inspeetor dor the Undererriters' A_ssocoation, was intown on Tuesdayeand gave the Are brigade an unexpected ;trial run. The heys turned out promptly and had sev- eral streams otwater playing -in short order. Seaforth is creclited with hav- ing the best fire brigade of any town of its size ih-Ontario.-Ilensall Lodge of Rebekah's paid a fraternal visit to the local lodge on Monday evening last, ipitiating nine candidates in a most Creditable miumer, after which a social evening was spent. -Horti- culturists would do well to remember that Sattirclay is the last day on which their preinium selections -can be hand- ed to the local society. The choices should- be given to the secretare, A. D. Sutherland .-Mrs . W. Gov- enlock is attending the annual Dioees- an meeting of the Women's Auxiliary in London this week, as delegate from St. Thomas' church.-oMr, and Mrs. Goezel of Kincardine announce the .engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Thomas Grieve, of Meldillole -the marriage to take place .April 10th. General Servant Wanted. *Apply to -Mrs. A, D Sutherland, Siaforth. - 2572-tf Queen's Ifotel, Seaforth, on the third 'Wednesday et i Ported the funds for the year were 1 she will soon be restored to health.- . Dr. Forster of Stratford, eye, ea*, nose and throat eaeh month." Office hotra.19.80 to 8 p, M. $1104.63 with a balance on hand of , Mr. J. Ashton, the veteran wood cutter $279.46. This moriey was raised. in a ie very busy these days helping the spectate, bits resumed Insane and will be at the Opening Display of the new 13pring: f42rIlila-teryf , variety of ways by donations from farrriers to finish up their 'winter' Mareh 23rd and 24th. Elite Millinery Parlors. the town eouncil 'and from private in- wood cutting.By the accounts of those • seto..s dividuals, bazaars and- teas given by who have tapped, the indications Are ' BRACELET LOST -On Sunday, March 25th, be- the different church organieationce a that it -will be a short run. -Many Seatorth, a gold bracelet set with stones. Finder euchre waste paper collections- and peOple consider it an extra burden tween the Queen's Ilatel ani St. Thomas church, - FOR SALE-dood iersev heifer calf. 57L2.1‘144. concerts' , all of which have been pre- on our soldiers that six cents should VanEgrond, Ses.forth. - ivlaroyusll athckne looetirlygpedap.ebray. the eAmiil- be charged on letters going overseas pail,. and would welcome an explanation.- pleaaeleave at the Exprisiter0filue. mfaeOladys Cousins has opened a elm In 7'P2xiaino cipal work of tlie Auxiliary has been The great quateities of potatoes which corner Of Jarvis and Market Stieete, Seaferth. " f0 supply the soldiers -with home knit we have been told are held in the MA,WLEY * Notes. - The maple syrup season has started but promises to be of short duration and so far is not good. - Mr. W. Manleychad the misfortune to Tose one of his fine cows this week. ---Mr.Josetth Eekart has been araongst us for the pas e • week. -Mrs. 3. Mc- Loughiin, who has not been in the best of health, is improving. WILLETT. The Late .A.ngus McDernoid.-We made brief mention last week of the* death of Mr. Anguo MeDernlid" which ' toccufted at his home -on the 11=0'11 road en Thursday last, The deceased, 1 who had reached ttlea good age of 84e years, had not beerittenjoying good' health for some tune, but the imme - , iate cause of his 'death WAS peralysis. I Mr. MeDermild was born. in Maetin- town, Cornwall, England, but was of 1 Scottish parentage. He came to Can- ada 'tidier' ,eighteen years of age, ad' for some tittle worked in, his broth- er's store in fliarpurhey. Later he took bp farming, and for fifty years he had resided ton the fine homestead onel the Iliiion read, from which the fun-, eral services were held on Saturday, ! interment being made in Maitlandbank cemetery. Besides his widow he is sur- vived by a family of Vivo sons and three- daughters, Malcolm, John, and Miss McDermid, at home, Mrs. John McDowell, of McKillop, and Mrs. (Dr.) Briggs, of Cleveland. / .. -4.- C.HISELHUR,ST. Notes. -The men in this . vicinity have organized themselves with the object of sending a small parcel of tobacco, laces, gum, etc., at intervals to the boys who left here for the of the Wonien's War Auxiliary, was, front. -The ladies of the Red Cross I held. in the Armories on Friday after- have been unceasing in. their work noon, March 23 -rd. The Amdliary has and have been rewarded by a substant- completed a most successful year and 1 ial grant from the council, which has 'by its work has added very materially i greatly helped to stimulate the inter- to the the comfort of the soldiers from this vicinity when in the town, in camp and, since they have gone to Eng- land and France. The treasurer 're - est and increase their efforts. -Susie, The eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Dalrymple le confined to the house thibugh sickness. It is to be hoped- • and Theory. Apply atresiclence of Mr. W. Wilson k ell stock- try are slow in coming -on the market 4 ran. soc but they also give a, w Dnek Eggs for setting wanted. Appl y at MR^ ed parcel t,o,every recruit who. leaves and the prices hold firm. Expositor incp. i5.12-11 the -Wien Fronethe various conimit- WANTEO-A general 'servant for a small fanny. tee repoiits. the following shows the right (writhe). it Nei be &Teal inuele.al treat, for _S. A'ear".' 1WiPoirs a "ellac .4g T. suits ' Our new Spring Wali Papers are of Sonia' eXtell- pairs elites; ' 280-,- handkerchief% 264 Decorator, Seaforth.' . 257m towels, 'Fels% 90 -helmets, 115 housewifes, 50 'enc.. .Co J.:e and itiepeet our display. jas. Graves, MILLINERY OPENINGS -Friday and_ SaturdeY, suits Pcheesecloth underwear. Christ - Meth 23rd and 24th. . Newest models on display. mas boxes were given to the return - Mies Mt Johnston. 2'749-3 ed soldiers. The Young Women's . FOR SALE -Frame house, 7roorns, goal' s' ged War Auxiliary made and flllecl the, Good capable girl wanted -Good wager., 403'. . s . 25,1.0x4 hous. ewifes; 6,0 towels, and 25 "News from honie which they sent to Sea- togarden,cheat for cash, or easy terms, Apply W. tr. Baker, Settforth. , Mrs. bidEay, Allion Hotel. Bayfield. 2571-tf ferth . men in the trenchees. The py- FOIL SALE --2 kitchen cupboards, kitchen table, jamas and underwear were 'made for and a few other household articles. These are the Aturiliary by the ladies of the gasoline stove, "1510:Nary's Famoue him burner in splendin condition -and will be sold c 1,erkp Poi! cash. Mrs, IL Speare, Seaprth Methddist church. The offieers were COWS FOR SALW-Two bprharn cows, 2517;;Sesh all re-elected and are as follows: Hon, Inilker and other comes in early in fall. Apply on President, Mrs. R. S. Hays; President 257Ix2 Mrs. James Watson; 1st Vice-Presi- preitsee 2 blocks west of tile Woolken Mill. Levi dent, Mrs. William Hartry; 2nd :Vice - President, Mete Edge; Treasurer, Mrs,- - John Finlayson. Secretery, Miss Mc- Lean; Assistant Secretary, Ws. Nv.- a woo,' The membership for- the past year was forty-two. The Auxiliary would be glad to add to their meni- bership, any- ladies who , are in- terested in the work- for the home soldiers. The meetings are held twice a month in the armories on Friday afternoon at four o'clock. The next meeting will be WO this Friday after- noon. Apply to Mrs. M. Y. McLean or Expositor Office, articles given'tout, yrthe Auxiliary Hee taftad Freeman sing at the Princess to- tin 2571.-1 pairs wristlets,PYjainasy 90 Alt 'N. 114 A styles in• ready -to -Weal" coats and ' dresaes. The stores were - goods, wettity deo- orated with the summer silks, laces, and flower. The win- -or 'weT dows were quite up to data with their irbpring.w Work unique decorations and color schemes and demonstrated to the Public the oft repeated fact that .Seaforth mer- chants keep up with the times; The 'hats this season are quiet in colmi with very little trimming, though what there is on the hats is excellent in quality and bright in color and gives an exceedingly stylish appearance to what might otherwise be a v•ery Mod- est hat. The crowns in the .small hats are lareer than these of last season and perhaps a bit stiffer. There are some very pretty, stylish hats. In the larger shapes, many combinations of silk and straw, while the flowersevhich in many eases, are the sole trimming, are exquisite. One can hardly par- ticularize, where there are so many that might be deservedly mentioned, lout 'simply say that with the display cif Stewart Bros. J. Mactavish and that of Miss Johnston, from which to A heavy stroeg and durable team harness, suitable for the heaviest farm work, a in. Heel Chain Traces, heavy Back Bands, good Blind Bridiesi Lines„ etc., complete less Collars 145.00 Our specia length harness, splen- did length strap, Oak leather, Gol- dine trimmed, our own make, un- surpassed in appearance and dura- bility 122.50 Try the celebrated Langford Coll- iers for horses with sore shoulders. Special prices in Trunks, Suit Cas- select a hat, no lady in our vicinity es, a handsome 24 in. Suit Case $1.75 Also Curry Combs, Brushes,. Gall Cures, exceptional values in Whips, Sweat Pads, etc. Broderick's need find the buying of a hat any- thing of a task nor'need she buy any- thing that is not becoming nor stylish. , tot Official Confirmation. -Official Con- firmatfon Of the death of Corporal James: Scott Hays, youngest son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hays, was received from the Department of Militia and Defence at Ottawa, dated March 21st. Corporal Hays' last ser-. Harness and Leather Goods Store vice was in the memorable Ypres en - Opposite COM mercial Hotel gagement of June 2nd to June 4 -Ch, . 1916, from which there issued such I • a long list of casualties to Canadian troops. At that time he was report- ed missing, but all available informa- tion strengthened 'the fear that he had paid the forfeit of his life for his country and against Prussian aggres- sion. Since then all lists of prispaera have been _carefully examined,b it on none of them. has his name ap- leered, and so the, grim conclusion is definitely aecepted that Corporal Hays We are inviting everybody to call and see our splendid display of Easter Shoes. Everybody will want some thing choice and artistic to go with their new East- er clothes. EL10-= all the wanted Styles are here -handsome, stylish, eicclusive shoes - SHOE fashions that are*different. New shoes for every mem- ber of the family arid at reasonable prices. Call in. ,R.SC SEAFORTH • Local Briefs. -A joint meeting of the Red' Cross Society and Women's War Auxiliary, will be held at • the Carnegie Library Hall, on Thursday afternoon next, April 5th ,at fohr o'- clock. Miss Case's report as- delegaie to the annual meeting of the Canad- ian Red Cross Society held in Toronto, last month will be read. All are cord- ially invited to attend. -A memorial service to our fallen soldiers will be held in the Presbyterian church, Sea- iorth,next Sunday everiing.-Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Robrts,Toronto, were here, this week visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. S. Roberts. Mr. Rob- erts is just out of the hospital, where he underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis. -Farmers . requiring help with their seeding and citizens, retired farmers, and others who are willing to help the farmer will confer a fav- or by communicating at once with Mr, John II. Reid, vice-president of the Seaforth branch of the Huron County War Auxiliary, Box 292, or phone 2, Seaforth.-Mrs. W. Fair, of Clinton, was this week a guest at the home of her' sister, Mrs. James Watson. -Mrs. John Wigginton, of Clinton; and her niece, Mrs. Sydney Hodgins, of Lucan Corners, were guests at the home of Mrs. Robert Hawthorne; ip Egmond- ville this week. -Mr. Chapman has purchased the residence of Mr. Van- sickle, on Jarvis street. Mrs. Vansiek- le intends removing to Lockport, N.Y -Mr. J, Israel, of Walkerville, vis- iting his clAughter, Mrs. William Cud - Mere, and son George, in -town. -Mrs. Alex Jamieson, of the Huron Road, who recently sold her, farm, has pur- chased the Govenhick cottage en James street, at present occupied by Mr. And Mrs. John Sproat. -Mrs., 0. Jones and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, who have been spending the winter at the parental home of Mrs. S. Dick- , sore left on Monday for their -home in Fort Saskatchewan. -Mr. Joe David- son, of Mitchell, spent Sunday at his home here.---dMiss Louise Griffiths, of was killed in action. Ile was 28 years . Clinton, was a week end guest at the of age at the time of his death, and I home of Mr. and Mrs. A. aose.-Miss had enlisted at Regina, in the summer • Helen Tweddle left on Wednesday for of 1915.- The Memory of this brave her horde in Fergus after visiting her young man is very precious, not only to the immediate members of his fam- ily, but also to a wide circle of ac- quaintances and companions, who -lov- COUSillt Miss Dorothy Wilson - Miss • Grace Weir, of New York, is spending a few days with her mother here.- -- Marion Watson and Miss Eleoat VARNA. The Red Crosse -The Varna brand' of the Red Cross ahipped the following articles to Hyman Hall, last week: 33 pairs of socks, 33 flannel shirts, 11 pairs pyjamas, 30 trench towels, and to each of the Vaima boys now at the We can safely say, withopt fear of contradiction that our pictures are the best in ,the land- Paramoutit Pictures Now Showing : America's leading. Film Favorite Fannie Ward,' A Gutter Magdalene" Next Weeit's Programme Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday 2nd 3rd 4th MATINEE 4.'16 Tuesday Afternoon 5c BLYTH. Notes. -The pairiotie concert hekl *here on Friday, was •well atteeded. The proceeds totalled $61. The pro- gramme was 'pet on by purely local talent. The receipts go to Red Cross work -Misses Annie Shafford and May Bell, two -Myth trained nurses, who Volunteered for overseas service some time ago, have received word of the acceptance of their services, and leave to report for duty in a couple of weeks. -Word has been received here that Capt. R. R. Sloan, of the 33rd Battalion, and Rene Burnett, of Blyth, who ha i been in England for some time, were quietly married in Old London on Saturday last. --Mrs. S. Shafford has been notified that her son, Austin, has landectat Halifax. He went overseas with the 161st Huron .Batt. and was sent back because of being under the age limit. He will train with one of the Canadian de- fence regiments until old enough to go to the firing line. --Blyth has or- ganized for the work of the Soldiers' Aid Commission. To meet the re- quirements of the returned menis sit- uation a. mass meeting was held in Milne's Halt and the following officers elected: Honorary president, Reeve Dr. Milne; president, Luxton Hill; Secretary, Rev, S. W. B.- Hawkins; vice-presidents Rev. R. j. McCorm- ick, George Telford, F. Metcalf, and A. B. McLean. The executive com- mittee include twenty of the leading citizens. J. L. LASKY 'Presents Beautiful Mae Murray in an elaboratepicturization of Sweet Kitty BelIairs " From the pl by David-Belaseo and Egerton Castle, also the Oth episode • of the Wonderful derial "THE IRON CLAW." Featuring PEARL WHITE One continuoiri thrill. elltiOnggpszaIMPOIS Thursday, Friday, Saturday ed him for his manliness, his geniality" leave here to -day, Friday, for New eth lith jith his good-heartedness and his loyalty i York, where they will take a course Famous Players Presents of nature. The attractiveness of an f of training in the Roosevelt hospital. A Thousand Dollar rlusband 'unusually winsome personality was i -Gunner John E. T. Musgrave, son of greatly increased by his splendid vocal -i the late Rev. P. Musgrave, of MeHil: With an all-star cast - a wondertul talent and by his willingness to make 1 lop, and of Mrs. Musgrave, Toronto,show you Who enlisted ' production that equals any with the 67th Univer- have ever seen. e , that talent the source of entertain mentment and dellght to others. Cor- poral Hays' had a treasure of midow- ment in his voice, and scores of people as well as tm , , train as they think of , him in the coig nin ta t I If was Mak-1 and Mr Cecil Hodgine, of San Firigt. Finn C4th Gees to See Good Shows ity Battery, is now engaged as chem. PRICE 11c. i st for the 'British Government in the. Saturday Afternoon Matinee -5c manufacture of explosives at Gretna Green, England. -Mr. Williams, of To - years, will recall the lifted singer rent°, is visiting his son, Mr. C. L. the true friand the capWilliams m town.- • ' Mr. Lloyd Hod able man of business. Aic a chartered rgins, of Concord, New Hampshire, 0 - lite Style Store 7 le wait lo Show Nov is the ime when women who Appreciate the Importance Beingyr.vellDressed are think. HIBPERT. The Councile-The Council niet on March 19th, with the members all pre- sent. Minutes of Iast meeting were read and adopted. The following Per- sons were appointed to the ott'ce of Fenceviewers, Peimdkeepers and Path - masters, respectively: Fenceviewers- B. Robinson, R. Hodgson, J. G. 31111er, W. Dow, j. Doyle, P. Jordan- A. Mc- Kellar, P.. Morris, 3. G. McKaig and Williani Drover. Poundkeepers-j. Balfour, j, Watson, A. Forbes, T. Mit- chell,. J. H. Robinson, W. Feeney, J.. Cornish, 3. Sumner, it McGrath, R. Barris, G. Smile, J. Pinder, G. John- eton, J. G. Miller, H. Dow, T. Scott, J. Scott, jr., L. Dorsey, P. Carlin, 3, Stapleton, Joseph, Itioach, J. 3. Dalton, F. Murphy, W. Jordan, 3. F. Murphy, T. Melody, James Roach, P. O'Connor, P. McCann, A. McLellan, F. Jordan, X. Doyle, T. Cairns, W. Atkinson, W. McIver, M. Burns, M. P. Norris, P. McIver, W. Jeffrey, J. Fe1,1 0. Kerslake, 3, Morrison, j. Mc- Lachlan, E. Treffry, W. Worden, D. McDonald. W Dalrymple, W. Chapple J. IVIcKaig, W. Diznim, G. Stoneman, T. Drover, T. 3. Vennor, T. McCurdy, R. Duncan, A. 1VIeCurdy, H. Thompson W. Simmons, G. Bol- ton,- D. MteKeliar, jr., Joseph Norris, and James Kkauskopf. By -Law No. 168, =firming the appointment of Fenceviewers,Poundkeepers and Path- mastersavaii passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. Tenders for- Hydro Elect-ric Power debenturs were open- ed and none of them being satisfactory it was 'decided t� defer the sale of them until the next regular meeting of the Council on April 16. The con- tract for grading was let to Kenneth McKellar. Orders were issued on the Treasurer, amountingtto $252.37. The application of the directors of the Logan, Fullerton and Hibbert Agricul- tural Seciety for a grant towards the erection of a new building on the fair grounds at Mitchell was discussed and decided that no action be taken in the matter. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, the 16th I of April. at one o'Clock.-Tames Jor- dan, clerk. ew Clothes tor Spring and Summer and its just the time when You should see the new Styles and learn where the -best values can be had. Appearance counts in the battle of life. It is im- portant that you dress well. It is equaliy impor. tant that you get the hest values possible to secure for the money you invest in clothes. Dressing Well means neither more or less than dress.: ing simply, suitably and sensibly, the accomplishment of which is exceedingly easy—when you have the right clothes to select from and the right kind Ma dealer to help you. Make your choice and see that you get properly fitted. =7"-- 315.7. tr ly sek ho ha Th In all lines of Ready-to-wear Appar for Women's Suits, Coats. Shirtwaists and Furnishings. We show none but the most Dependable Makes; Goods that havesproven their worth and which we can recommend with full confidence that they will make friends for us. and we want to tnipress upon ,„vottr mtn ,ati inspection of the New Gooas - shoUn at this Store prove Profitable to You Come and see the very newest Styles in New Spring Suits, Coats, Skirts Raincoats, Petticoats, Hats, Corsets, Neckwear Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery. etc. We don't ask you to buy them. We ask you to coin and see them. We will do our best to s4ow you that here is a store that takes the same interest in showing goods to those who come simply to look as to those who come to buy. Will not urge you to purchase, but it is safe to say you will want too. Prices are purposely omitted from this advertisement. because we believe that you woulit prefer to see the values with your own eyes than to read about them, ,C==c YOE_ We -are shc wing apparel of special inter- est to women who appreciate stylish things, Assortmenfs large enough, Qual- z iticas good enough,and Prices low enough - to please all who appreciate the value of Good Goods. ARE YOU COMINGSOON) J. Madams t Seaforth MA Style Store for UOM81$ 71- tct