The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-30, Page 24.14
Your gasoline engine requires new Batteries. We .have, the
fa -. _tsous Columbia 6 Ignitor, the dry all with a " punch "And
lots of get. Probably'you've had trouble also with your
phone batteries. Buy a pair of Ignitors and notice the long
last and steady power they possess, a great convenience for
a ,small outlay t OAS NG1N E dI L -the kind that is not
affected by frost or per gal.
BATTERIES—tor auto, phone or ehgine.........e.35e each
Royalty Brand
I Manure
\ Forks
have selected handles, each carefully
inspected and wrapped. Their. tines
are well shapped . oftough temper and
the straps are well fitted into the
handles, so as not to injure the hands.
Buy a Bedford Royalty Manure Fork
—the satisfaction giving tooL
4 Ira&g D top strapped $1.20
5 prong D top,' plain .... .... $1.50
5 prong, D top, barn, .... .. $1.85
F c, Jlouseeleaning
requires various articles to relieve its drudgery
Cain stretchers, complete with brass pins, clamps, and support . . $ .55c
Carpet Beaters
SeubBrushes ...............f... : ...•.. ...................10c to 25c
Caustic Soda Qin 5 lb. tins) for Soap...... • .. . .............. ......05c
Gillett's Lye 15c
Magnet Washing Machines .................. • ...... ... ......... $12.00
O'Cedar Mops .......... ..... .................... .75c to $1.50
Furniture Polish 25e
G.A. SILLS, Seaford
Mclean Bre.. Publishers.
Terns of Subs ption.--To any ad-
dregs ii Canada or Great.Britsin, one
year $1.80,: six Menthe 75e., three
months 40e, To the United States,
onee , : $2.00, These are the paid
in advance mites'. When paid in ar-
rears the rate is 50e, 'higher.:
"Subscribers who fail to. receive The
Expositor regularly by mail will con-
fer a favor by acquainting us of' the
fact at as early a elate as possible.
When change of address is desired
both the old and new address should
be given.
Display Advertising Rates — Made
known on application.
Stray Animals.—One insertion 50c;
three insertions, $1.00.
• Fauns or Real Estate for sale 50e.
each insertion for one month of four
insertions; 25c for each subsequent in-
sertion. Miscellaneous Artieles for
Sale, To Rent„ Wanted, Lost, Found,
ete., each insertion 25c. Lo Read-
ers Notices, etc., 10e per line er in-
sertion. No notice less than 5c. Card
of Thanks 50c. Legal Advert. iiig 1Oc
n e. Auction Sal rtfor
and insertion and $3 for two insertions
Professional Cards not exceeding one
incl --$G per year.
'MN maai be given to this prop/sal,
the Dominion Live Stock Branch is
prepared to extend to all Associations
qualifying .under bleed provisions, the
-saMej assistance that is give oto As-
aciations, desiring tocba other
.•lxids of pure bred stoat, name °, the i
paymentof reasonable travelling ex- i
penses,,dur'ing the time required to con-
elude the purchase and transport the
stock to destination, .of representa-
tives of Associations, in any section
of Canada ,desiring to purchase pul-
lets in lots of 300 or more. Should
it be desired, the Live Stock Commis-
sioner will oleo nominate a suitable
person who will be directed to accom-
pany this representative and assist
him as far as possible in the selection
and shipping of the pullets
In the general interests of the pout-
try industry throughout the Dominion
and the urgent need thio year for in-
creased production of eggs and poul-
try and the releasing thereby of a
large surplus for export to Great
Britain, it is hopedthat as many As-
sociations as - possible will take ad-
vantage of this propositon. All A s-
socationS desire g to become active in
this direction are requested to write
the Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa,
at once, for further advice and in-
struction in the matter.
The iiii.Kilopitutuat
Fire I v svrance Co.
Head ex SeafartkOnt.
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President
T. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secy.-Treas.
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed.
ilincbley, Seaforth; William Chesney,
J. WYeo
Fgitr€indvilleGoderich; R.
G. Jarmuth,, W. Brodhagen.
William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John
Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.
Connolly, Goderich; D F. McGregor,
R. R. No. 3, Seaforth;l J. G. Grieve,
rl k•
No. 4 Walton; Robert Ferris, - .IIs oc
George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth.
Iron pumps at pump
a n prepared to turns all wind of
Fain and Litt Pump s a .id a 11 sizes
s i e , p. pe F: tting- . e c. Galvan-
i S teel Fans t nd Water troughs
3ta k c leans d attle Basins.
A, • .s a' 1 a tndsof pump repairingdone
o£f I or . notice. For terms, etc.,
3 pi iy at Pump Factory, Goderich
St,, East, or at residence, North
Main Street
J. F. Welsh,Seaforth
a.m. p.ra.
Goderich Leave '7.00 2.30
Blyth 7.37 3,07
Walton 7.50 3.19
Guelph 9.35 5.05
Toronto (Leave) 8.20 5.10
Guelph (arrive) 10.15 7.00
Walton 12.58 8.42
Blyth 12.10 9.07
Auburn 12.30 9.19
Goderich 12.45 9.45
Connections at Guelph Junction with
Alain rine for Galt, Woodstock, Lon-
don, Detroit and Chicago and all in-
termediate points.
Trains Leave Seaforth as follows
U.30 a.m. For Clinton, Goderich,
Winghan and Kincardine.
aria p. m. — For Clinton; Wingham
and KineArdine.
11.03 p.m. — For Clinton, Goderich
1.51 a. ail. For Stratford, Guel
Toronto, r t• North Ba
points west, .: = r a and Peter-
uoro and east
8.16 For Stratford, Toronto,
Mdmtra and pests
Seath Pie..:
.s •o •a.9•
•. •. ey
aint0m0a e • o .....
sri .... ......;*.i4
Ander_ s :. '... a . �...j 1E51
ee LOS
laden, awe ..€ 10,05
•. *!. . .j
....; _ :PA
p VC
gig gfItV
r$4, ice.
That grand old remedy, Burdock
Blood Bitters, has been on the market
for. over forty years' and- we claim, with•
out any fear of contradiction, that then
is not another medicine ole the market
to -day, that can compare with it for the
cure of all disturbances of the . stomack.
Mrs. S. Turpin, Colborne, Ont., writes:
°'I am writing to say that 1 have used
your Burdock Blood. Bitters. For a long
period I suffered
n, a
nothin I topk ever gave meany re& ,
only for a short time. I bought several
bottles of B. B. B. from our druggist,
Mr. Griffis, and can honestly say I can
eat or drink anything I want without'
experiencing any bad after-effects.., . I
may say that it is the only . medicine I
ever got any relief from."
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured
only' by Thi T. Mn nimw Co., Limited,
Tonto. Ont.
We have our Creamery now in full
operation, and we `want your ..patron-
age . We are prepared to pay you
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you every two weeks, weigh, sample
(and test each can of cream carefully
and give you statement of the same.
We also supply cans free of charge,
and give you an honest business deal.
Cali in and see us or drop us a card for
Lie Seaforth Creamery
Seaforth Ontario
Had Pneumonia
A -dough is an early symptom of pneu-
Mona. ; _ It is at first frequent and
Wig, and is accompanied with a little
tough, colorless expectoration, which,
soon, however, becomes more copious
sad et a rusty red color, the lungs be-
come -congested and the bronchial tubes
Bled with phlegm making it hard for the
mffezer to breathe. Males are more com-
monly attacked than females, and a
previous attack seems to give a special
liability to another.
On the first sign of a cold or cough you
should get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup and thus prevent the
ecdd from developing into some serious
lung trouble.
Mrs. E. Charles, North Toronto, Ont.,
writes: "Two years ago my husband had
a very had attack of pneumonia, and the
doctors said he was getting consumption..:
A friend came in to see me and told me
to get Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
1 got three bottles, and they seemed to
quite clear his chest of the phlegm, and
now he is fine and well.
I shall never be without it in the
house as it is a very valuable medicine.'"
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is pat
up in a yellow wrap; wee pine trees
the trade mark ; przax 25c. and 50c.
The genuine is matudactteeed only by
DanT. M13,RD301Vie, Idiotism, TorontoOnt.,
SEAFORTH, Friday, March 30, 1917.
Apparently the Borden Government's
idea is never to spend one dollar on
the war where two dollars will do as
well. Everything costs about twice
s.s.. much as it should. In case of
doubt throw another million to the
birds—such is the policy.
Only now the: wasteful methods of
recruiting are transpiring. According'
to the evidence of the Deputy Adju-
tant General, Colonel Charles Mac-
Innis who has no particulariawish to
hurt the Borden Government because
he is one of its appointees—the Can-
adian army was loaded up with fifty
thousand unfits who were kept on the
pay roll for a year or more and were
then dropped as inculpable. Some of
them were kept on ey n longer than
that. But taking their average dur-
a ion on the pay
it's cb per to raise colts than to
buy ha e -s. But itis costly if you lose
the colts. Keep abottleofKendall'se
Spavin Cure handy. Ivor thirty-five
years bas -proved it the safe,reliable
remedy for spavitl; splint, .ctirb, ring-
bone, bony growths and lameness
from many causes,
is sold by dru 3sts everywhere at -1 a
bottle 6bottlea r.55. Get a free copy of
our hook"A �atiae on the Horse" at yowl
dggist's or write us. is
fir.'R. J.IENDALL CO., uosbd rt' .Falls, °'
beds' cd loyalty in the east.
On the theory that actions speak
louder than words, shrewd observers
here argue that registration was meant
prirnarly to assist profiteers, seeing
that Director Bennett has followed
up his first_ move with an "occupa-
tional survey" which will show just
where, when and . in what -numbers
workmen are needed or can be dis-
pensed with.
Both the registration and, the oc-
cupational survey are taken to mean
that the Canadian army needn't look
for any more men from that quarter..
Registration and occupational surveys
are for the comfort and assistance of
the manufacturers at thome, not for
the soldiers -at the front. Rumor has
it that the government contemplates
a partial application of the Militia Act
which will raise a Home Guard of
fifty thousand then who will be avail-
able -,to go to the war at the end of
eighteen months if the war is net over
by that time which it very likely will
be. If this rumor is true it is another
case of the Borden Government going
through the motions, pulling off grand
gestures of loyalty which look fine but
mean nothing'y
If the Borden Government were in
real earnest about recruiting it would
recall the masquerade colonels who
now infest the south of England, cut
the staff'of the Overseas Pay and Re -
Kant ,the Scoto-German philosopher
began his name with an alien "k" on
the '`sauce principle that caused Mur-
dock, the Scottish coal gas discoverer
to bring his to an end with a "k". If
you turn to Murdock's biographers
Yea find them explaining that Muri
dock with a "k" is the English form
of Murdoch with a i "h." But the
great gas man him if explained that
he made the chane in. spelling "to
oblige the Engin among whom he
lived." He found that they had a difr
the ul
ult in
nounciatin" tthe last syllable—and
so he made things easy.
The Lord Mayor of the City of Lon-
don wears the most costly badge of
office in the country. It contains dia-
monds to the value of £120,000 and
each holder of it during his term: of
office is called upon to enter into a
t' roll at a year fifty bond for its safe custody before he is
.thousands unfits run into
cords Office in half, give all the non- possession. ed
ous lot of money, combatant positions in the army here wornits ,by the Lord MayorThejewell
of DLondencollar
It has been .estimated that to re- and overseas to returned heroes,purge is of pure bgold composed of a series
Bruit, equip, train and pay a .soldier its padded list of 434,000 of allthe : of Links, each formed of the letter
for one year costs one thousand dol- shirkers, and then turn in and:help ! "S", a united "fork and Lancaster rose
Lars.. It is therefore a simple prob- the men 'who are realy trying to do 1-
and a massive knot. The ends of the
lem in inutiplication to figure out these things. With the money it saves chain are joined by the portcullis,
how much fifty thousand unfits cost. by these retrenchments the Borden from the points of which, suspended
of the money we have borrowed for
Fifty million dollars—one-ninth Government could afford to provide by a ring
each battalion with machine guns in- I el. of diamonds, hangs the 3ew-
then war. Eleven per cent, -waste. The stead of asking private charity to The centre collar contain 28 «S's"
Finance Minister is continually preach-
ing your
ixigthrift and eeonom y "Save
money : and give it to die." One won-
onders what Sir Thomas has to say in
reference to his eleven per cent• leak-
age which ` goes on right . under his
Despite Mr. Flavelle' assurances
thatethis country is drunk with pros-
pty- simply because Mr. ' Fl