HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-16, Page 3ed' wigcommon for theOurity of US more to make YOU less to use tself in the clothes "ear- and rub dies. $5.000 purify gran Ssnazghr asks ie fora rheumatism,. ie erect 'treatment! he Purest Cod Liver tes as 'contained irc for relieving rhe v`` utterly failed. e `err, Or feel its first. Erralision -atons HAT YOU NEED. said to hi -n. of rota he replied.'They if my father was the Lenerai, and when al said as, they wanted tt i know sift ` foliewing in Ida root. replied that, iperhapa,=- ` d at the iia I would, tint en Who Suffer a New Health Through thO, Dr. Williams` Pink PHIS ;.;n ai. at some time needs At: 4net tat times uuusuaL re rade upon her strength. :se are added to the ..Worry wh eh falls to , her lot icrel i 1 health will f flow un - so is forti€i= d to meet the "mee tied in Dr. Williams' the t. nie exactly' suited tor s. Test of t i,e ills from r suffer ere. doe to bloodless ri cirri it it.t which the Piller c-, .t ire., ti gilts save the Wei: into . "ni;tnhood in • coo .Tit .ckt7 fr,•itt sears of d tiff .= d p t'LZ,lit and per' ie€ to the ' oman who is arc1 , be, e-rtn-' eat:, Mrs. Vag:r er. iteseathal. Ont., =- fta r the hi -•rh t. f my se - I st.ffered feem troubles• t tnether•s kill understand, ir.g lotto detsi'h. The doe- s atiendieg me said art -ou d he tteces'a y, but as this wed as 1T. W Miarns, bad been of -great help to deeidol to try this imedt cart trill" say that after pills tor some time they rriltlete cure, and trade life able Thai' it had been for I think every woman ram the ailments of our - give Dr. Williams' Pink. trial as :I know ft on my e great benefit that fol- use. " - , .1., .: get these faits:through. any ealer or bY mart at 50 cents 6xes for; $2.50 from The is' Medicine Co., Brock.- • tr.l to tis now y r -..Urn mail a i% 1 1 W l:r:ttt.tl )c- e • f Garden, t.'ri, SF -!ds, Root 11;u: ,s, Small • Tools, etc. CIL --We will also c : f a;: ocher (value L.ur c._tv,•le a fenlig , it on at favor- ge a d , , in tit 4 = linea b..y(rirtti. . 13 g nODOlt! -� ¢ N'CANADA 4 { '1.1(41 � l� RAtIU fluff 1 1>0> >M1 8 _ it THE DO Ia 1 at -ESM 1871 a 1t Ritiorvi $13.000,000 A GENERAL BANPEINGEWS1NESS TRANSACTED g a Savings Department - ....., ■ ., „D.sits et One Dollar and upwards received. w ■ Interest paid or added to accounts twice -2, yew, ii ti Efficient service. 0 x SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager.. it muni ttimicantiv *******y_xt!Kowit oncop) om aix»Itl$ll>�i[�>siatas ta13111.111111111118111111. 9/11/111/11/11■11/11 aa�Nur epi 111. Brawn, Wroxeter has lost its old - Win ,est resident. Mrs. Brawn had reached the advanced age of 89 years. She was a native of England, having sail - DISTRICT MATTERS RULLETT. Our hoot. ----The following is the report of the school in Section No. 1, runletta for the month of January: ; '—Mary Gibbings, Nona Dale, A. bier. Jr. IV—Cecil Farnham, R. aieson, Persy Tasker Sr. IH—Hall arnharn, Ross McGregor, W. Living - one, J. Hugill, Allison Dale, Leslie Tooker. Sr. it—Halton Mero, Cath- leen Livingston, Ernie Dale, Wilfred 'Glazier,. D. Dale, Pearl Mero, Etta Wright. Sr. Part II :Walter Dale, M. Mon, Gordon McMichael, Frank Fow- Iel Willie Wright Jr Part H G eo. jeer. Sr. Primer --.Fergus Wright, Myrtle Dale. Jr. Primer—Bob Mc- Michael, Emma Mann, Gladys Free- man, Allyn Dale, Hazel Freeman, Alice Walker, Flossie Mero, Olive Walker. s --A. R. Farnham, Teacher. MORRIS. Notes.: Arthur Cantelon, of the 3rd . Vie, keeps quite poorly, He is anold settler and is in his 86th year.—Dun- can ear. Dun- can McDonald of the 9th line has ex- changed his Ford runabout with Am- ent and McDonald for a Chevrolet touring car.—On Tuesday of last week Mr. and `Mrs. Hugh. Forsyth . and daughter, Annie, left for their home in Frobisher, Sask., after a visit with relatives awed friends in Morris and Grey townships.—Mr. Stanley John- ston, and his ' sister, Mrs. Smith, of Scott, Sask' are visiting their aunt, Mrs George Johnston.—On account of the stormy= weather and drifted roads the auction sale announced by ,Allen Speir, fourth line, for Tuesday of last week, was postponed until Tuesday, the 15th inst. Mr. Speir is leaving the farm. — Willcsws Farrow, a well- known resident of the third line for nnanyyears, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Garniss in Blyth on January 28th. - ed with her husband from Plymouth. They `sealed at Exeter, where Mrs. Brawn resided until a few years af- ter the death of her husband, when she came to Wroxeter to live with her only son, Dr. W. H. Brawn, who pre- deceased her eight years. Mrs.' Brawn was an active worker and member of the Methodist church, and her many estimable qualities will endear her memory to all who knew her. IN MEMORIAM. In loving 'memory of our dear par- ents, Hepizbale Wright Allan, who died in Egniondville on Feb. 14th, 1895, and John C. Allyl, who died in Win- nipeg, Man., on Sept. 10th, 1906: We mourn for you, dear parents, Though not with outward show; The heart that mourns sincerely ' Mourns silently and low. If your graves were to open What changes you'd see; : But rest, .peaceful rest, . Is far better for you. They are gone, but not forgoten, As it 'dawns another year, In the lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are always dear. Inserted by The Children. . s An Excellent Fledicins for Little Ones CREDITON. Notes. =Reeve Elliott reports that the County Council has. granted $8000 vatarr4- the work of the Game -Ian. Cross Societies in the County. The amount this township will receive will be $515. The different branches are all busy and this donation. .will be welcome.—Alfred Wuerth is the proud father of a fine baby girl. --Miss May Armstrong, of Exeter, was the guest of Mrs. Herb Silber this week. Miss Carrie Kuhn is visiting her sister Mrs. Levi :Carter, in Clandeboye.--The 20th anniversary of the Evangelical church will take place on the 11th and 12th of this month. Rev. Breyfogel, Pile of the -bishops of the church from Cleveland,- Ohio, will be present and reach on Sunday and lecture the fol- lowing evening. The reverend gentle- man dedicated the church after its erection.—William H. Geiser has sold his farm 114. miles- west of here to his brother Frederick, of Shipka, who takes possession in the fall. Just at present Mr. Gaiser's plans are not complete. We trust, however, that he will decide to move to the village. IJSBORNE. Death of Mrs.. Cottel.—Ont' Friday, Feb 2nd, the death occurred at her home, `. Thames Road, of Margaret Turnbu-1, wife of Mr. John Cottel, at the age of 75 years and 1 month., De- ceased hard been confined to her room for four months succeeding a para- lytic stroke and on January 28th she suffered a second stroke, which hast- ened the end. The late Mrs. Cottel was born at Dalhousie, Lanark coun- ty, and came to Usgorne township, when a girl, with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. David Turnbull. Fifty- five years ago she married her now bereft husband, and they celebrated their golden wedding five years ago. She was devoted wife, and fond naoth- e r and was respected and esteemed by all who knew her. She was a member of the Thames Road Presbyterian ehureh. Resides her husband she is survived by one son, David, of Russel - dale, and -four daughters, Mrs. Robt. McDonald, of Thames . Road, 1Virs Alex. Campbell, of Hibbert, Mrs. Mat- thew Clark and Mrs. nT . N. Hazel - , 'wood, of. Tuckersm,ith, also giro broth- • ers and two sisters. The remains were Lid to rest in Exeter cemetery.` Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent medicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach: regulate the bowels; break up colds and simple fevers, curs constipation and make teething easy. Con erning them Mrs. E. Quinn, of Parame, Que., writes: - "Baby was -troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped him till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They are an excellent medicine for little -ones." The Tablets are sold by medh ine dealers orby mail at 25c,a box from The Dr Williams' Medicibe Co., Brockville, Ont. a5 ThE HURON% was Wrong, and she was horrified at finding Mr. Pehlke :dead. He had been dead for two days, and his wife, who is an invalid; could not get word to neighbors, and after being in the house for two days without nourishment or fire, she, too, was found in an ex- austed condition. The- cows and chick- ens had not been fed for two days and were in a bad condition. Deceas- ed had hot been well of late, but was able to be up and around .and attend- ed service in the Lutheran Church the Sunday'previous to his death. Be- sides his wife, he leaves one son, who resides in Ellice township. A RED CROSS CATECHISM. Question 1. :What is the Red Cross Society? Answer: It is an. International So- ciety which help the Medical De- partments of each Army and Navy to look after the sick and wounded and prisoners of war. Question 2,—Hcw does the Red Cross Society help the sick and wound- ed men?' Answer: By providing the Army Medical Department with additional hospital stores of all kinds, from am- bulances to drugs and bandages; by sending out extra nurses, orderlies, and volunteer assistants; by equio .ing wholly or in part, hospitals, hospital "ships and trains. •question 3-Why,does not the Gov- ernlzent do._all this work? Answer: Because, in common with all other civilized nations, the Em- pire recognizes the value of volun- tary effort for the care of the wound- ed as permitted by the International Convention of Geneva, - 1864. Red Cress work thus relieves the taxes, and allows people to give instead of only paying; and provides a properly organized channel - for personal eer- vice to the suffering men. Question 4,—Why should give my money to the Red Cross Soeiety? Answer: Because if I stay at home, I can help the men who fight through this society, when they need help most. Question 5.—'what will happen if everybody in Canaada subscribes gen- erously to the Red Cross? ' Answer: Unneccessary suffering will ge saved by a sufficient supply of all hospital stores and drugs; men will be returned to the ranks instead of being invalided and, others who might never have seen home . again will be returned to the arms of their fam- ilies. - HURON NOTES. —On Monday of last week after an extended illness, Eva E.,. youngest daughter of. William Rathvwell, of Cranbrook, passed away, at the age of 23 years and 8 months. The fun- eral took place on Wednesday after- noon, interment. being made in Ethel c enietery. —The fine one hundred acre farm known as the Robert Barr property, near Ethel, has been sold to William Michel, 12th concession of Grey, by G. M. Chambers, of Blyth. Mr. Michel had his house burned down a few weeks ago. He gets possession at once. The farm is well located. ` On Monday morning of last week Mrs. Arinstrong,wife of Dr.Armstrong of Gorrie, passed away very sudden- ly. She was Jan influential •member of the Presbyterian church and took a very deep interest in the Women's Institute and also in the Patriotic Sewing Circle and was- 'very . highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. Dr. Armstrong has the deep sympathy of the whole community in his sore bereavement. —On Sunday, January 28th, Wil- lows Farrow, a well kn wn resident ` chine guns and hand grenades rat - of the third line of Mo is for many tled ineffectively from off theiriron years, died at the home f Mr. John hides. As our communications with Garniss, in Blyth, at the age of 78the rear had been cut, our artillery years. He had been living with his ` could not be called upon to aid us a- daughter, Mrs. William Bray, in wa- gainst the massed fire of these arm - nosh, but had gone to Blyth on a .visit ' oured towers. . ,. The cl:ums•r to his grand -daughter, where he took ; steel box with sides one inch thick ill and passed away. Deceased was has appeared in a different form -he- buried at Blueveale cemetery on the tween Combles ,and Thiepval. It has following Tuesday afternoon, the ser- usually the- shape of an egg, which vices being conducted by Rev. Mr. Mc- ! move onendless chains. In the front Cormick. Mr. Farrow is - survived by the chains just a little beyond the two sons, Ben, of Owen Sound, and : body to enable the machine to cross Rogert of Brussels, and a daughter, trenches and shell holes.;. The machine Mrs. Bray, of Wawanosh.. Mrs. Far- is guided by a kind of tail, the wheels row predeceased her husband a good of which dig into the sides of- the A GERMAN DESCRIPTION OF A TANK. The following is an account of the tanks sent to the "Dusseldorfer Gen- eral Anzeiger" by its correspondent on ',he West front, Dr. R. Dammert: When the German outposts crept out of their dug -outs in the midst of the morning, and stretched their necks to loo for the English, their blood was chilled in their veins. Two mys- j terious monsters were crawling to- wards them ''over the craters. Stunned I as if an earthquake had burst around them, they all rubbed their eyes,which were fascinated by the fabulous crea- tures. ; Their imaginations were still excited by the effects of the bombard- ment It. was no wonder then that im- agination got the better of these sorely tired men, who knew well en- ough that the enemy would use ev- ery means todestroy our steel wall - of fragile human bodies. These men ro longer know what fear is. But here was some devilry which the brain of man had invented with powerful me- chanical forces, a mystery which root- ed one to the ground because the in- telligence could, not grasp it -a fate before which one felt helpless One stared and stared as if one had lost the power of one's limbs. The mon- sters approached slowly, hobbling,roll- ing,and rocking, but they approach- ed. Nothing impeded them; a super- naturaI force seemed to impel them en. Someone. in the trenches said: "The devil is coming," rand the word was passed along the line like wildfire. Suddenly, tongues of flame leaped out the armoured sides of- the iron cat- erpillar. Shells whistled over our. heads and the sound of machine guns filled the air The mysterious creature had - yielded its secret; and the men came back to their senses; their vig- or and tenacity returned when the English infantry rolled up in waves behind the "devil's coaches." Our ma - many years. PERTH NOTES; trench and shove it forward with a jerky motion. The armoured car, with its crew of one officer and seven men, 1 Phone You Orders Stewarts , Self. ItFor Less .+1 —On ``February 1st, Mrs. Thomas carried two sig. -pounder guns in tur- McLaren,sr.,one.. of the most high- rets stuck on the ,sides like swal- ly respetedresidents of Mitchell lows' nests. There are also four to passed 'away, at the age of eighty- eight machine guns at loopholes which one years. Mrs. McLaren had been a - can be closed. It is lighted inside with resident of that town for about fifty' electricity. On good ground it has a five years. I Maximum speed. of five to seven miles, —John Legge,sr., one of the oldest- in soft ground torn up by sheels, at and best known residents of St.Marys, most one to two miles. The engines are dropped dead in his chair in his home - motors of. 100 h.p. It can only turn on He" had been in wide curves, and has to avoid the on Saturday a ` b t d ,tern \YROXETER. - Old Residents Pass -Away. — The death of James R. Rae, which occur- red at his home on Howick street at • an early hour on Thursday morning of last week, removes another of the old residents of this district. The health of the deceased began to fail about a the early pioneers of Logare township down town in the. forenoon, apparently ,_larger craters. Its:'object is to clear ' in his usual good health. Heart trou- . trenches and obstacles, and according ble is supposed to have been the cause to orders ,discovered it can be used cf his death. He retired from the farm`' against machine gun positions, and, located just south. of the town, now ` even, in certain circumstances, against occupied by his son, several years ago. 1 batteries, andit may advance with or His wife died about three years ago. ° without infantry. They carry ample —On Saturday Afternoon another. of. Supplies of munitions, provisions for year ago. He appeared to rally for several months in the summer, but the improvement, however, was only tem- porary,=and he gradually weakened, passing away as above stated. De- ceased, who was in his G3th year, was a son of the late David Rae, and had spent Practically all his life in How - ick township, having come from the vicinity of Ottawa with his parents, when a=child, Mr. Rae, who was a suc- cessful:; farmer, retired to the vil- lage a few years ago. He waa a man of excellent reputation and had the deep respect and high esteem of a large circle of friends. In religion he was a,_ staunch Presbyterian. He is survived by several brothers, his wid- ow` and five sons: David of Hawick; Robert, Frank, Arthur and Melvin in the West, A son, George, died several 'tars ago. —In the death of Mrs. Brawn, on f,I2uesday morning of last week, at the Taotne Of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. Massed away, in the peon of Henry Jewell. Deceased came to Logan when a young man, and settled on the farin on the third concession, ,:on which he died. He was twice married. His first wife was Mary Ami .Pounder„ who diedr in August, 1894, His second wife was Mary Janc Stinson, who survives. Two song and four daughters also sur- vive. , —B.J . Roadhouse, a highly respect- ed citizen of St. Marys, passed away on Saturday, at his residence inthat town. The deceased who was in his 81st year; was in splendid health un- til a cohple of weeks ago. Before com- ing to St. Marys 22. years ago he was carriage maker at Kirkton for more than thirty years. Until retiring five years ago, he was a contractor and had the contracts for many fine briid- ings - in St. Marys and vicinity. —Not seeing a light in the Pehlke home, in Mitchel,' a neighbor called on Thursday last to see if anything several days, and a cage with carrier l..igconS. i There is more catarrh in this section of the coutnry than all other diseases put together; and for years it was sup- posed to up-posed:to be incurable. Doctors pre- scribed local remedies, and - by con- stantl3* failing to cure with local treat- inent, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease greatly influenced by constitutional conditions and there- fore requires 'constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken intern- ally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sjrstem. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to ,cure. Send for circulars and testi- monials. F . J . CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75e, Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Mail Your Orders MMEINNIMMIL o Matter What Weather is Outside It's. Spring Time at STEWART'S LL THE BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING THINGS ARE POURING IN Springy Time in Women's Suit and Coat Department Those women who -are desirous of knowing what is really new and cor- rect inn suits and coats for spring will get a fund of authentic information from a visit to our Ready to ;wear de- 'partment. All the newest ideas, the most a pprov- ed styles and the latest designs are represented in this delightful array. If 'we appear over enthusiastic over these new garments, you will even ex- cuse us when you see this attractive assemblage for yourself. Price Suits $16.50 to $35 Price Coats $7.56 to S25 Dress Goods and Silks In spite of the great scarci- ty carcxty of Dress Goods and Silks we are prepared to show you the largest as • sortment it has ever been our plea.surB to display. All bright new materials of the very newest weaves and colorings at prices you will gladly pay. Spring Time in Print and Gingham Department Wedomesamsc,c All that the new season ushers in, in new patterns, new colorings and new weaves can be learned here by a quiet look through the hundreds of new pieces of Prints and Gingham we have .just received and placed in stock. There is a charm in these attractive new goods—they are so different from other years that they appeal to you at first sight. . - And beautiful as the new effects there is also back of them the guarantee that always goes with Crumbs' Prints and _ Anderson's, Gi ng hams. The prices will please you too Spring Time in the Rug and Linoleum Departrent If You Want Variety . If You Want Quality If You Want Good Value Come here for your. Rugs and Linoleums. We are for- tunate in getting early delivery of our new spring stock. There are dozens of new patterns in linoleums and new rugs in every wanted size. If you need Rugs or Lin- oleums don't wait—Come early --Get first cnoice. Boys' Smits That wear well $3,00 to $0.00 The new spring suits have begun to arrive. They will please the boy and parent as well. Made in a great many new styles of good substantial cloth at prices that are less than you will ex- pect to pay. Prices..... ........`� 3.00 to $9.00 COMFORTABLE • Collars The subject of comfort is be- ing studied extensively by collar makers, The newest production is the latest for comfort. Try one—it fits the neck, the shirt and is c.oneavv ed to fit the shoulder blades. Price... .. .........15c Hosiery Don't Wait—Buy your Hosiery now. Indications .point strongly not only to higher prices but to poorer qualities as well. We are excellently prepar- ed to meet your require- ment at very reasonable prices—But don't waif -- Buy now. Igen's Made-to-Measure $20. to $30 Why ;not buy the new Spring Suit now. The new Suitings are here for those who wish the faddy clothes and plenty of good old reliable serges,wors- teds and Scotch tweeds bought before the advance in pi ices, which.- you can buy at practically old prices. Le e Your measure now. Price 520 to 530 New Spring Shirts Don't buy a shirt until you have seen the new ones we are showing. The patterns are by long odds the most attractive we have ever shown— made in stripes, dots and fancy designs, soft or stiff cuffs. Sizes 12 to 18. Price .......50c to 52 Men 's Wor Made of mule, sheep or pig skin lined, strongly sewn. Excellent spring work on the farm. Price....... o •••............ ..... b.. ..., oi. Butter, Wool and Eggs Wanted Mitts knitted cuffs, well for choring or early 'Strong and Comfortable Overalls Men's heavy denim overalls, made with good pockets, cut to fit, solidly sewn buttons put on to stay Black, blue or stripe— ALL SIZES Price.... _ ....90c to Winter Underwear For Men and Boys. Hundreds of >se men are 'bely– ing underwear now for next season. It will pay - ozz to do the same. You can b, underwear here at the old prices. • Come early. StevartEggs te Bros u oo�