HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-16, Page 7!NEI/kit
be rtne douse nibi
`house14 cares wait
seeence or hies
ttertel norm
become weak awl
it is impteeible for a
after her household at
r it
rsiaa et meet weakaesseed
cattierves,, take Wham*
re Pills„ and you wilt god
rort time yea -win become*
et. - Oi
rot speak too- highly et
and Nerve Win I
t. my nerves. I Isila
down, 1 =admit stall
ent of any 'kind. I
art and Nerve Pills to he
ely for all sufferers -
-eg ,
e /
art and Nerve Pills are
boxes for $t25, at aff
ed direct on receipt of
: Mnatur.ri Co Lx
ale oilitte &Mitring
Chittnifeu S;oloote
&LUX E2crattlr
iren. Cry
Vs -au.
kitlY BANK
fc,,,e..kFt•-rhot a: 1.4-r
...lefeemee.remeee ,
FEBR '164
Livra A...Put BOWELS
specialty. Office opposite Dick's
MAL Met /Area, Seaforth. All or
din krit at lhe hotel. will receive prompl
ielleletiose alight calls receiveed at the
Cure itick Headaohee Constipation,
Siliousnese, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath—Candy Cathartic'.
No odds how bad your liver, otom.
ah or bowels; how machyour head
=tees. how miserable you a e from
constiretioni - indigestion, bil °lioness
4 Ititd sluggish beevels—you a1says get
relief , wIth Cascarets. They inanedietelet Seats° and regulate the atom-
aOh, remove tbe sour„ fermenting food
and foul. gasein take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con-
stipated waste matter - and, poison
from the intestines and bowels.," A.
10-eent hoX trona your druggist will
keep our liver and bowe!c* cleaner'
stowed' . sweet and - head . tr for
- months, They work while eleep.
reached Medicine Bend, -stood the only
• . ' f
Frank if. Spearman
(Continued from last week.)
In the private room of the •supeairi-
*tendent, provided as a sleeping apart -
merit in the old headquarters building
many years before hotel faeilities
WO 'MOM ix at the root of
*Waxy ailments. When nature fads
te 44) Int proper work of diming- ,
-Om through the kidnap, Oa
bladder, or -the bowels,' the hlockt-
area= is not puttee. TVA la wii),
'have been found the one reliable
remedy for pains in the back and
sides, swollen joints, urinary troub-
les, stone, gravel, eonetant head-
aches. Gin PlIle are daily reliev-
ing ease! of Rheumatism. Sciatica.
and. Lumbago.
. _ •
\ Gin Pills restore the funetions-to
.regularity, 1 the poisons axe elimin- •
Mei and health is restored.
All druggists sell Gin Pills at
50o. a• bor, or 0 bores tor 52.50.
$ample free if you write to
NATIONAL DRAM & arantemer..
Toronto, Ont. 78
"Turn the train around—why, yes,
curio the Wickiup possessed-ethe that would make it easy. I'd be glad
ried the remains of Abraha 'Lin- been set back after the Smoky Creek Yeur turntable, r. 1VIcCloud? as
coln from Washington to Springfielld wreck and Was slowly climbing back ed Mears. ,
was dismantled, the Wieldup fell heir to position. They were working in the "How are you going to turn your
to one piece of its elaborate furnish- usual way, With the flat cars ahead train around on a single track?" aek-
ingS, the lounge, and the lounge still pushed by the engine, the caboose efi Stevens darkly.
Let's look at Wage. .
Dancing a•nd Stevens followed by
McCloud, dropied-out of the gangway,
Mears opened the caboose door ami
the four Men went 'forward to inspect '
the track and the trucks. In the lee
a the caboose a council was held.
The roar of the wind was iike the
surge of many. waters, and the snow
ha whitened into storm. They were
t Mika from a, habitation, and, but
r the single track they were follow•
ing, Might as well have been a hun.
dred miles so ,far as reaching a place
of safiety was concerned. They were
without food, with a caboose packed
with men on their hands, and they
'realized that their supply of fuel for
either engine or caboose was peril-
ously slender.
"Get your men ready with their
tools Pat,"said McCloud to Mears.
"What are you giCing to do?"
"I'm going to turn the train around
and pnt the nose of the engine into
Ilarrieter, Salicitoe, Convelaticer 'sad
dlittbrY ,Solicitor tor the Dom-
WM Bank. Office in rear of the Dom -
gait Beak, Seeforth. Money to lose,
illarbiter, Solicitor, conveyancer and
Public. Office upestaire over
Ifigkerl feeniture store, MAW Street,
to see it turned around. But where's
coin lounge When the car t at car-
remains as an early day relic. Whis... coupled to the tender being on the
pering Smith walked into the bedroom , extreme -lima end of the tram.
and disposed himself in an incredibly ) - At two o'clock on Christmas after -
short time. "I are borrowed one of noon, when there was not a cloud in
your pillows, George" he called out ' the sky, the horizon thickened in the
presently. , • east. Within thirty minutes the moun-
"Take both." tains from end to end of the sky -
"One's enough. I hole," he went line were lost in the sweep of a coming
-1.110IALIDerlillih on rolling himself like a hedinto the
liaerbdea, Solicitor, ConveYancetll and ,double blanket, "the horse Kennedy
'* has left nie wiU be all right; he got
'three from Bill Dancing.Bill Danc-
ing," he snorted, driving his nose into
the pillow as if in final memorandum
for the night, "he will get himself
killed if he fools around. Sinclair too
much now."
McCloud, under a light shaded above
his desk, opened a roll of .blue -prints.
illeristert Solicitors, eloteeales Public, I He was gomg to follow a eonstruction
listArt 301191tor for the Cana-
glalliSnalt of Commerce. Money to loan.
for este. Office, la Scott's block, •
no "treed, Seefortb. •
. _
UP up the Crawling Stone in the
Wiley to lend In Seaforth on hi013-
ot each week. Office in Kidd block
lirairnindfoot, X.0.s dt L. Killoran, H•
Ds Cooke,
V, ttiARBURN, V, S.
• Mato graiduate of Ontario Yeterin,
Wiese, and honorary member of
at Medal AsSeciation of the Ontario
l'ilforteary College. Treats diseases of
Dcawatic Ardmale by the moot a:swi-
ng!' niriaciplea. Dentistry and Milk Fee-
lionOr sredeate of Ontario Tete -fin -
art College All. diseases of Domestic
gebialt treated. Calls promptly attend
Otto lad chargee moderate. VeterinaTY
Diatiatiy A specialty. Office and reel
Same tit Goderich Area, one door calif
$111Dei nefifit'S office, aeafortb,
Pis W. G SLATFIO&D, N.A., M.
Sersidal4niversitytel IA°n°n 9rayd
benerience. Bruceileldt%,. Ontario.
•Ce J. W. TARN, M.D.O,M,
•SI Richmond etreet, London, Ont.
fracialist Surgery and Genito-Urin,
/OS dieeladen of men And women,
morning and wanted to look over the
sorveys. Whispering Smith, breath-
ing regularly, lay not far away. It
was late when McCloud put away his
maps, entered the inner room, and
looked at his friend:
He lay like a boy asleep. Or the
chair beside his head he had placed
htcase4isold-fashonedtunng watch
as big as an alarm clock, the kind a
railroad man would wind up with a
spike -maul. Besides the watch he had
Ilaid his huge revolver in its worn
leather scabbard. Breathing peace-
fully, he lay quiet at his companion's
mercy, and McCloud, looking down on
this man who never made a mistake,
never forgot a danger, and never took
an unnecessary chalice thought - of
wbat between men confidence may
sometimes mean. He sat a moment
with folded arms on the side of the
bed, studying the tired face, defence-
less in the slumber of fatigue. When
he turned out the light and lay down,
he wondered whether, somewhere in
the valley of the great river to whieh
he was to take his men in the morn-
ing, he should encounter the slight and
reckless horsewoman, who had blaz-
ed so in anger when be stood before
her at Marion's. He had struggled a-
gainst her -charm too ' long. - She had
become,ehow or when he coikld not tell,
not alone a pretty woman !but a fas-
cinating one—the creature- of his con-
stant thought. Already she meant
more to'him than all else in the world.
He well knew that if called on • to
ehoose between Dicksie and all else
he could only choose her. - But aa he
'drew together the curtains of
thought and sleep stole in upon ' him,
he was resolved first to have Dicksie;
to have all else if he could but ireany
case, Dicksie Dunning. When he awoke
day was breaking - in the mountains.
The huge silver watch, the low -
voiced man and the formidable Six-
shooter had disappeared. It time
to get up, and Marion_ Sine t had
promised an early breakfast.
DR. xtvoitat HEILEMANN.
gatebnathic Physlicisa of Goderietallst ch
tn women's and children's
Illsenees, trheuniattare. acute throne -
and nervous tlisordereg eye, earno
and throat Consultation free. Office in
'Cady Block, over W. G. Willis' Shoe
Store, !Seaforth, Tuesdays and Fridays
II a.m.:. till 1 pm.
• Pysician & Surgeon
• Woe! and Residence, Main Street.
Pttone 10. ,
' 0 ; Dr, 3, W. PECK
gradaate of Faculty' of Medicine,
1111 Ilniversity, Montreal; "Member of
•Dallege of Pbysiciatts end Surgeons 0(
ictarloi Licentiate_ of Medical Co ell
ellands; post -Graduate meniber of
Resident Medical Staff of Genera t H
Montreal, 1914-15; Office t
east of' Post Office, Phone it
• aemli, Ontario
• Mee and residence—Goderich et
seat of the Methodist church, 5ea/0 th.
VMS Nit, 44. Coroiser for the Co Or
nil Baron,
DRS. scow &
Is G. Scott. graduate of 'Victoria azi4
College of Phyalcians and Surgeon
gan Arbor, and member of :the OntaiTio
Sorrow for the Ootutty of Burton.
0.)1acKaf, itettor gradatetof TrinitY
adversity, and gold medalliet of Ttle
Itt Medical Oollege ; Member of the poi.
bile Of PhYsiCiana and Surgeons, Ontstrio,
.; H. HUGH. RO$S. '
graduate of Univeraity of Toronto
*Facility ot Medicine, ;member oi
wind, and at three o'clock snow struck
the valley like a pall. Mears, greatly no time, Pat; tell your xnen it's now
dititurbed, ordered the men off the or never. If we are caught here we
grade and. into the caboose. McCloud may stay till they carry us home, and
had been inspecting culverts ahead, the suceess of this little game depends
and had started for the train when on having everything ready and work -
the snow drove across the valley. It ing quick."
blotted the landscape from sight Stevens, who stayed close to Mc -
so fast that he was glad after, an ann.. Cloud) pulled the cord within five min-
euts, and before caboose had stop -
and find himself safely with his • men. ped the .men were tumbling out of it.
But when McCloud came in the.rnen McCloud led Mears and his foreman
were bordering on a panic. Mears, up the track. They tramped a hundred
with his two forexnen, had gone a- yards back and forth, and, with steel
head to hunt McClaud up, and had tapes for safety lime, swung a h -un -
passed him in the storm; it was al- tired feet on each side of the track
ready impossible to see, or to hear to make sure of the ground. "This will
an ordinary sound ten yards away. do," announced McCloud; "you waited
McCloud ordered the flat cars cut off here half a day for steel a week ago;
and also the engine e whistle I know the ground. Break that joint,
sounded at short interval, and, tak- Pat" He pointed ..to the rail under his
ing Stevens, buttoned - aaeeraeeer and foot "Pass ahead with the engine and
started up the grade after the three car about a thousand feet," he said
track/nen. They fired their revolvers to the -condlictor; "and when I give
• you a signal back up slow and look
as they went on, but the storm tossed'
their 'signals on the ears of Mears out for a thirty degree curve—with-
and his companions from every quer- out any elevation, either. Get out all
s your men. with lining -bars."
ter • bf the compaes. McCloud wa
The engine and caboose faded in the
standing on the last tie and planning
with his companion how best to keep blur of the blizzard as the break was
the grade as the two advanced, when made in the tracks "Take those bars
the engine signals suddenlyichangad. and divide your men into batches of
"Now that sounds like one of Bill ten with foremen that can make signs,
if they can't 'talk English," directed
Dancing's games," said McCloud
McCloud. "Work lively, now, and
to his companion. "What the deuce is
• it, Stevens?" throw this track to the south!"
Stevens, who knew a little of ev- Pretty much everybody—japs, Ital-
erything, recognized the signals in ans, and Greeks—understood the game
an instant and threw up his hands. they were playing. McCloud said af-
terward he would match his Piedmont
"It's Morse code, Mr, McCloud, and
they are in—Means and the foremen— hundred in making a movable Y a -
and us for the train as via as ithe gall:1st any two hundred experts Glo-
Lord wilt let us; that's what they're ver could pick; they had had the ex -
"I'm toting to turn the track around.
I know just where we are, I think.
There'd a little stretch just beyond
this curve where the grade is flush
with the ground. Ask your engine -
men to Tun back very slowly and watch
fot the bell -rope. ril ride on the front
platform of the cabeose till we get
to where we want to go to work, Lose
• The Turn In The Storm.
perience, the added, when the • move
"Se muc lifor an education, Stove meant their last counter in the game
of mountain life or death. The Pied -
ens. Bully for you! Come on!"
They regained the flat ears and mint "hundred," to McCloud's mind,
were after that day past masters in
made 'their way back to the caboose
the art of ereekabifting. Working in
and engine, which stood uncoupled.
a driving cloud of grit and snow, the
McCloud got into the cab with Can -
ahead, signalled all in, and with Hill and the l Dancing,slow rosei, at
cing and Stevens, Mears, from the cab- tip, tofireanotc,ctahseiondill,
a whistling scream, the engine start- Mears and his forerean, and Stev-
ed to back the cabosoe to Piedmont ens moved about in the driving snow
ender like giants. The howling storm rang
They had hardly more *than got
shouting of the foremen, the
full headway when a difficulty became tylth the
apparent to the little group around guttural cries of the Japs and the
clank of the lining -bars -as length
the superintendent. They were riding
after rail length of the heavy track
an unballasted track and using such
hied bodily from the arade -align-
speed as -they dared to escape from a was s
ment and swung around in a short
situation that had become perilous.
But the light cabitose, packed like a curve to a right angle out on the
sardine -box with men, was dancing a open ground.
horn -pipe on the rail joints. 1VIeCloud McCloud at last gave the await-
ed signal, and, with keen -eyed, anx-
felt the peril, and the lurching of the
ious . men watching every revolution
car could be seen in the jerk of the
engine tender to which it was coupled. of the cautious driviog wheels, the
Apprehepsive, he crawled back on engie, hissing and pausing, as the air -
the coal to watch the caboose himself, brakes went off and on, pushed the
light caboose out one the rough spur
and stayed long enough to see that
the rapidly .drifting snow threatened to its extreme end and stopped with
the pilot facing the main' track at
right angles; but before it had reach-
ed -its halting place spike -mauls' were
ringing at the Ash -plates where a mo-
ment before it rad left thS liue on tne
curve. The track at that point was
cut again, and under a long line of
• bars and a renewed shouting it was
thrown gradually quite across the
long gap in the main line, and the new
joints in a very rough curve were
made fast just as the engine, runniag
•?tow with ;its pilot Ahead, steamed.
slowly around the new curve and
without accident regained the regular
grade. It was greeted by a screeching
i yell as the men climbed into the cab-
oose,for the engin* stood safely head-
ed into tbe teeth of the storm for
Piedmont. The ten -miles to cover were
now a matter of less than thirty min-
utes, and the construction train drew
into the Piedmont yards jeesttas the te
egraph wires were heating from head-
quarters with orders amulling freights
ordering ploughs on outgoing engines,
and battening the divteion hatches fel
a grapple with a Christmas blizzard.
No maxi tame back 'better , pleased
than Stevens. "That man is all right,"
said he to Mears, nodding his head
towards McCloud, as they walked up
form the caboose. "That's all I want
to say. Soixte of these fellows have been
a little shy. about going out with him;
they've hounded me for months alseut
stepping over his way when Sinciair
and his mugs struck. I reckon I've
played my hand about right"
(Continued Next Week.)
2 and 5 Cadens-
10, 20, SO- and 100 lb. Bags.
If better sugar is ever produced than the prennt
REDPATI4 Extra Granulated, you may be sure it will •
be made la the same Refinery that has led for over half
a century—and sold under the same naine--REDPATEL
• "Let Reskath Sweeten it." is
Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal ,
no* • ...•nr•••••, •
'w=74.f§s •
unuimal alcoho▪ lic drinks' in placeS
which are in, touch with civilization
are the flavoring extracts. I mean
!by places that are in touch with civil-
ization a- place that has a store or a
trading post In ("towns that are
large enough to have a saloon the
saloons are patronized. It appears
not to make any difilerence whether
the extract be lemon, ginger, vanilla,
pineapple, or what. It Is sometimes
drunk straight and at times mixed
with cider, grape juice, milk, "soul'
dough," root beer or hot water.
Sugar may or may not be added.
Most of these extracts contain
about 85 per cent. alcohol and their
consumption. in Alaska as a beverage
has becona,e so great that it is now a
violation of the law to sell tleem to
a native or to anyone for drinking
purposes. It would be interesting,
indeed, -to know just how much of
these extracts is consumed in Alaska
annually for drinking purposes, but
It must be a large quantity, as every-
one seems to knew of them and talk
• about' them as intoxicating drinks.
Through this port alone the amount
• of (mamas shiPPed appears all out
• of proportion for their use for flavor-
• ing purposes, considering the popu-
• lation.
In places that are not in touch
with civilization, espeetsily native
villages, seurdough is the favorite
• intoxicating drink. This is some-
times called hootch or hootchinoo.
The latter term is thought to haVO
originated in Kamchatka, across;
Retiring, Sea, in Russia, whence the
art of making sourdough probably
spread to Alaska. The term hootch
is a slang eipression and is at times
used to design_ate any intocatins
liquor, while hootehinoo is more
properly distilled sourdough. Sour-
dough is made by mixing a very thin
dough of flour and water, adding
yeast, and setting aside to ferment.
This fermentation is facilitated by
placing the vessel in warm water or
in a ,warm place.
As: the fermentation takes place
tliG liquid turns an amber eoior and
Isrge flakes of starch float to the ton,
to settle to the bottom, leave
lug a dear-eoloyea liquid on- top.
Rice andebarley are sometime* used
instead of flour, and it has been said
that the addition of molasses to the
fomenting maga makes. a stronger
proparatios. The entire mass has a
sour SE10ae hence the name sour-
ted derail the outfit at any minute. He
The beginning of the Crawling Stone
Line marked the first determined. ef- I got back to the cab and ordered a stop.
"This won't . do," said he to Stevens
fort under President Bucks, white un -
and the enginernan. "We can't back
&Aoki/1g the reconstruction of the I
system for through traffic, to develop 1 ehat caboose loaded with men through
this storni. We shall be off the track
:he rich local territory tributary in five minutes."
the -mountain division. New polieies in "Try it slow," suggested Stevens.
period. Glover, with enormous capital, "If • we had the time," . returned
gave orders to push the building ea- McCloud, "but the sow is drifting on
ery month in the year, and for hthe
us. We've got to make a run for it
first time in mountain railroad build- if -we ever get back, and we must have
ing winter was to be ignored. The I
the engine, in front of that way car
older mountain men met the %nova- with her pilot headed for the drifts.
tion as they met any departure from )
their traditions, with curiosity and
distrust On the other hand, the new —
end younger blood took hold with con-
fidence, and When Glover calleil, "Yo,
heave ho!" at headquarters, they bent
themselves- deer ,across the system
for a hard pull tdgether.
McCloud, resting, the operating on
the shoulders of his assistant, And-
erson, devoted himself wholly to for-
warding, the construction plans, and
his first clash over the winter road-
• building in the Rockies came with his
own right-hand man, Mears. itIceloud
put in a switch below Piedmont, op-
ened a material yard, and began Stack -
laying toward the lower Crawling
Stone Valley, when Mears said it was
time to stop work until spring. When
McCloud ,told him he wanted track
across the divide and into the lower
be" Thysiciana and surgeons of ?ns valley by spring, Mears threw. up his
hands. But there was Metal M Itite old 410: pass graduate courses in Ohicegn
MIMI School a Chicago, Royal opti. men, and he was for orders all the t
time. Ile kept up a running fire of I ialuie Hospital, London, England,
protests and forebodings .about • the i t
' Thitnersity Codege Hoapttal,
Lon on,
isndOffice—Back of omi ion
danger of ' exposing men during the 1 , ,D
Elia, Saefortia Phone No. 6. Night , winter season, but stuek to his post
sone answered from residence, Vict rut Glover sent along the Men, and al-
though two out of every three desert-• 1
iikalt, &asocial, ed the day after they arrived, Mears• .
- kept a force in hand and crowded the i
track up the new grade as fast as the
..• ' -rt AUCTIONEERS ties and steel .came ins werking day :
THOMAS BROWN • in and day out, -with one eye on the !
Lieensed auctioneer tor the t
clouds and one on the tie -line and hop- i
coiniter ing every day for orders to stop. :
d Huron and Perth. Correponcience . December slipped away to Christ- i
be rims with the steel still going down and
gee the disaffected element, among the
' railroad men at Medicine Bend waiting
• i for disaster. The spectacle of Me -
Cloud handling a flying coliunn on
1 the Crawling Stone, work in the face
Ithe mountain year was one ..that
of the most treacherous weather in
brought ecitistant criticism of him a-
mong Sinclair's sympathizers find,
friends, and while McCloud laughed
and pushed ahead on the work, they ,
waited only for his discomfiture.
• Chrismas Day found McCloud at the
front, with men still very , scarce, but
, Mears' gang at work and laying steel, '
i 1 The work train was in charge of Stev-
ens, the freight conductor, who had
Arnalrealents for sate dates can
11111d0 by ealupg dibone 91, Beate
lir The anoint:if sake. Merge*
W. and iatistaction guaranteed.
Liceseed etioneer for the Genii '1
• Etwori, itteRded to ta t
WO of Conaty, &Tea years' 93
390609e tanitoos and Saakatchewai
Ones reasonable Thais No, AK R
Itixeier Centralia P. 0 R
L Ortine 'eft at Tbe Bares
Mai* Or geafortb. nremintif
las 41 tido);
t -T
, •
Thorough mixing is
what makes cake
,ielicate and tender
die Sug
rnakes the best cake be-
caUseit creanis quickly
and thoroughly with
• the butter which is the
hardest part of the mix- i
in g. It purity and I
extra'efine granula-
tion inake it dissolve
at once.
2 and 54b. Cartons
10 and 20 -lb. Bags
" The All -Purpose Sugar"
The Drink Evil
In the Arctic
IT- is not uncoinmon in, some places
In Alaska where there are no
saloons to see a man go Into a
trading post or general mer-
chandise store .and say- that he wants
something to drink and ask, "what
have you that contains the largest
per cent.?" "How much has this?"
"How much 'ilas that?" meaning the
percentage of alcohol and pointing to 1
some 'medicine, perfume, toilet water,
or flavoring -tract on the shelf.
both white and native, who resort to
There are mann' hershns in Alaska,
various means of securing 'alcoholic i
iittoxic.ants, says The Medical Re- I
cord. The most common of these
dough. Alcohol is formed during
this ferreentosion and after it has
reached the required percentage the
liquid_ is strained.
Some persons drink the liquid just
as it is strained off, and this is the 1,
usual way. Sometimes the liquid is I
distilled, giving it a better smell and
taste and making it clearer and more
concentrated. As this method re-
quires some apparatus, time, and ex-
perIenee, it is the uncommon form,
This liquid appears to -be in.uch more
intoxicating than beer, and the laws
of Alaska, prohibit its manufacture.
The writer has seen persons so in-
toxicated from its use as to threaten
the lives of ethers and require eon-
fineraent. A sourdough fiend told the
writer a few days ago that the addi-
tion of a teaspoonful of wood ashes
to a pint a sourdough very material-
ly Increased its intoxicating qualities.
Although it requires souse appara-
tus to make hootehinoo--the distill-
ed sourdough—it is remarkble what
simple apparatus may be used for
this distilling purpose. A common
home-raade stilt is Improvised by tak-
ing two coal -oil eans and connecting
them with a pipe. The pipe enters
one and pewees through the other.
The sourdough ig belled in the form-
er and condensed by ice in the latter,
the hootehinoo dropping out of the
end of the pipe as a colorless alco-
holic liquid. In the abseace of a pipe
gun barrels have been used for tide
purpose, and it is bedieved that there
are many houses in Alaska which
have some such apparatus in them.
When the materials can lie ob-
tained the following is a favorite
method of manufaeturing hoetch;
About a pint of sourdough is mixed
with about a gallon of cider or grape
juice, and the mixture is left open
for several days in a warna place.
This mixture becomes quite into. -
eating. Aigthese liquids are not con-
sumed for their taste, but for their
effects only, a great deal of trouble
results in Alaska from their use.
There are special agents for the
suppresEtion of intoxicating liquors,
among the natives of Alaska, and
Probably no other alcoholic drink
gives these agents as •much trouble
as sourdougin It may be interesting
to note that a vthite man who spends
more than a year in Alaska Is tailed
a "sourdough." The itsourdougie
says this is due to the feet that Vett
, white men make eourdowth (yeut)
hot takes, while the natives say
is because of the early adapation of
the white man's taste to the "native
Children Ory
C A S T,0 R I A
• Paper From Cane.
From a Mtf.,ure of sugar tans re-
fuse and ban -,1-:00 fibre a Trinidad
planter hes Pueceeded in jaking a
paper equid nt quality, to the best
wood pulp e -educts.
A Roller •Chair.
• Small rubber-P,overed wheels have
been invented to be clamped to the
rockers of a rocking chani to fitwert
it into a rolling chair -
Cold Cau.-.44 Deofn--ss.
It hat ir4n1 eao,on that, heatless la
more comrawa old comities thaia
ifl wl?rrri vlimates, the ea- being mt...
•mospxa ric changes:
Rubber Nails. tv
Rubber nails for p1'' whe5
metal one a•meld corrode are a none
eity from Germany
•Ifs cheaper to raise oils then.
buy horses. But it'scostlyif Out*
the toles. Keep a bade of Keedairn
° Spavin Care handy. Por tire
years has proved it the ode,
\ remedy forspavin splint'
',bone, bony growths and
*out many causes.
is sold by druggist & everywhere
bottle, 0 blettleefor $5, Get *fie*
our bopk"ATteatiseenthe ifaxse
&egoism or write es.
111r4 lEtiAIL CO.,
JAN. 9. 1911
Principal repayable 1st October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, lst April and /at October by
cheque (free of exchange at any -chartered Bank in Canada) at
the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase.
Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering
at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of emla, te. pay-
ment of any allotment made under any future war loan Issue ea
Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short
date security.
Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only.
A conunissicrn of one-quarter of i'ine per cent will be allowed
to recognimi bond and stock brokers on allotments made in
respect of applications for this stock which bear their etamp.
For application forms apply to the Deputy Minitor of
Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOBER 71:12, 191.8.