HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-12-01, Page 3L 43 TOR tissti ass stimalarilR aonmost a Emorn ilo[aaltaaaa E M MON 'BANK X X X IN X ■ Established 1871 WIT AND REZ RV $13,000.000 Savings Department you money hi the Bank? Are you saving? By 'ng away a few dollars at a time you will soon possess d for emergencies. Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received. Interest paid or added to mounts twice a year. .10100. lomPmeir as SEAFFORTKBRANCH, R. M. JONES, Manager. alt Iii:ten['InSeteirOSIOiliensieenti tteteeellelleete iltsteMeeeeleXiletia lMeaet The Great a4nnuai Prc*tem is dere Again t tam Expositor I- . teirsz con the raovemen. ipres. ns of the. i the llthis wonde.rfel n every c.. d glass *Ina marts in the. a sere tom= the €.hued - el ow gra €f A.ng war service - 'heist. c Or such Fish coil- Ma/ olMaal Woke , oval. master `turn pqp h a in; its tit nigh. Churcj Mord, an& world such s waders a Vesley see , ,Te, white ;€awn the boor~ :ern. an the*- aid and the. assively andel the hall; the: in a eornt,. fight of the a of wounded; of the are.. .d throng rs. hed anneveora .n of Christhe atone of t great a-- :ng, then hat i* ;h ✓ in solana it of t . like voice of ring the 'e--- the gr- ,otne silence - the sole; Last Host I this spot 7 of a great. t, appealing' and yet elm struggle of good to bee ri in a slug... the pour [carte de of LC t TR ', CT ' R hall 1 we ? SomethingGive ,sensibleatdf €r Us�l eatif sided until the time of their death. Mr. Maxwell had been. in failing health for a number of years but was able to go around until six weeks previous to his death. He was a member of the An- glican chur=ch, "Belgrave, and a men of industrious habits and good qualities th o f =s. a obe t Hogg.—An was much esteemed in the corzi nunity Deamissed. H.iswife predeceased him five years. A family of five daughters and one son survive him: Mrs. George Kerr, Brussels, Mrs. F. H. Maxwell, Mrs. D. Rae and Miss Mary, all of Winnipeg; Miss Martha E. and Wil- liam John at home. Rev. W, B. Haw- kins, rectory of Trinity church, Bel - grave, conducted a very impressive in ached resident of S orth passed which he lived and will be much icy on S day, November 1.9th, in perm of N cholas Hannah, ere - of the ate Robert Hogg. aged 79 yrs and 14 days The deceased who Wees a twelve of Scotland, was a daugh- terof the late William Hannah, of ,,i , t . She was married in 1888 to Mr. Robert Hogg, of McKillop, who ersed about three years ago, and came service at the house Interment was to Seaforth where she has resiclecl9fo_ made m the family plot, Brandon cem- , past years. Hogg had confined to bed for eleven months g a stroke of paralysis. She a member of the Presbyterian and a quiet, intelligent woman visa bore her sufferings bravely and tientiy. She is survived by an. adopted daughter, Mrs. Alexander La - Tont, who ministered to her very de- votedly dung her long illness. The feral took place from the home of A Lamont, on Tuesday to the essaitiancl Bank Cemetery. 344 • -14-- TUCKERSMITH. etery, Belgrave. - The funeral was largely attended. K1PPEN.• His Iast Letter.—The following let- ters - have been received by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skelton, near here, rela- tive to the death of their son, l'te. Skelton, who. was killed at the front in France on October 8th. The first was the last letter he wrote to i}ai:S mother, to be `delivered only in case of his death and the others are letters o condolence from General Hughes, his -(Too Late for Last Week.) sergeant and a personal friend: - otes. Mr. Angus McKinnon has September 6th, 191 disposed of his fifty acre farm, being From Pte. F. Skelton, 123293, Lew ;south half of Lot 5, eighth concession, 1 Gunner, D. Co., 58th Battalion, 'Tdekersraith, to Mr. Beck, of London. Canadians, B, E.F., Franee --MrE and Mks. Angus Murray have Mr Dear Mother.—Should you ever tarried home again after spending receive this letter you will know that two months irk the west. I am dead. It seems rather foolish. s IE t of me to be writing such a letter as GORRRIE this, but some of the bogy's will see Ates --Judge Dickson heard the ap-that it goes and it will rot keep you iris peal by Thos Nash, against the a- waiting so long for news, � hieh you -ward of the engineers in the Ashton might have to do. I have lvery drain. Mr. Vanstone, of Wingham, lucky so far by God's protection But r , represented the Howick township now mother dear, ee are moving- down Council, Mr. Nash acting in his own to the Somme and I hear things are Iseltalf. Mr. Nash is editor of the rough down there, but I am Borrie Vidette, but Pis interested in prettyquite pearle to do i t bit as I came some farm land. The award was sus- ut to ea. and at a't have to die i we sus- tained. The only complaint Mr. Nash quitetdo ant L1 1 J cicrn't wa�It tier, m makes is that the law is not right that prepared. makes a roan pay for a dram through to worry mother, fes we shall all meet another's property. Confirmation ser- again in Heaven, if rot on earth, and vices were held here in St. John's there are lot ,of boys dying e ,ery day church, by the Bishop of Huron Tues- . so I don't Must why Ie should os ltime e afraid foth- day morning, when a class of sixteen to die. were present from the three parish er, with heaps of love to you all. I re - es of Fordwiee , Gorrie and Wroeeter. main as always. ye r r• losing son, Dews of the death of Pte. Robin Watters. a son of the late Wm. Wat- ters, who formerly owned and edited The Forclevich in England„ was srecev ed1ewith em ch' sorrow. Fred Skelton, Somewhere in France. Minister's Office, Ottawa, October 30th, 1916. Dear Mrs. Skelton, -Will you kindly • WINGHAM. • accept my sincere sympathy and con - Death of Mrs, Day. - A highly es- dolence in the decease of that worthy teemed resident, in the person of citizen and heroic soldier, your son, Agnes Cowan, wife of Mr. Alexander • Private ored SSkeltonoo deeply morn }er, passed away on Monday morning of last week at her home on Patrick therehe loss as a consolation bn knowing that rave comrade. street after a few days illness. he did his duty fearlessly and wet; and gave' his life for. the cause of libe. ee aid the upbuilding of the Empire. Again extending to you my heart- felt sympathy. Faithfully, (Signed) Sam Hughes, Lieut. -General Minister of Militia and Defence, for Canada. Mrs< Bary E. Skelton, Kippen, Ont. deceased lady was in her 78th year end was born in Stranrarr, Wigton- ehire, Scotland, and 16 years of age came to Canada with her parets, set- tling first at Paris and later moved to near Blyth. When 23 years old she was married to her now bereaved hus- band and five years ago the golden wedding was celebrated. The family moved toWinghain upwards of twenty years ago and the deceased lady was -held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. During her :-esi.dence here she was an honored member of St. An- fl-rew's Presbyterian church. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dey: Mrs. Ferguson (deceased), Mrs. - J. W. Martin,Mich.;Mrs- Jackson, George Irwin, Wingharn; Mrs. Davis $, Jerome, Hamilton; Miss Elizabeth Dey, Chicago;. Miss Rae Day, who has been with her mother for the past ten years; John Dey, of Southampton. and John Dey, of London. The fun- eral took place on Wednesday after- noon to Windham cemetery.. FULLARTON. Death of A Pioneer.—Mr. John Kidd who resided near Gould's, Fullar- ton,, passed away on Friday afternoon Nov. 17th. He had been rtl with - pneumonia for about a week and was 71 years of age. " He was barn in To- ronto township in 1845, and the family after spending a few years in Clark 'township, moved to lot 9, concession 1, Hibbert, in 1856. In 1871 the late lir Kidd coxnmeneed farming on lot 18, concession 3, Hibbert, and u s- ed there until 1888, when he phas- ed the farm on ai eh he died In 1875 Ise married Sarah .i, Hornibraok. He was a consistent member of the Meth- odist church, a Liberal in politics, a trustee of Gould's school and a mem- ber of the Sons of England. His ster- ling character and neighborly dispos- France, Oct. llth, 1916. Mrs. Skelton, Kippen. Dear Madam,—I am very sorry t have to write- and inform. you of th. death of your son Fred. He was kill ed in action on October 8th with a b let in his head. I was with him at th time but nothing could be done t him as he passed away without sayin a word. I was very sorry to see hit go as I had been 'ith him in the 70t Battalion in London, Ont., and can with him over to do our duty for t Empire. Fred seemed to have an idea th• something was going to happen hi before we went into the trenches, he asked me to write to you if an thing happened to him and also told me he was expectng a parcel wi a sweater in it from his aunt in En land. He told hie that I could ha it so I asked for the parcel when came out and I have written a lett to Mrs. Scott about it. I can't say much about the affair • ly 'you have lost a brave son and a good friend, so will you please cent the kind sympathy from mys and all the boys of the Gun Section. Charlie Cunnington.; ittion won for him a large circ e o , friends. Besides his wife, two sons : My Dear Mrs. Skelton. I supp and two daughters sur eve: Dr. John , you will heard by now of your so Kidd, of Wyoming; Mrs. Joseph Leh- death, on the morning of the 8th. man, of Uxbridge; William and Eliza- ; am enclosing a letter. which I fo beth at home. Of a fancily of eleven 1 hi his pay book, which I took from only one brother . and one sister sur- i after he was killed It will be a vine. They are George C. Hill ofMit- blow to you to lose your son, as shell and Mrs James Lee, of Memphis, ` deed it was to nte, tie had been v Men's Nckw?ar ! C'i' BOX IN A FA Every year we seem to have nicer, prettier, better Neck- wear ler men. This year will be' rro exception. We have a wonderful varie y of Handsome Silks and nit - ted Ties in SpeOial Christ- rnas designs and shadings, Prices from 25c to $1 Mufflers IN A FAN( Y BOX If there is one depart,rent that ;s better pr pared than another to show j you sbrne— thing' really swel for Christ- mas giving, it is the Muffl- ers. Every krjown st le. is here its great variety of eave at 25kv to . Christ Great " Now at Its Very Best as St -ore'• Brimful of Happy Suggestions for Xmas. Hundreds of useful, sensible Christrflas gifts in handsome boxes that are sure to please and will not over tax your pocket -book either. You'll rind just what yon. Want here; so be ear y and come' often : ndkerchief Sections For Men, Women and ChiI..ren are ready for the great Christen .s season. The Handkerchief is probably the most popular of all Christmas Gifts. Nothing has been left undone to -get an assortment equal to the demands of the hundreds of people who will Make purchases here. Whether it be the more costly or moderate priced handkerchiet you require you will find very charming specimens here in Silks, Irish Lin- en, Embroidered, Scalloped or Hemstitched Lace Edges. Handker • upto 1.5O •s .... .,.ac,e .a-�L to 75c chiefs of every known kind for Men, r and Children •.••.••••• AJC omen S ecial -Khaki Handtcerchiefs....•......,., - ...• Where Is; the lady who would not appre�,iatgs one of our new style Hand Bags. There is nothing ' newer made than the ones we are showing. A useful` present sure to please. ThO prices are from 25c to $0. Toques and Knitted Caps with Scarfs to Match i e e t s e. -e •e •r n- e - Lf West Cliff Canadian Hot 1, Folkestone, Kent, Engle d, October 25th, 1916. Tenn. All were present at the funeral which took place to Woodland ceme- tery on Monday afternoon and was largely attended Rev. Mr: Langford conducted the funeral services. MORRIS Obituary.—Another of the highly `eI nd nn :ad in- :th hie from the time of his enlistment. I was hie sergeant in the - 70th and.: ant may have heard him speak of me I was wounded shortly after his de. th. He was killed instantly by a mac inc gun bullett. I have just recovered en- ough to n we about a little. i k ow it is hard to Iose hien, but it wil be some satisfaction to know that e the hat better way can one die than on the field of honour. I am not a Chris ian few professional soldiers are. ut poor Fred was and if there is a ere - after he will have a reward in Hea en. I extend my heartiest sympathy to you in your great bereavement. • Sincerely yours, 123109 Sergt Chi. D. Tor liras • respected pioneers of the township of made the supreme sacrifice and s Morris' passel peacefully away at his serving his country and flag and residnece, on Thursday, November 16, in the person of Garrett Maxwell, in his 84th. year. Deceased was born in Fermanagh Ireland, and came to this country at the age of 15 years, set- tling in Clinton, where he lived for several years. In 1859 he was mar- ried to Miss Ellen McElroy, from the County of Down, Ireland, and in 1862 they moved, to Morris, where they re - 11 Sweater Coats IN A FANCY BOX For every one. No chatter who you wish to give -, , we have a Sweater Coat to suit Man, Woman or Child - can be fitted here ins any want- ed -color or weave. very Coat a beauty. The prices are S'1 to 56. Smoking Jackets Keep'him at home with the girt of gifts for nen. What would you giv that would be more accept ble or com- fortable than ne off these handsome Smoking jackets or House Gowns. All sizes. Prices 53 to S7.50• Men's Shirts E�andsoanely Boxed We lave a special line of Ymas Shirts in pure white pique or silk plain or in fang patterns in all sizes in a handsome Holly box. Prices $1.00 to 52.50.. Boys' Shirts A special line of boxed Xmas Shirts in.all - the good shades and patterns. Price 50c Christmas Furs at Special Prices All the new ideas irk Boys', Girls' and Women's Knit- ted Caps are shown first in this store. Our lines are very complete with . splen- did Christmas assOrtm�ent. The new knitted daps are specially attractive with the throw scarfs to marc. Prices There is no present as much prized': or acceptable or as listing as a Fur Puff or buff ----1 here is an exceptionally good showing of small furs here, bought expressly for the Xmas trade. All furs guaranteed to be first quality, and so good in appearance that you will be proud to give them, Men's Furnishings IN HOLLY BOX Braces........._. .. 35c to 75c Y -Fane Hose.... '..2 5c to '75c Collar Cases.90c to $1.25 Laundry Bags...15c to 75c Arm Bands... I..25c to 50c Garters. . 25c to 50c .. Fancy Vests,.....$1 to 55 Collars..• ....1 e'c to 25c E'yjamas $1.59 to 1,2.5 0 Butters, Wool alnd Eggs Wanted Give Gloves for Xmas You will find an exceptionally good stock of Gloves here always. But at Christmas time we are at our best. The variety of styles and shades, the reliability of the makes, the exceptionally good quality at the reasonable prices makes our Gloves a favorite Christmas Gift. We will cheerfully exchange for. proper sizes after Christmas. Men's.•...• ..•, ...50c to 52.70 . Women's........., .25c to 3.00 Children's. 25c to 75c Xmas Umbrellas There is a wide range of very attractive and desirable Um brellas here. The quality of these umbrellas, together with the handsome handles, make them very intereresting as Christmas Presents. You will find one to suit here whether for man, woman or child Prices 11 to $3.50 1 Fancy Goods Collar cases......... ILaundry Bags... 1 Stamped Linen.. Tea Aprons Lunch cloths..., Cushion Tops... Kimonas... .,.. Boudoir Caps... Tray Cloths ....soc to $i, ....15q to 75c .50C to $ I,50 25e to 75c I ,......25C to $5 ......15c to $ 5 ...$r.25 to $5 .50c to ¢$1.50 25C tO $2`25 r Orders,we gvi1i fill than carefully Mail or Phone �Q� and prepay stage, postage or express charge Toques...—. .......,25c to 75c Toques and Scarfs... $r to $3 'omen s Neckwear N eckwear has beeri a tradi- tional radi-tional gift for many years. '1 his year we have the most - fascinating collection of im- ported novelties—Flancy Lace Collars and Cuffs, Fancy Ties, Silk Collars, I1. inen Col- lars of every kind ;and size, The prices(('�are front 15c to $3.50. Beautif Waist. IThe new Christmas waists are the most attra Live of the 1 whole season. Tey are the i last word in new styles. There is no present you could I give that would be more ac,, ceptable. All sizes. Price $1.25I Ar t Needle Work It your gift is to be of your a own handwork ybu should visit his department in our store. Stamped designs of # every kind are her with all the requirements nd access- ories for needle w rk. IStewartBr�s.1 SEAFOItT'