HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-16, Page 6le CENT FOS .cuBreitilicuSsr! Bre4 No oiniti ach or bo: aches, 1-viO constlinti und slufgA relief it 4111E434y act, rerem and fen/ from the otipate.t. fro7.1 10--r"n* :1 !seep ztoroac,i, =With& 1 - s • =AU. itae Baal beiou •".n1 Sserlete: Actor! Pi Wiellostde ' faidoetle. 1 ine.rritete. *gene- !it Emu Dusk Warm* for Wins stra Illemreete. gasi Wig of eat Ws Promd. fig Ds ,Cooi • r. • soaar Itedk Interim: sal Dottie sr * 01) SAW, KA *era tett a' Jc F14„. s r k .S.11.11 _ - • If6POSITO - • • 1-4 - Wei Winer ed by ging -the • Otoreacht TheltWo Organa are- a ot enornected. If they were, food Mlle lowed would coke you. For hing mind bronetiald troubles you tenet seeteete the ate- te wee you can't breathe ;musk t. syrues. tonics and - • syrupy commie:Ade Peps provide the rational trinitment for coughe, colds, bronchitlis and lung troubles. - are tablets made up of Pine extracts exad 'Medicinal essencee, which, when pet into the menth tura into healing teapere. These t are breathed down direct to 'the lungs, throat and bronchial tubes —not swallowed down to the stortacle which -is not ailing. On fife fade or it how, does We. not gourd more reasonable than drugeng tne stomach ? Try one box of Pepe. A trial will eost you only 50c., 1---nd the good_ you will • reae--Well, health cannot be em pressed In money terms. Be sure •- of tite articio when ordering from druggist or store. Just four letters fa TAXES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS rAriango Cava your Haiti Get a 25 cent bottle ; of-Danderine right now—Also stops Itching scalp. - trthf, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute oridence of a neglected • scalm of dandruff—that awful scurf. nom is nothing so destructive -to the near_ as dandruff. It robs the air I of its lustre, its strength and its vor life; eventually producing a fevern suss and itching of the Amine w1- If not remedied causes the hair rt , to abrink, loosen and die—then iniir hale out fain. A little Dande- eonight—now—any time --will Sieve your hair, Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlte derke frora any drug store. Yoe surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan- deeine. - Save your hair; Try it! a BI*- ftsq 1/4 , ap Five and one quarter acres od , choice rich soil adjoining Goderich toviii, twenty minutes walk from th square with a splendid frat oteheard and small frame buildings. Must be sold at once and can be bmight for less t. an$1,000. This is a Real bar- gain. No better spot on earth for garden truck or poultry farm. If you want it apply today for particulars; Immediate possession given. We art linron'a largest real estate dealer ) and. 6/ODE:RICH, ONT YOUR CHILD IS CROS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATZD Look Mother! If tongue Is coated, Cleanse little towels with "Gaii- fornia Syrup of Figs," Mothers can rest easy after giving 'California Syrup of Figs," because itt • few hours all the clogged -up waste, our bile and fermenting foot gently oyes out of the bowels, wad you have well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millione of mothers keep it handy be- cause they know its action on the stomach, niter and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bot - We of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions fortables, children of all ages and for grown-ups. 1: mem eaftetteer •' Stratford, Ont. r Ontario's Best Business College. , Students may enter our classes at l any tirae. Commence your course I now and be qualified for a position , by midsummer. During Jnly and 1- August of last year we received ' calls for over 200 _office amistans we could larlt supply. •Our gradu- ates are ha demand. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Princicipal I WAS TROU ,ril„ LED 'WITH HER LIVER )1tOR FIVE YEARS. When the bowetsibecome constipated' the etoinach gets out of order, the lime ices not week properly, and then follows he violent sice. headaches, the sourness et the seemed:, belt:hem of wind, heart - urn, water brash, biliousness, etc. Keep your buwele regular by using Milburn's LaxLiver Pills. They will near away ale the effete matter which -r;llects in the -stern and thus do away constipa m and all its allied ..rcubles. john Fitzgerald, Brittania Bay, ):rt.,, writes: "I have been troubled :nth my stoma, h and liver for the past :ve years, ant' hve Teel constipation ausing headache, bac, eke and dizzy pens, and SO/33 'tiniest woled almost fall :own. I triut all- kinds of remedies ,fithout obtain: ig any relief. I commenced nsing Milburn's Laxat !ever Pitts„ and they have cured me. have recommended them to many of ny friends, and they are all very much eca.sed with the results they have oh- eined from their ust.e lefilbuireeLaxa-leite s .-; ria.ls for a1.00, at all di ele: 5, or 1....s Ireet on receipt pr;ce hy T . teutaues Cm, Imet nue Toronto, On.. Prince Rupert is Krum For Elis ChOleriesTesPer. . Not PopUlar A1040468 .m.04460.140.4•4444446.... $nkrov. arpERT ot Bane* the Genion, conimander WhO got Into the lilmtlight by being the man who was de- feated at the Sombre by the, British and the Prench, is another �f the Sinister ageres of German militar- ism, One god look .at Rupert's photograph - will- do much to make" his true personality clearer. Does he.lotik like a professor? lifardlY. Does he look like a mute whose eyeS s eold •e look your - rows On the fOrehead ilietftabove the nose? that a sign of good nature, or of ban temper? The fact is that if he had lived In that reedimval period when kings and princes bore attributive .iiaraes, Rupert would have been known as Rupert the Choleric, or Rupert the Testy. t Since his babyhood he has been known to possess an almost un- governable temper. There are etoriee which show that Rupert at time* earnestly tried to overcome his in. borntendency to break out violently when crossed, and still other stories of moments when he failed. It has even beion stated, with every sem- blance of authority, that it was Pup - erre uncontrollable temper which did twinkle? No, he app and &little forbidding. Does good-natured? Well, judge self. You see those little fu PRINCE RUPERT OF BAVARIA much to make unhappy the life of his gifted wife, aud bring that life to an untimely end. The present King Ludwig, what-, ever his mistakes may have been Sillee the -.present war brolie out, Is nevertheless a sound and level-head- ed ruler, albeit a dull 'sort . of old fellow, and not so tempery or tem- peramental as his son. The oid, Re- gent Luitpold- was a inan of great judgment, possessed a personality so lovable, and had such a profound understanding of the needs of his • people, that his name has gone down itt history s that of Luatpold the Wise. It must be said of the grand -- son that he has a long way to travel before he can take the place in Ba- variaxi affections won by that non agenarian ancestor of his. Rupert is not greatly beloved by the Bavarians, his judgment Is erratic and, in the broadest sense, he does not under- stand, as did his grandfather, the needs of the 13asra.riati people. As a • military man—yes, he knows what I they need for protection. .its a lover of art, he also knows how the artistic soul of his countrymen may be fed. But as a. statesman he has yet to prove his worth, and ft Is itt regard to thin that evcn his fellow -country- men have their doubts. Rapert had a colorless boyhood and youth, He becomes interesting pay when he falls in love and takes as bride the lovely Marie Gabrielle— her of whom the Munich people now speak as "the poor dear Princess Rupere" and on whose happiness in marriage the heart of every Bavar- ian was then set with the highest hopes. She was a sister of the pre- sent QE1Ren of the Belgians, and was celebrated throughout Germany not only for her wonderful charms aa a woman, but also for her love of music and art a.nd the help she gave her father in his scientific labors. The two came together at Florence in March of 1900, the engagement was publicly _announced me Baster a.nd they were married in July. The wedded life of these two peo- ede, begun happily, and full of that happiness which the presence of children can give, was not so hzppy itt other ways, and it came to a gloomy end when the Crown Prin- cess in 1912, broken in health, de- pressed by family bereavement and by the death of her three-year-old Rudolph, and tired of her troubles, died suddenly at Sorrento, in Italy, Of paralysis of the heart. WATER POWER IN FRANCE, Will Play Important Part in Ititure Economic, Struggle. The water power of the Alps, the Pyren.ees and the central mountain- ous region is playing a big role in the military effort of France and -will have an even greater share in the efter-war economic struggle. Many new hydraulic power .plants, born of the war needs, are turning eat shells, ehemicals, and other ne- eessities for the army. Many others, born of the coal famine and its lei - tons, wei replace steam power after the war. France utilized thirteen per cent of its total estilnated natural water power itt 1914. She was utilizing wore than twenty per cent. in July if Iasi year and the proportion is every 'day increasing. Competent engineers fix at 4,600,000 horse- power the energy Prance could secure from its waterfalls a' low water, while 9,200,000 horse-powei is the estimate for average season, The total steam energy used in France before the war was only m -et 3,500,000 horse power divid- •1 among about 64,000 establish - The water power of the Alpe has nisiete the name of the "Vale of Alum- • STOMACH TROUlitrit,• . GABES OR DYSPEPSIA - isf,srsiosessomeem. 'Pam?* Dlapepelrilh makes- Sink, Sour, Gately Stennedhe surety feel fine in five minutes. f.if what you jut ate is seining on your stomach or Iles like a lump of •teed, refusing to digest, or you beta gas and eructate our, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad tasee. In month and stomaeh-headache, you can get blessed reilethin five rdinutes. Put an end to stomach- trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cetit case of Papels Diapepain from any ding" store. You realize -In flee 'minutes ha* need - Tees it; is to suffer from endigestion, il,*spepsia or any stoinach disorder. quickest, surest storahch doe- -1 the world. It's wonderful. inum" to the Valley of the Are, where 93,000 horse power is used transfonning aluminum into alum- inum bars, La Romanche in the wild valley freta Bourg d'Oisons to Pont de Claiz ie the "valley of car- buret and metallic alloys," absorb- ing 62,000 horse_ power. Electric steel plants are concentrating in the basin of the Arty where one concern - has installed a complete mill with electric furnaces run by turbines.01 22,600 horse power. Seven import- ant new plants are being bent he the region of Grenoble. . , In the valley of the Durance new plants aggregating 74,000 horse- power for the electro -chemical indus- try ate under way, while above Mo- dane one of the biggest chemical works in France has acquired rights to about 120,000 horse power oi water fall that will be utilized speedily. Hydraulic electrical plants in Cen- tral France have saved the family ribbon industry at Saint Etienne. The little home shops had begun hi disappear—unable to compete with • the milts. Electric motom; of s quarter of a horse power have set this domestic occupation going again, keeping at home men and womer .who would otherwise be driven tc the'looms of the big mills. Little inotors are used all though that re- gion for cabinet making. • Had they not existed before the war, it would be necessary to invent them of some - then equivalentlor the use of maim/ • ed soldiers, The electric motor Is counted upon also to solve the problem of farm help in regions accessible to current. Co-operative societies are being formed to buy current for distribm tioa among the raembers; the instal- latien of a power station is being considered by lone of them. A law to encdurage and help such projects is now being coineedered in the Cham- ber. Electric energy for Paris brought from the Alps is the most ambitious. project for the future. A dam 75 yards high in the Rhone at Genis- siet, backing the water, up 14 -mile.s to the Swiss frontier, -till furnish a fail sufficient to,operate a power eta - ton of 325,000 horse • power and 240,000 kilowatts. The energy is tO be transported to Peals in the terra of an alternatifig current under a tension of 120,000 Tilts. Tee line of transmission will be 312 miles long, One hundred and twenty million francs is the estimated outlay—the cost of about a day and a half of war to France. This enterprise would alone econ- omize 1,800,000 tons of the 20 mil- lion tons of coal France Imported annually before the war. Engineers figure that ouirent brought from the Swiss frontier may be sold with suf- ficient profit In Peels at three centi- mes a kilowatt hour; an economy of about 50 per cent. on the cost of ear- . rent preduced by steam before the war. TREASURES OF THE NATION SENT TO SWITZERLAND. ECEielir developments in the great war have again brought Poland's sorrowful e history to the front, and while most Canadians are well ac- quainted with the tragic reverses of thia once powerful and prominent people, few are probably aware of the fact that the ancient and valu- able treasures of that nation are act- ually stored away, in a special Mus- eum in Switzerland. This permanent memorial of the heroic strdggles of Poland for its national liberty exists in the old Castle of Rapperswil, an enchanting spot on the southern end of the Lake of Zurich. It was founded by Coupt Broel-Plater, itt the year 1870, when he and some patriotic representa- tives of the country leased the tot- tering stronghold of the former counts of Rapperswil for a period of ninety-nin.e years. The building was then renovated to suit their purpose, arid the historic treasures of Poland are thus exhibited in most sumptu- ous and artistically decorated quar- ters .When the Museurpt was inaugur- ated, 1870, a 'document was signed by all the Poles present, stat- ing that the collection was national property; that it was meant to be a Permanent reminder that the Polish race.could not be wiped out, and that • the relics were to remain in the Castle of Rapperswil as long mit they were banished from native soil, or as long as they could not be kept safely in -Poland. The document also ex- presses the belief that the museum will further the Polish cause, as its collection will be a means df afford- ing better understanding and appre- ciation of Poland's past and future in the field of history, literature, science, and art. • The museum enjoys an ideal situa- tion. From 1ie shady terrace we be- hold a landscape of rare charm, a combination of idyllic loveliness and awe-inspiringt grandeur. Before us beckons the radiant lake, with its im- posing Setting of hills and mountains, and adjoining stands the eenerable castle Itself, its gray walls half hid- den, by ivy. Entering through the gateway we and ourselves in a fortified passage ceding to the castle _courtyard, in the midst of -which, on a lofty marble col- umn, the white Polish eagle spreads ttebroad wings heavenward. inscrip- tioasein. _pie German, French, Polish "'MeV 1 , • • ', lung, tieges contain tk 1.7 ORS of ehefflelikhe battles- for lib- erty, also a eirotest agriinst the poli- tica of OppresSion whieh mehbed Po- ' land of her integrity.- : Nearby Stands another Striking inenuntient, a Gable . _Mallsoleunie erected in CoMMemoration of the Polish national heyo—Xoeciusko. A portal of red sandfitonei, with a heavy aak door andbeautifelly worked iron gates, closes the handsomely deco- rated edifice, which contains the heart of the great patriot in a bronze urn standing on a ebeen pedestal., The collections of the raueeura it. self are distributed in three stories, and: contain Valuable souvenirs from .all Periods and phases of, Polish hie- tery and life. Sculptures by the emin- ent soulptor .Brodski decorate the vestibule, and an entire room on the first floor is devoted to uniforms, weapons, and banners, whichwere in use during the 'Wars of indepen- denee. A collection of coins and medals and an exhibition of seals and stamps are also of great interest, and a room filled with wonderful flags and banners is:a silent but rev- erence-irumiring haunt nearby. 'Side by side with these touching Momentos of near are also souyenirs of peaceful days: ancient, richly- • colored peasant garments, national 'costumes of the nobles, and jewelry and eilver dating from Poland's proSperouli days. Prenistoric ands, and a° most remarkable -collection .of matinees are also noteueerthy attrac- tions, and special rooms are devoted to the memory' of ' Poland's great men• --- Kosciusko, who ' also fought under Washington in the .American War for Independence; the poet Mice kieevici, the Gothe of his comitme and the astronomer Copernicus. Po- land's friends are equally honored In a special rotint. An address to the Polish nation, signed by 100,000 _ Englishmen, le preserved here, to- gether with a copious library which is always at the disposal of visitors. - The preeent war is adding many tear and' blood-stained Wages to Por land's history, and no fair prospects tend to forecast the 'final fate of this once prominent country. Poland's; hopes today must principally rest upon the distant promise of a per- petual peace agreem.ent between the nations of the world, and Polish patriots will in the meantline 'con- tinue to pay their respects to that silent, yet; eloquent and inspiring memorial to Polish history and cal- ture—the Polish museum in the Cast e of Rapperswil, a national 4\pro- perty lath remains sacred, as it enjoys Ithe he protection of the peaceful Republic of Switzerland. GENERAL SARRAIL E is Wail, with a clean-cut, erect, soldierly figure. Fifty-nine, he looks at least ten years younger, despite a white moustache and hair, set well back from a high forehead, almost white as well. But hie face has .an almost youtbfel mobility when he sneaks, and there, le a strange at- traction in his active, iashlng, light - bile eyes, He goes( about 'peon- spicuously, wearing a Isaki uniform with ne fieeoratiefillet eititerie 'or 'his .rank save three Stars kn his .eleeve. He is easily aceemilble to ?everybody, cbats with freedont about thiegs of interest, tells battle stories over again, and when he talks with the special correspondents here, as he does every day, he always humor- ously expresses bis delight when, as he puts it, he has "passed yet an- other examination successfully!" He Is fond of a joke and can tell many a good °mete General arrail has had a long care -Sew& very distinguished military service. Hel has seen war in Algeria and Tunis, but his best work has been done as organizer. That work has been tried and j stifled in the fire of the present wa . For three years he directed the cole- Militaire GENERAL SARRAIL • d'Infenterie, .was "officer dlordon- mance" to General Andre while Min- ister of War, and, made General, was "Directeur de l'Infanterie" for four years. In each of those posts Iris work was brilliant and fruitful, fot he hates red tape and he knows and uses a worker as does a Joffre or a Kitchener. Before the opening of the war he commanded a "division de couver- ture" at Rheims, and on leaving that Post was put at the head of the Sixth Army at Bourges. ..When the war cloud burst he expressed a de- sire for a frontier eommand, and was given the command of the Sixth corps at Chalons. This corps was on the extreme right of the aloro.y whichadvanced toward the Belgian frontier, and from the 22d to the 25th of August if put up a ;Splendid resistance to the advancing Germans. Its retreat on the Meuse, itt carrying out the supreme instructions, was cool and line piece of fighting and *manoeuvring. -On August 30 the General was put at the head of the.ThIrd Army in the Verdun region, th that position the important task fell to him of holding, that vastly important fortress. Here had to be done the lion's share of the work of keepes.g'the -left of the Ger- man line pinned down on the frontier while on -the French left Joffre sitbt and hurled back the army 0fJ von Klucle. -And all the world now knows how that work was accona- PUshed. "Hold. Verdun or—do not come back" is said to have been the final word of Joffre to Sarrail. He held it, and so contributed in no Small degree to the euccess of that strategy 'which took the offensive out of the hands of the Germane and altered the whole aspect of .the ti- tanic struggle. And he did it with three army corps and three divisions of reserves against seven German array corpe. Sarrall's work in that part of the war has certainly given bint, a high niece itt it history. For the first ball of the year the Tnird Array and its chief were en- gaged in daily struggle with the strong and numerous legions of the Crown Prince in the Argonne region. Tbe story of the way in which "der junge Herr" threw his forces time and again against Sarrail is already well known. Despite enormous sacrifices the army of the Crown Prince could make no progress, and, itt the end, when the French took the offensive again, the Germania were driven out of many a position. Gen- eral Sarrall is now working in the Balkans. Frora what I have seen, though I may say but little of it, I am confident that the blow when It eomes will bo swift, unfaltering. and final. It will celery the Balkans out of the active *or area and put an end to Germanhi's Oriental hopes.— A British War Correspondent. Germans Greet French. A French division, known for its exploiis, recently changed from one sector to another, taking up a new ,position In a region to which the men thereselves did not know that they were to be taken. One hour after they were placed in the trench- ; es in the new positidn, a placard was raised above the nearest trench in ' the German line, on which was writ- ten in large lettere, "Greetings to 1 the valiant Division."—Le ' Cri de Paris. TWO DANGEROUS DRUGS. THE control of the opium in• dustry is a subject that is given wide publicity, and much - has recently been written of the persistence of ,the Chinese opium producers in celti- vating their broad beide of white Poppies and the measures taken by the Chinese Government to prohibit the raising of poppies, and also the measures which have been taken by that Government in utilizing the ser- vices of the soldiery in destroying the erops of poppies grown in spite of official prohibition. In tb.e popular mind, China and India, b.a,ve been the great sources of the world's opium supply, but a late American consular report shows that the cultivation of the poppy plant is an important industry in Macedbnia, an industry that brings excellent re- turns to the growers. It is said that besides the opium extracted from the flowers, an oil Is made _from the seede which is superior to Russian sunflower oil and to American cot- tonseed oil. The residiura after the -- oil has been extracted is pressed into caked and used as a food for cattle. Even in this time of war, it is said that this year's poppy crop in Macedonia is abundant, and that the exportation of the opium obtained from the flowers is being carried on with little or no interruption. o physicians to the Tombs p ison, in New York city, Drs. Frank A. McGuire and Perry M. Lichten- stein, who ha,ve written extensively of the drug habit among men and -women, have expressed the opinion that the drugs most often used are opium and its derivatives, with co- caine a good second, or a bad se- cond.Opium is the concrete milky exudation obtained from the unripe capsules of "papaver somniferunf' by incision and evaporation. It is usually put ozi the market in subglobuluar, flattened, - irregular cakes chestnut brown or dark shades of browtt in color. The mass is de- scribed as plastic, but if kept for some time a hard crust is formed. The cakes of commerce weigh from Rim- ounces to two pounds. Opium. `hael'a heavy, sweetish odor and a bit- snessonclisitsmosses CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of _. • 1 Clothes stay white if • you treat them right use COMFORT SOAP ter taste that Is by no means agree- able to those who have not contract- ed the °Plum habit. Much is heard at presentof the in- crease iii the cocaine habit. There is no relation between opium and co- -cable, though the person . addicted to one May easily become an addict to the other. A plant grows in South America, the leaves of -which yield a remarkable alkaloid known me, co- caine. This coca. plant has nothing to do with eocoa nee with the cocoa- nut and their numerous products. The local reputation of the plant IS that ef a pleasing and soothing in- toxicant, and this effect is had by chewing the leaves mixed with day or ashes. In modern medicine and surgery cocaine and its derivatives have acquired -valuable uses and are considered a daily blessing to count- less patients of the raedital practi- tioners, Cocaine is a white crystalline pow- der, without odor, and which. has a slight acid eaction and is hitter to the taste. It is said that viinen it is placed on the 'tongue it produces a tingling sensation, which Is followed by numbness. The action of cocaine on the nervous system differs from that ef opium or morphine. The use of cocaine, like that of opium, is no new thing in this world, and its evil effects have long been inveighed again. Nearly half a, cen- tury ago a British medleal writer in the British Medical Journal called attention to the symptoms of cocain - ism. "Here it; something," he wrote, "which quickly relieves hun- ger by deadening the gastric nerves upon whicti seine of hunger largely depends, and which ha e a most pleas- ing and rapid effort upon discomfort itt the mouth and nose and throat. It locally relieves congestion and offers itself as an incomparable boon to singers or speakers -who have sore throats and colds and who must somehow fulfill an engagement. -Many such admirable artists bas 1 t conveyed to lunatic asylums. The couree of cocaine can scarcely be overstated. In many instances the vectim of morphine has used coeaine o enable him to rid himeelf of the inorphine habit. This is to take even. devilmas the remedy for. one," Mending Trousers. Two pastors' wives were visiting, together. One said: "I don't know what we *111 4o—ray husband Is so discouraged. Somehow his people do not tare to hear him preach, and our salary is far' behind. My hus- band feels so blue that he does not like to visit the people and pray with them, and so he sits around' at home nearly all the time." The other sis- ter said: "We are getting along fine. My husband spends much of his time visiting, and the people like to have him kneel and pray with them in their homes. Our congregations are always good, and our salary is paid up promptly." While the two sisters were talking they were mending trousers. One was mending her hus- bands' trousers at the seat, the other was mending her husband' S trousers at the knees. WAS WEAK 'and RUN DOWN SUFFERED WITH "NERVES.7, la.....•••••••eopapatietraya Many worwea become ran tioni as4 wont Out by their household cares mei ditties never ending, and SCPC.raeror WI" find themselves with shattered mime a.nd weak hearts. •When the heart becomes weak and thdnerves unstrung it is impossible for a woman to look after her household se socird duties. . On the first sign ot may wealamos of either the heart or nerves, take Milburn% Heart and Nerve Pills, and you wilifusel that in a very short time you will became strorm and well again. .111 Mrs, J. A. Williams, Tillsonburg, One,. sniees: "Ie.,nnot speak too highly se Milburn's Heart and Nerve PilLI. 1 suffered greatly with my nerves. I wie so weak and run down, I could not stead the least excitement of any kind. I believe your Heart and Nerve Pills to be a valuable remedy for all sufferers fro= nervous trouble," -J '1/4 Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at ati dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of t price by Tau T. Manuals Co., Lrem Toronto, Ont. •••••••*. For Prices and terms of sale of the following brands apply a— MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Matisse smarm Unita Room 63 16 Chslisiliss Scum MONTREAL. EXTRA MIA PALEALC BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE FORM Le -gars 1---KENGSBEER CLUB SPECSAL HOMEBREW Children, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA tssss--e•sssrssws.sssssrs.u.l=rr,s„-vpsa,asCstsst_,ros,ssssgswassss.r.a...,,....,,,„.,rs masssasssatfeassc..s-desaktlinotame TsSlanst asvir•••_.....ass,...aszssataweigeSsomm.amEmaussuessassos. ig 1 A --r ti XI k....kr-a c40 -▪ F FR CD N BUY MgriF CittiADA feesseeremstalicssamogsztsarse;secsassxowassmmesseumni samasseasssesm TEO:7E-YEAR' AR ETICATES $ 25..Qo FOR 50.00 41 IQQ.QQ $21.50 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LiMiTED TO ,S15010. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 F" I fi/ A 1%.1 Cs rnk sat Fri" ?A Ncissmonams,,....e.V,-U.I. ,2-43efl1/4....".aM34:3ffarit .440.1's=51?. "1/4 Alder Elfek" eat The Flavor Lasts - ft-- fs4 11 - - [1 ,1 Nome %tor Collei N.Ohissis *A to sad Vetititiotri &we as I Pri 111 itteb %-goitelte ariA 01Mmail DR.1 tetf. teo **dant- Wilieseem i Mid Se and titre W.y BL. More, S X amt. ti .. „ DI1 I , lirbsdU.N ratInefel #at_rio:1 greeeldehti *WI deers eel *etyma] _ ' *if 4. • •