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The Huron Expositor, 1917-01-26, Page 3
JANUARY $ 191 moo_ Imor»}IIRioIoiItxIt iA[ X it SIRED ,.r Wore: e: ak rn face tains S a •S a i, ecal._d. F, err M Y3 ES S• al: of rom r taara if .oi€s }} {{ }mss , SII E#t[."� CSr $,let,.' • aaas- ti narta d d .,tis':. •, err; _'} ra .. E.t.> SII• ass q }s�p F tans, hat it Isar Vassss ' as Cie a•aa . rtsaa. r x% !,s1 :{• • }n. err 1._altis- . "he= n • o e'e tet: ->` .Y the cry , €h 't in d to t'E: Fes-- f th • Da #z` -in ` e` E.112 1ft. The a er- `'Ely out -ash -ea hit; ca -- :were inacuratc an€E they ifs o ... i,. ks` li y.,d the i the DF r.�. y ‘,.ere t 4 �+q r pie stuaa'b}, inserted and . -.:;-i lii 1":4, Sia 0 dors -i-sed by the lams' ells a?' S i r err.i3 e>3'Y4 4 E ger sySit a€ken . ! 4 tt. i &• .f t !bled ti he �..e • it tell i ,;:fs i c.i! a "illy i F w Ili: r. .tan fR .i afi&a' 'i.' i matt ! Ionx iii t (1t (.1(rV, i, , ,t°,:,i,. , Ilya. t F at t- o f Lt• Y F (t=F t i -t a t ce r: t' t.f inei v ! - ens - ay •c• a. e( -Tr r t they c 1p etc ° Der(US . • I:6 7 ..x;=11i6,. in' f 1, lya, va is r n `-7 •at Ile Ile! 4t.Pe-1 nt ir•ely upon the F,}crtd ishnient.. : 'x', i �' ea eas'litf3 Retl'-.IatFll'V , incre a. e. the "h, red h uocl ; c•ed 1 tone tlue • errs, ca- per for -!ti their lithe - 4 ate}' signs of a. beak- 1 . %% ainiott, Beaver bav4:--" 1 wsa Sit=! s i s fro}Iv nervous. Thee wr.uid stoat e and an- If'fe><ed patois around the y pa tiele of calor left aarrds. X a wyee felt poorly at night. It -iF hat my fi erds Ea no, recover, I ries s but they did rasa WI> cad r,€ Dr. William:* decided to drop of and thr•em. It trams icer in th courts r,f a (el -..no they completely r•a¢ matte edvao every- ,nd giri tri. give 1)- Wti- eras a • it trial, anti i am_ -r► ,t be ditiappomtect. t those ihr • [eider 04. by mail t• - +lxP for 43.50 t'i "m` .t4' Medicine Co , re Notes. ---Mr. john Evans has accept- - dent, D. Brewer: : Seeretary - J. IST. We .will give One Hundred Dollars aid a position in Stratford. --Quite a . Morrison. The Club will inlet once for any case of Catarrhal. Deafness • Ca HURON Po I o Zsaed Old Tereoste LER, W. DM*.THEW$ Prestdsnt Vc.Pra 1dent BOGERT, General Manager .2.44 per 100 pounds. --The Huron.:Presbytery met • in Blyth on January' 12th, and sustain, - ed the call. of Rev. d1 30. Hagg, B.D of Southampton, to Willis church, in Clinton, and; to Mr. George Telford,of Carleton Place, who has been caled the St, Andrew's congregation at ;lyth.. Rev; Mx. Hogg will be induct- ed at Clinton on January 25th, —A startling sudden death occurred in Ashfield on bWednesda afternoon of last - week. Mr. John Kuntz, of Port filbert, well known. -throughout the district was. at the home of Mr. Kenneth D. McLennan, above Kintail, when he took "a hemorrhage and died in a few • minutes. He had suffered from lung trouble for some years. - A few years ago he had an 'automobile garage in Goderieh.. for one " summer. Last summer- he had the Lucknow agency for the Maxwell car. The de- ceased wee an expert ,well driller, He was thirty-seven years of age and un- married, ----The official hoard of the Methodist church, in Brussels, has extended a cordial invation to Rev. W. E. Staf- ford, B.A, who is closing a successful four year term at Foothill, Welland County, to become pastor.' next July at the conclusion .of the pastorage ,of Rev D. Wren, M -A,,' who has been in- , } vited to Mount Forest. Both rever- end. gentlemen have accepted subject of course, to the Stationing and Trans- 000,000 RUserv4 Fund $7,000.000 avings . Department Lntere aid on, -deposits of $1.00 and upward Place your saving in the Bank. X it SEAFORT BRANCH: t A. M. JONES;_Manager. X ale( [al XX [X [II[IeX 'lytic[EX>Kl[XI1IXXXXXXXXXXXXi[XXXXXXXXXXIIN ! to start, and wilt receive `irncreases as their proficiency warrants. It is a sure : thing that the Western Foundry will be an exceedingly busy place for many months to copse. DISTRICT - MATTERS - BL UEV AIrE. Doing Their Bit,--Bluevale Women's Institute acknowledges - with thanks -the following donations which. theyh stave recently received: Turrorerr . Council $70, Moi;ris Council, $100; Miss Mary Ring's Circle tea, $5; Cir - GREY, Golden Wedding: -Onn Thursdaxv of i fer Cosmittees, as Mount Forest and last week. the 50th anniversary of the! Fonthill are in Hamilton conference. 'wedding of ex -Reeve and MTS. Turn- Rev. Mr. Stafford is a son of Rev. C. hull, of the 4th concession, was cele- E. Stafford, a former pastorof 13rus• - 1 rated, m They were married .at A7r, # E ., Stafford ,a forme • paster of Brus- half a century ago, Mrs. Turnh ll's 'was erected, and who heal in June as maiden name being Miss Agnes Millen. the 'result of injuries received in a :ale tea at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. P.We regret that Mr. Turnbull's health railway accident He has an excellent Moffatt, $18 sale of centre piece made is not better for so glad six occasit.n 'r-ecord.for successes on the various by Mrs, P. Thomas, $6, We are also but scores of old friends will be unit charges he has filled, is a good preach pleased to ael.'novledge the receipt of in wishingthe royal old couple mans er and faithful pastor. 450 from Browntown School Section, 3oys in years . to come. Mr. Turn- the proceeds of s .concert. This school bull is about 75 years° of; age. l srs• . Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured in which Mss Yuill, is the -teacher, Turnbull has been bothered soine1=Phot havea very generous ,donation last with heart -trouble, bue we trust that by local applications, as they cannot ear. The Institute, sent °Florins the both Mr. and Mrs: Turnbull May hav reach the diseased portion of the ear, y `� improved health. Their famil;, coil- There is only one way to cure catarrh past Month two bogies containing; 51 ' eh and 60 snits of pyjamas. Also lists. of two sons and two daughters, al deafness, and that is by a comfit], all of whom reside in this localit tiara' remedy. Catarrah Deafness is two hairs of socks to each of the fol-- Notes, Roadwork has been . on the caused by an-mflarired condition of the lcasing ess, eisoldiers;.in ndsor, Walter Drummer programme on some concessions in the. mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, Darold fiKerney, Gunner Robert Mas- E way . of gravel hauling. =Mrs, John Whenruthis tube is sound or imperfemed ct heaou arr ters; PiotieerlA. E, Thomas, Pees. J McKinnon, eighth'` concession, accom- iris; and `when it is entirely closed lifaleolia William A. L. Posliff, Leslie panied by her daughter,. Mrs. C. W. Winch, illi m Hall Alf. Ennis, How- • McIntyre, and son Robert, who hadflaDeafness is the result, Unless the in rrd Haney irarold Holmes, H. rowels been visiting here for a few:weeks be restored can be reduced and • this Jack Hodge, Da id° Johnston, D. O' - have gone to- their home ° in Buffalo,Man. tube restored to its normal condition, n, Boole Robert McMichael Frank Shaw, N.Y., where she will visit for a while, atarrha eswchof • is deafn ss are caused condp Leslie 1clinney. —The Greyhi ` i towns p Checker Club tion• of the mucous surfaces.>,, Hall's 1 was' organized at the home of Mrh blood Duncan Brewer, 6th concession, recent- Catarrh pure acts through the u and DIIBL ' 1', 1 - on the inucous' surfaces of the s stem ly with the following officers• Presi- =umber of our youngsters atetended the in twd weeks. The Club met gat Wes. Clarice at Brodhagen on Friday even- ` Stephenson's on Monday evening,- nng- last and report a good time.-- On Sunday, January 21st, Rev. Hugh,. It is rumored that Mr. Hills intends T Fair, of Atwood, conducted the an - starting a wood -yard ih the village. It niversary services in the Union Metho- is hoped the project will ineet`'with sue- dist church, on the llth concession. acess. The inaugural meeting of the There was special music by the choir. village fathers was held on January On Monday evening following, a fowl 15. The eveum,g- terminated harmon-. supper was held and a good program but the total extra revenue expected fo-usly:Mr. Frank McConnell, inan-' was rendered. Among the talent were is only £5,000,000. She is not a weal- . tiger of the Standard Bank, has re- Miss Webb, of London, soprano solo- thy country, as ail Englich Chancellor `turned home after being in the London ist:, Miss Dora Bradley, London, vio- of the Exeheguer understands wealth; and it is noteworthy that not one of the -` new taxes affects the food of the peo- ple. They' are laid upon amusements,; lukuries, war profits, and—"men of military age who are not in the field." The last may be eithera stroke of gen- ius in aid -of Italian finance, area mod- ern mode of "buying one's self, off" as prosaicas the old 'system of serving' by substitute. In either case evident:- IT vident-Iy there is money in it, for the' Ex:- chequer. x-chequer. . Who will call Mr. McKenna's attentions to the experiment? In Eng= land there are still some millions of men of military age not in the field and some of them are not only avoid- ing personal contact with the Boehe, but making handsome war profits into the bargain. - that cannot' be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. •- Circulars free. . All Druggists, 75c.. F.J.. CHFNEY & CO., Toledo, O. ITALY'SSNEW TAXES, The new taxation , just decreed in Italy covers about a dozen new imposts ;hospital for two weeks with an injured iinist and contralto soloist; Miss Smith ''knee. The Patriotic Societies of the of Kitchener, reader., , vicinity have decided to unite and hake another shipment of waste m a- aerial next- week. The collectors!of MORRIS zilch will call at the houses on the dif- Funeral of Miss Findlater.—The re- ferent lines, .and we ask the -people mains of the late Miss Findlater, who toIdnaly help by giving all their old died on Wednesday, January .10th, at .fines, papers, rags and rubbers, the home of her aunt. Mrs. Cavern, ii they were requested to save Washington, D. Q. was. brought to the since the last collection.. The Womens }"some of her father, Mr. William Find- Patriotic Society- have quite a quan- .later,'. Lot 2, Concession 2, Morris, and tity of sewing on hand. which will be the funeral was held to Wing -ham cern- ,gladly given out to any parties wish- etery on Tueday of last week and was ing to lend a helping hand. . : very largely attended. The deceased was a bright yopng woman and had : been ill only a couple of days, . HULL She is ` sit�rvived sy seven brothers aid sisters, Notes.—Ir. Willis. Knox, senior, viz: Dr. Mary, of Dakota; Mrs. John who has geen quite ill ,for some time, Clegg, of the 5th concession of Norris, was taken to the Loudon Hospital for Mrs, Young ,of. Detroit, who was vis- treatment on Tuesday morning, Ile iting her sister other she died, Lyon -was accompanied by his son, Thomas, and George of Sass.etchewan, also Miss We all hope that the treatment he may Annie and Will sit' home, Rev. Mr. receive will fully=restore him to health. Perrie, pastor of St. Andrew's Presby- -The D A. M. T. L. K. Club held their terian hurch, V' inghani.,' conducted the monthly meeting at the home of Miss services at the house and grave. Myrtle .Young, on January 13th, with The Passing Of A Pioneer.— Ahoth- a good attendance After the business er of the respected laudinarks of the meeting was over a dainty lunch was township of Morris, passed away on served as usual. This month the Tuesday in the person of Mr. George girls have knitted . eleven pairs of Peacock. Mr. Peacock received an in- socks: Mr. William Brumley re- jury, being thrown out of = the cutter Delved word a few days ago from his a couple of weeks ago, which, although son, Pte. Charles, who is now in the he did not consider it at all serious at trenches in France. He is looking the time of the accidentwas the means !forward to some_ verb' strenuous tines of his death of concussion of the brain, before many months on the Western Deceased was one of those grand old ont, While in England Pte. Bruin- men, of whom everybody spoke well ley had the pleaure of calling up some He was born' in Goderich • townshi relatvies who gave him a good line and came to the farm on which he has generally: -The financial statement of .since resided over fifty years :a Burns' church, Hullett, and Knox when the township was a dense for Church, Londe.,boro has been issued Deceased` was in his 51st year a nn,l shows both congregations in a s rived: by his aged wife and six ourisliiiig. , condition. The contrlu- d; Mrs. John Patterson, of y dons during the past year have been hare; Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge, Blue - dost gratifying which is most encour- vale Mrs. John Fells, of Morris; Mrs_ aging•to the pastor and people. T he George Thornton, of Bluevale, John, in annuai congregational meeting was Manitoba and • James C. on the farm weld on Thursday last January 13th, adjoining the homestead. The tinier- .. Knox Church, Londesb sro. Y al was held on Thursday afternoon of ,e. I last week from his latresidence to AM th Bluevale cemetery and was conduct- W1EI�FGH ` ed under the. -auspices of the. LA,L., Wfiford--Grin.—St.. Paul's church, No., '766, of which. the deceased was a 'Wiiigleain, was the scene of a pretty member. wedding on Tuesday afternoon when Edna Estelle daughter of Postmaster HURON NOTES. t. l chil-- ing- , C. N. and Mrs. G ` 'n, became theW. *ride of Mr. Albert Rowe Wilford, the sold his F. usiiaton.,, of ria street, iiereinony being performed by. Rev. E. has sold house on Victoria street, Dymond. ono the ceremony ond. After the cer sting couple Ieft for a trip toCh cago, etroit and other American points, On their return they will. take up resi- dence in Winghiana, where they are Itighly esteemed and` Mr. Wilford is Fixe of Wingham. 's most progressive business men. The best wishes . of a large number of friends will follow Mr and Mrs. Wilford on their yjourn- through life. Going Ahead.—The Western -Foun-= y Company undr the able manage - 'merit of Mr. J. J. Cunningham, has decided to open up the two large brick 'buildings to the north of the G. T. R tracks. One of these buildings is 200 by 80 feet and the other is 180 by 50 feet. This new addition to the foun- 'ry will be opened on Monday and the company will give employment to v occupied by Mrs. ' R. S. Cowell, to Mr, John S. Spence, of Morris, � Mr. Spence recently sold his farm . and intends moving into Wingham. A purse : and et . kindly worded ad- dress was recently presented to Pte. Arthur Johnston, of the 228th Bat- talion at • the home of his. fateer, on the first concession of Grier . township, This is the 3rd son of this home who is doing his duty for King and Empire, .'he local customs collector at Clinton reports a substantial increase for the nine months ending December 31st, the fetal receir is from. April 1 to December 31., 1916, amounted.. to $34,946.5, mean increase of over_$1,-, 500 over the preceding year. —Last week Thomas Pierce of Mor- ris, disposed of the fine Durham bull, Comet; to Douglass and, Son, of Mit- (Dressing the Stirunaa. The British troops have crossed b Struma nci the ens Sts mo a n it C Ythe ) very spot - where the great host of Xerxes crossed in the reverse direc- tion when invading Greece 2,400 years ago. Herodotus tells of the elaborate construction of t bridges for the invasion, and how the .magician priests -sacrificed white horses • and threw them into the stream. Xerxes was not content with that. Upon arriving, he found that the place" where Am hi lis was afterward ar p pct w d founded, and which to -day is repre- sented by oitr crossing point, Neo Hori, was then. called Ennea Hod (Nine Roads); and the accordingly sacrificed nine . native youths and nine maidens there. --London Chron- lela. Norway's Merchant Navy. Norway's w,erchant shipping ser- - vice, with which Germany is playing havoc, is the largest of any Contin- ental nation so far as the number of vessels is concerned. Lloyd's Regis- ter .prior to the outbreak of war showed Norway to possess no fewer than 2,174 merchant vessels, as against Germany's 2,166, France be- ing .next with 1539. Britain leads .! the way in all the world with 9,285, to say nothing of the 2,068 boats be- t longing to our colonies. It is inter - wing, too, to read in the latest Pan- ama Canal figures that .the British were the most frequent users of the canal, the States second, and Norway third only,—London Chronicle. Sinking Hosptiai ships. The sinking of the hospital ship Brittanib, by a Hun submarine was a deliberate act of frightfulness which nd amount of G:erinan lying can con- done. The London Times' naval cor- respondent points out that the attack took place in broad daylight when all the marks of the vessel's merciful inission could be plainly seen. It simply worded the Hun pirates an- other opportunity - to show their dis- regard for the law of nations, and at the same time get rid. of a vessel likely . to be a formidable competitor in the passenger trade after the war. o er chess, ata good figures : The animal WINTER HARD ON BABY 100 men. On Saturday last the em- was sired by. Silver Star, 84474 bred by loyees were pleasantly surprised, Joseph Engler, of. Grey Township. -Mr. receiving raises of froth 5 to 18 Pierce has some goad bulls left • The winter season is . a hard one 1 cent. The foundry has for some _The annoueement was' made on on the b4 by He is .more or less tine been acknowledged as one of the January 12th by the Western Foundry confined to stuffy. badly ve..tit- st in Ontario. They worked eleven Company at Winghain, that mein work- . &ted rooms. It is so often stormy tenths last year for which the cum- ing by the day 'would .receive a 'five that the mother does riot get hien oat laity paid over $90,000 in wages,. and per cent, increase and that those 'doin the fresh. air as often as sh.e should. - ver 16,000 stoves were tamed out be- ing peace work would receive rnereas- sides various other lines of work done, es ran. g front 5 to la per cent. This flourishing company. has at pre-—,li�43,310pounds of milk were sent over $80;000 worth of Orders to reced=ed last season at the Ethel cheese and cross. To guard against h e the e filled and more coming than they factory, from which 166,41414 pounds mother should keeo a box of .Baby's of butter were -'manufactured. The Own ` Tabie�te in the house• They average price for the year was nearly x•egulate,the stomach and bowels and. I$ cents, making=s total of $29,904 45 break up colds`. They-: are sold by. Out' of this the patrons received the medicine dealers or by mail, at 25e a 844.66. while snak tidy sum of : 1;,ing .box trout the Dir, ,Williams' Medicine `lI Ont. $e catches grids which r ick; his little system ; fits stomach and bowels get apt of order and he . bec Innes peevish an accommodate with the present number of - employees. Mr. Charles Stewart, of .Ahnont, veal be in charge the new buildings and it is under - that those desiring to learn the business will be paid excellent wages and other expenses cost $4,059.62, or ! Co., Brockva t, eleitiratamemenelimeme Phone Rcu orders ` Stewarts Self. It For Less it Your Orders mat Clearing Sale a FashionableFurs :for 'Nomen and Men 0 Every Fur Ralf, Muff, Neck- piece, fur coat or tur-4 :.ed coat will be dared out without re- gard to cost. There never was a more opportune time to buy. Probabl never a ain` will honest t re ti cable jars be of_ ��.� ,'J urs at Mese great reduc-. tions® There are hundreds of ruffs and mutts'to choose from, Marmot wolf, tor, sable, mink, Persi ,n La .b, Coon, Beaver, Se. Don't wait, come early, get the first choice ofthese ,.se bg bargains. - S'peciai Sale of Mill Ends o Flanuelette at 15c a yard Here is an opportunity to buy regular 20C flannelette at a greatbig reduction. These are all good ends of heavy,soft, pure white flannelette,guaranteed to be the very highest( quality pieces, ranging from 2 to ro yards. Sale price 15c per yard. Stylish New Suits Readyn es T r rt Big- 1emnan-t Sale Therewill be Unusualbargains in remnants on Satur- day. All the stock taking remnants, including siks, Berges, flannels, prints, ginghams, fancy wash goods, will be sold at big reductions. `, There are many large ,and valuablepieces among them, marked at a mere traction of the ordinary price. 1 YOU men who want the greatest value for your clothing money. You who want the maxiutn of wear and good appearance at a minimum price, You who want honest values, tru style and dressy appearance. Come here for your next suit. Don't be sat- isfied with just ordinary clothes—come here. You will find new patterns, new colorings' and new ideas here that wilt appeal to your sense of good taste. Heavy Mitts and Gloves Special heavy working mitts made of horse hide, pig skid and mule skin,knit heavy doublelining and p g' st high cuffs, tanned to remain soft ►d pliable after beingwet. Cut to fit comfortable. Price 50c to $1.50 Men's Winter Caps Heavy tweed worsted'or beaver cloth caps made with cloth, 'knitted or fur ear bands in brown, grey, black or tan. Sizes 614 to r4. Price 50c to $1 50. Baatter, Wool rand Lips Wanted Men's & Boy Under -wear At the Old Price Every indication points to big -Am. -Tease in the price of woollen underwear flex season. You can not make a better investment than to buy next season's supply of Underwear now—While you can buy at the. Old Price. Every good make is represented, Pen - mans', , Turnburc, Stanfield's, Tiget Brand, etc., in wool or fleece -lined. Men's 85c to 2e50 BOYS' 400 to I.o0 0111141111. =.1116., Sweater Coats for Everybody You can't buy better sweaters than we sell because we sell only the best makes. We have a very bright and pleasing range of coloringsin stock. In plain colors; ih combination trimmed coats and the new fancy checked coats. All sizes f©r men, women and children. PRICE .,.. $s......., 44:.y0..,., .ewart B:ros -SEAFORTII 75c to SO Butter Egg 00