The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-30, Page 7• • - - • teemed to at by tetAtm. mai' a new tested - tt, t trna • a great favor. sp- wes are large and T... td inns pots in the nd of May., Extra ei e Pings? g :AN do for his ood altions cif a to help. WE by ig SERVICE q your part? now to Farmer, ader the ERVICE Lr of the idly under - re needed on the Man on khiii fight th I for Food. OWN hutches and anizations, a, can render fleeting all Land. an an exchange an assis. ? Can you Li handle fork ight you can immer work - E. and child in Eas access to pall the plot, in 1917. t relatint to Au rOULTURE .1- 10 .semmixbu....! cure Sick Headache, Cotistipatio Sillousneste Sour Stomech, Sid BreathosesatlY Cathartic. arrii.04****.r.ia**444 No odds how bad your liver, sto ach or bowels; how much your 'he aetes, how miserable you are from coustipation, indigeetion, biliousness and singsli bowels -you always get relief with Oascarets. They Mime, meekly cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sear, fermenting foed and foul gases; take the excess bile froin the liver and carry off the con- stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels.. A »cent hex "from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head •se for A months. They workw I sleep. ImiraNa. ••••••••••••••••••." 114, iliankfterrekill=itigesesetranceector tee tosaand Office is roar of the 'Dew Vim lataie IlleatactlitAtoses to Wow - - J, ithrtistsre 00artelaigteit rim: mu* L(Wer hrtr*itttte store legit Streets Sitetirtke ••••••••.••alaaa spenn. _ g s,:_ I t.. 11014, tis7 Ur Frank II. Speartnan. I ' iallommoisnillne011.111011.1111M71. Coveted Safely Thrauck Change IATe by Lydia -F. Falzhamt Vegetable Compound vararaoraaa•aasOaraeralaaaaar,ra.raaa• Nashville,Tenn.-"When I was going through the Change of Life I had a tu- mor as large as a child's head. The • doctor said it was three years coming and gave me medi- e for it until. I was called away from the city for tome time. Of course' I could not go to him then, so my sister-in-law told e that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound would cure it. helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home I did not wage dodo.. 1 took the Pinkhain remedies until the tumor.was gone, the doetor said, andl have not felt it smee. I tellevery one how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it." -Mrs. E. H. pool, 526Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. .Lydia E. Pinkluan's Vegetable Com- pound, a pure remedy containing' the extractive properties of ceood old fash- ioned roots and herbs, m ta the'needs of woman's system at this, critical period of her life.. Try it 1-f there is any eymptous in your case which puzzles you, write to the Lydia E. I) inlihuin Medicine Co., Lynn, Mans (Conthmettfrom last week.) Dicksie came into the light as he hastened over, If she was uncertain in manlier, -he was not. He met her, laughing just enough to relieve the tension of which both for an instant were conscious.. She gave him her hand when he put his out, though he felt that it trembled a little. "Such a ride as you have had! Why did you not send rile word? I ewould have come to your he exclaimed, throwing reproach into the words. Dicksie raised her .eyes. "I want to ask you whethet you would sell us some grain -sacks, Mr. McCloud, to use' at the river, if you could spare them?" "Sacks! Why of course, all you want But ho wdid you ever get here? In P. aciamastax ' all this water, and two lone women- liairdstect)lollettor, Ocaveyencer arid You have been in danger tonight. In - aa Palk, ealieltat for the Ca- deed you have -don't tell me! And illisiblitak orOommtree. Mosey to loan. you are both wet; I know it Your IMMO for sale. Office, la Ecott's block. feet must be wet. Come to the fire. Wu duet, Illefortb. _ 0 BOW he called to Dancing, "What's have a fire Won't you -one worth the Matter with your wood? Let us PRODDPOOT, MORAN AND COOKS llarriaters, aollaitotea Notanlee ,sis, noose le lend. Its Seatorta en fami- lia at aseb week. Office in Kidd block Prowdfoet, J. L. galena,' B. te a Cooke. • virrilitINARY P. ItARBURN, V. 8 groinete of (Weide Vetelein- siet 001ktie, sad honorary member of 11110 Medical Association of the Ontario fiery College. Treats dilemma' of Dotoustfo Animals -by the MeV mod- el Prilletigeg, Dentistry mind Vev- Air & °Wee opposite Dick's Ibitol, Main itreol, Sen,forth. All or- der, left Attu hotel wili receive prompt ditesitloo, Night cilia received at the dikes JOBS ORIBirRi, V. 8. Room graduate, 0 Ontario !retain- . seg oat.. All Mews. of Domestic in Waal, treated. Calls "prom*Iy attend. id to aid 01640 -moderate. VeteriestS SalliRstry & apactalti. Office and rare ism ce Oedsrieh street, one door east Dr, 1106Atle alike, ill:earth. laiDWAL IL W. J. GLAFIELD, 314 *Ian, Etc. Honor Graduate at University. of Toronto, six years' Issseriesice. Bruce -field, Ontario. J. W. ARN, Siebseeed street, London, Ont. Opecieliste Surgery and Genito-Urin arg diseeees of men end women. DR. GEORGE BBILEletANN. Osteopathic Physilan, of Goderich. Specialist in eromeres and children's Sitiose, rheumatisns. acute, chromic 3adaervoite dleorders, eye, ear, nosi and throat. C-onsultation free. 0ffice in Cady Block, over W. G. Willis' Shoe tore, Seaforth, Tuesday's and Fridays O a.m. till 1 p.m. DR. ALEXANDER MOIR Pysicism & Surgeon Office aed Residence. Main Street, ?home 70, Fiensall. while; and build another in front of my tent I can't believe you have ridden here all the way from the ranch, two of you alone!" evelaimed McCloud hastening boxes up to the fire for seats. Marion laughed. "Dicksie can. go anywhere!. I couldn't have ridden from the house to the barn alone." r - Dr. 3'. W. PEOK graduate of Vacuity of Medicine, W- illi Uiversity, Montreal; 'Member 01 illaige of Physicians end Surgeons of tarkg; Licentiate of Medical Council al Maeda; Post -Graduate roember of Saddest Medical Staff of GraneXiii Hos- Ike, Montreal, 1914-111; Office two loom east 01 Post Office, Phone 51, Utessil, Ontario. • . ,sd Mies Dunning can have my Unt as "Supper is served' to all on duty aren't we? Thep.% agdot ready to serve now; we eat in the tent," he added, holding, out his hand.a he ; FEEDING THE BRITISH ARMY. heard the patter of raindrops. "Rain . inder canvas." ' - is the deserpition which has been an - "The best fed army in the world," again! No matter, we shall be dry Dicksie had never seen an engineers plied to the British army and "the field headquarters. Lanterns lighted greatest conunissariat officer since the interior, and the folding -table in Moses," to Sir Francis Lloyd, the om- the middle was strewn with papers car who at the beginning of the war which McCloud swept off into a camp had the immense job of working out chest. ' WO' double cots with an ailse the system which makes Tommy At- 'eeteeee lci th ' of all his allies and scarlet wa Dunning." explained McCio "Not ist with only dangerous." -a I. black ascot falling over it, Whispering "But moist" weateWhispering Smith looked at her. Ahreyes did not Smith, "especially m the dark." rest on the picture too long but McCloud looked at Marion. "Then his glance was searching. He spoke in let's be sensible," he said. "You and 4 / aside to Marion. Marion laughed as she turned her head from where Dick - soon as we have supper." sie was talking again with McCloud. "Slepper!" "The best of it is," murmured Mar- ion, "she hasn't a suspicion of how at twelve o'clock, and weer° on duty, lovely she really is." (To be continued next week.) ed me out. I was just looking for a farm or a ladder or something. Klein - for a man named Small is -the biggest Dutchman I ver saw "Tell me Klein, "Then tell me how you could do it" I I asked, after he quit dragging me out demanded McCloud, devouring Dieksie -he's a Hanoverian -where did you wth bis eyes. . get your pull? And how about your coat, won't you. please? Dicksie looked at the fire. "I know height? Did your grandfather serve f Y°ur all the roads pretty Well: We did get as a grenadier under old Frederick 1 WhisPering Smith ,vas trying t° lost once," she confessed ii. a low William and was he kidnapped?' Bill, , drag a chest from the foot of the cot. voice," but we got out agam. don't feed my horse for a while. And and Marion stood watching. "What "The roads are all under water, Klein tried to light a cigar I had just are Yea trYing to do?" "Get this over to the table for a though." taeen from my pocket and given him "What -time is it, please?" ---=fancy! the Germans are a remark- seat" eable people --and sat down to tell me "Silly man! why don't you movethe McCloud looked at his watch. "Two minutes past twelve." his history. when some friend down table?" the line began bawling throiigh a Diele0e was taking off her coat. • D" ksie started. "Past twelve? megaphone, and all that poor Klein, "How invng it all is!" she smiled. had time to say was that he had'had "And this is where you stay?" no supper, nor dinner, nor yet break- "When it rains," answered McCloud. "Let me lime your hat, too." fast and would be obliged for some by e hair' is a sight, 1 know. We the boat he forwarded me in." .and. in closing, Whispeting Smith, looked rode over rocks and up gullies into -the brush—" • cheerfully around at Marion, at Me- "Andthrough lakes --oh, I know! Cloud, and last and longest of all at I can't conceive how. you ever got here Dicksie Dunning. at all. Your- hair is all right. This "Did you come from across the riv- is camp, anyway. But if you want a er?" asked Dicksie, adjusting her wet nt, and, spread with bright Ilucl- n them stead at the head of ns e envy more especially of his enemies, who, , y blankets, looked fresh and un- if all reports are true,. have not been bed. A box -table near the head- faring nearly so well m the trenches eld an alarm clock, a telegraph of the western front as they did at end a telephone,. and the wires the beginning of the war. Even then p to a pole behind it Leather their menu was a long way behind that s and sweaters lay on. boxes un- of the British troops. e tent -walls, andeheavy boots Of course one of the greatest prob- ireeiisorderly array along the ferns in feeding the vast army of men of the cots. These, McCloud. in Prance is transport Practically apologies, fldeked into the cor- every ounce of staple food that they , eat has to come to them overseas, the this where you stay?" asked last stage being the journey from - i ur of us sleep in the cots, when England to France. A few articles such as vegetables, fruit and milk ie. en,groaunnddawnhienndeifitnriateit:ins.u"mber lie are bought ideally, but practically everything else is supplied from lion looked around her. "What home. In order to assume the meat u do when it thunders"' supply the British_ government has e two were -pulling boxes out for taken over the whole frozen mea McCloud did not step to look production of Australia and New Zea "I crawl under the bed -the oth_ land, besides placing large orders in ich is your bed?" has supplied imrgense quantities o the Argentine. Chicago, of course on% seem to Trued it" ichever I can crawl under quick- bully beef, which es the soldier's nam I usually sleep there" He pint- for canned beef, but this is used not the one an. the right. only when circumstances make it mi thought so. It has the blanket possibly to supply frozen or fresh rnea Even at that Chicago has a good dea back so neatly, just as if were sheets under it I'll bet to do with feeding the British soldier All this meat and all the grai oarnyo'nt any" All this is a summer which is made. into flour for the sol rt? KniselV, my assistant, sleeps dimes bread comes in the first plac of course we are never both to England. The only difficulty her ed at the same time; he's down is the problem of wr-tire'' ocea ver to -night It's a sort of con- tralleerrt, which invelvee II%) extra us - performance you know" Me- otlinor3r org all i katiOn 11 tiI _ Which in. d looked at Dieksie. "Take off spite cf the eiforts of id e kais rs sub marines has been conducted wit hardly a hittii. At any rate the U brats have ne - - ca zsed a tritish sol dier to miss a meal. When the foo the te son Ba distur pole h key, a ran u jacket der th •stood foot, -with tiers. Clot hes stay white if "leg ALL' you treat them right R G -Har • “Is Dicks "Fo we ea on th do yo Th seats up. ers d ewh ewh est. ed to folded there there reso there ih b the ri tinuo Mou Oh, aron, this is drea,dfull We must start right back, Marion. I had no idea we had been five hours coming_ five miles." He koked at her as if still unable to comprehend what she had accom plished crossing the flooded bottoms Her eyes fell back to the fire. What a blze!" she murmured as the drift wood snapped and roared. "It's fine for tonight, isn't it?" "I know you both must have been in, the water," he inssted, leaning forward in Tit of Dicksie to feel Marion's skirt. "I'm. not wet" declared Marion drawing back. "Nonsense, you are as wet ie's a rat! Tell me, he asked, looking at Dicksie, "about your trouble up at the bend. I know something about it. Are the men there tonight? Given up, have they? Too bad! Do open your jack- ets and try to dry yourself, both of you, and I'll take a look at the river." "Suppose -I only say suppose -you first take a look at*me." The voice came from behind the group at the fire, and the three turned together. "By Heaven, Gordon Smith!" where did you come from ?", exclaimed Mc- Cloud. DR. V. J. BURROWS. Office and re,sidence--Goderich street OA Of the Methodist church, Seaforth. Plicate No. 49. Coroner for the CotuttY d Ileros • DRS. SCOTT it SICKA.Y. Ji G. &ot, graduate of Victoria and Oollege of Physicians and llargetues. JJ 2 Arbor, and member of the Ontario Dormer for the County of litUrren. Ch "MacKay, L000r graduate of Trinity ilverity, and gold medallist ot Tri Medical College; member of the Col - 1 Se of Phesicians andeurgeons, Onfarla, Whispering Smith stood in the gloom in patience. "Where do I look as if I had &dee from? Why don't you ask,ine whether I'm wet? And won't you introduce- me --but this is Miss Dicksie Dunning, I am sure." Marion with laughter hastened the introducton. "And you are wet, of course," said Mcloud, feeling Smith's shoulder. "No, only soaked. I have fallen in- to the river two or three tiraes, aal the last time a big rhinoceros of yours down the grade, a section foreman named Klein,, was obiging enough to pull me out. Oh no! I was not jok- ing for you," he ran on answering McCloud's question;"not when he pull- DB. a HUGH ROSS. draduate of Univeraity of Toronto *Funny of Medicine, niernber of Col lea of Physicians and Surgeons of On WW1 Pao graduate courses in Chicago Meal School at Chicago; Royal Oph mik Hoptal, London, England, Usbeesity College Hoigtal„ London, Office-Bacit Of Dominion Raab, fiaeforth. Phone No. 5. Night Lally answered from residence, Victoria 11rteat, lleafortba AUCTIONBEES THOMAS BROWN Llseneeel auctineperefor tbe collate -NI II Myron and Peat*, Corregostdenee agent s tor *la dates can be lads by caJi tag voe Pboae 97, llesforth, W The Beevaltor office, Change* nand inane and -*cd on guareteed, r, LOME, Lesseeesd ,ctioseer for the Coat Eames, claim abinoded tot bet rartit of tee, Qoa..4, Seven years' oe. Pietseseeein gaiskeosa sad tissirstsbewal Iberia reeeentadt Pbart 9s SI. R b-Llesteeer. Centralla 1/4 O L R Set Oudets Fart st. Illts area LT sow - eabeds, pram*, t Wad tas More than Soap Lifebuoy Soap is a perfect soap and perfect antiseptic act ing together in perfect unity. Its rich, abun- dant lather makes it a delight to use. LIFE HEALTH 11111/ i. Protect your health by wah ing your hands and face with It—by bathing and sham- pooing with it. The mild antiseptic odor quickly van- ishes after us*. skirt meekly over hem -knees. "You are soaking wet," observed, Whispering Smith. "Across the river?" he eehoed, "Well hardly, my dear Mise Denifag! Every bridge is out down -the- valley except the -mile roaa bridge and there are a few things I don't tackle; one is the Crawling Stone on a tear. No, this was across a little break in this- man McCloud's track. I came, to be frank, from the Dunnirg ranch to look up two women who rode away from' there at seven o'clock tonight, and I want to say that theyegave me the ride of my life" and Whispering Smith looked all around the circle and back again and smilem Dieksie spoke in nmazminent. "How did you know we ;Trade away? .You were not at the ranch when we lef." "Oh, don't ask him!" cried Marion. "lie knows everything," explained McClud. Whispering Smith turned to Dicksie. "I was interested in knowing that they got safely to their destination -what- ever it might be, which was non t of my business. 1 happenied to gee a man that had seen them start, that was all. You don't understand? Well, if you want it in plain English, I made it my business to see a man who made it his business to see them. It's all very simple, but these people like to make a mystery of it. Good .woren are scar- cer than riches and more to be prized than fine gold -in MY judgment- ao I rode after them," Marion put her hand for a moment on his coat sleeve; he looked at Dick- sie with another laugh and spoke to her because he dared not look toward Marian. "Going hack tonight, do you say? You never are." Dicksie answered quite in earnest: Oh, but we ire; we -must "Why did you come here then? It'e taken half the night to get here, and will take a night and a half at least to get back." "We came to Ask Mr. McCloud for some grain sacks. You know. They -have eoehing to work with at the ranch." seid Mrlon- "ewe he said we might have some and we are to send for them in the morning." "I see. But we may as well talk elaiely", Smith looked at Dicksie. "You are as brave and as game as a eiri :an be, I know, or .0 ceuldn't have done •this. Sacks full of send, with the boys at the ranch to handle them, would do no more good to- morrow at the bend than bladders. The river is flowing into Sow Lake ahove there now. A hundred men that know the game might check things yet if they're there by daylight. Nobody else, and nothing else on God's earth, can." There was silence before the fire. McCloud broke it: "I cen putthe hundred inen there at daylight, Gor- don, if Miss Dunning and her cousin want them," said McCloud. Marion sprang to her feet. "Oh, will you do that Mr.' McCloud?" they are wanted." Dicksie looked at the fire. "We have hardly deserved help from Mr1 McCloud at the ranch," she said at last. He put out his hand. "I must ob- "ect The first wreck I ever had on Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA glass you can bare one. Knisely is great swell; he's just from school, and has no ends to things. I1l rob his bag" "Don't disturb Mr. Knisely's bag for the wrld-itewaseernee - - "But you are hot taking off your hat. You seem to have so tiething on your mind." "Help me to get it off ray mind, will you please? "If you will let me." "Tell me how to thank you for your generosity. I came all the way over here to -night to ask the help that you have offered, and I could not it stuck in my throat. But that was- n't what troubled me. Tell me what you thought when 1 acted so dread- fully at Marion's." "I didn't deserve anything better, after Waking myself in such a fool position. Why don't you ask me what I thought the day you acted so beuati- fully at Crawling Stone Ranch? I thought that the finest thing I ever saw. "You were not to blame at Marion's. "I seemed to be, which is just as bad. I am going to start the 'phones going. It's -up to me to make good • you know, in about efour hours with a lot of men and material. Aren't you going to take off; your hat ?-and your gloves are soaking wet.' McCloud took down the receiver, and Dieksie put her hands slowly to her head to unpin her hat, It was a broad hat of. scarlet felt rolled high above her forehead, and an eagle's quill caught ie the black rosette swept across the front. As she stood m her clinging riding -skirt and her se- TO ALL KIDNEY SUFFERERS Itheumatism, swollen joints, con- stant headaches, pains in the bacX and. sides are au indications of kidney trouble, such as is referred to in the following unter.. Davisville, North Tornto. "`I, have great pleasure in writing and recomniendlng GIN FILLS. We have utied them for the last two years and they have never failed us. We took GIN PIE13 to the Old Country -some time ago and gave some to relatives and friends and they have asked us to find out whore they can buy GIN FILLS over there. Will you let me knovr if you have any agents in Eng- land? A. Simpson." All druggists sell Gin Pills at 50c. a box, or 6 boxes for *2.50. Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DRIM CIIEMIOAL 00. OF CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, Ont, 73 FOR K I ON EYS ives in Engand the war organize - nen talees heed of it. This is enown as the army tier lee corps, whose. -duty IA Wilk its Ir1..:1„, lc; serve the. ey with all that it needs. Under its eentrol hunileelts of steamers are plying back ad -forth in the chan- nel lanes, canning food, clothing and other .tappliee for the troops in 5 ranee The ser ice is as regular and much heavier than the cross - charnel passenger traffic in peace time, and the percentage of loss is probably lower than that which, has to be reckoned with under the ordin- ary circumstances. When the boat arrives at the French base port its cargo is taken in charge by the headquarters staff of the army service corps and care fully weighed, chwked, and examined for qu.ality. It is unloaded by men of the labor battalions, skilled dock- ers and longshoremen, specially en- listed in the army for this work and under military discipline. Trains run onto the quays from which radiates the marvellous system of railroads which the British have built in France behind their lines. These rail- roads are worked by British rolling stock ef* taken from the British lines and manned by British railwaymen. The beef and flour and other food stuffs are loaded quickly on the trucks and clisptched first to divi- sional headquarters. There another sub -division takes' place. The divis- sional headquarters quartermaster di- rects the making up of trains for the various sections of the front lines. In some places the railways nows run within a mile or two of the front. In others they stop farther back, but in all cases evetything is ready to carry them forwaard at once as soon as the British line advances. At rail- head, motor trucks are waiting to take the food to the field kitchens where it is cut up and cooked. Once the food has arrived there is no difficulty in serving it to the men who are in rest billets or in positions behind the front lines, but the men in the front trenches must be fed. It is obviously impossible for them to cook their food in the trenches. The smoke of the fires would attract the enerrites fire and the cook would al- most certainly be interrupted and perhaps wintld spoil the stew or burn the roast. Tommy, howeer, must have hot feed and it is a hot corner indeed where he does -not get it three times a day. All sorte of aaspliancs have been devised for this purpose. There are parts of the front, how- ever, whers the shoulder trays which carry a. substantial quantity of food are not practiceable and for these places a one-man carrier has been devised. There is a double skinned tank which is strapped to the man's back and which will hold food for a score or so of men. It is filled out of reach of the enemy's guns and the carrier crawls or walks as the dr-. cumstances demands -until. he reaches the h-ungry mn, who are waiting for him,perhaps in. some advanced obser- vation post or other point of danger. If all these devices fail to get food to the front line and of course, there are times in a great battle -when the enemy barage cuts off all commimica- don with the rear, every soldier has his iron ration to fall back on. This I consists, of bully beef, biscuits and compgesed foode of various kinds, and Is quite sufficient to keep a man going for several days on a pinch. talus watery velem . wee, the rays of liela /3. troligli it ' certain portions of the ; :it whoen absence is easily deice; =n, by the spetroseope. But when the sonlieht reflected from the moon's surfaces Lintz x- amined it allows no e.vidence of having passed through FM atmos- phere sieve. Ts ebe • 3.1.)t oniy. that the moon bas ro eeeptible at- mosphere, but also tied Et kontaine no liquid water, b C 1* if thee were water on the nee. : it. woul I evaporate and eorre -'-.r,eeben would act on the liht, It was long eteeenseei -nen the air and waeer which the ieeca mai once have possesstd t ad one, epeared 1y absorption. its ro. e, out an- other modern de e; alien ee has made it probable, -• that the MoorCe -Leto p-eore blnket, AS Ire seppie of water, flew ateny free, eeeause the moon had not a • power- ful grip to hold Its foree of green .y, vetch is only about one-sixth 1",,.1 1WN t as that of the earth, was 100 LJIC tO sueh lively and:rel.:elle subjeees as themolecules of air ad •,,etery vapor. These molecules, Via now know, are in continual eibrtion, and their speed of vibration varee at a maxi- mum from more than seven miles a Second for hydrogen, and two and a half miles a second for waters' Vapor, to more than a mile and a half a (second for carbonic dioxide. But it is shown calculation TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine right now -Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy 11.11116•11 IP YOUR CHILD IS OROS& FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Mother! If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cli fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," bcausse flt a few hours all the clogged -up wste, sour bile and fermenting food gntly- ! moves out of the bowel, and you have a well, playful child again. siek -children needn't be coated take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handabe On the cause they know etomach, liver and bowels to prompt and sure. A1C your druggist for a 50 -cent bat? tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up. seteasesiessesseeseeemesseseep.o. Noku‘sinsimemeosok*e..1 F R LIVERISHNESS USE !WILBURNS LAXALIVER PILLS THEY NEVER FAIL TO PO 000111, .1•••••••••••••.10Naa Mrs J. Sheitsworth, Haifa, Nsii writes: 'I take pleasure in writing you concerning the great value I have re- ceived by using your Milburn's Laze - Liver Pills for a sluggish liver_ When my liver got bad 1 woeld have severe he:a4. aches, but after using a couple of vials of your pills I have not been botherei with the ne.adachts any more' Milburn's Laa-Liver Pills clean :away all waste and poisonous matter from the system, and prevent as welt as CUM all complaints arising from a liver which has become inactive. Milburn's Laxal,iver Pills are .25e. a -dal, cc -5 vials for 11.00, at alt deniers, tie teeried dime on receipt of ptice by Tem T. lefineneen Co,, lirsuente Toronto, Ont. agggiammiNtrin4 im111111111.1., based on the laws oi gravitation that any particle moving away from the moons' surface with a velocity of mile and a half a second would escape, never to come baek. In the case of the earth, this criti- cal eeloeity, as it le called, amounts to nearly Seven miles a second, so that the earth can easily hold an. at- mosphere which world as easily fly off from the moon, te et Notwithstanding all this, it ihould be said that there may still be on the moon the remains of an atoarne- phereegeay a thouaand times rimer than ours, and, In some plates, water in a solidly frozen ztate. But these rould not serve to maintain life 11 any of the forms with which we are Movies e iTieleasti are bec,i.Jlflg great Item The present tendency appoar iii f» Seaeese plays to Inane kV • i te evidence of a neglected this division Miss Dunning rode twen- air _ ty miles to offer help. Ien't that true? I scalp; of dandruffthat awful scurf. Why, I would walk a hundred miles i There is nothing so destructive to to return the offer to her. Perhaps the b.air as dandruff. It robs the beir your cousin would object," he 51,,tg- ° of its lustre, its strength and its ver, gested, turning to Dicksie; "but no, life; eventually producing a fever! I -think, we can ro.attagae that Now i ness and itebang of the scalp, 10"' what are we going to do? . You two ;if not remedied catises the hair can't go back to -night, that is certain./ 1 to shrink loosen and die--tta "We must." • "Then you will have to go in boatel' said Whispering Smith. "But the hill road?" "There is five feet of water across it in half a dozen places. Itswain my horse throuh, so I ought to know. hair fano out fast A little Dau k onight-now-any time --will save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You eurely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little flan- -e. Save your hai! Try Ir ‘' "It is all back -Water, of 011110: Munk A CLOUDLESS MOON. Surface of the Pale Satellite Never Obscured by Mists. The trot suspicion of the airless and waterless condition of the moon seems to have been awakened by the fact that no clouds were ever seen hidingethe permanent lunar features. Imagine yourself looking t be earth from the distance of the moon. It is evident that the outlines of con -in en.ts and omens would often be more or less completely obscured whea great storm clouds were drifting over them. Not the srgetest inditation 0f the Presence of sizeilar expansts of condensed watery vapor floating over the moon were ever deteoted. The in-vention of the spectroscope tarnished another proof of the prace deafly airless conditiofl of the moon, atmosphere, eeeeeially if it gone • r els teX -4- i..-i ,.. fr, Ob 1110' -,.r- III r4.N ' Allluak, ..........7i-imp....,..:17 ---. ,15-7A1r,,A.,., ,I:grl 'frt. E,,P14:41::11-14-4c,1"°4'4'1'1'" :41 _ 4 404.4101 k" .41,1" -I- .. te- To City, Town and Villago Dwellers in Ontario. Keep hens this year GG and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom JI.2d or never been• experienced, certainly make it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something towards helping Britahr, canada and the Allies achieve victory this year. Increased production of food helps not only to lower the high cost of living, but ft helps to increase the urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export. It saves money otherwise spent for eggs and poultry - at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose effort is needed for more vital war wrk. The- Ontario Department of Agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information. about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). "A vegetable garden for every home- Nothirg should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The Department earnestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the =Wiest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is not eroential. On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete triree- -Lions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, ete. ,A, plan of a, vegetable cfatden, inurcating suitable aop th grow -t varieties and th.ek--arrangegtent in the garden, be sen.t free to any addre. Address iettas to "Vegetable Ceinpaigri, Departnitut of Agriculture: Farlia-meat Buildings, Toronto Ontario Department of iigture W. He Pot* estl Mhihter of Agriciatufe Parrlarient Buildings Toronto . . • • • 34a, =