HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-03-09, Page 5Dt 1017 ft\ a Shoe tfade of ccording tour service. ne caW,, Shaved Made with ad throughlto the ;hoe k rkingrnao ncertain CIA 11 ARC 91 TH HURON EXPOSI roR, aamorsaawassivelosammissmaxima at $495 n Ford cars. g the theatre, to schooi. ae, no know- inexpen siv e all afternoon, rriinimutin of Id appreciate its stream -line IAN g Hard. Seaford lity Guaranteed 3- now, even it will pay cie date stock [am, moNAstea OAR RANGRits R. (oltitch saatie and wads* 5c-r257Oe7 mt to 4 tines, 14"..31.14 -5 tines, 14"..81.141: -5 tines, 16..$L.� 5 tines, 18"..SLai 6 tines, 1.8". 2311! .6 tines, 18". Oc to $t* , .50c to 111341 . -Ude to Ulf Knives. .45e to La iplendid Assortmoni . $2.75 to 034 IIsizeL i5c and 500 per heti 5c and 50e Per it**4 5c and 50t per bedi. ring- 41.75 to 8121 ing • • V2.2.5 to $2,74 King 4 feet, $ feet and *Irma Works, be* • " ftp Belis,SWISS 11001 ; se sus Om SSA ..70c to SIM ..$1.00. to atie het. $ to Sfic Bros. Reds tuft arnaots. AIM Rh intim iiRDWARE, IFORTH 1 of Postmaster Griffin. , postmaster of this town, on Monday at his residence, John in his, 69th year. Deceased a widow, two daughter; and souse to mourn his loss. Two • A. E. and Burwellare Officers 0 -Railroad Construction Battalion in England or Prelates and Gordon 'manufacturer of Chesleya Ont -4 • A. lit Wilford. of Winglattm, Visa Aardet a nurse in Toronto.. ITe was appointed to the positioirt of postmaster about a year and a half go, succeeding the late Peter Fisher. Leather for ahem. for shoe manufacturing comes under two broad cations, upper leather and sole er, these, as- their names iraplY, used respectively for the sole for the other portions of the The upper leathers most corn- y used are calfskin, coitakin, or asehide and kid. Calfskinsitomes various* finishes, Patent, wax, ght„. dull, boarded, ‘and veavet. tskin and horsehide are used prin- loally as the hazes for Patent lea. - a but they are also ,employed in I fiiib for men's ) high-grade 'awe Kid may he glazed, patent, aged, or morocco, according to ranniar Process. The Diet of Guatemala. care or maize, as it is called there, 41A frijoies-beans- form almost alcIuslvely the daily food of nearly three-fourths of the people of Guate- vela. Corn is grown in each of the ahree zones -the warm, the temper - ..ate, and the frigid -into which the ttpublie may be divided. It is esti- oatealtaat fully four-nftlas of the In- , poeulation. raise more or`Tless pre every yoar. In some diatricts two eLaps are grown annually.• With ,en average annual per capita con- auraption of 130 pounds, beans rank peat to corn as the favorite food of the people of Guatemala. Beans -grow tunniantly practigally every' re - 'glen of the republic. Guatemala radically consumes its entire pro- duction of oeans, -Fighting in Cuba. A Cuban official is reported as say - :tag: -rt even the German army had nly two weeks to put dawn a revolt Cuba it would be stumped." He is- right. -Getman efficiency prould avail little against bands of rebels scattered through the naanigua _and holding hidden positions of great ttatural strength. The Spaniards were never able to -stear tlealsumrait of Gran Piedra of apeaolutitinists. There is near San tails a tract of forest with trails through the tall guinea grass that the Spanish regulars never dared to enter. The Cubans were always se - lure in the heart of it with their wo- _ leen folk. And there are many such retreats in the island of Cuba. It will not be surprising if the insurgents are "out- for is.onths. • A Pen -Knife Rei--olvere A. pocket knife which has .two blades and an attachment that en- ables it to discharge a twenty-two ealibre short cartridge, either blank Ir bat1:111 one of the latest novelties be placed on the market. It is said to be practically as effective as a regular' twenty-two calibre revoleer the ahort barrel type. It is three incheg long and one-half ineh• wide. a -Popular Science Blonthly for Feb. - Lutrafe SEAFORTH 'MARKE'TS Seaforth, March 8, 1917 Fall Wheat, per bush Barl-y, per bush.. Pats, er bush. Benin, per bush. Butter, - Eggs, per dozen Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton Flour, per cat Ray, per ton ..., ogs..... ......... ..1.70 ... .80 to .90 60 . RESOLVED THAT: Whereas, the Manufacture and sale of oleomargarine” in Canada Would rise to tremendous opportunities of fraudin the substitution of oleomar- garine for batter, and would be a big leveremmin the hands of tIe manufacturers for the manip@ation of the dairy market to their own advan- tage, and in consideration of the great expense in attempting to enforce regu- lation' of the manufacture and sale of margarine in countries where this is now permitted, we place ourselves as being strongly opposed to any change in the Dominion law which would permit the manufacture and sale of this product. The above is a petition the Cana - din Creamery Association of Ontario have drawn mound as we believe it is to the greatest interests of all farm- ers interested in dairying to do all in their power to oppose the manufacture aad sale of oleogreargarine in Canada, we request that alfarmers in this dis- trict whether patrons of our cream- ery or not, call in a.s soon as possible and sign this petition'which will be "sent down to Ottawa with the repre- sentative of his distract. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO. ... 6.00 to 7,00 34.......35 .. .35 .36 .38,00 42.00 . 4.65 to 5.10 -10.00 to 11.00 .14.75 41•11111MI Ailiassomasosimssaacasaminamarey BIRTHS. Jones -In Rippen'on February 27, to •Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Jones (nee Florence alugal, of Seaforth) twin sons. McNeil -IA St. Thomas, on February 2ist, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Neil, a daughter. Foote --In Thedford, on Feb. 26th, to Rev. James and 'Mrs. Foote, a - daughter. - • Atkinson --in- Toronto, on March 5th; to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Atkinson, (nee Ethel Troyer) a daughter. Warrener-In Hensell, on February 27th, to Mr: and Mrs. N. P. War.. rener, a daughter. Varley-In Tuckersmithi on Feb. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. 3. 3. Varley, a son. Ford -In Usborne, on February 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, a daughter. Smith -In Centralia, on February 17, to Mr. and Mrs, John Smith, a daughter. Dickson -At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on March 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dickson, of Sarnia, twin sons BEAN MARKETS. Toronto, March 6.-Beans'imported, bend pieked, $6.25; Canadian hand picked, per bushel, $7; Canadian Prunes, $6.50 to $7; Limas, per lb. 12 to ineee, POULTRY MARKET. Toronto, March 6. -Dressed Poultry tealickens, 23 to 26c; fowl, 20 to 22c; decks, 22 to 25; squabs, per dozen, *4 to P.50; turkeys, 28 to 38c; geese, 13 to 20c. Live Poultry -Fowl, lb., 18 to 22c chi kens, 18 to 20c. 44444.440ge..0**44.4041***e `rte 4 e T Holme! 4 4 Funeral Director and -moused Embalmer aortaking pa.riors irrOddfe lows building opposite Stewart Bros. -Resi- dence Goderickst., opp Dr. Scott's 4 4, Flowers furnished on short notice.oi 4 71 -Phone Night or Day. 119. Carbon Remover and Wrelding Machine •t40.40••4440.,••••••••••••1 tilW. T. BOX It 00. BILBAltafERO AND IttINERAL DIRECTOR; I BOX Holder of goverment Diploati, and tatensit, • • • 'CHARGES OIODIDR ATE 14 Plowere urn1shed on- ehort 4, 1 ietke. .Naght Cal* Day Calla Phone 1751 _ Phone 50 o • ••••444• G+•••.•••••• SEED OATS FOR SALE. For sale, a quantity of Banner oats, suitable .for seed. Apply phone 3 on 42, Dublin central or Cromarty P.O. Neil Gillespie. 2569x1 e_ -------- SEED OATS FOR SALEI For sale, a quantity of Whiti;Wrisfi oats, clean and free from any noxious weeds, and suitable for seed. Appla to WILLIAM P. ALEXANDER, R. R. No. 2, Hensel', °a phone 6 on 82.. 2569x3 SHEEP AND HOGS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale seven well bred Leicester ewes; also six Ichunksas ofrariaarofttrhera partio R. R.No .3, Seafarth, or phone 10 on 136 Clinton Cent* 2565-tf :MARRIAGE& Decker-Gaiser-At Corbett, on Feb- ruary 28th, Violet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Geiser, of Shipka, to William Decker, son of Mr. and Mrs John Decker, sr., of Zurich. Nichol -Parish At the Methodist parsonage, Walton, on February 21, by, Rev. F. W. Craik, Mr. James Alexander Nichol to Miss Alice Pearl Parish, both of Morris town- ship. Brighern-Moses-At "Meadow Lee Farm", the home of the bride, on February fieth, by Rev. A . J. Mann, B.A., Bressels, Mr. Albert B. Brig- ham, of Hullett, to Miss Rae Mar- garet daughter of the late William and Mrs. Moses, of Morris township. Ghambers-Smale-At Milverton, on February 21st, George Ira Cham- bers of Chiselhurst, to Miss Violetta Smile, of near Staffs - Penrice -Davis -In London, on Feb- ruary 26th, by Rev. Dean Davis,. Thonias Henry Penrice, eldest son 1 of Mrs._ Williain Penrice, to Cale- ' arine Isabella Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, all of Usborne. We have recently Installed a me- ddle yield& wM weld almost any kind Metal --cast iron, brass, malleable, golli wrought iron, and allumintim. ean also remove carbon from cyl- smera of automobiles and gas engines without loosening a bolt --just take oat the spark plugs, Give a trial. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. • HORSES kno cArrLE FOR SALE Another load of those high grade Durham Cows of good milking strain; some coming in soon; also some good Young cattle. These animals will be at the farm about the 9th of March. Make appointment by phone No. 94. Also some geed young horses Stilt - able for farm use, at the livery barn. All stock sold privately.- re TURNBULL & McINTOSII. FOB SALA A thorobred York hog-lor salegeady for service; also four -Berkshire sows with pig, and a few seed potatoes. Phone 6 on 137, Seaforth Central, John Murray, R. R. 1, Brucefield. 2568x2 SEED OATS FOR SALE. For sate, a quantity of good clean Seed Oats: Apply to THOMAS Me - KAY, Walton, R.R. No. 1, or phone 8 gn 45, Dublin Central. 2567-3 iBeechwood An OpenLetter to My CUStontera And the Public EXECUTOR'S SALE. 100 Acre Farm in Usborne Township, The Executor of the estate of the late Leonard aileTaggart will offer for sale at the ,Metropolitan Rotel, Exe- ter, on Saturday, March 17, 1917, at 2.30 p.m. that valuable farm property known as lot No. 22, Concession 1, Usborne Township. The farm con- sists of 100 'acres, about eight acres a Which is planted with an excellent apple orchard, nearly all spies and greenings, and m good beating con- dition; alsout 15 acres of good hard- wood bush land, and the balance clear- ed, and either under cultivation or in grass. On the premises are two small barns, one -with stone foundation and metal roof and a driving shed and 2 never failing vtelle. The farm is well tmderdrained, and being located en the London Road, at the Northern Boundary of Exeter, is unsurpassed for market, high and public school and church conveniences. Terms of Sale -Ten per cent. on day of sale in cash or other satisfactory security and balance within thirty days without interest.* Further terms and partic- ulars will be made known on day of sale or may be had on application to GLAD1VIAN & STANBURY, Exeter, Ontario, Sedicitots for Executor; B. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. 2568-3 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 10, concession 6, . 1 thank yaks eery moot ese tele generoue oupport accorded to ree bushiest/ ao fart Miff year, and whir, to intoren you. that I., atail prfspated to pay • the rIgheist place in, eases or trade itir all the poultry thelivered Eieeehwood alive until tte cold weather, every Thursday. We are well stocked with grecerleis, boots shoes and rubbers Midi dry geode sad all goods busually kept in a &moral atom Well bought fatale sold; gooe values in these line:a I would also remind those indebted' that it takes toioteer and a gtiod deal of it, to WY 4took now; and aek theoe to pay up as prompt* as poseibLee Ali accotiate aro readira 'roues Renemtfulla, G. K. HOLLAND Wanted 50 Girls or More The W. E. aanterd Mfg.5rCo. has purchased the Taylor -Anderson Co. Clothing Factory in Seaforth and are going to carry on the bus- iness from this. out for which pur- pose we require more than so girl Tuckersmith, on Wednesday, March 21, I assistants. The working hours are BOAR -FOR SERVICE. A thoroughbred Pedigreed' York- ihir boar bot from J. K. Featherson, Streetsville, Ont. Terms, $1,50,s pay- able at time of service with privilege of returning if. necesary, Any party breeuing a sow and not returning a sectindl time, or aecording to orders of manager wilt be charged full in- surance whether in pig or not, J 0 3EPH DILI ON Lot 18, Con. 2, Hibbert 2565-4 at one o'clock p. m., the following: from 8 as 6 each day except Satur- Ilorses-Filly rising 6 years old, geld- day 8 to 12. cie hours each week, ing rising 4 years, aged mare with foal to Blythe Ben filly rising 3 years, we guarantee steadyIworli colt 9 months oki from Blythe Ben. Cattle -2 cows due to calve first week the year:round 4 in April, cow dire to calve March 26, 2 fresh cows, 3 eteer srising 2 years, heifer rising 2 years, 2 steers rising 1 year, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 3 young calves. Pigs. -Sow supposed 'a be in pig,. 3 store hogs, 150 lbs. each; 3 pigs 2 months old. Implements-Massey- Haris binder 6 foot cut, McCormick mower 5 foot mit, 10 -foot hay -rake, • nearly new, root pulperaultivator with HOUSE FOR SALE broad and narrow teeth, Massey -Har - For sale, the square brick house and ris drill, 2 -furrow gang plow good as two lots on Goderich street, Seaforth, new, fanning mill, land roller'truck oceupied by Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw. The wagon, set bobsleighs, hayrack, gray - property will be sold with or without t el box, open buggy, set double .bar - extra lot, as desired. For particulars ness, set plough harness, set single apply to owner. MRS. j. C. LAID- harness, over 100 bushels of oats, suit - 2568 -4 able for seed; about 10 bushels seed I beans; forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes, BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE and other articles too numerotis to mention. Positively, e as For sale, the solid brick house on the proprietor has sonolreservf d his eign. LAW, John street, Seaforth, belonging to the . Terms --AR sums of $10 and under, late Mrs. M. C. Chesney. This prot cash; over that amouht 8 months' perty is in good condition and 11 be credit will be given on furnishing ape sold at if reasonable price. i A ply to proved joint notes. A discount of 4 Dr. A. S. Atkinson, 108 Brainard•St , cents on the dollar off for cash. Oats Detroit, or Mr. 3. Rankin, Seaforth. and beans to be cash. Henry Forsyth 2567-4 Proprietor; T .Brown Auctioneer. HOUSE AND 4, ACRES FOR SALE. A comfortable frame house and four acres of land on Market street, Sea- of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, forth. On the premises are a stable Nice!clean work and girls can gmake good wages3 We:Pay Highest wages while Learning Apply:pr write to • Fred Robinson Manager, Seaforth NOTICE TO otEnrroRs. In the Estate of George W. Elgke, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Farmer, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute hi that behalf, that all persons having any ()Jaime ag- ainst George W,Bigle, who died on the 9th 01 Jan- uary. 11)17,are required on or before the 12th Harolo, 1917, to send by Post or deliver to the undersigned, Solicitors herein for William L. Forrest and George ThOmas Xigle, Executors of the Will of the said de- ceased, full particulars ot their claims; and that after the said lag mentioned date thd said Execu- AUCTION SALE tons will proceed to distribute the assets of the said • deceased among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof. to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1917. Prondfoot, Silkaan & Cooke' Seaforth, • Solicitors for said Executor., €7.8 DEATHS. - and henhouse. Good had and soft William Man orchard. Apply to Mrsultachy, West William St.; Seaforth 2569x4 wter -Colclough-In Goderich township, on aand February 24th, Mary M. Ostrander, widow of the late John Colclough,i , aged 93 years and 5 months. Carter -In Clinton, on February 28rd, Sarah Jane Bell, widow of the tate Isaac Carter, aged 79 years and 4 months. Gardiner -n Clinton, on February 26, Jean Brown widow of the late David Gardner in her 68th year. Somerville -In Morns township, on February 24th, David C. Somerville his 51st • ear Coultes-In Morris township, on Feb- ruary 24th, Thomas Coultes in his 80th year. Dobson -In Toronto,. op. February 22, Rev. W. Dobson, of Fordwich, aged 64 years. Pugsley -In Clinton, on February 25, William Pugsley, of Exeter, eged 88 years. and 2 months. Heckman -In Hay township, William Heckman, aged 49 years. ' Rhode --in Usborne, on February 24th, John Rhode, aged 64 years. dowan-In Paullena, Iowa, on Febru- ary 19th, John Cowan, tr., aged 48 years and two months, a native of McKillop township, and third son of the late Walter Cowan. Dunlop -In Sask., on Feb. 25th, Margaret Lowery, wife of Wm. Dunlop, formerly of Hullett, aged 60 years and 6 months. • Wright's Garage ortth Main Street — SEAFORTH +4+41+++++.44++4++++•++++41 W. Se &Inn leY • • .d.mbalmer • • Funeral Direr:for • • Undertaking Parlors above * M. Williams' grocery store, • Main Street, Seaforth • • • • !Flowers fur......eued on short notii e,* Oharges moderate. 4 Phone night or day - 192 -1 *************•••••••••••• BARN FOR SALE. Good timbei. .Frame 30x40 with lean-to 12x40. Apply to W. Ament, Seaforth. • 2564-tf SALE REGISTER FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ' Lot 35, Concession 4, McKillop, 100 acres, with bush, windmill, fruit orch- ards. For further particulars apply to MRS. M. A. GAETZMEYER, P.O. Box 258, Seaforth, Ont. 2569-4 FARM TO RENT ; For Rent, 100 acres, Lot, 10, Con- : cession 13, Melfillop, with bush, good buildings, also drilled well. For fur- ther particulars apply to John. Barron, , R. R. No. 4, Walton... 2566-tf GRASS FARM FOR SALE For sale, the north half of Lot 10, Concession 3, Tuckersmith, farm, con - tabling fifty acres, with never failing spring well, also dwelling house and barn. Apply ito F. J. GRAHAM, Kip - pen, Ontario, for further particulars. 2569x4 FARM FOR SALE Lot 20, Concession 2, Township of McKillop, Comity of Huron, 100 acres; first class farm, good house, bank barn; spring water all year; two miles from Seaforth. Apply to MRS. 30 - HANNAH McQUAID,, Box 71, Sea - forth, or to PROUDFOOT, KILLOR- AN COOK, Seaforth. 2568-4 FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuck - smith, containing 100 acres, about 7 acres bush. The farm is well fenced and drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a. good frame house, bank barn, pig house, hen house, drive house, and good wells. For terms and particu- lars apply on the premises' or address Mrs. John McCloy, Egmondville P.0 . 2356-tf FARM FOR SALE. : standard bred. ' Oattle-cow du at at timeinf eanjea,reg : filly, ag.. strong farmer's driver. good rhill g ' cows due later on, 2 farrow cows, 4 *-y.er(lold heft - For Sale, lot 28, Concession I., Tuck- rttsgooerd beetringere, 2 -year s eers, 7 yearlings, 12 ersmith, contaioing 98 acres. There ETooteaA ready tsooswhix.ixtheirngs1300 to 1400 Clover and Timothy Seed and Hay, on Lot 21, N.E.B., 'Usborne, on Tues- day, March 20th, at 1 o'clock sharp: 'Horses -Mare six years old sired by Golden Key, agr.; agr. gelding 4 years old, sired by King Thomas; agr. geld- ing, driving horse, quiet and reliable. Cattle -2 cows with calf at- foot, 3 cows tlue at time of sale; 3 cows due in A.pril; 3 cows dae in May; 6 heifers and steers 2 year old,- 6 heifers and steers 1 year old, calf 4 months old, pure bked Angus buil. Hogs and Poultry -Sow due in May, 100 pullets. Implements -Binder, mower,steel rake disc drill, cultivator, disc, corn plant- er, corn cultivator, 4 section harrows, stoneboat, seuffier, 3 drum steel roller, 2 -furrow Maple Leaf plow, 2 walking plows, top buggy, open buggy, cutter, 3-4 wagon, 2000 lb. scales, Clinton fan-- • ning- mill, pulper, sleighs, wagon box, hay rack, wheelbarrow, new set double I harness, work harnese, 2 sets single harness, one new; hay -loader, gravel box,extension ladder, manure spreader, road cart, light wagon, Daisy, churn, round water tank, water trough, 30 grain bags, sling ropes, forks, shovels, chains, etc, quantity oak plank, 30 corner cedar posts, quantity hemlock lumber, 50 bushels seed wheat, 40 , bushels old oats fit for seed; 100 bush- els seed oats, seed barley, clover seed, timothy seed, quantity mixed hey,some ensilage, new DeLaval cream separa- tor, etc. Terms -410 and under, cash over that amount 12 ;sleuths' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 • per centoff for cash ozi credit amounts No outside stock allowed at this sale. Positively no reserve as the proprietor has rented his farm and is going to the coast for his health. John Bolton Proprietor; T. Cameron, Auctioneer; D. Woods, Clerk. cALEARING SALE OF FARM KOOK & IMPLE- 1,„/ :MENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -Trios. Cameron has received laetrile, tions from the underaigntd to sell by public auction On lot 9, con. 14, South boundary of flinbert, on Tuforkai March 18th, at 12,80 o'clock sharp. the ow ng-Horees-pair of nurkeied petcherons, mareand gelding, 8200 lbs., brood mare, lima 4 years, 1600 lbs., gelding rising 8 Years agrio 'tura! 1 re on the remises a good frame house duyieetaialts: she 21 shoats, large fat ow. 60 nene'ancav t wo large ink barns 40x60 and 20x50. class Ply mouth Rock. Implements -umber weiglon. The farm is well fenced and drained and box complete, truck wagon. democrat, top b . mid in a good state of cultivation. Sit- binderinmoweronower nd ea harv t tween Clinton and Seaforth and is all °Pnbliffli.V. road cart, cutter, i rei spreadee; irrg. twr•fient.;:re;wpTie.:1 seeded to grass. Will be sold on reas uated on the Iluron a 7 gy sleighs pair o light ?teat bob pPialer &°shaff ap steal 2 furrow plosl., 8 walking plowe, nev; s onable term.s. Rural- mail and tele- dis°0;41(Irte cultivatcro seedise iron harrowland ne engine kr new catting-box with oar. rolleri,18 (Mout Massey Harris drill new,. h.p. t house For further pa eticu- rone a ars apple' to Mrs. Alexander Jamie- gitsr°8 shaeotio -PuiPer' wa,hieli;tbs.warlatdr°7;'eorkbagggfoeur: rs, me. roar w n t aughs, barrels, frgl atil.pagt:licidttt8ry: gttetabir eling ropes, farm stock, unplements and.grain. M. For sale Lot 28 Cooncessaeresion. i:There- _tbas. ste, shaves and forks and more ahoy Is ortid rks, 8 ads of heavy team barnelies,v82-seatefunoteeisengt ale! O'Loughlin, prop.; T. Brown, suet. Sillep, containing' 10 a lot of belts, 101n. plate On Wednesday, March 14th, at 11. eon, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 2564-te mitj'ra,nedeiet,ilngt x' concession 9; MeKillop, clearing sale of _ FARM FOR SALE no ng 20001h. scales 1200 lb. oclock a.m. o the east half of lot 4, k , are on the preintsesiood brick house, mese on - lot 26, c011eitaBiell McKilloie large bank barti--54x65, also good driv- draining tools, block d tackle, seat -hook, whiffi • Ing shed and other out b--"11-.^*0. The tot:osier:sok yokes, alAnd.stone, ersei.out saws,e- Mn atm robs, nig. horse blankets nt On Thursday, Mar. 16th, at 1 p.m. farm stock. JBalfour, proprietor,. Thomas Brown, auctioneer On Saturday, March 17th, at 1 p.m, in Egmondvilie, clearing sale of house- hold furniture. Miss Anuie Brooks, pro- prietress; Thos. BroWn, auctioueer. farm dr • • lawn Tidier mak eeparator,, sap pen, 100 slap buck. ed and' In a II claf ets and aft es, 2 sugar kettles 60 sealers, Daley MUM, 8 . extension table, eicitehen hair ied. TWO libation writing. desk and book-asaa with dsra' vt""mer; vation. Fortaalres fati phone. Two good sprhig wells, one vote, eto., a quantity of seed oa*s • feed Amiamiimeame •••••mleasIMII2MS••••*.N.d. THE C OF CO SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0„ LL.D.,President CAPITAL PAID Up, $15,000,000 BANK ERCE JOHN AiRD, General MAnager te, V, F. 'JONES, Ass% Gera Manager RESERVE roiD, +13,500,000 It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY PERSON IN CANADA should WORK HARD WASTE NOTHING SPEND LITTLE SAVE MUCH Interest allowed at 3% per ann▪ um on Savings Deposits of $1 and upwards at any branch of the Bank. SEAFORTH BRANCH 3. G. MULLEN, — 3 - MANAGE& Is Nature starting to Foreclose The Mortgage on your Health? H so, "Discharge the Indebtedness by Electrical° Oste- path, and Chiropractic Treatments,' If some one has told you that I rub the spine forget it. I don't. If you are suferring from any of the following ailments call and see me and I will tell you what I can do. If I cannot help you I will tell you so. No faith cure abut this: Asthma Anipendicitis Bronchitis Blader Trouble Constipation Catarrh Dyspepsia Deafness e - Pains in the back Stammering Headache Spinal Trouble- Female Weakness Fevers • Gall Stones Goiter Heart Disease' Hay Fever bidigestion Jaundice Kidney Disease Liver Trouble Epilepsy Lumbago Stomach Trouble Nervousness: Neuritis Neuralgia, Paralysis Porr Circulation Rheumatisni St. Vitus Dance Sciatica Pains in the back and head Dr. W. E. Dempster, Osteopath and Chiropractor Main Street, Exeter. Office hours 8 aan to12, and 2 p.m to 5 p.m. Evenings and Sundays by appointment. Reeidencei Central Office Phone 103 01 tallermallimMeM That New spring suit or Overcoat T HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambition [ give our customers the best possible satisfaction in the tailoring business. Our suits i.nd overcoats are made -in a high-class. careful. manner. They have earned their reputation from the way they are tailored as well as from the pure materials from which they are made. The quality has always been a prime factor in our tailoring, and always will be. ,27,We never had a finer range of Spring and Sum' mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of rich, fast color- ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men, middle aged men and old men. It does not matter whether you are a style enthusiast or just appremate quality, tailoring and value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and examine these new materials. Let Us Be rpm? lailors W. D. %Bright & Son. Seaforth ......or*Fou.1.••••••••••.., 95 Cents' Worth of 'Palmolive' for ONLY SO Cents! 3 Cakes of PALMOLIVE Soap, a Jar of PALMOLIVE Vanishing Cream or a box of PALMOLIVE Powder -50 cents buys this assort- ment at this store. A wonderful opportunity to stock up on fine toilet goods at a fraction of the usual cost -the price of the three cakes of soap is usually 45 cents, that of the cream or powder 50 cents -you get an actual 95 cents' value in *WI Better come in and get your now -you may want to re- peat -yen know PALMOLIVE quality. No restrictions, as much as vou werit--speed$1.00gnd get 6 cakes of soap and both Vanishin' Cream and Powder. • Charles L. Williams, Druggist Rexaii:Store Seaforth, Ont. 1:21M181651[64:664.FIZZIMMOt. miles from orthi Tiara, mail andIi,rfl 11%1H. complete lunging lamp,. gasoline lamp, bracket at the barn and one at the back of ct'vadhi. WOW, quaiitityfirstof phielhugii,ciltou;toicihs. th f 04 audratoes. a tot or -class On Monday, March 12th, at 1 P.m., , farm. Will be eold right and posses- , "F' sold his !mil. Terms -Grain and rat cattle cask, Positive y no reserve sharp, on Lot 21, Con. 3, MOICilloP,i, sion •given at •any time. Apply on th the balance $10 and under WWI, over that amount auction sale of farm stock and imple-ipremises or address R. R. No. 5, Sea- 0 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes. ments. ThomD as . Griraoldby, prop.; i forth, Phune 3 on 162. JAMES A dieoount of 4 per cent per arm= off for mob on Thos. Brown, auctioneer. i COURTNEY. 2656.4. credit ainnunte. WM. WARE", prop,, THOS . ()A HERON, isnot. These T this or ads Low Fares and through Tickets To all points in EASTERN CANADA and\ the Pacific Coast Electric Lighted and comfortably equipped trains To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing fl.pply to Chas. Aberhart, Druggist, Agent, or write to P. L. Fairbaien, General Passenger Dept, 68 King St. E., Toionto. • Via Canadian Northern , -