HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-02-02, Page 8• --
• . .
THE 11-ErRt.)
What a lot of rubber
weather well have
right along now !
Everybody will have
use for a good pair
of Rubbers! It's a
wise thing to pro-
tea the feet that is
season of the year.
We fit any shoe per-
fectly and have a
good pair of tubbers
N for every man, wom-
an and ehild in town.
Quality footwear
opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth
s se
iVuratt Eglosticir
Travellers. —The follOvring were
ticketed to distant points this week. at
Somervillets Railway and Steam=
ship Ageney:_ Mr. and Mrs. Garnet.
Murray, of Tuckersmth, to Edmonton;
Mrs. A. ‘A.. McLennan, of the 'Com-
mercial, to Des Moines, Iowa; Miss
MlnnieL Dorsey, of Seaforth, to New
Orleans, La.; Mrs. M. Broderick, to
Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. McKibbon„ to
Clearmont, Wyoming Territory; Mr.
McDermott, Dublin, to Vancouver.
McKillop Insurance Company.—In
the report. of the auditors' statement
of the Receipts and Expenditures, of
the McKillop company, recently pub-
lished, a claim for $250 for a horse
owned by IL O. Walters, and killed
by lightning, appears among the loss --
es. The amount of the claunc was in-
correctly. stated, it being only $150.
The annual meeting of the company
will be held in the town hall, Seaforth,'
to -day, Friday, at 2 p.m.
The Old Time Dance.—Secretary
D. Sutherland has eveything in readi-
ness for for the Old. Time Dance for.
the benefit of the Soldier's ..A. C
mission in Cardno's Opera Ha , this
evening. He has secured Jimmy Ross
the noted Scotch dancer, and a number
of pipers for the occasion. Through
an error, the name of Garnet Habkirk
was omitted from the list of floor
managers lag. week. The gallery
and stage will be reserved for specta-
tors and donations of sugar and ea=
fee will be greatly received.
Hockey—In one of the best and
fastest games of the season Seaforth
won this district in the Northern
League on Thursday night last, by
defeating St.Marys 11-6. The game
was delayed nearly two hours, by the
non-appearance of the referee, but
the hit crowd preserit waited patient-
ly and were 'well repaid As the store
iraliestes th* brow bays were is*
- nnsch 1.4 the visitors at every sfa0
f eat rot*. althopgh the res-,gt
twver ;It doislo. ttke roma was Um
, „,*•
Mr, R. C.- Mar lshall.—Messis R.E.
Coates, John leinlayson and Herbert
Box have dor.:tted a handsome leath-
er upholstered chair. in aid Of the Sol-
diers Aid Commission, and he draw-
ing will taltrt place at the Old Times
.Dance on Foiday everting The chair
s on exhibition in the show Window of
W. T. Box .ez Co.—Miss Hazel Deem
returned to .her home in Strtford last
week after spending a month's va-
cation with Miss Ruby Bristow. —
Mr. and Mrs Meyers, of Stratford.
spent Sundai'at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McKay, James street. —
Miss 'Ross Levis, of Clinton, was the
guest of Liss Florence Beattie last
week.—Miss Mason, who has been vis-
iting her sislers at their honer John
street, has returned to HamilEon. --
Dr. Grieve and Mr. Hartry were. in
Brussels addressing a Horticultural
Society meeting last week. oDr. Grieve
was chairman and Mr. Hertel gave an
address on rases, gladiolas and begon-
ias.—The litt13 dog, the family pet
in the home of Mr T. G. Scott, was
shot; not poisoned as mentioned last
vreek.-=-1VIr..R. M. Jones, manager of
'the Dominion 13anko was in Toronto
this week, atte.o.ding the annual meet-
ing of that insatation in the city on
Wednesday. Mr. A. G. Smillie,
was a Toronto itor this week. --Mr,
and Mrs. Bert Van Egmond return-
ed from a trip to Bermuda on Friday,
They 'intend • leaving for their home in
Regina in the course of a week or two.
-- The many friends of Mr. Frank
Jackson will be pleased to learn that
he is recovering irom a very serious
attack of pneumonia. His brother,
Mr. George Jackeon, jr., is in Mon-
treal with him E. C. Mc-
Clelland, of Baden, spent Sunday at
the parental home of Major and Mrs.
Hays.—Miss Hazel Elder, of Kippen,
has been visiting her friend, Miss Ed-
ith Hunt, McKillop.
' Dr. Forster of Stratri td, tye, ear, nose and throat
Specialist, has reentry d prami :e arql will be at the
queen', Hotel, Seiderth., on the third Wednes.day'of
leach mirth." Office Jacuzzi ri.30 to 8 p. in.
FOR 5Aur.--7 roomed frame house with 2 lots—
Apply W.D. %her. ('enu St,tiotorth. 8,57x4
7.rAril"—A.11-4114.1ntat due Jan. 151* I most
Inv* pad cx stlt*It 4.41 riluire,the tune
Praltet 6.-*.f.f.4.*ItUtlitt ***A UttltN1 te-tipttitittqv stk
itttUtogtvt„ Ciao' ciat -..4. A.
c.ilkstx*,k, , it: Mg cf.) IC
.:.'g -1.4".W.:"
f =.11 St
a entine's
February 14th
Remember your friends by
't.ending. them a Valentine
this year. We, have a choice
assortment and the wording
is such that they will cause
no offense.
Booklets, Folders, Hangers
Cut Outs, Stand Ups
Post Cards
Prices range from 3 for 5c ud
eration he went to London, but to no
avail. He was a member of Burns'
church, Hullett, and the remains were
.laid to . rest in. Burns' cemetery, on
Wednesday, January 24th. There are
left to mourn his loss, his widow and
six children Thorned, Lillie, Norman
and Charlie of litilett, Albert of Sas-
katchewan and Arthur, of Alberta.
Also a brother, Thomas, of Pickering.
and two sisters, Mrs. Formani of Lis-
towel and Mrs. MacIntosh, of Toronto.,
holopson's Bookstore
Seaforth •,:::-.1:::•'-i. •
Window Shaaes and l"toture eirames
Agerit for New Idea Patterns i
her loss wo sons and three daughters 1
, .
Alex. of Dublin, John of St. Marys;
Mrs. E. Litt, of Logan; Mrs. Kehoe
and Lizz e, at home, who cared for her
well during her last illness The fun-
eral was held on Tuesday afternoon,
interment being made in the Atait-
landbank cemetery. The family have
the sympathy of the whole neighbor-
hood in their bereavement.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Horan,
from Mendon, Mich., were visitors in
our berg during the past week.—A,i
nmnber o ouryoung people trok in
the At home given by Mr. 0. Eckert
near Seatorth. They all spent an en-
joyable time in dancing, singing and
games. It was given f&S a family re-
r,niori, All went home wishing their
host and hostess -many years of hap -
soul man* ppb returns of
such stst — Parties ere orders
of tlo deyt Ott VII 1h41
boo. of Mr, P44'4. Vain set*sitty
4":!,At*44 "LT ifitZewiel*s rt4rt;
14,4 44
Death of William Glenfi.—One of
the most prominent and best known
residents of this township passed away
in Clinton on Monday of last week
after an illness extending over some
months, in the person ' of William
Glenn, in his 5th year. The deceas-
ed was born in the township of Tuck-
ersmith, but came to Stanley with
his parents when a child, where he
continued to reside until December
last, when he retired to Clinton,
where he had built a fine modern home
for himself and family in which to
spend his declining years, but in the
the enjoyment of which he wasnot
long left. Mr. Glenn had always tak-
en an activ'e interest in the public af-
fairs of the township and served at
the council board for many years, both
as councilor and reeve, and at the
county council was looked upon as an
authority oii matters pertaining to
civic affairs, and at the meeting of that
body held in Goderich last week, a 1
resolution of sympathy was drafted
to be forwarded :to Lirz. Glenn and
family, expressing the regret of the
county's representatives in the loss
they -had sustained. He was of a gen-
ial, kindly nature, popular with all
and most highly esteemed throughout
the whole township, where he had
made his home for so many,years. Mr.
Glenn was a member of Willis Presby-
terian church, Clinton, and in politics
a staunch Conservative, and besides
his sorrowing widow he is survived
by a family of one so and three
caaughters: Edward, on the homestead,
in Stanley; Mrs. G. M. Elliott, Clin-
ton; Mrs. W. F. Saunders, Goderieh,
and Miss Bessie at home. The fun-
eral services were conducted from his
home in Clinton, on Thurday, the re-
mains being laid to rest in the Clin-
'*oit ternettry.
Novo: Rin,1
P;45y um away ;-.-e
-_77` 4:4 iz,45 To4
L,ale of
That Fmerits your
r..04 -0404•0<t4/•04 -
very 7:Ready mi to wear
Garment in this
store is included
—in this Sale
Our entire stock is being sacrificed. Our customers
profit by our loss. Everything goes at
Prices thatwili surely teiftpt yo
when you see the Goods
Look over these prices, remember what reliable gor s
carry, and you'll recogni4e that this i4 va-,trsct,
4.1VtiNg cipprtF4ni