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The Huron Expositor, 1916-12-29, Page 3
rs'�ta a. y• 'r 2 4 SFi 1 l t cern _t, 1 16 for rets ---Dere ,et Rrrn,tfuli d 31st,19t anuary= Eppy ast of Pont Hum;, F'ck, Niagg -dee XX. alt G. T. E dog S. !onto, con. ert- •Jing the iF the nsfer 31st, kEE GELR 7011116111111111111111111111111111111.1.41111. hong, • Established ed 18M Farmers' Business attention .given to the bnsineis of Farmers and in Live Stock. Sale notes collected on favorable Savings Department Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. terest• paid or added to accounts twice ar year. Efficient service assured to depositors, 373 �»l n SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager. u,_.M A. xxxxineateuestaneacaseenseatisionsastauesfumusamituenua en I Grant, a wreath from Miss Mary Me - 'r Gregor, of H-nsali,. who was present at the funeral.. DISTRICT MATERS BLUEVALE: Notes—Mica Mary Stewart is spend- USBORNE. ing a few days with relatives in To- roto.—Mrs. William Hall spent a few late Mrs- Harris —• Mrs. Israel days last week with her sister, Mrs. passed away on Sunda,;. Besmare in Wingham_ =Peter King ber 17th, 1916, at the age 'o} has purchased the Brinker property rs. The deceased was raised m which will make a fine home for hien. eniship of Usborne, and all her —Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins, from efore conning to Exeter was spear North Dakota, are at the home of the e to eh'p, residing north of Us- latter's father, George Haney.---Cain- until the death of her hustand Bron McDonald, and the two elder s survived by four sisters, Mrs. Thompson bogs are laid up with the t Kerslake, of Usborne' Mrs. K measles- at pt a ens.—A fine hshv bay per, Cir L',inshard.; Mrs, M. P, . came to gladden the home of Mr. and ris, of Exeter: and Mrs: S;nalla- "Ars. James Masters on Monday, De- be,of (`r-;4-st ail City, Man:. The fun- eei='ber. 18th:—Mr- Fred Haney; . of which seas private, was held on Calgary, • spent a few days with his ednesday afternoon from the home mother who has been quite 'poorly, Mr• Sid Davis, Mrs. Davis being- a She- is :lowly= iniriroving --Mi -s M. stiece of the deceased_ Interment was Duff spent the week -end with her brei Made in the Exeter cemetery. trier, Clayton, who is undergoing treat-, —ea,..— ment at Stratford' hospital.—The G. HAY. Tapainting g ng were here last week and painted the interior .of the sta- School Rcm.rt, -The following is the iion. They will paint the outside when import of the schol in section No. 14,' warm weather comes. --John Hocken lay, for the ment'.n. of Noverimer. 'r`he ride,e, wife .ind mother, . arrived back des are 1n iirder of merit: Sr. TV. from the west. John was in a wreck j Laura Deters, 'Nellie Petty, Jr , near- Jack Fish and had his face bad- lee Brownlee, .Albert Brown- : ly cut- One horsealso was badly - Sr --III- :Albert Deters, Robert ' injured —A Christmas s tree and enter- 'rahani. JrIII -.-Mary Thompson, tamment was held in the Methodist Teti l Thompson, Hazel Smillie, Mur- church on Christmas night. A good Stewart, Preston Graham. Jr. programme; consisting of readings, —Wilson Brownlee, Gilbert Jarrott, recitations, music and a play entitled dive Petty, First class—Evelyn "The. New11ni4ter," was given by the 1-Joran, Stanley Graham. Sr. Part your people of the church and was -John Graham. Jr. Part 1 (a' — a grand success. Francis Pearce, Clarence Smillie; (b) •► --Andrew Bell, Marie Dick_ The best PERTH NOTES. *tellers in the monthly spelling mat- 11r. Martin Mikel, of Kitchener, motes were—Sr. IY Nellie Petty; Jr. ° farrnerly of Logan, will bring a big =M. Brownlee,. Sr_ III—R. Graham shipment of birds to the 1Viitehell Jr III—P. Thompson; 1 r_ II—Gilbert Poultry Show. Sonne of the entrie`s Jarrott; First class --Evelyn Hefferan. Etta Jarrott, Teacher. are very valuable, costing as much as $100 a bird. - • . s '—Sergt. James C. Fuller, son of Mr. MORRIS. ' Robert. Fuller, of the- Huron Road, Notes. --William illiam Henderson arrived near Mitchell has been honored in dome from tIs t west a few days ago.— France by being decorated with the. !firs. H. J. Menning and children, 5th military cross. He :s of the famous vine, are visiting with the Rozell fam- Princess Pats and has been three times y and other relatives and friends in_ menntioned in despatches for bravery lrnton.--Mrs.. T. IL Maxwell,who He has been on the firing line since was here nursing her father, te Tate early in the war. • Caret Maxwell, has returned to her —Miss MacDonald, teacher of Mon *tome in Winn'peg.- At the school Crieff, was severely injured on Sunday Meeting of S. S. No. 4,1ast W'edne`sday white riding in a buggy driven by Mr. corning the miestion of 'building a new Mann. The horse became fractious and ;school was discussed.—Mrs: Alex. ran ieray, th*.owing .Miss MacDonald Smith, 8th line, was suddenly called out of the bug( n. with the result ti at to the home of her father, Councillor she had her leg badly bruised. It will .A. Smith, of Hensall, last week, ow --be some weeks before she will be able wing to the serious illness of Mrs- Smith to resume her duties as teacher. from heart trouble: `Mrs. William Mr, Walter Edwards, of Mitchell, Michie, 5th line, who with her son, exhibited twenty birds at the Strat- cere thrown out of a buggy while ford Poultry Show last week and won driving to Brussels by their horse tak- eight firsts, seven seconds, four thirds ing fright at an auto, is quite smart and three specials. Mr. 1? W. Sher- again.—The her-again.. The entertainment held in the wood was awarded the ;special prize rownto'wn sc'iool last Friday evening for the whitest bird in the show: Iftr. ,roved a decided success. The pro- N. G. Schafer, of Milverton, captured needs amounts to $51, which will be the Morphy cup and won nearly all the ianded to the Bluevale Red Cross prizes in Black Minorcas. Fund after the necesary expenses are —Mr.. Donald Campbell, of the Ful- amid.- larton Road, attended the Internation- ,�• al Livestock Exposition et Chicago r,INGHAM. last week and purchased two very fine horse* at the show. One of the animals Death of kernel Posliff.— Death purchased was "Hopes Pride," a hand- van'e very suddenly to Mr- Aaron Pos- some stallion foaled in 191', for which 'lis on Monday afternoon, of last week,he paid $1,200- The other is "Oseo in his 59th year. Mr- Posliff was en -`1 Beauty," a fine four year Old mare, :gaged in drawing wood from the 4th which cost hint another $1,200. The concessioa of Culross to Wing`lrarm animals were purchased for an old Ms team was unable to draw the load western friend. lip the hill near Mr. John Caslick's i,` —At the Court of Appeal held in and he went to- Mr. Caslick's for assist ) St. Marys, r by Judge Barron, of Strat- ttance_. Before the second team was ford the assessment value on farm placed on the eeligh Mr: Posliff madethe remark 'het he (lands within the municipality was = ' 1"'' settled by the judge ' on a basis of fifty dollars an acre. This is a con- siderable reduction on the assessment of this year, but stands five dollars an acre over the former assessment. The river bed of the St. Marys Milling Co.,. which was tassessed for $3,000, was reduced to $1,000, but the whole as- sessment on the company's property tands a little higher than last year. A number of reductionson private dwellings were allowed. 1 but the fire or : . COon under c 013 The effect bf th explosion,. was ,fel rn every room 'cies : -being ed all through Pie Ouse. --There pays;. away n Clinten, 07. Wednesday il. -. St wee , all oldsfe dent , in `the; ' :•rson. of Mrs. DDD cid Barge. The id sed, hose nna Jeri name was M Cooper, was born in England, bei • c Me to this co tri with her par when a child. he family settle Goderich towns ' . where the a: -:_sed liv d til he marriage 'h late Daviid Ba ge After her in ge she resided in lit - Chen for a n er of.y+ars, but 1 ter returned to CI ton, and for years re- sided in a 'hen e which as e ecte on the site row oci pied by esley chu chi Ten years ago Mr. Barg _ passed as ay. —A-l..-er tw.' weeks' illness with pneurironia, s. Henry;.: onnett, aged 72 died on Tu !day, Dec tuber 5th, at Molesworth. _e funera was 'held to (Molesworth c=metery, • bl is •services being held at St. An ew s church by Rev. T. A. , ell. Mrs Bonnett was born in Burwe , Cambri' geshire, Eng - •land, and owe ming tb •anada resided on the third 1' e, Wallac , three years and for the p: st 38 yea s has lived at Molesworth. 1. Her hus • and died 18 years ago. ► e survivi g family con- sists one sisi is of a clan : ter, Mrs, Adam Austin of Wingharn; : nd ,four sons, Geo ge,. Molesworth; ►bent, of Dalton, )Man- .toba, and i 1 am, of t e 205th Bat- tallion, at a y Ilton. SNAILS' * 'NDER.FUL%FEATS . That snail instruments the slightes strated by snail walks face of his with means which it tr. Flex system cling in anyT objects. In 1 It zor'a edge it d of its walks th.e blade :a and bends d Then . it dna and • withou' upon the ed ' not, however , edge of a r It.is a fast snail -has lits circulation, air -breathing e less,able to li inhaling the ments have any or all o t my be remov £nail without t eminating its existence or indeed im i snail's retreat ,roach of fros the opening o he hermetic ill of silky textus to air and w therefore, it i creature is de four elements nourishments. 1• .1• rover and oxine ed The deceased gen- tleman had bee a resident of Wingham for some year, moving here from ".Turnberry and was held in high esteem y a large c role of friends- -He' had -for a number of years been a mem- ;,ger of the Canadian Order of Forest- ers and the Canadian Order of Chosen `Friends. He is survived by his widow end one son, Mr. A. Posliff, former e. Principal of the Public scool and now a -member of the 161st Battalion and is now with the troops in France, and %one daughter, Mrs. Forest Wilson, of `Turnberry. To the bereaved will be extended sincere sympathy in their :sudden bereavement. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon -from the family residence in Wnigham to the Wing':rarn cemetery. GOD-HIiICH, n pass o er- such sharp a razor' edge without ren has been demon- rench Scientist. .The the whole under -sur - y, and It is. provided lubricate the road. oil Is. A peculiarly eoni- musc.les enables it to sition to the smoothest ng itself over the ra- ngs with the hind part 1 surface to one side of extends the fore part over the ether side. itself over gradually xerting any pressure of the blade, it could ravel along the sharp r or knife. hat while the coin -mon heart o.nd a general g in every respect an e& are,- it is, neverthe- e indefinitely without ast bit of air. Experi arly demonstrated that e usual life conditions d in *the case of the firing e its functions. The nto its shell on Lei ap- y •weather, and causes . mouth of its shell to sealed hy a secretion absolutely impervious ter. In this condition, plain that the little. ivecl, of three of the of life—air, water and Tit -Bits. MARK ING POTATOES, From the • sumers' side the ques- tion of manse ing potatoes is of the greatest im • tance, especially so in years when 1 e iirices for this com- modity are a -ancing daily.. The offi- cers of the ) erirnental Farm rile( nt- ly had an • ionity . of inspecting quantities •o atoes in the consum- ers' own, cell. rs. The potatoes had been purch e • `in the ordinary way from small a. n ,leis. The condition of the potatoe• ere .most unsatisfactory. In three ea -e the amount of rot came up to 75 p ent. of the total quant- ity in storeThis rot was the com- mon late B i .lit rot, and was certain - ler present eri the potatoes were dug; and: before s, . ipping. The cons peer is helpless in such cases; and =fly is there a way open to him for cnpensation. Nor is the small deale o blame. The blame rests entirely evi r1:e Shipper and the grow er. In ordthat such losses may be avoided an• -he consumer be in a posi- tion to sec e for his good money, goo potatoes th=e will keep over winter, i is necessar fir the growers, on them / part, to ex:rcise more care in digging, sorting an handling potatoes. Late Blight is a preventable disease; a eery fanner sh. lel know this fact, since the Experi ental Farms system has made eve - .. effort to demonstrate on many farm. in -the country, the effect of sprayin , suith results showing the production df sound crops, and an in- crease in • ield. amounting to some 90 to 100 bus eTh per acre. The sale of j inferior . potatoes is dis- honest if n a t illegal, at the present mo- ment. Fa ' ers know from their own experience hat storage rot cause great losses in t eir own cellars. It seems, however, .t b general practice to dis- pose of an }refected crop immediately and shift t i e losses from rot from the farmer ) be consumer. The latter, however, h : s to . rpay the price of good potatoes. In some sumer is t (or other warm cella vegetagies; place. The causes a s but the to above 40 de ditions are not lay in ,HURON NOTES. —William. Robinson; of Brussels, is able to gea about again after his holi- day of four months from his broken arm and other injuries caused ey a fall while painting his house. —On Wednesday afternoon Rev. Mr. Johnson of Ethel performed the mar- riage ceremony at the . parsonage there between J. T. Jermyn, n well to Sad Death.—The death occurred young farmer se �th co � s - December 16th,in Toronto General sion of Grey township, ami an Hospital Private Pavilion of septic Laura, daughter a of Brussel .r i a- e d will nesse Mrs. John `.pneumonia of Norman McLachlan, La -dearly beloved younger son of Mr and, on the groom's fare:: 'Mrs. E. 3. Eumball, of Goderich. The —The Baptist Church in Auburn late Mr_ Ru n.uall was a student at law held its anniversary services on Slin- k Toronto, being in the graduating day last; Rev. G. Holmes, of Goderich, class at the law school. Osgoode Hall, being the preacher of the day. After • He s} as educated in the 'London and noon and evening services were held m -tench schools and for the pas: s v- and the attendance at both was good. ien years had been with Proudfoot, The choir of the church furnished see - Duncan & Grant, Barristers, Toronto. cial music at each ' service, and Mrs. Besides the fether and mother left to Fingland's singing was much appr Webster,e- =rourn this g eat loss are two sisters, elated. -, Mrs. Wm. Goderich and Mrs. —At the annual meeting of he Herbert Nicholls and one brother, Cas- Blyth branch of the Bible Society, h Id well, druggist of Toronto. All that in the Methodist church last week, M.- rnedical skill could do was done; fixe vers were elected as follows; Presid nit, f the foremost physicians of Toronto, > F. Metcalf; vice-president, Ni Cumi g; 'working to save this promising young secretary, A. Elder; treasurer,A. life, but without avail- The funeral directors, E. Robinson, H. Young, L , took place from the family residence ton Hill, Dr. McTaggart, R. B. Goderich on is=ndaJ afternoon at two Gowan, Henry Homey. et'eioek to Maitland cemetery. pallbearers were HerrGodericl, . ousof Fexpiosior, rozen water at t spies resiud n e sof London, William Webster, brothers-in-law, Armour Todd, i en- Tony Nichol, in Wingham, en Satter- eall, Rae Rurtrball, cousins and N. Mil- day morning. When an attempt as ler and Chas.. Black, Goderich. The made to light the kitchen range, the flowers were beautiful and included stove flew to pieces, some pieces • • i#rg a broken circle from the parents, a driven with such force as to gene »pate pillow from the brothers and sisters,the ceilinfg. Nobody was near eno gh a broken circle from the law school, the stove at the time to be inj ed. • a pillow from Proudfoot, Duncan and Clothing caught fire in the kite i Vin, stances, no doubt, the con- ' blame by storing potatoes 'rater vegetables) in too Potatoes and similar ust be stored in a cool )cannot stand frost, which eetish taste in potatoes; erature should never rise ees F. Where such con- On -existent it is better to , inter`s .supply as losses ' are sure to result.�d Farmers are, cautioned that the at- titude of co. suniers will eventually re- sult in dem: %dine grading of potatoes just like apples; and the farmer .who does not control diseases in the field, will have •all! rotten or diseased p-ta- toes thrown'. on his : hands.. Disc. sed potatoes, When boiled, still make good stock food, ''t should be remembered. A letter or postal card adressed to the Publications branch of the Department of Agriculture will bring by return mail all the required information re- lating to tee growing of crops of po- tatoes free from disease. State of o, City of Toledo, Lucas o ty, S.S. Frank J. 1 • eney makes oath that he is senior : er of the firm of F.J Cheney & 0., doing business in the City of To a o,County and State aforel. said, and t said firm willay th! sum of O E HUNDRED DOLLAR for each d every case of !Catarrthat cann t lie cured by i use o HALL'S ATARRH CURE. the FRAM J. CHEN Y. Sworn o before me and subscribed in my pre ence, this 6th day of Decem- ber, A.D. `1886. A4W. GLEASON, (Seal) . i • No ry Pubis Hall's Ora arch Cure is to en items ally and acts through the blood on t Mucous S lace s of the System Se for testi onials, free. Toledo,F. J. •i ENEY 4 Co., Sold by - ' 1 • ggists, 'Mc. Hall's mily Pills for coastipat o 3 " !NI/14 out' wild belly to the wild sky, The flying clod the frosty light :1 The year 28 dying i . the night s ding out wild bells and let him die. ing out the thousand wars of old, Virg in a thousand ears of Peaces i Yuletide greetings and ex- change the customary New Year seem to ehan a of wishes for a � ppy gthe a1 cheerfulness at theclose,of this lack their t�si� A world_ has ever seen. We cannot glooniiest Y �i the �_ rin to our many customers our refrain from tendering Y appreciation of their best wishes hearty thanks and kind trotg i a �e during pa 1916. ° e inwish that the sorrows (fur staff loins u, the . shado 4 of theyear that has past will disap- pear . - it fri;ghtness of the year to come, thatpear in the= neprosperity and to will bring t you happiness andp ros�' peace that will last forever. the world � H. Then let us pray th t come it lay, As come it wit for a' that : Th ` t roan to man tie world o'er Shall brothers be for a' that. STE ART Dry Goods H Jeff' Miss N. iVliss B Miss P1 Miss LI Walker! Milliner: ey' cCure �rtOn eeman Se11ery Hart Miss Spark Miss E` erett Miss P kney4 Miss acFadden Miss T man Miss I atiie Dress Making Mrs. Freeman Miss C trroi l Miss Pt,rnstrong Miss Si Holmes Miss Hort C. STEWART Clothing R. Mackenzie Thos. MacAdams Tailoring J. H. Taman J. C. Thomps©n Miss Freeman Miss McCloy Mrss Allan Miss N. Holmes Office Miss Fitzgerald Miss S. Seliery Delivery M. Stewart Arthur Deem • ros. 1