The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-30, Page 3d-^
itch 1917
Phone You Orde s
Stewarts Sell It For Less
•lishitd $1a1,
NERM B�MO- U* NE *-TRAN$Aa lD x'
10 and
Dur nen'nc-enters,
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wishes a d for
lekkr .i.e- p
d - g for
ue, gives
ed spirits.
air"Ia s vox
tam Expositor
Des „ale Court Not Guilty.—The Su -
ewe= alttlillg s last week at
Zeoderich, were 'brief but interesting.
'Court opened on Tuesday afternoon
emci doucluded Wednesday night. Mr.•
Justice Middleton presided. A tree
bill on charge of criminal ne g ed vitas
leuthred by the grand jury in
of Ferdinand Desjardine, of 'the town-
ship of Stephen. The wife of the ae-
used died last December, /after the
birth of her first child ant the prose-
� ton e1 mad that the husband wee.
guilty of negligence in not having �
doctor. In defense it -was shown
the birth occurred unexpectedly at the
time, and afterwards Mrs. Desjardine
Was . apparently getting along well
when she suddenly collapsed and died.
amore a physician could reach her,
There was •a suggestion that the az-
.eased belonged to a religious sect,"the
Children of God" who did not believe
doctors; but Desjardine denied this
send declared that he had acted through
out according' to his wife's wishes, and
that he would be willing to have ten
doctors for her if she had wanted
them.. A rumor that the - woman bad
been allowed to die with her house
clothes still : r was proven to be
Where they intend re ding. Mr. Mc-
Call replied in kindly words for Mil -
self and his wife. They Would never
forget Duff's church pastor and people.
Short addresses followed ay James
McFadzan, Miss Annie Ferguson, Miss
Mary Smillie, `Mrs. Robert Reid and
A. Gardiner, -superintendent of the
School, expressive of regrets and good
wishes. Edna McCall who was a mem-
ber of the Mission- Band was the re-
e-cipient of a hymn. book. Hilda Harris
read an address and Florence Bennett
presented tire gift. Miss Edna made a
very appropriate reply. The McCall
family will be greatly missed as they
assisted in so many departments of
the work. They. will be a worthy ac-
cession to Melville church, . Brussels,
Where they will no doubt find ample
room for the employment of their
Mrs. Timothy Bowes, Blissfield,
N.B., writes: --"I have always used
Baby's Own Tablets . for my three
children and I can speak very highlyi
of them as •Y could not get along with-
out thein. Baby's Own Tablets are
the only medicine I would use •for
my children." The Tablets cure all
the minor ills of .little ones and the
mother who always keeps a box of
them in the house may feel reason=
ably safe against the consequences
wng not only by the accused, but of sudden attacks .of illness., They
by -independent witnesses. Mr. Stan -
are sold by medicine dealers or by
bury argud that the defendant was marl at 25 cents a box from The Dr
innocent of the danger in whicl his Williams' Medicine Co:, Brockville,
wife was and had shown every tender - Ontario.
ness within his knowledge. The case
occupied Wednesday afternoon an 1 ev-
ening. His Lordship's charge was in
favor of the accused and the jur=r with
but little delay brought in the v,• act
of "not guilty'. Despardine, who is a
young man of 28 years, made a very
favorable irynpression by his ev`dence
and demeanor and his Lordship ex-
pressed his strong sympathy wi ,h him
. in -his bereavement and the troubles ; culture and earned a conifertab e
which had followed. Mr.. H. G. Tuck- ; competence was the late A. ' W. Sloan.
er of Owen Sound, conducted the Who. passed away on, Tuesday mem-
' ing of last week at the residence- of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker, Gode-
rich, at the age of 74 years. For years
it had been his custom Ito' visit - his
daughters before resuming farm work
in the spring and about the 1st of
February he went to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Walker. He took sick almost
the next day and gradually'grew
worse. ' Mr. `Moan was' always of 'an
fire, together with all the contents. active, energetic nature and- was very
At about three o'clock the inmates, of anxious to live until the end of the
the house were alarmd at seeing the war and see his boys; who are serving
glares of the flames reflected on the ut the front return home. He was
windows and they hastened into their =porn of Scottish parentage, his father
clothes, haying barly time to get out' being ' a doctor pt
th¢ land of the
of the house. The origin of the fire j heather, before coming to Canada.
is a mystery. There was quite a strong f The subject of this sketch was a na-
east wind blowing at the time and the • live of Canada however. After living
burning embers blew over out Mr.' for a time at Kinburn, he _ went to
C. Stephen's barn and other build- t Blyth, and it was =- here that he was
Ings and it was with considerably diff - married and lived ` practically ever
culty that they were saved.'The since. He served for years, in the
buildings and contents were insured in 1 Council and became reeve of the vil-
the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Com- [ lige. In politics he was a Liberal and
pany for $1,000. f took a very • active part ,in or-
i ganization work i his district. In his
BAYFIELD. t own business he was known as a thrif-
School Report. ---The following is ty farmer and possessed one of the
the report of the senior room of our • finest farms in the County.
The son
school for the months of January1a� ' of a era and doctor,
sons in the . Sloan samed �p ofes-
Wods 68,: Sr. el Lung` i
Florence ' sion. Besides his widow,.formerly
Woodt Muriel King ► Miss Janet McMichael, he leaves a
Elliott 58, Nina Heard 57. Jr. V
Greta Baker 46. Sr. IV Ruth Mc- ; family of five sons and two daughters,
Donald '72, Ethel Drehmann 55, Harry
Dr. John A. Sloan, Alaska; Dr. Wm.
Baker 54, Harold Weston 53, Shirley Sloan, a lieutenant with the First -Bat -
King 53, May Howard 50, Mary
Cur -talion in France; Captain R. R. Sloan,
rie 45. Jr. IV—Ethel Jowett 75, Jean j of the 33rd Overseas Battalion, who
Woods 66, Frank Erwin 61, Jim Dreh-.I is_ now in a hospital in France, having
mann. 58, A. Copeland 52, Ethel Gem- contracted muscular rheunmatism in
enhardt 48, Leslie Elliott 40, R. Har-
the trenches; and Thomas, on a farm
rison 35, N. Gemenhardt 31, *C. Gem- near Blyth; an Andrew, n he ho
.e hardt 19. Sr. III—Alfred Rickard I place near Bl h, Goderich;.
98, Lolo Elliott 65, Joe Clark 51, R. I Toronto; and TS: Walker,
Davidson 51, George Blair 45, Willie 1 Dr. William Sloan, of Toronto and Dr.
Brown 41, Norman Toms 40, Willie 1RThomas l an, of China, brre ehbrod died a
Parker 20. Those marked with an and
asterisk were absent: Dean Geddes. fsistersars ago o i the
as t o
Teaser. _ 4 taken to Blyth on Wednesday nmorn-
nig, interment taking place there on
�ODER.ICII TOWNSHIP. � Thursday afternoon. -
'Successful Social. Box socials are
the order of the day all about:Phe HURON NOTES.'
Uuuty Club, that enterprising company'1
of women who have been working dil- 1 --0n Stinday morning last Mrs.Ross
igently pr the�conifort of the soldiers I was found lying dead in her home on
Vi tore street, Goderich. Since the
The Late Andrew Sloan. ---One of
the best known residents of Blyth
vicinity, a man who' always took an
active interest in public, affairs and
was very highly thought of by afl with
whom: he came in contact, a thrifty
farmer who made a success' of a�pri-
prosecution in a very fair manner and
the defence was ably handled by Mr.
. G. Stanbury, of Exeter..
Fire.—The home of Mr .and Mrs.
Jacob Link, of the 14th concesison of
Stephen early on Thursday morning,
of last ,•mak wag totally do%ed zy
Mali Your Orders
yle Store Ready. for Eyster
Came the ,spring with all its splendor,
All its birds and all its blossoms,
All its tlowe'rs and leaves and grasses"
still warm sunnydaysthe greenia
is coming with its
frees in bud, the flower beds - all patterned with pink andjellow.
feeling the Great Impulse, following the examp le
Fashion -
of Mother . Earth has made ready her array of new clothe s
and toggery at this store.
Men's Easter Suits and Coats
$; 4re e
1 r.:..J.YL a'n - ...F.0
a °
V There are many distinctive e new styles this Spring
in men's suits and . coats which commend them -
ce . veryhighly to discriminating men. Garn� -.
which aremade for service--- styies ,n which
ents� �.
and co fort are the natural allies of ele-
ganceom back arm
lance and quality. The new pinchg
s for youngmen and boys, the cleverly cut sty-
lishent .
garments nts f o more conservative men are here
� .� Q
in wonderful array and at satisfactory prices,
for Men andBoys--
' new style features in mens and boys Hats,
.�.��. •�l�e . �' P and Underwear
Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, taps� showingof new._ Spring
are demonstrated in this .
superiority and prestige of the style
�oodsa: The p . I
leadership of this store is so unmistakably demon-
ad.ess p
and exemplified ed in our Easter display, It
.e, you get o you �'t � �' the best and that
pays to buy her
at less money.
Womens Ready to wear Suits & Coats
greatest display of Ready-to-wear garments
The g � attempted for- women, misses and girls ever a ted in a
Seaforth's size awaits you
town in our Ready-to
Silk and cloth suits and
wear department. .
trim jarments of silk, serge, gaber-
fitting .worsted,
ine velours, burella cloth, wool poplin,
d � °
aboundingin pleats and pockets and em-
hasizin the vogue of large collars. In very many
p g line contributingt® the new
cases the and detail �
silouette. Pleasing styles, perfect ft, sat-
isf actory p rices,
�t Millinery --The new Spring Hats in-
�orre°� that will
elude manynew and novel ideas, radical.ehanges
delightyouandappeal strongly to your sense of good taste.
Nigger 81Ni er Brown, Navy and Purnelle are the domin-
ant ack,
colors. We have made big preparation for this seas_
- the end thatyou will be only serving your own best
on—to lf1
terests to come here, both from the standpoints of receiving courteous intell-
igent service but you -will be money ahead -as well.
ever si ce the beginning of the var,
held a lox social at the home of Mr.
and Mie. John Macdonald, Base Line,
oTuesday evening of last week.
.. very -fine programme was given,
Mr.,,O: Jervis being in the chair.. A-
mongst the numbers on the program
were: Solos by Miss Lobb, Mrs. Bay -
.ler, Mr: L. Weir and little Miss Jean
Weir, Mrs. Norman Carter; readings
-by `Rev. W. B. Mouton, Alvin Townend
T Lindsay, Miss Audrey Carter and
Mrs. Macdonald; duet by Misses Stev-
ens and instrumentals by Short
Mc -
Brien and Miss Jean Lindsay.
:speeches were given by Reeve Lobb
.and Mr. -W. D. a'Connn 1. After;:the
.programme the boxes were auctioned
toff, the prize for the highest price be -
ng won by Reeve Lobb the box being
the properly of Miss Etta Makins.
'The proceeds amounted to $55.20,
which will be used by the ladies -in
buying material to carry on their work
of making soldiers' comforts,
dea of her mother, Mrs. Angus, in
August last, Mrs. Ross had lived alone
and as she had not been seen for -a.
few days some of the neighbors in-
vestigated on Sunday morning and
found that she was dead. The de-
ceased was born at Galt 66 years ago
and after her marriage to the late
Robt. Ross, she lived with -him at
Hamilton. After the death ,of her
husband she carne to Goderich and for
about 20 years she and her moth-
er lived in the home on Victoria St.,
in which both passed away.
—A quiet wedding was solemnize
'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J. Durnin, Dungannon, on Wednesday,
evening, March 7th, when Miss Lottie
Hefford, became the bride of Mr.. Ar-
thur Roach, Rev. H. R. Williams,,
rector of St. Paul's church, 'Dungan-
Dun anon, performing the ceremony. The
bride, who was given away by
Durum, looked . charming nream
crepe-de-chene and carried a bouquet
of bridal roses. Mrs .C.
ale wed_
'sister of the groom,. played
ding =Tell. The presents were good
and useful, among them being cheques
from the bride's brothers, Sergt. Al -
feed Safford, of England, and Pte.
Willie n Hefford, in e.egift
oithe groom was a goldpendant
with pearls. The young couple, who
have the good wishes of a large circle
of friends for a long and happy life
together, will reside on the groom's
Address end Presentation. --At the
r close of the preparatory service in
-> -- Duff's church last Friday afternoon,
Rev. Mr. Lundy spoke kind words con-
cerning Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McCall,
Who had faithfully aided in choir,
Sabbath school,, Eldership .
ganist in the Sunday School.
Shortreed read an appropriate d resented a Nt A. Gardiner P
an rs book Mr. and Mrs
Bible and a hymn Dungannon.
McCall ere they removed to Brussels farm near Dung
Ratter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
Wash Goods
New & Attractive
has developed in
All that this seasonmost
patterns, new weavesin the ino
new p
beautiful range of filmy new wash ma-
terials rials can be learned at this store by
of the many new cloths
a quiet review howin / These new arrivals
we ares _ gspecialty are all tastily displayed on a sperm y
making prepared table g it convenient and
ou and enabling you to i
pleasant for you
the various shades and pat-
terns at lance. Don't miss this spec-
ial iat display.
Stewatt Bros
Visit our Carpe
Rugs, Lino eumsf Caf.
pets and Curtains
pleasing array at E
Prices. -