The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-16, Page 8neat tine boy: -.-One thnt Is full of " ginger,":— should have .the, best of shoes. No other sort iII be suitable for his business. We ask par- -ents to investigate the specialmeiit of our Boy's • Shoes 1 They'redifferent andbet-- ter ! -Cur Shoes fit the boys' feet correctly and are made of such good leather as box calf, tan grain or gun metal, stur- dy waterproof soles. 2,50, 52.75 to 53.50 J. E. Willis Another Old Subscriber.—In sending . In his renewal subscription to The Expostor on Tuesday, Mr. B. 5. 1 Phillips, of Exeter; says "I notice inl last week's Expositor that Mr: Alen, i Ross, of Edmonton, had sent in his o, 50th ' annual subscription. Well I , can not beat that, but I am enclosing i Imy 49th, ofily one behind." , MeDermid-Tufford. -- A quiet wed- ding VMS solemnited at the manse, Seaforth, on Wednesday evening last, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, when Miss Jos-. Iephine Tufford, nieee of Mr. and -Mrs. A. K. chittencle7i, of this town, was 'united ne marriage to Mr. Malcolm illcDermid, of the Huron Road The best wishes of a large circle of friends are extended to the happy young couple. Quality footwear Opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth James Watson _SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. (Successor to W. N. Watson) General Fire, Life and Accident In - gamine Agent. Real Estate a id Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effeited at the lovtest rates. Dealer in New Raymond, White and New Home Sewing Machines, and National Cream Separators. A full supply of sewing machine need- Holraesteel McLean—A quiet Wed- ding was solemnized on Monday even- ing last when Mre. Kate Brine Mc- Lean was united in marriage to Mr. Holmested, K.C., The ceremony was performed at eight o'clock at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. -J. P. Brine, Goderich, street, by Rev, T. H. Brown, rector of St. Thomas' church, in the presence of only. the immediate family. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. 'Holmesteci extend ebngratulations and .best wishes. The Town Council.—The regular meeting of the town council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening last, all the members present. The collector was authorized tss con- tinue the collection. of unpaid taxes until the next regular meeting. A grant of $35 was made to the Seaforth Agricultural Society for their annual spring fair and accounts to the amount of $365 were passed and ordered to be paid, after which the Cotincil ad- journed to meet at the call of the Mayor. de and for onee time ,conducted Wee known here as the Reciting -a lumber �f yearie.he retired. Inreligiofl he notes Pres- ing a member of the First' resbyterian church -arid- in; nelities he' vaa a -Ltieral. He in --survived by a of two sons and tWo,daughters 1 John of Toronto, An D. 'Sutherland, 1 Deputy Poatmaster, Seaforth, Mrs. W IWurdie,eof Luelmow and Margarett home. Te funeral services were con- duced- from the family residence to- day, Friday, the remains being' laid to rest in the family plot in the Malt - landbank cemetery. , The Y. M. C. A. and War Work —' Mr. George Yeigh, of Toronto, address- ed the council and a number of the business men of the toevii on Monday evening last, making an appeal for aid for Y.M.C.A. Work in connection with the war. The meeting placed it; self • on record as being in hearty sympathy with this woik, and it was decided to enter into a carnpEugn to raise a fund for this work. To this end officers were elected as follows: Pres- ident, Mayor Stewart; secretary, J. , Rankin; treasurer, Joins Beattie; gen- eral eonnnittee, R. M. Jones, A. F. Cluff, J. H. Reid, J. A. Stewarte.T. G. Mullen, Fred Savauge, A. D. Suther- land, C. Stewart, J. M. Beat, Jelne-Fin., layson, W. Harley, G. A. Sills, M. Broderick and G.43. Cardno. The com- raittee have since decided to 'secure the -services of Capt MeNals to ad- dress a public meeting in Cardno's hall on Tuesday evening, March 20th, in the interests of the Y.M.C.A. over- seas. Capt. McNab has spent many months in this work, bah in England' and in the trenches, and knows by ex- perience how the Y.M.C.A. has helped the boys in the Somme, so that his Iaddress will be of rare interest. Im- mediately after the public. meeting -a subscription llstevill be opened and an in attendance will have an opportun- ity of conteibuting. The list will be kept open for one week and will be in the hands of the treasurer, Mr. John Beattie, in order to give everyone an opportunity to subscribe. There is no more 'worthy object and we feel sure the people of Saforth and surrounding country will meet this appeal with the sainenahe_ierous response that oth- er patriotic appeals have received at their bands. Missiona Tea. The Sti 1 com- always in stock. mittee of the Wcomen's Monary Society of the Presbyterian -church gave a most successful tea at the home of Mrs. John. Beattie, Main street, on Tuesday afternoon. There were about severity ladies present, most of whom are members of the so- ciety, and all enjoyed -a most delight - attachments, oil and repairs -.-- pp y The Newest Wall -Papers Tapestries, Japanese Leath- er, Japanese Grass Plots, and all the newest wall papers. Styles suitable for every re0111 and prices suitable for every pocket. We do Painting and Decorat- ing in Town and Coiustry. T. G. SCOTT Painter. an& Decorator SEAFORTh, ...... ONT. GRANO TRUNtRt.. atV6VA,, -erSTE.N4 WINTER TOURS Special Fares now in effect to resorts in Florida, Geor- gia, North and South Caro- lina, Louisiana and other Southern States and to Ber- muda and the West Indies. Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop Overs Allowed Tickets now on sale at all G. T. B. Ticket Offices. C. E HORRNING, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville.— Teivn Agent W. Plant...... Depot Anent JaF.DAL Jeweler and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - OP A We Are splicing the choicest-aii6ktritent of Wall Papers we have ever car- ried. We •bave-papers and colorings ,to suit any room and as trr Quality and price we are 'Willing to abi6., by your •clecisions. den and. &miser finished the little sleighing that we had but the wheel- • ingels good around here now. The, river stented -to breakup but the fried on Sunday night lowered the wat- er and the ice is stili holding. lhompson's Bookstore Seaforth Window Shacies and Picture :Frames Agent for New Idea Patterns I Con. -ce'rt.—A concert under the aus- VARNA. picea of the Patrietic society will be givert in the town hall, ore Tuesday March 20th. A play 'entitled "The Stolen Diamond" will be put on by . the young people of Bayeeld, There will also be a musket programme. • TUCKERSitlITIL Personal.—Mrs. .Win. Cameron, of the Mill road, was called to Chatham this week owingto the illness and sub- sequent death of her brother Mr. Jas. Souter, who passed away at his home in that city on Tuesday morning last, The funeral services were conducted at his home and interment was made at Appm, the body being laid to rest beside those of his wife and two chil- dren -who died son;ie two years ago. PRINCES S ful afternoon over their knitting and the cup of tea. The proceeds, which amounted to $22.25, are to be used in defraying the expense of a yearly outfit for aa Indian boy and girl in c,ne of the Presbyterian schools in the West. HAVE YOU ANY PICTURES TO C1PY? Copying old .pictures is aart in itself. Each picture requiring individ- ual treatment and often not being entrusted to the photographer until almost beyond recovery. By let- ting us copy your old pic- tures you are sure of good work and of getting the originals back undamaged Bring them in and let us estim- ate on the work. FELL'S STUDIO sEATOr..TIR Huron County W. C. A.—The Ex- ecutiverof the Huron County W. -C .A. met in the Carnegie ‘Library, Exeter, on March 10th. The six months work was fully discussed and found very satiseactory, each month showing an improvement. It was decided to re- curs a room in the Byron Sanitarium to be called "Buren Room " It was also decided to send socks to the 161st Battsdion the first week in. April. Any donation of money or seeks will be appreciated The Red (toss Society at flyman Hall, London, have expresse ed their a prication Of the belp given thein by this organization. - Stenographer and Office Girl wanted. Apply ab The Expositor Office. FOR SALE—Frame house, 7rooms, gond sized garden, cheap for mph, or easy terms. Apply W. II. Baker, Seaforth. ; 2570x4 BUGGY FOR SALE -:-Second hand buggy, used five seasons, for sale at a bargain. A. G. tinffille. 2570-1 BEATER FOR SALE—Coal heater with an oven, almost new, apply at Expositor Office. 2570x1„, Opening Display of the new Spring Millinery, March 28rd and 24th.. Elite Millinery Parlors. 2570-3 MILLINERY OPRNINGS--Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th. Newest medels on display. Mtge M. Johnston. • 2570-3 MITT eoser-a lett hand coon skin mitt, between Hippen and Hensall church sheds. Finder will kindly leave same with W. W. Cooper, Iffirpen. • 25704 FOR SALIC—MeLaughlin cutters to be sold at once at **throw prices. If you are need of a cutter, this is your glance -to get a good cutter. De Laval cream eeporators, single harness. pulper knives, etc' on hawd_. Try a pail of Dr. Vanzart and Waring'. Stook-Tanio, greatly recommended: A. M. Camp- Seaforth. • 21570x1 Dr. Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and throat • Specialisthas resumed poodle and will be at the Queen's Hotel, Seaford), on the third Wednesday of each month.° Office-hoturs12.30 'to p. 11414k - Married in Michigan.—The- fol- lowing paragraph from a Calumet, • Michigan paper of February 22nd, will be read with interest by many rela- tives and friends of the groom, who is a native of Seaforth, being a son of the late John Lowery and a nephew of the Messrs. Alex and George Low- ery, of MeKillop, and of -Mrs. 'John Powell, of Harpurhey: "A pretty wedding took place on Thursday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Ervast, when their daughter,Miss Winnifred, became the bride of Ruth- erford Lowery, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Paul Heidemann, of the Finnish Apostolic church. The bride was attneded by her sister, Miss Tecla Ervast, and Miss Elena Niemi, while John Kilpela and Wayne Hypio supported the groom. Among the. out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ervast, of Hancock, and the briden grandmother, Mrs. Eva Er - vast, and aunt, Miss Anna Ervast, of Ahmeek. Mr. and Mrs. Lowery will make their home at 225 Kearsage at., Laurhae” els Wedding Bells.:—A eery pretty and • quiet wedding took place on Wednes- day, March 14th, at the home of Mr( and Mrs. W. L. Keys, William street, Seaforth, when their daughter Mayme was united in holy matrimony to Mr. Melvin G. Talbot, of Stanley township. At the hour of noon the young douple entered the room to the strains of Lohengrires wedding march, played by Miss Annie Govenlock, cousin of the bride. The ceremony took place under an arch of lilacs and lily of -the valley, supported by a bank of. greens. The nuptial knot was securely tied by Rev. J. Melvin Keys, B.A., brother of the bride, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of wilder barred carre over white satin, trimmed with ribbon and seed- ed peatis. The travelling suit was see - ed blue serge. The bride was the recipieiit of many beautiful and costly presen When the guests had partaken of t ii4+.4-14++++•+*:+4+++4441441 ! JLI I : t ri-i a fil e)ftl\I .4. - $ • 101•••• kADIE6' TAlk0 And Furrier • (:1.niri.., rcEsirg R 4 craitirg a [(call) 1 4 A Trial Solicited _ e„ -2E4444 , - FOR SALE -7 roomed frame -house with 2 'taro -- Apply W.R. Bakek,Ventre St., Sedodh. SUN.. DRESSMAKING 1. LADIES TAILORING—Hav In . opened u� dress making room at the redden*. of Mrs. llos. &Ingot', North Main St: I am pre- pared to do all Wads of dressmaking and gut.. Satisfaction in all work. - Wes A. Bowland) 26004 Local Briefs.—Mrs. Murphy (nee 'Mabel Young) is here from Holland, Michigan, visiting Miss Mina Mel- ville.—Mrs, Peter Scott, of Bream's; is Visiting her mother, Mrs. J. P. Ilzite on Goderich street—Mrs. R. S. Hays spent the week end with friends in Clinton.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more and family have returned from Tilbury and are preparing to move to their farm near Kippen.—Mr. and Mrs. John Button- spent Sunday in Inger- soll.—Major R.Hartry was home this 'week on his last leave before going overseas.—The Globe of Monday last contains the names of Lieuts. W.P. Grieve and C. S. Hall, of the Hurons as having successfully passed with 1st class honors at the school of Mus- ketry in Hythe, England. Mr. Thos. Consitt, who recently Sold his farm near Hills Green moved to town on Monday and will lake up his residence here in 'the house he recently pur- chased from. Miss :Jessie Thompson on. Sperling street. ---The , Collegiate In- stitute was closed down on Tuesday owing to shortage of coal.—Emmett A. Kelly, returned moldier, who has been visiting his /slather and brothers here, has returned to London to take further treatment at the Central Military Convalescent Hospital in that ',week end with friends at oderich.— city —There will be a service of sacred song in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evenings—Dr. Russel Hartry, Wiarton, and Mr. Hayseed Hartry, London, spent a couple of days at the parental home this week.—Miss Isabel Scott of Bluevale is a guest at the home. of Mr. Jas. Archibald.— • Mr. W. J. Connor, Government Inspec- tor of Shells; has returned from. To- rcinto to resume his position at the Bell vr s in Tornoto this week attending Egine Works.—Mr. C. L. Williams the funeral ef his mother.—Mr. J. D. Hinchley was in Hamilton this week. s. —Miss Mary Gillespie spent the week e end at her home here .—Dr. Spotton, wedding dinner the young couple left High School Inspector, paid an official for their honeymoon trip for London, visit to the Seaforth Collegiate this Yale, Michigan, Brigden, and other week.—Mrs. A. D. Sutherland re - Showing CH ARLOil E • WALKER In a Picturization of the fam- "The Trail of the - bogIc and pi MANLEY. Notes.—Mr. Christopher-Rapein ar- rived home from Alberia, to attend his father's funeral.—Mr. Jerry On Hera is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, but his many friends hope to hear of his speedy recoevery. —Mr. Fred Eckert met with a painful accident this week when a load of wood upset, bruising his leg.—Mr. L. Scott, Mrs. Joe Eck- ert and Misses Kate Eckert and Kath- leen McMann were visitors in our burg last Sunday. .040toclooploo.****o.o.•o•c****00.0.0.o•40.4 Lonesome -Pine " 1040 Next week, we expect to add a vEolin, to Ike mvbst- cal pan of atir program, Keep your eye 011, The PRINCESS CHISEIMURST. Notes.—Mr. and Mrs./ F"I'Plrank Hor- ton left this week for the west in the interest or Mrs. Horton's - health.— Mr. Horton has rented his farm to his brother, Mr. Noah Horton.—Mr. and " Mrs. Norman Pybus and child are re- turning to their home in the west. Mr. Pybus is taking along a carload of horses,—A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George • Chambers on Friday evening las, when their many friends gathered to wish theni success on their voyage of life. Dancing and other amusements were indulged in until the early morn- C TA'VIS Seaforth amminimmeroniamellEalleft New Ideas Are liere Practically as soon as Fashion approves of them. Spring Models You'll like our Interpretian • of the new rinouncemen of our& NEW- gascinating style Exhibit Ih's Special Event formally opens the li portals to oar Spring lidskons. in growing flower, bushes or trees ing. that interest you most. We want to fol- low out the Government's intention ZURICH. . . ofencouraging the beautifying of the towns, large and small, and it is with this in view that we wish to have, the people of Seaforth and district join with us and give a little time to the improvement of their homes. A few flowers or shrubs in front of a house; Notes—Mr. Samuel Gascho has re, turned to the village after spending the winter in Kitchener. —Mr. J. Hey, jr., was in Toronto last week —The many friends of Mrs. A. Geiger will regret to learn that she still con- tinues to be in 'very -poor health.— a garden trimmed and cared for stead of being an eyesore makes a have their places wired for Hydro, Now is the time for the residents to wonderful improvement in the appear- welch power, it is expected, will be ance of the premises and how much greater is that improvement when ev- ery home has a nice appearing lawn, vailable here early in June.—At the last regular meeting of the Young People's Association of the Evangeli.; large or small, decorated with flowers cal church, held on Monday evening work required will help to put the doe - and bushes. The little bit of outdoor 1 a were elected for the corning year: Pres. last week, the following officers , Pres - tors out of business—try it.. A gon11-- .1 ident, Mnriel Preeter; 1st Vice -Pres- T. deal has already been done in Sea -i forth and •we have, as a result ident, Pearl Wurtz; 2nd Vice -President very attractive gardens but we want swne }Margaret Lamont; 3rd Vice -President, Florence Hartleib; 4th Vice -President . everyone to do their and the simplest way to _get started- is to join the Society. The 601cm of the Socie- ty, named helo :are prepared give • th6 moist sui , :method to improve the appearance c.if- your 'gardens or lawns—do' not hesitate to ask them for. information. s Remember that the small expense and the Small 'amount Of labor Will be Well repaid when pill see the fruits of it during the sum- mer.. Remember also that when our boys return from the unsightliness and mud of the battle front they won't Mayreh Lamont; Treasurer, E. Weide; Organist, Leila Seibert, Assistant Organist, Mayme Lamont; Librarians, Gordon Surerus, George Hess. STANLEY. Notes.—Mr. •Consitt's sale was a decided success. The proceeds a- mounted to several thousand dollars. It pays to have good stuff. —Mr Bare vey- Trusnuer attended the auction sale of Mr. Cameron last week and purchased a line Durham cow at the fashionable price. Harvey premises want to see theenescant spaces covered Ito be one of our most enterprising with weeds—a little cleaning up and a farmers. Not long ago he added to 1 little color will add something to the his herd, a Durham sire ft:cm Beatty home -corning. Everyone can do some- Bros.' herd: He has also some fine thing—don't be the exception. The horses.—Mr. John Radcliffe, Thames premium list will close on March 31st Road, purchased from Mr. Baker, of so be sure to join us without waiting until too late. Officers: William Har - try, Dr. John Grieve, A.D.Sutherland A.F . Cluff, W.D.Hoag,W.H.Smithers James H. Wright, Henry Edge, R. F. Jones, Chas. Stewart, R. M. Jones, Dr. Chas. Mackay. WINTHROP. Red Cross Dance.—A dance under the auspices of, the Winthrop Orange Lodge will be lield in Calder's hall on Thursday evening, March- 22nd. A cordial invitation is e4ended to all to be present. The proceeds will be in aid of the Red Cross- • BA'YFIELD. • Breezes.—Mrs. F.A. Edwards, who has been visiting relatives at Kitch- ener for the past month returned home last week.—Harold King spent the • points. On returning they evill resi at their home, . "Evergreen Farni on the Bronson line, 'Stanley. e turned from Aurora this week.—Mrs. " Shaw and Mrs. MeTaggart, of Clin- ton, were _guests at the home of Major Hays this week .—A young son of Mr. Stiles was badly injured on Fri- day last when he was run over by a sleigh on, Goderich street. Seaforth Horticultural Society. -- Elsewhere in this issue appears .the premium list of the Seaforth Horti- Death of Alexander Sutherland. — Alexander B. Sutherland, one of the oldest residents of Seaforth, passed 'a- way at his home on John street, on Wednesday morning last in his, 72nd year. Mr. Sutherland had not been enjoying good health since Christmas when he suffered a bad fell, but had cultural Society which was formed with been steadily improving and was able ! the intention of encouraging the peo- to be about until two weeks ago, when !pie's interest in growing flowers, fruit he contracted a cold by becoming over- i trees, bushes, etc. The Ontario Gov - heated while shovelling Esnovt at his / ernment pays the various Horticultur- residence,tand pneumonia developed, (al Societies throughout the Province the end coming peacefully on Wed -1 substantial bonuses to enable them to nesday morning. The deceased was I carry out the work and it is with the born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, but ' aid of its bonuses that the Seaforth came to Canada when a small boy, the ! Society is able to make such gener- family settling in Wodstock, where ; ous offers as premiums. By looldng he resided for some years and where , ever the premiums given, one can see he was married to Marion Campbell, that it is a very inexpensive method who predeceased her husband thr e 1 of obtaining part of your requirements years ago. As a young man he w s merely for the price of the subscrip- a member of the Oxford Rifles and l tion to the Society --One Dollar. It served in the Fenian and St. Albaii's ! is truly $2 worth for $1, and you Raids. Forty-five years age he came cannot do any better than that. The o to Seaforth to reside, where he cog- i Society, however, is not so _anxious tinued to make his home until his tobtain your subscription as they death. Mr. Sutherland was a miller are to have you actually co-operate Master Charles Gemenhardt who has been laid up with an attack of rheu- matism is improving and is now able to be out of bed.—The thaw on Saturo he Strand • will use Paramount Pictures Paramount Pictures are the produc- tions of the Famous Players Film Co., J. L. Lasky Feature Play Co., Oliver Morose° Photoplay Co. and Pallas Pc tures. Big—Vital—Clean—These are motion • pictures we believe you want. NEXT WEEK Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday An all -Star Cast in Denman Thomp- sen's world famous rural. classic "THE OLD HOMESTEAD." (A Famous Players production.) Also • "THE IRON CLAW." Thursday, Friday, Saturday Famous Players present Mary Pickford in "THE Ernekt,NAL GRIND." Without a doubt this is one of Mary Pickford's greatest pictures, and every motion picture lover in the country should see it. PRICE• 11c. Saturday Matinee—Uncle Tom's Cabin .Price 5 Cents. Two shows Saturday Night - 7.30 and 9.00 p. m. The Stran Where C4th • Goea to See Good Shows Stratford, two fine Shorthorn cows, one being bred by Mr. John Elder, of Hensall, the other by Beatty Bros., of Varna. They are both good types of Shorthorns and will add to Mr. Rad- cliffe's herd .—Pure bred stock is in great demand at the_present time and future prospects are promising for the stock breeders.—Sugar making will soon be the order of the day, although we may have Some cool waves yet.— Several cases of German measles are reported, though of a mild type. KIPPEN. • The School Concert—The -Patriotic Concert in School Section No. 14, Stahley, took place on Friday evening last, March 9th, afid was „a decided success. • The young people had -been practising for some weeks and when the final evening came no one was dis- appointed. The readings and recita- tions were appropriate and well given, the drills were well executed, the act- ing of thise taking part in dialogues was fine, the choruses, the instrument- al solos and duets,the mouthorgan and violin selections, were one and all -cap- tivating, in fact, there wasn't one dull or inferior number on the pro- gramme. The large and appreciative audience were enthusiastic in their ap- plause and calls for encores which were readily given. There are rum- ors of inviations to give it again in other places. The receipts at the door were $56.25 which will be used for Patriotic purposes. Notes.—The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held their monthly business meeting at the home of Mrs. John Dayman, 2nd concession, of Tuckersmith. The afternoon was a pleasant one to all present and a good deal of work was accomplished by the ladies .—The people of the Methodist church are making arrangements for the holding of a musical and literary entertainment in the near future.— There will be a euchre party in the hall i the village on this, Friday ev- . The proceeds will be given to some patriotic society.—Misses Ethel and Hazel Elgiee have returned from Stratford,where they visited their aunt and uncle Mr. and MTS. John Chesney and other friends.—Dr. Aiken will have for his subject next • Sunday t morning, "The Good Shepherd."—Mr. James C. McLean 'has for some days not been enjoying his usual good health.—Mr. William Taylor has en- gaged with Mr. Frank Graham for , the summer. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Graham who has been for some months confined to his bed, is not 1 improving as rapidly as his 'many old I frieeds would like.—Miss Margaret Mellis is temporarly in charge of! Baird's school in. Stanley, owing to the illness of Miss Aikenhead, teacher of the school.—Mrs, McIvor, of Cline ton, spent the fore part of the week! with her daughter here, Miss Mar- garet. - ifaetavis h Hats Have .Right of Wail ic,"••=04:00.iseftittegoftsseexi+00,4~fteSire, You are eortitally .18sCV-ITED to attendi our Sprin,g Ope bin and _Fashion Show Friday and Saturaay March 23rd aha at which time we wilt have on x- hibition all the The .31 E IF ES 7 FASHIONS IN 411L LINER 1 LADIES' BE4DT-7 0- IfE41 .411)PA1?EL• . Dia GOODS, _Fla On these days it will be our purpose to show all the Goods wr can without effort to sell and we hope for the attendance of ev e person interested in up -to -the -hour styles. It is of secondary in terest to us whether you buy now or later, but we do want yott to see the new goods during our Spring Opening. You will surely enjoy 30111-e time spent inspecting the new • DRESSES, SUITS, COATS, WAISTS, SKIR.TS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, DRESS GOODS srucs, WASH GOO From then till Easter we haveeplanne4 the greatest and in Ot complete display of new wearables and fabrics that perhaps it has ever been our pleasure to announce. Just come and see the New Things. You will not be • expected to buy, but the Styles are so attractive and the values so apparent that you will beAure to remember us when you do get ready to buy. utter Wanted Eggs Want ef IllitektViSil • Seaforth stneCntneee.-