HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-03-09, Page 8•
worship a handsome building sti:l
�i xpO ft ! ed five years ago ata cost of ty Cajait
for Boys
A real live -one that
is _ full of finger "-
should have _ the best of
shoes. No other -sort
will be suitable for his
business. We ask par
ents to investigate the
special meiit of our Boy's
They're different and bet.
ter l Cur shoes fit the
boys' feet correctly and.
are made . of such good.
leather as box calf, tan.
grain or gun metal, stur-
dy. waterproof
42050, 52.75 to $3,50
e, E, Willis
Quality footwear
Opposite Expositor= Office. Seaforth
s Watson
to W. N. Watson)
neral Fire,- Lies and Accident
surae Agent. Real Estate aid
Loan- Agent.. Insurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
lowest rates.
Baler in New Raymond, White and
New Home Sewing Machines, and
National Cream Separators.
A full supply of sewing machine need-
les, attachments, oiland repairs
always in - stock
Treasurerhi Sale of lands for taxes in
Ifte Town of Seaforth, County of
Notice is herby given that the .
lands for sale for arrears of taxes
bas been prepared, and that copies
hof may had in my office, and
that the list is being published in the
Ontario Gazette, December 2nd, 9th
kith, and 23rd issues, and that in de -
thousand.dolly e. The Sundaeschool
has an average attendance of 450 and. ,.
all the other ; church 'organization;
are in a healthy and efficient condition.
A great contrast with the parish of
eight years age, when. a few scattered
worshippers under the care of student
formed the begining of what is now
one of the ben
It parishes in the Pres -
wormer *Arm:8
A Snbseriber For Fifty Years. --
In a letter from Edinonton, dates
March. 1st, Mr. Alex, Ross of . that
city, says: `tEndued please find terse
m ilUbsecl`i
io, Auxilia Earl in
animal sulesemption to The Expositor Women s War ry y
which I think pretty nearly constitutes January the Auxiliary decided to su -
Theremaybe a few who ply, if possible, every soldier in the
fa record."
can equal this record and'if there are trenches from this vicinity with two
we would certainly like to hear from pairs of socks a month and those' in
them,: England with one.pair. In going over
en, ,the list the Auxiliary found that some
Belgian Relief Fund.= -The following of the men were being looked after
is the report of the Seaforth Belgian entirely' by friends, others had friends
Relief Fund for the month of Febru- who would like to help infurnishing
ary: J. F. Ross $2,' Mrs.. DeLacey the socks, and others again who had no
$2.1x0 Robert Jones $2.50, R . Jones,) one to look after them. The Auxiliary.
tion s order for Ranee. This is 50th
tion '� your my
bag of flour, $5;. Mrs. J . B . Thomp- i also furnishes `yarn for socks to be
son $1; post office $1..71; Dominion sent to the men by their own people,
Bank 41e; Bank of Commerce 16c; on ' In January.68 pairs socks and 40 pairs
hand in January 4118.01,: total $133.- of wristlets were sent overseas by the it. Mr. Henryorsyth, who re.
29. Remittance to H. Prudhomme $120. Auxiliary. and 22 pairs given to friends disposed ofrhis farm in r .
expenses, 42c; balance on hand $12.87. of the men in the town who sent them ce y p'd
--Mrs. J. .3.- Thompson, Treasurer, paying os r Hoggarth Missing. -Mrs. DeLacey, sec-
retary of the Seaforth � Red Cross So-
ciety, wrote Red Cross Headquarters
at London, England, regarding 'Pte, tamed 2 pelts socks, patuc woollen Mr. Arch. Scott returned on Saturday
Nigh and had the following answer: gloves, helmet, two handkerchiefs, and'West.,unable to get in at all. The proceeds
Dear Madam -Re Pte. P. Nigh, 401626 •a housewife. The letters of npprecia- from an extended trip to the amounted to over $115 which will be
83rd Battalion, Wounded and Missing tion and thanks from the men_ only We have' to thank Pte. T. Pritchard, uesd for Patriotic purposes. --A meet- i i With reference to your I serve to show the -necessity for socks one of the famous original "Princeess ing of the Women's Institute will
In I
enquiry concerning the above, I regret and more socks. - Pats, who is now convalescing at his held in the township hall on Wedlaes- ?
to inform you that at present we . War Auxiliary -The following is the home in Goderich for a copy of his day, March 15th. A good attendance
have no news beyond the official report treasurer's report of the Seaforth .'two, popular songs "The Call" and is requested.
that he is missing,, . We have, how- branch of the Women's War Auxiliary "There's A Girl In boron", These two
ever, instituted inquiries and will not- 1st 191.7- •Reeei is - pieces which are enjoying a wonder- McKILLOP.
ify you immediately should we receive Balance on hand $258 92 fees f P popularity Sad Death. -Early Saturday morn -
l out the different conferences. - Mr.
tine Oliver C, Anderson has purchased from
Mr. John R. Leeming of Walton, a
fineyoung . Shorthorn bull, ten months
old, We understand the price paid was
$100. Oliver ialways likes. thegood
Owing to the unusual con-
dition of the'paper market
this year, we won/4:1 advise
early buying of Wall Pa-
per. Our new Wail Pap-
pers are now in add we
woold be' pleased_ to show
them to you. Manyof these
patterns we will be unable
to reorder.
how .son's Bookstore
Seafor b
Window Shaues and Picture J4 rarnes
Agent for New Idea Pattern
Notes. Mr.. E. A, Deichert has
gone to Detroit. ----Mr. John Gellman
hs purchased the dwelling house and,
lots in the west, side of. the village
from Mrs. Pauline Faust, of Blillois,
now occupied by E: Sims. -Miss M.
Stelck of Guelph is visiting at her
home here,, Ruby and Gaseho, who
have conducted a general dry goods
business in .Zurich for over eveyears,
have dissolved partnership, and Mr.
Jos. Gascho, of the . 14th concession,
hastaken over Mr. Ruby's share, The
store will be conducted in the same ,
manner as heretofore, with Mr. John
Gascho as manager.
Notes . --�-On Friday evening, the
humorous comedy,"The ;spinster's Con-
vention" was .put on .in, the township
themselves, thus' postal ates ersmith haas purchased the resi .epee' hall, under the auspices of the
of socks were .at present occupied by Mr. men's Institute by some thirty-five of
sent February 72 , Wo-
pairsand intends coming to Egmondville to
by the Auxiliary and 24 pairs by la our local talent. This entertainment
Inethers. Six parerele have been given , i' ide. The . Women's War Auxiliary proved very successful; so large was
or sent to recruits. ;ach parcel eon- will meet hn the Armories on Friday the crowd that not even standing
of afternoon next at four o'clock p.roe-s , room was available and a number were
on ry- , P 80e; , fill o ulari be secured at Beat -
interest 4.15; donation .from Mrs, tie's Fair in town. ---Capt. Hodgins,
Twiss $2; re. James Reid , s, 'e .A t
Mrs. O. Jones $2, Mr" Poster Fowl..home
87c, . Mrs. Whiteley , Mrs. '-
mond li0c, Mrs. Arch. Scott $1, ed with the cone progralaiiiie giventhe end scams on Saturday. inc fun -
friends 15c, Mrs. Andrew Archibald by the Ladies''Aid of Rippe �i'res e - eral took place to St. Patrick's come -
50c, goods sold . $2:55; total, $294.41. terian church in that village n. Tues-
Expenditure -
Expenditure-- Expositor,: advertising
waste paper, $1.25; J . Mactavish, $52.-
19; Stewart Bros., $50.40, A. D.
Sutherland, postage on socks $8.96;
A. D. Sutherland, :postal order for
gloves, $12.12, stamps, 75c, Canadian
Red Cross Society, Toronto, $124.80;
total $2=18 47• balance $45.97: --
information.. Assuring you of our M $ `d $1 Mr of Hamilton, spm;( the week end at ing last, Andrew Francis Eugene, in -
great sympathy and earnest desire fent son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Rudolph $4, Mrs. William Sclater, $1 . its home here lYfr and Mrs nuns O'Rourke, Concession 6, passed
to help you -iii, your suspense, i am, Tho who have been visiting at the
Yours truly, M. B. Harrison. Ladies' Aid Presbyterian church $14, home of Mr C Holbelli for some quietly away at the home of his parents
time, left on Tuesday for their ams after an illness of some duration. The
National Service Cards. -The time. er, for school section No. 4, Prim- near Saskatoon, --Mr and Mrb, little fellow had been in delicate
for the return of the National Ser- ary class Presbyterian Sunday S hraas George Mr dames Sleeth, Miss Gem-
health for some time and despite the
vice cards by those who have not yet Whitel $1 o raeil and Miss-
McCloy, of town, assist- best medical attention and tender n zr-
returnedl them or have returned them Gemmell 50c, Mrs L G Van Eg- h h - sing he gradually grew worse until
improperly signed has been extended
to March 31st, 1917, and further cards
have been issued to postmasters for
distribution' among, those who have
made default. It is understood that
the returns from this . Miltary Dis-
trict have been most gratifying. There
are however, even in this District, a
number who have not made their re-
turns. The National Service Board
has expressed the wish' that everyone
in the District will use his or her very,
best' efforts in order to make returns
from This District as nearly perfect
as possible.
Death ' of W. E. ]Faust. William
Mina J. Finlayfon, treasurer
WANTED -Apprentices Dress -making Depart-
e art -menta Stewart Brom, Seaforth. 2669-1
OARS FOR SALE -Two Ford aare.ior sate (1 ruga
about and 1 five passenger) 1914 models. in good
fault of ent of the taxes the tanning order. Wiii ceti either. rule shat h
payor Earl' Papst, eldest, son of Mr. and � the money. Beason for selling -don't need i►oth.
'sada will be sold for tastes on Thurs- I Airs C. W Papst, of Georgetown, W. 0. Govenlock, Fgrnondville, phone 7-146, Sea -
they 8th day of March, 1917, at 8 - and formerly of Seaforth, died `at his 'fitribt 2668-2
ock an the afternoon at the Town 2 0?3 Lee Ave. Toronto on Sun- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -Fora quio
k sale
MA home,
, , hest a house and lot on William St. at a bargain
Seaforth. day last, in his 38th year, 'The late phone 8. B. H. Sproat, Seaforth, 2588-2
. JOHN A. WILSON Mr. Papst was born in Seaforth and i you SALE-110Laughlin cutters to he sold ai,
Treasurer Town of Seaforth after graduating from the Collegiate once at reduces price.. It you are need of a cutter,
Treasurer's Office, Institute, he was connected for some crem separators. in le harness. p r kni a eetc
De ember 4th, 1916. years with the large book an I station- I
on hand. Try A pail of Dr. Vanzart and wating'e
ery business carried on in Seaforth Stock Tonicgreatly recommended. A. M. Cemp-
Bell Stock fee Sale -For sale ten -shares of stook
in. the front. Bali En ne and Thresher Co., Ltd.
This companyas hpeva dividend of 7 per cent.
thie year. Apply to;box 273, Seaforth. 25e6x4
House tor 'Fate.FourHundred Delius (lash will
r 2556-18
Special Fares now in effect
to resorts in Florida, ' Geor-
gia, North and South Caro-
lina, Louisiana and other
Southern States, and to Ber-
muda and the West Indies.
Return Limit May 31st, 1917
Liberal Stop -Overs Allowed
Tickets now on sale at all G. T. B
Ticket Offices.
,, E. HORRNING, Union Station,
Toronto, Ont.
W. Somerville....... Tcwfi Agent
W. Plant............. Depot Agect
Jeweler ° and Optioian.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Copying ofd pictures is
an art in itself.. Each
picture requiring individ-
ual treatment and often
not being entrusted to the
photographer until almost
beyond recovery. By let-
ting us copy your old pic-
tures you are sure of good
work and of getting the
originalsback undamaged
Bring thein in and let_ us estim-
gt on the work
' LLS �T d
here who will sincerely regret to learn
of his death and who will dwly sten-,
pathize with the family hi their be -1
reavement. Besides his parents he
is survived by his wife, and one daugh-
ter, and also one brother, Mr. Charles
Papst, who went Overseas with The
Hurons, and who is now in France_ -.
Pte. O'Rourke Writes From Ger-
many. -The secretary of the local
branch of the Red Cross has received
the following post card from Pte. O'-
Rourke in acknowledgement of 'a par-
cel sent to him by the Society some
time ago. Pte. O'Rourke went ov-
erseas with the first Canadian Con-
tingent, but has' been a prisoner of
war in Germany for many months:
Eingelragene No. ,2323, No der Kom-
pagnie 8, Bushtable, den Baraeke, E.
Giessen den: - Dear Friend.- I re-
ceived your parcel of comforts o.k.
and please ask you and the • other
members of the Red Cross to accept
my sincere thanks for the parcel. The
card contains•i a picture of the beauti-
ful monument erected in memory of
the prisoners of war 'who died in cap-
tivity at Giessen, the architect of
which was A. Depondt and the sculp-
tor, Raph Drouarcl.
Coming Back To Ontario.. --Mr. R.
5. Muldrew, manager of the E. A.
Walker Hardware and Furniture Co:;
of Grenfell, Sask., a former well known
resident of EgmondviIle, Who was here
recently visiting his sisters, Mrs. R.
Scarlett, and Mrs. J. R. Scott, has
severed his connection with the above
firm, and moved to Brockville, Ontario,
where he has accepted a position, and
where he will reside in future. . Mr.
Muldrew has spent several years in the
West, where he has held responsible
positions of trust, first With' the Gor-
don Thompson Hardware Co., of Wol-
eeley, Sask, and about four years ago
he assumed the management of the
E. A. Walker hardware and Furn-
iture Co. at Grenfell, which he con-
ducted with creditable acceptance both
to the company and the general public.
His resignation has been accepted with
reluctance by the firm.
A Loss To Saskatoon -Under this
heading the 'Saskatoon .Daily Star of
February 22nd has the following to
say, editorially, about Rev. A. W.
McIntosh, son of Mr. George McIn-
! toah, of this town, who is leaving that
buy a large cottage with kitchen, dining_room, uapar-
a .d s
for and three be3roos, also stable andone r
half acres of fiSnd, osr wftt' woes 342 -with sROO -
down and balance at *6 per month. This . property
is situated two blocks wast -Of Recreation. Park. Sea
Barth. Apply at Expositor Office. 2688-t1
Dr. Forster of Stratford, eye, ea*, nose and throat
Specialist, has recanted prsgti a and will he at the
Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on the third Wednesday of
ea.sh month." Office hours iese to 8 p. m.
FOR SALE -7 roomed frame house with 2.6101d
Apply W.H. Baker. Centre St., Seaforth. " 2668x4
Miss Glenn of Glenn-Oharles Toronto, Canada's
Hair Fashion Store, will be in Seaforth, Wed. March
14th. as the Commercial" Hotel, wild►, a fail line of
ladies and gentleman's hair goods. If you are not
satisfied with the appearance of your hair consult
Miss Glenn, free demonstration, 2569-1
BUGGIES FOlt SALE -Having' decided to move
to Toronto we are offering- the following for gale at
bargain prices -1 Baynes high arch axle buggy, al-
most as good as -new -h good useful buggy used for
5 seasons, just mut of the paint athop-anyone need-
ing a buggy should set these at once -and save
some money. Also wood heater stove, A. G. Smit-
-lie Seaforth. 2689.2
ins opened u,, dress making rooms at the residence
of Mrs. Thos. Jthnsiun, North Main St. I am re -
pared to do an kieda of Otesmaking and ladies'
sure. Satisfaction ip all Work. Miss A. Bowland.
Local Briefs. -Miss Jennie McBride
has returned from Hamilton, where
she spent the winter with relatvies
-Miss Madge Stewart left on Monday
for Wallaceburg where she has been
engaged for the millinery season, --
Mrs. J. Paterson and daughter, Miss
Irene, spent the week end at the home
of her brother, Mr. Alex. Cuthill, in
Winthrop .Mrs. Sherbrook, of �laon-
desboro, is spending a few days at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Webb.
-Mrs. J. Melville, Toronto, Mrs. 3.
King, Bluevale, and Mr. W. J. Hales
of Weston, were here last week at-
tending the funeral of the late James
Melville. -Miss Kate Dexereaux, of
Walton, .spent the past week at the
home of her brother, Mr. John Dev..
ereux.-Mr. Gordon Hunter, of St.
Marys, spent the week end at the
home of'Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wil-
son. -Miss Mary Modeland left on
Monday for Palmerston .--Mr. Ross
Keane ,,of Stratford, spent the week
end ' with friends in . town. - Mr.
Menzies of Wingham, is visiting his
daughter, Mrs . Robert McGee, Main
Street.--Mrr. Clifford Bell, Government
inspector of shell in one of the mu-
nition plants in .Galt, spent Sunday
at the paren l home of Mr. and Mrs.
Western city to accept a call: in Port J. P. Bell.-rene, the little . daugh-
Arthur:. "It will be with genuine re- ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Clul!,
gret that the members of St. Thomas met with a . painful accident on Wed-
con r e gationpart with the Rev. A.
gr g , nesday, when she.upset a cup • of
' W
W. McIntosh, who for eight years has hot tea over her hand scalding it
worker; untiringly for the church very badly. -Myrtle Tasker, one of
which rose on the Westside, so largely the principal's Class at the public
as a result of his efforts. He will. bet school,. was awarded honorable men -
missed not only by those Who knew tion for merit in the February com-
him in his own parish, but by men petition • in • art conducted by "The
and women ever a wide.�area who be- School" and open to the schools of
to a evince.
'tae impressed with the drlvmg force et
pr The subject for Feb-
- of this earnest minister. As convenor 1 ruary was a pencil- drawing of a boy
of Home Missions for the Presbytery, i or of a girl posed before the class. -
and as Mod_rator of the Synod of Sas-. , The crochet coat donated by Miss Lukes
• katteheYwan, the work of Mr. McIntosh. ,will be` drawn for at the Red Cross
fair the
tiiioRioN it3 Although. brought cure tickets get them Mr. John
And Furrier
well ,known.
Presbyterian church and the rooms on Thursday afternoon next,
ent of the people generally March 15th. Those wishing to pro -
Although, et can atemo
and trailed in the East, he is a West- i McTavish's store, -Rev. F. H. Larkin
:♦ erner in spirit, and in his ministry will have for his subject next 5 eiday
here has shown an enthusasm in the. evening, "A Woman's Critics Answer -
work of developing his parish and in ed by Christ." -Mr. and Mtn J.
the wider field of home missions over., Pinkney and son, Lorne, of Stratford,
which he had supervision which mark- I spent a few days this week -with Mrs.
ed him for greater responsibilities. ; Pinloiey's parepts, Mr. and Mrs. R.
• Port Arthur is fortunate to have won L. Clark. -Miss Greta Ross has re -
1 E e.n 1 T g, T r e .-sir. his response to the call from a leading turned home i in Sparta, where she You've read the book ---See the play. 1 list at present. Mr. Ed. Rosa has
� 1 t church and the best S.vishes. of a large .was supplying . or a few v eels in the ! _ � 4 � been in Toronto interviewing a special- i
day evening of last week. -Miss Zuef-
fle, of Hensel', is the guest of Miss
Kate McDiarmid, Goderich street.
A delightful afternoon tea was given reavement .
by the girls of Mrs. J. A. Stewart's
Sunday School Class at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ltoblbrt Winter on Wed- GORRIE.
r.esday. • The proceeds which amount-
ed to $28 will be given to the local
War Auxiliary. -=Major ;Harvey L.
Wilson ,formerlyof Edmonton and
Montreal, now .with the 122nd Mus-
koka Regiment in Galt, is the guest
of his cousin, Mrs. Walter G. Willis,
Major Wilson has been overseas and in
the trenches and has been wounded
several times .-A euchre in aid of
the Women's War Auxiliary will be presentation of the Victoria Cross, a
held in Cardno's Hall, on Wednesday, mach coveted distinction. Captain
next, All are cordially invited. - - sine has won the designation of "The
Mr. P. Scott and Mrs Stewart Scott snake" for his scouting qualifications,
of Brussels, spent Sung at the home 'somebody stating that he could hide
of Mrs. J. P. Brine. -Miss Wiltse, behind a blade of grass. Captain 1
who has been the guest of Mrs. J.S. Keine is a brother of Rev, C.C. Kaine
Roberta for a couple of weeks, left of Londesboro, well known to many in
on Monday for her home in New York, this section of the country, and is a
She was accompanied by Miss Francis cousin tof Mrs. Arthur Shaw, 1st line
Roberts, who goes to Cleveland . -- monis,
Mrs. George Waugh _ of Teeswater, - �s1.-
and. Mrs, end Ers. Roy Barnett of DAM -WOOD. �ur1
Toronto, weiGe. _ (tendin >ia �e - Death of William Heckman, ��
erel o£ the la : mother, MTS. Grim-
oldby.-Mr ,. «_ : Savauge oecupied
the pulpit in the. Egmondville_c:hurc;
on Sandal last. - •
tery, Dublin,and was very largely at-
tended by neighbors anct friends. Mr.
and Mrs . O'Rourke have the sympathy
of the community in their sad be-
-Captain Alex. Kaine, son of the
late Captain Kaine, of Gorrie, who
enlisted early in the war and who has ,
been a very successful scout, spending 1
much of his time on "No Mani; Land"
was wounded while doing his duty,
and has been in Ireland in a hospital,
where he. has made a good recovery.
For his distinguished service, he has
been honored King George by the
Red Cross. --The following are the
reports of the Secretary and Treasur-
er of the `Seaforth Branch of the Red
Cross Society. for February: Treasur-
er's report --Balance on hand, $780.69;
Adult Bible Class, Constance $10,Win-
throp branch $22.40, rags, $1; Coun-
ty Council $88.25; Progressive Euchre
$150, Thos. Daly $1, Winthrop branch
$22.75; Mrs. Alex. McGavin $1.50,
Constance branch $75, proceeds Mrs.
Bergen's drawn- work, $13.85; Mrs .
Thomas Stephens $10, knitting needles
25c, a friend $1, Margaret Case, Eve-
lyn .Cudmore and Margaret McIntosh
$1.80, David Mullen $1, Egmoiidville
branch $102.05, proceeds Constance
ball 21.14, monthly , ;subscriptions,
$116.90; Total $142e.08. Expendi-
ture -Hon. James Masolr for prisoner
of war, $10, Mrs. J a' B. Thompson
50c, Abner Cosens 60c, Hon. James
Mason $264, Mrs. Thos. Shade,- $4,50,
dry goods $540,65, balance on hand
$599.83. -Jessie' Neil, Treasurer.
•The,Secretly reported the follow-
ing . goods shipped during the month:
444 suits of pyjamas, 72 flannel shirts,
348 pairs of soaks, 498 towels, 24 per-
sonal property bags, 16 quilts, 6 trench
caps, 6 pairs of wristlets, 5 dressing
gowns. -Edna DeLacey, Secretary.
Notes. --Came and be entertained
by the Constance Dramatic 'Club on
Friday evening ' of this week, March
9th, to be tea in the Foresters' Hall.
The proceeds are in aid of the Red
Cross . Prof. ,, Robertson, of Victoria
College, Toronto, preached an educa-
tional sermon in behalf of Victoria
College ,on Sunday last, showing how
these funds were used and also the
needy support of the people through-
"The Saleslady"
A story of New York's ,,white lights,"
who's genuine humor and pathos
makes a strong appeal. Don't miss it.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
The Famous Comedian,
will appear in the fast moving automo-
bile story,
" The Race '#
scattering smiles and thrills, thrills
and smiles.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
repeats her big stage success in
" The Trail - of TheLone-
some Pine "
our sad duty to''7recorct this week the
respected rest of the 17th conces-
'on of Hay, . the person of William
Heckman, who died on Sunday night,
following a short illness of about three
weeks' duration, caused by hardening
of the arteries through the system.
He was 49 years of age. Deceased had
been a resident of Hay for about ten.
years, having moved to this locality
from Mitchell. Mr. Heckman was of
a quiet disposition, and u_=e ;sue " e g
in his manner, and made many warm
friends who will deeply regret his de-
mise. Besides his sorrowing wife he
is survived by two sons and two
daughters, all of Whom are at home.
The funeral took place on Wednesday
afternoon to the Lutheran cerneterc,
Rev. Mr. Graupner officiating.
Notes. -The attendance at the car-
nival held ori Monday night was not
as large as it would have been had the
weather been more favorable. The ice
was fine, however, and the band furn-
ished excellent music, while the cos-
tumes were good .-Mr. Wes. Jones
Stephen delivered in Exeter a Load of
hogs Iast week to Mr. I. Armstrong
The load weighed 5,080 pounds and
the seller received $'711.20_ Mr. Jones
kept track of all the costs of feeding,
etc., and he cleared about $200 on the
bunch. The price paid was $14 fer
cwt .--Mr . H. Pickard of Virginia
agent a few days this week at the
home of his mother. -Mrs. N. Lloyd
and son have returned to their home
in Star View, Sask„ after a visit with
friends here. -Mrs. Henry Ogden,
who bas been visiting at the home of
her father, Mr. John Gillespie, left
last week for her home in Stoughton,
Sask.-Mr. Henry Passmore had the
misfortune to fall. on the sidewalk re-
cently and fracture three ribs .-Doug-
las Stewart, son of Mr. J. A. Stew-
art, is now in France.
Death of a Pioneer. - A gloom was
cast over our burg last Tuesday morn-
ing, when the news went out that an-
other of our pioneers had passed away,
in the person of Mr. John Rapein, at
the age of 78 years, Deceased came
to Canada about 54 years ago, and a
few yeers later settled on the frm
on . which he resided until the time
of hie death. Together with his parte
ner in life, who predeceased him a-
bout a year, they endured- all the
hardships of pioneer life in hewing
out of a dense wllldnerness one of.
those modern homes which now
makes this part one of the best sec-
tions in Ontario. His funeral took
place on Thursday to the Evangeicai
cemetery here. He is survived by 3
sons and 3 daughters, Eli on the home-
stead; Henry on an adjoining farm;
Christopher in Ditzburg, Alta.; Mrs.
Pitz, of this- place; Mrs Weisenburg
of Stratford, and Mrs. Puscheiburg,
of 13itzburg, Alta. The family have the 1
sympathy of the whole community ' s
this their hour of affliction.
Notes. -Miss Hemme is still in a
precarious condition, as her eyesight
gave ,way owing to nervous trouble,
Master Clarence Regele is on the sick
i T I £ e:1 a' 1 4r circle of friends and well wishers will school there.- te. H. McGee, son of : Entire = rogi am Saturday Afternoon 1st on some tr ubie that is afflicting
aI : ac:ompany him when he leaves in a Mr. and Mrs. J.mes McGee, who went I FIVE CENTS 1 him. -Soiree of our farmers atended :
A Trial Solicited .fig i short time to take up his new duties. overseas with t '161st battalion, has, The lathe United Farriers' Club meeting
• I Under his; guidance the congrega- returned home. ,Mr. Joseph H�tggarth T PRINCESS fat Walton st 1dcnday night, and are
. . tion has increased from 50 members has purchased he residence of Miss quite interested in the co-operation
When be first came to 800 now, and will oc- now, who Brooks in E ,rondri'IIIi1 scheme that was baUndU d
Store of
uits$15 to
Phos.; 22
for Spring
Spring models
Are in
We will be delighted to have
you come and try them on.
See the Garments
Then You'll Know Just what
is going to be newest and best
for the new season. Our ob-
ject now is to show .you the
new things.
Come Soon
Wanes dg,$ Wanted
J. Mactavisk
rhe p