The Huron Expositor, 1917-01-05, Page 51917
yot wants in the winter
of - Footihear made for
e is well represented in
still to come, You wili
awe, draw your attention
Tallies at the prices men-
75e to 90c
e to $1.50
0 to $250
5 te $2.25
:5 to $2.75
to $2.50
to $2.75
c to $90e
• .41.50
Including the celebrat-
your sheep are put on
:commEACIAL liaTEL,
bse of the hour it was found
rote stood for G. C. Petty 107;
Smith 81, leaving a majoritye
?etty of 26. As we mention..
lanerissue there was no elec.-
touncillors as orly the require
cr of comieillors remained on
nation sheet -Mrs: R. D. Bell
Bloomsburg, Pa., on Monday a
Last to visit her sister Mrs.
lime% of that eity.--Mr. Geo.
• of Detroit, spent Christmas
erre of Mrs. J P Sparks, and
le Sparks, and Miss Edgar,
Brantford, also spent Nate
Mrs Sparks, also Mr, and'
es R Sparks, of Sarnia. -
Jackson, of Seven Persons
home spending a few week;
mother, Mrs John Jackson.
t. Dougall of Lyleton, Man,
- hie many friends in Henson
tity.-Mr. George McIntyre
led to Detroit, after spe.ncling-
of weeks here with her rao-
J. Sparks. -The services ire
ales on Sabbath last were
itended and good sermons
--Mr. William Buchanan,
n, Man, spent the holiday
ives and friends here, after
a of 20 years in the west,
illy sees many changes, !MI*
ensali has wonderfully
Wr. Gavin Moir, of Quebec,
r at the home of ilar. Andrew.
Alfred Taylor is visiting
in Chicago.
Big Hard.•
ore Seaforth
-Quality Guaranteed
-Buy now, even
ney. It will pay
up to date stock
13MIZER. (which saves 20
reservoir and warmins
. . ..55c, 70c, No
ushes ....25 to 50e
Per gallon .... .....$L25
orks, 4 tines, 14". 41.15
erks, 5 tines, 14"..$1.50
orks, 5 tines, 16". . OAS
°As; 5 tines, 18"..$1.65
Forks, 6 tines, 16". . $2.21
Forks, 6 tines, 18"..02.25
evels 90c to $1.211
....50c to $1.20
trels ..$1.10 to $1.26
ache? Knives..45c tel.=
dyes, Splendid Assortment
freepers $2.7“0,44.50
fops, all sizes.
'olish 25c and 50c per`bot.
neer 25c and 50c per bet.
25c and 50e per bot..
ly roofing.. $1.75 to $2.211
y roofing $2.25 to $2.71
dy roofing . .......$3.20
II, a feet, 4 feet, 5 feet amt
Erie Ition Works, best
oaks... -.4......,.a.*
is, Strap IO'ells,Swiss Bells
Ipers 80c $1.60 $1.90 $2.21
...;' ..70c to $1-2.
s.. . i.$1.00 to $2.50
Ratchet 1 .$1.00 to $3.60
.... $1.00 to $3.00
;ha . 30c to SU*
%Clare Bros. Hecht ft/4
ater furnaces. Also,
r cash
JANUARY 5 1917
'Christmas Wedding. ---A pretty We
ding took place on W eiresclity, Decem-
ber 27th, at six p.m., at the liome of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel Parsons, of the London Road south
when thea youngest daughter, Miss
Edith, became the bride of Mr. Leslie
'Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Davir
Richards, of Exeter, formerly of Step-
hen. The ceremony was performed in
the presence of a large number of in-
vited guests by Re. J. W. Baird, pas-
tor of James Street Methodist church,
The young couple were unattended.
The bride wore a gown of white silk
crepe. Her sister, Miss Corsina Par -
eons, played the wedding march. Af
ter the ceremony and congratulations
an partook of a stunptuous wedding
dinner. The young couple have the
hest wishes of a wide circle of friends-.
They will reside on the groom's farm
in Stephen.. .
Thames Road Njetes.-Mrs. Geo.
Kerslake end Mr, Roland Williams
spent New Year's with friends et
Polmerston. - Me. and Mrs. Per -
try Sperling- and two children'of
Anderson visited friends in the vicin-
lity recently. -Miss Edna, Williams,,of
Toronto spent a few days with rela-
tives is, this neighborhood during the
boliday week. --Me. and Mrs.
Pybus and daughter, Lucille, of °his-
elhurst, visited -friends in the vicinity -
recently. -Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns
and son, Howard, returnedthis week
from their yisit with Mrs. John's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Besnell, near Port
Mope. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Williams
visited in Logan laid Thursday. -Miss
Verna Whitlock of Bethany Sunday
School was presented' with a Bible
given by Mr. Fred Stewart for the
one who had attended Sunday School.
the most Sundays during the year.
Miss Whitlock and two others were
present 49 Sundays in 1916 but as she
had attended every Sunday in 1915
the Bible was given to her.
We hereby express our thank e to
our customers for their patronage
during the past year and wish them
prosperity through the year to come.
Our Pay -As -You -Buy system of doing
business helps yob to prosper. Try it
for the year 1917 and see what you
areable to save. F. A. Edwards.
Breezes -The WarAuxiliary intend.
*holding a concert in the town hall on
Tuesday evening, January 9th. good
talent has been secured. -Rev. A. Mac-
farlane, B.A., of St. Andrew's church
is visiting his sister at Banks. -Mr.
John Richards, of Detroit, spent New
Years with -friends here. -Miss Maggie
Parker. of London, is visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker. -Mrs.
H. W. Erwin is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. E Saucier, of Kitchener. -.The pa-
triotic dance held in the town hall on
New Years' night was a decided sue-
ess about seventy-five couples enjoyed
the dancing, also a large crowd of
opectators were present. The music
was furnished by Messrs. Frank Bos-
senberry and John Armstrong and
Arnestrong.-Geo. E. Greenslade
was in London on business on Tuesday.
-Holiday visitors, of which there was
a_ goodly member, have nearly all re-
turned. Miss E. Pollock to Bancroft;
Miss L. King to Stratford Normal;
Miss L. Davison, Misses L. Baker, I.
Harrison and Ada Rouatt, Mr. L. Fow-
ler and C. Pollock to London, F. King
to Detroit and Mr. and Mts. James
Cameron to Toronto. -We are eleksed
to. see Mr. Robert Blair able to be a-
round after his recent illness. -Mrs. A.
Rouatt was in London on Tuesday. -
Mr. S. Egleson, of Milton, North Da-
keta, is here visiting his parents. -Mr.
and Mrs. Rattray of Somme spent the
holiday with their daughter, Mrs.
Jones. -The following talent has been
engaged for the War Auxiliary con-
eert: Wesley Church orchestra; Miss
Grant, reader; Miss Chant, violinist;
Miss Gibbings, instrumental; Miss Mc-
Iver, Mre. Chowen, soloists, Clinton;
Miss Mary MeMurchie, soloist, Miss
Jean Meltiurchie, instrumental, and Mr
Cole, Hensall, comedian,
Additional 'Prize Winners, -In the
fist of prize warners at the Fat Stock
show, published a couple of weeks ago
we inadvertently omitted the names of
Mr, P. McKenzie and Mr. A. Elcoat.
The former exhibited two cattle which
brought a good figure at the sale and
Mr. Elcoat captured two prizes for
cattle and one for lambs and he also
contributed $10 for Red Cross pur-
poses. We might alsi say that Mr.
MeNaughton's Red Cross lamb which
-sold for $77, the highest figure reach-
ed for some years was sired by Mr. El -
coat's stock ram, Mr. Elcoat has been
_an exhibitor for many years, not only
at our local .shows but at Guelph and
Toronto, and he is always in the mon-
Notes. -An entertainment will be
given in the Presgyterian church this,
Friday evening in aid of the Belgian
Relief Fund. The entertainment will
be a good one and all should come out
and help in the good cause. -Mrs. Jas.
Moodie hs been very ill for the past
week. Her many friends wish for a
speedy recovery. -William Baird and
family of , Toronto, spent Christinas
vacation at Mr. Baird's home in St -
ley -Miss Margaret Ross of Torodto
University, is spending her vacation at,
her home in the village.-IVIr. WilIiarnt
'Ross, of Stanley, entertained a large
tumbew of his friends on Friday ev-
ening last when a right merry old
-time was spent in dancing. -Messrs.
Earl and Clarence Kaiser, of Detroit,
visited at their home in the village. -
There was good sleighing forChrietmas
and New Years Day. -Miss Jessie Aik
cnhead underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis last week at her home. She
is recovering slosely. -Mr. and Mrs
Andrew Beattie, of London, spent New
Years at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Wm. Scott. -Quite a number of our
men have re.ceived their national ser-
vice cards. We are sure they will all
be returned promptly. ---Miss H. I. Gra-
ham. of Seaforth, has been visiting
friends in this vicinity. -As Petrie's
creek is now frozen over a number of
The youths of our village are practis-
ing for a strenuous hockey season. --
Mr. and Mrs. William Baird and
aaughter Thelma, of Toronto, return-
ed to their home oafter" spending the
vacation with Mr. Baird's father here. -
The Brucefield Christmas tree was
such a success that the committee in
charge have decided to repeat it foi
the purpose of raising funds for the
'Belgian Relief Fund. It wil be held
in the basement of the Presbyterian
church, this, Friday evening.
-The financial statement of the
town of Mitchell for the year 1916,
from January lst, to December 15th,
is. as follows: Receipts, $61,636.38; as-
sets, $7,778.09; The sum of $28,340.90
n collected, vn
=-101r. and urs. Henry
holm, announce , the en
their daughter, ,Clara
V. Young, of Logan,
will take place on Janua
-A quiet wedding to
Wednesdayat the home
Mrs.- John Larkworthy
when their eldest dough
was united in marriage
P. Flannigan, of Sudb
T. Langford, pastor of t
church, ',performed the cer
presence of •only the irn
ties. -Mrs. Flannigan is
lar young lady and for s
been teaching school at
.1 P. ")
623 out-
ogk, Born -
agement of
to Mr. Fred.
e wedding
ktplace Oil
Of Mr. and
• .Clara
',Mr. Allan
. Rev. A.
e Methodist
mony in the
ediate rela-
I very popu-
mi e time had
Seaforth, Jan.
Fall Wheat, per bush. 1
Oats, per bush.
Barley, per bush
Beans, .per bush.. .. 2
Bran. per ton 3
Butter, No. 1, per lb 35
Shorts, per ton 3.00
Eggs, per dezen, 40
Hay, Per 'ton . 8.00 to
Flour, per gift ........4.65 to
Hogs .e , 11.65
$th, 1917.
5,0 to .55
80 to .85
50 to 2.60
• to, January 3. ---t` Manitoba
Wheat-Traek, bay ports, No. 1 north-
ern, 0.012*; No. 2 northern, $L99%
No. 3, northern, $1.94 1-2; ' o 4 wheat,
$1.83%; old crop wheat, 4c higher.
Manitoba Oats -Track; gay ports, No.
2 C. W., 69%e. American Corn -No 3
yellow, $L07, subject to etribargo. On-
tario. Wheat-
Whea Winter, new crop, No.
2, $1,68. to $1.70 (according to the
:freights outside); No. 3 winter, new
crop, $1,66 $1.68.- •Ontario Oats -
according ttlfreights outside -No. "
white, 63c to 65e; No. 3 white, 62c to,
64c. • Peas No. 2, $2.30.,Bar1ey, • -
Malting, $11 to $1.18; nominal, Buck
wheat --$1.2: laye-No. 2 ,new, 1.33;
to 1.35. M nitbba Flour --First pat -
'elite, m ju begs, $940; Seconds, in
jute bags, 8.910; strong bakers' in
lute s8.50„ oronto. Ontario Flour -
Winter, ne• track, Toronto, prompt
shipment, a cording to sample $7 to
7.10 in jut bags. Millfeed--Carlts
delivered, Montreal freights -Shorts,
$37; bran, 32; good feed' flour, per
bag, $2.70 to $2 SO. Hay -No. larack
Toronto, ne , 13 to $13.50, carlots;
'No.2 $9 to 11 1
Buffalo; Ja uary 2nd. -Cattle, -active
shipping ste rs, $8.50 to $11.25; but-
chers' steers, $7 to $9.50; heifers, $5.50
to $9.; cows, 4.25 to $7.75; bulls, $5.25
to $8; stockers and feeders, $5.25 to
$7.50; .fresh rws and springers active
$50 to $115., Calves -Active, $4.50 to
$15. Hogs Active, heavy and mixed,
$11; yorkers, $10.90 to $11; light york-
ers, $10.25 to $10.75; pigs, $10 to 10.25:
eoughs, $9.6 to $9.75; stags, $7.50
to $8.50.
Unicn Sto k Yards, Toronto, Jan 2.
-There wer
pens for the
and followin
since the Ch
buyers today
ffering was
values from
last week's.
fair cattle
loads of butc
-oath .he ge
for the hes'
$8.90. Good
$7.85 to 8.
ed in the a
ratters were
eral extra ch
cows sold a
and feeders
trade, the b
were paying
their cattle.
were steady
There was n
quotations f
were a choi
small lot of
topped value
few hogs we
week's quota
the exceptio
ws paid for
' J. B. Shile
chers-14, 9
$8.90; 12, 10
pounds $8.25
943 pounds *8.35; 6, 840 po
Cows -1, 10$1) pounds, $7.
lbs., $5.50; 3, 1180 pounds
935 pounds, $5; 6, /025 pot
1, 1040 lbs.,$5.50; 1, 790 po
17, 900 pounds $5; 2, 1130 p
1, 1090 pounds, $5,50; 2, 10
$8.25; 1, 1300 lbs., $8.50; 1.200 lbs.,
oirer 1200 „cattle in ate
first market of the year,
upon the light' shipments'
'stmas trade died down,
showed activity, and the
leaned up before noon at
250 to 35c in advance of
There were some pretty
eluded ire' the run, and
ers sold as high. as $9.20,
eral run of quotationa
varying from $8.25 to
butcher cattle sold from
11 grades of killers share
vance, but canners and
least of all affected. Sev-
ice butcher bulls and fat
$8 and $8.25.1 Stockers
ere a lighter Out firmer
yers claiminge that they
from 15e to ,25 ,more fo
Milkers and springers eta all of Exeter,
, e, choice, $8.25 to -$9; do. good $7.85
d $81 do. medium, $7.15 to $7.40; do
mama $6,25 to $6,75; butchers' bulls
hoiee, $7.40 to $8; do, good, $7 to
7%25; do. rough, $4.85 to $5.10; blit-
hers' cows, choice, $7 to $7.50; de.
good, $6.25 to $6.50; do medium, $5.7$
o $6; stockers, $5.25 to $7; choice
eeders, $6.50 to $7.25; canners and
otters. $4.25 to $5,25; mileers, choice
each; $70 to $100 ; do. common and
edium, each., $40' to $60; springers,
50 to $100; light ewes, $8.50 to $9.50;
sheep, heavy, $5.75 to $7.25; calves,
ood to choice $10.25 to $13; lambs,
hoice, $12.25 to $13.25; lamb, med..
9.60 to $9,90; hogs, fed and watered,
12.25 to $12.30; do., weighed off cars,
12.50; do: f.o.b., $11.50.
• Tuetday, January 23rd, at one
'clock sharp, on Lot 31, Concession 5,
eKillop, extensive sale of faem atock,
plements and grain. J. L. Brown,
iroprietor; T. Brown, auctioner.
W. T. BOX & CO
• •
fictecer oir °oven:me:it Diploma
and tilleese.
namely iturnMhed on short
Night Cabe linate.' Day Calla
Phone 175 Phone 50 •
Smith -In Seaforth on December 29th,
to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Smith, a
Weston. -In Detroit, on January 3rd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Orval Weston, a son.
Corbett -In Montreal, on December
17th, to Rev. E. and Mrs.. Corbett,
a son. ,
McEwen -In Hay, on December 30th,
Ito Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen, a
1 The annual ineeting th eSideaaftotree
Agricultural Society will be
Library Building on Frida January
19th, at one o'clock p.m.
John McDowell, M.413e2cr5yo6.doe-rlick
The Annual Meeting of the members
of the South Huron Agricultural So-
ciety will be held in the. C mmercial
Hotel, Hensall, on Tuesday, January
16th, 1917, at p. m. shar, ,. for the
purpose of receiving the irectors'
and Auditors' Annual Repo s, the el-
ection of directors for the current year
and the transaction of othert business.
A meeting of the directors will be held
at 11 o'clock a.m. on the samd day, and
in the same place.
WM. BERRY, President.
K. M. McLEAN, Seciretary.
The annual meeting of the embers
of the McKillop Fire insura ce Com-
pany will be held at the To Hall in
Seaforth, on FRIDAY, Fehr ry 2nd,
1917, at 2 o'clock pan. The business
will be to recehei the annual statement
and auditors' report, the el cting of
three directors, and, other business
Which would be considered for the
benefit of the company. The retiring
directors are James Connollyt Robert
Ferris and whd are eli-
gible for re-election.
THOS. E. HAYS, Sea-Treas.
JAS. CONNOLLY, President,
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the aylield
Agricultural Society will be held in
the Town Hall, on Wed nesda after-
noon, January 17th, 1917, c mmenc-
ing at 2 o'clock, for receiving Annual
Report and the election of offi ere end
directors for 1917.
2560-2 Pre ident.
Board Want d
Blidgerrian-Kyle -• At the manse,
First ,Presbyterian Church, Edmon-
ton, on December 25th, 1916, by Rev. Any person haying . sac
' Dr. McQueen, Mr. Wil iam Edding- for Boarders please apply to
ton Bridgeman, to Miss Priscilla The BELL ENGINE CO.,
Beatrice, youngest daughter of the
ate Mrs. Mary Kyle of Wilkie, Sask. '
nd formerly- of Egmondville, Ont. I
M ller---1Colelough-At Blyth, on Dec.
7th, Mabel M., daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. John Coklogh, to Ogle
tiller, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Wei, of Clinton. •
B Clinton, ma Christ-
nas Day, Jennie M,, daughter of Mr.
rand Mrs. James Miller, to James
Alva Barnes, of Toronto.
131 sett-johnston-On December 22,
t the Ashfield Presbyterian Manse,
Jessie, youpgest daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. William Johnston, to Mr.
EWssetl Bissett, of Laurier.
were -Rowland -In Grey township,
n Decembes 20th, by 'Rev. Mr.
Thaw, Mr Duncan J. Brewer, to Miss
Isabela Gladys ,daughter of Mr. and
rs. E. Rowland, all of Grey.
'Se k-liolmes-At Mountainside,Man.
en Dezember 13th, R. George Dark.
Of Gilro‘ye-Sask., only son of Mr and
Mrs. Robert Dark, of Brussels, to
Miss Ellen E, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Holmes.
RoWcliffe-Hewitt-At the James St.
mrsoage,... Exeter, on December 27
Hector L, Roweliffe, son of Mr. and,
Mrs. E. Roweliffe, to Miss Lauara
May, daughter of Mr. Ephraim Hew -
ith good quality lacking,
material chahge in thee
4#6e small meats which'
e light offering, but one
choice black -feted lambs
at 14c per poand. Very
e on the market and last
ions held good day,with
of one case vv- ere $12.30
ed and watere hogs.
s and Sons seld: But-
e lbs, $9;' 26, 900 pounds,
0 pounds, $9.0; 10, 985 ,
1, 740 pounds $6.25; 10,
nds, $8.00;
0; 6, 1180 ,
$7.25;; 2,
Ass, $$46..7255;;
mends, 6.50
00 pounds,
6.55; 1, 930 pounds, $5.25; Bul1s-2,1
265 pounds $7.90; . 1, !A40 lbs.,
with four whit
white ring aro
tailed. Any, inf
recovery Will
Phone 10 on 1
re Lot 13, Concession 8,
six months old, short,
co lie dog; black in color,
feet, white breast Lied
rid the neck, and bob-
rmation leading to his
e gratefuly received.
2, Seaforth Centril.
E, R. R. No. 3, Kippen.
Treasurer's Sale of lands for taxes in
the Town of Seaforth, County of
Notice is herby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been repared, and that copies
thereof ma be had in my office, and
that the lis is being published in the
Ontario Ga ette, December 2nd, 9th
16th, and 2 rd ssues, and that in de-
fault of p yment of the taxes the
lands will b sold for taxes on Thurs-
day, the 8t da of March, 1917, at 3
o'clock in te fternoon at the Town
Hall, Seaforth. '
Treasurer Town of Seaforth
Treasurer's Offiee,
December 4th, 1916. r 2556-13
First elan, 10
ersmith with
lleaforth and
Acre Farm In Tuck -
buildings. Apply to
rich, Ont.
• For ;sate,
B. S., Teo
erserte barn
stone found
good well;
of farina P
ply to IPE
R.R. Not 4...
Lo 3, Concereelon 8, H.
exsintth, containing one.
es. There to the place a
40x4t, fraxe house wita
it1oii, good orchard. arid
a alver on back endi
r f her partioulars ap-
ER CL EARY, Seaforth,
For Sale, ot 2
ersmith, eo tai
are on the prnti
two large ba k
The farm is i we
and in a good st
uated on the Hu
teen Clinto a
seeded to gr ss,
enable term
phone at ho e.
lars apply t M
son, R. R. N . 4,
3, Concession 1, Tuck-
ing 98 acres. There
es a good house
erns 40x60 and 20x50.
I fenced and drained
te of cultivation. Sit -
on Road half way be-
d Seaforth and is all
Will be sold on Teas -
ural mail and tele -
For further particle-
s. Alexander Jamie -
Clinton. 215€0x4
taxi°. FIFTY A
Public Attent
Is called to the bankru ttcs.ailne
' of Drugs, Stationery,
the W. T. Hay's Store, Card -
BI k f h
It is not a question of cost.
It is a question of cl aning
out thkfrstore.
The Stock is Nesi
The Goods' are Goo
Your opportunity to ecure
- Drugs, Stationery, China etc.
Rithards-Parsons----On the London -AUCTION SALE.
Road South, Exeter, on December
27th, Leslie Richards, of'Stephen, td
Miss Edith, daughter of Mr.. and
Mrs. Samuel Parsons.
The undersigned has received instruc
tions to sell by -public auctioa at N
W. Trewartha's Farm, Hohnestille, on
; Wednesday, January 10th, at 1.30 p.
I m., the following:
For sale, he
Concession 5 M'
containing 5 a
premises are a
wood Shed, b nk
house and a, firs
half an acre Of y
and 5 acres f ch
er small fr7; 2
spring crop; bal
farm is situated
Brucefield and 3
of Seaforth.1 Fo
apply to A. leG
Seaforth; phone
est half oftisot 29,
11 road, Tuckersmith,
res of land. On tte.
ood frame house and
barn 36x60, also hen-
-class well. There is
ung orchard and oh -
acres ready for the
nee hay and pastu.e,
ice maple bush. This
21,a miles east of
miles from the to en
further particulars
EGOR, R. R. No. 3,
4 on 137, Seaforth.
For sale Lot 2
Killop, conteinin
are on the premi
large bank born
farm is all f nee
ing shed andeoth
ed and in a fif
vation. Fort acr
miles from eaf
phone. Two go
at the barn and
farm. Will e s
sion given a an
premises or ddr
forth. Phone 3
3, Concession 3, Me -
100 acres, There
es good brick house,
4x58, also good drie-
r out buildings. The
and well underdrain-
class state of culti-
s fall ploughed. Two
rth. Rural *nail and
d spring wells, one
one at the back of
id right and posses -
time, Apply on the
.se R. R. No. 5, Sea -
on 162. JAMES
Sheep --Entire
Data T HS. For sale, the south half of lot 31-3$,
Concession 1, Tuckersmith, containing
Arinstrong-In Clinton, on December flock of I 30 breeding ewes -14 Leices- 94 acres mote or, less. There are on
22nd, John Armstrong, aged 69 ters and 16 Oxforddowns, All bred the premises a geed frame house with
Clement -In Goderich, on December 23 forddown rams. Cattle -Cow newly
Amanda Ellen Freeman, widow of calved 3 years old, with calf by her
the late Rev. Benjamin Clement. side; cow newly calved, 6 years old,
En is -In Brussels, on Deceniber 25, with calf by her side; spine.
Fanny Jane Taylor, wife of Th.ornas years old in calf to Polled
Ennis, age d76 years and 11 months.; springer 5 years old, in calf t
Soathcott-At Grand Bend, on Dec. Angus; cow 4 years old in
24, John Southcott, in his 90th year. cows eight years old due in M
Elliott -In Usborne, on December 26th cows, four years old milking w
John Elliott, of Kirkton, aged 71 in September; cow three ye
Y . milking; heifer rising three ye
to one of Peter Arkill's pedigreed Ox- kitchen and Wood
good bank bent 4
ling and cement 1
hen house and ba
mill and cement
first class coaditi
ed and there are
class buth and s
farm is three and
Clinton, five mile
one mile froth ch
telephone in hous ,. The farm is all on
the west side of the railway track arid
is in first c ss shape Rees -
in April; 2 young farrow cow
fat; 3 heifers rising three year
1660 lbs., $7.65; , 700 lbs. 1 44
$5.75: Stockers and feeders -1; 800 o,
lbs., $8;1, 650 lbs., $6.65; 1, 600 lbs., ;
$6.25; 1,, 980 lbs., $6.75; , 520 lbs., •
$5.75; sheep, $5.50 to $9; e Ives $3.50 : 1
to $11.50; lambs, $8 to $131. • '
Dunn and Levack sold: 13 -etchers -22 a ;
1050 lbs., $8.85; 17, 1210 lbs.' $8.80; 16,
1000 lbs., $8.75; 7, 95e lbta $8.60; 15 o le
990 lbs., $8.60; 1, 910 lbs., S.60; 1, 1221 • d-
$8; 1, 800 lbs., $7.25; 1, 85 bs., $7.50; : I
5, 950 lbs., $7.30; 5, 1160 bs., $8.75; 1
Cows -13, 1300 lbs., $7.25; , 1150 lbs- it I
$7.25; 2, 1230 lbs., $5.50; 1 1060 lbs., I
$6.25; 10, 960 lbs., $5; 3, 1150 lbs.,
$7.25; 1, 1000 lbs., $5.50; , 960 lbs.,
$6.25; 1, 750 lbs., $4.50.; 7, 1020 lbs.,
$5.10; 11, 890 ,lbs. $5. S ckers and
feeders -1, 930 lbs., $6.25;
$5.75; 5, 600 lbs., 5.40; L 3
Rice and Whaley star:
830 lbs., $8; 4, 920 lbs., $
lbs., $8.60; 9, 1070 lbs.,
lbs., $7.50; 18,900 lbs.,
T Holme
, 610 lbs,,
lbs., 5.50
tch erat-4
0 ; 12a 940
e0; 1, 750
0; 18, 910
lbs, $8.60; 17, 910 lbs., $7.60; 9, 980
lbs., $8.50; 22, 1140 lbs., 9.10; .25,
1070 lbs., $9. Cows -1, 135 lbs, 7.40;
4, 930 lbs., $4.85; 6, 1060 lbs., $5.75;
3, 840 lbs., $5; 1, 1200 lbs., 75; 1, 1140
lbs., $6; 1, 1020 lbs., $5; , 920 lbs.,
*5; 1, 1370 lbs., $5.25; 2, 11 lbs., 7.15;
a 1090 lbs., $6.90; 5,1140 bs. $8.25;
Funeral Director and
'4censed Enabalmer
lertaking parlors Oddfe
lows building opposite
Stewart', Bros. Resi-
dence Gaderich_st., opp
Dr. Scott's
Flowers furnished on
short notice.
• Phone Night or 1eay 119,
• I
three choice young, Shorthorn bulls,
ran ing in age from 8 to 12 'months,
roa in color, and choice animals.
Pri es moderate. Apply on Lot 27,
Coneession 8, Hibbert, or phone 13 on
48 Dublin. JAMES HILL. 2560x4
8 a4o lbs.,, $5. 1, 1350 lb , 0.40; 3, :
7030 lbs., 06.56; 1, 920 lb e $6.50; 5-1
31240 lbs $6.65; 4 1060 St $6.50.
Bulls -1.: 1860 lb., 8.25; 1 1110 lbs.
$7.50; 1, 660 lbs., $5.50; 1200 lbs.
$8.25; 4 stockers, .680 lbs., , 1 milker
$72; 1 milker, $87. 1 spr ger $58;
2 milkers, $180; lambs $ • to 13.50;
sheep, 7.50; to 9.50; calve $a to $11.
McDonald and Halligan ld ten car-
loads -Choice butchers $8. to $9.25,
good 'butchers, $8 to $8. ; • medium
butchers 7.25 to 7.75; corn n butchers
$6 to $7; choice coves, $17 to $7.75;
good cows, $7 to $7.25; in ium cows,
6.00 to $6.50; common co $5.25 to
$5.75t canners and cutters, $ .60 to $5;
_hoice bulls, $8 to $8.25; ood bulls
$7.25 to 7.50; mediam , .50 to $7;
iommon, $5.50 to $6; 30 la bs, $13.00
to $13.50; sheep, $8 to $ Or calves,
10.00 to $12,50; grass calve., $5,50 ta
$6; one deck of hogs, $12 5 fed and
The uotations were: -Bu hers cat -
A; thoroughbred Shorthorn fourteen
months old, dark red in color. Dam
got] by imported sire. He is a right
good calf. Apply to A. ELCOT, Lot
35, Concession 3, Tuckersmith, or
phone 4 on 196, Clinton or R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth. 2560x4
The residence of Miss Jessie Thomp-
son ,on Sperling street, at preset oc-
cupied by Mr. Charles Layton. The
house contains eight rooms, with good
cellar, hard and soft water and elec-
tric lights. It pleasantly situated
and :in good repair. Will be sold cheap
and !on reasonable terms. For further
particulars apply at residence of Mise
A. Tyreman, one door north. 2554x4
fat; 2 Polled Angus heifers 2
1 half -fat; 3 Polled Angus stee
years, half -fat; 2 Durham steer
• -three years, half -fat; Durham
ising two years half -fat; grad
ford bull, 16 months old. Tern
months credit on approved join
or four per cent, straight off f
N. W. TREWARTHA, Proprie
GUNDRY, Auctioneer.
er six
• Polled
pril; 2
reh; 2
11, due
rs old,
rs due
e half-
, half -
•s, two
s -Six
▪ notes
or; T.
MENTS AND GRAIN -The tinders' ed will
sell by public auction on Tuesday, Jan. 23r., on let
31, con. 5. McKilloo, at 1 o'clock sharp, th follow.
ing-Horses-aged mare in foal to Mr. Dal 's horse,
mare rising 7 in foal to Mr. Dale's horse, are ris-
ing 4 in foal to Mr. Dale'e horse, filly risie • 8, filly
rising 2, 1 spring filly. Registered Oatti -Short-
horn cow to freshen at time of sate, Shor orn cow
freshened in April, Shorthorn bull calf 18 months
old. Grade Oattle-newly calved cow wit calf at
feot, cow due to calv"ii at time of sale, co . rieing
five freshened in November, cow tieing 4 f eehened,
in December, cow rising 3, freshened in Se tecnber,
dry cow, five yearling calves, 3 fall calves. Sheep
and Pigs -Registered Leioesters-4 ewes bred to
Englisre imported ram. 2 grade eweti bred t thoro-
bred Leieesters, Six brood Bowe due fitter at
time of riale, 10 store hogs. Hens and duck --a lim-
ited nueaher of pure bred WhiteRoelee, 1 pa Rouen
ducks, Implmente-Ideal gas engine, Si h ree pow-
er mounted on trucke, hiassey-Ifarris 6 ft. tit bind_
er, Massey -Harris 5 ft. cut mower, Mass -Harris
man tire spreader nearly new, Maesey-fla ris hay
loader, 4 wheels nearly new, 12 ft. hay rake Maesey
Harris cultivator, Maesey.Harris seers] mile Massey-
Ilarrie new fertilizer disc d rill, Massey-Harri 4 -knife
cylinder cut tine. box, two furrow riling pl w with
3 and I horse evenere, walking plow, disc harrow,
set of dianiond harrows, seuflier, set of bob sleighs
with log bunks and sway bars, top buggy, cutter,
wagon with two seta of wheels, deinocra wagon
with pole and shaft e complete, bireseey Harr s cream
separator nearly new, set of platfortp acialea fanning
will, ciretelar saw and triune complete, as rip saw
for same, root pulper, 40 gallon steel coal o I barrel,
22 foot extensior ladder, set of farmer's tools, 2
Mann bone grindere, wheel barrow, 5 1-2 fa..t cross
ea saw, Little Giant grass seed aovfersi law mower,
set of heavy team harness with ne* breec en. set
heavy team harness with back bande; set si gle har-
ness, new set einzle harness never been nee , 6 port-
able chicken housee. Taman incubetor, and rooder,
Oyole incubator, two poultry exercisers, 2 ine foot
cedar corner posts, 3180 a quantity of brick suitable
for bricking up wells. Seed Grain -e -About 7 bush-
els of 0.A 0. No. 7e seed oats, also about 6 bushels
of No. 21 seed barley, a quantity ofl, first -al ss eim-
oty hay, Daley churn, washing maohine, co k stave,
heaterd'our burner coal oil stove, with ove . kitch-
en sideboard, six kitchen ehaLrs, reeking ch ir,stove
pipes attel Russian iron heating druin, forks chains,
shovels.totia, one hank sawe drill, pipe eeneh,
pipe diet wire stretcher, 30 ft. of $.4- inch piping
and a h. of other articles too nuetterous o men.
months' redit given on furnishing 'apprav joint
tion, elms of Sale -Seed grain and ha , cash ;
BUMS of to and under cash, over that an Mint 9
notes. 4.. dirieount of 5 per cent. off for ens . All
will posieively he sod as the proprietor has sold his
term. e. L. BROWN, Prop., Thee. Bron n, amt.
hed, cement cistern,
x64 with stone stab-
oors, drive shed and
rn supplied by wind-
nk. The farm is in
n, fenced and drain -
ten acres of &st-
all orchard. The
one-half miles from
from Seaforth, and
rell and school, rural
onable reaso s fir selling. The pro-
prietor wishis to retire. For further
particulars 4pply on premises or ad-
dress JOHN 4 TffillIMAS CRICK, Clin-
ton, Ont. 2556x4
eon, SALE OR ANT -Lot 35, con, 4, McKillep,
100 acres, with bu3 windmill, fruit oreh
For furrher particulars a ply to MRS. M.A. GAETZ-
MEYER, P. 0. Box 259, eaforth. tf
Smith, contnining 1
ander bush. Thelfarm is
end In a good siiatje of cell
premises a good f ho
ften house, drive ouse a
terms and particjalars
dress MRS, J0W WO
t 6, Ooncessiou 0, Tuoker-
acres. about cieven acres
well fenced and drained
iyation. T eere are on the
fre, bank b Irn, pig houae,
d two good wells. For
ply on the:preiniees or ad -
Y, Egmondville P.O.
state of cult vation,
bank barn and eil , go -el
er, I+ miles from School,
the second coney sion of
miles south of Mil Road.
for quick sale. , For fur
Mrs. Katherine McKenzie
e hundred acres :in a hig
wo story brick house.larg
rained, abundance of wet
nd 2 !Idles from town. On
Tucxerstriith L. R. S. , if
Price right, and easy terms
flier particulars apply to
, Kippen, Out. R fl No. 3
M6D FARM OR Stel,E-feor Safe brit 25 and
part of Lot 94. Con lession 14, McKiilop, con.
bailing 130 acres. There are on the premises A
modern brick ho4ise wit har3 and soft water.
There is also a god barn 60x126, with stone foun.
dation and stabling under eath, driving shed 30x40
on stone founded n pig san and hen house, all
in good repair. Tnere 18 siso a gool merle" or-
chard and two neler failir g wells. The farm is well
underdrained and well len ed and in a high state of
cultivation with 1 wires 1 hardwood imeh. It is
well situated on tile Nort gravel road 1 mile south
of Walton 0. P. B. atatio , also telephone ami rural
mail delivery. Tele is a c °Ice farm and will he
sold on reasonable terms. F,or further particulars
apply on the premlises or deem W. a. DIOC:41:
VAL1JBLE FARA FOR SALE -Tee 34 aini itr a
ors for the estate of t. • late Hugh M. Gordon
offer for sale, Lot No. fon teen (14) in the sixth 16
Oonceesion of the townshil of leleKillop. This farm
consists of 100 acre -sof el ;•), red nun improved farm
lands in a clean arid good te of cultivation and is
situated in a splendid fars Ing district, convenient
to markets, sohools and e incite& On the premieee
are erected a eonfortab a frame dwelling house,
18x24, with kitch n attae ed. Splendid frame barn
52x70 with stone s bling nderneithoeutent ficiors
and water in barn also a good pig pen and water
In barn also s goo1 pig pen and hen house. The
farm is well fen and ware well tile drained. The
title is perfect au4 possesdion will be given fori the
purpose of doing all neces4ry fall work. For further
particulars apply to .AR HIRAM MaGREG013, or
ROBERT GIBSON, A4r4ilnitrators, or to R.
HAYS. Seaforth, Ctieir Se. il:lb
sm. EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D.,, MCI-, Preside*# -
101-111 ADM, General Manages'. IL V. F. JONES, A.stet Genera Mormassr
SWISS, •••••=11••••11
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE RIND, $135000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners every
facil4f3r for the transaction of their banking business, includinf
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sal -es notes
are supplied free of charge on application.
Tenders will be received up to
the 5th of January, 1911, for the sup-
plying of 30 cords of 36 inch body
wood, beech or maple, and 10 cords of
dry wood, beech or maple, for the
Seaforth Methodist Church.
2558-3 Sec. of Trustee Board
James Watson
(Successor te W. N. Watson)
General Fire, Life and Aceident In-
surance Agent. Real Estate a id
Loan Agent. Insurance on all,
kinds of property effected at the
lowest rates.
Dealer in New Raymond, 'hite and
New Home Sewing Mac ines, and
National Cream Separa ors.
A full supply of sewing mac me need-
les, attachments, oil and repairs
always in stock.
mom emliFfill,
One roan bull calved ak
1914, sired by Silver Star 84
lGrand sire isorealt's victor (i
ed by J. A. Watt His dain
by Perfection -9100- his g
on sire side was Fanny B. 38
(Gainford Perfection's dam.
a red roan about one year
by Brave Royal -90991.
sire is Mildred Royal -4513
Special Fares now in effect
to resorts in Florida, Geor-
gia, North and South Caro-.
lina, Louisiana and other.
Southern States, and to Ber-
t-in:Ida and the West Indies,
Return Limit May 31st, 190
Liberal Stop -Overs Allowed
Tickets now on sale at all G. T. Ne.
Ticket Offices.
C. E. HORRNING, -Union Statiek
W. Somerville... .... Tcwn Agent
W. Depot Ageet
ber 3rd, Brumfield and Lay
74. His
vargi field Lumber, Coal
nd dam
iitsreita-ii and Cement Yards
Id, sired
3-. His
dam was sired by a Spicy Marquis
bull. Also will have three young
bulls on or about December 22nd who
are grand -sired by Gainford marquis
-83755 (imp.) I have two more
bought which will arrive later, whose
Grand sire also is Gainford Marquis,
-83755-. Those who are Wanting a
good bull' should call and See them.
Lot 80, Concession 8, Morris township.
1.12a miles north of Walton on Gravel
2558-4 11. R. No. 2 Br sels P.O.
Phone 12 o 56.
1 +•++41+44+4na++40+++ . :444$41
I t
* 46
a : +1 • HoR,r4 f
• kADIES' TAtkpR 1
And Furrier
FRep tiring' a Spial
A Trial Solicited
+4+44+4 4-4-4444.44+44410+44+4!
• • ' •
• blowers fureane 1 on short notke.•
• Oha,rges moderate.
a Phone eight or day - 92
• ••••••••••••*e••••••••••
r:mhaliner •
Funeral Direr." -o
undertakince Parlors a ove •
M. Williams' grocery store, •
Main Street, Seafort •
Seaforth, Ont.
Friends and Customers:
You will now be able io Jget yotir
supply of Rawleigh Extrac Spices,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, iock and
Poultry Foods, eta, at my i; nv stand,
across from W. R. Smith's grocery
store. The company positiv ly guar-
antees satisfaction or mone refund-
Get a pail of Stock Food 4nd make
those calves and pigs pay !for eir
feed; the cost is small and the retums
I also have the agency for!
Gourlay Winter
Tuning Mario
Having had one in our home for the
past ten years, we know that the inal-
ity and tone cannot be beaten by any
concern in the business, and if wiu
want to find- this out call in and we
i will tell you soraething.
Yours for business,
Jonathan E, Hugill
Sales Office for the
Canadian Regal Motor Car
P. S. -If you want Horne Grown
POTATOES. leave your order here as
I have some 300 bushels for sale at
;2,75 per 90 pounds.
-We are now prepared to pay Oat
Highest Spot Caeh prices for all hind*
of LOGS, in bulk or by the thousanite
either in the bush or delivered in ow
We also handle all kinds of Lo es &
Lumber, Lehigh Valley And Scran--
ton Coal, Canada Cement, Dress-
ed Lumber & Shingles, Canada
Fibre Board, Metal Building MC*
terials, TPA, Cedar Posts, etc,
lf in the market for any bi the aovefea
items it will nay you to telephone
• John B. Mustard
.Come ID
and ,See ft!
Economical ;- Simple
Light Weight-.
Fool -Proof Construction
Gun Barrel Cylinder
=Leak -proof Corn
for the
115i Ele Ps
On skids withi
$115 6 H. Pi..7.---$2Ca
Ail Factory
Nore Than Rated Poweri
end a Wonder at the Mee
This Engine can be seen at.
Lot 27, Con. II, McKillop
Agett, for
uperiorL tier Carrs, Water zowng
and Steel Stabling
13aker Wind. dlls and Pumps
Galvanized P:ping, ete,
p Repairing Done,9,._ Sbovt Noth4
Phone 14 a 3.2i. 4