HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-11-24, Page 3h,
T _59-m-
19'W SLAW JEL well ifte,&b" 4
ttatiowa Inihem."
VtM s) to
it is a -v
ounty ts usy
tile 94 b a ALM Ad&&
C*W iade 4 interes, d-1. ly for
L, ap�licati s jr.eceived f or A I
estigmte 58,1
A agNERAL 13AN.KING-13 1 e., 5.3; i-mPltdnts
chil, x
I ed 190:; children made. watd�
IN.%" *4VftftVb+ f�ters received - 468 lettA-Irs ly," ! "y a
X 0, "Pl.ints rec�iv6d Ir
r -N-72
ried in
meetings) 20; i�le3g travelled U
T86; �owrards �ed or
708; Police Courts
of One DoDox emd reftive&
4, -war s vi ed. 22 warn -1
replaced �rand
work i
ngs giv(A, 43, erment
I tt
4�ft go
I Present S
-Tut or sAd�ed to ."00uuts WOO Y8w-
one an ea rs to
the cj tiz enship ',or the -
i U
ve Use'
of loyal
come. it deserves cordial and
support. Mr. ElliOtl, tells 't w der.
tory anid is W69 W ord k hearing
ful s crho)d te
invite him to your 111eighb
give ana( 1dresss.
t Istlyna giv
bulk of Ch
HE ,*ea _r d Is 0
is kRMY
itz fint 19 A TASK�
Mrs. Charles Hewsow and Mrs. Al- r
in a general way everyone I Las. r
once. fred Mead, both of Brant -ford and reerni ent.
ibd that the me:. -e recrl
Freeland at home- also three sisters, 41.iz them. wi
Mrs Phillip Whel- mien and the SUPPymg
Mrs. J. Pollard and arins. and aWinunitlon was Only a p t
an, of Brantford, and Mrs. J. Masters, i of, the Bri
of the work' r
For thirty YeM &be WaS ritis.
DISTRICT MATTERS of Mitchell. 1. aw
-resident of Mitchell,aud by 1her quiet War. office to yu; the nk
a ?1W
the field,14
unassuming'minner And kind distPosi- Fmy in realized tM CAOTMOUS
in a thousand
tion abo has endeared herself to her '0
41 task and the muldtudebf ine ' ident
BLYTH 1equaintaA66i. She -Was a faithful 0, Which to- . 9 Dquiprient of al
-Death of Cou7acillor Carter. — A member of the -inethodIA chiq�h and - ilitp J� 1: Place in
st over the town on Fri- foree CiDable' of a king iti
106M was ca bore her sufferings with Chriitian'res-- rn
the,field under mode war tan litiong-
when the,, sad news was passed Her remains were inter
ph Carter 'ignati 'Mee has been faced
ble-.- around- that P61alieillOT Jose red in Woodland cemetery. The War 0' Uthir 9
his home during the night. the. necessity of -PrOviding ve
our Ud died at b tons, fro il-
SEe- was in his usual health during the SPOT IN THE from Isocks, to uniform
ake a vrevious day and wasuP town that THE BUSIEST ineis spoons to giieat co2 t , for a -n
-a `24, monthc� from le;s
ivening, recturning home aboulbl-'eight WORLD. army grown. I i
on the tt is -sit! 1-
a and V�cloek. Shortly after. going to bed is plenty of rroom than 200,000 to. more than 4,000,00
Yftlll t nine o'clock, he awoke his wife sbat- There And. the succesq with Whi
-8 arth's surface for all the people who ;%tion 1�ai -been met,, Is one of e hi -
U that he had a severe pain in. his � e -
if it would avoid crowding. dustr. o� the w. tr, �. ays t le
,311e. telephoned for his brother live on it, ial romAnces-
71tead. we all., try to, stand
�nd a1sG for a doctor, but as Mr. Car- It is Only when ew York Herald.
4 di- on one spot that the world seems tell little, but t ie
er had a stroke, he was, passed me e is an, acre Figures, as a.rul 51 a7
I In the too full of people. Ther Goveinment has e:)mpiled soi e
4al aid and died at nine a.m- London that has been tisties behind whic can be seen tie
'death of 31r. Carter Blyth loses one Of of ground in I
citizens; one who has always call�dthe "city's nerve. centre," and feverisIx indu e 'unceasing tci,
its best -.0 &U 4- cIt, -heart which would seem to be the world'� -w ich- has per it d the inen at tie
bact tne interest ot busiest spot. This plot of land u, ette(1-
?Or the past two years he had n front to talcel their place as an
bounded by the British Ro�yal Ex- fightin ma,,hinei- Des - e tae
V for the 'been As active as formerlY On account change, the Bank of England and thf ive the� Ruisian; -aid e
born in
He was Freach.,
of failing health. Mansion House. Across'this space il which made Pos-
'n vL -Tuckersmith � township in the Year Italians; the
happer in -1970 came to Blyth, where has been estimated, that, in the "Olars( sible the de of -tie little cen-
VelOPME 11t
milk and Ii day, nd� fewer than 500,00( sed. to France in
1850, and
he 0110 ed contracting and building Of eac tingent'whic a crot
Any table -r of years until he began s pass and repass, together witl Alagust 191, - to i he gre s
t� in ash. in for a -numbe y of a boiler =vehicles. The busiest comer ol teer army 1 !he history Of th d.
mixture Of vork on the invention alldn this busy aere is that clirectI3 d on r ts
Thege statistics Are base
and -night, AAeaner, which. resulted successfully. 'to Aprilil- TO avoid um IMY 11 -
grains so� Rig, invention is -used in a great many 0 tsde the Maiiiion House, for across Ot y
United this' more th - up i
t Ontario and the an half the daily" traffic hanced prices for necessities, Ot
ve some boilers in
States. Vfhfle a resident of Blyth he passes. Moreover, the crowd swarming the poPula-
on the to'the Wai Office, but to it C
�'k that they kad alwaYs taken an interest in muni- Dast this point is continually ibn at large, the -Goveirnmelt c e-
�'scratching affairs, having sat in council both increase. The Aear rivals in this con- t lily &ard all informAtiOl wh 101
.-ir tfnent of the c6ngested spot in London fl
Aces there w reeve and cQuneMor for over thirh- . �g-,) might'indic. in the eaAier days
Vheat avufl- locations in the cities of Chica r the ent 91 the arm
as good as years, being a member of the board are rk. Thus, -on Broadway, at the Wa eal e e a Ivane do
at the time of his death- It was while and New Yo wi es
4 i 5 needs. S e pri
ald Square, it consider 1 11. tions. to.
if it is dry- with Her 119 th I
. en that it he was reeve 'that the cement side- its juncture �L. but I , huge addi i in
valks were put on the streets.. He sup- estimated that including both foo Lit Df , el e
+'h es
se spoile& passengers and those on surface car.,,. the Output g.' )th(r sto
evised the Work. Anything Mr. Car- tool drugs and all the
theye is nwIz 700,000 persons pass daily. s' t aere has
w the grain ter looked'after was sure to be done needed by t4e armed forco ix as the
,rain vi s arcity is f
-right. He always saw that the con- ARD, $100 been . rtual�y'no s ed
b�ran, were lived up to. Mr. Carter $100 REW civilian POP41atiOn is c nee -n An
Tator clea-n- in pr ces. The
I Is, m- -ke a was a member of St.Andrews church, The readers of this paper will b c only small increAses rurmnerat as boen
a onservative. pleased to learn that there i.4 4t lowt buying by 16 Gicivern .
a n=sh. X and in politics a C cne dreaded disease that seierce hos ]ple that has
I Farm Sold—William Logan has�sold done on a definite! princi
�had, by. all -nd tesources - and re. -
the hens- his splendid farm in Morris township been able to cure in all itsstages, a kept f;1le widest ir(� alffays in
S Df the! Emp
J on the edge of the town for the esum, that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly quirement
.o, and Que.- $8,800. This is a good farm. and influenced by constitutional cOr-diti"'S. view. a
ent. e. fli r s tv�ent v Tr 0
b S s� wod, Len el th
!it is 11ir % plendid buildings. Mr. Logan -requires constitutional treat." nths of
rehase& If h where' he Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intemAll 7 the war' th amo E
the we-st a- intends moving to as )een 90,-
e blood on the Mucous required fo thoi r b
onacked hag plarehased the i. ce of Miss and acts thru th uffice -to I
nr S W h would 3
and o -Cher Little, and -will dpen an automobile Surfaces of the System thereby de- 00o,o0o yar .
stroying the foundation of the Aiseasel put, a girdle twice Around t. ie eafth. a
. on. fhand off" Agency. giving the patient strength by buildirg Shirt flannIol been b)ug it to the
- I -ds. T4ese
� barley sktd of assisting i1h - total of $4,000;')00 yw.,
d. I re -
PERTH NOTES. up the constitution an ere
Brair -e= Of &,11na Ross Gros- ture in do-11rig -its -v�ork. The propria- f t
igqires, it �nust be rei
Id 1-ftc- arriage Or. needs. Ifere
gogd-, —The m A. tors have so much faith in the curative present solely- the arm'.
Ar. ind Mrs. J. of
arA Mr. Catarrh Cure that in a table is a comparison the NVar
se, daughter of I . wililam A. El- powers of Hall's � in
L the cost of' �Grosse, of Toronto, t Dollars f4r
I - f Mi ell, took place h ff One Hundred at LY office's needs in t6xtile prolucts,- ds
,3ay be fe& liott,.formerlyy of Mf I t oy offer -time in yar
a I st, ReT- J. Mustarl f- case that it fails to cure. Send for li 5t peace, years, ah& in War
in a mash- A .en November Aug e
her& .11ciating. of testimpnials- Average
inces. W. T oI- in peace 1914 to
of Mitehell, Address: F.J. CHENEY&CO,
the- ss years ri
�i for —*Ivl i - Hazel Reeves, -a ledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggisti" We. All 1 1,�916
r1ay be g- iven has been awarded- the $68 Ediso c
tg contest con- 0011en an.4 worsted'
4a, not :f-07- rhonogmph in thevotir W 149,000 000000
ilk. If sman ducted bi Mr. H. Tiuck. The lady's DREADED CARGOES. cloth 1 1) � 1L7 '
�tetal vote was 9123� and her nearest I i Flannel 11,234�000 34,000 00
00111try feelm it would seem that 000
ml tlia� -opponent was only 48 less. ight 632,000 000
At first s Cotton cloth
iss Violet Wins- 5 a cargo to be carefully
—On Wednisday, Mi dynamite wai a sailor's point of To understand more clearly what
and Mrs. Albert avoided, but'from industry,
the eo Y s
sheR shoulff, low, daughter of Mr,
iarri-, view there are far more dangerous this implies to
t i m es. 1 q T. Winslow, of Fullarton, was n however, it would be nee ssary to ;ake
>,n Of' loads.. He dreads for instnace, a eq. - - titiethg of the amount
a be seeure& Ied to Mr, Herbert L. Clarke, so s of tons twelve-twei
Their go, of sugar. . put hundred to c om-
And in otber. 'Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke. the hold o a shown In the second colil
be secured' -many fiiends 7-yi-sh them a happy and of cane sugar in casks in with` the erage dem ds in
-he#. Xf -prosperous wedded life. vesel and let the ship steam through e years, it will be found that the
Martin, of a bQlt of hot weather.- The odor is peac as been increased
flable they- —Mr. and Mrs-� Robt demand fo Ina
-Xew ffarabnrg annolince the. engage- sickening, The sailors cannot get the Woffiell 6L times i and
Tnuch given-, P e sweet taste out of their mouths. They 41 times, it is estim��ted
-eat. 7nen-t of their daughter, Laura Leali for Cotton 175 tmeFA.
Ii the laye Thbm, to Mr. James A.;1 -rt. Stuart. Of crave vinegar or lemon juice—any-
M eir appethes thatabout,25�perceat-o th woo4ens
son Of Afr, thing sour. They lose th the
s. Willism Stew cent. of �
d th wffl vistowely age and worstods an 1 2Q pe, d in! the
tL n te*tiles, manufaitur
A- 'layiri ar sria,cof Xitchell.. Th.; marriage and are always glad when a voyi
9 1 J is ov er. eotto
latter part on which the cargowas sugar
e, OM -Vi the I re foL B itain'
Th ref 11 take place quietly country wf use q.
Coffee is -as disagreeable as sug
sen Cut this inonth. lies.
le,gre very dangerous.
addition to being turnedfrom
is no nn -M, i --Liuet. E. T. Gilmer, son of Mr.
od, Cott- t es, on o
rilliam Gilmer, of Atwo on is a really dangerous cargo.' After e fab#'es we'r
the pulloft iand Mrs. M il happens to touch raw the loom there I was s and s irts.
student in medicine at the If a little O� h �ni into uIrlif
ounce eac* who was a, at is � called waking- th
f --rain sad University of Toronto, before he went cotton the result is Wh �he I er - i tore twent
'�ustion. A single bale C�.v ion h ve iore Fistd
two, h:a:s been reported missing spontaneous com been requ ed for
0M '01 everseas, turAted with such an Oil mill. 1fr the
sh. since October 12 and believed tohave of cotton sa the and, -tra' 9 wear, ap 0 1
officer of the as boiled linseed, and lying at ge total need ad In thel hos-
-been 1d1led.L He was an I f..11 -
bottom Of a hold, can be compared furtlier'li
7irst Royal Irish Fusiliers. Ali. Tho sold mr wh(th t in t�rain
ice, *,ears,
g camp or
—The home of Mr. and Mrs Adam only to a slow match attached to a pit
irs oii active serV
addened - on bomb. 0 thes rapidl ind the sUPJ31Y
3ristner, of L09", was 8 other chemicals form ut his clo, has
Saturday evening when the messenger Acids and Carbide of cal- departmeiit at the W, Ir , Office:
Louie and claim- dangerous cargoes. plenishment: de -
d that the re
ief death enteredtheir r le girl, aged cium, for instance, is ipore dangetoui f Oun c ng., now in a
Ae, Annie their bright liti year
ok place than clynamite.Aceteylene,gas is made wands as 'mu 1 cloth
as week as did the entirearyny ina�
.eleven years. The funeral tO �hemical and the g it is not
�on Sunday tothe German cemetery, from this even OR if the produc is in the daYs before the wari - he
- I constantly i tbe large items at coiistit�ute all the
mear Brodhagen'Dufton, of Stratford, I exposed to the air. ons in: -ht seem� to be
—Mrs. E. T. carrying dr ms 'Jifficultie �2�
died at her home On Saturday of last I Shipmasters dislike -ed of small ' ' tuenee, but more than
of acid where they cannot be reach olted'o1and forty milli6n of
o4i e
week in her 71st year. Altf'Ough 'I' ship put in at the eifht hun r grades, have
readily. A Chilian y. - Her these in all sh4pes an
1* -f about six months, it was OnIv a and Islands leaking badl the wtar � bet , not
to ber death that.: Falkl, f drums of 'acid been lased since
*Uut a vreek previous The late 1 cargo was made up 0 nportapt pommercial fac r. in
K "her condition became serious. and chalk.. The acid had.leaked. from an unit - Acitual ork of makinx
Wrs. Dufton was a sister-in-law, Of! I d -mixed- -with the chalk, its6f, 14 thd Actual the
I the drums an, 11p luniforms aiid their accessoruPs,
74r. Fre4 Dufton. of -Mitchell. �orming carbonic aeid- gas inthe hold, was soon,
ITE, —About ffty� ftiends of Mr and Mrs f ty and -the crew could 'army othin facU TY i ingent,
'This gas is deadl 'wh the first cont
Imily, gather I cid p
patrick Matthews; and f�
-hos t make r6pairs Meaptime the a e- d6 The gijmt clothing
-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T -Inc to
-ed at the bottom of the London, Leeds, and
'Murray, Huron Road, near Dublin, and had gathered the iron franies c0ntract�rs of �n, au I with
hold and eaten away were called o
,d them with a solid silver tea ot�er cities
presente preciation of of the ship stment of the -necessary labor
set as a -mark of their AV - -------- the adju ceephig the
in this community, n the. work of I
their longresidence ID difficulti4 I ughly
d Mrs. Matthews are moving HICTRON COUNTY CHILDRENIS A new army clo, wits thorb
Mr. an 7 is tab e wil� Show.
to Detroit where they will reside in the SOCIET.L. sy5tematized4 e.4:
some stArtlin' fig
luture. The annual meeting of the Huron..
---Sergt. Rowland Baker, of Mitchell County Children's 'Aid SocietY was Totallot
-returned from the war on Tuesdav ev- Clintont ri ige! in 2D M thS
yf- last w. eek and wag given a held in the Council Chamber,
lening C Ion Tuesday afternoon with a repre- Articles Peace trs. � of War
g?od re ption. He returned minus . i '22' 1 1 . I �1 50 000
Ice ames 1�[itch i '006 117
I, which had been g1lot1sentative attendance. J Boots 0airs
nis left hatie occupied the chair. 7E , 000 490000
Service Jaekeis
a veteran of ell president, 111004,000
1 11way. Sergt, Bakex presented from the 9%000
. -m in lwlie, rmd Reports were County treSsUr- Service i trousers 51"1009 1,134,000
the Chitral camPaIg g of the county secretary and I Khald d ill' -frocks
was engaged in many battle, and were adopted. The folmer 9 Khal ill tr.,.ou .,a 7: 1,167,000
can disi)la-rr inanv er 1 t 1 i �',Ooo0o' 2,507,000
Boer -war. H e aced At $600 for thc com- Panta 1 1
clasps as souvenirs of his 'military salary was P1 o, ns .3 t,000 4,836,000
ing year. s and rea oat 11 088,000.
career. The question of Juvenile Co ' t -� s cap�z 22 �3,000 11
—Mr. John Roach, a highly esteem,- Service I dre
So_Ys , _ ss -9s) 000 54,684,000
-nt of Dubi-in, paqsed awav At,. Shelter for Huron was briefly iscus- PaIr I
nam� Ca_ s 7555,000
side fficers werc rg�ts 6, 77000
Lpd res, S. William I sed. The following o H' Kerr, Drawers Je rspy
-D. erf e- d, the home of her sister, Mr ed for 1917 -. Hon. Pres W 19 4,uyu 21:144,000 1
e, re-; 855,000
Weven. Mr Roach lived for many
iestead a short; Brussels, succeeeds Judie Dok I Ves
onalm on the family hoir I mes Mitchell, of t ts to boots
years moved; President, Ja he new ation reo*
distance Gut Of D�blin, 'hut retired a L; Vice-president, G(derich the vast
d had been engaged. Godericl ecially inteeres, ng,
few year% ae�o au Secretary Geor M. is esp Drd* ary
rg .
d the table Ina' y
was Ids; to r efd,
Ir P
mail deliverv- riff Re� mo tal
in the rural F�_Ilgi reasurer, Sh( 1, -C . lar Le are - considej
I very 3.r- bo ts a
will be missec a med se(retary mg canvas
Tery Dopular and 0 7tta's ST kson was na pairs of
waq. sung' 0 and ion: of
IN,. - to Dr. jai jippers Are not
ibe funeral mass Thompsa 1, for . and
luk, a g t d si;f
greafl, Father Noonan and interment I as successor shoes Ut or. th were sup -
by Re . rick1g ce m.etery. �Clinton. 5 1�ere 1,inellud e -six
t] t armies, but
maade, in St. Pa I A number of short adresse plied to e sillied the
ne. wife of Mr. WTft, n, intresting letter rea I
Henrietta Sto given and a exelus' ! of 7,000,600 pairs
figures are M I -
chell, passed WaY on UM
S rnariz-
Strickert, of Mit from. J. 1. Kelso, -or ussia.
after eight i ng --Was of bo, ts ma le f
Bun(tay, November 12th, L nublic Tneeti ng 5 tic
cancer. In the evening v , S, the Gover�i7
months of suffering from I. with the Mayor, ing, th 3 clo armyt
'beld in the town hall? s: needs -in
Mrs, S,tri(-kei-t was born near - chair. The ment 1finds at
t son, in the pro ,d between se
could's School in the townlshiV of Ful- Dr. ThomP. most interesting one and twent 'mon s ner nw( . A re -
L11 her life gram was 3 as follows.'— ventyi-and eghty times the nornu- e
lartorn, in 1861, and lived v I renderer ay'd waE 10, Was �ent. , �nd tQ this Clothing figur, a
Tlity. She waq twice i wel- an 807 qla� nine
ill MMhell vici l Chairman'S address, *rly between
ied. iler ton
marn first husband Was Mr., �Ca ev; vocal sOP017 F. H. Gilroy- 4may be added Pro] 's of woollen gloves
n 1882. in 18810 M ss ugh -responding to an en ' I and ; rag iou Pail
e john Wood who died in ckert. Two Bi els, - deal for 'he boys and tbirte-eO wiffion "Cap comforters.
the married NVilliaTn Stri swvive: address. "A Bquare
d&ughterg Aud adopted son
Parcels for
If you have a parcel to
send to the boys overseas
we will be glad to supply
suitable boxes. heavy pap-
'er and cord'and tie them
tip securely for you.
3 e aul ti f u I N e A.A.r plushBall)y
TC1 oth Loals
Lamb and
-'flE unusual rich luxuriousness of thonew
F L ylish design
ft coats is only equalled by tneir st
nd exclusiveness. i
very week b,-ings sornethino, new and differerit
I women Vs �,oats and each week seerns to surPass
it ottiers in attractive designs. style seerns
hat jr1laicribable sa-n:�thing called
perm-eate every garmant and
ft it at)ove- the levai of ordinary
oat%, and what is perhaps 01
qual in'terest is the fact that you
ay no more for' these superior
oats.- P6ce... %1_0 to $40
'a. W
H,ftndsom-0-- Yurlsi-
i J9 AV
of Xrna$ uItts
'e, Qdeeui
"Aq leas.,ure
gift is so useful OL
to the- recipient as a good fur leck plec
n.1t in no line Is it necessary to exercise
ing, in order -to be! sure the fur
care i n buy
greater I
YOU crive Will live up to -our wishes ;k�d expecta-,
tions. tor i'sellinor only
The reputatiorl this store enjoys e� I � I �
reliable high grade f,urs at a reas—
makes it an unia
onable price
IV advantageous S o�le to buy your
fur known
Xmas furs at. EVE"Y
in the peltry 161P_gdonei is represent-
ed here. Make yDur 4i-eleCI-101-1
flow. We Will b,oldl it, until Xmas-,
for you,
Leave Your Orders for
A HandsoMe nug IuF your &mas VOWUS
-A Merryxmas inul"Iry at 6partment is
Sty fish 91`11 Our Dress making D ''
I or Xmas
.H f cinor oro� e
No present that YOU could give Price already bool rs
0 the delivery. Do not 4ra�jt_get your
will afford m0're pleasure t Set t your cloths
whole household or prove more .4 sale of all t`immed and I orders in earlyo 'C
lasting �4nd useful than a new rug. Our semi-annu -day. 'Every hat I and trimMillg- now When the
It beautifies the honle, and makes untrimmed hats �egins to and expensive to stocks are new alld cOmplete
t � . y custome
from the most olaborate Aod ad
We have ev I ared with- Eve- r I* a sa ti
it more attractive. ` rades will becle lar department
ery cize and kind of rug made and the lower priced ponli L
9 HALF PRICE vertiser of this r 7
out reserve at I of our store.
the prices are always lowei at
% ar
A n
Under wvv eaJ, 10% r AC i D u Y a'
"'nter Caps kt Last earls Prices
Men's &
pounding awaY
TMARM easy fittog
ct that we
at the fa
TV dressy caps for 'en
underwear at
.a - are
and boys are here in ' I Not
most endless varlo.tya last year s pf1ces
nderwear but brand
Fur bands,knitted bands, Just 11 national
ith a
the new 11 Kling Klo'_ ed lines W it makes no
band in the natClest r jige reputation*
what brand
of new catterns you �ave difference; San
a r, we have
ever looked upon and' the you w e save money
prices are very rea$on- it, and you
g it here.
able. by buyin
oSlo,50 price ...... 35C tO $ 0�v'50
Price... ....50et 6
TINT vloves
v fek r P ri
Working MAU 0 coat Ir 'Ices
TV I Last ` e a r"' s
Lined or tinlined mitts *,.n pig skin, I
hcrse hidet . mule skin or buck—all I
lined mitts have I full length cuff,
cut so that seams will receive.the
least wear and at the same t i ime
are comfortable,
Price. to SIM5
Butter, wool
for Men and Boy a Fownels the naw� that has stood
S is
for glove satisfaction for year
est Value in re -
HE most st I ish patterns the most COM- to -day giving the 'b t comfortable
most reasonable liable neat-fitting�
.,igns the
fortable de, f this --loves. you oply get the best
I pr�ces. This is the overcoat story 0 gi
store' in a nut shell. Come in and see when you gefi: Fo�inesv
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