HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-11-17, Page 4.....17.1 ...... � ­ ­�_ ________ �. �­­ ­_­____­! - - _1;�� __ - ____ _71 , - _ __ � � - �,__ I ­ , - � - - __ - __, - ___ � - ­ � I - - , _ - � I - - ­­_ . ­__­­�� , _ _ ­ __1 �__ - _i­r- - _ , _ - �[_17_­: 1 ­ , f � I . t, ; �-----_--_� - �_._ � � : ­Wp- —­- , !! , I , - � f__ �____ ___ -- — � � , , , . � , , - i . . I I . . .7 1 - � I . - . � . - � . 1 , �. , , � . I : - . .1 . - . I - . . . . r . . i , ] � I � , I , - �,.� � - . � , I , , . - Z , , . . . I I � � � . * , i i I . , - . - , . � . - � . I I . . � 1 77"I F 7 1[ . .. . - . . . i . . I I ! I - � I 9-.I_m *.-----.-- T-1 W . - T 1 I F 1. S . . * .., I..... - _.. X 2 � -3 4 5 , - 1-0 ft if _. zs - � 9 to I. 1 12 1- 13 14 1,�r 14 i6 r7 r8 1-9 � t 20 *4 I 22 I � 2 -3 24 25 , 126. i 27' 28 2g-. - 30 31 I I , I - - - - ­­ 16 -.1_-V .... ..... .. 4 . _. . .- - - - 7 ' -- _; -7 - 7 - - 177� �,M_ _. I - �: - - . -, I ,� , - - , I- - - -, � - , . - I—- � — - — - — - — W ____ � - - t all; of t e - years,, nau no -r, x72theniguying nis us- I i ----­F_- I : e& Genera, th . I . . - � , . . � , I �� --"--*-,h7 green,,tbps. Ot ou �h he kept at ! the f'o4wing veAbels_:' Golcondit, I -IF I - , i�ow,�� j �g 0 Just reef. - ual robust heal __ ) 11 0 , ; 1, , 12; :ful. -1 I care- 11 � the potathes, were dug up, and at - -last, as his n - . I . ! I I c - - on - ' found t0ers,'some 4s . � . Marina, 19. The statem . I'll, '. _. lorr"of the e roots w - ere I erious illhes s was of very short r � -Ru bberQ 1 st- Euphorbia 11; . Franconia I yol it f . - e, 1.11 't-0- . his work until almost tlie � 8 lv6t�! I R eliable'. z ent says the re-. I fhej it i . . . . . . And I d , I . I . I � . - I � . I must �exprqss -my 4 � I " eas hen eggs. Some of the earl s -homas . __� AL NJ I Y duration. - ,. T McClymont ­ - ,A— __ i : mainder of 'the losses were among A I - - deep', r gTet that yDU SaNk fit to address C. ops did nbtdo so well asthis. anmmp� "_M"__-4� . . � . - I r 193 - of Loz�doa is, , isiting among his many � _"����� lies and neutrals, the French 16s to me is - head, - 0 � the Government, ­�-A- few w ks ago an accident pc-. en I this vicinity. - ! - . Ing � . ee I _-, old fri. ds i Mr. Me- a cqm nuoication'O that 'nature. As -dirred -in- C*oss by a -tree falling Cl �L � I two ships, with the loss -of two lives , . N ymont se s to be' enjoying- life.- I i i � i - s yot i� ju e ,t6 return !to_M'0rroW, it is my mross the roaa, and da ET FEET—Th& toreru I . I I near ' i I and the Nor, wegians three vessels,with, duty !; once to I a "'aging an- We are pleased to note that Master nuer of cold . I I Xt i nnP"ee to You' aitonTobile and injuring its occupants Willie-�Thom_ps:on, son of Mr. and Mrs. . an of- � . . 11 I the loss of one life, � I my �tolclu'sion. . ;�l �, . I he owner of the car'wbo resides .1 W � ten serioUs illness—may be av s T hw I I I I Q eoree E. Thom-nson - who for some a oide I I I I . - Un jer conul ,, s which at. times P 7ormandy, ,is bringing an action a- P . I - � I Which g � . .days had been very ill, has had a wearing Rubbers which not only pr6tect I SIR SAM HUGHES RESIGNS, T.WM were.very, trying and. ' a ve me g ainst the counties i of , Bruce 4=1 -change for the better. -$t. Andrew's ' health i I --- I —i.- ! I greatco0ern, I hxve done my Atmost I H the ,'but save the shoes as Weli. . N -W ADVERTISEMENTS , CABINET. . I I .uron, On the "ground that the 1tree' Sabbath School will hold their annual. � 1, I I I I . I � . � � I . I I I I I .to Support You, ir -the administration s d on the road allowance- The ac- Christmas entertainment on the even- Of course, there's. a differenc6 in Rubbers and, i I - I . e w of Y61 tr d _nt. 7%is has been I -Turnberr and , - ,,� Sweat.-X,'0D4tS--Ste,Wart ZrOS.--3 " Sir Sam Hu ,ffi,itpartniii =t ocurred on. the . whes And th Gove�� rea1s I ,T I ing X December 22nd.�-Owifig to the ., .t al What to'Wear-�-J. Mactavish-8 . . ver y- d . by: , on of kour Arong C 11-ioss tovmline and the action is , I . ways pays to buy the best.: The rubbers we " ' � I Money in Your Pocket -Greig Co. -I ment have finally broken. As the cul- ten jenck to assume pow s whi . anniversary services being . held at 1 4-01, are -11 -1 � � I - _. I I mination of long continued and stead- � you brought against both counties, e Hills Green on 'Sunday- there will be Good. Rubbers, in faLt there are no betterrubbers --'ade. I , do pot possess, d ich can only p'aintiff claiming that this road, was no services in St. Andrew's church. `9- . ., . I .1 v. -Thompson% ­8 I . ily increasing friction between the 'be ii -b rocised by tb a Gov or in Coun- a,,isumed by, the two countie's -named lWe have �old tha pro&uct of one facto �y fo­ t - ]BUY Earl . Minister of Militia and his Cabinet ' anc' ner ie - t g - The Sabbath 7school willmeet as us- . " . . r r years 1 and y I ues over questions of appoint- m I �- - give exce � kwhee to Creditora-5 -cil. Mv itime. e r s, al hou h -The Clinton Horticultural Soei,A Ou colleag' . tial at'ten o'efock.-Mr. andMrs. Me- 1we know �hey_ Ilent service. . Apples for Sale -5 T, ments, 'patronage, 'political urgently � needeqd ,- or in ch mo�. 1h Id their annual, meeti6g- on Tu6s ! � r Good 1 expedi- AY Phail, and daughter, of Porter's ,Hill, Rub- , I portant s, h ve b 6n veit 0- ilrm- I e *ng of last meek� elected offie- rs -b,ers have;the Red rubber soles and heels � .For Sale ---8 - ency-and joint Ministerial responsibil.. 11 dutie � e- vjsibed� among'friends here during the - I which ' i . I : Ram for Sale --8 ' � - - que Al �employe(: in r1lemovin diffi- I r the year and transacted other . v ive I ity,, Geiieral Hughes on Monday' ae- I 0- week.-' Miss Alway and, Miss Marjorie I double the ar and our - Wo6m6n"s high heel rubters I etil4lps '' thus unnelcessaxily el eated. ,'c sary business. Major M.- D. MeT. 4- Barriby of Luean were assisting the i I � . #re re -info I the ba,,;k to peovent breaking doVvn. I .11 Riliable, Rubben-W. G. Willis -4 CePted the Pti'me, Minister's sugges- � Yout s �Ie' ed actu4ted by it desh Ig xt was a eleted president. G 11 choir at the anniversary services in , w � We 1�bave I Repairing--.& . : . T e and rded ,, . tion that'the --former's resignation I I . I - . I . � � . eve i a -.i intention Ito, act ninisteil Youi � D ivis and In bbers to fit' a styles and shapes of shoes and Our pa�inst4king ; Notice_ --a - - might be forthcoming 4 1 W. Watt were elec d the Methodist" church. -Mr. Thomas . t . il all �� nofmy-.F. A. FAwards-8 . i I I . . ­ Ld. shottlY af!' dep irt, nent as if it were a distin t and * fi) st and� second vice-president,respect- Mellis receive4 word this week from u per fit all at time -5. i i Reo ter noon on. Monday the resignWon - ' I . fervice ensures you a pro 4 tra te overn � I ; inn aw, Mr. St $ F , � � I Auction, gales --5 was plac6d in Sir Robert's hands. sep G ment in itself. On iv aly, aAd Mr. T. Cottle was re-ap- his brother -1: ephen King , men s Rubbors r. oo) 1. 15 and I � 2o acco rdi ng to stylc, ; : Enterrtminmen','-8 I .The n'ti f the resigna ai iy occasions, ar, A witl out mu ch re- I po: intaed secretary. Miss K. MeTi Lg- of Turnbe ' i ing o - tion. fol- in I rry, that his large bank barn I y � I . ' . ull I iaVe cauti'oned'you again,st this - g; X8 1. r`ubbers, t. 15 anJ 1. 25 a pair. � i � ___ . - had been stru �,k by lightning 'and I � f . trt and Mess . J.� Cook and J. C'M Men s storm' ; ­ , - lowed an exchange of,letters between s T _­ I cou,se which has frequently led t;b ni 4 were appoin e ega es o - ; the two containing complaints and we, * : � I � . I I burned, with the season's crop and 60 ; Women s Rubbers, 75"*,.8oc, 85 and goc a pair. I � . I : counter charges. Although it . f6iinded proi�st from your col- I t � provincial hortic tural convention tons. ofl hay and so i Oisses Ruk)bars 65 and 8oc a pair. � I . was I e a u'es, as I we 4s detriment to- the 'to be held in Toronto this month. . - r su . � fire occurred about five olcloA in the, � I ! I 940, fariatt 'EX3110,1111ar . Lspected in the capital that the- Xe- pu�� ic interest. . � ' The following officers were elect- . I Poys' Rubb rs 174c and 8 , I - . -;c.a pair. . r . ­ � � "I - - ation was coming, it was thought et ! evening and fortunately, th4 cattle' t , .- . . ' do) not inteno to d-v,v6ll upon th . - , e e��for the new year for the Centre Children s Rubbers, 50C a pair.. right up to the last, moment. that, the inst inc es,:� ; bad not been put in the stable. -'Miss- I ; . SRAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 1616. quarrel might again be patched up, some of'which are stillun- H on un ay c 0 - � ssoci Qn: es Map and Jennie McLean ,ivere in, en) s Rubbers BDots, first quality ,with red rubbe. � . - der consideration, 4n wh�ieh you have P esident, orge Raithb .�, r soles I and *— �. �_._ -_ - ­ . __ - Finally, however, Sir Sam took the actEd ,A4.1iout a orityi or consulta- - Y., ; LoWori, during the week with friends. I - peels for 4 56 -a pr. Women's Rubber Boots size s 3 to �2 1 1 _________��__ 7� plunge,, wrote the lette�r of re'sighatian . ' . ce-Presi ent, . George Bradsha ,, - e Xlppen Patriotic Society have' 7 for' -75 � � i � � I 'h atest �is the estab- C,oper, Clinton- Department Missions . � I ' . . and sent it by a trusted friend and in , matters ess intport- Treasurer, A. . secured, the services of the Forest City, tion m re or! I Clh � n; Secretary- I Nf isses Rubber Boots sizes x i to 2 for 2.5o . THE WAR SITUATION - official to the Prime Minister's off ant. Of these -the - Children's Rubber Boots sizes 7 to i o for 2 - 25 - I ..... , ice. lishrneqt of a Militia S�&Gounail in Mss'H. 1. Graham, Seaforth; Home, Malb �artette for .a concert to be � I I i � .. , .. prom every quarter of . operation Sir Robert accepted the resignation, Gre, . Monday evening, November 27 i - . I I . 'most en- and his first official business with th' . tt Britain, including I the appoint- R . W� B. Moulton, Holmesville; iven . I i I . � this week is e, T 1 7 the War news in St. -Andrew's church. As this quar- 1 - __ - . & ment of its perparinel. 1, conve - F ? i 0 i ' ed to , Tempera -nee, Rev. E. G. Powell; Ele- tette has a splendid reputation as I I I I ; :: ; couraging. After a period of quiet*on new Governor General Monday after- you on the 31st of July. a clear inti- in ' I en- I � ' � : � I , . front the British are a- * noon was to formally place. before him inat,on that upon; so.. i p rt intary; Miss'M. Aitken, Goderich; 'tertainers, and'the proceeds' are to be r - � I . the Westem , t a Secondary, Charles Lindsay, Clinton; used for patriotic work I I . . .. � I : .. the resignation of one of 'his adyisers, Os _ 0 all -is hoped . � I A , and an advance the one who sh prol al, involving,, consi e . I it i . � .. I ration s of Adult, John,Dustow, Goderich; Tea- : -_ P1411 � r ould have been the most . the community will "do I I i . gain -qn he advance, veryone in i 6 IV - � the gravest moment, the abinet must ch'r training, .Rev. J. A. Robinson, thoir bit" by buying a eicket. I I -0 � ' . I � . I : that js�. Proving rapid and IuOst, sue- important in time of war. it was be c�msulted before actio� was aken. Clfnton. . . . I 11 d 1 4 p attack perhaps not a very auspicious i;ArO_ . � - - ! I . I � _ on along front. The All the menkers of thel,Government! . i I T I �. . . - for the Duke of Devonshire Y � duction I . --Word was receiv�d last Frid I : I - - , havE full and direct res oniibili ty in 'M0 ruin' that three - Goderich b HENSALL. 11 - , � SEAteJORriff I . : , was launched -on Monday, when the to Canada's Administration. .. * 9 oys htd ill � - � I Z I I I . . I . I .. Village, of.Bewacourt was stormed and The quarrel between Sir Sam and I regard to the very . impor ant matters be.n wounded,'Corp. Edward McDoa- Death of Mr. P6tt , - On .110 �day TELEPHONE, �11 q - � I which the'proposed " o - il would ad- ah,son of Joh-ti McDonald of that town forenoon Y n i 4 OPPOSITE COMMEROIAL HOTE i � captured , together wiffi upwards of the rest of the Government has,been * there passed away -on the i ; . � I � mation gu.1 1____ -_ . . I vise upon and di�r . e inti shot wound in back, and admitt, �d I Petty homestead farm, a little - - ­ �Q . I i. war mat rapidly coming to a head ever. since � . . ; i 5.,000. prisoners,ind much er- which was given to You'111 my tele- to hospital on October 31; Cor � 11= I .444 the former returned from �England W I` two miles north-west of our village, I � I � I L - I---- — I I ­ t have been frEd Hick, son of Wm. Hick , God 3- Mr. John Henry Petty, eldest son of ; � . -1 - ­ ial. Th� position had been so fortified two months grani of July 31 should . r I . I == - As soon as i was rE ceiv- ! tic i township and member of C Coi 1- the late � John Petty, late of the -Itown- i � I . ago. As has been public I necessary. ,; of", I ,� . � . . I :-- - � . that its capture was considered by the property for months past, it section Of ed s-ou eded to �isregard it-'pi�y, 71st Battalion, wounded and al- ship of Hay, nd the eldest nephew of I — I . I - -_ enemy to be impossible, bUV the ut Some portions of your letter are.- ex- matte 5 1 --- effici- the Conservative party has been o .prore 11 - . after Sir Sam's scalp almost since the pres,_- . d to the hospital on.Oct6ber 25t,i, the late, Messrs. George and James - - T . ency of the British men and munitions 4- 8 mve of the attitude which I have and Pte. Everton Dodds Ersl�ine, 0 1- e Y,who de the first surve i i - - - .. I . Outbreak of war. He has been hi described, and to -which you evidentl -, I few e I y of 'the - i . : I . I - I � - : I which have now been p1peed, at Gen- own Master in the Militia D y cia ly reported as, missing, but a *11 age ofTeansall, and named it af� . I IL � i . czal -Haig's disposal are apparently ment, -and his brusque epart- interd to adhere. 'Such ail attitude i s hol rs later'by another �mess�age, re- ter their old home in Yorkshiro�, Eng , � ad I - . IV 1. -F I . - 1w, -miro . h mvw%, versive � of the principle & * i I - e 0 iT I manner Of wholly inconsistent , with 'and sub- po ed wounded. and adm G rning down members of his own itted to ell- land. T e decea such that -nothing is Proving imPOS- tul. , Joint re- e . sed had been in fail � . a6d' - t Me � - Y who tho ra hospital on October 31st. ing bealth for the past three years S'La : . I 'to them: This latest success is part ught they ,had a right .1 � : . sponsibility upon which eonstitution- ' I . I . I sible to exercise -po-litical patronage, his re- al government is based "! I I . I ­___ ' 6 although his deth was not wholly ��_ i � . I � : '. one of ,the most important the Brit- fusal to consult his Cabinet colleagues .19 � I � CROMARTY. I , expected, Yet it came quite suddenly i . � � i d this� fall and is more on the details of his departmental eo Bat ,more than that letter i ,1 I � t yesterda I V I , morning, in his 64th year.! 1 . ish have obtaine ninistration, -his occupancy of the uched' in such, terms that I cannot - otes.-Miss Marion Mel4ren, )I I Su *t,s aald I I t,han a general advanep adi 1 : significant ., I Ong ,10 Mr Petty was a man highly respected - I I ; f � -overlook ,or excuse it. I take t , Pal w, is visiting her many frien, is in ibe community for his many ex- �' � : centre of the stage, when they, too, . � ; � of the exce tion§ not S ents in this vicinity, � would have been on that Parl wanted a place in the spotlight, - and state ' We are pleased ;o � - whi it' contains but to its cellent qiialities and stirling worth, � Somme -where the Allies first broke his riding rough -shod over gel ,eral see Mr.'Joseph Speare out again aft. -r ! � � � I . eeause the po all- and ehari cter and t6ne. You,: ust st rely his!seveire accident two months 0 a man w : � q through in July last, b - sundry who tried to interfere with realize that I ag '" his bond, In religion he was brought I .... � him, brought him many enenu'es al- cannot re in 'in the Mr.� Hugh McLachlan has disposed of In an Episcopalian and in politics a � .� i vercoats � T 'O p vo *ho has I � . ' . 9 him dressed!to ' Conser, i . sitions the Germans are occupying though at the same Gove .mment a eol-leag ad- his!farfii on the 11th concession, there could only hav__� been fortified a- time givin ' ,, me s UCh a communication R. G. Hoggarth. The price, pald vative, and he took a --deep in- � � I : a unique n in the I r e g,r terest in all that pertained to church i T H "" S A LWAYS been our aim and ambit, i gain in the past few months- Along Cabinet who ledid things." u he thus Imposed Z $5,200, -We understand that Mr, and state and was well read. He . -1 _� , . upon.m the. disagreeable McJ�,achlan intends purchasing i Ion I the banks'of the A -Acre, however, .That the above considerations have au -+. I duty ol � re- anot I- leaves to mourn his death, one son, F give � our customersthe best possible satiSfaciion I esti Y --our re�ignatjon �`as Ministe, er farm elsewhere. -Mr. . Win Dinnen Jame , Pet and t ee daughters, : � finally turned the scale for Premier ' I . r where the new British gains 'were of Militia and Defence. . has � rented his farm on the i2th va i- Miss s L tY, hr ; I Borden, and have been more than � ia the tailoring business. 011- qiits;�,,nd overc "Faithfully yours. . cession to My. Robert Dalton,, es Rota and Flora at home, and ! A Oats , made, the Germans have beenho5lding anything else responsible -for his re- I ­ � ; of Sta E- Sadie, te-Aching near London. The de- � re inade �n_ . "(Signed) R. L. Borden. . fa. ' Mr. Dinnen and famil a 1 'ahigh-class. careful mariner. They have �� the positions, from which they were signation, is evident from the fact "To I r mo-4ing to town. -A number y intex d ceased vvas married to Sarah Ann � - Si Sam Hughes-; X.C.B., Ot- � driven� since they fell back on them that the premier did not call for Sir tawa, Oi.lt. � Om he"e Butt, a daught 'e*ned their reputation from -the way they are tailored' Sam's resignation , attended the funeral of Mr. ugh MC- I after the battle of the Marne - over -after the revela- , . __ - I Do�gall, of,t Butt who survives him. The f6eral " well as, from the pure rn . ateri Is from which they� are' tions of the Davidson' . . - - I I—— � 1. .be bouudary� on Monday ! a r � commission, . took place on Wednesday to Exeter I ' � two year,-,� ago, and their fortifications and more particlarly the Meredith- HURON NOTES. aftErhoon. Mr. McDougall bail been cemetery. The members of Plymouth �nade- The quality has alwa -in , Were SUPPO . I . - or .1 t sed to be- impregnable. 'Duff He was Lodge, - Sons of England, attending in our tailoring, and always will be. � I � - in f ailing fiealth for months. ,ys been a prime fact . , CoMiEission last spring. Sir ' -.A. mother ,. Goderich boy Pre ton the second son of Mr.- and M�rs. Jo i I'�� I .1 to show Robert by his silence last sp ' n Strang, son of H. I. . a body of which order the deceased , - I 19 'hat McD ugall, and besides his a#ed P 1; I - � These victories, however, 90 )r' I Strah ' , oft 0 - � -_ � ' Practically condoned Sir Sam's re a! town h was a valued member. Much sympa- i I � that. ,-he British c s ,se*vices and entd, and three brothers' he leaves hi I I J; r an break the Ger- s offered hi �, . I tions with ex -Hon. Colonel J. Wesley been ; iec epted., He has been; attache i to wife (formerly Miss He' I thy is extended to the bereaved, i In Spite of the fact that owing to the war., British- I I.F., 311arl lines now, where and when they Allison, both � in connection with the the medical ' ster Horton �, Briefs. --The concert recently held I I V i aug liters I o �voollens have advanced greatly 'a price and tailors all over Can use transactions and with the small� rank of sergeant. I in the town hall, under the auspices of i �� - please, Ayj of which goes to * show corps in Toronto with a g�town up son and two d I i . I I :1, � -hat there is some reason to be ex- arms sale. I � MO rn his loss. -The Red Cross Aux- the local Orange Lodge, was fairly d to raise prices, we will continue. to make 11 .tl - t - -A It; L. D. Fult �da have been compelle 1� - � I � . Just prior to Sir Samps departure bounda. on, formerly of the � I fli ,y shipped 26 -Christmas b)xes o - well atten a I I � - - I- vlained.wliy positions which were im- to England last sum .7 between Usborne and ib- erse-1,as last week to their soldier boys ded and a good(programme worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within, the i . .. . I mer came the bert, but now of Stratford, has - carried out, The chair was occupied I range of evety man. - � ��� - ! I ' .. apparent ront pur-- in France and.England.-Nine war'n by Rev. W. J. Doherty, who fully sus- I - 1� taken by the British . with �—and we Oever had a finer range ,pring an ,UM - T. pregnable three months ago are 'now Camp Borden episode, and Tory To- chased 1he store and busitess of Mr. quil�s were recently sent' from. here tained his good reputation in that, re - L - . ease. The most apparent reason un- o increased the p1ressure upon SamuelLamport, at Farquhar and will to the Matheson fire sufferer .-Miss i of q * - � d F ' � Sir Robert Borden for Sir Sam's de- . take i pzs session i,n a week. � spect while excellent address er m aterialo. Dist: - tive, patterns and shad . ea-Pitation. Then Sir Sam' went 6ver- -The Bruce Fai�in,. a G. fbite. teacher ,of S.S. No. 6, is ill, - es were rp Inc � es of rich, fast color.�, . � tlojibteft is that the German num- 1 seas. Before he returned it is under- has bi!en sold tOX. 1st line, MOITIS, in consequence of which school has given by! the Rev. Mr. -Moore, of St. i I Pgs also al the plain shades. F . - . bets have suffered to such an extent . stood that Sir Robert Promised . F. Vanstone, of been closed for a -few days. Miss , paups church and Rev. Mr. Knight I � I abrics'to please young men, ' his Wingliain, Mr. Brooks, the tenant,' Wh#e has gone to her home �in Gor- Of the Methodist chFeb., Mr. Moore' Oiddle aged imen and ,old men. - it doe,; not matter whether you I where he Owns rie. I We hope she will soon . . loring 'and ' ... ; fend more than a comparative15 - The a hou, It is a good farm and beloilg- and I be able to -resume her � uties.-- r. Knight of the great war that is Value. We �now that we can g:*ve you satisfaction. Come in 'and be either curbed or dismissed ' . . td, that they. are no� now sufficient to de- supporters here that Sir Sain would may move to Bluevale, ekting of the order in Pqrticular and 4re a style ei!ithusiast or just appreciatoe quality, � r short . e. � . � I . . - ,P and gave . � i ,p the responsi- -Itp, for some years.. I another of those interestin . i section of their line -The strongest for- by furither dividinj u -on- On Wednesday, the- ath inst., at noon 9- The orchestra was present � � curbing process was brought about ed to Inspector Edward Briiee, Toi ragin excellent selections wliile �xamine these new materials. .1 . tifiCatiOriS 1hre absolutely useless with- billities of the department among Sir , � 9 ! � 0 ! 9 ev.-nts for Miss Annie Carlisle and Miss Mattie J � -0 i Saturday last MrI W. Roy which Cromarty manse ,is bo�comin I � ;; � George Perley, Mr. F. B. McCurdy Grig . gave � � out men t6 man them, and the latest - , Ellis fine recitations. � �, I 9 .gest son of Lieut. anoi Mrs faMOUS, occurred when Miss� Anni Mr. Ar- I I I �, d Mr. R. B. Bennett. Sir Sam, how,- 91 of Clinton � . I L I il Brift.-sh, siieciess shows that the enemy an A. J. ' thur Cole gave conli ixt Us Be YOUR lailors � ; . � ic songs and Mrs. i �. ey had meanwhile cantin � was;marriec in McKellar, second daughter of Mr. an, Knight gave a spi L . - ; I er ued to go Winn e,, to Miss M' . I . . 11 I nes against a sur- I Uriel Rogers. The Mrs*, Alexander McKellar, loth con . Flossie F,oss endidl solo and Miss � . I "I ��z I . can not hold their li a on� doing things off his own bat. groom i!" hn. old Cliton boyland is I I'm cessibn, was united in marria ' M and Miss Gladys Petty � - . gq. to I - rendered a fine' instrumental duet. The . __. prise attack when there is fighting go- When he thought something ought to f't the Winnipeg Grain - 4-"x- WilMir Miller son of Mr. and Mrs. J. � , ing on at one or more other point be ,done he did it .at once without ploye % Proceeds amounted to between $30 and Do B � � s on chaZ � er, of Gowrie, we . :onsulting his Cabinet colleagues, for - . c I Miss Sarah i i , ,� gn � s1s- $40 for the Red Cross. -The sp I i � the same line. Another -si -P1 e. Arthur O'Farrell,'! who - eft ter of the bride, and Mr. Llo$,d' i .: ificant whom he, did not hav� very much Wing r I with the or ... is,ions in Caec'al : Seaforth I ; ­ . ; � . I : � . I i . pal urch, Hensall, amounted to the neat __� . . � � : ted turne h>rne last week frorg, England. to thle manse, where the nupti�n kno I . . � thin- is the xareness of German Colin- respect In England he had appoin rne first contingent, re- quhohn accompanied the happy ch - rmel - -_ . ,� � ; I I ter attac t- his own military council, mad kno suni of $210, -v�hich is very good at � I : . e Pte. -- 'Farrell I I I . I numerous i .was injured some was lirrevocably tied by R1 D1_ this Particular time when so many . - I .- � tempted,but'they lack any resemblance. Important appointments month - I ev. I since:been in a Rite�ie. The bridal party th0i ot, I I ; � - . and- practically dismissed the Directorl hospit, 11 in England. , ore( ni I calls are'beizag made, -Dr, Hammil . � of having sufficient steam behind them General of Medical Services, Surgeon- able to: . He will not be I �to Mitchell where Mr. and Mrs'. 0 � . ' � gain go to th r o� . of Toronto, spent a few days I I to be effective. It would seem that the General Guy Caileton. Jones, all with- _K_ .. e front. Mille' took the train for Tor to. and duiin� � , . d Mrs. James R ' Niagara Falls. . - � German army. lacks the real bull dog :out consulting anybody but himself. � e i d, rof la Upon their, return, the past week at the home of Mr. and iota .'a i i - ill take up thei ­ . ; . , The correspondence leading u to of j� I I -, announce the engak, nt they w',i r tempora res; Mrs. Robert. Bonthron.-A large num- i . spirit. They apparently can not fight ' ber of gifts have been sent to our sol- i e' - lister, Bertha. Stanley, V S a. The eopl � i I ��11 . the dismissal of Sir Sam Hughes from est dal - - . Ou g- idenc6 east of taff e, cl a -� . a e 11 :- unless 'they see a reasonable show of the Government which was made pub- giter, of Mr. William Stani y, of Cipmarty are so 6 diers overseas during the past week � I I � . i . . . . Of ClintOrl, to Mr. rry to los such in order that they would receive them' I . i T success, which is pro-ven by the large lie Wednesday, is i � . George Wright, of �n e9timable young lady fro the- . � ' I - In many respects, . 1T before Christmas time. -Mr. Samuel he Big Hariware I - I I number of prisoners which have'been the most remarkable ever recorded R4miO4 a, the marriage.to take p eel immediate -vicinity but if an bund att I C StOre ' . � . On Noveinber 15th. � '� Horton, who moved into our villa I I � : . � . between two inembers of the same ance Of good wishe'A from fri ds c ge I theadqaartersfor ; ' ; � taken in these So,nime oflensives. They Gover�raennt. �Mr s. Fair, wife of Rev. ,� iure happiness, surely this young en this fally Purchasing th" home on'Up-tow L I " � 1. . � . It reveals a situation of Mr. a'r, , co e, neat date. Arst-class bardw'are. W6 �till I Zi Atwxd9.a­nd formerly OfI Eli vi le ple sbo@d be blessed with great hap- the London road, o by Mr. El- I � $ . I � � . seem to have lost courage and if looks so intolerable from any standpoint, died last week. I liott Fairbairn, wh wned � I I re - - I. as if the offensive that broke their personal, administrative. 6r constitu I 3 ui'; The band f pinesT and prosperity: During Mr, o moved west, and I I lead for quality and P " i I . I - a icti 1 has tested heavif� on IV - Ritchie's pastorat� of over four who has since had it neatly * ' - -rices, I I � � tional, as to occasion � surprise that , . . , ye,,2 repainted! : I - I lines in July had. also broken their rb Fair during th - O,- ie s erforming, in front, has rented his farm at Lum- i I . � . I hearts. the f , earance of the Prime Minis- son W'.1 1� f onths. he ha ' had the privilege of P . I , 0 killed in F - -, . I ter- endured so long. The diffi other : kAnc� while a rl- this knportailt ceremony for: eight ley to Mr. George Smale,- who will . I . I , dulties d, d in Londo move there at once, and who will make . I'll r I On the Eastern front the tide seems appear to have'�been successive . R while .,he wis McKellars all of whom lived in this - � 1 � - I !; . * tra i i I - and _!! �ing ! I I neighborhood, and Dwne'Rumo a good teriant.-Mrs. J. W. Peck re- I � �. I --- I to have turned in favor of the'Allies. numerous, arising in every, or nearly w." . r says . . : . , 139 to the der"Illse (if W. his -contract is n oceived for the first time since her I . 7 � 11� ; age .. sump i i ; �­ Von Mackexi6en's much heral every, instance from an arbitrary ai- Mitchel , Ot Ytt completed, - on Friday afternoon and l, I ded ad- . editor an marri Granite Ware � I tion of authority on the pa d iprop r ( - The annual meeting of the A-ibbek ., - " alted, but the Minister of Militia. rt of the Cli it Dn News Reo��rd, � e p t brancb,,of the Bible Society wa I evening last. In the afternoon, Mrs. - 6o preserving kettlesq regular 6oe) reduced'to.......... 40c � ; The situa- I . 8 hel I !�i r sale, rch here on Tuesday evenin A 6 60*# I � it has been turned, and he is now in tion in this respect was such a,' and 90(dAll [was offered fo I in the I chu Peck (the Doctor?s mother) received 1 '26 hdfA.- sauce 4ns, regular 400e reduced to.,......�.......,..�Mc * ' - I -full retreat, and a Very costly one at Provoked finally from Sir Ito have the adr Ifilistratir. The pur ser the 7th Mgt: Rev. Mr. Moore, Of Hen., with her and in the evening Mrs. Peck ` p - Robert G.- E. E all, who h with the Doctor received again. hdid. saucep ns, regul . I n e of his dismissorY the Nev r as been fore 'man f �a ' ev. Mr, Darling of Staffa, and Mrs, 1 34 1 ar 35C reduced Ito........,-... . ­ him t' I letter,the charge that Sir Sam Hughes Hib� is Era'for the pa* �ix yea ;. � ' :, . '� ', Ritchie gave interesting assisted by Mrs. Lavi a that, as his fear of being cut off forces: e '. Peek was .... �45c ,,, o move so rapidly that he is - .. n . . . . . in possession. I , ad.2 Clin s, of 1 24 hdld. saucep nsg regular25c reduced too.....,............. 18c- -1 . ,� I was attempting to administer Y M - G. Campbell of Zurich, � ,� � s r G. Joynt, Mrs. Ma�k Dr�sdale, 40 dresse . Notwithstanding th6 man ' S�On, Mrs . . eave much -of his superflous Militia Department as a separate Gov- :__Th E. J6ne . of Strath- during the Coffee pots,, 6oc, reduced to....... 0. * a 6 f 40C ,! .1 I obliged to I the e ev. A. -(2qt.) 'Otea an . - lf I ernment. . . roy, has n given ar; in year, Past, Mis. A. W. E. Hemphill and Miss 010 2 � i�'� supplies and equipment behind, while invitantic b the I 1; � uriani mous _ e amount collected this year Cook. The house was 'tastefully de- . *A**. � " 1, - I _ y. - 1, he is being constantly harassed by the It is apparent froni the corresbon- of Wesli quarterly board for th� Bible Society was $114, more 1 4 (3 Pt-) tea and COffee pots, 55c, reduCed to;......... &40c fl dence f long t I Methodist chuich, Clinton, than -any year since its organizhti , corated with I'Munis.)�._Mr. R. y. Me- J00 pudding dishes.... . 0-0o..#.._*&*.06#0*.#*#v0 .... ][Oc and . H I 't Russian and Rou' - o becom� their pastor' for the ne3it wl On,� Laren is removing this week.from the I I . � manian troops. Serbia duration. The climax was reached as a conferenea 'term. Th , I ith tl ie --exception of the Bible Society' McEwen estate farm to his Potatqe potso regular Soc reduced to - -1 . � uring . ej Rev, Dr. , I � farm im- -I*- 0*0...* o.....O*........4 5C 1 - � .. I mediatl- I y north of the homestead farm � 4-5c reduced to..........o.......o ........ o ' � too, is coming back to her own. D hes' last L. Rutle ig e is the present'P"r * , an I Potatoe pots regular I I consequence of General Hug Nj,.� Centez ary Jubilee' year. . � ' � - I .- I 9 a very . ; . the past week she has been giving the v1s1t to England, and his attempt is comp'etin �ucces�ful four � � i I which- will make � � ; � � , Bulgarians a very hard time of it, all while there to e tablish a Sub -Militia year te: -1,1. � .1 ; _. ; . KIPPEN. I it much, more convenient for hi to : i � i, 50 (03 � . - I : i . I t AND CUTTER REPAIRING—The un- work exchange work with the home- ! . . - � Council of his own choosing, and to —Dur.t SLEIG im : � � . the important Positions now being have Sir Max Aitken placed -over it g the severe lightning storrh deramigne is now giving bis attention to all lines ' I I i .1 Mssed over I of 4 1 , dominated by the Serbs and French'. "wifn the status of a privy Coun which Vingliam section wood wo I repairing for slejghsaind cutt,ers. with a I stead. -Miss DeJean, trained nurse I Aluminum! Wa-re ' i ,.� 1. r o .7 pr cillor. on Wech�E:Sday evening� of -1 I t good Am k of sleigh tongues, runners and 'I] lines of, Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. I It is believed that a numbe- f Lett s and --able messages exchanged the large barn be]6ngi a's wee � of -wood n nd wood work rep�lrfng. The baeab qualt - F. W. De Jeany accountant 1 2 dozen: pudding dishe� 50'C redlic, I , ng to Cutter and buggy of .0 v German submarines got through the In connection with these matters show King, on the 'a at the . ed too ........ o...., *,--o—, ... 40C 1 - Mr. . Ity of lafts alwayF in rtock All Molsons Bank. - 2 dozen pudding dishes 45C redu ed to...... ' - that Sir Robert Borden sharply and berry, v,as 4th conces Ion f . work ent u6ted will receiv6 the besi of attentfon at 0 Rev. Mr. Smith - English channel under the old r flable stand, Tbomas mellse, Kippen 0 : c **#---##v.*0.."..... struck and the � dn . . � f Carmel church, received a cable 5C * cover of the peremptorily called the Minister of burned. - � �5'5-1�4 � message just before morning 2 doze ' pudding dishes2qc reduced to........._,.,, ... *.**. -4 Militia to time for disregarding iTi- but all. 0 Most Of the stock _�49 save ces. The anni- on Sabbath . service - 4- - - recent raid by German structions - f this season Is: crop 9 AnniVer . _ 11 torpedo de- n ,:toc _-.Z� straYers- In any case, submar` afid "verstepping � p lemei its we .and 0, versari services which - morning last from Colonel 2 doze pudding -dishes 3oc roedu� .-.-ed to............,...... - I ines his au- irn th - i i o.. o".. 5c iw thority. Sir Sao re destroyed. were held in Coombs, of the 161st Battalion, an- 2 dozen tea kettles 3.00 reduced to .......... � have been immensely-activre of - m Hughes -replied that is a heavy one to M ,The loss �the Methodist church on Sunday last Inouncing their safe arrival in London, r ., �- I � . late in the new organization was merely ten- insurance will . rq Kink as 'the Were a e crowds England, and that they were all in #*-*0-#*..*. 2 50 . 'not cover the loss. . . the sea lanes approaching the Atlantic tative. But the ' I I I )ungaD*nOn Methodist gathered both afternoon and evening good health and spirits which hdld. sauce pans I 2o reduced too,...... ........ o .............. ­. . L ( . letter dated Nov. Ist, in -which he re- held its an - churelt to liste� to the Rev. J. W. Baird, Was an Coast of England,and losses have been Minister Of Milit& in a -The I . � � � . greater than at alriaost any other per viewed his posi ' niversary services !on Sun.- Jam � � of anouncement gladly received, -Quite i dozen saucepans 45c reduced to...............�...* # ... *� 0 6.. 5 _ tion regarding these es ,street Methodist church, Ex- a large number from. Hensall and vi- i6 qt. anti -rust strainer pails 1. I ..o . I 20 reduc' day last) with Rev. J. W Hfdley, as eter, yv�o gave two exc�llent and im- cinity on Wednesday aftern n, 0a - . I I iod of the war. Matters, a-ddressed the Prime Minister the preacher of the day. * 00 t .1 01, TMonday no less in a ton ed to.--.._..... I[ . . . 11. e which finally broke'down Sir evening Ori Monday presslV11, sermons y in anti-ru�t strainer pail -c 1.00 redu Ced to........,... . I I i;, than eight merchant Vessels were re- RoberVs Patience. - I , e anniversary abd especiall tended the funeral. of the late MrJohn . - .-04-...*�... Oc v ..,� , �orted sunk and . ' entertain.- the evening, wb�il he gave his H. Petty, late of the town 2 dozen glass water pitchers 30C redu ce T_. Tues -day's paper gave The -Minister'of Militia meiit wa 3 held. A h0t fo . supper sions O:r impres- - ship, of Hay, I charged the was serv�i ch a go Rev. Wflliam. Sunday. Mr. the service at the home being con- 2 � 1� � � , I .'�11 the names of Premier with missta , after whi od pro- Baird spoke very highly of Mr. Sun- ductd bv Rev. Mr d to.................20C 'i", , . three more victilus. tin, the facts and granime 's ren extr� quality tapestry hammocks 6.50 reduced to. -$5�50 with a lack of frankness with regard - dered, the talent Knight. -Mrs. W. � :,.� appointment of in. 'day, an] says he is one of the great- Wood and sister,*Miss Clarissa Mit- k5- regular 8.,00 reduced to.........,... o....... 8, . � . i'British vessel Owners have been the to the eluding. T1 ss Hildred Me -Coll, soloist 11 .,t.� . ent Sir George Per- Of Goderi - and Miss est evangelists America ' -0 '!�i I chief sufferers, bat neutrals, including IPYr an appointrn . F I' Carrie ' -has' ever chell, retu o--`56.,5 I % _,' which Sir Sam elocutiolus ; aT, Iffith: I seen Tie choir, un rned last week from London I . -��* 1.#..b0...4*.*. 6. *,., f It ked upon with pe- -Mr. V d scythes............. 15 x the United,States, have suffered as seems to have loo id vi6li-nist of S atfokd.. of Riss der the!leadership f and vicinity where they have been vis- =e o"s ....... *:*1041 ;,�,� - I . - - McClymont, deserves iting relatives and'friends i � A culiar bitterness. This was the break- ducted a S. Ballagh, 'V& . "�t - well, It looks as if the Teut I � oc - the highest praise for the beautiful Ming of our shade trees .-The trim- i -] i . [11, gardless Ons, re- ing Point. The Prinie Minist irst ass grocery in the I 6 -1 er asked Sbaw block, Wingham,- for e past selections they rendered. On the whole on account Qet our prices on ' of consequences, have deter- for the resignation of -the Minister of ?f the Hydra, wiring is making a great I farnace woxk bat'h- 2-, , :mined to destroy all they can of � 'Militia and Sir Sam gave it. Th few Years, has disposed of his stock it was one of the best anniversaries ev- improvement as nearly all the � I I t - 4- ships e- let- to Mr. J. -X - Millls and closed 1: . .er held., , � � L I .- trees - � . . :�i; carrying supplies to the nations ter of resignation its � �� were too high and rooru�: and plumb* . elf is a painful s doors spinffl 9 MZ t evetroughing, a4'd � il , Notes!. %.,v : c -with docum On Saturday evening. - Mrs. Robert Parsons, of James ingi­ Mr. I I ': which, th ept- Reference is made Mr. ' 3allagh Moore, I who . , i I .at length has Purchtsed the 100a Stanley,! -who has been visiting her iOUPlY. 11 and is still at da�e o writ - 'I v, 1 �; :. i Out- warn- - - i � ing by :,J�� - nths., submarines from May fith to iSS in any way relative to- the cember it rn 9 - rn is a liftle intr4�es !L,nd to some very old mat rick. and v ill- ta, oir the ast couple of mo I insdale, of the town- men eY are at war. Thirty-three to previous correspondence, to alleged Jamesi -Fe ning. avid Ryckman, of Da- ing, we are pleased to lea vessels have been aunkwith ere far] I OfMr. daught&,'Mrs. D' i _f moetO work. We have competent work a ters t , Concession ) L, Car ko f ' ,ZPrOlved.-Mr. D 0 U.01 experien � take Possession i on De has retu ed Mrs. Parsons P of .yolur _1 A ' ' * ce and can attend to ' ,; � - . 41, T(Ivember 8th. according .-.also made to ru- Will be I Y , � - ue. Reference is th. Mr. tome. Stanley re,cently Purch,med ?5 / ! V � Ors bert'i own -retirement, gh � Iniralty annOmeement,, which -Just � � � 11 1% nj BaIlagh and! fanlilk man iends Will be glad' to -see her new Chevrolet car from Messrs, X and notiece. .1.4,� to an Ad- Of Sir RO - I gr ,tly missed -from Win am. and also a requirementg on short - . ce, I : been issued:. � . . ef note i that as a result of thi's 14() lives were - her goo .:-We make bri e. -Grain � adds to Which an authoritative denial has CO � * all experiment, Mi. A. J to learn that the trip did C. McDonell,, of this villag � I ,� Holmesville, on t th .of the and beans are being �marketed her,, - I "I ' day of he 11 as8ing away of one of the most very large , in � I Sir Robert Borden requested the potatoes. st, 131wited a few h.4 -1s . quantities -Our business I ], TIJE i :� 106T- Of the total 26 Wme Britishship3 re af Eh gh esteemed residents of this part men report trade am ver and , . September llt� go i i t 'Y P 1, � s'=Rt10n Of Sir Sam Iffughes i. the blossoms me n he Person. of Mr. John H - Y good BIG ARDWARE I . I I pr wh 1� ie I I b . I c 40 I a ren Yni , I I � f 9e _� i , I I f I I ,�i, I .1, - I �_ �_' --.Li- P e, UTPR V I 0 CIF( I C Oi I � - - I YrAl' - Go t!-, I �00 � �11� M I I � t un4 I Th I J - � : . e shOW-ing but unfortun- enryPetty are busy "'getfin- in fine stocks for I � I I - I I of the 2nd of Hay, who died 011 Mon_ the winNr and 66istmas trade. I . I - j � . . I I - I . . H �* DG SEAFORTH � I � . ! i ­ . I I � i i -_ . �", - I I . I . : - I I � . - - . - . i . . : � . : . I � � . . - . � . I . . � I I - i � I � I . � ­ .� _­'. ! I .s I . . I ,� . � : ! � � . . � � I I . I I . I . I � . I � . I I . ­ . I I � . I : "11� I . i . � I -1 -I I q _ I . I ,�� � . : I � I * , . . I . I I � I . . . � , _:__-��---_-------�� - _ . I . - I . - � . . 11 .11 - . I .1 1� I I . � � I i . , I I I 1111 - , - . . � "_ . , I I I X_ -.IV -_ _ . ­ ­ . I --.I!- - ­ I - � - - . - �- ­­_--____��­_�­_, 1 , . �,­__­__­ - I .�, . . � .11 I , I , � I � i__ � I - I I .4,� -;u�, i.­� - _. .�___.-____.4_­_ �- - - �-i � . _ F �1_ 11 ­ —, �, � ­­­_­ ., ,-f -". . . � � " ,,;���-_�_ I � - - - - -- - ------- . . I — . I I � I . I . � � �_ I I �� �: -,­­- : ­- I ; � . li - � � __� . - , . - IN I I . I - I I - � ­ , I ­­ -_ - , � I I - I � � I � . . � . , - :- � I r . I : � . I � - � `� ,. I I � I , I � � . a �-_ �� , . - I I I - - . ­ - . I . . . I i - I . � . . . - i �� I � . I ­ - ­ � ., �� �'?�,� .7 . -- I � _. .- I - . .- , 1 1 1 . I .1 � I � I - . t I - � I . � I . � - I � . . - I ,� _:� _ , � ..i., " � I .- .1 . . � I I .1 � �, � I I . � 1. I . � I . - � I . " , � Z - . ; . I . - ­ . I . � . . - . Z I I I . . . I I L. - I . - . �: _ _ -1 � _� ­ - . . - - - . ­ � � I �___ ­ . ­ . . I . - � .. - .. - . . I .- - - . I ,I . - , ,_ .� . - , _. I - i . I ­ �_ I � -,�`­: ,�. : ::1 -; ­­ ,_ _j . � ­ . � � . . _.. - I � - � , -- - . .. . . � -, � - - �_�� � I ­ ":, � I - - I - . � . � . I . . . :- I _� - , � - - � �� � .1. ,��_ , I I � . � � I _. � I . I I � �. I I - 1. , I I � . I . � _� . . . � i . .t - . - - - . . - - . � . . � . . . � - . . � . I -1 , . - � � ; . I . - . I -1 " . Z I . "I . - � 'I 1, , I � - I It i � - - I . 1 � . I I - � . . � I I . . � . i I i . I . 1 - - I � . . i I � I . - I - - . I . L - I I 11 - . ­ I - . : , . . __ - - ­_­- ­­­­ .... . .... _­ ­ ­ ___ - � ­` , - .. ­ __L -_�Z_ -, !­.&�_.������­ -­,��­ . -.N&a-,.-ii�a.,.-"--���-�--�--'-� �_­ ­_ - - - - _. _. - - ­ - - I - . -, - __ I __1__---- I , —I--- �_�,_��- ___ __ - �L__ ig � . � - � 1 3 1 1 1 I- I � . _____ 1,_­-_�­r,----- ­-, - . , � . I I I __ I- I .A . , I i - I I � I I - . - � I . - . - � , I . - ­ I I .t�� __ . - I I . . � .- � � � � - I . - - . - N 0`1V E M BE It t I - 11 - - � banval" � . I . I I � - , , � - - I - . � 1DP-UCWM"1M. � , I . I ''. __ ': A=omcement —Mr. and V . - __._,� I Wal�er, *f Brueefield, annw- . , - ' . I I ��enient of thei younges ­ I . .1 - - � "I'll" . -, __ . ter 31stY lsa6ella Margaret, - � . ..� . - Fv;t� McDougall, of Tivertcon. � . - .11 - , to take place, -o - the marnag�E . . . I : ijay, November 18th. . I I - I _Not.es-Mr. Alex. Mustar N_ has been ill with pneurnonia, 1. 11 t. - �, 11 =_-provm- 9. His son, ,Thoriat . � , - �... - taril, o - _Tbronito, v: ited him -c , f, AS I I w I � Asy last. -Air. W. Taylor �_ I b-ogs, -f rom our station on Mog I , � � � I � - - e of hogs is $110M� .. - � i . per ;c, - ,�, r-avies _Sgs, of BMh, visite� je , I % - - bon of Graham t6s. this , , �'. . . . JAr. Henderson Forest has I � I \ . � -Jungston, whher- he -wiR study �'\ . Army officer --A bazaar wiJ1 "I I in the basement -of the chareb 1� ,the afternoon -of NOV. 2_11i% 1� ' .11 � n .)f articles will ;.ommeilc "t 1 1 4 � e , , , \. I i. Tea will be served, �, � eloel, � I . % , , , I I SEAFORTH MARKETE 11, . , I * � I - I I Thursday, No -T_ 16thl I . � I Fall Wheat, per bush 1.75 1 . (�a.ts Per bush. . � _. , . 50 I - � � I .Barley, per bush. . 4.. .70 t . .B;e�, per bush.. .. 2. 50 t . ,Bran, per ton ..� ... 33.00 f, 1 shorts, per ton .... - scoo, . .gutter, No. 1, per lb .35 t � ,Vggs, per -dozen. .*. - .. .38 igay, 'per ton ...... .. 8.0011 . plour, -per cwt... .. .. 4.75 i 1 T . . POL LTR)�__MARKET , . To . ronto, Nov. 14. -Live Pc. . S rig chickens, 16 to 17e; 0 � .2c, to 14c; ducklingsT 12e -1 C )ryr,essed-21 to 22c. :f*r spring ens, 16 to I& for old fowl �G � . to 19c for ducklings. . I - I I - "I DAIRY AIJ4UKEMS. � � .. I . Toronto, November 14 -Egg 1aid7 cartons, 50 to 52,c-; nevv'-k I cal-tonsl 46 to 48c; selected S I " I No. 1, S1 I 33utter-Creamery prints, lfreA ' .. ,44 to 45e; storage creamery, pr, � . to 43e; choice solids, 41U to , aoice dairy prints 3-7 to 29e; . I rxy dairy prints 33 to 35c, bz_�� I . to 32c. b&ese-N,ew, lar,ge, .' i 24c; twins, 23%. to 241/4c;Arip-1 Ito 241h cents; Stiltons, 29Vi tv i lffoney-T�xns--2 1-2 pound thn,-, i to i3c a lb - 5 -lb. ti;ris, 12 3 i F 1b.; 10 Ibi ti;ws, 12e a lb.;, 00 11 I rjover, 11 1-2c a lb. Coir � V hon F I leet, $2,40 to �2�75: No. 21 � I I � 1 1. S225. . I � . ____ir�* i I I PRAIN MARKET I � Toronto, November 14.---�M� , � Wheat --Track, bay ports, NLo. I ern, $2.10; No. 2, �$2.05% 'N'*- 30 . No. 4 wheat, $U51h; old creP,t I three cents above the new crol)-� . __ tob-a Oats -No.- 2 C.W.t 74 1-2c;� � � 13 1-2c; extra No. I feed, 78 1�6 % - 'Com -0 � � bay ports. Arrierimr. .-X - I low, new, $1.14, ininatediate shil� . �� track, Toronto. Ontariii Oatts_ 1, �'o ._1 white, 66 to 68c, nominal; Nl - 0 67e, norainal'according to freiglk- A__ i - 're., ' � q1de. Ontario Wheat, ­:m -N 1% . � � . � ter, per caarlot, $1.88 �o $1,90,11, N *1.86 to $1.88; accoraing to * . outside. Old crop, No. 1 c-Mrill" � $1,82 to $1.84; No. 2, $1-" to' #_ . No. 3, �1.63 to $1,67, ace0r(11-:11a, . freights outside. Peas-,Xo� 2, *�. . 12.45: 13arley - Malting, ',',,U2J - i 1 $1.18; no-infinal; feed�barley, S1 I - I *1.10. nominal, according to fr I outsiae. Manitoba Flour--Fire,t = . . *nts, in jute bage, $10.40; secon.6 � 0I Te . 90; strong b_-ker,_-%1%_,.7t -ronalt, tario Flour-Win.tc4,ace-or-ding U� � ple, $8.50 in- bags, track. To -prompt shipment. -Millfeed:�Cat delivered,- Montreal freights, ba, . ., - , � cluded,-bran, per ton, $3i, short -d " �� 24; good feed floul I . middlings. S, 3 - 1�1 I bag,, $2.80. HaY-�-Xo. IXEr t(M, I - I ... to $f4; No. 2,U1 to $12 on trau I'll, "ir lots, 'ver I'., '. - Toronto. Straw --C . 1%� -to $9, track� Toronto. Poti�toes-1 w� I � Brunswicks, in car lots �' 32.14 a- ��.. i -we5tern, in car lots, $1.8-5 to $14, I � � I bag. � � � � � __ . - Buffalo, Nov� 14. -Cattle -A . � , I 16: I , jilli, steers, �,,7.50 to -81f),I, 1� . pping, ,� oeriers, f6 td �$9; heifers SO tt) � � \, - I eows, $3.25 to $7.25; bulls, S5 toll . I t I ` ,stockers and feeders, $5 to 7.25; -, I '. ,ows and springers, Active and �z. I I 450 1+0 $115, -1 I . 0 . I I $1,3.50. Aogz-Act1v--; . � $a t . 1 4 A � 410,50; mixed, $10.25 to $10-40.: , , I , 4z . 4ers.$10.20 -to $10.25-, light I - - w . W i&. $9.175; pigs, V9.215; roughs,� I - to �$940; stagst $7.50 to $8150. ' Zlnd Lgmbs--Active; lambs _$7 - � - .yearlinks, $5.60 to V-50; wethe � ' L -to *7�75 , to $8.561,.,. ewes, $3 0; I . 7 7 �7 t $8. 1 sheep, $7 _�O � . . a', NOV. -14-At the 140 I .stock yards',west end market t! - ' I --eipts -of live, -stock for the weei ' '0' November 1-,Ith were 2,-6W. � - MI- P0 hol. � 2,000 sheep an4 lambs, 2 p _1'000 ealv�s. Thp supply on the ket this mornint.for iale ,conels . .- :1,700 cattle, 1,30� sheep and I hogs and Too cal*es. Owing tc . I +1 searcit-y of grain ,-ipd the 11 , . . prices ruling for fdodstuff-s. - 9 evidently have made "up their � I- riot to feed flie young'itock this , , . &a A -'he offerings of such'on the U ,, ...... I today were the largest f-0 some � past the demand from packers . I . 11 I a�pl�e, and there were ial.es of I I I . � - a at $4,60 to $4.90 and cowt I t - . to $3,90 per ,cwt. There weire � � Cally no choice steers on the,m, . � I but -the supply ,of good and'.��, . Tlhe trade in - I . grades -was fair. ' . . cows was fairly active, and, Sa � a few choice wilkers were ma 'high as $12.5 each. Sheep and, � 'were,firm under a good demand. � 'was no change in calves for whi - ,demand was also good.'r The bd ­ the off exings. were rrasss feA . . and the top price realized for su; I Se per lb, while milk -fed calve.F - - �, scarce and firm. The market foi � Was weaker again today and I . teored a further decline of 10,c I .... prom _Pl I Per cwt. The demand .1 I . i5one, with sale$ of choice se lots te $IL25, d selects et �� � goo - * , . Sows at $9.25, and stags at $5.' '19 - � . ;5X5 per -cwt.,-.weighea off ca , * . I - Quotations: Bixt6hers' eattle, K $7.75 to SS; inedium $6.50 to � � � � tommon -$5.25 to, $&rl); cannernz . . - to $4.90- butchers choice covms I . 46-25; mwl�� *5 to ,<iuo; buL'-- I I - - $6.50; milkers, choice eacb., $7.1 1 - ;11D; common and mediu'm, V-% I sPringers,70 to *85; sheep ewe! - 14 to $7.50; bucks and culls iii� t .1 larAhs, $10.25 to $11; Kogs, ,*R, *11 25; calves, per -cwt., 14 to y - - TI&n. Stock YArds, Toronto, � 3-4 The offerirg in -butcher ecatt I Morning was lighter than usual . *Pening market, but this fa&. I vms not respozisible for the � buYing tone which prevailed. ' I 18.it -jVeek'a curtaliled opgratior . I � . zriong butcher cattle the busvrm � * Out this morning for butchers a I I , I I e and cgtters, with the � � , j Vt Inherrse was an acave marl # I . . over at values advan"d fr=-.' . 25--- beyond last -week's. .. - I ­ , I . � _ . - - - - - 1.1 , - � - � - � I - : I � � - , I ; - . -_