The Huron Expositor, 1917-02-09, Page 71110011Wall Eltif NOMA. - Del elous "Fralt Lacatlym" har tender little Stomach, liver aed bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! It. coated, your little one's stoteach, liver ande bowels need cleansing eiit once Niihau peevish, cross, listless, dOeilitl' 13Ieep, eat or act naturally, or i feeiee Ish storoacn sour, breath bad; ,ba son; enroetadiarrheea, fall ot cold,Av. a teaspoonful a "California Syrup of nage," aud in a few hours all the foul, oonetipated waste, undigested food and seer bile gently inoves out of its aittle bowels without griping, and yOu lave a well, playful child again. Ask your drugmet for a 50 -cent bottle of 'California Syrup of Fige,'" which con Ulna fall directions for babies, chil- dren of an ages and for grownoms. R, SeBAT'S Ilaretrlen Solicitor, Conveyancen &MI Wart Pablic. Solicitor for the Dom - Bank. Office in rear a the 'Dorn-. *We Beak, Seafortb. idoney to loan. ery 111 Ilth tO r means more a and abroad. arcel to the in benefit. %eptic S appetite and and Satisfies. . tde ;.„ y cse loci' as some it has itself deservedly. highest J. ail RBST. Solicitor, Conveyancee and Ile. Office up-ataira over keel foneature *tore, Main germ, P. MIAOWED. illalidatar, Solicitor, Conveyeacee and Peiblio, Solicitor for the Neat - AM Mak of Ceverneree. Money to loan "ow tot sale. Office, la Ecott% block WO street, Beatorta, normsourILLORAN AND COOKE Ilherreirtees, Solicators, fiotaxies PibA j Wee, to lend. In Seafortb on !don- 1 Mita each week, .Office in Kidd bloce /Weida:int, Offle 3. L. Kill -Oran, a pooke, YETIIP.INARIZ StA.RBURN„ V. S. I LON greellusete of Ontario lretetin Dollege, 414 honorary member -o Oa Medical Lesociation a the Ontarit letkaissry College. Treats diseases 0! Demedstie Animajs by the moat mod- • isliciplee. Dentistry and Milk Fev. St aspecialty. Office opposite Dien WOW, Main otreet, Seatortn. Ail or left at the hotel will receive promen atebeiriloa, 'Night calls received at tht 11...M.11.1.0101.11.0 JoHN emirf; V & liteser graduate', of Ontario Veterin- i Collage. All diseasea of Domestic IlLidtsialst treated. -Calle erenaptly Attend ad 40 tend charges Moderate., Veterinar5 Desitistry a specialte. Maceand resi- dent* Godericb eLitt, one door east SS Drs. Scerg's office,igeatorth, MEDICAL W . J. GLANFigpro, P1ysician, Etc. Honor Gradiste latUthverty of - Toronto* sEg Ilnerience. Erneefield, Ontario. - J. W. KARN, SS Richmond street, London, One Specialist : Sur-gery and Genito-tirio larkiliseamea of men and women. .1DR .mm0 IntmEhrmait, sitehpittate Physician ot GeSerich flipecaslist h women's and - children's, iliselsieL rheumatism acute, 'chronth. aM nervous disorders, ele, enr; nos,. indithroat. Consultation free., ()ince in Cader Blockover W. a. Willie' Shoe Ittcetee Seafortin Tuesdays and Fridays till I pan. DR. ALEXANDER MOIR Pysiclan & Surgeon Mine and Reoddence, Main Street, .Phone 70. }lensed. I Dr. T. W. PTIOIC Illiiiidnate of Faculty of Medicine, Me- lia Maiversity, Montsesi; Member et Genera of Physicians emit Surgeons • ol fiaterica Licentiate of Medical Council Canada; Post -Graduate member et Slasident !Medical Staff of General Hos 1.01, Montreal, -191441; Offiem twc &ars east of Post. Office,- Phone 56 Ontario. hispenng Smith by Frank 11. Spearman .(Continued froill last Week.), CHAPTER XIL Parley. It was recalled one evening not long ago at the Wieldup that the affair with Sinclair had all taken place within a period of two years, and that eractieally all of the aetors in the event had been together and in friendly relation . on a Thanlesg'ving Day at the Dimning Raneh not so very long before the trouble began. Dicksie Dunning was away at school at, the time, and Lance Dannmg was celebrating with a riding ,end shooting see him shoot While much of the. time fest and a barbectie. i out of the mour,tains on railroad busi- The whole country had been invit- ness, • he was lenowrt to be closely in ed. Bucks was in the mountains. on Buckle counsels and as to the rnoun- an inspection trip and Bill Dancing tains themselves, he was reputed to drove .him with a party of railroad know their' better than Bucks or Glove men over from Medicine Bend. The er himself knew them. This was Whis- mountain men for e ;hundred and fifty pering Smith; but beyond a low -voiced greeting or An expression of surprise at meeting an old acquamtance, he a-, voided talk. ,When urged to shoot he resisted all persuasion and backed up hire refusal -by showing a beuise on cannot be too closely drawn. Not only was Lance Din -thing soxnething of e port hiniSelf, but an the long range it is part of a stockman'screed to be on good- terms wit ii his neighbors. At a Thanksgiving barbecue not even a . mountain sheriff would ask. ques- tions, and Ed Banks, though present, reepected the holiday truce. Cowboys rode that day in the roping contest who - were from Mission Creek and { from rev° Feather River. . ' Among the railroad people were I • George McCloud, Anderson, the assist- ant superintendent, Farrell Kennedy, chief of the speeial service, and his right hand man, Bob Scott. In espec- ial, Sinelair's presence at the barbecue • was recalled. He had some cronies With him from among his up -country fol- lowing. and -was introducing his new bridge foreman, Keit,afterwards knOwn as Fiat Nose, and George Sea- gruee the Montana cowboy. Sinclair fraternized that day- with the Will- iams Guile men, and it was remarked even theo that though a railroad Mari he appeared somewhat outside the railroad circle.. When the shooting matches were announced a brown -eyed railroad man was asleecl to enter. He had been out of the Mountains for some time and was -a comparative stranger in the gathering, but the Williams Cache men had not forgotten him; Rebstock, 'especially, wanted to miles around were gut. Gene and Bob Johnson, from Oredrille and the Pea.ce River, had come with their friends. From Willianis Cache there was not only a big delegation—more of one than was really desirable—tut it was his trigger finger. He declined even led by old John Relistock himself, to act as judge in the contest, siig- When the invitatfon is general, lines gesting the sheriff Ed Banks, .efor DR. P. 3. RUMMY'S. Office and residence--Goderich irtreet Salt of the Methodist Church, Seatorte Pam No, 44. Coroner for the Count! atroa, DRS. SCOTT Ai MCKAY. 3, G. Scott; graduate of Victoria anti Callege of' Phyeiciaas /and Surgeons Pi Arbor, and member a the Ontario Dororsef for the Oatenty of litueon. O 36acKay, Lonor graAuate of TrinitY ‘111,versity, and gold medallist of Tian - Medical and ; member of the Col - lo*. of Physiciana width:ravens, Ontario - OR. H. RUGS ROSS. a arinimmiliwousimemearomeminalawass. wns. somitialor wataanammaxistaissalivionimmonssmatimoommanXIIIMINNXXX*Xli 1 X N I sk THE si li so x )1 NI OMINIO: st w ta • • a • * X AX X X BANN la wi 0 : 11 is int la ,At the Forty-sixth Annual General Meeting Of the ig Xit * Shareholders of The Dominion Bank, held at the Head • *x X Office in Toronto on 31st January, 1917, the follow- vi NE ing Statement of the affairs of the Bank as on 30th_ • X X X . December; 1916$ Was aularaitted: x x X x X GENERAL STATEMENT X LIABILITIES - theft offine. of the 'barbecue had Dii Sang or Sin - The rifle matches were held in the clair seen Whispering Smith until the hills above the ranch house, and in the night Du. Sang spotted him near the i.ortest between the ranches far which wheel in the Three Horses. Du Sang a sweepstakes had been arranged. Sin- at once drew out of his game and clair entered. Seagram who was then left the room. Sinclair in the meantime working for him. Seagrue shot al3 had undertaken a ealarrelsome inter - the morning and steadily upheld the vie* with 'Whispering Smith. credit of the Frenchman Valley v.- "I supposed you knew I was here," gainst the field. Neither continual said Smith to him, amiably. "Of shooting nor severe tefen availel course I don't travel in a private car ulna Sinclair's entry, an • rid ng or carry a bill -board on my back, after the matches with the prize purse but I. haven't been hiding. in his pocket, Seo.gree, who eras tall, "The last time we talked," return - light haired and perrectly •1 • ed Sinalair, measuring words careful - a new honor for hiniselt on 3 • ly, "you were going to stay out of from Stormy Gorman, the foreman of the mountains," the Dunning Ranch. Gorman, who zeta should have been glad to, Mur- 1 ridden a race back with Sinclair, wag ray. Affairs are in such shape on the at the foot of the long hill, down division now that somebody had to which the crowd was riding, when he come, so they sent for me." stopped, yelledetbaek at Seagrue, an -t, -- The two men were sitting at a table. ; swinging his bat from his had, laia Whispering Smith was cutting and it on a sloping rock beside the trail. leisurely mixing a .pack of cards. "You'd better not do, that, Stormy," "W,e11, so far asI am concerned, Pm gin 1 ir "Seagrue will put a hole out of it " Sinclair went, on after a saidc a . through it." pause, but however, that may be, if Gorman laughed jealously, "If he you're back here looking for trouble 401% 500. a box, or 6 boxes or $2.50 at all Druggists, or a free sample will be - sent on request to NATIONAL DIWG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, T.'s-NUT:ED Toronto, Ont. 60 U. S. Address—NA-DIII-00 Inc. 202 Main St, Buffalo; 11, 7 -vooNewoo.o Owe My Life To Gin Pills Every one who bd an suffere from Kidney and Bladder-. trouble should read. this letter frem a gentleman in Port Mitiway: e 'I was once a terribl sufferer with HidneyaL Bladder troubles and at times got so bad that I would luso • the use ef ray legs. I could not go away from home with- out someone with me. My Eon advised me to take Gin, Pills and. after tht.intr, the first two or throe cloaca I got relief. I continv.ed to take them until. 1 got completely well. I owe rny life to Gin Fills. Y -ours very 1'. Iteineten., can hit it, let him hit it." there's no reason, I guess, why you have my living to earn and my friends dismoutned and was making ready to "That's not, it. I'm not here looking At the top of the hill Seagrue had can't find it" to protect. Don't dictate to me, be- e .e. There are th 4sZ shoot Whispering Smith at his side, for trouble; m here to fix this thing enurren who are cause it would be of no usa" "Well you know now how to pt had halted , with the party, and the up. What do you want?" . cowboy knelt to adjust his sights. On "Not a thing." his knee he turned to Whispering "I'm willing to do anything fair and emith, who he seemed to know, with " right," declared Whispering Smith, an abrupt question e "How far do you raising his voice ilittle above the hum call it?" .of the rooms. - I• " The answer was m,ade without hes- - 'Fair and right is an old song," itation: "Give it seven hundred and : "And a good one to sing in this fifty yards, Seagrue." ,country just now. I'll do anYthing The cowboy' made ready, brought can to adjust your grievance, Mem- his rifle to his hou1der, and fired. ' ray. What do you want' watch this wheel awhile and then go The slug passed through the crown of Sinclair for a moment was silent, , l ! • the hat, and a shower of splinters and his answee made plain his =will- over to the WickiupI eave first— that's understood, I hope—and if your ' flying back from. the rock blew the ingness to speak at all. "There never if re Pink -eyed friend is waiting outside felt into a sieve. Gorman's curios- • would have been a grievance ' . 7, • tell him there is nothing doing, will 90 into trouble," ut rai —not sic,.. "Everyone knows that; few know underdevelopecl—t1 how to keep out." "You can't lay your finger on me at play with their food— any turn of the road." "Not if you behave yourself." , catch colds easily an "And you can't bully me.), I I . nOt ihrive—f 11,7 oli_v need "Surely not. No hard feelings, 4 '''' ' ' 1/4-"A' 4 y Murray. I tame for a friendly talk, the pute,richliquid-toodia and if it's all the same to you Pll ht ut _V as well as that of everybody else, been treated like a white man, is seemed, satisfied, and, gaining the level !eyes burned sullenly. "I've been treat - ground, the party broke for a heltere • ed like a dog." skelter race for the revolver ehooting.1"That is not it" In this Sinclair himself had entered, I "That iS it," declared Sinclair, say - and after the early matches found . agely, "and they'll find it's it" only one troubl'o you, Murray? Who is the albino, by the way? You don't know 'hire ? I think I do. Fort City, if I remember. Well, good -night, Murray It was after twelve o'clock and the room had filled up. Roulette -balls, to start them grow -nut and keep esme contestant.—Du: "Murray, I want to say only this— Sang from the Cache who was present I onlwiy this to make things clear. BucksePaintrga lights were on. The 'f and above the far - them going. Children relish table were thedr o p TT'S i'..ra-re under Rebstock's ng. After Sin- Ifeels that he' s been treated worse than dealers fresh from suppSCO- ;eS ar er were put- - ana -Cr- clair and Du Sang had tied it in test ', a dog." ting things in order for the long trick. nutritiVe quales to their blood . . after test at shooting out of the sad- I "Then let him put me back where I At the Wieklup Whispering Smithe . t streams and ves thrti fiesn. dle, Whispering Smith, who lost sight . b 1 . found McCloud in the office signing iv - — .-- - - "It's a little late for that, Murray; leters. 'I can do nothing with him," food, bone -food aled stronorth-foode a little late," said Smith, gently. said Smith drawing down a window It T. e. . . , S e otiung harmful "Shouldn't you rather fake good mon- COTT S. shade before seating himself to de- 2 l la ence with the judge. The two contest- ey and get off thedivision? Mind you tail hScott Bowne, Toronto, is talk with Sieelair. "He wants 16-2 & Ont. ants, Sincralr and Du Sang, were or -II say good money, Murray—and peace. dered back thirty-five paces on their; Sinclair answered without the slight- a fight,." McCloud put domn his pen, "If I marks. He has gone too far. Ho has horses, and the railroad man, - walk- I est hesitation; "Not while that man am the disturber it would be better for piled u'i plunderd till he is reekless. He ing over to the targets, held out be- McCloud is here." me to get out." is crazy with greed and insane with thumb and forefinger of his Whiapering Smith smiled, "I've got confer - of nothing in the gun play, called for a pack of cards, stripped the aces from the deek, and had a little confer - ten -the left hand the -ace 'Of clubs. The man no authority to kill McCloud." "There a P . the flag across the whole division. I "That would be hauling. down the . revenge He than' ks he can gallop ' t is over ,his division and scare Bucks . - too late for that. If he duln t 'entre til he gets down on his °knees to hiun. mountains that don't need any. the fight on you he would centre it Bucks will never do it I know him "But let's start fair," urged 'Whis- pering Smith softly. He leaned for- somewhere else. The whole question and I tell you Bucks will never do it. is, who is going to run this eligision, He is like that man in Washirigton; lie. ward with one finger extended in con- ' wili fight it to the death. He would. fidence. "Don't let us have any mis.. Sinclair and his gang or the company? and it is as easy to meet them on one fight Sinclair if he had to eom.e up understanding on the stare. Let Mc- point as another. I know of no way - here and meet hitn single-handed, bit Cloud alone. If he is 'killed—now I'm • Pleas' he will never have to do that He pit of inalthig this kind of an affair speaking fair and open and making , ant I am going to do some riding, you up here George, to round that threats, but I know how it will come as I told ou. Kennedy is working man ore Th'is is the price' for your advancement, and you must pay few that should first spot the pip out of the card was to take the prize, a Cheyenne saddle. Sinclair shot, and his horse, perfectly trained, stood like a statue The card flew from Smith's hand, but the bullet had struck the ace almost an inch above the pip, and a second ace was held out for Du Sang. As he raised hie gun. his herse mov- ed. He spurred angrily, circled quickly st * about, halted, and instantly fired. It out—there will be nothing but lolling up' through the Deo Creek cometry, • x was not alone that his aullet cut the here for six enonilis We will make • the whole movement beginning with Now about the inain question. Every Capital Stock paid in . $6,000,000 00 Reserve Fund . . . . $7,000,000 00 Balanee of .Profits carried ...... :- ward .' 363,442 39 Dividend No. 137', payable 2nd and has three nien with him. I shall should of the elub pip on the card; just that memorandum on McCloud, ride toward the -Caelie and meet bim araduate Of Unlverisity of Toronto 010.011ity of Idedicine, member of Coi- aelitof. Physicians and Surgeons of On. SOW; yam graduate courses in Chicago I Meal School of Chicago; Rarai OPn-1 diseatic Hospital, London, England, ( Vistversity College Hospital, London, t Iligland, Office—Back of Dominion . Heak, Saeforth. Phone No. 6. Nignt Nab &Dowered from residence 'Victoria alreAt9 SeafOrtb. - • , ' • • eet -10 • 1111 January, 1917 ..... . 180,000 00 Former Dividends unclaimed... 939 75 7,544,382 14 Total Liabilities to the Shareholders.....$13,544,382 14 Notes in Circulation . 7,118,232 00 Deposits not bear- , ang. iuterest . e $13,282 791 $7 , *Deposits bearing' in- terest, . interest accrued to date • 57,190,822 16 70,473,614 03 Balances due to other Banks in Canada 196,714 90 Balances 'dire to Banks and Bank- ing Correspondents elsewhere . than in Canada . . . . .. 787,557 22 Bills, Payable - • 138,91200' Acceptances under Letters of Credit 307,047 13 Liabilities not included in the foregoing 300,233 10 Total Liabilities to the Public79,322,310 38 $92066,692 52 ASSETS w Gold and Silver Coin $ 1,915048 41 Dominion 'Government Notes 91220,183 25 Deposit - with Central Gold .Re- serves ..... • , • 000 00 Notes of other Banks 835,395 44 Cheques on other Banks ,, 3,539,659 51 Balanees die by Other Banks in - Canada • • .10,58237 Balances due by Banlos and Bank- ing Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada .... . ... 2,729,601 76 19,7511070 74 Dominion and Provineial Govern- - nient Securities, not exceeding . market value 612,273 98 Canadian Municipal Securities, and British? Foreign and • Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian, not . exceeding _market value 7,500,764 35 Railway and. other Bonds, De- bentures and Stocks, not ex - ceeding market value 4184,382 61 Call and Shoit (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on Bonds, Debentures and • Stoeks • 4,325,653 69 Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans eleewhere than in Canap 1,2511759 69 $37,625,896 0$ . • Other Current Loans and Dis- counts in Canada (less rebate of interest) 48,976,389 91 Other Current Loans' and - Dis- counts elsewhere than in Can- • ada (less rebate of interes ). 53,975 34 Liabilities, of Customers un er et Letters or Credit, as er la IN - 807,047 13 contra • . * Real Estate other than Bank et 28,096.44 st Premises is Overdue Debts, (estimated loss X provided. for) 115,598 02 * Bank Premises, at not more than cost less amounts written off 5,482,351 92 i Deposit with the- Minister of Finance for the purposes of the e Circulation Fund 263,900 00 Mortgages en Real Estate sold 13,437 70 M if• a A.UCTIONEEIRS si THOMAS OROWIC Unwed auctioneer for the counCies * Huron and. Pesrtbe Correspondence rgi agamegemenee for age' dates ea* be Mt 11014. cialins up "hone 07, Seaforth, It The Exp.:miter office. Charges mod- **Is &ad Ratisfaction guaranteed, , r, Luria, Mewled emetionear for the Com 7 Huron, 'eaten ettesded to ha pats of tab°9 Goliati 0We* Yearee) • liarismee in faience*, aad Saakatchewee 1111 New reason:We Phase No. 414, R i Ikea, 111xeterl 'Centralia P. 0, P Ogillers left at Pribe Rana las SIIIMar Cif" , Sestertba .priingt t Lit NNW titt ' • • es! max 00 55,240,796 40 $92,866,692 52 E. B. °BLEB, C. A. BOGERT, President. General Manager. AUDITORS' REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS We have compared the above Balance Sheet with the books and accounts at the Chief "Ogee of The Donginion Bank, and with the certified returne received from its Branches, and after cheaing the cash and verifying the gsecurities at the Chief Office and certain of the principal Drenches on December 80th,.1916, we certify that, in our opinion such Balance Sheet exhibits a true and correct view of the state of, the Bank's affairs, according to the best of our informa- tion, the explanations given to us and gui shown by the books of the Bank. 1• In addition to the examinations mentioned, the cash and se- curities at the Chief Office and certain of the principal Branches were checked and verified by us at assother time during the year and found to be in- word with the books of the Bank. Ali information and explanations required have been given to us and all transactions of the Bank which have come under our notice have, in our opinion, been within the powers of the Bank, Toronto, . • G T CLARKSON a Clarkson ordon N January 1.7th, 1917, IL J. DILWORTH Dilvrorth,O. somewhere near South Mission. 11 the circling 'dash of the horse under eensible man the world wants some- asl,e,Aa kfew questions?" u rike m near stantly accurate ann, reused a quick, "I know men that have been going i. "Gordon, would it do any good to la the spur, the sudden halt, and the hi- thing." s as many as you y _ approving yell for the newcomer, The a long time without what they wanted. h y but don't be disappointed if I 4y at signal was given for Sinclair, and a Smith flushed and nodded. ou icamat answer them. I ca.n look wise third "ace went In the silence Sin- needn't have said that, but no mat- ig lArlth erate care, brought et his gun down on clerk fired, and — clit the leiipf 'feat lf*from -the white ss field. Du Sang was urged to shoot a- x gain, but his horse annoyed him and he I would not. With a little speech the prize was 5 given by Ed Banks to Sinclair. "Here's 'hoping your gun will never be trained X on me, Murray," smiled the modest sheriff. ei Sinclair responded in high humor. '1111 He had every reason to feel good. His ta horses had won the running races * and his crowd had the honors with the 11 guns. He turned on Du Sang, who sat pi close by in the circle of. horsemen, and, ola holding the big prize out towaee him on his knee, asked him to accept it. • , "It's yours by rights anyway, Du Sang," declared Sinclair. "You're a ot is whole lot better shot than I am, every turn of the road. You've shot all day from a nervous horse." It X Not only would Sinclair not allow III a refusal of his gift, but, to make his generosity worth while, he dispatched . • Flat Nose to the corral, and the fore- man' rode back leading the pony that • a had won the half -Mile dash. Sin- t* clair -cinched the prize saddle on the 141 colt with his own nands, led the beast X to Du Sang, placed: the bridle in his hand, and bowed. "From a jay to a IN marksman," •he said, saluting. • Du Sang, greatly embarrassed by JR the affair—he had curious pink eyes e —blinked and got away to the stables. ; When Rebstock joined hini .the Will- • lams Cache party were saddling to a go home. Du Sang mink no reference to his gift horse and 'saddle but apoke X of the man who had held 'the target ri aces. "He must be a. sucker!" declared at Du Sang with an oath. "I wouldn't x do that for any man on top of ground. Who is he?" ter. Every, seneible man wants some- thing Murray. This is a big couhtren There's a world's fair running some- where all the time in it Why not trav- el a little? What -do you want?" "I want my job or I want 'a new superintendent here." Just exactly the two things, and, by hea,vens, the only two, I can't manage. Come once more and I'll meet you." "Nola Sinclair rose to his feet "No —danirl your money! This is my home. The high country is my coun- try; it's where my friends are. "It's filled with your -friends, I know that. But don't put your trust in your friends. They will stay by you, I know; but once in a long while, there will be a false friend, Mur -ay one that w-1,111 seetlalyyp—remember that." Whispering Smith looked up in ad- miration. "I know you're game. It isn't necessary for me to say that to you. But think of the fight you are going into against this company. You "That man?" wheezed Rehetock. re' "Never have no dealifige with him. He • plays 'most any kind.; of a game. He's 111 always ready to play, and •holds aces most of the .time. Don't you remem- ber my telling aboutlthe man tient got ; Chuck Williams and -hauled him. out of the Cache on a buckboard. That's the Man. Here he give Ine this for you; i°8 YOUr card." Rebate& handed Du X Sang the ace of clubs. "Why didn't you thank Murray Sinclair, you mule?' Du Sang, whew eyelashes were al white, blinked at the whole through the card, and looked around as he rode mt back across the field for the man that Ng had held it; but Whispering Smith • but I don't know anything. • You know what we are up against This fellow has 'grown a tiger among the wolves, and he has turned the pack loose on us. • One thing I asked you to do.. Don't expose yourself at night. Your life isn't worth a zeupling pin if you do." • McCloud' raised his hand. "Take care of yourself. If you are murder- ed in this fight. I shall know I got you in and that I am to blame." "And suppose you were?" Smith had risen from his, chair. He had few marmerisms; recoiling the Man a few times I have seen him, the only im- pression he has left on me is, that of quiet and gentleness. "Suppose you were?" He was resting one arm on top of McCloud's desk 'What of it? You have eione for me up here, what couldn't do George. You have been kind to Marion when she hadn't a friend near. You have stood between him and her when I couldn't be here to do it and when she didn't want inc to -helped her when I hadn't the priv- can worry them; you've done it. But ilege of doing it!' McCloud put up a broncho might as well try to buck his hand in protest, but it was -un- a locomotive as for one man or six or heeded. "How many times it has six hundred to Win out in the way you. are playiag." knows it; she prays it may never hap - been in my heart to kill that man. She iii will look out for my friends; oth- pen. That is why she stays here and ers---" Sinclair hitched his belt has kept me out of the mountains. She and paused, but Whispering 'Smith says they would- talk about her if I cutting and mining the cards, gave lived in the same town, and I have no heed. His eyes were fixed on the stayed away," He threw himself back green cloth under his fingers. Oth- into the chair, "It's going beyond ers--" repeated Sinclair. both of us now. I kept the promise I "Others?" echoed Whispering Smith made to her today to do all in my pow- good-naturedly. e er to settle this thing without blood - "May look out for themselves. shed. It will not be settled in that "Of course of course! WO, if way George " , • this is the end, of it, I'm sorry. "Was he at Sugar Buttes?" "You will be sorry if you mix in a "If not, his gang was there. The quarrel that is none of yours." quick getawa,y, the short turn on Van "Why, Murray, I never had a quar- rel with av man in my life." "You are pretty smooth, but you can't drive me out of this courary. I know how well you'd like to do it; and, take notice, there's one trail you can't cross even if you stay here. I suppose you understand that." Smith felt his heart leap. He sat in his chair turning the pack slowly, but with only one hand now; the other hand was free. Sinclair eyed him sidewise. Smith moistened his lips and when he replied spoke slowly: There is no need of dragging any al- lusion to her into it. For that matter I told Bucks he should have sent any man, but me. If I'm in the way, Sin - had disappeared. clair, if my presence here is all that He was at that moment walking esty stands in the way, Ill go ac anct past the barbecue pit with George Mc- willing Wise)/ that I stand in the way you like or Bucks likes, Are you back as before, and send anyone Cloud, aRebstock talks a great deal - . ? about your shooting, Gordon, said McCloud to his conipanion. He and I once had a little private match of our own. It was on the Peace River, over a' bunch of steers. Since Whipering 8/lights eyes were on the then we have got along very- well, cards. "You've always had yp o a se Sinclair sat down and put his hands on the table. "No; your matter and mine is another affair. All I want be- toreet you and me is fair and right" though he has an exaggerated opinion I "Then keep aw•ay from her. of my ability. Rebstock's worst fail- "Don't tell me what to do." I mg is his eye sight It bothers hire "Then don't tell me." in seeing brands. He's liable to brand "I'm not telling you, You will do a critter half a dozen times. That as you please, so will L I left here , albino, Du Sang, is a queer duck Sin- because Marion asked me to. I am clair gave him a. fine horse There they here now becaue I have been sent here. go." The Cache riders were running It is in the course of my business. 1 their horses and whooping across the eee aM.Y6......Wg.........P.M•MllilrlltDB creek. "What a hand a State's .pris- on warden at Fort City could draw companion. "If the right man should CASTOR I A out of that crowd," continued George's Sinclair has got together, and organ- in: vt..21".Infau.- ta end children' get busy with fleet bunch of horses ize those up -country fellows for mis- IINI Ma IOU Mayo Always Bougbt chief, wouldn't it make _things hum • imannosissioasionaggemagongagegispenesimmunigemememel 1 McCloud did not meet the hostleance signature 0 on the mountain division for a while?"' Bears the Dunning, that day, nor since the day • • -"It is all right for me to pay for it, but I don't want you to pay it WI you have a care for 'yourself, Gor- don?" "Will you?" "You need never ask me to be tare, ful," Smith went on. "That's my brm- iness. I asked you in 77:'teli your. Window shades at night, anti when t came in just now I found oak up. It is you who are likely to forget„ and in this kind of a game a man never for- gets but once. rn lie down on the Lincoln lounge, George,", "Get into the bed," "Ne; I like the lenge, and I'M eff early." (Continued Next Week) AMA. 63eat,..efff-tka- ezt&W.esegs •9fflimetweffe PALPITATION - of THE HEART SHORTNESS OF BREATH • CURED SY MILBURN'S 'HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs.' 8. Walters, Matapedia, fattee4, writes; 'I wish to let .you know how nmeh good I have received by taking your Heart and Nerve Pins, I was soffering from mapitation of the hearti and shorLeiess of breath. The trouble with my heart was caused bn stomath brouble. I lied tried all kinds of enexticka, 'both patent and doctors', but I found none - relieve me like aailburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I believe anyone suffering like I did should use them. only teed. four boxes and I now feel like a different perion." Ifilisurres Heart and Nerve Pitts have been on. the market for the past twenty - free years and have a most wonderful reputation as a remedy for ail heart and nerve troubles. Price 50 cents. per box, 3 beam for $us, at all dealers, or nhdied direct on, Horn, killing two men to rattle the receipt oe price by Tat T. ailmesuan posse—it all bears Sinclair's ear- coo enereeme, Toronto, Ont, FIGHT AT' -THE FRCDN-re., U Y DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFItATES $ 25.00 FC,F? $21.50 50.00 43.00 100.00 4‘ 86.00 UIDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIM/TED TO 41503, FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BA OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 PI NOS; Itg iscezeArt•rmne_ pser CrerAWA