HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-11-24, Page 8> BER, 24 01 nd hitd shoud ve a ooI pair cf Rubbers . _awn a the year. we feet ways travel the road tbat ends in the hospitaland sually a short trip. ve the best ubbers made. We .. sell no °the sort,for poor rub- bers are alveays worse than n� - rubbers at all. - 650, 5c to $1.15 According to Size. West the shoes' with the sort of Rubbers that are just right. ;an iiever find this store without a splendi'd line of Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers. We've the high, low and medium cut rubberS. Buciele 0T Lace styles, nisei all heights in leather top erublfers, in black or tan.leath- er top., Gila antee Qur Heavy Rubbe r J. E Willis Quin* footwear Opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth ilors0 BIaHkets Ali I Horse Blankets Jutes, with.or without stay -en. , Robes Goat and imitation ugs -and -Rubber Rugs. Gloves and Mitts' At last years's 25c, 504 75e, $1.00 and 11.50 Thin 4 10 Less4 Harness JO Collars 1 Superort and cheaper .than any price catalogued. Trunks, Valises and Suiticases. MIT HALTER in this county,- -our own make, $1.50, M. BRODERICK Seaforth 111.401...14.4.41+.44144+.44•444114.416 °RN.++ LAW' TAILOR 41,, And Furrier • Cleamng, Pressing & 1,Fil:!-.pecialty 4; A Trial Solicited 10440444-ea++.4.**-.4,*-4..+•+++ . EDE'S Watson Sueceseor to W. N. Watson lkileaeraJ Fire, We and Accident tnsur &nee Agent, Real Estate and Loan -Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effec;ed at thP toeeest rates. Dealer in - w ond, White and New Home Sewing Machines and National Cream Separators. a full supply of sewing machine needles, attaehnet nts, oil and re- pairsalwavs in stock. - Jeweler and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses BEAFORTH -014ff Hei. Sceaking of * good Shoesi, Sri. 4: By the way, have7you seen Men's Shoes for Fall ? Poem, which is one of the best the! f telented writer has ever produced is thI We think that they are the best evottherntch more than the price of the entire book. Copies enclosed in en- velopes ready for mailing may be ob- tained at the Red Crose rooms as a part of the proceedeis donated to that work. The price of the booklet. 25c. i pra.ctieally places it 1 in. the hands of ' ,everyone for Chrietmas giving.- nibik i 0 re tflI Week. -A Oentsemr. and Mrs.4ehn .. 1 H. ;Speare. Of .Ingersoll 1 eek iend heree--MiSNelli DisTmer MAITEIIS n has returned faii the was iu pe t Ai lia . itin Mr. and Mrs. B wnlee.--I-. i s litl I lireC-lhsi :er:en idaes ' : 1 o °taffet1 she. WI herh-easr 11.b.3hGunnermdaughter,tethehel 'So : n1.11CSISEli.neigsgriWs4 pi n . a t le 67th: BatterytTore to,was i for he week end visitin his m he , Mrs J. H. Hays. --Miss Katie 1 tl , of aderiela was here on Tuesday vi - -AI 1 Ma Gillespiet of the Coll a, e Inst tute staff is ependin a eou f Gill spie, her sister who has ben 11 for ome time is i a crr.it cel con i''0 . -Mss Minnie Ha drk in Str o d visi ing Mrs. lidey rs, .(ee BeIh M Ka .)-Mr. W.C.T.Mo on, wh h bee manager of the nad an B k of ommeree here or so e ear., Ba wit his family for Tor nto on We e nes ay, where he will '4 ter up n , h s new duties as manager f o e f t e ehes there. -R V. F. .L rki 1 for his subje t Su day ev nin tudy in Soils nd S tits. '- aly leas 1)=6 sed t e 1 ge the Buck state ain etreet, wh ch he ha mg for some tireie la and garage. -Mr. a 0 rs 0 n er, Mrs. Thomas A telt ::SO , a d Crawford motored don r� anstown this week nd visi • t home*. of Mr net rs. 4J. d and Mrs. J. F. Wels e- r. ic school insp tor, pai it: eaforth school this ee is visiting wit fri ds in o o, His Lordship, he Bi hop of :' , as present at St. T om 0 cl h ednesday eve g a d perfn 1 o d. "te of confirm tion • n a el. ,f- ndidates.-M . T. R. Tho o ed. • a car of,: ress p ul n ay last. Mr Tho son h di s of pe 11 • The 'Euchre Party. -A public maim party willbe given dn iCardno's Hall, on Wednesday evening of next week in aid of the British' Sailors. 'Every- one in the town and surrounding coun- try is welcome and if you desire to at- tend give your name to Irs. A. Mc- Lennan, at the Cornmereial Hotel, Sea - forth. Do net wait to be reminded of this affair personally as everyone is ntire1y welcome Marriage -The marriage took place on Thursday of last week of Olive May daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Piper, to Mr. Edward G. Hollebrecht. of Seaforth. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. G. McKinley, at the parsonage in Seaforth. The brides- maid was Miss Annie Stewart, and the groomsman, Mr. Virilliaire Ilollebrecht, brother of the groom.' The young couple will reside on Goderich street east. a._ Egmendville Notes. ---,Mrs. Melvin Colbert, of Saskatoon who came east some months ago and underwent an operation in Galt Hospital, isvisiting at present with Mr.H.Colbert and will stale for some time to recuperate be- fore returning‘to her home. -Mr. Bax- ter and family from near Staffa, have moved to the house in the village for- merly occupied by Mrs. Lawrie. -Mrs. William C. Govenlock has gone to Pe- trolear to visit her brother. Hymeneal -7-A euiet and pretty mar- riage took piece m St. James' March, Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 21st inst., when Mr. John Paul Haig, of Wood- stock, was united in the holy bonds a matrimony to Miss Margaret tustatia Keeler .of Seaforth. The Rev. P. Corcoran performed the ceremony and sang High Nuptial' Mass. The best mare ,was Wilham Keeler, brother of the bride,and the bridesmaid \mks Miss Marjorie Nolan, of Seaforth. Interesting Lecture. -The Hawaiian Islands, their beauty and strangely in- teresting people were very graphically described by Miss Tillotson in her lecture in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening. Besides the lec- ture there was a good program con- sisting of an organ solo lay.Mrs.O'Con- nel, vocal solos by Miss Helson nd Mr. James Sleeth and selections from the Seaforth Male Quartette. Another pleasing feature was a number of Ha- waiian records on the Columbia Graf- anola kindly loaned by Mr. john Beat- tie. Rev. Mr. Larkin presided. The Casualty List. -Mrs. A. Mc- Lean, Goderich street, received' word from the War Office ,on Friday hist, stating that her son, A. E. 114cLen, who went overseas a year ago with the 46th -Regina Battalion, and who has been through all the recent severe fighting, has received a gun shot wound m the face, and was in -a hos- pital in France. -Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Archibald, Tuckeramith received word from headquarters that their son, An- drew, who went overseas with the Uni- versity Battalion, was in a French hospital, suffering front map wounds received at the front. Goe.aeTo Toronto.-Seaforth loges. this week in the departure from town of Mr. Merson, a popular and es- teemed member of the corn -unity. Mr.: Morson has been for some years the manager of the Bank of Commerce here, but has been transferred to a Toronto branch of the bank. The busi- ness comunity regrets Mr. Morson's removal, as he has always been act- ive in matters pertaining to the town's welfare. His geniel personality will also be missed in the Bowling and Curling Clubs, in both of which he was a very enthusiastic and popular mber. On Monday evening- previous his departure a few of Mr. Mor- on's frieuds entertained him at hist, • Sleeth-ate. - A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of .the bride's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf- red Gates, 335 George street, Sarnia, on Wednesday', November 15thwhen their only daughter. Vera Estelle, be - "eine the bride of Alexander Douglas Sleeth, Sarnia, second son of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Sleeth, of Sea - forth. Promptly . at seven o'clock the bride, gowned in ivory charmeuse lace and pearls, veil and orange blos- soms, and carrying a bouquet of white roses and valley liles, was given away by her father. Preceding the cere- mony Miss Jettie Carrick sang very sweetly, "Beloved, 'Tis Morn." The Young couple were unattended. Rev. J. J. Paterson, pastor of St. Andrew's church. officiated. After a dainty lun- cheon Mr. and Mrs. Sleeth left on the evening train for Points east and on their return they will reside in Sarnia. yin -tee Comeade -A new Christ- mas booklet, "The White Comrade." published bv McClelland. _ Goodchild & Stewart. Toronto, has inst anpedr- ed. This interesting collection of Can- adian verse bearing an artistic cover design by Dorothy- Stevens, one of the foremost -Canadainn artists, contains one long poem in blank verse and sev- eral charming lyric poems front the clever and versatile pen of Katherine Hate. of Toronto, the author of "Grey Knitting." The initial poem. "The White Comrade" protrays the thought and emotions of a Canadian soldier as he Hee wounded on the field at Ypres and his consciousness of the presence of a Divine Beine. This -Shoes the money ever bought. Pateot Colt and Gun Metal Calf leathers. Broad, comfortable lasts with med- ium heels, or thetsweller prop- ositions with the higher heels and sieart lasts. You've reeeoa, Sir, to expect the best Shoes when you come here Every Mau d 11 you care to indulge in nehoe lux- ury, take a look at Shoes in the new Fall models. jf you appreciate Shoe satisfaction, Sir, tie to this Shoe Store and you will get it in all hues of Footwear and at all seasons of the year. • of Shoes Local Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,Tacksen left an Friday, of last week for their herne in Calgary. Mrs. R. N. Rays left on Monday for her home in New York. Mrs. Hays and Mrs. jaekson lenve been visitine for some weeks at the home of their narente, Mr. and Mrs. A M.Cempbell and other , relatives. - Mrs. Kimbell,. of Owen Sonnd is vie': Hug her daue-hter. Mrs. : William Golding. - The choir of the Methedist cherch, presented Mrs. W. F. Gleenv, the organist, with a hand- some Irish linen table cloth before her marriage as a token of esteem -Miss Harvey, of Toronto, was the gnest of Mrs. R. 3. 13eatty, in Egmendville. last I• week. Mr. Beatty, who we,s seriously ; ill is now recovering and doing as well as (tee he expected. -Mrs. Dalton; of Goderiela is here with her moth- er, Mre. D. Donovan, who is ill with brenchied-pneunionia.-Mrs. Wm. Gov- . enIode spent the week end with heti daughter, lMrs. Frances Parker, in bra hay "A F. fro on ,cup stor Sha Mrs Go the Mr, pub to Nei to. on, on the 18 ship Mo a in menet.- amount kin s durin.g a sea usu 1 Christmas e pils of the Presbyt inte d having on Dee mber 21st, the presentation the King" -The ary eets this Fri ouries at fou the oung ladies in ing ito devote one se g and doing nee ion i with the I please meet at th on onday evenin eloc ?- #'Y on. -h stead t e rtai inent t e P rian Sunday schooi Thursclay evening. .stmas Carols and ite Gifts f r men'S War l- ay aft1ernoon in the o cle. W 11 dll toenn.Vh are will - nigh a week to ther ork h con- al V ar Au,dliatLy Car egie library, next at eight Se our special ad On 3e 4. _ware tore, Edge. 1910 XMAS SIEfOPP cantrepest on -We're ties' P L PPAJORATING-7- full] ne of pera Ira noiv I:stook, wh eh we ill be roll. Hare y r deoorati g done ow., Seaf4 th. r I • OP CORN FOR ALE -Place Serot &Qo. Seaforth at ovum In he faze Of thernost rying miarke zWeftel folt,,eapdatry,-. a. greater Yarictv no pric We haves complete a k of w 'Amy eh Lor rtaios. Jas. Graves Seafort guar nteed fltollty poles nd hr exienin Ju eeeived my last d r of ce ent ort on. My cu*omers eb4 LTd call earl an what they require. Th Big le rdw re S Edge ii,.1.for FO. 13ookle re: Xnl10c13° akcieh, Cr is Post 17.1ards 5 for The it Rush la on. Were Bead B atti Sear rth. There Y - The B flak. 04' r! uy r hop INQ r Goods e our stock of Leather oods for Christmas. Hand Sags Dibasic Rolls Wallets, Cad Ca‘ses, Purses anicure sets, Vayeling sets Collar Bags, Sewing sets Tobacco Pouches lithese a.e Genuine' „Leather a d we invite. comparison -of quality and price - 'hompsoft's Bookstore , - Seaforth IWindow Shades and Picture _Frames Agent for New Ifiea Patterns ly lacerated condition, and from the el 'ow to theshoulder had been chewed a d torn by the cogs. A gash was Tfl de ill his chin and several ribs w re broken. Mr. Ames was aged 5 years, and a son of the late Philip James, of Mitchell. His wife and seer - children survive. _ US mes "Road No -Rev. C. W. B ker; of .Crediton, p eaclied at Beth - y on Sunday. -Rev Mr. Muxworthy s preaching aunty sary services at E0 ezer appointmen on Crediton ar- e, Flossie P ssmore, of Exe- te , vidited here last week. -Mr. and S. Witlialn Wilkin on, of Chisel - at renewed acq ntaricee in the neighborhood on Sun ay last, CHISEL RST. otes.-tWhile George Hill w s engaged at the slaughter house • th a horse and 11 ht wagon, the a halal became frig tened by the m vement of some keys, and bolt - e with the result th t a set of scales w s -smashed and t e wagon badly • ecked.-4--Mr. and rs. Langford in- te d taking up their residnece on the R d Tavern line on t e farm formerly • • ed bY.Richard Nicholis, now of Lindon. - Richard Taylor received werd that his brother. is in the hos- pi 1, this being the third time since he enlisted. STANLEY. ownslaip Grant to Red Cross. -At 544. th last meeting of 1 the Township uncil a grant of $1,000 was made fineorl al4- ✓ tothe- British Red Cr ss Fund. This rig f r '7e t Jae a es w s a most eneroi4s gift and al- th ugh it will add anther half mill to th taxes, the cense ie a most worthy o , and; the ratepayers can well af- fo d the gift. Owing th the uufavor- a e weather statute1 labor work has of J ben greatly delayed, Ibut all pathmas- 111 tes are requested toreturn their lists to the clerk, whether ompleted Or not, be ore the next meet ng of the C�un- eill which will be h. ld on the first ndriy in December. rde FO4 SALE AT A RIGIIT PRICE -One hea Rir1� sleighs, almost new with fet dr ytop a .0 lg box suitable forteamwork.1 ez,F gay 554-3 erea x, Eleaforth. Ont. 7 FO SALE -A motor Ide cot age nIa re t. with urnaceand electric lights. Apply to. m ' 40 o gMle 51baScot 'Gederich St: ' • B 2p5 A IT -POR SALF..-A fra, e barn n melIdlop, lot 2/3, eon. rne bott xs Seafdrth. Phone 9423. . GL WAlilTED-kxp• houseH Work. :Apply to Mrs. . J. Rod:, na.• rrienceci girl for a 2.5 ill WI 1.44 i to lin 554- ea is, r 554- is se SEMI or. 544 re ow c. 'Fa r 554-1 vv s. FA ME11,11 ATTENTIO -MI dress d Pot: try wanted a4 Thomp to be delivered any dayt oept -eaf rr h. Fo Rent -The residenc ,corner sts. &forth, now occupie by W. ply t» The Canadian Bank of Oorn ath of Mrs. Aialrew ilee pang away Go-venlock, o this ed on Thursday , the life of another ers of the H ron ctivities and a vent to history. SI). s, with her fat Mrs. Robert, ere, all of nde of I ye a d ws Frodu eSto 4, rd ay. P atnes an . T. More erce, Wit GoVen1 ek. of Mr-. An- dre town, hic aceorn ng, No 16t of the ear y sett act; Wi h 11 its ed i eehas pas , at t e age f t yea er an methe , M and Hogg i _ and fo r bro hom are no d ,.` a, ed left their h )me -gl}iieli wl s Can • bee Parish, Dumfriesshire, Seo lart , in the year 1840,. 'After eac ing Cenada, they resided for abo t eig t years in _I ingetel 1. I_ avin the e they arri-rallin IkTeKillop o - shi • in 1848, when they at one s t abo t making a home for them ejv s in e midst of an alatest unb oke for-st. In the oarse of a co -a le f yea s se was married to the 1ate A drea ovenlock, thus taking upon he self the sterner realities of p onee life, many. of the incidents of vhie wer fresh in her memory and whic she took I great pleasure in rel •tin Alt ough broad in her ectiyitie sh was of a quiet, u assumir4 di pos boa and the ready. 17n -teeth -vend hel nig hand were ever forthconain t tho'e in need. • St ong in her c nvi tion the note for right rang eve tru and clear; ever•a home maker a d ham keeper,. she becalm, as th yea s of infirmities increased, mor esp cially endeared to the home cird and it is there that; her loss Will e e peel lly- felt ared her memory eve lovi gly cherished. She had a f inil of ix sots /and five _daughter o who two sons and four . dau hter su ve: John, Robert, IVIargare EUP emia (Mrs. Laird) of Sea o and Jean- of Calgary, Alta, After Hate services at the 'home Robert, which Were conduct Rev. Mr. Carswell, -Winthrop Mr. Larkin, of Seafoth, and her erou friends andCquaintances they i the Maitlan Paid their last respect to the re conveyed to tery. and there laid to rest i ly plot. • . • pro son, cern fam ?nee be . Ha STAFFA. mea's Institute. - The re tig of the Women's Institut eld at the home of Mrs. T ilton, on Wednesday, • Nov d b, an num ha ain ban ri th ula wil mbe 29th at 2,30. A good attendan e exn cted. T rrible Patality.-As a resul terrible injuries sustained on Satnrda whe •he had his arm canght b th whe ls of a grain crusher P. E. Jape of '` ibbert township, died at his home on ednesday -Mr. James Neu oile ing is crusher, while it was ix mo tion, and the glove on his right han beca e caughtkin the cogs of th ma- chin . His hand and arm were dLraife into the cogs and the had erect ca TY Wche ed to pieces before the m hin couI be stow -led. It was necesary to a putate the hand o an an sha e frora tbe fill er to t e fp- side of the wrist. The little -age was he only member left on the hand. The Wrist eves badlv shed. arra as far as the elbow as in a DffIlit eath of MrS. He co munity has been de th of Mrs. Henry ev nt occurred at h Ti.l esday. The deceas daughter of Mr.[ H bbert, was in rrie reeved husband abou g . and besides him s a amilY of fourlsmal ve orn have the dincer th ir. sad bereavem se vices were cohduc ri k's church, ef wh. w s a devout memb interment beieg mad etery. Ryan. -This saddened by the yam, which sad home here on dr .veho was e tallagher, of to her now be - eleven years a - e is survived by schildren, all of st sympathy in t. The funeral ed from St. Pat- ch the deceased r, on, Thursday in Dublin cern- BAYF D. Have you -tried our 880 tea You can save money - oneroceries at Greenslade's. Notes. -Mr. Ed. M rner had his tug .the Edna K., hauled • ut of the water fok. the winter when he will have it o erhauled. The wo k of moving wet d ne by -Mr. William 1: eard, our well I own building move and contractor., Mrs. Joseph, of Detroit, is visit - in with friends here -Trinity church b za.az will be held uesday evening, D ember 5th in the own Hall. -Mr. a d Mrs. Thomas K ng attended the funeral of his uncl , the late • Wm. ✓ nstone, at I3enmill r on Sunday. - Ms. R. J. Jelrey and Mrs. A. Gee, of M ssley, are the gue#s of their broth- er, Rev. F. G. Rickarn ,at the rectory.. e CONSTANCE. otes.-Our towndhip council and civil engineer net the ratepay- who are interest th er in of the riverand is known as Kinburn d y last in the tow in the work to be done and to get pros, and cons: of parties interest - Some are thinking they will have draw the water tol get it to go the ht way. Howeveel a $25,000 job ht to in some measure relieve the jested state of affairs. It is near- ly- 22 years since the iver was dredg- pi tb. ed to ou ri co d in the dredg- ditches in what wamp,on Thura.- ship hall to dx- ed SO SU ti se ta ion now safely la - he W-.B.C. are a andknitting for the Gun Club was enterta of Mr. and Mrs. Geor Friday evening last. of Ontario street Met Cl'nton, nreached ' a m n on Sabbath last, ch appreciated by before' and it cos the ratepayers e $15,000 with no beneficial re- ts. We hope for, better things this e. -The Women's Bible Class are ding a box of Chr stinas cheer to e. George Riley. o the 161st Bate ded in England. so busy sewing ed Cross. -The ned at the home ge Stevenson, on Rev. Mr. Ford, odist church, in missionary ser - which was very 11 111 H• ULLETT. ad Prices -Mr, William Rinn. one of the best known farmers ;and horse br edersem the township, bids fair -Co to see hie friends at Winthrop just add new laurels to his nam,ee and will !before going overseas, and his breth- he eafter be known as the seep lung, ren of L.O.L. No. 813 had the pleas - of Hulllt. He recently disposed of a ure of his company at one of the lodge d of 1 nibs raised on his farm which !meetings. He leaves behind him three, - av rage& 115 pounds each and for I small chi14en and one sister in Sas- f tw ich he 'received $10.25 from the well katcheevan. .He also has four broth- I , len yen buyer, Mr. Peter Sullivan, of I ers now fight' g m France, and was M Kilian, There must be money in • a brother -in -I ve of George Eaton,. ' tt , sh ep, because any animal which is a I who lately we everseas with the in ney maker, even for the time being, 16l.st Battalio . tyrangemen of 4. is sure to find its way sooner or later No. 81 extend to his sorrow- + Mr. Rmn s hands. mg friends th sincere and heartfelt 4, otes.--The annual meetirig of the sympathy. 4, FI Ilett beef ring was held at Cons- We little thou lat his tune se short, 4. ta ce last week. Mr. James Rivers When he on furlough came, of Seaforth,. was appointed butcher , When to the font he bravely went next year and the other officers Neer to ret elegain. re all re-elected. Mr. William Rhin Duty called him, he was there, was appointed inspector. The finan- To do his bit and do his share, cesi are in good shape and everyone in , His heart was good, spirit brave, the district is satisfied -The Hullett His resting place, a soldier's grave. Coimcil met on Thureday of last wek Signed on behalf of L.O.L,. No; 813: att Constanee to consider the deepen- John Bullard, WM.; James H. Camp- ing of the Maitland river. Engineer bell. D. K; Richard John Pethick, Re- e Rogers, of Mitchell, was present and cording-Secretery; William Trewartha e_ bad_ gave a satisfactory estimate of the Treasurer; John geariett, Chaplain. I detit, and also explained hoW - the Job *mild be carried out, It lookiindw as though it 11 go . Ulna Michael and , ons are preparing for Guelph Winter Fair. 'MANLEY Notes -Mr fr;. MeKayI home from Conelitrt, Alta., pent ihe pas t three moa harvest fields, He eseys are good inthat district, rise party tthe home Mrs HenryMiller last we grand success and all went mg their host and hostess of happiness. *INGHAM. Notes. -His Lordship, th returned here he hs in the he crops The sur- f Mr. and k . was a ome Wish - any years Bishop of Huron, ' was present in St. Paul's church, Monday night and perforrned the rite ore() thanation on. a class of candidates. Rea J.C. Monte , of Tees - water, and Rev. C. E. Jenkins, of -Brantford ass:sted the rector in the service. A splendid sermon was preached by Bishop Williams. -Mrs. Fred Wilson intends leaving for Eng- land with her family in a few days. , Pte. Wilson, the husband and father,' was wounded at the front, and is at. present in ex hospital in England, but I recovering satisfactorily, and expects', to return to the trenches soon. -A, H. J Musgrove, M.P.P., attended the fun- eral of the .late Hon. James Duff. - Samuel Fells died in East Wawanosh on Tuesday in his 93rd year. - TITCKERSMITH. West End Notes. -The annual bus- ines meeting of the West End Beef Ring was held at the home of Mr. Hamilton, on Monday evening of last week. Every :shareholder was repre- sented so alle accounts were Isettled for the year. The officers were all re-el- ected. The butcher, Mr. Jas. Rivers, of Seaforth,who has been engaged for the past yearehaspromisect to act for next year. An oyster supper was held and a very pleasant and enjoy- able evening Was spent. -On Saturday last, the little daughter of Mr, Wes- ley Nott, while playing in a buggy fell out, breaking her arm at the wrist. Medical aid was secured and the. child is now recovering. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis- left on Monday for Stratford, where they will reside. - Mr. George Cooper visited friends in Kinburn on Sunday, , ,----e-,-_,--, VARNA. Accident -Master Carl Johnston had his arm broken while cranking the car on Saturday. • Patriotic Society Report. -The fol- lowing is the report of the Varna Pat- riotic Society for November: Articles Made -35 Christmas stockings, 27 day shirts and 13 pairs Socks. Also $10 given for Belgian Relief Fund and $10 for prisoners of war fund. , Patriotic Society Bazaar. -The Pat- riotic Society .will hold a bazaar on December 12th, commencing at two o'clock, and continuing during the af- ternoon and evening. Tea will be ser- ved. Anyone contributing articles are requested to leave them at any • of the stores not later than December 10th. 4. CT ArIsH Style and Ouality Store phone 22 Marriage. --A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C Pilgrim, of the village, on Wednesday, November 22nd, at eleven o'clock,when their daughter, Maggie was united in Marriage to Mr. Wesley Hunkinge of Auburn. Rev. D. Johns- ton officiated. • The .happy cog*: left on the evening! train for London where they will reside. ........4.' 1 11,---.'"-•"-•••""*""'" ' MICR. shrotes.-Miss Venda Fuss has re- turned from Detroit, where she has been ,for some months. -Mr. and Mrs. J. C„. Park, of London, visited at the home of Mr, Cyrus Colosky on. Sunday. --Mr. John Hey, jr., attended the Galt horse - races. -Mr. Louis Foster and family have • moved to Kitchener, where Mr. Foster is employed with the Dominion Rubber Works. - The Rennie Sister Quartette took part in the anniversary services on Sunday in the Ingersoll Methodist church. - There will be a Christmas • entereain- ment in the Evangelical Church Sun- day •School in Zurich, on Christmas night. -Mrs. C. Fritz and, daughter have returned from a visit in London. -Mr. Sam,"pesch has gone to Detroit for the winter. -1 -Mr. Samuel Brown, who was well known here passed away on Sunday of last week at his home in Crediton. The deceased at one time conducted a general store busi- nes in this place in partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. J. Preeter, in the stand, now occupied by Mr. E. Ap- pen. He is also a brother-in-law to Mr. W. L. Seibert, postmaster, of Zur- ich. A alarge number from here at- teded the funeral in Crediton on Wednesday afternoon. • WINTHROP. Resolution Of Condolence. -At the last regular, meeting of L. 0. L. No. 813, Winthrop,' held on the evening of November 8th, it was moved by R. J. Pethick and seconded. by W. J. Kin- ney, and passed unanimously, that the following letter be adopted as a mem- orial to the memory of the, late Bro. Albert Bates, .who tinforttinately lost his life while ' fighting bravely in France. 13ro, Bates first became a member of the Loyal Orange Associ- ation by joining L.O.L. No. 813 Win - went to king his , became itution in 1915 he throp in the year 1902, bu Manitoba, in 11904 and t papers, from L.O.L. No. 81 a member of the Orange ins his adopted province. In enlisted in the Canadian Mounted Rifles and after a. short course of training went to Frarice to fight the enemy. After going to France he was transferred from the Mounted Rifles to one of the machine gun sec- tions where he remained until he was killed bY a shell from the, enemy's guns. It has been stated by his lieu- tenant that his left arm was blown off yet, nevertheless, he continued to work his machine gun until he was totally exhausted by loss of blood. Brother Bates was home on furlough 4. 4. 4. 4*, 4. 4. • 40' • 4. Mufflers and Silk Neckscarfs 4; +4' \ 50c to $3.00 t Suits and Coats Holiday Gifts Of Special Merit for Women The things that a woman apprec- iates above everything else are the practkal gifts of things for e er day use -things that she wouldhuy for herself. And then top, you raise her o ion of you just another bit hi h when you present her with so thing practical and sensible, some- thing she would buy for herself. Nactavish's ‘S4Ittt, Phone 22 E VERY tim wears Dress Goods of Style and Quality 25c to $3.00 a yd. 4. 4, 4.4. 4. 1 Roger's Latest and Best • 47.50 to 525 Ladies' Waists Styles that are liked 50c to $5.00 • Fine Hosiery cotton, lisle or silk .1.0c to $2.00 \Gloves Fashion's Latest Shades 25c to $2.50 Handkerchiefs a magnificent line 2c to $1.50 Sweaters all color combinations $1.00 to $6.50 Dress Skirts handsome new designs 52.35 to $10.00 Stylish Hats Make acceptable gifts $2.50 to $7.00 x_EibmYasour Early Shopping it Pays agnalarninMagallair she the SCARF the SKIRT or the WAIST or the FU}.S or the DRESthNG SACOU.b, or the HOSE or the DRE S or the GLO ES which you gave her, she thinks of y ue IEWERY time some .1.4 friend Spe ks a word of adrni ation for the gift you knade her, it brings a'hap- py recollection of you. eig Cloth: pecia 3,000 ecktie 25 00 pairs of uni Gloves kni aaWwiwonalummieelowlew.mmomminummassraimrs4awswommgiftwi Fo EVERY tim she At sees the rna- mental, perhap but urmseful gift of ..ome one else, she u eop- sciously reme bers you for your p acti. cal, useful, an sen- sible gift *of c me= thing to wear S, 0 when you elect , a pi esent for 4 4 her" reme be!, mo3twomenare rac- tical, they cherish the memory Of use- ful gift, .but soo for- get the opposite kind Make your• gift to "her' some ling OP Will ' really like better than all ,the other presents she r ceives-let it be st mething she can wear. A ND don't 11. sight of fact that most en inEtinctively that anything bears this -store el is absolutely in style and de able in quality. lose the om- now hich lab- ight end. We Box Christmas Goods appropriate y Butter Waied Mac tav &atm/1h Coat weaters wit ses •-wo 4'1500 paira Socks In BI In - or( 500 pairsi Boys' Stockings 500 Silk Neckscaris VW04.WWIMWW•MaitigNiWil 000 Fine tS ndker- chiefs !NNW ed 300 •Cloth Caps 300 Overcoats 500 Sures 300 pairs of Trousers 00 Boys' Knickere 200 Fur Sets Pieces of 'Underwear ens ur enats Ladies' Fur and Cloth Coats at goods =rerun?. wra''