HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-09, Page 4t, phi v.: ..litERUARY relations with 'Germany will 1;ring -the United States into the war, is for Can - AV TF S gress only to say, but what the decis- ion of that -body will be = should Ger- i • • many harry out her ii intention of the n - I I 2 3 discrimate murder of nami, women and 5 6 7 8 9 ea cjillamen, citizens of the United Staten I1 1 12 13 \T 4 is /6 /7 while -A travelling the seas, is plain to r8 9 . 1 22 23 -24 2,5 26 • • * or * * 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Come Here -Stewart Brom-3 Not Too Late -Greig Clothing Co. -1 enlearance Mactetaish-8 Fares --Canadian Northern -5 Patriotic Stationery--Thompson's 8 For Sidee-Dr. Pinge1-5 Horses and"Cattle for Sate -5 Old Tunes Darice-1 at anted -Mrs. (Dr.) Hodgins -8 .St. Celumban Minstrelea-8 Bye Specialist Coming-Beatties-8 Tenders Wantee--5 Annual Meeting -5 Boar for Servo -Joseph Dillon -5 4tift tat -Mt t LXVO ar • SEAFORTH, Friday, Feb. 9th, 191.7 THE WAR. SITUATI.ON. Germany's campaign of murder by submarines is in full swing. On Tues- day fifteen sips were sunk by U-boats, seven of which were neutral and eight belonging to the Allies. One of the boats was a passenger steamer and only 96 of her passengers and crew were picked up from the open boats. The Admiralty reports that there is ()illy one survivor of the crew of the Lars Kruse, the Belgian relief ship sunk by a German submarine. No oth- ers are known to have been saved. The ship was marked plainly according to the German instructions, and her manifest showed that hen entire car- go was consigned to the relief commis- sion. An official of the Belgian Relief Commission said that every relief ship is now held up and that if the steam- ers are held many days longer the Bel - glans and French io the territories ticcupied by the Germans probably • The United States have not yet de- : s? 'declared war Wiiinq Germany, n sbe likely to do so. at least until many has committed some overt against her citizens or her ship and so far, whether by intentio not, no Aintrican boat hat( yet - attatiked by tornedo, Just affeet the Stet/0' antry the will be etarved. TUEmflzQN EXPOSITOR methods of submarine warfare *hi h in Auburn. Th deceased came to Hurt, it name then ,employing and to sv.111 li en county about -fifty years ago.. He it new purposes again to resort. was ' aged -eightmithree at the time n- . IJlaves,lierefore, : Tdirected tie of his deatli. A *airy of two sons and ' *art of ,State ;.to .-. anuounie , threeelaughters survive; .Mrs. Mal - his ' -.Extelleacyi the Gerinan A . ey, Michigan; Mrs. L Lawson, Cline bassador tat all diplomatic rel ton; Mrs. -T. Robertson, East Wawa - tions between the :United States an nosh; John of Saskatoon, and George all. The followng .is the text of the the German Empire are severed, an of Hullett. Mrs. Beadle died about "President's address to the joint session that , the American. Ambassador t fourteen years ako,. The funeral .took of Senate and Congress: ' - : -Beilini willa immediately* be wit place to Bailie cemetery. . "The German Imperial Government drawn, and in accordance with hi eatarriage-The _ home . of Mr. and on the 31st of January announced to decision to hand to his Excellenc Mrs. Ephraim alrownwas the scene. this Government and to the Govern-, his passportse of a pretty wedding on Wednesday ments of the ether neutral nations "Notwithstanding this nnexpecte afternoon, January 24th, when their that on and after the first day of Feb- action of the German Governmen , second daughter Elsie, was united in ruary, the present month, it would this sudden and deeply deplorable re marriage , to Mr. Edward 'Yungblut, adopt a policy with regard to the use nundiation of its . assurances give SOU of Mr. Frederick Yungblut: Pre - of submarines against all -shippingthis government. at one ;of the‘ mos el -My at five o'clock, to the strains of seeking to pass through certain desig- critical moments of tension in the re the wedding march played by Miss Et-. Dated areas of the high 'seas, to which. lations of the two Governments, I re ta Brown, sister of the beide, the bride it is clearly my duty to call your ate faee to believe that it is the inten • entered the _parlor with her father; tention, . don of the !German •authorities to d and took her place under an arch of "Let Me remind the Congress that ..iii :fact what they have warned ex evergreens and roses. She wore a on the iSth of April -last, in view of ihey• will feel at liberty to do. a can handsome wedding gown of ivory satin the sinking on the -24th of March of. not bring myself to believe that they ttiMmed- with silk embroidery and a the cross -Channel passenger steamer wili indeed - pay no regard to the veil caught up with orange blossoms. Sussex by a German submarine with- ancient friendship between their peo- Her bouquet was of pink and white out summons , or warning, and the pie' and our own or to the solemn ob. carnations and she wore the groom's consequent loss of the lives of several ligations which have been excharigect gift; a pendant of pearls. Miss Elva citizens of the united States who were between them and destroy American Griffiths, niece of the groom, made a passengets• 'aboard her, this Govern- ships and take the lives of American dainty little flower girl in her pretty Anent addressed a note to the Imperial citizens in the wilful prosection of gown of white, silk and ribbona. She . made the following declaration: German Government, in which •it the ruthless naval program they have was the bride's , only attendant. The ,. ' announced their intentian to ' adopt, ceremony was performed by Rev. O. C. "If it is still the purpose Of the Only actual overt acts on their part Xaine, in the presence of .about thirty Imperial Government to continue ' an will make rne believe it even now. guests.' After the ceremoily all ree indiscriminate warfare against vessels "If this inveterate confidence on paired to the dining room where a of commerce by the nee of submart my part in the sobriety and prudent dainty wedding feast was partaken ment of the United States must con- happily. prove unfounded, if AMerie Ieft for a honeymoon trip to II I Ines, with regard to what the Govern- foresight of their purpose should un- of. Later Mr; and Mrs. Yungblut sider the sacred, and indisputable can ships and American lives should er, and. other points east and . rules of international law and the uni- in fact, be sacrificed by their naval The bride wore while traVellin - •in tarns Mr. Moir made his home af- ter, the death of Its wife, {hat the .brittle thread of life was extended for a number of Months as he reeeiv- ed., every care and attention, but on Thursday evening of last week he passed • peacefully away. The deceas- ed was a native of Scala/id, born in Callender, and when six years of age emigrated to Vila country -with his par- ents. In his younger days he engaged 'eery successfullmin framing and farm- ing in turns, and when Hensel was first surveyed some forty years ago _he owned the • fine, farm, on: the core - tiers of the .London and Zurich roads, snd very soon after Petty made the first survey onathe north side of the 2hiricli road, and what is known as 1:Jensen's or. King street Mr: Moir made- a large survey of lots off his farm on the eolith side *Et he road, and from time to time continued to make additional surveys, until he had nearly all his farm surveyed off and sold in village lots. He did much to help the growth 'of Hensall by giving purchasers liberal pines and liberal terms of payment, while at the sanie time he encouraged the erec- tion of a 'good class of business and residential properties so that much credit is due to him for the fine class of buildings on his surveys, as he would not sell for what might be term- ed shack buildings. In politics the de- ceased was a Liberal, well read, and very intelligent, and served on sev- ral occasions as Reeve and a Coun- sailor of our village, and held the .,- espel- I confidence of the ratepayers in a large degree, as was evidenced by the big, a FEBRUARY 9 7 shslonsontrops Rubbers for Everybody It's god judgment-- it's good sense -to wear Rubbers during the time of snow, slush and slippery walking. Rubbers not only prevent slipping, but they protect the health by keeping the feet dry, and they save the shoes as well. We offer our trade nothing but the bast quality •m• of Rubbers -rubbers that will give lasting service. We have Rubbers s for every member of the family -ea coraplete assortment to fit all tyletaand shapes of shoes. • E. • at--: No investment at this season of the year will pay better than School Rubbers. Good School Rubbers are a protection to the shoes 0_ as well as 'be the health of the children. Menis Rubbers ............ Men's Storm Rubbers Ladies' Rubbers • . Ladies Storm Rubbers - Ladies' Tee Rubbers $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 a pair .....$1.15 and $L25 a pair • ...75c, 85c and 95c a pair ............e....85c a pair • .75c a pair School Rubbers • Boys' School Rubbers ' Girls' School Rubbers ... Children's School Rubgers Send the children in and we 75c, 90c and $1.00 a pair .....65c and 80c a pair 50c and 60c a pair will fit their rubbers peraebtly. haat •-e g a es o urnan- commander heedlessc ri avenm an some. black plush •coat with hat . ity, the Government of the United tion of the just aria reasonable un- Ito match. • On their return the young -----,-INIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIM111111111 States is at last forced to the concha- . derstandings of international law and couple will reside on the groom's farm can pursue. Unless the German Gov- .shall take the lberty of coming again -emenneteeteme,„--- I sion that there is but one eourse it the obvious dictates of humanity, I on the eleventh concession. g a votes he obtained, In religion he was ---- TELEPHONE 11 ernment should now immediehely de- before the Congress to ask that auth- claire and effect an abandonment of Hi ority be given rne to use ally means!' - LAKELET. - present inethods of submarine war- that may be necessary for the protect ; reezes.--Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black, fare against passenger . and freight- tion of our seamen and our people in + , in the burg at presentm-The ifrom the wet, are visiting their rela- carrying vessels, the Government of the prosecution of their peaceful and i sjtvoersm on Saturday and Sunday block - the United States cep have no choice legitimate errands on the high seas. ed the roads in many places and shay - but to sever diplomatic relations with I can do nothing less. I take it for i.els had to be used the German Empire altogether' ' granted that all neutral Governments iyere. Turnbull a Neepawa. is hete ed to get through. - "In reply to this declaration the will take the same eourse. visiting her relatives. ---At Mr. Tuck's German Government gave this - Gov- "We do not desire any hostile eon- auction eale near Clifford last Tues- ernment the followine assurance: - filet with the Imperial German Gov- lay, twelve cows, Holsteins and grade Pared to do its utmost to confine the the Germar and "The German Government is Pre- eminent. We are sincere Trie!idsof Darhams, averaged 97 50 , a Presbyterian and for many years apd up to the time of his death wasean elder of Carmel church. He was also for many years a manager and was one of the most liberal givers and act- ive iverkere at the building of both ihe manse and fine church, and at the funeral service held in the church here on Saturday morning last Rev. Mr. Smith paid a very high milogisin as to his fine Christian life and his interest in the church, and the loss the church and community had sus- tained, Mr.- Moir leaves to mourn his loss two daughters, whose names we have already mentioned, also that of people,earnestly. were in nice condition, but notvery , . e Madge, who lived with Mr. and Mrs. in en. Elder, nee Miss Anna operations of war for the rest of its desire to remain at peace with the large. The sal totalled irepout$ , 00. Moir from early infancy, and whom duration to the fighting' forces of the Government which speaks for them. 1._ There wee neo servicek here Sunday, , 1;11eY regarded in every sense of the belligerents, thereby insuring the We shall not believe that they are es the roaidvi) were bloc ed, am], ill term as a loving daughter, arid who freedom of the seas, a principle upon hostile to us unlese and until we are I was lovingly devoted to them, The which the. German Government be- obliged to believe it, and we pur- 'hid not rgtet. he"iiene-The icei, r Yeoman, of 6liffoTtin, teacaers and temains were interred in the Herman lieveo now, RS before, to be in agree- pose nothing more than thc, reason- Ji..g pe nee of School Sections 2 and 1 union eon et ry, the pall -bearers being ssn t with the Government of the able defense of the undoubted rights e your , tax of the elders of Carmel church. The United States, of our people, We wish to serve no and box social to be given in the hall I deceased was of a kindly disposition, it emelt, aye 4Lij foe a concerti 1 * d ' hit d friend, . and will •The German Government, guided selfish ends. We seek -merely . to here on Thursday evening, T or 'is G„. of the United States that the German action to the immemorial principles nir- aval forces have received the follow- of our...people, which I sought to ex - by this idea, notifies the Government stand true alike in thought and in riotic murposes.--Jamee Wright The proceeds will be given for pphatt- Jab- 2211d- j ba_e cgirlleatillgelgreiseserdahny a yerylarge ca eta of relatives and friends, as well ur as by our villagers as a whole, for I!, would 1,3ye of( the tho lin* not yt6t, tieon ninfl* elear, AbOtit W§.t 1 • . act ing orders: In accordance with the :press in my address to the Senate ee .. it will be remembered that only last • chased a fine rung horse the othee . ping, pettern,1 principles of visit and search ; only two • weelcs asp -seek merely to ahattv R. dealoidi n or and destruction of merchant vessels vindicate our right to liberty and aa Ms sore -in -me, lar t ' tag figure for hint.= i Year Mr, Moir rfacle a fine donation Lefler, were U° and th i i i r , 1 f,,a he village o a number of ecreLf 'lecoklized by international law, such juetiee and an unmolested life, These been - r a park or recreeetion grounde - ' - han IdSt i P neventy of Dur- hro Wiiklx APO, declared AS naval WAY X011ep Shall grant we Mae not be ehallengen to e t vessels, both within and without the are the basee Of peeee, not war, God 1 h waaa. IriZAirig rebstiVes, 'Matt i Much sympathy ie expressed for the returned on g4turiday,--There are not I bere4v04 deaghter i th i h f 111.411- Jo A c i i S n e P iSs 0 a wAr not to bo mink without warning nnil defend thm nietA of wilifffi inJWPrlprOgrolt, -1111 'fu siggreil M ever happy Le Mein g,p gm nig rl tet th4 htlrg IP, 'loving fothkr, who • mean home are _ ....ereee,„. a la Ittrin rtigghtlYi #1ing I h without flavifftfthumunifi90 on thg part, of tho (loiiopnomm, of th4 gotinty,,mt _ny? who mid 1:17 igh win& have WI, Mom 0hipo nyt ****p* or ro-' Cformony, _Jr * _ * ttAl, SilOWStOrins, Me nab' holy ght offo -would " ho in the forml money, as, she • MU* ets,, to offor Olikt liitt$ no a ' nig It amulet take at king a to train ail tliat woad 'be of at/vice at the !front, it -true 'Bat/ it Wag; aaidi lnentrals Mit= /5' In§ effontaikr OW, If@ 11/WilIK ihe MA' hat ilkiftts11 Aifitity pikee§, Jim tee itt altittriyi forgo pled In phoMireltne itimmineo„ amiatarehli„eeinwettit! wo vhiellortnithitile of Dr, mil; who wit§ gerz mut to Mr for liar ttnistene*, shall, for itittf,f, tim death of ttiehera NOVI 16 nog -of • titsit §Ottie via at halleniki Wit the allied troupe. WO, ti eave etiee fitly if Imt, @tow' §ipettted 'to ettlitl tis t eeli fate a iirst-elass navy, but, unfortaa im it consists mainly of Dread/tang of which the Allies already have a ponderance. Her cruisers and destr ers and other classes of boats co-uld be used for patrol work or submarine attacks are few and woef ly- slow. However, the people are the cause of the Allies, and should she frh'e be forced to fight, there is no doubt but that she will do her bit. ext few days will likely bringiforw some developments either for war • . peace. The British made a notable gain long their line early in the week,w •they captured a :thousand yards '1 German trenches; without any seri - • casualties, and in fact with very I tle opposition. Outside of this mo there has net been a great deal of !)ellig 7 fighting on the Western front, the e T. , ere they partook of the and .tirs. Gilbert Grigg, on their wed- -rhe fourth instant might appeer to . r_ he susceptible to that construc1ion. and family left on Monday for tlizir Notes. -Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Sproat biligc.lal feast. At the la a 3 a e room wh di t 'p; Land, Mrs A h• R - lti dit -CU /Wilfrid irrilt4,4# Whieh @Ain, OOPtIffed at lifs home mi h - on w was wounded r iiirl s swami/ vont Hey Year' the soffit Sti eltN arion (jaitie as a distitiet niffit bteg 111.1111 rh@r hie operation d 8hcis te_ eimetitip the mileh 01 ititqiiational riot been -Sall that his friends could do- - S h • I • she to tiPlAY wit 1146'016dg waffittif ie by's hea th, some nurtithe, had , eet, /114 114ri tip iti the Mill turn Catiada by giving a number of .(1 to life beeh imptoving the time eirice te lite, plaawthelettcwit4h the charm demand would be ncom- , sire, but nothitig of serious nature dee the auspices of the Lathes Pat- ter of helltral- was apprehended until ltiforday, Jan- Pretty aVeddinomle :401; ami and erieareturic eLeir the gthairwrie a hvaelrlyuninteTrue'esatjanyg • pre- ity, and the German Government is • nary 8th, when stariptoms of 'emu_ the beautiful h rv ew Parrn'' Idi Ivetniug last, y, of the 4th concession! illustrated ity nearly no I that d ma convinced that the Government of the monia appeared' and despite all that Robert Siller Ifnited such doe think of could be done he gradeally e'rew warse was the scene a an interesting aei stereopticon views from pictures that Iillusteated lecturee on the war, and un - ng a emr , knowing thatt trail his h ilea on January 15t . Ifo happy event on .Wedndeasud tilt when their only gaylitetth:, 1113ati,s-yt service. There wea a good attendance m Government of he United States ha I was born in the townshipf Vaughan iind the address and yiews were much he had taken himself while on act: 'el ul- repeatedly declared that it is deter-, rot hr from Toronto in ;larch1;72", Zoe', iwas united in the holy bonds a enjoyed. Rev. Mr al with mined to restore the Principle_ of the e .qu e young e removed with• matr mony to Mr. Alexander ft. 1) Whil it un- oore of St.Pal,1 s dorn of the seas, from whatever hie parents to the towrisip of Hullett. can of Kir • ' , 1 , Ictore Promptly al four oi- church acted as chairman and Rev. I ,,,, gi-veri, but adding: 'The Governineht- Kelfielcle Sask., which , was his home ' roses, when Rea. Dr.- Fletchee per- "' (... f the United States feels it•necesSar of thanke to the speaker, seconhed by 1 to state that it takes it for granted , by iriarried Miss Isabel Botz, of Brus- presence of about one hundred gnests. Y. Until the time of his death; Mr, Biel- :formed the marriage cerem my, -in tee ; •chlarpatC.t IATeilritetDiosimauellinhtWeneselit;llieneteertehiate.4 ed in this good work in the way of rais- I hen a-: thaethe Imperial German GOvernment , sels, the ceremony being performed The bride looked charming in a dress does not intend to imply that • the 1 in Saskatoon in August, 1913, Mr.embroidered - net over cream silk.. ing funds for patriotic work that he ou3 the course or result of diplomatic . Thomas Bielbte Who only a f el,v nations... The wedding' /111.1Sie was rem Craig, end taeir sister, Miss Crime, , it- negotietions between the entvernment mionths or so ag,o removed from dared by aliss GracehlloorpIonn,lioafe livileen,-, r v,..,, of th.e.'United -States and any other 7Brussels to Kelfield; and three brothere sail, Who also. seng neently were visited hy a number of e liberal one. -Messrs. Win. and John i ' mperial Goveamment's note of ; quarter it has been violated. , La•ter. the family removed to the vi- clock the young, couple entered the in the way of operating the Ian- 1 aaa "To this the Government of the cinity of Brussels, whieh was Mr. Biel- parlor, the -bride leaning on the arm help tern slides. At the close of the meet- ' tare Smith gaye the lecturer plendid The United States replied en May 8th, ace, by's boine until about the year i902 of her father, and took their plaims ard of course, the assurances , when he went to the West, setling under an arch \ of evergreen- and ing Reeve Petty moved a heaviy vote • maintenance of i• ts newly announcal of policy is in any_ way contingent Upon. ; father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, carried a bouquet of terns and' car -• collection taken at the door was quite • Bielity leaves to mouni his Widow, his -with veil and orange blossoms and made no eharge for his services. The' • • via 41 SEAFORTII • OPPOSITE COMNEECIAL HOTEL EMENIMMENNEEMININIMEMPIEMBEEMI mi;,e ilerreat 01151111.104-.111. ;i"MAT:11.3.IN CANADA" The:1917 Ford Touring Car CI $495. f, 0, a., Ford, Oat, NO matter bow much more you could AI !mot pay for an automobil!, the Me standard of the world for satistivaory mow eat servige, The, of7 demana is greater titan ever before, 1 you intend to invegt this epring see Daly, the Ford dealer at the earlieg possible moment. is 3 J. F. DALY Dealer - Seaforth • R. C. HENDERSON, SALESMAN D WAR erert Government,. notvnthstand- ;and three siSters.' th ing the fact that certain passages in • : during the signing of the register. their friends from Seskatchewan, • • weather cenditione, which have be very bad, preclude any attempt o ganizecl attacks any magnitude,b f• the daily or rathernightly trench rai are continued with apparent enjoy- Inver [After th.e ceternony, and coagratula- where -they formerly lived, KIPPEN tons the company repaired to the din- whom we learned of the Tollowing: Mr. among • here 9) At The Big Hard ware Store Seaforth, 1 ds ment of the United SCates 'notifies -the , _ „, In order, .however, to avoid any pas - (".1 sible misunderstandino-, the Govern- i PlAr horr sh'ith .theM the best wishes of their e m Toronto. They' carry • parents, the bride's • brother - ents, and gaandparents, the groom's •ee to lean an fraraei W h h , iza' S p Buy now even , the bride and groom, the bride'sair. Titan ana the M' ts "(ital.:, le 'fel- N e ave t e stc,ck--.Prices are R ant--Quasity•Guaranteed rear MOOZO Jaw. --We -were -pleased ' ' in this vicinit vrho re ' next ' requirements, and save money. It will pay )1: a: intending purchasers to look througn. our up to date stock 8 i 'We are SOLE AGENTS for HAPPY.T.HOITGIfT RANGES, MONARCH f . PENII4SULAR RANGES, HIGH OV,EN PENINSULAR RANGES, i_ I GURNEY OXFORD RA.NGES WITH ECONOMIZER. (1‘rhich saves 211 - f ' percent fuel), PANDORA RANGES. . _ - • 4 EADING SPECIAL. --The Northennang• e with reservoir •and warming ', oven, coTplete, $35,00 • P ilEATERS.• • Stove Boards :t ment by the Tonanies, and alwa - *there is a little gain made and a few discus .= ial Government that it cannot • hope they will enjoy mh.ny years4in i who many friends -were married th tit G ys a moment antertain, mitich less • • , -prisoners taken. In Me s spc tarn ia,: the British troops have been giving ehe Turks another severe mauling, the enemy having euffered severely in the fighting early in this month, But here, as in the West, weather conditions have been • very bad. On the Eastern front there has been nothing to report during the week, but it is clearly evident that the Rus- sians are in a position to even more flan heti ,heir own and the Ron- - Manians are coming back again. 5r, and wi during. the past week that —War Conditions •e evio us week their new home - The officers and I , . bride was ably responded to b Ai ' and Dr. Fletchr s, a suggestion that respect by ; teachers of the Methoihst Sunday! room, and the toast to the bride' . The toast , German naval authorities for the I echool on Saturday evening last held ; and groorn's parents by the froom' y i e rights of citizens of the United States their annual business meeting at the - father. The groorn's gift to the brid upon the bigh seas should in any svayjhome of Mr. W. H. Johnston. The was a pearl necklace and to the pian er in the slighest degree be made con- i ) teport shows the school to be in a ist a gold crescent brooch set wit Government affecting the rights of tingent upon the conduct of any other. flourishing condition, A very pleasant i evening wa.s spent, and Mr. and Mrs. : pearls and amethysts. Supper oyez neutrals and non-combatants. Reepon- Johnston proved the best of . enter- i social intercomne, a large number o sibilty in such matters is single, not • miners in their hospitable home. - the young friends of the happy cou and a few hours n music ant joint; absolute, not relative.' The busiest citizens of our village are pie presented themselves and the re - "To this note of the 8th of May the those who are keepng the stoves well main er of the evnin w . Imperial German Government made no supplied during the very cold spell.- . ., ng rhply. . . ere willbe service in the Pres- segue to the afternoon's perform "On • an . Th presents on this occasion nesday of the present week, the Ger- tele at eleven o'clock, The subject of the 31st of January, the Wed- byterian church next Sunday morn - were handsome and valuable and such man Ambassador handed the Secre- the discourse will be "The Life and as to command the admiration of all tary of State, along with a formal Work of Oberlin." -Mr. T. N. For- mesent. The bride is one of Usborne's note, a memorandum which contains sythe,, who was under the doctor's flairest daughters and is a general fair - the following statement- 'The Int care for a few days, is now better, orite, while the groom is very highly perial Government, therefore, does not which is good news to his many friend e respected and is a progressive young doubt that the Govern-ment of the -Mr.. Cole and family, from Gode- farmer, and the best wishes of all United States will understand the sit- rich teWriship, have moved to the beautiful home near Kirk -ton. their friends will follow them to their nation thus forced upon Germany fanm which he purchased from Mr. by the Entente allies' brutal methods of war and by their determination to will find Tuckersmith neighbors the Alex. Sproat Mr. Cole and family ----....."....."--HENSALL. destroy the Central powers,, and that e ery best. -Rev . D . Aiken and Mr. For Sale -Two good young cows and the Government of the United States Alex. Monteith attended the Social two calves nine months old. Also some will further realize that the now Service meeting in Toronto. -Miss •barley and oats, A 1 sample and extra tente allies give back to _Germany the week trying a music examination. evenly -disclosed intentions of the En- Mary McDonald was in London last clean. James Bell, D.D.S., Hensall. freedom of action which' she reserved • ...-.........e..... The Late Williarn Moin-On Thurs- in her note addressed to the Govern- ment of the United States on May 4, • MULLETT. of his daughter; Mrs. F A. Sellery, day evening of last week, at the home 191G, Notes. -Mr. W• illiam Gray and: Mr. Toronto, there passed away one of Thomas McMichael are in Toronto this Hensall's pioneer and most respected week attending the Fairs Amide- residents, in the person of the late lion convention, as delegates from the William Moir, who was in his 80th Blyth Agricultural Society Mr. Mc- year, and who up to the time of the Michael will also attend the Clydes- death here of his wife a little over a dale Breeders' .and Guelph Fair As- year ago was in excellent health for sociation raeetings being held in one' so well advanced in life and re- thaGtuocdityli. ur.ses,_ markably smart as to all his faculties. Mr. Thomas Living- In fact his step and energies were stone and Mr. James Carter recently that of a middle-aged man, while his aisposed of a two year old gelding mind and memory was unimpaired,- but each to Mr. -William Knechtel, of Mc- the death of his wife, to whom he Killop, the considetation in each case was so much attached and with whom being $3aO. The price is a long one, he had lived so very happily through... as horses are selling now, but Mr. o t his life, weighed so heavily upon Knechtel is to be congratulated, as he lam that he was never the sanee man is now the owner of one of the best afterwards, and his health became teams ip. McKillop. Both geldings were e ry notch impaired, until a paralytic sired by McMichael's - well known sfroke within the past year left him ?tack horse, Glenra,e.• comparatively helpless, and it liras Obituary. -One of the pioneers of only through the best medcial skiff i Hullett township passed away on Fri- and trained nursing, coupled with the day of last week, in the person of constant care of his two daughters, George Beadle, sr., whose death Mrs. J. S. Case and Mrs F. A. S - a curred at the home of his son, George,lery, both of Toronto, and with whom THE UNITED STATES BREAKS WITH GERMANY. • The United State e has broken it COIAL;_ on Bernstorif has been han Lis imssporis end Ainr- lean Ambassador Gerard has been re- called from Berlia. The decision to take the ramie was announi ea to a joint meeeing of the Senate. and House at Washington on Satazday afternoon last by President Wilegn and while the decision was not wholly unexpect- ed, after the anommement of Ger- •utanyn new sulsnarine policy, its act- ual deliverance hail coine se a relief after the long steain, President Wil- son has shown a marvellous tolerapce and forbearance tots-arcis the action of Germany since the beitining of me war but there was limit te even his pat. tence and that aimit was reached when Germany declared her intention of sinking at sight any American veseel which approached Britain, France or Italy, other than one boat a week :which was to travel a prescribed path to a destination of Germany's choos- :lag; and although President Wilsen owes his re-electiop mainly to the fact that he kept the n. -*ion out of war, he has apparently coMe to the conclus- sion that Germany's latest insolence is raore than he or his country could 31* rhould stand, and in this decision, he is Ins:a t Is- hi ... -ass but bzi r4,11, peeple of alT natior.s. WItether the iievering or dieace atic . ordon Geoid • • service , ho is on acne overaeas, and who was we and favourably known here as s young lad who attended high echo( at Seaforth and visited his relative s e , the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Mellis, o Kippen, and Mr. and Mrs. C. McDoi h nell, Hensall, has lately amen award , ea th,e military cross for aallant ser . e has been overseas from al f most the commencement of the wai -1as has also been his brother, Harvey aiiil their relatives and friends hay ; good o feel proud of them 1 The boys are sons of R 'Under the'se circumstances Ger- many will meet the illegal measures of her enenties by forcibly preventing • after February 1, 1917, in a zone around Great Britain, France, Italy, and in the Eastern Meriterranean, all • navigation, that of neutrals included, • from and to England and from and to France, etc., etc.. Ail ships met within the zone will be sunk.' "I taink you will agree with me that, in view of this declaration, which suddenly and without prior intimation of any kind deliberately withdraws the solenm assurance given in the Ina peeiel Government's note of the .4th of May, 1916, this Government has no alternative consistent with the dignity and honor of the United States, but to take the course which in its note of the 18th of April, 1916, it announcea that it would take in the event ,of the German atovernment did not declare and affect an abandomnent of the e Art Laurel .... . , ........$43.00 RfitaoowarlaeolliB4aderplugier.heei. an.0.-Ii.: .:r.e5c,..2570t.oce it lialters, ... *********-$142* "Oak Heaters - - ..$12.00 to $22,00 • i Art Laurel with oven .. $48 Ou ' Base Burners (special value) $30.00 1 Globe Heaters .... , ..$5.50 to $12:00 Manure Fur.1.01., :,i, tines, . .leto. . $ tull I Base Burner with oven $34.00. Manure Forks, 5 tines, 14".. I Perfection Oil Heaters, no smoke Manure Forks, 5 tines, 16".. ILO ' or odor ..,. ......$4.50 to $5.50 Manure Forks, 5 tines, 18".. iTin Boilers .... .. ..$2.00 to $3.50 i Scoop shovels .... :41.10 to $1.211 Washing Machines $6.50 to $13.00 Manure Forks, 6 tines, 16"..r2.24 Wringers 10 404 11 inch rolls. Stable shovels .. 90c to nail Manure Forks, 6 tines, 18"..$2.21 1 $4.50' to $5175 I Copper Boilers .._ $5.50 to $7.50 Stable Brooms .- . . ..50c to $1.211 Galv. Wash Tubs - . .90e to $1.25 I Galv. Stable Pails .....,40c to 60c Carpet Siveepers .. $2,75 to Kat Tea Kettle ... e. -$2.00 to $3,00 Roger's Butcher Rnives..45c to L,211 Antbrust Strainer Pails 85c to $1-25 ' Anti Rust Milk*Pails..70c to $1.00 alPocketpricesKnives, Splendid Assortment Graniteware, all kinds and prices. O'Cedar Mops, all sizes. .... . O'Cedar Polish 25c and 50c per *be& 51/buft"tsaBwiaa e.k •Dia.111. °end. ler.°7.$4.50 1 ply ready roofing..$1.75 to $2.* Liquid Veneer 25c and 50c per bot4 Re -Nu -All 25c and 50c per bot. 51/2 ft. Indian 'Cr.oss Sid .1;aws $3.25 2 ply ready roofing ..$2.25 to 42.11 11BuaenkdIsedawk '03' . 1 . 7. 4. . : ..$1615° to 52.00 $$21.10° Pig Trough, 3 feet, 4 feet, 5 feet ant Horse Whips , , - .. .25c to $2.00 Horse Blankets ..$2.00 to $4.00 63 fPle: Jong., Eric Errealefilagron Works,: Buckskin, sheepskin, p"igskini hornet_ hide and other kinds of gloves (rid String Bells, Strap Bells,Ssviss East make, no leaks.. mitts at last year's prices. at all prices. Crockery churns' ....$1.25 to $2.50 Flower Pots 7c, 10c 15c and 20c each Roasting pans black iron 65c to 2.00 Roasting puns, gramte ... • Lanterns .... • • • . ...... 90c to $2 - . and 1 Mrs. Gauld missionaries in Formosa -Kr. Henry Bossenberry, who has been conducting the King George ho - 1 tel, and who received a good share of patronage, has given it up this week, and we believe intends locating else- where, but at date of writing we are riot certain as to the place. -On Fri- t ay evening last Miss Jessie Buchanan entertained a number of her friends. -We regret to learn that Mr. John H. Rohde, �f Usborne, is quite ser- iously ill, and was recently in London onsulting specialists. -A number of our business men have arranged by subecription to get the latest war re- ports by wire every morning during the shortage of mail trains. -Mr. Wm. Miller, of the state of Kansas, who has been there for some time looking after his interests, has joined his wife and will be here for some tiraea-Mr. D. B. Mcean is making improvements to the interior of his dwelling on the tomer of King and Nelson streets .- Master Eddie Berry had the inisfor•:: tune while operating with some seal- ing -wax a few days ago to get his face and hand paint, ourneu.-Mrs.. C. Forrest and Miss Forrest have gone to London to visit relatives.-Wedd• bells are ringing in our village._. . Edward Glenn, of near CiInton, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 7. McLaren, Ivanhoe Farm, during the past week. -The relatives and friends of Mrs. Peter Wooley of the village will I regret to learn that she is quite poorly.-afr. and Mrs, Joseph Case and brother, Mr. Geo. ease, and Dr. and Mrs. dellery, all -aif Toronto, ec- om.panied the remains of the late William Moir from that city for inter- ment in Hensall Union cemetery, and ftar the funeral returned home by way of S ' eaf orth Food Choppers 80c $1.30 $L90 $2.211 Hammers .... ..70e to $L,2,1 Hand Saws . .$L00 to $2.64 Braces with P.itchet...$1.00 to $3.1. Spirit Levels Cistern Pumps .... $1.85, $2,.$2.25 Hand Sleighs •.... 30c to $1511 SOLE AGENT FOR -Canadian Air Warmer Furnace,Clare Bros. Heels Xings. nace, Gurney Oxford Furnace,Sunshine Furnace, Get our prices for installing hot air and hot water funaem Lbw for Bathrooms coraplete. Five per cent. discount for cash • ED GE MG iiarirDWARK SEAFORTH -f4 - * Fl Notes.- • zreatly 1111 Tice, Giffin cral hours flay the in • til after di naont 220 been thus next morn courier un sinecure. the Scale C was aPa°' vice Jen, secrete- MeCulloch, done b' th creased. Tb ahould be els in the all sell by certain the med with Campbell s -Week at Tin Mrs. John on Sunday, months. SEAI Fall Wheat Barl-at Pel Oats, per b teans, per Butter No. Egata Per Bran. per Shorts, per Flour, per i Hay, per a Hogs - - POI Toronto. to 20c. Dres to 20e. Drest • mewl, 20 to keys, 28 to 33.3.4••••• 131 Toronto, • picked, per pick". to s0,50.I. ini DA1 - Toronto, •1 dairy,choict • prints, 43 Ix Egoa3-No. age, selects, cartons, 45 to 54c. Ches 26e; twirs, to2nqie. • to 27. Hone pound tin-, • hro, 11/74 beNS' Veleet, °.*2..'",0tij GIL THr-1310 oi ot,1 nortinyrn, [1.0 PitinitolA 2 C.W., aa tra No. 1 fet American Coz subject to ern No. 2 winter, V1.70; No, 3 d ing to freight: -No. 2 whit No. 3 white, ti ing to freights' Manitoba Flom bags, $9.50: S bags, $9; stror Toronto ter, according in bags, trac anent; $6,90, grade. Miille Montreal facie per ton, $i14; s feed flour. per -Extra No. per ton, $9 t Straw -ear a Toronto, Pot:. a2.a,0 to 52.7• awaree. ev be per bag, a'amti LIVE S Unien Steei unusu. opening live week, due to Up in trar.evor caused a stre cattle yesterile 15e per •cwt. strong, and th were sold off imated that * for yesterday' brought to To recent etorms Were in active obtained yeste pounds fora V•Tigirty steer exceptionally cordingly do estimating th yesterday's m that of last however, show cd above, The Was steedy, small run of e. elertone to Ili easier, if any lambs sold at culls at 88.a0 ewes brought = .were steady a iferings of fir actions in- the and the couree was not duarl. prices for hoe- al4 to $14.25. -very light, wit ceipts. Choi atzemg, and le also found a feeders were brecdy f$F.50. Clinic., I 'net an astive. •'9.50 at the re f ners and catte week's leveat. of good tipalit and offerings w representative. McDonald of stock steers $10.75 t -$10.50; choice -510.75; good, 75 to $9.25; choce cows ;$h to$8.25; med common'55.75 cutters, $5 to 25 to $9.65; g turn a7,25 to . pest feeder., sum, 8 to '$3 •