The Huron Expositor, 1917-03-02, Page 62 UNRESERVED Auer' Farm Seock and Iraple e R. T. Luker has been ey the undersigned to sell by pu lic auction on lot 21, concession 5, Hay, 2% 'miles watt a Heiman, on the Var. ieh Read, on .Thuradity, March 8, 1917, at one otclo.cle, the following alleles: , Hotnes--One black gelding five years , oid,bay• mare 9 years old, driving hOralt 1 4 Teen old, bleed mare in foal, 15, years old, colt 2 Years old, colt, 1 year : old, Cattle coed due to calve at time ; a asK cow due to calve fin May, 2 farrow cows, teens 1 year old, speing elves, brood i 2 eifers 1 year old, 2 eow, and 60 hens.; Implernents--wa on, 3 inch tired wagon, Zete inch tire; : Frost & Wood binder, Deering mower, ilarrahe, bobsleighs, 12 hoe drill cul- tivator, 2 walking plows, riding plow, set harrows, roller, buggy, cutter, hay rack, gravel box, set work harness, heet single harnetestsuga kettle. House- hold Effects-eSideboard, deop leaf tab- le, 10 kitchentehairs, 2 heating stoves, ' 2 heating drums, number of pipes, l ferkst Ashen shovels, and other art : ides too nuineroas to mention. Terms ' —All sums of .10 and under, cash; 1 over that amount g months' credit on approved joint notes, J.D. WILSON . Proprietor; R. T. Luker, Auctioneer,' Plume 175, r 13, Exeter. A ON 0 0 MAROR 2 Odd P' Two Notes )1/4,4440+4,04.004,44.44 HITHERTO unpubliehed suMmone to Peace, oAe -dressed to President Lin - Coln during the Civil War by Emperor Pedro of. Brazil, and cloeely paralleling t Presideut Wil- , stints recent- speeeh before the Se,n- i atee lp published in The London 1 • Post by Frederic Hangmen, founder of the Positivist Society. Harrison ! says .that he has had accessto unpale- , 'lobed documents in the archives of the United States, and found among them the Brazilian Emperor's coned , I • Ill/dIESERNED AUCTION SALE 'of Perm Stock,Iniblements and House- hold Effects. R.r T. Luker has re- ceived Instructions to sell by public aucti n on Lot 27, Concession 7, Hay, one roil* south of Hills Green, on March 6, ran, at one o'clock sharp, the following: Horses—Mare 5 years old, mire 4 years old, mare 3 years old, got by Colonel Graham; Pereheron mare 7 yeas oIcl, Percheroh mare 6 year add, gelding 3 years old, colt rising 1 year, driving horse 4 years old Cattle—cow ;9. years old due to calve in March; cow 8 years old, due to calve in March, cow six year old, in calf; cevr in calf 7 years old; cow due in May 7 years old, fat heifer, 2 farrowteirovs 4 years cad, 3 heifers ris- ing 2 years 014,10 steers rising 2 years old, 3 spring calves, 3 July caves, 4 htore jogs and about 50 young hens. ImpreMente---het ,bobsleighs and lege himke, new wagon 2% inch tire, film wagon, tap buggy, new Massey -Har - is binder 7 --ft. cut, Masay-Flarris mower,. 164 foot Deering hay -rake, Whiner hoe drill, combned, seeder and fertilize!drill, disc harrow, _Deering ultivatir, wide and narrow teeth, bean cultivator and puller, Cockshutt • ng- plcMgh, 2 walking plows, root ii irritabie, Itchy or sore? 0 se, follow the 'wise example of Mrs 1. Knox of Pine Creek lelaie. She writes: . 44 My little daughter :altered with a rash during teething. The irritation caused the child to be very cross and peevish. applied Zam-Buk, which Was at Mice most soothingIt kept her eklo soft, drew qutfthe flanimation and soon ended the irritation altogether. Before long, thanks to my- persever- an.ce with, Zam-Bult, the rash, eintireletdigappeared. ZamtBuk is a great soothing Mlles.". Zant-Buk 1* els° unequalled for eczema, • ringworm, tasty oresq takers, old wounds, boilie pimples, blood -poisoning, piles, burns, cuts:scalds and all skin injuries. W.4 box. " 3 for $1.25. .All druggistaand stores, or the Zatii-Bule Co., Toronto. Send lc. stamp for postage on FREE trial beire CONSTIPATED Leek Motherl if tongue Is coated,. cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia -Syrup of FigaP pulper, Deering steel 3- drums; r set ire* harroWs, long double tree' /11.°thara Can "St ca" after °ling a few hours all the clogged -up waste. 2000 scales, Melottee cream hepar- 4Talltortila Syrup of Figs," because In Clinton fanning mill, stone boat, set ator, 600 lbs capacity, bag rully, sad- sour bile and fermenting fwd gently moves out of the bovrels, and you have cite, Bettered' harness nearly new and on military seFvice. The autidiri this denial couhr have readily neer- afraid the feeds from lion. Charlet; urphy Who deelined to pair with r George Parley or from the Chief heral Whip who detellned to give y -assurance that pales would be dhantedl -The authors a the denial have since ascertained' the truth but have not made correction. Knowing thie, are there any Con- servatives who would went a coali- them with men who refuse to give pairs to fellow roembers desirous of serving oversees? m.unica,tion. The Post beads the are ticle "President Wilson's Pose," and gives it the eub-heading "An Inter- esting Parallel." Harrison says: ' "The language used by his Ma- jesty so closely resembles the re. 1 script to the Senate just delivered j by President Wilson that one thinks 4- that the President recently looked up the Emperor's mandate and its words e were etehed in his mind." Ilarristin • then quotes the •following from ate Brazilian document: "I speak In the name of humanity i and the neutrals of South Anaerica, whose industry and commerce are -serfouely affected by this meet uaaee countable war between the States et North America. The Confederate States assure Me they are i* ready ready to discuss terme of peace. . . . Whenthe aggressive Veil- ' e're-2143 can show the. same 'attitude, peace evill be made. It is ineenceive able that the mighty State of Whieit I am Emperor should laaVe no part in that enterprise." (PresideneWileon, in his message, observed that in his December note to belligerents; he "spoke on behalf of humanity arid of the rights of all neutral oations whose vital interests the war ;puts in constant jeopardy." Wilson went on to say that peace must be folkowed by some definite. concert of power to prevent s. re, ' leetition of the present war. "It is ; unconeeivable," -hod the message, i "that the people of the United States should play e part In that great en- terprise,') ' After demanding' "to have irOlee determining the conditions on which sueh a pea,ce shall be made permanent," because a peace whie,h did not include Brazil could not pre- vent a renewal ef the war, the Em- peror -continued: "There must be peaee, I say, witie. out victory. . . Both of you want the same object and neither of you can get all you want. The foun- dation of peace is the equality of States, whether they are 'slave -hold- ing or not, and equality implies free- dom." • (President Wileon said: "We shall have no voice In determining what 'those (peace) "terms shall be, but we shall, 1 feel sure, have a voice in de- termining whether they shall be made lasting or not. . . . No toy - anent of co-operative peace that does I not include the people of the new i world can suffice to keep the future' nickle 'lasted all complete, 2 set work a well' playful child again. : Sick children. needn't be coaxed to ' barneekel6D feet hayfork rope, three pulleys, car, pulley hooks, slings, and : take this harrolees "fruit laxative." - Millions of mothers keep It handy be- ' hayfork, 2.50 cedar posts, 250 cedar stakes, 40 cords stove wood, 3 ladders, cause theY knew ita action en. the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt 250 Waage oats; about 5 tons clover and our°. lay! arquantity of feed, forks, shovels ceatast set gape, harness, 2 tanks: Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent hotel. ue a "California Syrup of Figs," which ; wheel 'harrow, grindstone. Household contains directions for babies, children 1 Elfect*-3 bedsteads, wood heater, one hen ing table of all ages and for grown-ups, feed hoile.r. Terms --All sums of -$10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 month credit on approved joint notes. A amount of 4 per cent allowed off for wish on credit ainoun. Oats and Hay cash. THOMAS COMM, Proprietor; R. T. LUKER Auctioneer, Phone 13 on 175, Exeter. lamp, e lamp, cream can, Ifs Here! Come In and See It! The NEW Fairbanks.; Norse FARM ENGINE Economical L.- Simple Light Wei,ght —Substantial FOrg-PrOof Construction—! Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore' Leak -proof Compressioal 5.00 for the Po on skids with' BUILT,IN MAGNETO $115 611.1)..;320 Ail Fe O. a Factory Than Rated P and a Wonder elk Price This Ergine can .be seen at Lot 27, Con. 1, McKiDop W. T. GRIEVE Agent for Superiee Litter Carriers, Water Bowls and Steel Stabling Baker Windmills and Pumps Galvanized Piping, etc. 1 FOR SALE. , A mead heed 4 horse power LH . C. Gasoline Engine. Pump Repairing Done on Short NoVce Phone 14 on 122 1 • 1." Sfradord, Ont. Ontario's Best Business College. Students may enter our classes at any time. Commence your course now and be qualified for a position by widsummer. During' July end Augeast of last year we teceived calls for over 200 office aesistans we could not supply. Our gradu- ates are in demand. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Princicipal safe against war. . . . The statesmen of both groups of natio.ls now arrayed against one , anotbor have said, in terms that could not be misinterpreted, that it was; no part of the purpose they had in mind to crush their antagonists. ; . It must be a peace without victory. . The equality of nations upon `vrhich Peace must be founded, if it is to last, must be on equality of rights; the guarantees exchanged mast neither recognize nor imply a difference be- tween nations great and small"). After defending. slave -bolding, the Emperor concluded: "I speak for the friends of humanity in every nation -- My voice Is that of true libertr asumtimamelamommif,mma TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, - HAM STOPS FALLING gave your Hair! Get a 25 cent•bottli of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, coloiless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its vce • life; eventually producing a feveri• ; .nesa and itching of the scalp, we if not remedied. causes the hair to shrink, loosen and die --then hair falls_out last. Aelittle Dande. 1 tonight—now-e-any time—will su. Save yolur hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowiterie. Danderine from any drug store. ' You eurety can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan- derine. • Save your hair! Try it! !ammo. For Prices and tenni of sale of the Mowing brands apply s— MAll, ORDFdt IFAIPARTIIENT hititleed Rom 63 Omhsillse Seem MONTBEAL INDIA P CR0 1 VIVIXR A DOliperS D a IXTIFIA S 0 p tti , LACK. OM FORM Lasafsr-massutattota mom. HOMESRAM SOHRMIAN LAG* riirtasmiewoomakiasman6 The abos ;Gods are ell tell i iranl snd iirs eupplied te c 0 ne milkers 4ftr.d frees the i Brewery ONLYjs leesildea where I no licensed throughout the world, These are Brazilian principles, Brazilian po- licies, and they are the sacred prin- ciples of mankind." ,(President Wilson said: "I hope and believe that I am in effect speak- ing for liberals and friends of hu- manity in every modern nation and of every programme of liberty. . These are American, principles, Asti- erican policies, and they are also the principles and policies of forward- looking men and women everywhere. They are the 'principles of mankind and must prevail.") Mr. Harrison adds that President Lencoln did not reply to the Em- peror, and is,reported to have said to his secretary: "Take no notice of this hypoeritical swagger. The devil. might as well preach a setPlaon that the only Godly peace was to gide men and nations free play to break the dead decalogue." Frederick Harrison was born in London in 1831, and is an essayist, historian, and philosopher of world fame. He was called to the bar in 1858. The Emperor Pedro II. of Brazil, ascended the throne in 1831, on the abdication of his father, but an array evolution. in 1889 forced him from the throne. r 1A "Business" Government. The idea of a coalition govern- ment Which was political appears to have been sidetracked by the pro- posal of a "national" government, which is not political but purely ' busitiess. It takes no thought of Parliament or the Constitution, The men who originated it see several vacancies In the Senate which they could fill to qua ty them for seats : in the Cabinet. It is a royal road to. political prefea ent, and better still from their standpoint it puts them in position to advance their • own "business." Private informa- tion from Montreal makes it clear that certain railway interests are at ihe head and, front of the campaign *for "national" government and their pose is far from being unconnected with the settlement ef atm railway problem which the government will have to undertake as soonas the Drayton Board has handed in its re- port. Take` a look at some of the names connected with this agita- tion before being carried away by it. A despatch from Ottawa was pub- lished so.ee time ago denying that the Literals had refused pairs to Conseryse metal of Parliament °I1gclitatiEgs" CASTORIA }......mit,•••••••••••••••••=mera "Fight to a Finish." Norman Angell writes in The New Republic that "At this momedt „the whole courts° of Allied potter rests far more upon the fashion lir which the great raass will answer a simple question of hunsau psychology than upon any question °fatalities. Will German be less or more inclined to 'do It Ain' If they are. now "Pune ished' a fight to a finish? • You have there a 'question upon which -an obseevant woman who has brought up half a, dozen, children and kept 1 her temper is able to pronounee as 4 the most experienced stetesman. It is the aVerage Englishman's ideae as" to the efficacy of force and pu.nish- raent, the- extent of which his own ordinary judgraent ha e survived the temper of war, and not any expert decision in the intricaeles cld Balkan Polities:that will decide -the question. of.dgenetinuing the war." Turkey has put bakeries under Government rule 1 A. 1.000 Year Prophecy. One ancient propheo at leited should now be fulfilled as an mit- coine of this war. Nearly a thousand years' ago it was foreteld that the . event which our Jingoes of the sev- enties refeeed to contemplate would - come' te pass. "Bo the vulgae et every • rank" (la "Constantinople; says Gibbon, "It was asserted and believed that an equestrian statue in the same square of Taurus was se- 'wetly- inscribed with a prophecy. /tow ' the Russians, in the Jest days, should become masters of Constan- tinople." The statue had baen brought from Antioch, was melted cloven by the Latins, and was sup- posed to repre,e-ent either Joshua, or Belieroph on, ,`a. curious dilemma," *as Gibbon puts it, But of the exist- enee of the propheey there is lac dente.—London Chroniele Optimistic. Grubbs -1 never realizee until now what a thoroughly convineed optimist Rinks b. Stu bbs— What made you form your new estimate of hin1 Grubbs— The fact that he is trying to raise chick- ens, roses and two bull pups all on the same lot —Riehroond Times -Dispatch. Leroe Truth, "I wish I could earn a large for- tune." "You've got the wrong idea, my boy. Fortunes. aren't earned; they're saved." —Datroit Free Press. No Safeguard. "That fellow is, as dumb as an oyster." "Maybe he is, but even oysters, dumb ns they are, end it hard -to keep out of a stew."—Baltiniore American. Macaronl.• The word "maearoni" Is taken from Greek derivation, which means "the eiessed dead," in allusion to the an• 10111 custom of eating or feasts for the twee HURON NOTES. —On Wednesday afternoon of last week the matrimonial knot was tied at the Methodist personage in Brus- sels by Rev. D. Wren, M.A., be- tween Walter A. Lowry and Miss Ag- nes C. McGregor, both of Brussels. —Fire Sunday morning destroyed the fine residence of Mr. Ed. Finne- gan, concession 4, North Easthope. entailing a heavy loss, which is only partly coveted by insurance. The house was cement veneer, and the out- er coating of concrete made it im- possible to each the flames which, famed by a stiff west wind, spread rapidly, guttingthefine home and des- troying the bulk of the contents. The fire is thought to have been caused by a defective chimney.. Mr. Finnegan had sold the farm and had planned a sale ,of stock, etc., in a few weeks. —The death occurred of John Jack- son, at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs...George Jackson, in Brussels on Sunday evening, February llth, aged 67, years and 2 menthe. Pneumonia was the cause Of death. The deceas- ed was- nonein the Township of Wool- wich, Waterloo' County, and came to the 8th line,' Morris township, with his parents in 1855. A good share of his life was spent in that township, al- thougb. he lieecl on Concession 17. Gni* Ownship, for 12 years. Mr. and Mts. Jackson went west years ago, locating at Wiwi Hill, Saskatche. wan; where he prospered as a farmer. Parting with his land, he and his wife .4:mute back to this locality last Christ- mas with the intention of maldn,o; their home there. Forty-one years ago, the subjeet of this notice was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Corbett, Of • Morris, and she with two sons and four daughters survive. Children Cry / ;OR FLETCHER'S CAS"TORIA lio a a farmer and horsemen -have saved :money by using Kendall's Spa- VineurefOrSpavins, Curb, Ringbone, Splint, Bony Growthaand Lameness, , from waxy other cauaea. It keepe :horses working. A V. bottle may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the next time you are in town. Sold by druggists everywhere, dl a bottle for d5, also ask for a copy of otirboiik • tleillreatiseonthellorse"—orwriteto Di 11..1. KENDALL COMPANY - Encabura Pans, Vermont 111 AWN% .Britih Wireless. From a long-range station, on the west.coast of Ragland wireless mes- sages are sent out by tlee Govern- ment every day. Sometime three or four meseages are circulated in tweaty-tour hours, • - they are sent westward — the control of direction being. possible -under one ef the late est inventions l eonnection With wireless telegraphy—so that they reach practically all parte ref North and South Ameriete The *German diovesnraend paid speciat attention to this business sgt influencing neutral opiate/1 from the moment that hostilities began. Tbo British Government 4ervice is now coping effectively wiad the German publicity campaign. The headquarters of the "English Wireless" are at Marconi House, London., and the message is sent et every evening from the long-diatance station at Pohihu, Cornwall. e 11 consists of a summary of the official communiques and of reverts received from agencies. There is an arrangement by which the Govern-, ixtent adds whateV,er newt it may consider desirable to circulate. The message Is of about .700 words, and is retransmitted from Teneriffe, Las Palmas, Dakar (French Africa), and other places SO that it may reach the far corners of the world. .11101.11Yeemonftwamaar.41.5 Precautions. Grown old in the servire of his master and mistress, Jaines was a privileged retainer, He was waiting at table one day, when a guest asked for fish -fork, I but the request was ignored. Then .the hostess noticed the ri episode, and renearked, in ee most peremptory manner: .3 "James, Mrs. Jones hasn't any fish -fork. Get her one at once!" "Madam," came the emphatic I reply, "teat, time Mrs. Jones dined 1 here we lost a fish -fork." James has now been reiegated to the garden.—Tit-Bi derstandtig that he ta Sleeping on Water. One of the things neaed by phyel- ciane Is a bed that ea71 be heated or cooled accordinq to the needs of the patient, and one that a patient can e upon for monthe, If necessarY, without getting bed sores, An in - venter has filled thitr want with what he calls a water bed, saye the Popu- lar Science Monthly for January. The bottom and eides of the bed are built of galvanized steel and the top is made of rubbered canvas. When this is filled with water it tuakea as soft a mattress as any one could desire. A reservoir is etatIone ed at the head of the bed, which bolds enough water to make the Pressure in the, mattecee the same at all points. Vanity of the Papuans. The natives of meet primitive countries are vain, but the- Papuans are particularly so, and though they v. ear next to nothing in the way of e4othing, they love tospend hours pt,eening thewsoves like lArde, cumbing their hair with long -toothed wooden comband adorning the great m o pa Nt, ith bright flowers, giv- ing a' inost artistic effect. They also paint. Lr facc4 W;L:Li red and yel- Low eleencnts, in deigns that are weird iy fuuny, In the remote th01.111- tai ne 420 al men and 'matineij starry 5d.I3 bags containing their toflet .e!equislies. Women, adds the Iwi'..,1.:• in the February Wide World Alttee nine, whoare remit widows or .tre mourning for near relatives, blacken their already dark faces with Ia saele piegtnent or mud, which gives tieta, te eery strarge appearance and in :tit gm them look so ugly _that - 1 eeeeehtey in the case of widows—it v -ry euee....1.$1u333 keeps off lovers. 1 ti,.!-:, en,Lciing a d-- tett period of I widewhoed. i I I Experienced in flisings. I Lord Cheylesmore, who has been i Presiding at the Dublin courts -mart - 1 lad, has had a wide experience of in- surrections and public disturbances,. In 1870 he was staying at the Hotel Bristol in Paris during the reign of the Commune. The Commfinists warned ill111 to remain quietly in hie room arid not to look out of the win- dow, 4 His euriosity overcame him. He was observed, and placed under arrest. After running grave risk of being shot, he was released on the unet a, once re- turned to England, which he was only too glad to do. Later on, in 3833, Lord Cheyles- more was in Dublin when Brady was executed. A public demonstration was expected. However,' when the black flag weft up the whole of the vast assembly which had gathered round the gaol, knelt down and en- gaged • in silent prayer. Lord Cher- lesmore describes this as one of the most impressive sights he ever wit- nessed, which is saying a, good deal. He was present when peace was sign- ed between Russia and Turkey in 1878. for over two centeiries. A few weeks ,e etdur jtioiluse4 Bertha Trost were put up for sale u ago Lord Rosebery's chaise and that belonging to the notorious Madam run for its money, the craze lasting vogue The f:hraltrh,eoirf daily course, airi si nag sti a tive of Sedan, France, and had quite a good wounded men made Sedan chairs the - It wouTheld heSeadacnureiohatislr6sigh our . 4i.L'veryn, the diarist, describ- n chair as "quite a Paris- n7,eitgrotdobe n nd)i0 iifit d.ns It was ft tee: .4f,,:ings, and made ita (1,?but in Ent - ,7 J11;;IPs mien. 'Using Sparc 3fornenta, Sir Walter Ecott, when employee as quartermaster of the Edinburg* Light Casralry, was afTidcntally die- bled- by the Itiek of a horse, ant 14".1.4 confined some time to ids house. Il bad so trained Ii5ieee1f to Red -are moments for self-improvement n every pursuit that ha turned even noeceident to good aecount. The 4vi0rn, enemy to idlenss, he set his mind -to work, and in three days com- posted the first caete '"elie Lay of the Last Minetrel." Kitchenera, aoiee, A correspondent of The, London Times contributes an anecdote of Kitchener. At an early stage in the negotiations lea.dnig up to the peace 'ef Vereeniging, in May, 1902, a dee-. anguished officer whb was a friend O\ the commanderein-chief sent the lather at Pretoria a private telegram reading as follows: "May we sing at church parade next Sunday hymn No. n 5;7, 'Peace, Perfect Peace/7' The reply paine, and promptly: "No; sing laynip. No. 269, 'Christian, Seek Not Yet R4T0344% P MAD ESTiOk 6JDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURED. 'That grand old remedy, Burdock Blood Bitters, has been on the marled for over forte years and we claim, with. out any fear of contradiction, that there is not another medieine on the market to -day- that can compare with it for the cure of all disturbances of the stoma& Mrs. 8. Turpin, ceiborne, Oat. -writeal "1 am writing to say that have used your Burdock Blood Bitters. For a period I suffered with indigestion mei nething I took ever gave -me any ;riled, only for a short time. 1 bought severed bottles of B. B. B. from our Mr. GOffis, and can honestly say eat or drink anythirer I. want without experiencing anybad' after-effects. 1 i may say that it s the only meditine I ever got any relief from." Burdock Blood Bitters ie manufeetured only by Tffo T. Mit..ntrail co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. seeeeementeeeetteaae.eneeeee, 2 and 5 lb. Cartons -- 10,200 SO and 100 lb. Bags. When you pay the price of &sr quality sugar, why not sure that you get it? There is one brand in Cmada which has no second quality—that's the old reliable Redpath. "Let Redpath Sweeten it." Made in one grade only—the E MINISTER OF Fl A CIE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THIR NEXT WAR LOAN JAM, 9, 917 99991191MrilimmaiROMA ErllpIEMINMSMmgsugmmgnnmnilMMMMMMMNSNIW/ElntiMmiiwtimnaaigammauessm.....,....—a.—___ After Every /Neal Cure Sick Etreath• No ach or - aches, hod constipaden, and sluggish relief ante diately cleaes ach, remove t and foul gest from the live stipated was from the int 30 -cent box i keep your 11 stomach .swe months. The, Theirlav La