HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-12-01, Page 5; [ I g vie :then "'ng tha er ter Th OW o tea_ y. ?Oa ectians EAFORE11 MARKETS pens this mernlig was sent ever the scales early,- Wads Selling at .7,75, $7.90, $8.05, $8.16, $8.25 and $8..40. I Wheat, per 1.76 Good butchers were also wanted' at Neale. per bush. ...; .. .60 to .65 values between $715 and $7.50. Com= ea, per hush. - ... .80 t. .85 monbutcher cattle found values -he- ; per bush.. .. 2.50 to 2.10 tcdeert $5.35 and *6: :Good to choice fat per ton ton ae, i gam, dews gold readily from $625 to- $6.75, per ton with35.00 ith a few extra choice - cows at. $7. No. 1 per lb..... ,40 Good to choice butcher bulls were per dozen ... .40 scarce at $6.40 to $7.50, but bolOgna ay per ton-. .. 8.00 to 9.00 bulls were plentiful at from $4.50- to oar, per cwt 5.00 tip 5.65 ;5.25. in the bull pen was a two year Kegs. t -10. 25 old freak witldfive legs. This odd limb, which was perfectly formed, wasset BEAN MARKETS. behind the two hind legs, and reach- { ed to within about eight inches of the band Toronto, Nov. 25 -Beans, imported, -Slightly better picked, per bushel, S6 to $6.25; ground. There was a -Sligfeeling among stockers and, feeders. -Canadian primes, $5 to e5.50; Limas ir Several loads of advanced feeders per pomid, 9e to 10c. . Seafsirth, Neer- . 30th, lam- 'he anninst melt of in Carmel December mien meet. d, addremsem , Moores et Mrt. Snake the absentia Vf.r„ Ai appen, wilt stiag prove - one he iety, whit* sr so 'miner even mom '-`5 du -ogres* was a timer d utoij aow in the ride trout& d its -teethe stised there esent greet -taken work.. -Ws s and Med- Hay town5 during th ef Hensel* in anothear f. the woad ; during 7oved to lea in the wine' -esent scar- es is found aref d -stove wili for a mud putting ice. ill and will ration. 3earortlit eranteed erre* rjjl Pay • StO ek INARCIt ANGF4 saves 2. eva ming e 70c, 85e 25 to 50o io Let..81,15- L4" -$15fie I.6" $1.65, I $2.2S to $i.25 ke to $1.25 to $1.21 5c to 1.26 tsortment tcs $4.5. ri per bot. per bot, par bot - to to $2.76 feet lied irks, best rise Bella .90 $2.2S to $1,26, to $2.5G I to $3.54 V to $3.00e to $3.54 :la Eur- te sold from. $6.50 to $7, and one load of Detroit, Nov. 28 -Beans, inimedia- extra choice feeders which 'averaged d peompt shipment, $6A0; Decem- on 1000 lbs, cashed in 'at $7.25. Milkers nee, a$.75; Idmas, 6 to 7c per pound. a- . na springers Were steady and active, with several sales from $85 to $100 re - POULTRY MARKET ported. Sheep, lambs and calves were Toronto, Nov. 28 -Live Poultry- a moderately heavy offering, but the -Chickeus, 15 to 16c; fowl, 13 to 14e; market throughout herd steady to the -13 to 15e; turkeys, 25- to 28c; values which ruled at the close of geese, apring, 14 to 15c. Dressed Poul- last week. Packers gaveouttheir quo- ery--Clockens, 21 to 22c; fowl, 17 to tations for hogs as $10.40 f.o.b., $10.75 190; ducks, 18 to 20e; turkeys, 30 to fed and watered and $11.15 weighed Ilk; geese-, spring, 17 to 19eof cars, but this morning, with the of - London, Nov. 28 -Dressed, Whole- fering light, $11aand $11.15 was paid e --Chickens, per lb., 18 to 21c; for fed and watered hogs, which were necks, 15 to 16c; old fowl, 13 to 44cthe prices paid ,bset Thursday. Dressed, Retail -Chickens, per pair, Swift Canadian bought 1,000 lam ' , $0e{ to $1A0; ducks, each, 70c to- $1.00; $11 to $11,50;e1,00 light Sheep, $8 o turkeys, per ib, 26e. • $9 75 - calves $5.25to $11.25 150 hogs, $10.90, fed and watered. Gunns Limited bought 500 cattle: Good to .choice butchers, $7.25 to $8.- 25; medium, $6.75 to $7.15; fat cows, $5.25 to $7; canners, $3.90 to $4.25; DAIRY MARKETS: Toronto, Nov. 28 -Butter - Fresh airy choice, 40 to 42e; creamery prints, 45 to 48e; solids, 44 to 441-ke. - ggs-Nos 1 storage, 41 to 455; stor_ bulls, $5.25to $125 ge selecies, 43 to 44e; new Iaid, J B Dillane bought 150 cattle;Year- ans, t60eout in of cartons, 55 Iings, 700 lbs. $5.75 to $6.35; feedeas, o - to 67e 200 to 1000 lbs, $6.50 to $7.25; common . Cheese -Large, 24 to- 24%c; twins, 244 to 24%c; triplets, 243.c ao .25c. Honey-eWhite clover, 24 lb. tins, 13 to 13 1-2c; five lb. tins, 13 to 1-2e; ten pound this, 12 1-2 to 1.3c; eixty pound tins, 12 to 12 1-2e; buck- wheat, 60 pound. tins, 9 to 9 1-2 cents. Conile‘ honey, extra fine and heavy. weight, per dozen, $3.; selett, $2.50 to 42.75eNm 2, $225 to $240. London, Nov 28 -Butter, creamery, per lie, 46e; butter in store lots, per fa, 42e; eggs, crate, per clez„ 46c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, November 28.-- Manitoba Wheat -Track, bay'ports, No. -1 north - $1.95%; No. 2, *1.95%; No. 3, $1,90 1-2; No. 4 wheat, $1.78%. Old emit) wheat 4 cents higher. Mani- toba Oa -to -Track, bay ports, No. 2 C. W., 6855c; No. 3 aw., 67%e; extra, Wei:feed, 67%c; No.1 feed,67%e. Aina erican Qom -No. 3 yellow, new, $1.04, - immediate shipment, track, Toronto. Ontario Wheat -Winter, new crop, No 2, $1.78 to $1.80, according to the freights outside; No.3 wintermew crop $1.76 to $1.78. Ontario Oats (accord- ing to the freights outside) -No. ' 2 white, 64 to 66 cents; No. 3, white, 43 to 65e. Peas - No. 2, $2.50. Sarley-Malting, $1.18 to $1.20; nom- inal. Buckwheat, $1.25, nominal. Rye et -Ne. 2 new, $1.40- to $1.42. Manitoba Flo-tir-First patents, in jute bags, ,410.50; seconds, in jute bags, $10.00; tatrong bakers, in jute, $9.80, Toronto. Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto, prompt shipment, according to 'sample, $7.90 to $8,,jute. Minfeed -Gar lots,delivered,Montreal freights -Shorts, $36 to $37; bran, $31; good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 to $2.80; middlings, $38 to $40. Hay-No.1,, on track, Toronto, $12.50 to $13.50 in carlots; No. 2, $10 to $10.50. Straw -- Car lots, $9 to $9.59. Potatoes-On- tarice per bag, $2,25; British Colum- bia Rose, per bag, $210 to $2.25; New Brunswick Delewares, per bag, $2.35 to $2.40; Prince Edward Island Whites $2.10 to $2.25 per bag on track, Tor- en/to. LIVE STOCR. MA.RKETS. to medium ;light stockers steers and heifers, $5.25 to $5.50. Frank Hurmisett bought 112 butc er steers and heifers, $7 to $8.05: 390 lambs, 90 lbs, $11.25. , H. P. Kennedy sold 12 loads: One load butchers, 1200 lbs, $8.15; 9ne load butchers, 1000 ibs, $7.80; butchermfair to good, $7 to $7.60; cows, $5.75 to $7; ;canners, $4 to $4.15, C. Zeagenan and Sons soid 4011 can- ners, $4 to $4.25; 100 fat .cows, 941 1300 lbs, $5.25 to t6.$0; 200 bologna bulls, 450 to 1400 lbs, $ t.60 -to $5.50; 20 milkers and springers, '$50 --to $110 each; three loads stockers, 500 to -90e 7.bs, $4.75 to $7. r Dunn and Levack sold 50 carloadS: Butchers -----12, 1250 lbs, $8.25; 8, 1180 lbs, $7; 20, 1225 lbs, $7.65; 2,-1100 lbs, $7.50; cows, 3; 1200 lbs, $6.25; 3, 1055 lbs, $5.25; 5, 950 lbs, $4.25; 6, 1125 lbs; $6.25; 1, 1130 lbs, $5.25; la, 1010 lbs, $4: t 1, 700 lbs, $4.10; 7, 880 Ihs, $4; 4. 960 lbs, $5.00; 7, 1070 lbs, 7 - stockers, 885 lbs, $7; sheep, $3 lte; $9; lambs, $8.50 to $11.25; calves, $5 to $11.25. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers. 22, 1327 lbs, $8.40; 20, 922 lbs, $7.15; 01 1056 lbs, $7.40; 1, 780 lbs, $5.50; 1, 530 lbs, $5; 19, 925 lbs, $7; 11, 1125 $7.35; 27, 950 -lbs, $7.15; 20, 1060 I $7.40; cows, 1, 1140 lbs, $7; 1, 1210 lbs, $6.50; 1, 1290 lbs, $6.40; 1, 11._ 5 lbs, $6.25; 1, 1070 lbs, $4.75; 8, 670 lbs, $4.15; 10, 943 lbs, $4.20; 2, 1I'S lbs, $5.75; 3, 1150 lbs, $6.50; 2, 115 lbO, $4.25; 2 1225 lbs, $6.35; 6,' 9 9 lbs, $4; 2, %.50; 5, 1030 lis, $6.25; 1, '1000 lbs, $5,25; I, 940 Las, $4.50; 1, 1150 lbs, $6.50; 1, 1090 Lis, $5.25; 1, 1.210 lbs, $6.50; .19, 926 1 s, $7; two feeders, 835 lbs, $7; calms, $5.25 to $11.50; sheep, $4 to $9; lain s, $8.50 to $11.25. J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butch r --15, 1160 lbs, $7.90;; 17, 1140 His, $7.75; 16, 1060 lbs, $7.15; 1, 710 1 s, $5,75; 3, 930 lbs, $7.25; 8, 1020 1 s, $7.15; cowe, 1, 1.240 lbs, $7; 1, 9 0' lbs, $6; 2, 1050 lbs, $4.75; 9, 101 1;s, $4.10; 1, 1210 lbs, $6.50; 1, 940 1 $4; 4, 1155 lbs, $5.75; 4, 1015 lbs, $ 50; 5 1035 lbs., $5.35; 1, 940 lbs., $ Buffalo, Nev. 28 -Cattle - Market 1, 1030 lbs, $5.50; 4, 990 lbs, $4; 2, ttrong; choice to prime native steers, 200 lbs. 5.25; 8, 850 lbs, $4; 6, 94 1 s., 1300 to 1350 lbs, $9.50 to $10.25; good $410; 17, 930 lbs, $4.15; bulls, 1, 1 00 .to choice, $8.75 to $5.25; fair to good, lbs, $7.75; 1, 670 lbs, $5; 3, 725 lis, 47.50 to $8; plain to coarse, $6.75 to $5; calves, $5 to $11,25; lambs, $8 50 V7,25; Canadian steers, 1300 to 1400 to $11.25; sheep, $4 to $9. Ibs 8.50 to $9; Canadsaan steers 1250 Corbett, Hall and Coughlin sold .00 to '1350 lbs, $7.75 to $8.25; Canadian Iambs, 11 to $11.25; 60 sheep, li: st, mixed heifersand steers, $7 to $7.25; $8 to $9; 25 veal calves, $10.59 to yearlings, dry fed, prime, $9.50 to $10; 11.50- 20 grass calves, 4.75 to $5. 5; best handy steers, $7.25 to *7.50; best 1 deck hogs, $11.15, fed and wa d. isieher steers, $6.50 to $7; best but- McDonald and Halligan sold 27 rs . of stock: Choice heavy steers 8.25 to 8.75; choice heavy steers 7.65 to 8; choice butchers, $7.65 to $8; good b t- chers, $7.15 to $7.40; medium hutch rs $6.75 to $7; common $5.50 to $6. 6; choice cows, $6.50to $6,75; good co •s, $6 to $6.25; medium caws, $5.50 to 75; common cows, $4.75 to $5.25; c n - Tiers and cutters, $4 th $4.50;_ eh ice bulls $7 to $7.25; good bulls $6.50 to $6.75; medium bulls, $5.75 to $6 25; common bulls,$4.50 to $5.50; best f d- ers, $6.75 to $7; medium, $6 to -$6 40; common, $5 to $5.75; best milkers d springers, $80 to $100 each; medi $60 to $70 each; three decks of la bs $11.25; 15 sheep, $5 to $9.25; 20 al- oes, $5 to $11; five decks of hogs, $1.1 fed and watered. The quotations were : Butch steers, heavy, $8 to $8.50; buto cattle, choice, $7.60 to $7.00; good ut- chersr $7.15 to $7.50; medium, .59 to $6.90; common, $5.35 to $6; ,bis her bulls, choice, $7.10 to $7.35; bulls, $6.40 to $6.50; rough, $4.0 to $5; butchers' cows, choice, $6.25 to $7; good 5.75 to $6; medium 5.50 to $5.- 60; stockers, $4.75 to $6.75; choice feeders:46.50 to $7.25; canners and ters $3.85 to $4.90; milkers, ch $70 to $110.00; common and ium, $40 to $60; springers, $50 to Light ewes $8.25 to $9; sheep, h $5.75 to $7.25; calves good to ch $10.25 to $11.35; lambs, choice, $10.85 to $11.50; medium, $9,25 to $5.50; hogs, fed and watered, $11 to 31..i5; weighed off cars; $11.25 to 311.35; f.o.b., $10.40 -ehering steers and heifers, Tome ' to $7.50; western heifers, $7 to $7.25; hest heavy fat cows, $6.50 to $7; but- cher cows, $5 to $5.50; cutters, $4.25 -to $4.50; canners, $3,75 to $4; fancy louts, $6.75 to $7; butcher bulls, $6 to $6.25; common bulls, $5.25 to $5.50; good stockers, $6.50, to $6.75; light common stockers, $5 to $5.50; feeders? best dehorned, $7 to $7.25; best milk- ers, springers, $80 to $110; medium, '360 to $75; common, $40 to 350. Hogs -Market strong; heavy,$10.15 tos$10.- 25; few, $10.40; yorkers, $9.90 to $10.- 15; pigs, $8.75; sheep -market strong; best lambs, $1.75 to $12; yearlings, $9 -to $10: wethers, $8 to $8.50; ewes, $7. 25 to '37.75. Calves -Market steady; *op calves 412.75; fair to' good, $11 to $12; fed calves, $5 to $5,50. Montreal, Nov. 28. -At the Mont - zeal stock yards, west end market, the :receipts of live stock for the week end - flog November 25th were 3,000 cattle, 1,600 sheep and lambs 3,200 hogs and 1,000 calves. The simm'ly on the mar- ket this morning for sale amounted -to 1,700 cattle, 700 sheep and lambs, 1,400 hogs and 500 calves. The fea- ture of the trade today was the activ- ity in comraon and inferior cattle for eanning purposes. The tone of the -market was steady, with sales of hulls at $4,90 to $5.25, and cows at $3.90 to $4.25 per cwt A fair trade was done and prices generally were maintained. For sheep and lambs prices scored an advance of 25c per cwt. Hog prices scored a further advance of 50 to 60c per cwt. There was an active trade sdone, with sales of choice selected lots at $12 to $12.10; good. selects at $11-- 75; sows $10; stags at $5.85 to $6 per cwt., weighed off cars. Quotations: Butchers' cattle, choice, $8 to $8.25; medium, $7.00 to $7.50; eommon, $5.50 to $6.50; canners, $3.90 to $5,25; butchers' choice cows, $6.25 to $6,50; medium, $5.25 to $5.75; bulls $5 to $6.75; milkers,choice,each,$100 to $110; common and medium, $90 to $95; epringers$70 to $85;sheep,ewes, $7.50 to $7.75; bucks and culls, $7 to $725; larabs, $10.75 to $11.50; hogs, off cars, $11.75 to $12.10; calves, per cwt., $4.00 to $10. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Nov. 28. -Values for the small percentage ef good to choice/ butcher cattle in a run of almost six thousand head this morning scored an advance o; 15c to 25c. Cornmon to medium made killers held steady to last week's prices, but 1F1oWe119 enmeshed ena eta were a trifle slower trade. 1 he notice, mead for canners, which were the us- 4- Night Calls Day Ca ual big offering, was weaker and vale '5 Phone 107 ptioac lees were a shade easier. The best t among the buthlier cattle in the 4455***45040•••••••,•••• , Relph---In'Seaforths on vember • 24 to Mr. ,and. Mrs. Char Rolph, a Idaughter. Creech, -Iii Exeter on 'N ember dilth to Mr; and Mrs. ?Thom areech, a son. _ Munne-N ,- Heiman, o November ;1.9th; to Mr, and Mrs, bert Miami li daughter. ; Colingwoo d -In Eeiter, November; 18, to Mr. and Mrs. e st Coiling - Wood, a daughter, 1 App1eton-4n Exeterenn ovember 20 to Pte. D G. arid l Mrs ppleton, a eon: - McTaggart --In Blyth, o. Thursday, November 16th, to' Mr. d Mrs. Geo E. McTa gart, a didigh eCauley n Morrie t enstdp, on .Novemb r 17th, to Ir and, Mrs. Newton McCauley,. e se alfour- 0 ' Winghain, «n Monday, 'Novernber 20th, to Mr. aid Mrs. W.. .Balfour, : a. daughter McLean -At Alexandra Hoapital, God- erich, on Novernbea 12, o Mr. and {Mks. R.M. McLean, ia s [ Heard -In Hellett, on No ember 20th, :to Pte.. John L. and Mre Heard, a { SOD I • MARRIAGE • [ Sinith-Straiton-At the ' erne of the ' lieride's parents, Mr. an Mrs. David Jardine, by Red. R. C Dermid, on Tuesdays, November, 21 t Mrs ddena Bell Straiten, to John W . sonSnith, all of Goderich. l ,[ Williams--LinIdater-iAt t le East ' St. l Manse,Goderich, on ,No . 18 by Rees James Hamilton, 13:A., lazy Ham- ilton, daughter, c'f Joi Linklater, -of Goderich, to 'Harry albot '055.1 - Hamst • Straughanal-Ounninghare - At the ,manse, Auburn, On Nbir miser 15th, by Rev. A. Laing, Pearl agnes Cun- ingha.m [of Hullett, to Edward J. traughao, of Goderic township Stepherisone-Bradshaw- -Clinton me on November 22nd, b Rev. J. A. Agnew, Ethel Mildred, :nly daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. G. Bradshaw, of 'Clinton, to M.; wrence j D. .Stephenson, only son sf Mr. A., B, Stephenson THEITIU . DEATHS. Hick -In Clinton, on Noy.mber 27th, • William Hick, aged: 76i ears and 8 months; ; Jervis -Th Stanley on ember 17th Henry Wilhian Jervi4, aged 67 years and -8 month.' .Petty -In flay, on Novi deer 13th, - 'John Heitry Petty, agei 63 years and ten namths. Seaforth • November .25th, Helen Florence Gil espie, aged ,25 years,' 9 Months an. 21 days. Fells -In East Wawanos , oii Nov- ember 1.9th, Samuel IF lls; in his 92nd year:. Maxwell -In Moris town ip, on Nov. 16th, Garret Maxwell, ed 80 years Currie -In Goderich twns lip, on Nov. llth, Janet Russell,' wi el of William. Currie, aged 80 years 7 months. McTaieearte-In Oyeter, Novereber 15th. Lecittard MC agga t, aged 5.5 years Wingham, ori N� ember 19th, Wilfrid Elliott. son of P s. and Mrs. sitt, aged 3 years and ri months: Winghans, bn venibea 20, Agnes Cowan, wife of I Ir. Alexan- der Dem, aged 78 y4 rs. Roweliff London, ci November ' 20tia George Roweliffe iormerly of Usborneiaged 50 year. Eacrett--In Sarnia, on .vember 18 Mrs. Charles Eecrett, (innerly of Exeter, aged 70 years. Crosswell, Mi h., on Nov. 28, Christina Carapbell, wife of the late 11-1.5gh McCosh, for erly of ,Eg- Mondville, aged 81 yea s. INIPt**41001110110•••••• .1,04) S T. Hol ne • 6 SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, December 6th, at 1 o'clock p.m., on Lot 26, Concessio 4, McKillop, farm stock and imple ents. John Govenlock, proprietor; T MaS Brown, auctioneer. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• tleW .T. LOX& CO.- .. .1 EMBALMERS AND - s! 4-i UNERAL DIRECTORS • . • I 151. C. BOX • ' • + • Helder or Government Dads:ems • and Imeenee. * • • 'CHARGES MODERATE • • • • • • • e- .4•45 - • C ••• • 10 Phone Night or • Funeral Directo and ecensed Embed er lemming parLor ii Oddfe lows building opp, eito Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderteli st. cpp Dr, Scott's - Flowers furnish short notiee, • - 15aseee•••••••••••‘••••••••••• ; I an us 1 1 sene.goos P.ARM TO R To rent near the Ci y of Toronto, an improved. farm ,of 17 acres. Ap- ply to W, M. DOG, t4 R. No. 2, Kippen, Ontario. STRAYEt. s. posrro R DISTRICT RERESENTATIVE ANTED. At once, for Seaforth and the Coun- ty of HuronA splendid opportunity tar the right n. STONE & WEL- LINGTON, 'T e Foithfll Nurs ries, Toronto, (Nita o 25l-5 EST AY HEIFER, 'Strayed on ,,o the property of the 'undersigned, ot 30, Concession 12, Hibbert, about the middle of Septem- ber, a yearlin heifer. The owner *ay obtain the Sa e on proving property and paying ch rges. D. BRINTNELL, Cromarty P.O.. 2555x3 CURLE Q, ATTENTION! The Annual eeting of the Seaforth Curling Club - will be held in the Council Ch li ber, Seaforth,, • on Friday evenin December lst, 1916, at eight, o'cloc c herm A full attend- ance is reques ed. CH S. STEWART, Secy. MEE'TIN OF THE HURON COUN Y COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Cnam a er in the Town of God- erich,' on Tue day, the 5th day of December next, at three o'clock. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated Nov. 20th, 1916. , 2554-2 A roan. steer, one amd a [14.1f years old, from Lot 6, Concession 7, Hibbert, the beginning of November. 1 Any person with_ information of it iidease write or phone FRFAIrr TIPOND, $5555-1 HOliN110 Strayed frotn the re denoe of Byrom McGiR, Lisa fib, Com ion '7, lop, on Monda,y, November 27th, a black, white and bron bitch hound. Any persou finding sa1ne will please send owner word or p1one Wm. Kerr, phone 7 on 103. Amy prson harboring filename after this not ce will be nros- ecuted. BYRON McGI le R. R. No. 1, Seafortle. 2555x3 EST RAY HEIFER. Strayed onto. the premises of the undersigned, L • t 23, Concession 3, Mc- Killop, about he end of October, a yearling heife °wrier 'can have the same on prov g property and paying charges. Jam a. Courtney, R. R. No 5 or phone 3 on 61 2554-3 TEAC ER WANTED Second clas Norman Teltcher for' Union School Section - No. 15, Hay and Stephen, Duties to commence Januar?' 1917. State salary. Apply to Jacob Schroeder, Sec etary-Treasurer, Dash- wood, Ont., R. R. N. 2. 2554x4 CROPING MILL. We will do chopping and rolling three days a week. -from. November 28. on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday ev- ery week durIg the minter. At any wet, we will, run the following Wed- nesday.' KRUSE BROS. 2554k2 1$ginonelville FARM Fog 'SALE First class 100. Acre -Farm inTuck- tremith with. good buildings. Apply to PROUDFOOT. KILL,ORAN & . COOKE, Seaforth and Goderichi Ont. •tf F 1 FOR - SALE i a For mate Idot 1, . Concempion 8, H. R. 13., Tuckers:rah, containlnir One Lathalred aereel, There oil the place a frame barn 4x65, fratre house mita stone founda on,- gond orchard and good well; a rlier on back end or farm. For 1 further' particulars, ap- ply to PETE CI...BABY, Seaforth, . 2546-tf 1 of sale and the balance within 0 R.R. No., 4. . Terms; Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid on the date HOUSE FOR SALE.. . days thereafter. The residenee of Miss Jessie Thomp- For further particulars apply to t e son on Sperling street, at present oc- owner and vendor, NOAH CONCEN A cupied by Mr. Charles Layton. The Egmondville P.O., pr to house containe eight rooms, with good PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOK, cellar, hard and soft water and elec- Seaforth and Goderich, Solicitors for tric lights. It is pleesantly situated vendor. and in good repair. Will be sold cheap ,,,, • . miomas Brown, Auctioneer 2555-3 and on reasonable ternis. For further -- particulars apply at residence of Miss A. Tyreman, one door north, 2554x4 CARD OF THANKS. 'Mrs. Hugh McDougall, of Lumle wishes to thank her many friends f their sympathy and many kind ac during the illness and subseque -Ddeoautgrt. deathofher husband, Mr. Hugh M bIcKILLOP TAXES. I will be at the following places on the following dates for the purpose of receiving taxes: Walton,Saturday, De- cember 2nd; Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, Friday, December 8 and 1; Any ratepayer wishing to pay tax s on other than these dates can do at the Dominion Bank, Seaforth, or lt the Standard Bank, Dublin, All tax s not paid by December 14th will ha'e 5 per cent added by order of astute 1 GEO. McKEE, Collector. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Leonard L. MeFaul. Late of the Town of Seaforth, in the deceased. yof Huron, Retired Teacher, ed. , Notice is hereby given that all pe sons having any claims againU t e mild Leonard L. McFaul, who died n the 10th day of September, 1916, a e required on or before the llth of D cember, 1916, to send by pest or d liver full particulars of their claims e the undersigned solicitors herein f r 1VIrs. Grace McFaul, Mrs. Grace Mullen, of Seaforth, and J. H. McFatLl, M.D., of Toronto, the executors of the will of the deceased, and that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribu e vii the assets of the said deceased amo a the persons entitled thereto, ha ' g regard only to the claims of whieh they shall then have notice, and th t the- said executors will not be liable f r the said aesets or any part thereof, any person whose claim they shall n t then have received notice, Proud Killoran & Cooke, Seaforth, Solicit° for said Executors._ Dated at Seaferth this 15th -day of December, 1916. 2554-3! . AUCTION SAI,E OF FARM PROPERTY. The undereigned Vendor has in- structed Thomas Brown, (if Seafortie Auctioneer, to offer for sale by Public Auction, at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on SaturdaY, December, 16th, 1916, at 2, -o'clock, p. m. the following lands, namely:- • Lot 13, Concession 3, Huron Road Survey, in the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, coo- iaining 100: acres more or less. On the property is a good dwelling house with furnace and cemented cell - Jar telephone connection; bank barn 76 x 44, stone fovndation, with ten hex etalle, tile drained, well wilt a windmill at the barn and w 11 near residence; live stream at Norfh end; hog house, capacity 50 hogs, a d ether buildings; good orchard. T e property is in an excellent situatiola one mile smith of Seaforth fronting lin the Mill Road and adjoining the village of Egmondville. Immediate possession will be given. The owner is giving up farming. The property will be sold subject to a re5erved bid. ........m•immi•••••••=•••••••••••er IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE OR RENT -Lot 35, con. 4, tricKill 100 acres, with bush, windmill, fruit orchar For forrher particulars Apply to RES. M.A, (mere- liEren, P. 0. Box 253,-Seaforth. tf FWARM FOR 8ALK-- s.1.-ot 8, Ooneaseion 9, rutaker- I.' smith, containing 100 acres. about seven acres ander bush. The farm is well fenced ano drained snd in a good date 'of cultivation. Thereare on the premises a good frame house bank barn, pig house, titan home, drive house and 'two good wells. For berms end particulars apply on the'premises or ad - dam MRS. JOHN MeC1LOY, Egdamdville P.O. e356-tf riaARM FOR SALE,- One hundred acres its a hig stwa of cultivation,two story- brick house.larg bankbara and silo, amid orehard, abundance of wet er, 1 milett from school, and ti miles from toWn. On the second concession of Tuceersmith la R. 5. , lt miles south of Mill Road. Price right, and easy terms for quick sale. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Katharine eicKennie, Kippers, Out. ft tt. No. 3 oeix4-t PECIAL Fares now in eff- ect to resort4 in Florida., Georgia, North id South Carolina, Louisi n and oth- er Southern State and to Bermuda and the, West In- dies. Return Limit Mew 31W1917 Liberal Stop-IitetS Allowed C. E 11ORRNING, Ittii•st Statics, ir W. Somerville...T. csl7ot9thit wn11 Agent W. Plant . Depot A:ler t e 770(X) FaRt1 FOR SaLE-Por Sate ant 26 and kali part of Lot 24, Claneese1onl14, con- taining 130 acres. There are a the premises a modem brick house with hard and soft water. There is also a good barn 60x156, with stone foun- dation and stabling underneath, driving shed 30x40 Tne Execator8 of the late Thomas Ward offer for on stone foundation pig pen and hen house, all sale those very valutiale farms belonging to the in good repair. There ,s also a goo I qi 1.ri r or- Estate and situate in the Township of Stanley: chard and two never failing wells. The farm is well Therm must be sold in order that the Estate stiall underdrained and well 1 enced and in a high state of be wound up. The farms are in a good locality and cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It is in a good state of euit ltivation, and most suably well situated on the North gravel road 1. mile south adapted to mixed fartnin.g They are handy' to of Walton 0. P. B.. station, also'telephone and rural schools, churches and pest office, bedj ing aaeonli to mail delivery. This Is a choioe farm and will be the Village of Varna. For terms and partioulort of sold on reasonable terms. l?,or further particulars Sale apply to the undersigned P_Ixecutors. apply on the premises or addWnr. W..1- DICKSON Christopher Ward, Varna P. 0., or, t a indel Visitor. . e468 -t Clinton P. 0. 25iti scrALUBLE FARA FOR SALE-Thee.dininistrt V ors for the eetate of the late Hugh Gordon t offer for Wet Lot No. fourteee3(14) in the sixth (6 Concession et the township of •Mcilillop. This farm consists of 100 acres of ole lied and improved f irm lands in a clean and good state of cultivation and is situated in a splendid farming district, convenient to markets. schools and churehes. On the premises The property is sitoated me the west aide of ninth are erected A comfortable frame dwelling house, Main 84., Seaforth. Two storey brick house with 18x24, with kitohen attached. Splendid frame barn stone foundation, cement and briek cellar, frame 62x70 with tone ste,bling underneath, eement floors kitohen and woodshed. Large frame barn. There and water in barn, also a good pig pen and water are six lots upon which are twenty aye !raft trees. in barn also a gond pig pen easd hen house. The Will sell the house vith one or mere lot) to sett farm is well fenced and extra well tile drained. The rchaser. Apply te title is perfect and possession will be given for l the 2617-tf Wil AblENT,Seaferth purpose of doine.all neoessary fall work. For further particulars apply to AROEHBALD McGREGOR, o 'R)BERT 01 )N. Adminieurators, or to R. ., Gase HAYS. Seaforth, tnAle tr. 9a4ta '111 It Etigins rowlWante I I am prepared to buy all kinds Of live fowl deliverat the Royal Hotel, every Thues•day irporninz. Chickens, 15e ; Hers, 12c; Ducks, 10c; Turkeys, 17c. JAB, G. ifalICHAELj ' 2545144f ' am:stoat, Residence for Sale For sale the residence on Goderich et, Seaforth, owned by the late M. Y. Motaan, The ham lad solid brick with elate roof, isplendidoellir and doer - ed attic. It Is heated by cembination hot water and hot air furnace. Contains every modern convenience There are four lots with splendid stable and carriage house i'or further-Particulare apply he EXPOSITDROFFICE aforch • Executors Sale of FarmLands in Township of Stanley. Building Lots and House for Sale AUCTION SALES. A memo SALL OF FARM 'STOOK AND IMP- LEMENTS-rhomos Brown has been instruct- ed to sell by puha° auction, on let 26, eon. 4, north gravel road, 1 1-2 miles north or Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, Dec. 6th, 1916 at 1 o'clock p.m. the follow- .ng-Horeee--3 aged mares -driver 3 years old, well 'woken. 1 year old heavy draft oolt sired by Lord Maristield, driving mare with colt at foot in foot to Jay M dime, yearliug dily sired by Jay Med- ium, year old gelding, into by. Ike Medium. Cattle -7 nows supposed to be in calf, 5 2 -year old steers, 1 2 -year old heifer, 6 1 -year old steers, 8 calves, 1 Berl: sow. Some Plymouth Rock Hens and three geese Implements -One MeCormack binder 8 ft; eUt. nearly new, -Big IS mower, 1 Big B mower, with pea harvester attachments and buncher, hay lorater, 1.16 ft. hay rack, stook rack,' waggon box with shelving, gravel 'sox, seed drill, cultivator, corn cultivator, new Planet grain amid st, iron scaler with mould beanie new 2 furrowed Oliver plow, 3 walking plows:double Mould board plow, Ooleman gang plow, • land roller, set iron harrowa 4 seetions, ,plow with picks, tonges, ice pikes, scrapers, bars, anit saws, pair bob sleighs., 2. waggons, 2 buggies, cutter, set heavy team harness. set plow harness, turnip pulphr, fanning mill, barrel sprayer, pole for cutter, taririp sower, set seako, disk harrow, hay rake. fance veering machhie, wood turning 'lathe, cream) Iniparateir, shovels, pest hole. spoons, bars, chains, forks mid other articles, alio 2 set iron 2 x 3 atkeat block fora & 7-8 rope,ale.o let interest in man- ure spreader-. Terms -Ali seams of &If and under cask; over that am000t10 mouths credit will tie given re* faruietdieg appfovedloint notes.'A die - count of 6 per nk. per annum allowed so Oifor eask on eredit arisOuntes ATUN GOVE1'Es0014 Prop. T. BROWIV, Aiwa New and Second Hand We still handle the Famous Associated Gasoline Engines. Also on hand - 14.1y2` Fl. P. engine 3-H. P. engine, nearly pe 2-11. P. engine 2nd hand grinder ..These Emig -hies and Grinders are all in first-class repair and will be sold very reasOnably. HE CANADIAN iANI OF COMMERC SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.0.. LLD. D.C.L., Pre JOHN MED, Genet* Manager. , IL V. F. JONES. Asa CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $ General Meamme 3 500 ON BA*KING BY MAIL Accounts may be c:ts\ened at every branch of The ; an Bant of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will e the mine g4; careful attention as is en to all other departments of the Banles business. Money may deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as 'by a persconal visit to the Bank. Silk \ SEAF0711 BRANCH J. G. MULLEN, MANABIL, Board Wanted •••••••••••••••ImM Any 'person taving accommodatio Lor Boarders please apply to The, BELL 'ENGINE CO., Seaforth, Ontario. Notice To Creditors In the estate of the late John Henry Roach of the village of Dublin. ('Monty of Perth,Retired Farmer fassiW NetIce s nere)y given :pursuant to tne Statutes in that bebalf, that all persons having any claim against the estate of the said John Henry Roach, who died on or about the 30th day of Octo- ber Asia 19111, at the Village of Dublin, are req Ikea on nr before the 54b day of Decembe(r A.D. 1916, to send post prepaid or deliver to me undersiLased Ex- ecutors of the Estate, their full names, address and description, the full pareiculate of thelr Edam, and it statement ef their amounts, and their security, (if attar) held by them duly verified by araaffidavit. And further take notioe that aftef the said 5th day of December 1916, the said Executors wilt 'pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such -claims as they shall then have received notice, and they will not ho liable to any person or petaans of wnose claim they shall net then have re- ceived notioe. • THOMAS MELADY and JOSEPH blELADY, Executors, Dublin P.O. - Dated the 15th day of Nov, 1916. is,a7r1,25E3-3 Stratford, Ont. Ontario's Best Practical Training. School with Commercial Shert- hand and Telegraph Department. Students are entering each week. The demand on us for trained help is many times the numer graduat- ing. Get our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan, Princicipal +.44++++++-1-•++++444.444444 • W.S.Gortreey t • * ,I.'mbalrrier and •• Funeral Diref:4-or • Undertaking Pariors above • M.Williams' grocery store, I) • • Main Street. Seaforth • • • • 4 Flowers fur -sued on short noti. e. • • • Ohaages moderate. • • Phone night or day - 192 • • • • ei•siSNd•••'••••••••••••••••• J H. Wright Garage and Ileactune Shop, North . Main St., El eadorth. • err' 4P•+•44.4.44.•+4:44++++.14444,441 • • at, flafiORN kADIE6' TAILOR And Furrier Cl eaning, Pressing & ; Specialty A Trial Solidited i4+++.++.45414.444444+4+40+4 A Big Sna Five and one qurter acres et choice rich soil adj tome,. twenty minute squate with a splen and email frame bi be sold\ at once and c less than $1,000. This gain. No better spo garden truck or pout want it apply today Iramediate possessio Huron's largest real inin.g Godes:tele walk from taw id fruit mhos& 'Mtgs. be bought is a Real bare on earth fat fann. "Mr for particulam. given.We Sat estate dealer*. O'Neil a d Go GODERIC ONT e e chwood An Open etter My Customers aid the Farm thanie you very meat, foe lbw generous nuPPort one lilt buslnese SOO far Mrs year, and *kW infoutn You flat antl prepaid& to pay ; the Ugliest rroe In ow& or trade for • all tbe se try dteltsianir Beechwood alive until tte, cap weather, every ay,, We Swift well abeekeit with 059 b°1111* SIM& and rubbent adi dry geed." ame* ,all goods /Usually pt in a genessi 'tette., Well bought hale .ese$4; gesilt values in 'these lines 1 Votpuid ars: rebnind those in -de d that it taiga money and a gooi. deal ot it, to bar /*oak now sand ask itheins to pay aa prieiriptIy posiisiblet All accork., are ready4 , • Yount BpeetfuUy, G. KtHOLLAND 043taber 2nd, 18141 Brucefield field Lurn and Ceme COAL islgoing to be hard. to get, so let us now and we will • The Coal that satis sible. and Bay er, Coat t Yards ear, scarce ea& have your order" - apply you weVa ea if at ell poet We are going to stock a few cars et COKE -Which will edme considers cheaper than coal if you w like try a load of thi$, let ue know A once 80 that we may prace our orders. We also beadle all cinds ot Loan& Lumber, Lehigh 57 Hey and Scraw- 1 ton Coal, Canada 1ernent, prima - 1 ed Lumber & S ingles, Cana& Fibre Board, Metal Building Mao- aterials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. 11 in the:market for any ot the abotoft ' items it will pay you t.o telephone John B. Bruc HE AD ustard field' OFFICE asweemere " Ma.de to Measure Suits and Overcoats IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim aid ambition give our customers the best possiblei satisfaction in the tailoring business. Our suits e.ind overcoats are made in a high-class. careful mariner. They have earned their reputation from the way they are tailored as well as from the pure materials from wtiich they are made. The quality has always been a prime factor in our tailoring, and always will be. In spite of the fact that owing to the war, British woollens have advanced greatly hi price and tailors all over Can ada have been compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within the range of every man. -and we never had a finer range of Spring and Sum mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of ich, fast color- ings, also all the plain shades. - Fabrics to piease young men, middle aged men and old men. It doe.; not matt$r whether you are a style enthusiast or just appreciate quality, l tailoring and value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and , examine these new materials. Let Us Be lOtilt W. D Bright So Seaforth