The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-02, Page 7rio
. and had;
eztey, the
eiery's ehse d that
he notoreous Madarest
rere put lip for sale ea
diarist, desert's-
- "quite a Pares -
It leas the dret
etonetI on. steel
iaele ite nebut in Eng-
I.'e reign.
e, when employee
cr of, tbe Edinburgh
a as esk dent ally dla-
ek.e a horse, king
[ant, Vale te is house.
• /ir to /ha,
-lin erovemeet
A IV turned eveet
itcount. The
ees, he set MS
thee days coAt-
ne. ke: -She Lay of`
dote et
age in the
tlie pear*
02, a. dio-
eer wIfl Wts a front
Sadre111et sent tile
reria a Irzsate telegram
Rows: 1Tay we sing
ide next Sunday hyrax
.Lace. Perfect Peacer'
e, and promptly: "No;
2'69, `Ceristian, Seek
old maedy. Burdotit
has been on the market
years and we claim, witk-
contradictiora'that there
medicine on the marlemil
a compare with_it for the -.--
urbauces (ttf the1--...omaela
• Colborne, Ont, writes- e
to say that 1 have moat
-Mood Bitters. For a
ed with indigestion,
ever gave me any relief,
t time. 1 bought /mend
B. B. Inane our densest;
d can honestly say 1 cm
inything 1 want without
ny bad after-effects.
it is the only medicine I •
If from
ad Bitters i manufactured
IeinartraN Co., Limited,
sugar, why not
ind in Canada
liable Redpath.
01J2 I
Cure Sick Headache, Contipatkn,
Biliouseess, Sour Stornech, Bad
Breath--Candr Cathartio.
No da how bad yourah liver, awn -
or bowels; how much your head
bow miserable you are from
eenstipatton, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels --you always get
eith Cast:amts. They inure-
diately cleanse ,and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenthig fowl
and foui ,gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con-
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. - A
10 -cent box froth your druggist will CHAPTER XV.,
keeri your liver and bowele clean;
stomach eirweet and heed er for The Shot In The 108813.
They work while sleep. I-
; Dielcsie walked hurriedly through
—e-,sesette the dheng room and out upon the rear
porch. Her horse was standing where
IL R. ELM she had left him. Her heart beat fur-
mihriateri benigehei oeneesancer and t iously as she caught up the reins, but
Wan Plle, diollattor for The ,Dtmst she sprang into the saddle and rode
asi gash; Of in rear the rtage. rapidly away. The flood of her temper
ollo 'Soak befortb, Nosey to lees; had brought a_ disregard of cense-
. wavoidasrpragmir
Frank 11. Spearman
(Continued from last week.)
quelicee it was in the glow of her eyes,
the lines of her lips, the tremor of her
3 M. eawrnostrils as she - breathed long and
ginflotof,, gelleitor, Coaveysacelf sad deeply on her flying 'horse.
polio, Office up -stairs over When she checked Jim she had rid-
tardituro store, lista *trait, } den miles, but not without a course 1
nor without a purpose. Where the 1, -
roads ahead of her parted to lead down
the_riVer and over the Elbow Pass to 1
arAiteir, moucitett ceavenjecem Medicine 'Bend, she halt,sd within al
clump of trees almost where she had !
aboinakiNiftiat aftiairremeollator. aleforaetyllete-ca,2*.losu.
li!gnt see.ii IfeCloud. Beyond lgission
wow for asie. office, la wows .lu.ountains the sun was setting, in a fire ;
1110 sitztet, Bastortb, te that which glowed under her
eyes. She could have counted her
, heart -beats. as the crimson ball sank
; below the verge of the horizon and the
?PAWN_ 00T.IULLORAN AND shadows threw- up theisilver thread of
I the big river and deepened across the
wiribten, dodenora, Notaries ; heavy green of alfalfa fields. Where
alleg Whey to lend, In genforth on -Hca- Dicksi sat, struggling with her
alio soak weekoffice in Kidd mock, ; bounding pulse and holding Jim tightly
111411routtfoot, KO 3. L. Killoran, a I in, no one from the ranch or, indeed,
1111 Di 00,11*4 I from the up -country could Pass he
seen Shewas 'waitin for a horse-
rnn,-andthesunhad--setbutafew ,
i minutes when she heard a sharp gal-
l. 1, TETBRINABYL lop coming down thg upper road from
the hillsfor her! If you had got into the pass
INABBURN, Y. 0, • • All her brave plans, terror-stricken me," declared Dicksie, urging Jun and t on time
you could not have got away
. "
wow arrouste a outgrip yeeetitii at the sound di
of hoof heats, ;ed looking directly at McCloud for the —the cards were stacked for you. He
No Sign Of Dropsy Ana Kiiney Trouble
flarric Witieftga
Port Robinson, Ont., July 8t1s, 1915.
"We have used "Fruit -a -three" fa
our house for over three yearsandhave
always found them a good medicine.
Our little girl„ Hattie, was troubkd with
Kidney Disease. The Doetor said she
was threatened with Dropsy. Her limbs
and body were all swollen and. we began
• to think she could not live. Finally, we
.decided to try "Frult-a-tives". She
began to show improvement after we had
given her afew tablets. In a short time,
the swelling had all gone down and her
flesh began to look more natural. Now
she is the healthiest one in the family
and has no signs of the old ailment.
We can not say toO much for "Fruit-a-
tivee" and would never be without
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
• At all dealers or .sent postpaid on
receip t of price by Fruit &tires Limited,.
i Ottawa. . ; ion from Whispering Smith. So she
great luck that he missed you."
"Who missed Me?"
"The man that was after you,"
"The bullet went thorugh my hat." 1
"Let me see the hat,"
McCloud produced it It was a
heavy, bread -brimmed itetson, witha
bullet -hole cut cleanly through he
front and the back of the crown.
Smith made McCloud put the hat on
and describe his position when the
shot was fired; McCloud stood np,-
, and Whispering Smith eyed him and
; put questione,
"What do you think ef it?" asked i
McCloud when he had done.
Smith leaned forward on the table
and pushed McCloud's hat towarf's him
as if the incident were closed. "There
is no question in my mind, and thvre
never has been, butAliat Stetson puts
up the best hats Wore on the range,"
: McCloud raised his eyebrows, "Why,
, thank you! rour conclusiona clear
'things SQ; After you speak a man '
, has nothing to do but guess"
"But, by Heaven, George," exclaim-
ed Smith, speaking with unaccustom-
ed fervor, "Miss Dicksie Dunning is a
hummer, isn't she? That child will
I have the whole range going in anoth-
er year. To think of her standing up
and lashing her cousin in that way
when he was brow -beating a railroad
"Where did you hear about that?"
"The whole Crawling Stone coniv•
try is talking about it' You never
told me you had a misunderstanding
with Dicksie Dunning at Marion's.
Lossen up!" .
"I -will loosen up in the way you
do. What scared me most, Gordon.
was waiting for the second shot. Why
didn't he fire• again?"
"Doubtless he thought he had you
the first time. Any man big enough
to start after you is not used to shoot-
ing twice at two hundred and fifty
r yards. He probably thought you were
' falling out of the saddle; and it was
• dark. I can account for everything
but your reaching the pass so late.
wHow did you spend all your time be-
tween the ranch and the foothills?"
McCloud saw there was no escape
from telling of his meeting with Dick-
sie Dunning, of her warning, and of
• Isis ride to the gate with her. Every
point brought a suppressed exclama-
When sufficiently urged."
McCloud opened the r drawer of the I
table and took from it e revolver.
Whispering Smith reached out his
hand, for the gun, examined it, and
harerd it back.
"You don. like it."
Smith smee 41 sickly approbation.
"A forty-five gun :with a thirty-eight
bore, George? A little light for
shock; a little light. A bullet is in-
tended to knock a man down; not ne-
cesarily to kill him, but, if possible,
to keep him from killing you. Never
mind, come on!"
At the foot of the stairs Whisper-
ing Smith stopped. "Now I don't
know where we shall find this man,
but we'll try the Three Horses." As
they started down the street 'McCloud
took the inside of the sidewalk„ but
Smith dropped behind and brought ,
McCloud into the middle. They failed ;
to find Du Sang at the Three Hores, I
and leaving started to round up the
street. They -visited many places,
but each was entered in the same way. 1
Kennedy sauntered in iirst and moo- I
saw Du Sang. Mc -1
ed slowly ahead., He was to step aside
only in ease he d
"dugouis for t ,nt.• A mo- •END STOMACH TROUBLE,
Cloud in every instance followed him
, with an edtrenchLug tool is defeated GASES OR DYSPEPSIA.
gave ;you your life," he muted. "Good
Association of the Ontario
Idittilleti College. Treata diseasen of
011Paatettic Animals Its the Witt aro&
prfacIpleo. Dentistry and Milk -Per-
** OPeotalty. Office opposite Dinies
SOK ifala stretk Iliesforth. All or -
Pape left at the hotel will receive prompt I
gillitelolk Night rails readout at the 1.
300321 11'. s.
, •
"• NOW *Mute of °ataxic? Vete-ru-
e* College. All diseases _ of Domestic
Illialthe treated. Calle • promptly attend -
OLIO sekd charge, moderate. Veterinary
11101101411 a specialty. Office- and rel-
______ as fioderich street, one door east
1111Cir, DrOlit'a offies, freaforth.
from her utterly. She wes stunned by • Kr t t• ttki uld I ex. lainoverestimated you a little,George; just
1 Made it With my Saline
but I used
ft_ ugar
On actount of its Fine gyanulation it
dissolves instantly ette, clear
2 & 51b.CartOne, 3.0t 20& 3..00 Sitektd
tion to try and co t a chimney
with Whispering Smith just behind'
amiably surprised. They spent an by five eotet to one. morn
, hour in and out of the Front Street
' resorts, but their search- was fruit-
f "You are sure he is in town?" asked
Kennedy.The three men stood deliber-
; ating in the shadow of a side street.
I "Surer answered Whispering Smith
"Of course, if he turns the trick he
wants to get away quietly. He is ly-
ing low. Who is that Farrell?" A
man passing out of the shadow of a
is breaking—rcty first night in the
trenches comes to an end." "Pape's Diapepsire' makes Sick, Sour,
Men of twenty-eight have not acs Gassy Stomachs eureiy feel fine
cumulated Aagreat etore of biographi- in five reinutea.
cal data for their admirere, but Mr. ;
eackson passes on cuese:
"He was one of that numerous 1
galaxy of British :lull who, without
-any external persus.eion, linked up at
the beginning. Ha was 'in it' from.
the early days of Armageddon, and
1 shade tree was crossing Fort Sureet before the expiry of three months
a hundred feet away.I from the fatal 4th of August, he "It looks like our party," whispered
found himself a second lieutenant,
, Kennedy, "no stop, a bit!" Theeee. 1 sludging about in the mud of Fland-
• drew back in the shadow" "That is era • He is novr tweilty-eight years
I)u Sang," said Kennedy, "I know his old and a captain of his regioaent.
hobble." The feet -irrhich will surprise people
(Continued Next Week)
and not a pseudonym, for he is the
most is that his naexte is a real name,
.74xetaxe,04,440,-44,4- son of Major Thomas Bairnsfather,
of the Cheshires • who is acting as
Inc War or
of Laughter
If what you just ate is souring on
' your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, uedigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In raouth and stomach -headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach troubleforever
by getting a large ilftpeent case of
Pape's Dia- epsin from any drug -store.
You realize in five minutes how need-
less it is to suffer from Indigestion,
nyspepsia or any stomach. disorder.
"nn the ouickest, surest stomach doe-
' -.le' the world, it's wonderful.
3 District Recruiting °facer Strat- •
ford -on -Avon, where the fampe has
lived tor many years. The Bairns -
fathers are military folk, and Bruce
was born in India. As a boy he was
, brought to Englaaid, and, Like the
Laureate of Tommy Atkins and the
MONG all the war -lords one • army, Rudyard Kipling, he was sent
Would not look to and a to thelamous echool at Weetward
"War -Lord of Laughter"; Ho, which everybody knows is the
tcene o' Kipling's school-dayc and
meant to stop 1VIceloud and speak e little. Good men make mistakes
exp ain. I arn famous for but this title has been the scenario of 'Stalky & eeo ' He
the suddenness of the crisis. She had "Let me 1
to him, but before she could summon
explaining " urged McCloud. spurring
too. tThe sport of circumstances that we
1 arel owme
The sport of circumstancesr, eaarned by Bruce 13airnsfathen. inherited the setistie tense from his
you tell me what I should "Nwhim war -cartoons have made all Mother, who is a painter of consid-
horselsack dashed past within a few be doing while you were explaining ?"-' tell how you heard so arable abilitzy, and his earliest sketch-
es are memories of his Indian expert -
her courage a tall, slender man on "And will
ee 6 di th she asked. much about it, Gordon, and where?". England laugh. To these he has
"Through a friend, but forget it. lately added a book' called "Bullets
horse less eteady than Jim would ,for the in • ed." .."Yes..
"Do you. know who shot at me?"
philispophy, revealed by pen and plc- /
touched him as he flew by, and a - "Perhaps getting ready .a first aid and 13illets," and his whole War'
I feel 3aurs if I ought •to run awayni "I think I do too I think it was ! shied under her. Dicksie caught e
—she had seen only the eyes, oddly 'nonsense" as "the' purifying and
d id d t "I rifle at the barbecue—What was his
11 *th th ture, sb.ows no tolerance of such KING ALBERT'S SUBJECTS ARE
her breath. She did not know this man .
kin f Si 1 i upliftinF, qualittee of warfare.". Int
. compromise, I suppose. You. muse name . He was wor g or ric a r,
deed, lie sees it for what it is,"
declared Dicksie since she had clearlythe fellow that shot so we e NOW VICTIMS OF GREED.
ec e no o. t willhave to be a 7
bright in theitWilight as he passed—
have come trona the hill road, and perhaps is yet.
Sea- To -day (London), "a nasty business
but he was not of the ranch. He must
she not ride farther the nthe first gate and says Mr. Holbrook Jackson, editor of
concluded, down which she herself had let us take the trail instead Of the ; "You mean Seargue, the Mountain
just ridden . He *DS somewhere from road. Now inake your horse go as cowboy? No, you are wrong.
fast as you e of rand -andiblood and other un -
But McCloud's horse though not a
can aial I will keep up." grue is a man—killer but a square one.;
1 speakable things, and he makes his
a statue and rode like the wind. • "How do you Imow?" • I laughter mainly out of the sturdy
the North, for he sat his horse like
But the encounter nerved her to her wonder, went too last to suit his rider, will telt you some e—
Pluck and will to endure of those
amegreart _ resolve. Some ea ett momen passe ,
mg him and keeping up the °converse -
h d'vided his efforts between check- was not Seagrue."
ne o
Irsg! t. tiVOUtilp despleeteeene grousings wed
1 d ts d ° .1 • • 7 rankers Who are determined. to sae it
".0 f Dinuir 0 men, 'was- et.
and McCloud, galloping at a far mild- tion Wh M Cloud dismounted to 'Stormy Gorman • .—•
erawce toward the fork of the eoads, • ' their discomforts." Like all great
en e
o te d t d' h' "No no a very•different sort
i,.'.1 Fa , an s. oo inte.
PAL W. 4. G pd.A., KB, checked his speed as he approaehed. P 4.1 h
• hat humor, Bairnsfather's la "allied to
, Etc. Honor Graduate I ne eaW a woman on horseback ai ing twi ig t with his. hat m his hand and ! §tormy is a wind -bag. The man t 4.. to ( o—
_tote makes you laugh at
--------- . his bridle over his arm, he was telling if after . you is in town is ,' • '3*
the most desolating things not lee -
ad /*varsity of Toronto,„ oh wars: ' in his pa
gal:iodates,. Brucefield, Ontario.. "Mr. McCloud!"I a stony about Marion Sinclair, and . and he has come to stay until he finish-
• 3 I Dicksie in the saddle tapping ber knee esdkri 3ob." eause they are laughing matters, but
Blchatcond *rest, London, Onti„
Ppeciallet: Surgery and Oenito-Urin.
fir* Mimes of me* and Women.
%teapot lc Phssiciatt _of tiloderich.
gpsehtlist (womeren ind children's
Mimes, rhetenatism, acute, chronic
sad aervons disorders, eye, ear, nor
Sad throat., Consultation free. Office m
Cady Block, over W. G.Willis' oe
Item Seaforth, Tuesdays and Fridays
cra. till 1
PrOicten. (ti Surgeon -
*Mae ateld ltealdram pan Street.,
MO, 7); Hemmed
kkadasite Of isoalty .of.Medinine, W-
ell Viiverffitt, Ilisittreal4 "Meister of
*allege of Physician, rad Burgeons of
glabirlo; Licentlater of' Medical Oomacii
Olinada; Post-Gradsate member of
assIdeat Medical Staff of General gios-
pha, Wet -real, IOWA; PM? Om
lisiora east of Past Office, Phone it
*mall, Oster*,
with the bridle -rein 'Was looking idown • e devil! That's what makes
"Miss Dunning!" ; •
- "I could not forgive m self if 1 and past him as if the light upon his ' your eyes so bright, is it? Do you
waited too long to warn Ings who are surprised to find them -
waited that
face was too bright. Before she would. know him?" selves swept into this maelstrom of
threats have been made against your start away she made him remount, ; "I have seen him. You may see .him
life. Not of the kind you heard today. deetruction." We see here some of
and he said goodbye only after half yourself if you iwant to." , his evocations by pencil:
My cousin is not a murderer and nev- a promise from her , that she would 1 "I'd lake nothing better. When . "The most difficult of all artistic+
er could be, I am sure, in spite of his show him sometime a trail to the top i "To-night—in thirty minutes." Mc -
OMNI nod reeldence-gaioderich street
risk of the Methodist church, &Worth.
Mamie Ida, 1. Cormer for the County
tedk; but I was
because of their curious juxtaposi-
tion to rather bewildered. human be-
Ville. WOW E 'MCKAY,
firiett, gradusais of 'Victoria and
Stases of Physicians and Suzgeolid•
Sta Arbor, and member of the Ontario
Serower for the °meaty of tires.
Op hfselfay, 1.4ACT- graduate of Trinity
Whereas, and gold medallist of 'Prim-
a liedioal Colles; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and ihmgeons, Qatari°.
1 Pine H. HUG ROS
Janeeluate Uneveasety of Toronto
okmeany eienneene, 01 L01 -
Y� toAck bus -scone of Un -
*Oki 4rAtioses golAra4 rut ulalzurg°
leeinronti lecnesoi oe, tenleago ; irevyal upu-
eaoaaoo eneeilkino, atteuxiOn, nan6innen
Art*AWnztt-I voteetie Anneenete% -LArw-twrile
menpauo, reano,e—eeene. leenaitiOna
isstea, heigioxen, irDUIle AO. at ALE:1-kt,
• Selaerfaseese S.41.1,111t a-Ica/sea
main:an rensaosene
creation of char-
iat' the ng dreadful of Bridger's Peak, with a view of the Cloud clTh
osed his desk. ere was a rap achievements
actor. And jis the
thought that if anythfrightened ust as Dickens created
Peace River on the east and the whole ' at the door. i ldr. Micawber and Rudyard Kipling
should happen his name worlde rag- Mission range and the park country ! That m
must be Kennedy," Sergeant Mulvaney, so Bruce Ballw-
in this country to be feared, and it is on the North. Then she rode away ' Smith. "I haven't seen him, but I
Is tatter has given us Old Bill and Our
ged into it There are enemies of yours
against these that I warn you. Good- . at an amazing run, nodding back as he sent word for him to meet me here,
sat still holding his hat above his head.. The door opened and Kennedy entered Berl, the two characteristic Tommie.'
of the early days of the great war.
night. 1 McCloud galloped toward the pass the room.
Whisper -
giving ine a chance to thank You. ex- ,
with one determination that he would , "Sit down, Farrell," said Whisper-
titSurely you won't ride away without
claimed McCloud. Dicksie checked her have a horse and a good one, one that ing Smith easily. "Ve gates?" ,
could travel with Jim, if it cost him "How's that?
horse. "I owe you a double debt of "
am anx- his salary. He exulted, as he rode, "Wie geht es? Don't pretend you
gratitude," he added, "and I
-,* desire noth- for the day had brought him every- can't make out my German. Ile i
ions to assure you thatt
thing he wished, and humiliation had trying to let on he is not a Dutchman,
ing that will injure your interests in. been swallowed up in triumph. It observed Whispering Smith to Mc• -
They are both unforgettable, The
"I know nothing about those mat- '
any way m crossing your lands. was nearly dark when he reached the Cloud. "You wouldn t believe it, but
crest between the hills. At this point I can remember when Farrell wore f_ontritnye_privew,ith hill walrue moustache,
and 1 alaklava helmet,
erything. It is groiving late and you the southern grade of the pass winds wooden shoes and lighted his pipe andu
ters, because my cousin manages ev- ' the latter, wita his smooth upper
with " sharply, whence its name, the Elbow; t a candle. He sleepa under a fea-
lip, failing jaw, and dangling cigaret,
have a good way to go, so goodnight.rbut from the head of the pass the ther bed yet. Du Sang is in town,. finitin.g his surpriee and anxiety al -
"But you will allow me to ide back
to the house with you?" grade may be commanded at intervals Farrell." :plays up against the superbly tynical
7.01-UninA. Metnentiett
naerennen atewieekeener. jr E,DpL COLLOSA;-.A.
0416ti, cetot#voiNiAtict-A
AFTPIkAlailk);40tilki* Pr 14,04 tu"kuri Vi1444 14'c'
I'M411. Latitfijakk At,a11,41.14.1,
• .1.7,1p Aux,pwahsamr $4.‘,41Ait telksurikapik usatteAL-
gamitio.g 940.4 0.3000....*DiAvm apdar.11644L-tati,
/14 4 LUNA%
telmemed. a-aotioseer for the OM
ast Maros, atteaded
parte at the. Ormaty, Serpa Tafalt si
pateakee danfaose sad daskatsinswat
reasanatole rheas As. OK it
bein illoPisr: Centrals Ps 0,L 11
Mk Orden telt at TIM Maros Mx
poultst or swath, prim*
two tim ,
Once having made the acquaintance
of these gentlemen in khaki and
mud, they become friends for life.
Old' Bill is -the type of the hardy vet-
eran who has been 'out since Mons,'
and Bert ie the raw recruit who hae
yet to learn the tricks of the trade.
1 for half a mile: Trotting • down this "Du Sang!" echoed the tall- num
"Oh, no, indeed, thank you." omb of Bill. le hat, for instance,
road with his head in •a whirl of ex- with a mild in.terest as he picked up
citement, McCloud heard the crack of a ruler, and throwinHt his leg on the I
"It will soon be dark and you are could be more typteal of the peculiar
cockney humor of so many of our
"No, no, I am quite safe and I have ' a rite at the same instant he felt a edge of the table, look. cihetownerfuli
Bert, arriving in the trenches and
alone." fleabag men than the picture of
only a short ride. It is you who have
on all brave men very much alike. Visiting. friends or doing buoinesie?" .
sharp slap at his hat. Instinct works "How long has Du Sang been in
pointing to what looks like a rough -
tar to go, and she spoke again .
Jim, who started briskly. ' i McCloud dropped forward in his sad-
dle, and, seeking no explanation, laid
"Miss Dunning won't you listen juat
his ,head low and. spurred Bill Danc-
e. oinent, Please don't run away!" nig s horse for life or death. The
M oud was eying to come up wit horse, gime amazed, bolted and swerve over with him. Want. to go .
her. "Won't you hear me a moment? ed down the grade like a snipe, with Kennedy slapped. his leg with the
1 have suffered some little humiliation ' his rider crouching close for a second ruled. "I always want to so, don't
today; I should really rather be shot shot. But BO second shot came, and I?"
up than have more put on. me. I am a
`He is after your superm .
ly fashioned doorway in, the earth,
He has been here since four o'clodk and asking Bill, Is Ulla right for
I reckon, and I've ridden a hard road
to -day to get in in time to tat. it seadQuarters?' to be told —
. . e A.
9 1 change at Oxford Circus!' Or the
lateghter-provoking pathos of the
heroes leaning up against some sand-
bags beside a she t. ered cottage, and
saying. "Ow lime. are ---you up for,
Bill7"Seven ye:ire."Yer lucky—
I'm' duration.' Tnere seems to be a
subtle hint here as to the probable
after another mile McCloud ventured "Far,rell, if you hadn't been a rail -
man and you are a woman, and it is to ake off- his hat and put his finger road man you would have made a
already dark. Isn't it for me to see through the holes in it, though he did great undertaker, do you know that I"
ERMANY'S virtuous protes-
tations that her deportation
policy in King Albert's lit -
tie country is a social nes-
!, cessity regitieed by the conditione of
1 unemployment arising from the Brit-
isb. blockade are once more punctur-
ed, this time by the Belgian Minister
at Washington, M. Havenith, who
I says that Germany herself is re-
0Beeoignisalbul,einfdousr tthrye. prostrate state of
The world knew this before, but it
is well to have an authoritattve
statement from the Belgian reprasen-
tative the American capital
Not only did Germany overrun the
little country in 1914, slaughter in -
1 numerable civilians and lay waste
1 populous towns but ever since her
1 initial outrages she hen systematical-
ly sapped the life blood of the king-
dom. Even new Belgium is paying
a monthly war tax of eight million
dollars --more than a quartereatillean
1 dollars a day. To what elide Why
1 has Germany imposed this burden
upon her?
Bella= haa committed no wrong.
I She simply endeavored, at the time
of the unlawful Invasion of her ter-
ritory, to protect h•erself. But; pre -
V1,01113 to the war, she had been pm-
you safely to the house? Won't younot. sto.p his hohrseto inak eth x Kennedy, slapping his leg,s ow length. of the war! And I always
at least pretend I can act as an escort arninatnmw
. en ey reacheee-
d theivory tee
teeth. "You have such an in- , lake the trench picture illusehatted
make a poor figure trying to cayou open coun y
the horse had settled in- stinct for funerals " added Whispering
DY star-sh, ell wit tee veteran lean -
and let me go with you? I tch should tr
to a fast, long stride that not only -re- Smith.
ing up against the °parapet with a
Dicksie noddly naively. "With that •
; deemed his reputation hilt (relieved "Now Mr. Smith! Well, who are
on horseback—" piec,e of bread or. the point of his
his rider's nerves. we waiting for? I'm ready,'„' said
bayonet in the process of being -
horse." 1 When McCloud entered his office it Kennedy, taking out his revovler and "With any horse—I know that," said' , " toasted at a battered fire -bucket.
McCloud, keeping at her side. I was half-paet nine o clock; and the exainining it.
"But I can't le you ride back with i itir the"Naor says BilI,
lights was to draw the winclew-shades. asked , if he should take a gun. x ou .
The novice appears with, 'Is this 'ere
first thing he did before turning on the McCloud put on the new bat and
eharacterietic scorn Inden-
He examined the hat again, with sen- are really accompanying erne as my w
burg's blinkin • light nf ntry '
sations that were new -to him—fear, guest, George," explained Whispering • g a -
Not unlike his drawings is the
resentment, and a hearty hatred -of Smith, reprhaelifully. 'Won't it be
trenches. Most writers would see
Mrs. Shellsworth, Halifax, N.S.,
writes: "I take pleasiere in writing you
coneerning the great value I have re-
ceived by using your Milburn's lame -
Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my
liver mit bad I would have severe head-
aches, but after using. a couple of vials
of your pills I have not been bothered
with the headaches anY more.'
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills clean away
all waste and poisonous matter from the
system, and prevent as well as cure all
complaints- arising from a liver which has
become inactive.
Milburn's "nem -Liver Pills are Mc. a
vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by
Th a T. Minimax CO., LIMITXD, Tormao,
Du vignette of his first night in, the
his enemies. 13ut all the while the fun to shove this manright
picture of Dicksie remained. He Sangs nose and make him bat his eyes
thought of her nodding to him as they he added to Kennedy. " Well, put
parted in the saddle, and her picture one in your pocket if you like George,
blotted out all that had followed. provided you have one that will go off
At The WieMnp
Two nights later Whispering Smith
rode into -Medicine Bend. "I've been
up around Williams Cache," he -saki,
answering McCloud'sgreeting as he
entered the upstairs office. "How
goes it?" He was in his riding jig,
just as he had eome from a late sup-
When he asked for news McCloud ,
told him the story of the erouble with
Lanee. Dunning- over the survey, and
added that he hd referred the matter
to Glover. He then told of his unpleas-
ant aurprhee when riding home after-
"Yes" assented Snaith looking with
feverish interest at MeCloud's h.ead;
"I heard about it."
"That's odd, for I haven't said a
word about the matter to anybody
except Marion Sinclair, and you
n't seen her."
"X heard the
""I entera& dreadtally with rny back for
lkiest years. I bare taken six boxes of
aul MIAS aid now e pave not the sign
of as sal* or pain in ray back. There 15
Mig that can hold a place with GIN
fee =tag PAIN in the Back to
widish women are subject.
Millanor P. Ripley."
He.. box, or btixas for $2.50 at aLl
4411=4 To' a ittaa amine Will be sent
amites, Ont. 79
here an opportunity ror pathos; but 1
Second-Neutenarie Bairnsfether thus
began his romantic life in the mud
of Flanders:
"Here we Were, now wetter than
ever, cold as polar bears, sitting in
thils h.ygroscople catacomb at about.
2 ;Ian. We longed for a fire; a fire
was decided oa, We had a fire- 1
atarted life as a biscuit -
tin ---a few 'bits of damp wood, but ;
no eohe. . 'We had some once, I'm
sure!, Wh,y,reet eourse, we built It
into the dam!' own cane the dam, 1
out came the coke, and in came the!
.water. However, we preferred the 1
water to the celd; so, finally, after
many exasperating efforte, we got a ,
fire going in the bucket. Five rain- 5
utes' bliss followed by disaster. The 1
fire -bucket proceeded to emit such „•
dense volumes of sulfurous smoke i
that in a few moments we couldn't
see a lighted match, We stuck it a
short time longer, then one by one
dived into the water and out into the
a:1.r, shooting out of our mud hovel
to the surface like snakes when you
your water down their haws Time
aiW, 3 a.m. No sleep; rata' , water
smoke. A hoard nteettag habit
ed1ateIy to St* Alteillila
medieval Moore oil which the wheie
German programme of conacieteeleszi
aggression is based.
Germany has deported more than,
120,000 Belgian 'workingmen. Gne-
protesses to have taken only the un-
employed, -but there is an abundance
of testimony to the contrary. Ner
methods, as well as the deportation,
itself, have been eruel tit the ex-
treme. M. Havenith does not en-
large on this point, but be might4
properly have done so. All be $ays-1
that the Belgian exiles exe,ept in
° very few instances have refused to
work tor Germany and that "nee
every 033.11i of them has ehosen rathe
, the band' treatment, the privation
the suffering, which pe enew Woulte
be 1i12 lot, rather than aid Geraister
in her struggle against his brothertee
The more Germ:my "explains" the
Belgian deportation, the worse br,
course aPeears, Her treatment eel
her defenceless neighbor beer
_rem, tlt jegni1g ef ibe
still continies—to e,a linae-uese
cord of unpardonable and unforget
eable greed.
House of'Comi ons Shocked.
Mr. T. P. O'Connor, in T. P.
Journal, tells of a scene one night ftti
the House of 031-1111011b, eaused by
nothing greater than some form of
beetle that -had sleea.yed on the fenoil
of the Houserhe beetle was large
light in color; It fascinated and con-
centrated the attention of the w
, House; It looked, indeed,.alinee
If it were some rattlesnake or zont
other noxious animal that benumbed(
; its victims before it attacked theme
And just as the House was eneagede
I, in this extraordinery forgetfulness of3
• its real business there walked up t,hep
noor of the House a daring member;
:he saw the beetle or whatsoever the
, ugly and affrighting thing was, and
1 trampled on it with a particularly!
"broad and thick -soled boot At oneei
Ahem rose from the whole house a
groan of disapproval' and the poors
i member had to hurry to hie seat,
abashed and pursued by this chorus
a disapproval.
Red Gross in Scholils.
Proposals to establish a course
Chicago high schools in military
work for girls, teaching them to act
as Red Cross.) nurses and first-aid
workers, is uncler eonsideration by
the local board of education as an
adjunct to the plans for military
training for school boys, now under
way. If the plans are z'aerpted hy
the, hoard of edueation dieoek
will he done by the women lee 'ners.
reroute and Germany had no 00
punctions in compelling her to pay
a levy on her material weUb.
Whatever the explanation or zu
fuge, the real reason is that Begiu111.
has the money and Germany needs- it
As the Belgian Minister at Wash-
ington says, raw materials, machine*,
and. tools h2,Ve been. "reellisidoiAlifrd
in Belgium and sent lo German sell.
The result of course is that indus-
tries have been hampered and unem-
ployment has increased. dleneral
von Bieeing, the Military GOTeritar,
has openly said that his business is
to guard the interests not of Belgium
but of German -Y. This is the thebrY
on whieb, the oecupo:tion has rested I
from -the first, 'I the outworn .1
Infants and
Y Hat Mays
-ean-and Safe.
the erta-Iiidee things
skim end clothes nuest
iato ereateot with every
Them remember tbat
splendid eatiseptio
Lifebuoy weds,
, the el hoe, 1117.41 ibo
1t rie, abliaditat
611A5 ellety. Tee =lid,
odor ve sii eh es
- '