The Huron Expositor, 1917-02-09, Page 8•
What a lot of rubber
weather we% have
right along now
'Everybody will,have
use for a good pair
of Rubbers! Its a
wise thing to pro-
tect the feet that is
season of the 'year.
• We fit any shoe per.
fectiy, and have a
geed pair of rubbers
for every man, wom-
an and child in own.
J E, Willis
Quality footwear
Opposite -Expositor Office, Sea
run Expaqtar
Cr MA1 t
• An Old Subscriber. -in writieg to
The Expositor under date of Febrnary
ist, Mr. R. Hunt, of BuncetornMissouri
says: 'Teti will find enclosed a draft
for $2 for which please, extend :My
subscription for one year. I ‘have
been a constant reader ef The Expes-
itor for over forty years"
The Casuality List -Mr. John Scott
of Roxboro received a wire from the
Militia Department on Tuesday stat-
ing that his on, Pte. James Thompson
Scott, had been officially reported
wonnitect On January 28th, with a gen
shot wound in the face. Pte. Scott en-
listed in Edmonton and has been in
the trendhes for some months. -
in force at the dose of the year was
2,310, covering insurance to the a-
mount of $2,749,920, which ,shows the
reinaekable growth and strong finale-
eial condition to •Which the -convene
bee attained. The officers appointed for
the corning year are as .follows: Pres -
;dente James Scott, Crornartya 'vice.,
preeident, Benson 'Williams, Exeter;
aeceetary-treasurer, A. G. SMillie, Sea -
forth; directors, Roger "Northcott, S.
Brokeashire, D. Fotheringhana IVIoses
Gee W. U. Battler W. T. Cald-
well;, , , ,
General Aeen,t, S. Hardy, Exeter,
The Old Times Dance. -The commit-
tee in eherge of the Old Timesiance
in aid of the Seaforth ,I3ranch f the
Soldiers' Aid Commission, 1 Id in
Car o's opera hail on Friday evening
lasl, were most Unfortunate from a.
weather point of view, as the night
was oneeof tile coldest and etornuest
Of the season. However, the hall was
well filled and those who Attended
thoroughly enjoyed thernselves. An en-
joyable feature of the evening's enter -
The Euchre, The proceeds df the tail -anent was the Highland piping and
Euchre party given some time ago1 - dancingby Messrs. K. D. McLennan,
in aid of the Red ' Cross Society. i Roy MacKenzie and Jinimie -Ross, of
Were $180.50, - The expenses being I Lucknown and an exhibition on the
$39.65, the amount of balance given to. "bones" given byea. returned soldier,
the Red Cross Society was $150. The Pte. E. Whittaker, who was: through
highest prizes were won by Mrs.Wm. several battles in France before being
Smithers and Mr, Ross Sproat and the r wounded at Ypres, and who else gave
low prizes by Miss Evelyn McKay and 1 a short talk on life in the trenches. By
Mr. names Willis. The prizes were' special request the committee are re -
beautiful silver and copper ornaments'
donated by Mr. James Collie, of Lake
Linden, Mich., who is it brother of Mrs.
John Beattie, Main Street. '
Patriotic t'lixtionery
r -lave you seen the new
Red_ White and Blue
Writing Paper? This is
the newest Patriotic- nov-
elty. A good grade of
peper with red and blue
tint running across both
paper and .envelopes,
making a very pleasLag
effect. •
.35c per box
loaded a car of corn at
sall last
• Notes. -The fuel famine that threat-
ened our village has happily been a-
verted by the arrival of ni couple of
carloads of coal. -The many friends
of Mr. George Howard, jr., who has
been seriously ill at Plattsville, will
be pleased to learn that he is getting
better and is expected home shortly• .
-t-The secondof a series of dancing as
semblies will be held in licKenna's
hall on Friday evening, the 16th. No
pains are being spared to make the
Affair even more successful than for-
mer events of the kind, The Chesney
erchestra has been engaged and a good
time is assu ed. Make no other en-
iftonepson?s Bookstore.
gagement for that date
, seat-1kb
Winhow Shacies and Picture Vieques
Agent for New idea Patterne
Notes. -Mrs,. 'D. Sutherland' has
gone to Toronto to care for hor daugh-
ter, Mrs. Kindy, and grandson,. who
are very 11. We hope to -hear soon of
clipping from The Seattle Times will i
be of interest to many friends here: , their return to good healthe-The C. '
intimate friends, liere, Anna Ereecnin 111
"An a dinner given last week to ten i I, %C. are holding a Red Cross Fewing
the basement of the church eon
foot announced the engagement of her *errhursdaet -afternoon of • this Waek. '
daughter Eunice to Mr. Jack Morrison There should be a hearty tesnonse to
Cunningham. The party later enjoy.' this needy cause and we wish the
ed the program at the Alhambra The- girls and their teacher, Mrs,. C. Me- .
atre. Miss Broadfobt was a former Gregor, . every success in their en- ,
student at he Franklin High school deavoro-Seell Brosare busy hauling /
February 19th, and if the weatherman -University of Pemisedvania." men straw -shed. - Mr. ' Will Thompson -
graven for the basement of their ' rating the_ dance on Monday evening, and Mr. Cumnrigham attended the
is any way, kind there is sure tobe a Anna Broadfoot, it will be remeenber, has ordered a Chevrolet carfor the
bumper lunise. The Het proceeds of the ed, was the daughter' of late Genowning season.-MrseThonias Living-
. (lance, which =punted to $118, have Chesney, and wife, of the late Erskine
stone disposed of one of his good olts
been turned over to the local branch Broadfoot, of Seattle, Wash. -Messrs. last week to ilr. Knechtel, of McKin
George Harn and Russell 'Derrance of lop, at a good price. Mr. Knechtel also
McKillop were in Toronto this week bought one from MrCarter to mate
Contributions Aelmottledged. ---; The attendinn the conveetion of the On-
hini. They have to come to Hullett to
. s.
Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hos- tario Fairs Association as delegates get the good ones
pital for Consumptives desiret grate- from . the Seaforth Agricultural So -
fully to ackeowledge the followng ciety, They report a large attendance • HIBBERT. ,
contributions received in Seaforth by and e good ineetinn.--Mt. A. G. Fitzpatrick -Jordan . -A quiet wed -
her school here owing to having ob- the Field Secretary of the National' Sraillle, who bas been residing rn town ding took place at St Colurnban on
tained a school near her home at Sea- i Sanitarium Association: Collections since he left the farm two years ago, the 30th ult., when Annie T., the third
forth. We all wish her very much sue- $2.05; Ante Finlayson $19, Drs. Scott has purchased a residence in l'oi.onto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter *Tort
cess, as she has been beloved by her and Mackay $5, 3. H. Reid $2, R. at ,„ peei intends meting his family there dan, of the 3rd concession of Hibbert,
pupils and most highly respected by
Jones, $2, W.R. Smith $t a. .R. Scott i neat otonth, Mr. and Mrs. Smillie became the birde of Peter Fitzpat-
the whole section for her conscient- $2, W. Crich $2, F.S. etnatiee 42,1 have become i opular rendents and rick, of the same township. The cere-
ious- work. She leaves at the end ra . Dr. F. 3. Burrows $2, Rev. P , Corcor-i th.eir removal from Seaforth twill be mony was perforined by Rev .Father
the month!' Miss , Curtin has been an $2, Rev. F .H. Larkin $1, Beattie la cause pf sincere regret to their many
kets White, in the presence of the irn-
aim No. 1,' MeXillort
engaged to each in ,the school in ,sec-
& Son $1; 'friends herealy $1, M. t
breakfast was served at th bride's
mediate relatives. A dainty e ding
Arntreeiated.-The Guelph Mercury the Soldiers' Aid Commission.
of a recent date has the (following to
say about a young graduate of the
Seaforth Collegiate Institute and a
daughter of Mr. min Mrs:Martin Cur -
forth tin, of the Heron rend, near town: "It
IS very much regretted by all the rate-
payers that Miss Curtin has resigned
Bros., .$1, W.J. Walk
C: Aberhatt $1, J.F.
McKellar $1,- A..L. Ston $1, Jas.. Nel- The IVIcKillop Insurance Company- home, at which their pastor and the ;
son 11'P . WT. . Thom son $1' W. R. The annual meeting ea the McKillop brothers and sisters of the bride at -1
eFifty-Second Anniversary.-- -- •
Mr. and 1VIrs. Thomas Stephens, of the e - '
two surcingles only ........$1.90 • Q ' Htl lb tdthirfift' '
a net, G. McKinley $5 A. D Suth- , held in the town hall in Seaforth on was given to the neighbors and ine-
•' second• anniversary a their '
A good- serviceable blanket, lined Pleat $1 Robt. Bell $10, Stewart Bros., Mutual Fire Insurance Company was tended. In the afternoon a reception •
ueen. s o e , ce e ra e e - • . • • •
marriage (eland $2, John Rankin $2, J. Mactav- Friday afternoon last and was well at -1 mediate reletives after whieh
A fancy •strtped Queen City jute ish $2, J .W.. Beattie V, G.D. Haigh I tended. The auditors' report showed 1 bride and groom 'left for a trip 'to
on Tuesday, January 30th. Mrr and
blanket, la inch lined, 'hound arid n, W. ,E. Kerslake $2, G. A. Salle :the affairs of the company to be finan- Toronto and Buffalo. The b :ale' wore
Mrs.. Stephens. .came to Seaforth in
two surein les $2 25 $2 50 $2 90 t2 Rev. 'Gt- R. Northgeaves $1, W. ; cially sound, and in good tonditton, and white satin with white georgette crepe
g • P 1 ' 1 1865 shortly after their marriage, and t '
t , ,
eeteet with the exception of a year or et 1 Morrison $1, 'W. Somerville, $1, R. Ra although the losses daring the year and black picture hat and was attend-
Iltandsome.Duck Blankets,
spent in Kitchener they have been , Ross, D.D.S, $1, H. Livens $1, Thos.1were heavy, .amounting to *6,028, there ed by her sister, Elizabeth, teacher;
Urge with full tinging and staY-ent
surcingles at . .$2.90, $3.25
, .
sa 75 continuous. residents of the town. since [Daly $1; W. P-. Willis $1, Turnbull- & i is an increase of $458.09 ni' the balance of Lucan, Bickluiph township oleo in ;
• a:hat-time. In fact they have been here
A few Wool Blankets in nawn and almost as long as there has been a S88.05neGeorge sr. Reid, Secretaty I, The statement shows the total assets' The groorn's gife to the bride „was a
than any other married couple, aed • • s sum of $156,284.58, with no liabilities. gromsornan gold cuff ninth- The i
ercIntoshe$1,, N. Cluff Sons $1, A. over that of the peevious year. The white satin. 'The groom was 'support- i
I C. Hazen $1, J. C. Greig $1. Total- total cash balance was $5,296.23. ed by his brother Peter, of Toronto.
red, extra good quality and value. Seaforth, and a goocl many more years'
Pour only- Cub Bea
' handsomest robe on
for automobiles and
• and Treasurer. 1 of the company to be the substantial cabinet of silver, to the bridesmaid, a
they have many friends here who will ee,
extend congratulations aid .the wish , .,, . • 11\r ot t 1 The folloWine resolution was proposed bride is one of a family of tem six of
settirat S9:4:$111111":7.111:0 0?1(eerri"rt Tilinhe at rt7irite at the meeting and carried unanimous- -whom are Normal School grad lates
that they may be spared to each oth- queen's liotel Seaforth.-on the third Wednekday of
Robes, the er d theirf-' il f
an am y or many more ei w. ince . , Le ours . o p. m ,
h th "1 0E1 • 1.1' 39 30 t 3 ly: "Moved by James Evans, second- and one at present attending Toronto ,
e market
. ' anniversaries to come 1 • -_, inter ied by John Benneweis, that at this University-. The young couple will i
nter use. I• •
•' FOR SA.LE-7 ioomed frame home with 2 lote-- annual meetieg of the McKillop Fire reside ori the groom's' farm recentej
Apply- W.II. lit.ker. Ceotle Et., Sealoii h, 2'*57x4 Insurance Company, the policy holders ly purchased. from Mt, J. J. Roach,
• weight. -Private Donations; Mrs. Somers $1, ant new -for Pie i lett -ea 0 et t I rubber nwout-
- Imitation Buffalo Robe, wind and • ,
water proof in heavy arid light Belgian Rehef Report for Januane ouTTER, irOft SA EA..- Wyo.. P. r 1.4n cm ter, al; of, the company, assembled at the
;fowl meeting,desire to place on record
John Rankin $5, Mr. R. Jones a2 .50,
Mr. R. Jones bag of flour e Mrs. C.
-5 •
. Stewart $5; Is. Alf. 13ox $`1., 50. mes
miss S. Hutchinson 2.5Q; Dr. R. R.
Harness Ross $5; William Wilson St. Audrey
Carter 25e, MrseNorman Carter $1.75.
• Shop
H. R, Henderson $1 No. 4 School pup-
ils' entertainment $1.(); Post office box
• De, $2,5 ,
Hone, Mule, Buck from ..60c up Lecey; Mrs, Westcott, $100.
Opposite Comraereia
Wanks Suit Cases Club Bags 26c, Bank of Commerce box 14c; Do-
minion Bank 58c. (Total, $46.98. We
now have three hersons who have
kindly promised to ;ce.ep a 'Belgian
family for a year by paying $2.5e per
month. Mr. Robe. t Jones, Mrs. De -
Lacey and Mrs. Charles Stewart We
also had a special donation by Mr. R.
Jones, $6, the amount of a bag of
flOunters. J. B. Thompson. Treasurer.
jeweler . dad Optieiitn.
IsAuer Marriage Licerisei'm
�N •i
How . Long Is it Since
-Yqu,klad The Whole
Family Together ?
Why not have a reunion
some ctay soon and bring
them all. down to our
Studio for a Photograph?
To -morrow
might be too late
how ready and
Your account is I
would kindly ask
you • to ca
make a prompt
• settlement,- By
doing • so you
would greatly ob.
Yours respectfully
Recruiting For A Construction But
talion. --Capt. Frank C. Jackson,
well known old Seaforth boy, is her
this week enlisting recruits for th
257th Railway Construction Battalion
This battalion, which is officered b
well known Canadian engineers arid
eonteactors, although recently organ
ized, is 'being rapidly filled up, And as
soon as it reaches full 'strength wil
go overseas immediately. The call is
nor experienced railway constructiont
workers, and driversin particular, and
since the duties required of those who
enlist consist of building railways in
France, and not fighting in the tren-
ches, the physical standard is the low-
est in the service. A man Wind in one
eye, deaf in one ear, with one or two
fingers missing, or ro.oderately. flat
footed, can be accepted, which gives a
rare chance of enlistment to men
whose responsibilities -will not permit
them to join a fighting bettalion.
Red Cross Reports. -The following
ere the reports of the Secretary and
Treasurer of the local branch of the
Red Cross. Society for January: 120
suits pyjamas, 36 flannel shirts, 6
hospital nightshirts, 5 dressing gowns,
156 Pairs socks, 318 towels, 80 per-
sonal property bags. Treasurer's
Report: Balance on hand, $590.13; a
friend $200; W.J. Brownell $25; Mies
Lukes $25; Mrs. TWil.f3 $2; D. Melton-
-old, Cromarty, $5; Presbyterian Sun-
day School $15; Winthrop Branch, R.
C., $90; Mrs. S. Dickson, $5; Mrs.
Rudolph $1.50; reg $1.50; Olympia res-
taurant $5.40; friend $1; G. Abraham,.
taurant $5.40; G. B. Abraham, of
Luther, Iowa, $10; Ladies' And Pres-
byterian church tea, $14, a friend 25c;
No. 4 school, McKillop, 35; Mrs. A. E.
Colson, $15; fees $2.75; Mrs. Kelly,
$1; monthly contributions, $234 20;
Total receipts, $1248.73. Expenditure:
J. A. Williams $2.51; Mrs. T. nhade,
$1.40; dry goods $464.14 balance on
hand *780.69.
The Weather Insurance Company. -
The annual meeting of the Huron
Weather Insurance Mutual Company
was held in Hensel' on Wednesday,
January 31st, and was largely attend-
ed. The directors' and auditors' reports
showed the past year to be the most
favorable in the history of the com-
pany, the losses, considering the a-
mount of Preperty insured And the se-
verity of the storms which passed ov-
er the territory covered by the com-
pany, were not large amounting in
all to $2.038-.87, while the business
written in 1916 was a *ery consider-
able increase. over previous years.
During the year 191.4 the .number of
policies written was 733 covering a
total insurance of $835,170, the, cash
ta 1 balance to the company's credit being
a1,009.98, while during the past year,
1916, the business written was 1,067
covering insurance to the a-
mount of $1,254,850, an.d the caah
balance at the end of the year was
$6,344.90. The total number of policies
ed harness. A. G. SMILLIE.
Mrs Li. Holzint.,, aforth. wiatba casion which has necessitated the re -
eta. St Wed- tirement of Mr. John B. McLean from
nesaay es, lig Yet)14/h, 8RO
n. ear. Ain tises. .,
, the Presidency of the Company. Dur -
-need -dr1 to do honetwork. Ag•nlY their very ;great regret for the Oe -
concession 3, Hibbert.
St. Valentine Soeial for . Red Cross,
-The B. L. It Club purpose holding
111 tr+1011 . . i -56'.1-1 ing the many years, in which Mr. Mc- a social on Wednesday evening, Feb- n
EYE SPEOLAlk T OliNIING -Onr rellahle eye ruary 14th at eightne'clock. An ex-
Lean has presided over the Company
specialbit•wdl :wait, visit Pierfo4th, Feb. 20 h tual
he has at all time had the best cellent programme of t vocal and
see. &WAN? Fair.
HAND 3AG 5,114U- On Elturday at 2 p.m.' we interests of the companY in mind, and ary, belections as we as some ilrifteterr:
wil/ sell 60 hand.tiags at 10c each -tem thl.; log., esting contests have been prepareu.
by his assiduous attention- to its id- •
Beattii-'s Muir . $4rert1 fairs he has bemeglitttlie' con1Pall1 -,to sMsises McCall, of Goederich, soloist, as -
'W ANTED AT °Noe -4 strOr g quail by Nitti 1 t d V h - tal tit will supply a
good education to I; atm tht- h raware ,husbose, , _ c
its present prosperous'eondition, while
large part of the programme; A good
good ,,ag e for right loiy. ApplY11. l'AiLtr Sea- XV. courtesy and urbahity to those elo-
' lunch will be served. Reader; kindly
11 410hit: SALE -Buggy, euttIr: aft single burioss keep this date in mind and come pre-
-505-tf r ing business with him he has endeared
himself th all. -They earnestly hope
roe Buffalo robe. Apply at Expo,icor Offi,e. pared for a good time.
2565x1, that Mr, McLean may be speedily re,
Notes. --On Tuesday evening, Jan -
stored to health, and that they may
Local Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. John again be permitted to have the pleas- uary 80th, the members of the Young
Robb of Detroit are here this week ure of his presence among them. That People's Society met in the basement
,tisitieg his brother/ and sister, Miss-. the secretary forward a copy of this of Duff's Presbyterian church and pree
Robb ai A Mr. James Robb, John etreete resolution to Mr. McLean!' The old sented MrsGilbert Grewith anand-
-Mrs, M. Broderick is visiting her officers and directors were all re -el -
sisters in Chicago. -Me. John Slither- ected for the coming year, As f011OWS-:
erlarid and sen, of Toronto, spent the President James Connolly, Goderich;
week -end at the home of Ins father, vice-president, James Evans, Beech -
Mr. Alex. Sutherlana *John street- .wood; secretary -treasurer, Thomas E.
Miss Edna Stewart, ot Clinton Bust- Hays, Seaforth.; directors, D. Et Mc-
• ness College, opent the week -end at Gregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Wal -
her ' home here. -Mrs. Wire Buet,of ton, Wm. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benne-
Kipper', is visiting at the home of wele, Brodhagen; M. McEwen, Clintirn;
her sister, Mrs. R. P. Bell -Miss Ed- James Evans, Beechwood; James, Con-
ith McKay spent Sunday in Stratford Lolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, Her-
ewithher sister, Mrs la. Meyers.- lock and George McCartney, Searth
'Misses Emily Deem and Armie Gorden •' • . ..
are in Toronto this week attending the i • McKILLOP :
millinery openings. - Russell Hays, Notes.-Therwin be a meetinoe of
spent Sunday at the home Of his • .e . e
the Winthrop Literary Society on Mon-
mether, .Mrs. John Hays, on his last
, da evening, Feb. 12th at eight oa
George i
Sep was called to Harnbure clock, in Calder't hall,--ifr. James Me -
leave before going overseas. - Mrs.
e Kibbon an old McKiliop boy, and Met
Me -
last • week owing to the death of her • ' ' . "
mother. -The 'loon train was 'from McKibben, who was formerly Miss
'131MAAY 9
,k44,4)~.0100.4Flieo.o.o.,0<oo,- •0‹..P•rev-s,
Mary McCloy, of Tuekersmith, fivisit-
en the lipe near Buffale.-The beaut- ve to six hours late on Monday and ecl with Mrs. McCloy. last week. Mr.
Tuesday, owing to weather conditions '
13VIcKibben is now extensively. engaged
- 4_ .
tifur t" pillow cases donated by Mrs. ' sheep farming in Wyoming
Hargan will be dra.Wn for on Thurse .
day afternoon, Feb, 15th, at the Red • Ziniten.
Cross + rooms. Those wisning to pro- Notes. -Mr. C. Fritz was in Guelph
cure tickets may do so any time be- last week visiting his brother, who is
fore that date at Stewart Bros.' storeseriously ill. -Mr. and Mrs. john F.
-Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Wood are visit- Rickbein have returned from a visit
ing jn Toronto. -Mrs. Allen of Stwith friends in North Daketa.-Mr.
Marys is visiting her eister, Mrs. T. Chas. Weber received word last week
Daly.--taliss Irene McGee of Toronto ; that his son, Pte. Maurice Weber, was
is visiting at the home a her parents, ' slightly wounded in the leg accident -
Mr. and Mrs. James McGee. -Mrs. ally, and is in a hospital in France. -
Troyer is in Toronto with her claught i At a meeting of the Zurich police
ter, Mrs. Atkinson. -Miss Retta Hog -1 trustees a resolution was passed au-
garth, who has been suffering from a . thorizing the hydro electrie commis -
severe attack of scarlet fever, has suf- : Bien: to purchase the necessary Ina-
ficiently recovered to be about again. I terial to equip and construct the pro-
-Mr. Palmer Whiteley leaves on Mon- . posed power line to be built froin
day for Newark, New Jersey, where Exeter to Zurich. -Mr. P, Lamont un -
he intends engaging in the under-
taking business. -There wits
attendance at the Women's Prayer
Meeting held in the Methodist chutch
on Monday afternoon. It is the in-
tention of the women in the different
congregations in the town to hold a
meeting of lprayer and • intercession
for the boys at the front on the first
Monday of each month -Messrs. John
Robb and John A. Williams have do-
nated a handsome chair in aid of the
Seaforth Branch of the Soldiers' Aid
Commission The chair is on. exhibi-
ion in the show window of W. T.
Box and Company and will be drawn
for at the Old Times Dance in Card -
no's hall on Monday evening, Feb. 19th
-Miss Gladys Cosens was in Toronto
last week. -Miss Ethel Williams has
returned from Dunnville, where she
was visiting at the home of Mr. G.
E., Parkes. -Mrs. Morrison of At-,
wood is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
P. Bell. -Miss Carling of Stratford
was thus week a guest at the home of
Mr. M. Williams., -Miss Sara Hut-
chinson, North Main etreet, is ser-
iously- ill'. Her sister, Mrs. Price, of
Atwood, is with her. -Lieut. Gordon
Gauld, who is on active service over -
bas been awarded the military
cross for gallant services. Lieut.
Gadd is a graduate of Seaforth Col-
egiate Institute and is well and fav-
orably known here. -The following
) The management of The Strand
'wish to thank the people of Seaforth
and surrounding countrylor their ate
tnedance at the opening of the new
Although the weather has been ex.
ceedingly cold and stormy, the great
crowds that attend cinch evening. eve
proved that the people of Seaforth
appreci te a high -chis s photoplay.
Our patrons can be assured that so
long as we have their support we will
give them the very finest production..
m motion pictures. The same inc.
tines as shown in the great cities. In
Ifact perfect pictures. Each week we
Will show -3 Features-- -e Comedies
and 1 serial making 3 changes a Week
DAY -a programme that is not dupli-
cated in any town in Ontario.
her new home near, Moose Jaw. Mr.
some Bible prior to her leaving for
• and Mrs. Gregg carry with them the
good -wishes of a host of friends in
this locality. -Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy is
under the • doctor's care. Her many
School Report.The following is the I
friends wish her a speedy recovery.-
report of the Junior room for the/
month of January: Sr, 1 Class: Based',
c n class work and examinations in 1
spelling, Arithmetic, Composition and
Literature: D. Murray 328, E. Ryan
819, R. Bruce 313, D. Riehl 296, A.
Hoy 277, G.. Pollard 264, A. •Riehl
254, E. Andersdn 240, R. Drager 238,
*C. Ryan 225, *G, Pierce 217, *M.
Dennison 211, t*T. Ryan 178, **A. Ry- 1
an 140. *Shows absence from examin-
ation. Junior First Class -G., Mc -1
Call, F. Dennison, C. Hoegy. Primer
Shortreed, R. Sholdice, M. Far-
quharson, W. Clark, In Harris-, A.
Lydiatt, J. Drager. Junior Primer -
M. Pollard, A. Ryan, G. Murray, M.
Bolger, R. Holland, L. Steiss.-Ada
Gardiner, Teacher.
We have eorne very speCial money saving offer-
ings for the balance of normal/ ft &gluons,
prints, men'e, boys' and Notnenfre Underwear. You
mu so see them to realize values. F. 1,. Edwards.
Death of Mrs. Morrison-- Word was
received here last week of the death,
Mrs Robert Morrison, at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. R. A. Meeks, Ob-
erlin, Kansas, with whons she had
made her home for a number of years.
The death took place on naturday,
January 20th. •Some seven weesirt4
previrus she had sustained a fall. the
injurious effect of which she was un-
abie to overeome. Lucy Marie Plasted
was born at Ancaste., Ont., Feb. 24th
1842 and was married to Robt. Mor-
rison, Sept. 6rh.1886. They had a
filmvily of eight chndren,four of whom,
Edwin D. and Bertram of Los Amgen
es, George K., of winnipeg, and Mrs,
E. A Marks of Oberlin and wo atep-
children, Mrs. John Watson, of Win-
nipeg, and W. A. Morrison, of Lon-
don, survive. • Mrs. Morrison lived
for mnny years in Btyfield, (Mr. Mor-
rison having carried on business in
the store now owned' by tr. A.. Ed-
wards) and her &rheum ohatacter
and wally acts of kin iness are still re-
membered by her may friends ho
will regret to hear of her dentae,
The bode was taken to Florence, Ont
the team of her childhood; where it
was laid to rest beside that of her hus-
band and children who have gone be-
fore. •
Breezes-Rebert McMurray attend-
ed tn.,/ ar1131:011 'Istria meeting of
Orangemen at Exeter on Tuesday. -
Dr. Woods and Reeve Erw n attend-
ed the annual meetly f th
. g o ti liuron
War Auxiliary at Clinton on Tues -
Two shows each evening- cloy -An event of more than usual
Admission 11c on Friday evening, t'eb. 16th, when
interett taxes piece at the Town Hell
7.3o p.m. and 9 p.m.
a number of our eening people will
put on a, play called "Toe Stolen
h Diamond". It is to be under the
rana =egifi rtehhe aLnadd Ladies
AN ofSt1231.,:-.
ceeds are to be donated to the Patri.
otic 8ociety. Watch for the bills.400.01•41141040040.0.04;00040441.- 0.04***40+0.**0.0.041
and Fina
Ladies' Ready -to- ear
1917 !
By us
• Suits
The vegy chance vou have been waiting for to get the
garment youwant at a meraev„ftraction of its vvort e
Cat the Pikes to
the locthcst Noic
on Winter arments
to effect a complete cleaiaoce of every Sut, Coat and
Dress in our stock.
.1hese prices mean money saved to you, -
even if you don't need the goods till nt zut
Ladies' Suits, rm
• wad Furs
at a fraction of former prices
15, $20, $25 garments now
Half Price
ow is the Time to Buy
• Important citinnouncernent:
Twelve consecutive *umbers of the Designer books
to be called for by subscribers at the paltern de.
A copy ofthe current issue of the Standa
erly containing certificate good for 15c
chase ora.ny Standard Pattern.
U art-
the pur-
All for 59corrYour last chance at this low prtce.
Batter W anted
J. .111a,ctavish