HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-11-17, Page 5it al - 1 are and gtve if3ers have aking and 2.75 b.TE Wit Mon tion oats have Cored are 31 111 - itish Can nake the men you and L and 40c 25c 50 lSc 40c 40c 15c 40c 5c 40c oc Oc 50 .50 00 Oc Oc .50 15 th nd en ur NOVEMBER 17 1916 THE TiliR,()11 EXPOSITOR BRUMFIELD, Annourteement.-Mr. and MU. jean alker, of Brucefteld, =mince the !engagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Mary Isabella Margaret, to Thigh McDougall, of Tiverton, Ontario the marriage. to take place on Satur- day, November isth. Notes. -Mr. Alex. Mustard, who bra been ill with pneumonia, is slowly jproving. His son, Thornton .Mus - Sod, of Toronto, visited him on Satur- day last. -Mr. W. Taylor shipped hogs from our station on Monday. The re of hogs is $10.25- per cwt -.Mr. ames Sires, of Blyth, visited at the home of Graham Bros., this week. - Mr. Henderson Forest has gone to Xingston, where he will study for an army officer. -A bazaar will be held in the basement of the church here on the afternoon of Nov. 24th. The sale of articles will eornmence at three o'- clock. Tea will be served. SEAFORTH MARKETS Thiirsday, Nov. 16th, 1916 Fall Wheat, per bush 1.75 , Oats. per bush. .. 50 Barley, per hush- .. .70 to .80 Beans, per bush.. .. 2.50 to 2.60 Brans, per ton . s. 33.00 to 33.00 Shorts, per ton..... 34.00 Butter, No. 1, per -lb . .35 to .40 Itggs, per dozen. - .. .38 BIM Per ten .. 8.00 to 9.00 Flour, per cwt.. .. 4.75 to 545 flogs.. .. • ... ..10.25 POULTRY. MARKET Toronto, Nov. 14. -Live Poultry - Spring chickens, 16 to 17e; old fowl 1§c to 14e; ducklings, 12c to 13c; Dressed -21 to 22c for spring chick - ems, 16 to 18c for old fowl and 17e to 19c for ducklings. DAIRY IW.ARKETS. Toronto, November 14 -Eggs, new - laid, cartons, 50 to 52e; new -laid, ex - cartons, 46 I* 48c; selected storage, va to 40c; storage, No. 1, 37 to 38c. Butter -Creamery prints, fresh made 44 to 45e; storage creamery prints, 42 to 43e; choice solids, 414 to 42c; choice dairy prints 37 to 39c; ordin- ary dairy prints 33 to 35c, bakers' 30 to 32e. Cheese -New, large, 23% to 24e; twins, 23% to 241/ac; triplets, 24 to 24% cents; Stiltons, 24% to 25c. floneY-Tins--2 1-2 pound tins 12 1-2 to 13e a lb. -' 5-1b. tins 12. 1-2c a Ib.; 10 lb. tins, 12c a 11;.;a60 lb. tins, clover, 11 1-2e a lb. Conf5 honey, se - bet, $2,40 to 42.75; No. 2, $2 to GRAIN MARKET Toronto, November 14. -Manitoba Wheat -Track, bay ports, No. 1 north- ern, $2.10; No. 2, $2.05% No. 3, $2.01; No. 4 wheat, $1.85%; old crop trading three cents above the new crop. Mani- toba Oats -No. 2 C.W., 74 1-2c; No. 3, '73 1-2e; extra No. 1 feed, 73 1-2c,track bay ports. American Corn -No. 3 yel- low, new, $1.14, immediate shipment, track, Toronto.- Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 66 to 68c„ nominal; No. 3, 65 to 67c,nominal,accorcling to freights out- side. Ontario WheateNew.No. 2 win- ter, per earlot, $1.88 to $1,90; No. 3, $1.86 to $1.88a according to freights outside. Old• crop, No, 1 commercial, $1.82 to $1.84; No. 2, $1.72 to $1.75; No. 3, $1.63 to $19.67, according to the freights outside. Peas -No. 2, $2.40 to $2.45: Barley Malting, $1.16 to $1.18; nominal; feed barley, $1.07 to $1.10, nominal, according to freights outside. Manitoba Flour -First pat- ents, in jute bage, $10.40; seconds, $9,- 90; strong bakers', $9.70, Toronto. On tario Flour-Winter,according to sam- ple, $8.50 in bags, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. 1VIillfeed-Car lots, delivered, Montreal freights, bags in- cluded, bran, per ton, $31; shafts, $33; middlings, $34; good feed flour, per bag, $2.80. Hay -No. 1,per ton, $13 to $14; No. 2, $11 to $12 on track at Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, $8 to $9, track, Toronto. Potatoes -New Brunswicks, in car lots $2.10 a bag; -western, in car lots, $1.85 to $1.90 per tag. Buffalo, Nov. 14. -Cattle --Active; shipping steers, $7.50 to $10.50; but- chers, $6 td $9; heifers $5 to $7.85; cows, $3.25 to $7.25; bulls, $5 to $7.00; stockers and feeders, $5 to 7.25; fresh cows and springers, active and steady, *50 to $115. Veals-Slow; $4.50 to P3.50, Hogs -Active; heavy $10.40 to $10.50; mixed, $10.25 to $10.40; york- ers,$10.20 to $10.25; light yorkers $9.- 50 to $9.75; pigs, $9.25; roughs, $9.25 to $9.40; stags, $7.50 to $8,50. Sheep and Lambs -Active; lambs $7 to $12; yearlings, $5.50 to $9.50; wethers, $8 to $8,50; ewes, $3 to $7.75; mixed sheep, $7.75 to $8. Montreal, Nov. 14 -At the Montreal stock yards west end market the re- ceipts of live stock for the week end- ing November 11th were 2,600 cattle, 2,000 sheep and lambs, 2,500 hogs and 1,000 calves. The supply on the mar- ket this morning for sale consisted of 1,700 cattle, 1,300 sheep and lambs, togs and 700 calves. Owing to the scarcity of grain and the very high prices ruling for foodstuffs, farmers evidently have made up their ;' minds not to feed the young stock this year, as the offerings of such on the market today were the largest for some weeks Past, the demand from packers being active, and there were sales of bulls at $4.60 to $4.90 and. cows at $3.50 to $3.90 per cwt. There were practi- cally no choice steers on the market, but the supply of good and other grades was fair. The trade in milk COWS was fairly active, and sales of a few choice milkers were made as high as $125 each. Sheep and lambs were firm under a good demand. There Was no change in calves, for which the demand was also good. The bulk of the offerings were grasss fed stock, and the top price realized for such was fc per lb.. while milk -fed calves were scarce and firm. The market for hogs Was weaker again today and prices Scored a further decline of 10c to 25c per cwt. The demand from packers was good and an active trade was 'done, with sales of choice selected lots te $11.25, good selects at $11.00, saws at $9.25, and stags at $5.50 to $5.65 per cwt., weighea off cars. Quotations: Butchers' cattle, choice, 17.75 to 88; medium $6.50 to $7.50; common $5.25 to $6.25; canners $3,50 to $4.90; butchers choice cows $6 to $6.25; medium $5 to $5.50; bulls, $5 to $6.50; milkers, choice ,each, $100 to *110; common and medium, $90 to $95; Springers, 70 to $85; sheep, ewes,$7.25 to $7.50; bucks aod culls, $6.75 to $7; lambs, *10.25 to $11; hOgs, $11 to $11,25; calves, per cwt., $4 to $10. Union Stock Yards, Torooto, Nov. 14 -The offering in butcher cattle this morning was lighter than usual for an opening market, but this fact alone was. not responsible for the better busing tone which prevailed. After lest week's curtailed operations a- mong botcher cattle the buyers were out this morning for butchers as well as cauners and cutters, with the result that there was an active market all !vet' at values advanced from 15c to Vie beyond last week's. There were a few isolated instances where the• I vane was nearer Sne, but the geno'i spirit of the Market could not be g on such transattions. The 3,573 ea in the pens practically ,all found p chasers before noon. The market also helped along by the presence f is several leads of good to average hea butchers, which caihed in from -$7 to *7.90. The solitary load - of cho e heavy steers on offer sold at $8. Medium grade and common butchis met with corresponding firmer volt' and very few canners sold under and cutters sold to $4.75. Fat co s and butcher bulls were an, eq r firmer trade. There were few fres arrivals of stockers and feeders, a the few animals which might until other circumstances have been • back to the Country were bought by t • i biller. Milkers and springers of quality were wanted, and the com s ativeiy few on the market sold $80 to $115 each. Lambs net a 1, higher market, and sheep were up 25c firmer. Calves were a little , • • than steady, with choice veals sca The few hogs on the open market we to the one buyer at $10.75 weighed cars, which was a reduction of 15c last week's prices. The packer buye gave out their quotations for ti week as $9.90 f.o.b., $10.40 fed watered, and $10.65 weighed -off c Whether this cut of 25c will come in effect tomorrow depends OR the si of the shipment. With export vain quoted $2 lower and freight ra higher the buyers believe they c force a decline. The receipts were 2 cars, with. 3,573 cattl,e 189 calves, flogs and 2,960 sheep and lambs. Fred Rowntree boughteene carlo of milkers and springers, $75 to $11 each.. W. L. Jifkins bought one carload butchers, 700 to 1000 lbs, $6.25 to $7 50. Harry Talbot (for Wm. Davies,Ltd.) bought 175 cattle: Butchers $7 to $7 - 80; fair cows $5 to $5.40; canners and cutters $4 to $4.25. Frank Hunnisett bought 120 butch- er steers and heifers, 800 to 1200 lbs, $6:75 to $7.75; 400 lambs $11 to $11.30 R. Carter (for Puddy Bros.) bought one car of hogs, at $10.75 weighed off cars. George Rowntree (for Harris Ab- attoir) bought 1050 cattle: Butcher steers and heifers $6 to $8.75; cows, $4 to $6.90; bulls $4.75 to $7.40. Gunns Limited bought 250 cattle: Butchers, $7 to $7.75; cows $5.25 to $fT; bulls $5 to $7.25; canners $3,90 to $4.25; cutters, $4.45 to $4.75; 400 lambs, $11 to $11.25. Swift Canadian bought 800 cattle: 1 load steers, 1400 lbs; $8.45; good but- cher steers and heifers, $7.25 to $7.90; medium butchers, $6.50 to $7; good cow, $6.25 to $6.75; medium cows, $5.25 to $6; canners and cutters, $3.75 to $4.75; bulls $5 to $6.50; 1,000 lambs, $11.15 to $11.40; 50 sheep, $5.50 to $8.- 75; 50 calves $5 to -$11. Joe McCurdy (for Corbett, Hall and Coughlin) sold 100 lambs, $11 to $11.- 25; ten sheep, $8' th $9; 70 veal calves $10 to $11. J. B. Shields and Son sold 10 loads• Butchers, 18, 1280 lbs, $7.60; cows, 2, 1370 lbs, $6,60; 6, 1060 lbs, $6.10; 1, 1316 lbs, $7.25; 2, 900 lbs, $4.10; 1, 950 lbs, $5; 4, 960 lbs, $5.35; 1, 1100 lbs, $6; one bull, 1280 lbs, $7.35; lambs, $9 to $11.30; sheep, $3 to $9; 1 milk- er, $80. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers, 22, 1055 lbs, $7.90; 23, 1040 lbs, $7.40; 7, 840 lbs, $6.85; 16, 1090 lbs, $7.25; one 650 lbs, $5.50; cows, 6, 1190 lbs, $6.25 4, 120 lbs, $6.15; 1 milker, $114.50; 1 milkers, 94.50; lams 8.50 to. $11.20 sheep, $6 to $8.25; calves, $5 to $10,50 Dunn and Levack sold: Butchers, 18 1400 lbs, $8.45; 19, 1025 lbs, $7.85; 1 800 lbs, $5; 23, 990 lbs, $7.35; 22,1070 lbs, $7.50; cows,43, 1100 lbs, $6.55- 4, 1110 lbs, $6.55; 1, 1340 lbs, $7; 6 1150 lbs, $5.50; 11, 1030 lbs, $4.25; 1 750 lbs, $3; 10, 935 lbs, $4.15; 3, 1170 lbs'$5.90; 1 milker, $111; lambs, $8.- 50 to $11.40; sheep, $5 to $9; calves $5.50 to $10.50. McDonald and Halligan sold_twenty cars of stock: Choice heavy steers, $8.- 25 to $8.50; good heavy steers, $7.75 to $8.10; choice butchers, $7.50 to $7.751 good butchers, $7 to $7.35; medium butchers, 6.75 to $7; common butchers, $5.50 to $6.25; choice cows $6.40 to $6.- 65; good cows $6 to $6.25; medium 5.50 to $5.75; commen $4.85 to $5.25; canners and cutters, $4 to 4.60; choice bulls $7 to $7.25; good bulls $6.25 to 6.50; medium bulls 5.75 to $6; common bulls $4,50 to $5.25; best feeders, $6.60 to 6.85; medium $6 to $6.35; common, 5.25 to *5.75; best milkers and spring- ers, $85 to $100 each; medium $60 to $70 each; 200 lambs, $11 to $11.15; 50 sheep, $3 to $9; 25 calves, $5 to $11; 200 hogs,$10.40 fed and watered; 10.65 weighed off cars. The quotations were : Butchers' heavy steers, $8 to 8.75 ;butchers' cat- tle, good$7.60 to $7.90; medium,$6.75 to $7.15; commore$5.50 to $6.15; but. bulls, choice, $7.10 to -57.35; good bulls, $6.40 to $6.50; rough, $4.50 to $5; butchers' cows, choice, $6.25 to $7; good 5.75 to $6; medium 5.50 to $5.- 60r stockers, $5. to $6. •; choice feeders, 56.25 to $7; canners and cut- ters $3.85 to $4.75; milkers, choice, $70 to $110.00; common and med- ium, $4o to $60; springers $50 to $100. Light ewes $8.25 to $9; sheep., heavy, $6 to $7.50; ealves,good to choice $10.- 25 to $11.25; lambs, choice, $11 to $11.40; medium, *9.25 to $9.50; hogs, fed and watered, $10.40; weighed off cars, $10.65; f.o.b., $9.90. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• W. T. BOX & CO. EMBALMERS AND . • • • • . • - - • • F UNER AI DIRECTORS • t• H. C. ROX to • Z Holder or Government Diploma • •• and 1.1cense. . • • • •• CHA_RGES MODERATE • • a Flowers ifurnished on ahort : * •• Night Calls notice. • . • * • Day Qaus • • Phone 107• Phone 50 • do • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• BIRTHS. Cornish -In Exeter, on November 4th, to Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Cornish, a son. Oke -In Usborne, on November 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Oke, a son. Tisdale --In East Wawanosh, on Nov. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tisdale, a son. Horeldngs--In Hullett, on October 26, to Mr. and Mrs. William Humkings, a son. McCool -In Hullett, on October 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCool, a son. Burchill --In Brussels, on Nov. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Marcia, a son. Broadfoot-In Tockersinith, on Nov- ember 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Broadfoot, a daughter. ae-a, MARRIAGE Armstrong -Moffatt - odist parsonage, Seaf George McKinley, B. ber 15th, John. Arms ley, to Miss Mabel Mo ersraith. Glenny-Morson-,--, At th ' bride's parents,1 in Sea • nesday, November 15 daughter of Mr. a T. Morson, to William the Dominion bank, formerly of Seaforth. England-Willert-In D October 30th, at th parsonage, Miss Ame • Mr. R. Willert„ of Da Grigg -Rogers -In W. on November 4th, M W. Roy Grigg, younge „ A. J. and kits. Grigg, Anderson -Doyle ---At A 7th, Margie, eldest da Thomas Doyle, of Au Harry Anderson, of D Toron 8th, by Rev. J. A. St of Kew Beach Presbyt Mae Christina, daught Mrs. William Powell, to Mr. S. Harley Gregg e At the eth- rth, by 1tev. ., on No ern- ong, of tao- fatt, of Tick - home of the orth on -Wed- , Ottlie, eld- d Mrs. WC. E. Glenn. , of espeler, and homed, 1 on Evange ical j Englan to hwood. , peg, an, el Rogers, to son of Lieut Hilton. btuaaon Nov ghter of Mr. urn, to r garmon o, on - ?ov. wart, pa tor rian ch ch, ✓ of Mr. and f that ety, of Inger oil DEATHS. Leppington-In linton, 30th, William Iepping . years. Pbwell---In Exeter on N George Powell, aged 8 Davis -In London, on N William Davis, of Exe years. Fair -At Atwood,, en N Eliza, wife of Rev. II. merly of Elimville. Hill -In Crediton, on N James Hill, sr., aged 74 months. Tisdale -In Whitechurch, Ann Jane Thidale, wife Chas. Milner, aged, 78 y Johnson -In Clinten, on Clarence Bruce, infant and Mrs. Willie* John • days. I Babb -In Goderich, on N Capt. Charles Babb, son Mrs. Babb. Lonard-In Goderich, on ' James Alexander, son Mrs. James Leonard, i • year. ' on October n, aged' 73 vember rd, years. vember th, or, aged 81 vember rd, . Fair, for - ember 4th, years and 7 on Nov. of the 1 ars. ovember 7 son of Mr. on, aged 126 vember of Capt. 7, te h, nd ctober 30 h, f Mr. 24th his e•••••••44••••••• 0**V- * T. Hal .• Funerals Director scensed Embal len:dung parlors lows buildihg qpp Stewart 13eos. dence Goderich. st., Dr. Scott'e and er Oddfe site esi- cps; Flowers furnished cn 4, short notice. f • Phone Night or D y 119. ea••••••••••••••• **sae*** • • SALE REGIST R On Wednesday, Decemb o'clock p.m., on Lot 26, Co McKillop; farm stock and John Govenlock, propriet Brown, auctioneer. • On Thursday, Novemb 1.30 p.m., at Brucefield, household effects. Dr. R prietor; Thomas Brown, a On Wednesday, Novemb p.m:, at the Village of Va tor's Sale of Ferm Pr acres Christopher !Ward. T. Brown, Auctioneer, On Tuesday. Not,ember o'clock, on Lot 1, .Conces lett, farm stock and imple field McMichael proprieto auctioneer. ✓ 6th, at 1 cession 4, mplemen s. r; Thomas 23rd, at stock and gers, pro- ctioneer.1 ✓ 22nd, at 2 a, Exeou- perty-153 Proprietor; lst, at ooe ion 4, Ilol- ents. Gar- ; T. BroS(n. APPLES FOR SA A limited quantity of apples by the barrel. Ap T. TURNBULL, Seaforth. ood winter ly to GE 2553- - MAN W.,ANTE A men wantedplow o0 acres n th lot 25, con. 2, L. S., Tlickersmi Apply to Mrs. SI ON McKENZI SR., R. R. No. 3, Kippen Fowl Wa I arss prepared to buy a live fowl delaverx_.4 at Hotel, every Thursdar orsakene, 1c; Rees, 12c; Turkeys, 17c. • .1AS.. G. If 2545x4-tf • te tkindts of Royal greornin - Ducks, 10 CHAEL, forth: IMPORTANT NOT CES FOR SALE OR RENT -Lot 35, con 100 acres, with bush, windmill, f For further particulars apply to MRS. MEYER, P. O. Box 259, Sea.forth. 4, McKillon, int orchards. M. A. GAKTE- tf VARM FOR SALE. -bot 6, Ooncess on 9, Tucker- ': emithecontaining 100 acmesabo t seven aore# ander bush. The farm is well fenced and drained end in a good state of cultivation. Tiere are on the premises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house nen house, drive house ,and two goW wells, Foe terms and particulsrs apply on thep amine or ad- dress MRS. JOHN McOLOY, Egmond 'lle P.O. 2866 -ti FA EtAtt FO S ALE - One hundred res ;in a hig state of cultivation,t o story bri k house.larg bank barn and silo, good or hard. atm dance of wa er, 1.1 miles from sohool, an 2i miles rom town. 0 the second concession of Thoersrnit L. R. S. , 1 miles eouth of MW Road. Price right, nd easy ter • e for quick sale. • For fart er pante tars apply t Mrs. Katherine McKenzie, ippen, 0 t. R R. No. 0413(44 GOOD FA.1151- FOR SAL -For Sale bot 25 an part of Lot 24, Ooncesion14, • oKillop, con taining 130 acres. There afre on th premiseei ja modern brick house with hard and -soft water There is also a good barn 64126, witi stone fount. dation and stabling underneath, drivi g shed 30x40 on stone foundation phe. pen and h n howls, all in good repair. There is ale° a gool -le-trade or- chard and two never. failing wells. Th.e farm is well underdraihed and well leaced and in a high state cif cultivation with 10 acres of hardwo bush. It es well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south of Walton C. P. R. station, also telep one and rurai mail delivery. This is a cheioe (arm and will be sold on reasonable terms. For furth r particulars apply on the Premises or ash:trees. W. J. DICKSON Wattor a468 -ti -vee`ALUBLE FARM FOR SALE -Th administra V ors for the estate of the late Hugh 51. Gordon offer for sale, Lot No. fourteen (14) in the sixth (6 Concession of the township of McKillo . This farni consists of 100 acres of cleared and itsproved farm lands in a °teen and good state of out yation and I (situated in a splendid farming distrio , cc:ever:lien to markets, schools and chore:hes. 0 • the premise are erected a whafortable framel lling house 18x24, with kitchen attaches'. Sp1 tframe bar 52x70 with stone stabling undsirneath, cement fioors and water in barn, also a good pig pe and wate in baro, also a gond pigpen and he house. Th farm is well fenced and extra well tile drained. The tttle is perfeot and poseeseden will be iven for, the purpose of doing all neceneseryfall wonl. For fureheir prtieu1ars apply to ARCHIBALD MOOREGOR, Or ROBERT GIBSON, Administrators, or to R. HedfS, Seaforth, their. Solieiter. 2491 t 1. LAND W.ANTER. Wanted by ,the Canadian Flax Mills, Limited, 400 acres fall ploughed sod land.. Those desiring to tent land for the growing of flax should call at Canadian Flax Mills, Ltd., Seaforth. HO• USE FOR SALE. A comfortable dwelling house,with good cellar, situated two blocks west of the Dick House, Seaforth, and formerly owned by Mr. Andrew. Patrick. For terms apply to MRS. ISAAC MOORE, Kippen, or to MRS.; R013T. LAVERY, Staffs.. 2551-tf House for Safe . In Egmondvilk, eight roomed brick house, good cement cellar, hard and soft. water; good' stable4. on Main road half arAle from Seaforth. Will he sold cheap for otileksale as the owr- er is reimoving from town. Apply or: the premises or addr.-s WM. G. CHARLESWORTH. Seaforth P.O. Bankrupt Stock for Sale In the mattereef the estate of William T. Hays, of Seaforth, Insolvent. The stock of the above named Ia= solvent, consisting of drugs, druggist's smithies, china, glassware, crockery and sundries is offered for sale by tender. Tenders for the purchase of the whole or part of the stock will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, the 24th of November, 1916, and in the mean- time the stock sheets may be seen at the office of the undersigned at Sea - forth, and the stock itself may be ex- amined on application to him. Ten- ders to be addressed to F. Hohnsted, Assignee, Seaforth P.O. , F. HOLMESTED, Seaforth Assignee of the Estate of W. T. Hays November 14th, 1916, Notice To Creditors In the estate of the late John Henry Roach of the village of Dublin, Oounty of Perth,Retired Farmer dee:owed. .rNetice is hereby given 7,puronant to tne Statutes in that behalf, that all persono haying any claim against the estaw of the said John Henry Routh, who died on or about the 30th day of Octo- ber A.D. 1916, at the Village of Dublin; are required on or before the 51h day of December A.D., 1916, to send post prepaid or deliver to he undersigned Ex- ecutors of the Estate, their full names, address and description,,the full parciculars of their claim, and a statement of their accounts, and their security, (if aey) held by them duly verifled by an affidavit. And further take notice that otter the eald 5th day of December 1916, the Bald Execueors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onle to such claims as they ahell then have reeeived notice, and they will not be liable ter any person or persens of whose claim they shall not then have ees ceived notice. THOMAS MELADY and JOSEPH MELADY, Executors, Dublin P. 0. Dated the 151h day of Nov. 1016. I tea-- 6'2'25E3-3= Executors' Sale of Valuable Farm Property. The undersigned executors ol the Estate of 'Thomas Ward, deceased, will offer for Sale at public auction, by Thos Brown. Esq.. auctioneer, at. the Village of Varna, in the Coln ty of }Jur n, on Wed- needay, the 22nd dee: of November, 1916, at 9 o'clock in the afternoonthe following vailiable property: Parcel No. 1. -The west half of Lot '18, North of the Bayfield Road, in the Township of Stanley, conzain- ing 100 acres ef land, mere or less. On this property there is a 000d two storey frainaltousie with furnace. in a good etate of repair ; also good bank Darn 46x60 send driving hired and pig pen. The land ie a gerod clay loam. There are two wells en the plaoe. Parcel No. 2. -Lot 19, South of the- Bayfiald Road. in the Township of Stanley, containing 53 acres of bed. On this property there is a frame barn 34x'.5 in a fair state of repair. The land is an excellent quality. Tnese properties, both of which adjoin the Village of Varna, will be offered subject to a re- serve bid. Terms of Sale. - Ten per cent. of the purchase meeley tc be. paid to the Vendors at the time of eals, the balance in 30 days thereafter. For further padticulads, terms and conditions, app'y to the undersigned. Onristopher ward, Varna ; or Emanuel Ward,Olinton, Executors of Thomas Ward, deceased. Charles Garrow, Solicitor for Executors. Thomas Brown, Anoilioneer, Seaforth. e, Dated Nov. 6the 1916 2615-2 AUOTION SALE-Mr.T.Brown has been Instruct- ed to sell by Publie Auction at the, residence of err. Rogers in Brncefield on Thursdey Nov. 23rd at 1.30 o'clock the 1illowing-2 bedroom suites, bath tub, iron bedstead, 3 bed springs, mattress, parlor tahle, eatee, set, dining roorn chairs, cup- board, kitchen table and a number of kitchen chairs evaeh stand, baby carriage, wicker cradle, self feed- ing.parlor heater, Tda.ppe Thought range, wood stove, gut stove with oven, 2 veranda chairs, wash- ing machine, wringer, window blinds, carpets and linoleum, cream separator, lawn mower, also single buegy.2 set single harness.larider well bred Holstein cow, due to calve in March, aho 120 hens. Terms - Case. DR. ROGERS. Prop., THOS. BROWN, anct. IJOTION 'SALE OF FARM STOOK AND IR- PLEMENTS.-Thos Brown has been instruct- ed by the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 1, Conceselon 4, Hallett, on Tueeday, November 2Is1, at 1 o'clock. the following : Horses - Heavy draft brood mare 6 years old supposed to be in foal, heavy draft mare, registered Clydesdale, 12 years old supposed to be in foal. driving horse 7 years old quiet and reliable, aged ciriving mare, general pur- pose filly rising three and broken, 1 roadster . brood rnare, 1 roadeter foal by Red McKinney, Cattle - Emir cows to calve in April. -2 cows to calve in May, 1 yearling heifer, 3 spring calvese Pigs -Brood sow with f) pigs ready to wean, 2 chunks, about 60 hene and pullets. Implements -Massey -Harris 7 foot cut binder. Frost & Woed 6 foot cut mower, 10 foot steel rake, fertilizer drill, Deering cultivator, set of har- rows, riding plow, walking plow, waffler' disc har- row, turnip drill, wagon with box, gravelbox, set of sleighs, hay rack, De Laval cream separator. hay fork rope and pulleys; sling ropes, Portland cutter, top buggy nearly new, set double harnees, set heavy breechings, set plow harness, set of eingle harness, halters, blankets, etc., one second buggy, one root -pulper, stone boat, wheel barrow, emery grinder, 1 cross -cut saw, hand paws, chains, hoes, ferke and other article, about 403 bushelso grain,a quantity of hay, some oat straw to be fed on the farm, two loads of buck wheat in sheaf; a quantity ef turnips, some eerier poste, seeme 3 -inch tile. Terms - Sums of 510 and under cash. over that amount 6 months' credit on approVed joint bankable notes. A dis- count of 6 percent. per annum for cash on credit amounts. Hay and grain ewah No reserve as the proprietor is giving up the farm. Garfield MeMich. ael, Aroprietor : T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2515-2 Residence for Sale For sale the residence on Goderioh at, Seadorth, owned by the late M. Y. McLean, The howe is of solid brick with slate roof, splendideellar and floor- ed attic. It is heated by cemeination hot water and hot air furnace. Contains every modern convenienoe There are four late with splendid stable and carriage house Dor further particulars apply he EXPOSITDROFFICE afore)] Executors Sale of FarmLands in Township of Stanley. 'Inc Executors of the tete Thomas Ward offer for sale those very valuable farms belonging to the Estate and situate in the Township of Stanley. IThese must be sold in order that the Estate shall be wound up. The farms are in a good locality and in a good state of eultivation, and most suitably adapted to mixed farmin.o They are handy to schools, churches and post office, Dome adjacent to the Village of Varna. For terms and particulars of Sale apply to the undersigned Executors. Christopher Ward, Varna P. O., or, E unreel ir Orinton P. 0. • Building Lots and House for Sale wwws•••••44!*10. The property 113 situated on the west side of north Main et,, Seaforth, Two storey brick house with stone foundation, cement and brick cellar, frame kitchen and woodshed. Large fmme barn. There ere six lots upon which are twenty five fruit trees. Will sell the hotline vith one or raore lotto, suit rohisser. Apply te 2517-11 WM ALIFITT,Searforth 1. tamaaaa, FARM TO RENT To rent near the City of Toro+, an improved farm of 157 acres. Ap- ply to W. M. DOIG, R. R. No. 2, Kippen, Ontarid. FARM FOR SALE Mat cla.ss 100 Acre Farm inTacit- ersmith with good buildings. Apply o PROUDFOOT KILLORAN & COOKE, Seaforth and Goderieh. Ont. 2536.0 177, • FARM FOR SALE For 'sale, I ot 3, Concession 3, II. 8. Tuckerstnith, containing o e hundied acres. There on the place a frame barn 403E65, fraze house witn. stone foundation, good orchard and godd well; also river on back eni •of fartn. For further particulars ap- 'ply to 'PETER CL EARY, Seaforth, R.R. No 4. •2545 -ti FARM FOR SALE • Lot - 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith. H.R.S., 100' acres all cleared. Good frame house, and bank barn, Fig pen. hen, house and driving hou-se. A good orchard and plenty of good water', well tile drained, well fenced, an all in firat class condition. On the Huron Road, 21,2 mike from Seaforth aid dx miles from Clinton, WIll •be sold cheap and on easy 'terms. Apply to J. B. HENDERSON, Seaforth. 25313-tf • FARM FOR SALE For Sale, 100 acres, lot 19, conces- sion 1, London Road, Tuckersmith, There are on the premises a comfort- able frame house, bank barn 60 by 80; straw -shed, 22 by 56, with hog pen and henhouse below with cement floor buggy house and implement shed; ar- tesian well with windmill. Fall plow- ing all done and 11% acres of wheat in. The farm has never been rented and :s in first-class condition -one of the best drained farms in the township, of Tuckersmith,and is sit- uated one mile from Kippen and 3% miles from Hensall, the best market in Huron. Rural mail and telephone . This is a choice farm and will be sold . ou reasonable terms. For furthet aciarticulars apply on the premisesot address ALEX. MONTEITH, R. R. No 3, Kippen. 2550k4 FARM FOR SALE IN TUCKER - SMITH: Lot 13 Concession 3, Huron Road Survey, in the Township t Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron; 100 acres more or less,- tile drained; one mile south of Seaforth., fronting on Mill Road from Seaforth, and adjoin- ing Egmondville village; good dwele ling with furnace and cemented cel- lar; telephone connection; bank barn 76x44, stone foundation, with ten box stalls; well with windmill at barn.; well near residence; live stream at north end; no waste ground; hog - house, capacity 50 hogs; hog house cost $500; other buildings; good orch- ard; immediate possession will be given; will be sold at a low price as the owner is giving up farming. APH ply NOAH CONCENIA, Egmond- ville post office, to eroudfoot,' Killoran and Cooke, Baristers, Sea-, forth and Goderich. Notice to Creditors In the Surrograte 0ourt of the County of Huron In the Estate of Arabel'a Hohnes, late of the Town of Seaforth in the °aunty of Huron, NI idow, deeeased. NOtice is hereoy given in pursua,nee of the statutes that behalf,that all persons having claime against the above named Antoella Holmes who died.on or about lith of Ju1y,1916, are required or or before the 20th day of Nov. 1916, to send by post (prepaid) or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, full parciculars in writing of their claims, and the nature of their secur- ity duly verified by an affidavit. After the said last mentioned date the said Exeeutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said -estate among the padties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall thenshave received not- ice, and (het they will not be }Liable for the said as- sets or any pert thereof •to asey person whose claim they shall not then have received notitre. DAVID HOLMES, ROBERT HOLMES, Executors, Walton, P.O. Dated at Seaforth this 26tla day of October A D. 2550-3 •••••••••••••••••••••4••• • • • • • • HOME FORCHRISTMAS • • • • • If you can't get back to the • • j old home aa frequently or as . ! regularly as you'd like, a new to • photograph will come nearest t • to taking your place -will v bring cheer to the home folks • ' • at Xmas. : Make an appointment be- : : fore the busy season. * • : • •' FELLS STUDIO • • •• SEATO R.TH • , • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE t • SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0, LLD- D.C.L., President SOHN AllitD, General Manag. H. V. F. JONES, Age* General Mensrger CAPITA!, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, sigegioot FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Parmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discotmt and collection of sales notes. Blant4 sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. 854 Seaforth Branch iviORSON - W. 0 4M Manager innotwoorme Board W4nted 4 13104 Sna Any person reavir•ig accommodation for Boarders please apply to Five and one quarter acres of The BELL ENGINE CO., choice rich soil adjdining Goderiek Seaforth, Oetario. town, twenty rninuteS walk frora the ; square with a splendid frUkt, orchard Highlands af Ontario CANADA The Horne of the Red Deer and the Moose. OPEN SEASONS DEER -November lst to NotreMber 1 15th •inelusive. MOOSE -November lst to Novem- • ber 15t1, inclusive. In some of the Northern districts of Ontario, including Timagami, the season is from November lst to Nov- ember 30th, inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgrounds - The Haunts of Fish and ame," .Gine Laws, Hunting Regula- tions, etc., to C. E. HORRNENG, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville' . Tcwn Agent W. Plant --Depot Aorect OK! We have just installea New OXO Acetylene Welder which will weld any repair in a few minutes. e have also put in New OXO Carbon Cleaner 1 Ins machine clean your engine pistons and cylinders without taking down the' engines. Both these ma- chines are:of the inaproved type and? a good job is auarantefel J. H. Wright Garage and ata.chine Shop, North • Main St.. Seaforth Bee chwood ...101111111MINIIMMI An Open Letter to My Customers and the Public I -thank you very much far the, generous eepport aecorded to Imie In businese ga, far tills year, and wist to infoxim you that I am prepa.red to pay the leIghest place th ralsh or trade for all the poultry ,dalivered at Beachwood alive until the coil weather, eaery Thursday. We are well ?stocked with groceries, boate, shoes and _rubber& midi dry goodr3 amid all goods usually kept in a genertl store. Well bought ishaif eold; goof* values in these lines.. I would also reiraind thoee iri debted that it takes money and. a gool deal or% to buy *took now and ask them to pay up ars promptly as possibleAll accounts arc readys Yours Respectfully, G. K. ROLL AND October 2nd. 1916 and small frame builditi*. Must be sold at once and can be $ought for less than 51,000. Thi S is a Real bar- gain. No better spot, on earth for garden truck or pouingt farm. •If you want it apply today 'for particulars. Immediate possession !given. We ars Huron's largest real ; estate dealers& O'Neil and C. • ,G0DERICH,1 ONT ..............4... * . • • • . W.S.Gotmley I • , . • • • • • • • • .* dmbalmeri and Funeral Direr:4-or Undertaking Parlors above _ M. Williams' grocery store, 4 • Main Street, Seaforth • ' !Flowers fur -oiled on short notice.. • • Ohai:ges moderate. • Phone night or day - 192 • Z •••••••*••••••••*•••••••• Stratford, Ontario Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. Students may enter at We place graduates in positions. turing July and. August we received applications for over 300 effice assistauts we could not supply. Write for our free catalegue. Brucefield andBay- field Lumber, Coal, and Cement Yards COAL isigoing to be dear, scarce and hard to get, so let us have your orders now and we will supplyyou with i The Coal that satisfies" f at all pos- sible, We are going to stock a few cars of COKE whieh will ome cqnsidera,bly cheaper than -coal and if you would like try a load of this, 1St us know at once so that we may place our -orders. We also handle all kinds ot Logs& Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scran- ton Coal, Canada Cement, Dress- ed Lumber & Shingles, Canada Fibre Board. Metal ,l3uilding Ma- aterials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. if in the:market for any of the above items it will pay you to telephone John B, Mustard BruCefield HEAD OFFICE' o 3nbefiton5 THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK • Principal repayable lst Octbher, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, lst April and let October by cheque (free ef exchange at an chartered Bank in Canada) at.the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of:surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivgent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are fior war purposes only. A commission Of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- nized bond and stoCk brokers on. allotments made in real:net of applicatiov.s for this stock which bear their Stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DRP4fiRTRiat-TT 05 FristaNcz, OTTAWA, OCTOBER Ttn. 1916. es - 4