HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-16, Page 8f
We call the Workingman's at-
tention -to one excellent shoes,
braid( purposely for the Mechanic's
wear. Nothing in them butogood,
solid leather Fully waterproofed
heavy, durable soles with uppers
of Urine calf, or Tan Grain. No-,
thing omitted that would in any
way add to their durability. While
they are built for hard usuage,they
are comfortable and good looking.
Test Our
Workingmen's #shoes
FEBRUARY 16,1917
*?#taint Expiasitor
$3 50
4to I is
J. E. Willis
Quality footwear I
The° Old Times Dance. --Prospects-
e good' for a jolly_ time at the Old
noes Dance to be held in the Opera
all on. Monday evening next, Feb,
th There will. be • good music; Dan -
$240‘ which was eriginnlly suppl'le- be;
the town council to purchase the lib -
eery site -lot, and the principal and • lite
terest ion, thie loan is regularly re-
-paid each year by . the ibrary Board
to the town treasury.
New Books -The following new
books . have been received at the public
libraryand will be put in circulation
en Saturday, February 17th: l±' o
Pioneers, Pritchard; Web of Steel,
Martin, the. Highland dancer, will Brady; : Bronze Eagle, Oreny; Price
present, also Pipers McKenzie and of Silence„ Warden; Fur "Bringers,
acDanold, of Lucknow. Mr. George. Footrer; Craig Kennedy Detective,
irdno 'has also consented to dance Reeve; A Man's Work, Hocking; An-
e Sailor's Hornpipe, and there will
a musical programme. Every per -
n is invited to come and dance. The,
oceeds are in aid of the Soldiers'
d Commission.
The Firemen's Smoker, -The annual
oker and. progressive euchre of the
vette . of the Argonne, Le Queux;.
Postinaster's Daughter, Tracy; The
Mann Trail, Orgen; Door of Dread,
Stringer; The Hill Man, Oppenhelin s.
Sevfenteen,Tarkitigton;the Nest.Build-
er, Hale. Non -Fiction: .Sketches in
Poland, Little; Russian Campaign,
Washburn;: War'Bread, Hunt; Sketch
Owing to the unusualcon-
ditiana of the Paper Mar-
ket, we would advise early
buying this. year. We are,
now showing the
New Papers
at Old ,Prices
honipson's . Bookstore
Window Shaaes and.FMotuxe Frames i home: mar ved in St. John oneS here
Agent for New Idea Patterns g fist, and is expected e
I shortly Pte. Kelly went overseas
' with the 34th Battalion but was later
aforth Fire Brigade_ was held in .of 'European War ist Phase, Belloc; Beattie $1, James Simpson $1, Calvin transferred to the Highlanders with
err club room at the town" hall on Zeppelins and Super Zeppelins, Hearne Millen, $1, M Blanchard $1, E. Con�f- i whole he was in the trenches for
'day evening last. There was a Sea - Warfare, Kipling; First from the table $1, J. McSpadden $1, Mrs. Hun -
ayear.---Mrs. J. U Greig visit-
ge attendance of members and .a . Front, . Ashton; Victory m Defeat, ter $1, J. B. Thompson $1, Mrs. W. 1 ed her mother in Goderich last week.
ry enjoyable evening's entertain- ' Washburn; Buulets and Billets,Bairns- Westcott $1, John Archibald $1, Thos. -The casualty list in Wednesday's
nt spent by all. The first prize, a father; Soul of Germany, Smith; Grieve $1, Miss J.Govenlock $1,, l Iv. ; paper contained the name of Pte. Pat.
+Ie, was won by Chief J. P. Bell; German Culture, Patterson;Germanys Corbett $1, Miss A. Govenlock $1, sNrilanh, as a prisoner ofwarin >'s er-
second prize, a pipe, was won Swelled Bead. Reich; The Woman Miss E. • P. Hargan $1, Miss Lockie . y Pte. Nigh is a son Mrs. W.
A. R. Box, and the thrid' prize, Bless Her, MacMuehy;�Cavalry in 1915 $1, Miss I. Graham $1, Mrs. Bailey 'Nigh, of town, and some months pre-
pack of cards, by J. J. Cluff. After 75c Miss Gri v 50c fried 25c ulcus had been reported as missing. -
programme an adjournment was
de to Bon's restaurant, where a
stantial oyster supper: was sent el
d where another pleasant "hour was
F. 0. Jackson for Ottawa, and front
there will proceed immediately over
seas. --•---Town Clerk 3'. A. •iis��n
is in Toronto this week on Hydro bus-
iness. --Mr. and Mrs, John T. McIn-
tosh, of Griswold, Man., who have been
visiting Mr and Mrs James Martin,_
of town, left on Monday, for their
home in the west. Mr. McIntosh is
an old Seaforth boy, being a son of
Mr, John McIntosh, a former employee
of the Broadfoot & Box Furniture fac-
tory. It is over 33 years since he
left for the west and like many of the
early- settlers there he is now quite
independent, being the owner of three
half sections of well improved land. -
Pte. Emmett Kelly, of the 13th Royal
Highlanders, and son of Mrs. Kelly.
of this town, who has been invaiided
Coleman; Gallapoh, Masefield; Sold
in a French Garden, Miles; Camp Fire
Yarns, Browne; The Golden Land,
U sh
Copping; Pan -Americanism, s ,
•e e , a n•The coal shortage is very acute in
town, a number being out of coal of
Local Briefs.-Rev,Dr. SteWart,
S of
an kind. -Mrs Edith cot( of To -
Toronto, and formerly of Clinton, eon- tomo University has returned home
a' ducted services in the Presbyterian
spent Wars of the Nineteenth Century, Rob- on account of the college being closed
inson; Romanic Edinburgh, Geildie; church on Sunday:Mr.:Stewart preach- owing to shortage of fuel. --Very Rev.
Curlers Win at Mitchell -Four rinks At the War, Northcliffe; Grenfell, of ed two excellent sermons and, his old Dean Downey, of Windsor, is visiting
of Ictal curlers went down to Mitchel Labrador, Johnston; With the Immor- friends were pleased to again have his sister, Mrs. William Devereaux.
on Monday afternoon Iasi, and played i tel 7th Division, Kennedy, Irish lis- have the privilege of hearing him,- -Miss Grace Stewart of Brussels is
two friendly games with the members. tory Birkhead; British Campaign in The! Some viIle branch of the Red visiting with her cousin, Mr. and Mrs.
Cross Some held a very successf,il
tea last -Wednesday afternoon. The Wednesday for her home in Beams -
Opposite Expositor Office, Seafoith of the Mitchell club Seaforth were France, Doyle; Lords and Ladies of Alex Stobie Mrs Tufiord left on
bat 8 down in the evening, winning f -Days Before history, Hall; Pioneers proceeds amounted to something over Wille after visiting her parents Mr
oi4t on the aggregate, however, by 5 in Canada, Strang; In the Teeth of
Jamessllts. The Mitchell' curlers are splen- Adventure; Heroes of the, Flying
E.Watson i did entertainers, the ice was in fine Corps, White,. Bird Stories, Mulets, A
condition and both games were thor- Gentle Pioneer, Blanshard; Ruth
oughly enjoyed by all. The following Campbell's Experiment, Rhoades; John
iw re the Seaforth players: G.A. Sills, 1 Bargrave's Gold, Brereton; In the
R E. Bright, G.E.Henderson, Joe H. Days of the Lion Heart, Gandy; Base -
T man, J. Beat
13 shots up in the afternoon game, the Italian Lakes, Staley. - Juvenile:
(Successor to W. N. Watson)
General. Fire; Life and Accident Ina=
surance Agent. Real Estate -a td 1 JeFrey N' Brawn J McMillan W E
fifteen dollars. Mr. James McKibbon and' Mra. William Gillespie,: � Rev.
stn old McKillop boy and Mrs. McKih- E. J. Powell, of Clinton, will speak
bon, who. was formerly Mary McCloy in Duff's church, McKillop, and Cavan
of Tuckersmith, visited with. Mrs. church, Winthrop on Sunday next. -
McCloy, last week. Mr. McKibbon, is Miss Mitchell, of Toronto, is the guest
now engaged extensively in sheep of her/ sister, Mrs. W. E. Southgate:
farming in Wyoming, U.S.A.-Mr, W. -Mrs. E. C. McLelland, who spent
Beattie, Frank Weiland, H. bail in Big Leagues, Evers; Ten Little G. Van Egmond and family have left the past two weeks with -her mother,
Indians, Wade; Teri Big Indians, Wade for their home in Regina after visit- Mrs • R. Se Hays, has returned to
Mysteries of the Caverns, Finley; Ex Van Eghis mond for�sorrie wr and eeks D: gBaden, - i
Elmer Fowler- r erre , George ploring the Island, Finley; Little Miss and Mrs. Van Egmond also spent
Fighting Line, Lyell; On the World's
Loan Agent. Insurance'. on all
lidnds of property effected at the
lowest iittea.
Dealer in New Raymond . White and
New Home Sewing Machines, and
National. Cream Separators
A full supply of sewing machine need-
les, attachments, oil- and repairs
always in stock.
North bel, of lot 25, and north half
lot 26, Concession 8, in the Township
of Morris, in the County 'of Huron;
ash lot con 100 acres, entirely
timbered with ash, eini, soft
mauls , and rd maple • and
beech. Will be ld jointly or separ-
ately. For furthe particulars apply
Seaforth and Goderich, Ontario.
peeial Fares now in effect
to resorzs in Florida, Geor-
gia, North and South Caro-
line, Louisiana and other
Southern States, and to : Ber-
muda and, the West Indies,
Return Limit May 31st, 1917
Liberal Stop -Overs Allowed
Tickets now on - sale at all G. T. R j
Ticket Offices.
C. E. UOERNING, Union Station,
Toronto, Ont.
' W. Somerville......... Tcwn* Agent -
i . Plant............ Depo{. Agent
Jeweler and Optician.
Isscer Marriage Licenses
How Long Is It Since
You /lad The Whole
Family Together
Why not have a reunion
some day soon and bring
them all down to our
Studio for a Photograph?
To-morro w
might be too ° late
I Kerslake, - Adam Dodds, W McLennan,
El F I J Bad k
Israel and. Ross Sproat. Mullett Carey Sir Ludar, Reed, The LUIYILEY,
some time in Bermuda. -Pte. Alex. A Good Cine. -Last week Mr. John
� Roof, Oxley.. McLennan son of Mr John�McLen` Pym delivered .a fine gelding to.a. Sea
Called to Port ArthurRev. A.W. ; nen, desires to thank the t eaforth forth buyer for which he received the
McIntosh, B,D., pastor of St Thomas ladies for the fine Christmas parcel handsome sum of $290. This animal
Presbyterian church, Saskatoon, Sask. C which he received in due time. -Miss was sired by Storm King, owned by
has accepted a call to St. Paul's Pres- » y b 2✓ to pe t Marion Brown, of Toronto, spent a- A • sired ell, Exeter. The good ones
ash church PorthA hur . St. specials! 8i 76 O tical Sols of Warranted ooa old t duple of days last week with her bring the long prices these days.
parents at the rectory.Mrs. John -
Govenlock and Miss usie Govenlock i11ANLEY.
are visiting in Toronto. --Mrs. Troyer
received word last week that her son (Too Late for Last Week.)
Pte Henderson Troyer, is in France. Notes, -Messrs. Joe Eckert and Geo,
-Mrs. W. D. Van Egmond is visit- Holland attended the Teachers' Con-
ing Mrs. (Dr) Sloan and other- friends vention last week. -Mr. W. Manley
in Toronto, for a couple of weeks. -- bought a good team from Mr Thos.
Mr. J. P., McLaren was in Toronto Hays for which he paid a good price.
last week and also visited at the home -Mr. and Mrs, W. J. McKay, who
of Mr: and Mrs George Stewart ° in have been visiting here for a couple
Orangeville. -The many friends of o€ months, have returned to their
Mr. Chris. Sparling, formerly of home in Seattle, Washington; accom-
Seaforth, will be sorry to learn he has i•anied by Miss Irene McKay.
had a severe attack of paralysis, and
is in the Western hospital in Toronto . LONDESBORO.
in a critical condition. Dr. Fred Clark- Notes, -The many friends of Mrs.
son is his pyhsician, His many old George Longman will be sorry to
friends here will be interested to know 'know of her serious illness, having had
that Mr Sparling a only son, Clarence, a stroke of paralysis. -Mr. Brond-
is in the trenches in France. -Mrs. bent, who is here from the west, re -
Jessie Hastings Brown, of Steffe, for- re-
newing acquaintances, is here this,
'nerly of McKillop, spent several days week. -The Women's Institute is mak
visiting friends here on her return ing preparations for the annual pie
from Wingham where she spent two. social. --Mrs. Lear continues to be in
weeks with her .brother and nephew poor health.. --The MissionarySociety
and other Matra:. t sere. She also took
xflet at the parsonage this week. -Mrs.
farewell of her - Brother andg
nephew W;llism Marrs is slowly recovering
who are going overseas shortly. They from his severe illness. -Mr. and Mrs.
are in the famous 228th Battalion from Albert Vodden recently visited at the
New Ontario. Mrs. Brown has -an- home of Mr. Ernest Adams.
other nephew in France. -Mr. Td . J.
McAughey, Travelling Passenger
Agent for - the O. N. R ., Toronto, was MITCHELL.
in town on Friday and part of Satur- A Sad Affair. -During Friday morn-
day last. -Mr. E. Mole's ..youngest ing a telephone message was received -
daughter, -has been seriously ill for in town of the death by hanging of a
several days. -Miss Lillian Faulkner, Young man, William Quinsey, son of
of the Canadian Express office, Bramp Mr. John Quinsey, on the third con -
ton, spent Sunday at the parental cession of Logan. It was later learn -
good education to learn the hIrdware business, hone here. -Mr. Alen, McNab, of ed that the young loan had.-geen ill
alh sages for right boy. apply Ii. Edge.6Sea- Toronto, was a week -end visitor at the with a bad cold,.which later developed
F'OR SALE -Buggy, cutter, set singe harness home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and into la grippe. He contracted the cold
, • . , • , •
Bell Stook for Sale.- For rale,ten shares of stook
in the Robt. Belt Engine and Thresher o., Ltd.
Ibis company as paid a dividendof7 r cent.
this year, Apply. to fax °73, Seaforth, . 2566x4
a s e urc is one ofe bestcon l P 8, g
gregations in _the smiler cities of the filled rim ined Bpeotaelee sad ej•e glasses with best
quaint attle watel ererisal lenses --regular $4.00
Doinunion. It has 425 families attend -vain for only 81.75. It took close buyin;; to enable
1ng;, 500 single persons, 750 attending us to give such v'ZI ee, as all optical goode are ad
SSunday Schooland 1 000C0/7111111/1i- vanoing rapidly ie price. Eyre examined moat re -
, y , full , tree, b otlr well hnowu and instaking
Cants. The present -minister `gets { speotalier, Mr. Hughson, formerly optical manager
$2,500 per annum and free house and •-for rang, jewelry store. Toronto. This chance for
the congregation last year gave $4,000 two dna d fir ty oo a ariy Wednesday,
Bros va y
to missions. The charge is regarded . Store, Seaiorth. 2668-1
as a highly desirable one. Mr. Mein Rouse or.Baie.-H'our Hundred Dollars Gash still
tosh is an old McKillop boy, being a buy a largeec nage with kitchen, dining loom, per-
son of Mrs." George McIntosh, of this for and three bedrooms, also stable and one and a
half acres of, land, or will accept $426 with $100
town and he is to be congratulated by down and balance at $6 per month. This property
his friends on receiving such an offer. le situated two brooks west of Reoreatioq Park, Sea-
- 1 fort. Apply at Expositor Office 2L68-tf
�� Rug Found -Found on Bayfield Road on Sunday,
Neves of the Hurons.-Sergt, Robt. February Ilth, a cutter rug. Apply to Dr Burrows
Smith, formerly of Seaforth, who went 2568x1
overseas with than Hurons ,is now at Be sure and see our reliable eye specialist on
Shoreham, England,: in the 34th `Boys' o e s Fair. feaneaday, February 20th ane 62lit.
Battalion, in which there are eight
For Sale. -- A quiet driving mare, suitable for a
hundred boys under nineteen years of ; thi,d°horse on farm. Apply Wrights Garage, Sea -
age. Pte. John Bullard of; Winthrop forth, phone 115 W. 2688-2
is the only local boy in the Battalion see Maryy Pickft.�rd, in " Poor Little Peppnna," on
Moodap, Tuesdl) ants Wednesdayy at the Princess.
with the' exception of William Winter, Booking exolusirely the proauoranua of the Fnmeus
who is one of the cooks. -The folloin: Player. Naim Co. 268$-1
ing, Seaforth boys who were with the for gale. -ll *ilk upholstered five -piece
161st Batt. band have be€i -transfer-uarlor suite, ate? a large°couorrgold ne new viii
red' -to the Arm Medical Cops Band cereasonabe,Apply to Mn James Johnston,
Y rp Box 20Heenat Weston Hangar: Wiliam ! Chapman,----urniture
Matinee Saturday, at The Stran1, 3 p. m. Musty
Dawson -Reid, Harry Pierce and Suffer, Comedy, and Charlie Chaplin, in A2 Niget
Thompson Scott. -The Machine Gun Out." Price 5o. 2i68-1
Section of : the 161st Battal on are at Dr- Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose ani sliroat
Specialist, has resumtd practiie and will be at the
Crowborough, taking a special course
Reidis a .o
Queens Hotel, Seafortb, on the thi,d Wednesday of
Lieut Dalton
th my Sea- each month. " OHiJe hours 1,.30 to 3 p, m.
forth boy in this section: --Pte. T. 2561-tf
Beattie of the Hurons Signalling Sec- FOR SALE -7 roomed frame home with 2 .lots --
tion writes The Expositor. from West Apply Wn• Baker. Centre Stn.,Seaforth. 2!67x4
Sandling January 22: It is with great CUTTER FOR SALE -Baynes Portland cutter, al -
mo --t new -for sale vheap-alio het of rabbet monut-
pleasure that I write you, telling - your ed harness. ' A. G. SMIULIE. '2636 tf
you of the promotion of one' of your WANTED ;,T ONCE -A strong start hoy with
Seaforth boys Lance Corporal H. Mc -
Grafton, formerly of Seaforth, has
been- promoted from the 161st Signal
Section to Guard of Honour- to- the
Duke of Connaught. He is expected
to join the guard some time this week.
The Free Public Library. - The
annual meeting of - tlek Seaforth
Public Library Board wase1d in the
Board Room of the Carnegie Library
building on _Friday evening last. The
following - officers were re-elected: , W.
Hartry, Chairman; F. Cr .Neelin, Sec-
retary; J. Finlayson, Treasurer; Book
Committee, A. F. Cluff Chairman, M.
Broderick, J A. Case, W. J. Duncan,
J. Finlayson, W. Hartry, A. A. Nay-
lor, Mayor Stewart and F. G. Neelin.
Property Committee, W. J. - Duncan
chairman, A. F. Chaff, J. Finlayson
M. Broderick, and F: G. NeeIin;. Li-
brarian, Miss Gretta Thompson. The
treasurer -submitted the annual finan-
cial report from which the following
items of interest were gleaned: The
receipts of the year consisting of the
legislative grant, municipal and' coun-
ty appropriations $11,205.52; the ex-
penditure, which includes the re -pay-
ment of the debenture debt to the town
$916.78. During the past year the li-
grary books- were re-classified under
the Dewey Decimal System by the Ed-
ucation. Department of the Ontario
Government and obsolete books were
discarded, leaving 4,966 upto date
• volumes in the library, - receiving the
I following classification: General Works
593; Philosophy, 89; Religion, 178;
• Sociology, 170; Philology 13.; Natural
f Science, 280; Useful Arts, 191; Fine
,Arts, 83,•• Literature, 346; History, 377
! Travel, 357; Biography, 344; Fiction,',
• 1935. The books taken from the lib-
; rary under the free patronage sys-
t tem adopted by the board are grouped
as follows under the various classifi-
cations: General works 8; Philosophy
6; Religion 33; Sociology 39; Natural
Science 276; Useful Arts, 142; Fine
Arts, 40; Literature 356; History, 370;
I Travel 279; Biography, 139; Fiction,
10,694. The total home use, adult
readers, 7476, Juvenile readers, 4879,
together with 150 books of reference,
giving a total of 12,523: readers dur-
ing the year. There were 178 - vol-
Moes purchased and one volume donat-
* ! 0 ed. In addition - to the above
mentioned educational facilities,
- • there is also the free read -
I9 0 + ing rooms open each afternoon
�3 •l. and evening to ladies and gentlemen,
AndLIi`i<`��' . • the public school and Collegiate Inati
tute scholars, the tables of which are
replete with the standard magazines.
Cleaning, Pressing., th d periodicals of Brita'n and Canada
Repairing a Specialty
e Ontario Daily papers and the i-owiz
newspapers. The total registrations of
members for the year is 491, showing
an increase of 51 members for the
A Trial Solicited year. The total value of the Library $1, J A. Stewart $1 H Livens $2
and contents is $18,088.22, d '
- : "' . ' _ , . $1, Win Scott $1, Gilbert Spur $1, li . { Hess ail ret
ceptlon of a debenture debt -loan of McCn1Ia $1, . McGann $1, Thomas Rattenbury and daughter Alice are
visiting relatives iiaaton. - a
and Buffalo robe. Apply at Expot.itor Oftt;:e.
Acknowledgement. - Rev. J. G
Mrs. John McNab. - Miss Mildred while sitting up looking after some
Johnston, of the "Elite Millinery Par- sick stock. Dr. Armstrong, of Mit-
lors," left on Monday to visit her sip.. chell, was attending him and he ap-
ter, Mrs Middlemost, - in Han -i 1ton, peared to be getting along pretty well
Shearer, D D. President of The prior to going' to the millinery open- but it seemed to affect his head and
Christian Men's Fedeartion of Canada Ings in Toronto. -Miss GIadys Cou,;- - he suffered considerable pain at times.
acknowledges the receipt by their ins, who tried her Junidr History aid
Treasurer of the following contribu- 1 Junior Theory examinations at the
Mons received in eaforth, by Mei Conservatory of Music, Toronto, has
T. Howell for thq Belgi-an Relief 1 sucessfully passed. Miss Cousins is a
Fund. Tliis fund differ fromt pupil of '
s the p P Miss Hazel Winter. -Mr.
one e of which Mrs. J. B. Thompson f John Melville of' Londesboro is at the
is the local treasurer, in that this is I home of his sister, .Mrs. Warwick
See that great picture "The Plun-
derer" at the Strand, Monday night.
You can see it before going to the Old
Time Dance. - Five Hundred wonder -
to aid the Belgian refugees. thousands , where Mr. James Melville is seriously wonder-
ful scenes.
of whom are in England, while the 3111. -Mr. and Mrs. John Robb loft on West End Notes. it A few of the
other is to help the Belgians who are ! Friday for London to visit.with '1.'rs 1i farmers in this vicinity are putting in
ta supply of ice. -Wood -bees are now
still in -their own land within the Ger- .. Robbs sister, Mrs. McNab, before the order of the day.-
man lines: The following ' are the l returning to their home in Detroit.- Mand Mrs.
l Wilmot Lloyd, of Battleford, Sask.,
contributions received: Bell Engine Co: i Miss Alice Trott is visiting her many visited relatives here last week. -Miss
$25; Miss Cresswell $25; Employees I frieriids in and [around town.- , Rose
Canada Fur. Co., $20; A. G. Brown, 'The Canada Flax Company, under the • Pepper entertaineda number of
-10; Stewart Bros., $10; George Mc-
Spadden, managementLukes, $10; Drs Scott and Mackie, !'ronto, intends operating their ill here at her home on Friday evening of last
$10; W. E. Kerslake $10, John Finlay -Ito the full capacity this coining ?as_ s week.
son $10; George Turnbull $10 Alex.: on. This will be good news, not )nl Good Team. - Councillor Thomas
Smillie $10, Miss Crosbie $10, Mrs. I to the farmers but to othes as well Coleman, who recently disposed of a
R. F. Jones $5, John Grieve $5, Rev..! as- the company employ a large force very superior team to Mr. Jos. Mero,
D. Carswell 5 W. J. Williams$5, w, i not only duringthe of the Huron Road, near Clinton, for
hilt a pulling season, the very substantial sum of 400, has
Hartry $5, Dr. F.Harburn $5, rs . i good part of the year as well.- purchased another $
G. Buggin $5, A.. Porteous $5, Rev. = Rev. F. H. Larkin will have for his pair which he
G. McKinley !subject next Blinds evening"Good thinks he can turn into as good a team
y $5, J. C Greig $5, H. Edge y as the only he recently disposed of
$5, W.R. Smith $5, J. Mactavish $5, , In Every Mani." -Messrs, J. Neilands One was purchased from Mr. Joseph
E McFaiiI $5, Cardno Bros. $5, Vorvis :-r.-
, Stewart and H. Cresswell, who en- Brewster, of McKillop, and the other
& Poulos $5, H.R. -Scott $5, N. Cluff listed in the 257th Construction Rat- from Mr. George Harn, of the sante
& Sons $5; MsLean Bros. $5, J. Beat- , talion, left her on Monday with Lieut. township Both are f
tie $5, F.S. Savauge $5 Geo Sills
•, a coming our, are
well matched and exceptionally good
$5, J -.-H. Reid $5, W. Somerville $5, ; Next individuals. -Mr. Coleman says not
Jas. Aiteheson $5, A & J. Broadfoot Week at The all the good horses belong to TII�IIett
$5, Robt Bell $5, Mrs R Bell $5, Earl 1 - township yet, by any means.
Bell $5, Chas. Aberhart $5, Dr. F. J. i
Burrows $5, A Scott $5, Rev. P Cor -1 i�
T.J. Webster $5, R. McIntosh $5 ' ~ Notes. -A request from London has
W . L• . Keys $5, John Laing $5, W. A. • : MONDAY and TUESDAY been received in aid of the Tubercular
Crich $4, G.D. Haigh $4, James Mor William Fariian in "The Plunderer" Soldiers at that city. A subscription
rison $3, A.A. Cuthill $2, A. Hays $2, Five hundred wonderful scenes: Ro_ list hash en opened in the stores of
Rev. F.H.$Larkin $2, J. M. Goven- mance, .love, hate, trials and success. lMessrs. Scott and Bowie. It is earnest -
lock $2, G. H. Dickson $2, Thomas "Lonesome Luke"; --Comedy. "The very requested that all will giver the
Do ds . $2, Allen Ross $2, J. Beattie Iron Claw" (continued y' ry needy cause: A quiet marriage
ney $2, J . P . Bell $2, ) was held on Wednesday last at high
Goran $5, John Robb $5, Miss Robb $5,
$2, J. R. Co
M. McKellar
S. T. Holmes
$2, J. A. Williams $2, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY v noon at the home of Dr. Glenfield,
$2, J. M. Best $2,R. v " -_ v
.� sister,
(,Ilan aa17ALl,.,tC1(d, ®1
inulols earson m The Writing Jarvis, was married. -Another load of
M. Jones $2, . D. Bright & Son $2, on the Wal?;" -a five part t.*-__
G • W . Phillips $2, Spi°oat & Sproat b F ' came
on estate. - -_ Rib- _ w ,,,,, s,,a,,io,, uta, ween for
$2', Dr. R. R. Rose $2, Wm. Morrison- John Mustard. It was quickly sold in
$2, S Somers $2, Rev. G. Northgraves "Mr. Jack Escapades" -Comedy half ton quantities. -Mrs. J. Broad-
$2, W. 13• Tretheway $2, J. D. Aiiche_ . foot, sr., who has been ill, is slowly
:son $2, Mrs Jas 'Scott 2 Andrew Ar- ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY aeeovering.--Mr, and Mrs. William '
chibald $2, Miss Cathill $2, B. Beattie "Daredevils of War" -The best two Murdock and two children of Alberta,
$1, John Cuthill $1, II. Jeffrey $1 A. part war picture ever shown. are visiting at the home of his broth -
Wankel .$1, E. Daley $1, Mrs George "Gal by's Gasoline Glide" -2 part er, Mr. John Murdock, of Stanley. It
McIntosh $1, John Henderson $1, Miss comedy -one continuous laugh. is about twelve years since they left
Reid- $1, Mrs John Thompson $1, W. "Musty Suffer." -Comedy- Stanley for the -west, Their many 'old
Thompson $1, H. Geib $1, T. J. Pei friend ars glad to welcome them
$1, Jas. Watson $1, R. Devereaux $1, Two Shows 7.30 and 9 p.m. back.' - Mr. Walter McBeath, who
J. R. Govenlock $1, R. Peck $7•, T. - spent the summer in the West, has
R. Thompson $1, Thos. Daly $1, D. Price 11c returned home .-Miss Lizzie Aiken -
Cook $1, Mrs. M. Finlayson $1, Mrs. Matinee everyhead of London spent the week -end
Stewart's class $1.25; Dr. Ross $1, W Saturday afternoon in her home here. -Mrs. James Gem--
Hinchley $1, W. Ament $1, A.L. Stone - •Price C'c. inell is visiting relatives in saris._
an is free P. Sills $1, George Bell- $1, S. Walker s n con -
€�f financial incumbrance with the ex -TR i
, overing. -- Mrs. William
Mr. William Scott, whohas been -
fined to his horn for some (ride by iil-
oe Ladies'
25to 5:0
per cent.
ffm iIlO1fitflrfJffNl[fIflflffffff!(ffr1ff 1 N
f f if f lllflff if f f fflffftlifDff �f f
When you
Buy Dry
You go to the store in which you•
have the greatest confidences
do not judge stores by what
CLAIM to do, but by what
DO do. You go to the store that
you know always gives all or more
than it promises. While s b in e
stores are always claiming to give
unheard of values, it is quite often
the case that some other store, not
claiming so much, is really giving
BETTER values. While we are
firm believers in advertising we
know that we are ,judged mostly
BY WHAT WE DO and not by
what we say, hence we depend
upon real genuine value giving to
get us customers and keep them, ---
We want you.
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of -
Wash Goods
All Prints
East Calors
Numbers hers o f
The Designer
and -
of the
All for
-9c this