HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-16, Page 5617
▪ 411.af
e and to say they
Knees is Pate* it
hing in the Winter
Shoes, Leggings or
mild pay or
:he Ford is
tory motor
- before. If
y, the Ford
g Hard
re Seaforth
lity Guaranteed
Buy now, even
y,. it will pay
to• date stock
R. (which saves .21
voir and wa...ialag
70c, fik
— ....25 to 14*
to $1.411
4 tine, 14"..$L12
5 tines, 14"..$1.6.1
5 tines, 16"..$1../4
5 tines,
G tines, 16". f'2311
6 tines, 181'...$2.21i
90c to ;LW
• _ ....54e to $1.*
. ..$1.10 to $1.211
▪ Knives -45c to LT§
gplendid Assortment
s $2.75ato KS*
25c and 50c per het
mc and 50e per inkto
.5c. and 50c per bet,
fing.e$1.75- to nit
.62.20 to $2 -Ti
ofing a -
et, 4 feet, 5 feet aal
ie Iron Works, teeett
• • • • •
Bells,Seiles Bent
*c $1.30 $14.90 $2-11*
1: to $L22
et..$1.00ti3o 1241
41-00 to UM
..... LU
30c *I $2.611
Bros. Hada rim
urnacea. ALIO I!
a:won't kit:warts
Seaforth, Feb. 15th, 1917.
Wheat, per busk ..1.65
.3r, per bush...... .80 to .90
per hush. ...... .50
vs, Per bush. 6.00 to 7,00
Butter No, 1, per .35
Eggs, per dozen ...... .43
Bran. per tem
Shorts. per ton
Flouroper cwt. 4.85 to 5,30
Hays per ton, to 11.00
Toronto, Feht-13. - Butter, fresh
creamery prints, 48 to 44e; do, ster-
eos41 to 42c; do- solids 40 to 41c;
choice dairy prints 37 to 38e; ordinary
dairy prints 34e to 36e; bakers' 31 to
28e. Eggs--Nevr laid cartons, 57 to
$3e; do. excartons 56 to 57e; storage
selects, 47c to 49e; storage No. '1, 46
to 47e. Cheese.. New large 2514:c to
26c; twine 26 to 26%c; triplets 26%c
_tet 270; June large 261/4e; twin lk 26fec,
triplets 27c. Honey, white clover in 2%
pond tine 13% to 14c; 5 lb. tins, 13e
to 13½c a pound; 10 -lb tins, 12% to
lee a pound; 60 pound tins clover, 12
to 121hc. Comb honey--Seleets, 2.40
to $2.75; No 2, V to $2,15. Buck-
isbeat honey, 68-1b. tins 9e to 9% a lb.
seed prices are unchanged from Jest!
week but liberal offerings have creat-
ed a somewhat easier feeling in the,
Morally market The impossibility
ae hipping red clover seed to Eng,
and in time for spring seeding on
account of the scarcity of tonnage
will eausethe' holding over of a con.-
kide,rab16 quantity of 1916 seed either
in the hands of the dealer or those
of the farmer. The Toledo price- has
been as high as $11.46, but is believ-
eo be above the 'actual cash figure
American dealers are willing to pay.
Picea are expected to eemain steady
en the immediate future. The follow -
fug are the seed prices wholsealers
are paying at country points: Alsike
No. 1 per bushel $10 to $10.50; No.
2, $8-,50 to $9; No. 3 $7 to $8; reject-
od $4.26 to $6.50; Timothy cwt. 0.00
to $6.50; common grades, cwt. $2 to
$3; Red glover, No. '1, bushel $9.15
to $10; No. 2, $9 to 9.50; No. 3, $8
to $8.50.
gdwartlik-in London, on an.31
by Rev. C. R. Flanders, Ellen J.
Edwards, McGillivray, to R.Y. Co,
a Goderich township.
Oliver--McWhinney-In Goderich,'on
Feb. 1st, Alice Alberta McWhinney
of Dungannon, to Francis Oliver, of
Fort William.
.++•++•++-i 4!
as WS.Gortntey 1
t Embalmer and
iFuneral Direcfor
7 Undertaking Parlors above .
iM. Williams' grocery etore, •
Main Street. Seaforth :
Flowers fureeoiled on short notice, •
Charges moderate. .
Phone night or day - 192 I'
Toronto, Feb; 13. -Manitoba Wheat
s -Track, bay ports, No. 1 northern,
$1.94; No. 2, do., $1.91; No. 3, do.,
1.86; No. 4, 1.77. Manitoba Oats-
. All rail, delivered No. 2, C.W,71c; No.
3 CM. 70c; extra No. 1 feed. 70c; No,
1 feed 69e. American corn --yellow 114
subject to .embargo. Ontario Wheat -
No. 2 whiter, $1.73 to $1.75;according
, -to freights outside; No.'s winter $1.71
to $1a73. Ontario Oats -according to
freights ontside-No. 2 white 63 to 65c
nominal; No. 3 white, 62 to 64c. Peas
-No. 2, $2. 35; Barley -Malting $1 .20
to $1.22; Buckwheat $1.28 nominal,
Rye -No, 2 new, $1.40 to $1.42. Man-
itoba Flour -First patents in jute
bags, $9.50; seconds in jute $9; strong
bakers inJute, $8, 60,T oronto.-On-
tario Flour -Winter, new, track, To-
ronto, .prompt shipment according to
sample $7,10 to $7.20; in jute bags,
$7 export trade, bulk seaboard. Mill-
feed-Carlots delivered, Montreal,
freights-Shosrts $40; bran, $35; good
feertikni0or bag, $2.70 to $2.80. Hay
-Track, Toronto, extra, No. 2, $12 to
$12.50; mixed $9 to $11. Straw -Car-
lota $9. Potatoes -New Brunswicks
carIota $2.85.
••••••••0•••••• -e• -•••••.r
; Phone
T Holme
Funeral Director and
acensed Embalmer
iertaicang pariors inOddie
Lows building opposite
Stewart Bros. -RRsi-
dence Goderich st., cpp
Dr. Scott'.
Flowers furnished on
short notice.
Night or Day 119,
Xrauskopf-In' McKillop, on Feb.
13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kraus-
kopf, a eon.
Clark -In Hullett, on February 8th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ephraira Clark, a
Leiper -In Hullett, on January 31st,
to Mr. =and Mrs. William Leiper,
a SM. -
Brown -In Varna, on February 11th,
to Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Brown, a
Lawson -In Clinton, on February 8th,
to Mr and Mrs. Ernest Lawson,twins
a son and daughter.
Exeter, on February 1st, to
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gillis, a son.
McQueen -In Usborne, on February
4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc-
Queen, a daughter.
Leiper -In Hullett, on February 14th,
Stewart Lowrie, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Leiper.
Dewar -In Kincardine, on Feb, 5th,
James Dewar, aged 85 years.
Hill -At Crediton, on February 9th,
Mary Hill, in her 69th year.
Farrow-% Blyth, on January .28th,
William -Farrow, aged. 78 years.
Jackson -In Moose Jaw, on Feb. 4th,
Arthur, second son of Mr. and Mrs.
S.H. jaakson, formerly of Brussels,
aged 25 years.
Rathweli-At Cranbrook. on Feb 5th,
Eva E.,- youngest daughter of Mr.
Wm. Rathwell, aged 23 years and 8
'Graham -In Goderich, on February 7,
Jane Whitely, wife of the late james
Graham, of Sheppardton, aged 87
years and 2 months. '
Johnston -In Goderich township, on
February. 5th, Rose Anna Johnston,
tlatzliter of the late George John-
Anstey-In Goderich, on February 7,
Nicholas Anstey, aged 43 years.
aohnston--In Goderich, on February 2
Robt. Johnston, in his 70th year.
Might - In Clinton, on February 6,
Joanna Wright, widow of the late
William Wright, of Goderich, aged
_88 Years and two months.
‘ruttle--At Thames Road, Usborne, on
rebruaxy 2nd, Margaret Turnbull,
wife of John Cottle, aged 75 years
and 1 month.
-Penders---In Exeter, on February 6th,
Samuel Sanders, aged 82 year:5 and
. 2 months,
On Thursday „March 8th, at one o'-
clock, on lot 21, concesslion 5, Hay,
2% miles west of Hensall, Farm Stock,1
Implements, etc.'. D. Wilson, prop.; '
R. T. Luker, auctioneer.
On l'ilesdaY March 6th, at 1 o'clock,
on lot 27, conceesion 7, Hay, a mile
south of Hills Green, Farm Stock, Im-
plements and Househad Furniture.
Thomas Consitt, proprietor; R. T. Lu-
ker, auctionneer.
On Thursday, March 1st, on lot 17,
concession 3, Tuckersmith, 1% miles
west of 'Egmondville, at 1 p.m. sharp,
Farm, FarIll Stock and Irriplenients.
Mrs. H. J. Grieve, proprietress; Thos
Brown, auctioneer.
On Friday, March 2nd at one o'clock
p.m.' Bayfield Road, Stanley, farm
stockand implements, Mr. A. Dun-
can, proprietor; Thoniaa Brown, auct.
On Wednesday, Feb,. 28th, at one
p.m., on Lot 19, Concession 2, Mc-
Killop, farm stock and implements,
ete. Stewart McIntosh, proprietor; T.
Brown, auctioneer._
consisting of a hanosome chestnut
mare 9 years old and sound. An
Excellent gentleman's driver. A first
class rubber tired top buggy, newly
painted. Gentleman's speed, cutter in
first class shape, set of brass mounted
single harness. robe, whip and blank-
ets. This outfit is perfect in every de-
tail, being used for my own personal
use. Address Dr. Pingel, Queen's
Avenue, London. • 2565x2
Young pigs, sows, and young cattle
and a filly for sale. Apply to ALYA
WAY, Lot 35, Con. 4, McKillop.
• 2566x1
Fifty acre grass farm, abont five
miles east of Henson, for sale or to
rent. Apply to J. F. Beck. 175 Al-
bert St., London, Ont, or proprietor of
Commercial Hotel, Hensall. 2566-tf
For Rent, 100 acres, Lot, 10; Con-
cession 13, McKillop, -with bush, good
buildings, also drilled well. For fur-
ther particulars apply to John Barron,
R. R. No, 4, Walton... 2566-tf
Lot 35, Concession 4, McKiliop, 100
acres, with bush, 'windmill, fruit orch-
ards. For further particulars apply
Box 258; Seaforth, Ont. , tf
For salt,, lot 3, ' C,soncesvion 3, H.
R. 8., Tuckers:ran, containing one
hundred acres. Mere Cal the place a
frame barn 40x65, frame house witn.
stove foundation, good orchard and
good well; also • river on backend;
fattn. For further particulars ap-
ply to PETER CLEARY, Seaforth,
No, 4. 2546-tf
For Sale, lot 28, Concession 1, Tuck-
ersmith, containing 98 acres. There
re on the premises a good frame house
two large bank barns 40x60 and 20x50:
The farm is well fenced and drained
arid in a good state a cultivation. St-
unted on the Huron Road half way e-
tween Clinton and Seaforth end is 11
seeded to grass. Will be sold on reas-
onable terms. Rural, mail and tele-
phone at house. For further particu-
lars apply to Mrs. Alexander Jamie-
son, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 2564-tf
For sale Lot 23, Concession 3, Mc-
Killop, containing 100 ares. There
are on the premises good brick house,
large bank barn 54x58, also good driv--
ing shed and other out buildings. The
farm is all fencer: and well umlerdrain-
ed and in a fi i• ... class state a culti-
vation. Forty acres fall ploughed. Two
miles from Seaforth. :Rural mail and
phone. Two good spring wells, one
at the barn and one at the back of
farm. Will be sold right and posse*.
sion given at any time. Apply on thb
premises or address R. R. No. 5, Sea -
forth. Phone 3 on 162. JAMES
COURTNEY. 2556-tf.
The Executor of the Estate of the
late Lenard McTaggart offers for sale
Lot 22, Concession 1, Usborne riOWfl
ship. This farm contains 100 acres,
about 8 acres of which is planted with
an excellmt apnle orchardnearly all
spies aid. greeniugs and in good hear-
ing condition; about 15 acres of good
hardwooa bush land and the balance
cleared, either uncle,- cultivation or in.
grass. On the premises are two ? small
oarns and It driving -shed and 2 never
failing wells. The faim is -well under -
drained and being locetea on the
Northern boundary of Exeter is .un-
surpassed for market, high and public
school staid • church convenien-
ces. Parties desiring to purchase
should see or write to the undersgn
ed not later than Feb. 19th,• or
particulars apply to GLADMAN and
STANBURY, Solicitors, Exeter, Out.
1MAKM FOR SALE. --Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuo
smith, containing 100 mares. about seve n a a;
under bush. The farm is well fenced and drained
and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the
premises a good frame house, baiik barn, pig house. •
ben house, -drive house ;and two good wells. For
terms and partioulars apply on the'premises or ad -
dream MRS. JOHN MeOLOY. Egmondville PAL
28564f '
mite am FOIL SALE — One hundred wares :in a hig
I' stale of cul tivation,two story brickuse.larg
bank barn and silo, goad orchard, a.bundame of wat
er, 1 miles from school, and 24- miles from vown. Ot
the second concession of Tuoirersmith li. E. S.', 11
miles eouth of Mill Road. Price right, and esey terms
for quick sale. For further particulars apply to
Mrs. Katherine illoKenzie, Kippen, Ont. It 1X. No. 8
. 641x4 -b
it T. -BOX ik CO.-
mitnimicsas AND -
*. Bolder of flovernment Diplome,
Plowers uroVished on abort
t Night Cab* •Day Cans
16 Phone 175 • Phone 50
A thoroughbred Pedigreed York-
shir boar bot from J, K. Featherson,
Streetsville, Ont, Teems,$1.50, pay-
able at time of service with privilege
of returning if necesary. Any party
'brewing a sow and not returning a
secondl time, or aecording to orders
a. manager wili be charged full in-
surance whether in pig or not..
• Lot 18, Con. 2, Hibbert
Another load of those high grade
Durham Cows of good milking strain;
some coming in soon; also some good
young cattle. These animals will be
at the farm on Saturday, Feb. 17th.
Make appointment by phone No.. 94.
Also some good young horses suit-
able for farm use, at the livery barn.
All stock sold privately.
The undersigned has for sale seven
well bred Leicester ewes; also six
chunks of pigs. For further particu-
lars apply to GIFFORD CRICH„ R.
R.No. 3, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 136
Clinton Central 2565-tf
Seed Show
• The South Huron Agricultural So-
ciety wil hold their. annual Seed Show
Prize, List: -The following prizes will
be awarded on the best samples of
seed exhibited in accordance with -the
rules governing Seed Fairs:
2 bush, Spring Wheat?, any variety $1.50 81.00 75o
2 bush. %.,Vhite Oats, ady variety 1.60'1.00' 75e
2 bust'. Barley, two -rowed 1.50 1.00 750
2, bush. Barley, six -rowed -• 1.50 1.00 75c
2 bush. Wax Seed 1.50 1.00 750
2.buth. Field Peas 1.50 1.00 75o
1 busk Field BdaDS • MO 1.00 75o
1 bind!. Timothy Seed. • 1.59 1.00 '60
1 bush. Red Clover Seed1.50 1,00 750
1 Inikh, Alfalfa Seed •1.50 . 1.00 750
I bush. Alsike Seed 1.00 75o
1 bush. Poulton, any early variety 1.50 1.00 75c
1 bush. Potatoes for general crop 1,50 4.00 75e
Peak of Onions, Dutola isets 1.00 .50
Best collection Wheat,Oatti,Bar
ley and Beaneatwo bushels of each Sweepstake
Admission Free
The Annual Spring Show -of Stallions,
Bulls, Cattle and Harness Hors:es will
be held at Hensel], on TUESDAY,
APRIL 10th, 1917 Particulars later
President- Secretary
Mo day, Feb. 12th
Transcontinental Train
For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort
William, Winnipeg, Brandon Re-
gina Saskatoon, Calgary, North
Battletord, Edmonton, Vancouver
and the Pacific Coast, will leave
Toronto Union Station at 9
instead of 16.45 p.m, on Monday,
Wednesday. and Friday.
Huron Weather
Insurance Mutual
•Protect your property against dam-
age by storm or cyclone by a policy
in a good live Farmers' Mutual Com-
Our rates are very low -only $2.00
per thousand per annum.
• , We pay all losses of $1.00 and over
from this date forward. Present pol-
icyholders note this announcement.
For full particulars see or phone
any of the following agents:
S Hardy, General Agent, Exeter
R. G. Jarrnuth, sub agent, Bornholm
N. Ogden, Sub -Agent, Centralia
• H. H. Hill, Sub -Agent, Aubum,
or write the Secretary
A. G. Smillie, Seaforth.
James Scott, Pres., Cromarty
UCTION SALE — The undersigned auctioneer
1-1 has been Instructed to sell by public auction
on Lot,16, Conceselon 3. Toy/sable of Hay. On Fri-
day, Maroh and, at 12.30 p.m, sharp, the following
proporty : Horses—One bay horse 11 years old, 1
• brown mare 11 years old in foal to Colonel Graham,
• 1 bay mare8 years old in foal to Lamberton Hero, 2
heavy draught geldings rising 3 years old. Cattle—
Ten cows due to calve in March, April and May, 4
(melee rising I year old. Sheep — 41 ewes due to
lamb in March and April. Pigs—Sow due in Marnh,
9 store hogs. Hens -125 bens. Implements — One
Massey -Harris binder with truck and sheaf carrier,
McCormick mower, Biassey-Harris drill, hay loader,
hay rake, steel miler, teat. cultivator and puller, 2
cultivators, eonffier, set diamond harrows. disc har-
row. double plow and 3 walking plows, one manure
spreader, set of scales, Clinton fanning mill, cutting
box, grinder, crusher, gravel box, pulper. large
potash kettle and small kettle, heavy wagon, set of
eleighs, hay rack, hay fork, 2 sets double harness, 1
set single harnees, grindstone, wheelbarrow, sap
pan and a number of pails, Imperial Oxford range
for ccial or wood, and other articles too numerous to
mention, also a quantity of No. 72 oats suitable for
seed, 8 bushels red clover seed, 5 bushels alsike
clover seed. Terms—All sums of 810 and under.
cash; over that amount 9 months' oredit will be
given on furnishing, approved joint notee, A die -
count of 4 cents on the dollar off for cash. No re-
serve as the proprietor has eold his farina, Alex.
Munn, Proprietor; Luker, Auctioneer, phone
175, Exeter. 2506 -td
tronori ElAtalt OF 'AR R STOCK AND Itt.
11. PtieliENTS.--Thos. Browinhes been instruct_
ed to sell by public auction on Lot 19, Concession 2,
meginop, on wecinesoy, February 231h, et I o'clock
pm.. the wowing.: lIorsega-One poir of matched
geldings- 8 years old, 3,609 lbs,4 1 good work mare
it yore Old. 1 taoxl driving hove, 1 strong driviog
hens 5 years old, 1 driving horse 9 years old w01
work single or doublesCattle—Three newly calved
COWet 1 00W 01 OSIVO tebtV.It thne of sale, 6 cows to
calve in March, 1 cow to calve in April, two-year
Olde, 1.1 yearlings. Pigs, Stio.a-Brood sow to litter
about the thne of tate. Hens Abont forty good
Bock Ilene. Implements — Seven foot binder
with track, 6 ft. mower, horse, rake, Bissell disc,
new Cookehutt stiff tooth cultivator, new Cook -
shaft. 15 diva drill, new land teller, corn cultivator,
manure spreader, 2 furrow Cocksoutt riding plow,
peeeln riding plow. walking plow, 14., & W. gang
plow, light wagon, denatxwat, truck wagon, iron
axle wagon, top bnggy. MeLaughlie top buggy
nearly new, outtere„ 585 01 5 ton platforin Pi tless
scales, 2 setadiamond • harrows, harrow cart, two
fonfilere, London ps engine 4r 11. la. nearly new,
pump jack, belting, rubber euction hose for eteam
engine. Sharplese mechanical milking machine run
two years, cream separator nearly new 600 pounds
capacity, light gas tractor WI, th three furrow self -
lift plow, set,of TOM for buikling cement silo, corn
blower, airmail' sew with three blades, one Jolliett
10 inch grinder, sugar kettle, wheel barrow, grind
stone. emery stone, London fence machine, hay
fork, slings, pulleys and ropes, fanning hay
rack, gravel boe, set sleighs for engine, set of new
sloop sleighs, 2 sets sleigh bunks, set baavy team
harness. 2 sets plow harness, set light double bar.
nese, S sets single harness, cutter pole, buggy pole,
two pairs of horn blankets, °bailee, forks, shovels,
churn'washing inaohine, cook FLOVe, broajgrt 200
•egg ineubator, 8 eight -gallon cream eons, three bed
steads, table, butter svorkor, 13e11 cutting box. Nos -
on dell < a quantity of 1-2 inch gas pipe, 80 feet of
1-2 inch rubber hose and other articles too numer-
ous to mention. Terms—Ten dollars and under,
cash; over that amount eight months' credit will
be given on bankable paper. A diseount of 6 per
cent, per anTIUM off for cash on credit amounts.
No reserve. No Outside stock allowed on premises.
tiltewst MW0.1tLi....141 .45..1 Pro Auctioneer,
of choice farm stock Mr. Thomas
Cameron has received instructions to
'sell by, public auction on Lot 8, Con-
cession 4, Usborne' ' on Tuesday, Mar.
6th, at _one o'clocksharp, the follow-
ing. valuable stock: Horses -Pair of
draft gelding:3, 4 years old; pair 3 year
old agricultural geldings'broken to
harness; black clean leg horse, will
weigh 1400, a good one.'bay mare 5
years old; draft mare 9 years oil;
draft filly 3 years old broke; agricul-
tural horse 5 years old; matched pair,
horse and mare; 2 agricultural mares
4 years old, agricultural mare 3 years
aid, pair 4year old geldings. Cattle
--7 heifers two years old, 8 steers 2
years old; 2 steers comnig 8 years
old, 5 calves, heifer just in. Terms
of Sale -Six months' credit on furn-
ishing approved joint notes. A dis-
count of 6 per cent. per annum in lieu
of notes. HARRY W. HORTON,
Proprietor; THOS. CAMERON, Amt.
of Farm Stock ,and Implements, Etc.
Mf. R. T. Luker has been instructed
by the undersigned to sell by public
auction on lot 21, concession 5, Hay,
21/4 miles west of Hensel, on the Zur-
ich Road, on Thursday, 1Vlarth 8, 1917,
at one o'clock, the following articles:
Horses -One .black gelding five years
old,bay mare 9 years old, driving horse
4 years old, blood mare in foal, 15
years old, colt 2 years old, colt, 1 year
old. Cattle -cow due to calve at tune
ef sale, cow due to calve in May, 2
farrow cows, 2 heifers 1 year old, 2
steers 1 year old, 5 spring calves, brood
sow, and 60 hens, Implements -wag-
on, 3 inch tire; wagon, 234 inch tire;
Frost & Wood binder, Deering mower,
hayrake, bobsleighs, 12 hoe drill cul-
tivator, 2 walking plows, riding plow,
set harrows, roller, buggy, cutter, hay
rick, gravel box, set work harness,
eet single harriessisugar kettle. House-
hold Effects -Sideboard, drop leaf tab-
le, 10 kitchen chairs, 2 heating stoves,
2 heating drums, number of pipes,
forks, chains, shovels, and other art
icles too numerous to mention. Terms
-All sinus a $10 and under, cash;
over that amount ,9 months' credit on
approved joint notes. J.D. WILSON
Proprietor; R. T. Luker, Auctioneer,
Phone 175 r 13, Exeter.
of Farm Stock,Irnplements and House-
hold Effects. R. T. Luker has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction on Lot 27, Concession 7, Hay,
one mile south of Hills Green, on
March 6, 1917, at one o'clock sharp,
the following: . Horses -Mare 5 years
old, mare 4 years old, mare 3 years
old, got by Colonel Graham; Percheron
mare '7 years old, Percheron mare 6
year sold,• gelding -3 years old, colt.
rising 1 year, driving . horse 4 years
old Cattle -cow 9 years old due to
calve in March; cow 8 years old, due
to calve in March, cow six year old,
in calf; cow in calf 7 years old; cow
due in May 7 years old, fat heifer, 2
farrow COWS 4 years old, 3 heifers ris-
ing 2 years old,10 steers rising 2 years
old, 3 pring calves, 3 July calves, 4
store hogs and about 50- young hens,
Implements Set bobsleighs and log
bunks, new wagon 21/4 inch tire, farm
wagon, top buggy, neVdMaeaey-Har-
ris binder 7 -ft. cut, Massey -Harris
;mower, 1034 foot Deering hay -rake,
Wisner hoe drill, comb-ined, seeder and
fertilizer drill, disc harrow, Deering
cultivator, wide and narrow teeth,
bean cultivator and puller, Cockshutt
riding plough, 2 walking plows, root
pulper, Deering steel roller, 3 drums;
set iron harrows, long double tree;
Clinton fanning mill, stone boat, set
2000 lb. scales, Melottee cream separ-
ator; 600 lbs -capacity, bag rully, sad-
dle., set team harness nearly new and
nickle plated all complete, 2 set work,"
,harness, 160 feehayfork rope, three
pulleys, car, pu y hooks, slings, and
hayfork, 350 cedar posts, 250 cedar
• etakes, 40 cords stove wood, 3 ladders,
250 'bushels oats'about 5 "tons clover
lay, a quantity of feed, forks, shovels,
chains, set single harness, 2 tanks,
wheel barrow, grindstone. •Household
Effects 3 bedsteads, wood heater, one
hanging lamp, table lamp, cream can,
feed boiler. Terms -All sums of $1.0
and under, cash; over that amount 10
months' credit on approved joint notes.
A discount of 4 per cent allowed off
for cash on credit a,mounts.
Oats and Hay cash. THOMAS
CONSITT, Proprietor; R. T. LUKER
Auctioneer, Phone 13 on 175, Exeter.
of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and
Grain There will be sold by public
auction on Lot 12, Concesslion. 14,
south boundary, Hibbert, one mile
north of Farquhar, on Tuesday, Feb.
27th, at one o'clock sharp, namely:
Horses -Two brood mares supposed
to be in foal, agricultural; 2 mares
rising 4 years old, agricultural; 2
• geldings rising 3 years old, agrieul-
tural; driver, sucldng colt: Dial
purpose % Shorthorn cattle -Loadstone,
No. 101,176, by Blarney Stone, Oa -
bourne Fairmaid No. 110633, 4 years
• old from Aberdeen Fairxnaid second
No. 92570 and Bandmaster No, 55633
this heifer is now in the test of R.
• O. P. since May last with record of
6650 lbs. of milk and 347 lbs. butter,
for first six months. Fair Princess No.
110505, 3 years old from Aberdeen
Fairmaid No. 86184, and Bandmaster,
due in April. Nokomis No, -124687; 2
years old from Aberdeen Fairmaid
2nd and by Hiawatha No. 92741 due
in April, Princess May No, 124688, 18
months old from Fairmaid second by
Hiawatha due in June; Princess Atha
No. 124689, 6 months old from Fair- 1
maid 2nd by Hiawatha. Grade cat-
tle -2 cows with calf at foot; 4 cows I
due in March and April; 2 b.eifers duel
in April and May; 8 steers and heifers
2 years old; 6 -steers and heifers 11
year old, 2 farrow cows, 1 Jersey cow
due in April, 2 pure bred Yorkshire I
sows due in April, 100 young pulletts .
and 2 turkeys. Implements -Lumber
wagon complete, two pair bobsleighs,
nearly new; hay and stock racks, top
Luggy, cutter, binder, mower, rake,
plows, harrows, cultivators, fanning
mill, straw cutter ,3 sets double liar- I
ness, horse collars, single harness,'
gravel box, wheelbarrow, shovels, hoes
forks, ect., a quantity of hay and mix- .
ed grain, incubator and brooder, coal
stove with oven, up-to-date organ,
nearly new; glass cupboard, iron ket-2
ties, sap buckets, and spiles, a large '
iron kettle and other articles too num-
erous to naention. •Positively no. re-
serve at I have sold my farm. Terms
-All sums of $5 and under cash, over
that amount 10 months' credit on. fur-
nishing approved joint notes. C. W.
CAMERON, Auctioneer.
of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements.
Mr. Thomas Brown has been instruct-
ed to sell by public auction on Lot 17,
Concession 3, Tuckersinith, 1% -miles
west of Egmondville, on Thursday,
March 1st, at 1 p.m. sharp, the fol-
lowing: The Farm -The farm con-
tains 100 acres, 20 tides bush and
pasture land, 134 storey brick house,
two bank barns 40 x 60 with cement
stabling; never failing well at the
house with windmill and water in sta-
ble. Half mile from new school.
If farm is not sold, it well be rented.
Horses -General purpose teem rising
8 and 10 years, a,ged mare suppesed
to be in foal to Jay Medium, spring
colt sired by Jay Medium, draft colt
rising 3. Catt1e-3 cows due to cave
in Mardi, 2 COWS due to calve in April,
1 cow due to calve in May, 4 heifers
rising 2 years old, 5 steers 'rising 2
years old, 6 calves 8 and 10 months
old. Pigs ----4 brood sows due to litter
in April, 1 sow with litter at foot Hens
-30 pullets, some pure bred White
Wyandottes, no old hens. Implements
-Massey-Harris binder 6 foot cut,
McCormick mower 5, foot cut, 14 hoe
seed drill, McCormick 10 -foot hay
rake, eteel land roller, corn cultivator,
Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator,
2 sets harrows, Cockshutt riding plow,
single furrow walking plow, Kemp
-manure spreader, 2 wagons, wagon
box, gravel box, 16 -foot hayrack, Cock-
shutt top buggy, open buggy,- Bain
sleigh with second shoeing, McLaugh-
lin cutter, fanning mill, set 2000 lb.
weigh scales, Smalley's improved en-
silage cutter with 30 foot carriers,
root pulper, 3 h.p. LH. C. gasoline
engine, two full sets double 'harness,
two full sets single harness, 2 strings
bells, a number Of horse collars, Tub-
ular cream separator, Daisy churn,
washing machine, hay fork, car, rope
and pulleys, sugar kettle. and other
articles too numerous to mention. Also
50 bushels seed oats, Abundance var-
iety and a quantity a hay and straw.
Tams -All sums ef $10 and under
cash; over that amount 8 months
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, A discount of 6
per cent. per annum will be allowed
off for cash. Hay and grain to be
cash. The farm will be sold on easy
terms made known on day of sale or
can be had on application to MRS. H.
J. GRIEVE, Proprietress; T. BROWN
B eecktwood
An Open Letter to
My Customers and the Public
C.V.O., LLD., D,C.L., President
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,00
JOHN AiftD, Gentrai Manager
H. V, F. JONES, ASA Gera Mann=
RESERVE FUND, V3,500,000
IN CANADA should
Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposita
of $1 and upwards atany branch of the Bank.
Good timber. Frame 30x40 with
lean-to 12x40. Apply to W. Ament,
Seaforth. 2564-tf
Treasurer's Sale of lands for taxes in
the Team of Seaforth, County a
Notice is herby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been prepared, and that copies
thereof may be had in my office, and
That the list is being published in the
Ontario Gazette, December 2nd, 9th
16th, and 23rd issues, and that in de-
fault Of payment of the taxes the
lands will be sold for taxes on Thurs-
day, the 8th day a March, 1917, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the Town
Hall, Seaforth.
Treasurer Town of Seaforth
Treasurer's Office,
December 4th, 1916. r 2556-13
Notice is hereby given that the An-
nual General Meeting td The Robert -
Bell Engine & Thresher Co, Ltd.. will
be held at the Company's (Me -a, at
Seaforth, on Wednesday, the 2813h day
of February, 1917, at two o'clock, in
the afternoon.
By Order a the Board.
John Finlaysop, Secretary
50 Gir
or More
Brumfield and Ba' The W. E. Siantord Mfg. Co.
has purchased the Taylor -Anderson
field Lumber coal Co. Clothins Factory in Seaforth
and are going to -carry on the bus-
iness from this out for which pur-
pose we require more thaa so gid
assistants. The working hours are
from 8 to 6 each day except Satur-
day 8 to 12. ce hours each week.
We • guarantee steady work
the year round;
Nice clean work and girls can
make good wags
We Pay Hilliest wages while
• Apply or write to
and Cement Yards 1
We are now prepared to pay the
Highest Spot Cash prices for all kinds
Of LOGS, in bulk or by the thousand,
either in the bush or delivered in our
We also handle all kinds of Logs &
Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scran-
ton Coal, Canada Cement, Dress-
ed Lumber & Shingles, Canada
Fibre Board, Metal B ui I din g• Ma
terials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc.
if in the market, for any ot the aoveh
items it will pay you to telephone
John 13, Mustard:
tfiank you very unmet/ me the 1
generous support .accorded to ene to
business so lar thrs year, and whit
to infoon you that I aot prepared
to pay the Ughest prIce in cash or
trade for all the poultry Idielivered
Beechwood alive until ttio owl
weather, every Thursday. We are
well stocked with groceries, boots.
shoes and rubbers an cll dry goods and
all goods Usually kept in a general
store. Well bought is talf sold; food
values in these lines. 1 would also
remind thoB th1ebted that It takes
!money and a gaol, deal of '14 to bay
stock now and ask thebs to pay ap
as promptly es po&sible, All accounts
are ready,i
Yours Respectfully,
Fred Robinson
Manager, Seaforth
That New. Spring Sm.
or Overcoat
I T HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambition
• give our customers the best •possible satisfaction
in the tailoring business. Our suits 1:.rid overcoats
are made in a high-class. careful manner. They have
earned their reputation from the way they are tailored
as well as from the pure materials from which they are
made. The quality has always been a prime factor in
our tailoring, and always will be.
We never had a finer range of Spring and Sum-
mer materials. Distinctive patterns add shades of sich, fast color-
ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men,
middle aged men and old men. It doe' not matter whether you
are a style enthusiast or just appreeiate quality, tailoring and
value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and
examine these new materials.
Let US Be _TY OUR 1 ailors
W. D. Bright & Son.
• \
Low Fares
• aad through Tickets
To all points in ETERN CANADA and the
Pacific Coast
Electric Lighted and comfortably -equipped trains
To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to Chas. A.
Aberhart, Druggist, Agent, or write to P. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Dept. ,
68 King St. E., Totonto.
Via Canadian Northern