HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-11-17, Page 3. . ...... !up from''the na. of ik i ato br- es& - 4e -Order �7 -Tbb a Ph6n !.1. our- S, ewarts tin V file, A M e MIMS V 4. a hole -i 4 "7 NJ Mail N"Our Order Od S a 1homent u wt%wlill Pic wnrkomd _ 1k EON- b a d 187V them. One wotW jdT Me the other- hol-I a both with a. shoVel, a BUS'neSS panted- as.thesr toiled. �n a star. s F Ile' d, shell went up, theythrew themselve� flat t0L the earth ond rose to resume thei,.� T Rio 0 Store I V V 'he I labors as ght died away. &I suendoa givon to the busiums of A=sn Three stiff, itnd rigid bundleswray� jjigen I&M, St6ok Bale notes coUec We on favonble Ia ; L th ped in khaki I ity, on e und neat x the diggers,, a4d, baving the h6le' W Zusgi R turne4 deep and wid digg W h S RepaptMent G b I x ft,,bundlo tied a s g iouno 1119 to turn 16iffl, e;d them ana arr, t it each fe a *:L.uu ana upwwas rlemvm [e it; x shoved them lin the ThO =".paid or added to 300010CLU v1dee a you. x were three so *ers Idi buried. loft savice amwed to depodt&L I stopped' 6r a moment beside the U L Uf X g-24"'IvAeird at �rl')rk, boys," I said. The I rgest and e av x I "'Getting a -few of them u1ndor," sai R. Mw JONES, Wmger. 1i a SEAFORTH BRANCH. 144 Jo OU0, if V 10%� AW& left AW& x maXoone sllv":�at this work Have low seen a dog a out at all Y U ILI -?tq was man's sudde'r, in I I Depe b e Mer an..d, 'No W=, q'Ve beard about -Ir air many who sat under his ministry in that a0g. , Is not suplx, to be oppt .. n Vae years goiae- bi that li� had lost a German W . t un.ty none of his old-time ftie.' Th4 choir it said He's old AIeV'Im'�e'disgu in, urou u W music sit each serfice. the di -ver. '%d -Mi-da ouile rendered sm lal e Roof C in 'h, =-=�Zxmvw - - tWevemig' Mr. Adams' sang �.-thedirtir�s*ine.lj!don'tliiceita�a�. DS=Cr MALWIMS a solo. The thapkofferang amount6d Lookl Th . I ere's the d I xro M to $250, aboLst. $100 more than' last ; ad gh t S 't - r- lilhDie& k at care e year. L '%Metbd4g in spite of %-A IL ok shape in Imist ten yards a a, r TUCKERSMITI.I. Natte&--Ruran County is showring nd stood there'foi aoment as nspectin 22KIXbu -in -,a, d, &ol Repqrt.-The following is "he splendid resuls; from the n rop g,us A strange thrill ri'm sc T-1 01 the-sthool in Section Xo. of 1916. The farmers had ials we have thro T-­�F - .0 -an -1111113- -hrough cmybody. Re Mi To -ort- e months of ually li-ea I% which TUekersmith, for th J;%jc Opp, has turned ' "T.hat1s.,it Again, said �%ber and October. Sr. Fourth-. 'oui t(i Oxcellent 4uality.� i er. 'I ve seen it tbree times t�- 4� constant search accumulated a, stock, Joit, 0ark 72 -p-.uth Caldwell 65; Jr fa rmer, named John-.Zehwantz, living night; once # dus oos grave- �,Iv__Igettie P-,*qpe)� 70, Stahlev. Mitch- a few- miles north of 'Clinton on-.* 1be �ard among !the L'Xtokesl ag. 64- Jr. III- S. Huron Road, -� had 6,5 Acres of boans, jeating A dead body, - and Grace-- rePPer W-80 68 e Madge 71, and -has'alrea4;r sold 1,000 bushels, -4 Reatrie ay it's a ghost."' tor xe connes forre 7M le 7 91!aranteed wearino, appare q " - -V 1 -glanced at the man, of �n. laws. lk%r Xrk 1;2, Robbie Keys 66, Fred hich will net him -$5,500, he having theu ba4k 62, George Vanstone 60; Jr. made his sale at $5.50 per bushel. The The giti� at.the:svot where the dog had r a Pep laInners of Stdnley townstdp are lead- �-Yay Fairburn 75, Do 3een., But no, t.qe: animal Was gone. ao: ers in the production of beans and I An air.of �oneliness pervaded tfie men, worrien a hildren et pfieet� rt'STRAWR Dalryn-rple 65, Vviillie Ta'Cr nq �c ds. o f s rustlif g ;wiies Wilkinson 50, Sr. I -Anna they report ekeellent crops this year. place, the s .,e over a rive 77, Willie -Murphy, L.O�L., ga 94 ly swept along over the gro, d. I coud 4Wwell 78, Mary Fairburn ve an at home s^r- cart at - aft. eXPert yvb�� Poster Pepper 73, Garnet to.their friends on TuesdAy evening, bear a tw­ Snap, a man- ough, ai �d ch 4L*ld-well 76, that no ins 19 Rectivei)ur a e �wlng �qp !Ularm. V41rymple'69 Stanley Isean. 66; prim- The Rev. J. A. Robinson 6ccupied.the �n the midst of' all the I e noisl �s He URM at - n Adge 75, John Bean 70,tKv- chair and short addresees were given lWhich moielji. Accentuated e silene e, jr-i6n M ith an estimate, I-riwillinson 62, Martha Ligneel 60, by the local clergy. At the conclusion '1i't­suddenly r6se long -drawn and eele, o�pass.- flien be hUde& W, ---Margaret, lAgpeel of the programme refreshments were �& howl of i6,lonely dog,.,, iord't 0 makes a served, and the evening's procee . If id the d' an dinD*s "The dir y� swine, sal g .,?,sie -Buchan , Teacher. t 9 is beck and'eam were very much onjoyed,-Dr. J., "I wish somebody would g ot it." tbourers versed. Gandier has -been appo*W medield "No. one dould shoot the anim. STANLEY. bridge con- officer in he absence -of Majr Shaw, said the other worker., Ivs not a ed ' h ev school i.Eteport-The following is the of the 161st who is off to the front. 'Vs the aevil bfinself." 't wl� 0� . 09; 1 'he end n Section No- T1 My way took me past Loos pro uee =--Aport of the school i he boy sibuts have been -pkesentoc ur�h' d Stanley:for the inbnth of October. with bugle, and church yard; the foinier,al A rei adulktw drinn and colors, the gifl, I m0ow Xame&are- in order Of of Clinton citizens. levelled to,the gro'und,. the latier There never was a tinw whe* mo,, want a b6dge,, H Thompfwn and H. W. Rathwell idelved by shells,- and the boxios � 6f­ �rest infanfl-i G. C. MacLean; Nurth (a) -M. '!t -dead villagers � flung I readeast to; -he Aaft 'ake your pial -Cooper, R, Mcclymont, Z. 'Moore, FOR "BLIGHTY.". 7 the winds of heaven. I loaked at 1he tion and substitution was-pradised: I er for me- yourth. (b) -E., graveyard and the white tombstones. riv P. Fisher, N. 4 Hood, t, sq you ha4� 1G-. j. Cooper. Sr. Third, J. E..� Hyde, �Here I sawthedogagain, The'silver L. M, � Poster, (By Patrick Macgill, in 'The Cana ]L R-oss; jr� Third 'light of a star shell shot aslant a x - there Orkin than Maga crumpled wafl, and enable I me to fee then saft down. an, L. S Near Sr Second zme r is to -day. We, have the, h the proposed IL, Foster, W. A. Ross, L C. Work- a long -black fig-ae, nois less as the "A'All part Second -R. T. Jarrott, E of the morning:, shadow of a cloud� slink � �ast the : it - cm&). ryou- in wanytcm .d other necp­ T. Anderson, M, E. Merrian;- First The night was intensely dark,. and tle stone crosses and disax pear. A�, Lin goods hereto un up a fiv& k&T.J- coul, I a howl, lonely - and we! rd, thriBted H, A. Dinsdale,..M. M. Merrian, from the door of the dug -out I I -you that it ix 4, C. Poster. The best spellers in the scarcely see th6 outline of the sentrT through the A*. 'his, is the first.: -=onthly spelling matChes were:- V who stood on -the banquette fiftee.i I walked down the Vla'n street of -68- at prie8s'yom mit, 4- A dlt-� ., TV Ibl- A.- 44 n� ir I Zl .61 Flu Old .1y kal� ixg&L 1 yards, away. aban r, OR 11� Loos where the deau MLU,,,s ay s on ,ke bricks vith� 14on-na Hood; Sr. III-Ern$L Hyde; could glance over the parapet, and between the shafts -of t461r limbers. Jr. wand Sr.: 11 -Wallace Ross; Part when -a star shell went up I could It was, here that 1. sAw qilhooley die. -1ff-F,dgar Fos H- JObnst0n, trace the outline of a ruined mill ths t -GOoo, ter Gilhooley, the master, bo�ber, 4U Teacher. stood up, gaunt and forbiddinit, tv 0 ley, the Irishman. hundred yards away from our Lt "Those dikinned snipers are inAiM PRIESIDEINNT&, fror .6877---6471 line trench. On the left a line Of hoti§es up.the streets," he said fing�jer- BAYFIELID. -swept �trees stoo 'i bomb lovfiigl� shrapnel in hn Adams dgie�4, School- Report.-rrne jolowing is the motionless. Now and again I get tWem �out of it," Then i he less.and JL - ling about $76, the pupils of the Senior 11 Evu State valmd at� d in- air, leaf we�l Y. "But, by glad, �,standing of s bullet hit -the sandbags wil 4 was shot. ThiEi -happened � i month )or that if O�n- room for the months of September and a sniper Uiide v ear for a crack like a whip. In the darkness the ruined ho:es' 'ed his, library 10ctober. Ma3dmum -marks 0: -Sr. was not in the least in- assumed'fantastic shanes the frAg- been a mau- V-1, Woodt, 84, Florence EIERott 807 The trench it a fort -- Heard 74, Xuriel King 69 teres.ting- it was quite new and -h8d ment of a standing wall b -,came a gar - and left a.,. ma olle a demon, a monst ous aninial,, of t Fam. died so Vow- -Beulah Parker 65; Jr. v -G. BE u " III y Lke� no histor�. A regiment dug g Me be h (;1, S. night previously and lost some two A , nchback. leered dowr at me ftom �the expense, of Sr. 1,V-4Ethel Drehin iii the work. The woun I- A* roof as I paps6d, his 'riump in the icy A&= )eft. Xing 56 M. Currie 49, ann hundred men Ri#h,McDon - n on 48, H. Baker ed were cArriod awiLy, the dead lay. air, his -lead thrulst forward on knees H t& parap -t'; that rose. to his face. Fwther.along, ft some $40& ald 4g, I arold West Jr. IV -E wes 41J� May Howard 26; thel on the revIrge slope of e r's, PH not draw t 71, Jas. Drehmann 65, Frank wasting td clay. Another regime it a block of masonry beca e a gi 10, at Las y a da3 s, woman w1a was.stepwn across the it, at, the Vxwin 62 Leslie Elliott 56, Rota Har- had been in the place " for four, and Only. that morning sev ..summit of a mountain, her sb awl rvice drew Alfred Copeland 52, Jean now, left tba x1son 63, of our men were killed and manv drawn over her head d, a pitcher Woods* 4&, Ethel Gemenhardt 40, '.In the midst of the ruin and deso- swam -aw r1or had awm& LGernihardt* 33, Norval Geminhardt, wounded. Lifeleas bodies stip lay iiii, on her shoulder. f that r y whfl,- in th& ekard 92, L. the trench; the blood of the 'wounded. In tha face cf the fact INK OF a i �3.f, Sr. III -Alfred Ri whom I had carried down. to the dr:ess- lation.of the nigl�t -of m)rbid fanpies, H 44-5ftiow. yr- -Mi,# 82, Russell Davidson 034- William s 31, Park- Ing station was still moist hy in the centre of. a sq e lined *1th woo[ is three times its normal priceg thir; store� 'a TOM W Car.' mfth; FfflM=& Mrown 34, Norm ..0 o sell you undierw I added to his -er 34, Those marked (*) were ab� tunic and trousers. . npeopled houses, I came across!'an through advanced buying is ablet J91 image of, s mepain, the Agonjr of an& 'me on account of "Would it be wise to light a fire. wom= of sent part of the ti. the Cross. "Rat iufferpg has Loos �Ices. Not ordinary underwear bUt br rth �20-*,W; illuessw--Dean Geddes, Principal, asked Dilly, my mate, who was lyiag at the old pr, wbot- on the earthen floor of the dug -o it.! I known ? What torture, what 'sok row, Turnbull's. Stanfield'sy ted at t agony? The ed goods. Pehrrta'-q1S9 eraei#x *as well FORMOSA. "I want a dro f to I didn't have,'Wha nds that staad Grant becanift. of tea :k o a. oi-�- nd � Watsons. Bra k I In keeping- witlifthis scOne of des' sley, Tiger Brand a t h -e-- -Serious Fire. -Quick action and co- a sup day." L Last Veaf?S IffaYs was ation by the residents of Mildmay "The oTicers -won't allow us to light ti6n- for Underwear pe� faction. We repeat it, L fire," I said. "But if we hanir a - Old Mae of the R.A.M.C. was sit -top. his !01 *aved the Roman Catholic chureY at ee for yourself, ly- moderaWy- ion Thurs- ground sheet ovbr the door the light - ting on a blanket on th -1 floor of the s. Come in 4nd s Price i sa, from total destruct braz-, dressini-station. when I mtered. Mae Formo ? get through. Is there a worth 4Ry ]Xight. Thd steeple was struck Won,, is a fine si ow; 'fortund lWnrZ ler rien ofT* I asked. nger �and a fidirty fel during an electrical storm and the ed re, said D" I he is a. great f d line. aft w, ere laot. ific hreatened. J. Weiler drove es, there's one hei _e Vag t [ was just going to use it for a i �1-' "What do YOU wa it now?" . he a nfial to Mild -may, a distance of six miles "I I feel so sleepy. a.- ked. n Othut rayalue-s-ftum. in his aut6mbbile in ten minutes, Re- low, "A drop of r if --eu have ary If e is- a W-3 lays of team& Were arranged and each He placed a ground sheet over the took a'%to spa-ke," I ahs.ver.--d. I IV- oWre a devil for ;galloped with the fire� engine f5r two door while speaking, and 1 The improvised brigade of candl from my pocketi lit it, and booze," Wac e ffailes. in a little niche in the wall. i said, taking the e,-trk out uf a water a�n il- ed Formosa just Rs the pl ed Shipilient ot Tl:n it I aremen reach we split some wood with a clasp- bottle which he :,ften uspe. fm =flelli to the roof. t Considerable knife, placed it on a brazier, and lit I legitimate purpose. - I'Theea',­, a'wee was done to the chureli by a fire over which we placed 'a mEss- drappie goin', m4n." ,water. The lightning tore a hole in I,drank. XT via t the tin of water. "Not bad, a wee drap le.' saidl Mae S he wall of the church near L s msh ed fitfully an� Latest SO u I .7- -ground. One of the large bells in the The candle flicker and marrow tbr"Ak- J' steeple -was also da Yed. The storm dark shadows lurked in the corner., Ay nion! it's health ae the navel -was acompanied bmar of the du --out, A mouse peeped ddvn of the bon s. is &� 9 mtr4 eavy,rain and ask- S y bags on th( "Are the others in cd?" .1 able damage was from between the sand W snow and considej roofits bright little eyes glowing vitl ed. Several hands wor at the dress- -1 T -done by the gale. Telephone lines The ground sheet hangine.' ing station, but Mae w, s Vie onAl. one mischief. a comfnission. in, 'were narly all out over the door was caught �by a bre4 �ze, there now. 16ng, distance. 1do own and strange ripples played across it. I'Theyrle having a wee bit 1, ar from outsidg the snap in the cellar" said Nae.. 'T11, get We could he ' ar out." i BRUSSELS of rifle. bullet down there if you cle. Nr s on the parapet. "Give ine some iodin3 and I'll go," week Turn-ber- "It's very quiet in here " said D: 11Y hope no I said. is any one depart - v' A Fine Road. -Last to "And I feel so �Uke slee�. I If there -ry street north, 'was thrown open d a bottle, lia nded it to me, barricaded for one gets hit. to -night_ I don't th He fille the public after being adership the p at four or -five. months while the I'd be able to "help with a stretcher and 1'. went'out LiTain to the street, ment inwhich thele a as in pro- down to the dressing station until I A slight. artillery ro-A was in, pro - work of macadamizing it w -vr gressnow. sleep. 110 store more marked of th -g-ress. The inspector pronounced the have a few hours'. - Something suddenly seemed to,isting and it looks good and many wounded did we carry oat to my wrist and -A, eharp pain st). up the Job complete hex 1 1 S I -we hope it will prove permanen day? Nine?" my.a I raised ni.y hand an saw McLean I said. rm. than anot I �is J0 D. -The e "Nine or ten : liquid dripping down my palm . J , _Ontractor was Thomas for 91 y.wZ badly hit,"' DillY .z aid. a darl T ,of Wingam, who has been busy Shame, s . Ready -t te-e as -welt o n. this kind Of "I don't think -he'll pull throug on to my, fingers. omen ,the past two seasons rry street "It's hard to say,11 I iemarked, n-1- "I wonder if this Nviil get ine back �work in town. South Turnbe3 a newsp e 'to England,." I niittemd, and eurned ats wil %as had hundreds of loads of broken ning the fire with Is 'OR. , I last shipmen of new CO Irf Ice"ILLY. alied, and then rolled arld "'Felan, the cook who -Was wo, e back to:the dressing The inate the fact that 4tone api. shape now to in the charge a . ;ionth ago, got a :) Mae had. not goae d)wn -to cel- still further illum jDRAND- %should be iu- good' lar; the water -bottle was stilt un - It is expected that let in his shoulder. It leamei ou when you buy here get what is Ilew, ztand the wear. I &essed the corked:, i next espring the busiTiess section of through his back . ly. The bullct ... Back again�', he tthqniz�cd. T bridge to 'wound. it was ghast stylish and beoommg but umbem, street, from the i -1 -market piercerl his lung. and every time be Looks like IV, I replied. .11 1- INT cret all these uying power or ERE is another triumph of the b i H this Store.' We, have hundreds of sweater coats in all sizes, styles. weaves and colors. Made by such - leading firms as Penman, Monarch, 'Warren Bros. &c. These, garments are the highest Standard it * possible to attain. You car not cret Lietter than the best -these art the best -and last but by no means least you nwl. not find more. r%easonable prices anyWhere. -Im AW e AN.- "w t In our clothing depaAment Wa ' g of all that, ..have a showin a 0 is new in suits and overcoat, men and bloyse An immense assemblage for fall and winter wear in whicb variety olf styl-es, i - A materials and 0 Atterns, is prue of tl -e I Most pr minent featuresi and from LO which it is an 4asy matter to satisfy any �Wte. But the strongest feature of all -the intersecuon 01 ULZ& I air from tb e 49'You're bleedin.q I t. Ile exualm- You CLC LLC& 0 Larp -:streets, wffi be dealt with. This Part breathed, some of the ets out through his bael �. I ed, seeing the bloo'2d hand. CG) -me in noleumis is the fact that there is no down with lung canie on my less money. Rugst Ll I ,vf the street -may be put "Strafed, you boiinder, you're , ;��, 4 W*O- ning prophesied that he Would rive for four ds�t raf eV Perceptible advance in vri- ­e-aent io as tj enatle tie Clea !roi n He examined my wolmd an ressed and see those new ones. tions wei, received trom, Glas- it and removal of the dust. With or five hours. I had a letter J it. Contrary to our expecta ces. Come in and test this and boulevarding, him the other day. He's in a London nd Linoleums -the c�ment curb LUC 'dog," he said, handiAg me e of the fin- hospital, and he is able to walk about y gow Scotland ashipment of Rugs a 'Turnberry street will be on the water -bottle. "YoWre for bqfghty, n these are con- statement. �est on the program After next season. again." man, f ord%elred months ago. The prices 0 (I �vonderf�l- or bligbty. I wish to 'God I Special Attention -day, Some eople pluck up sa-id Billy. "Is the tea ready?" -was!" ail or Phone siderably leiss thad they could - be bought to CLINTON. - Finer wea- lyfilit"s *eadyl said. given.M e advantage on to our custom- Mail Your� Orders -sary .. Services,. together, rubbing- oir Order� We will pass t1lais pric. Phone Your Orders Anniver We sat down'-. ers. dy have been provid $100 REWARD, $100 M� �ther could har for +Ie smoke poured into them, We save VOU oney. 7 ervices in J- I for the anniversary a and opened a tin of bully beef. T1 -e aper The r�aders of this paper be ario Street Methodist church on Sun beef with a few biscuits and a mes,- pleased. �o learn -that- there is cast 4ay of last week and the church was tin of warm tea formed an excElle"Pt one dre4ded 'disease 1hat sci e has taxed both morning and evening to ac- repast. When we -had finished ei Ltir z been ablb to cure in a: I its Istag and xngregations . which gommodate the cc lit our cigarettes. that is datarrh. Catarrh bTing atly -7- this the case we atended. VPecially was "Have you. got any iodine?" Dil -y influenced bYV. onstitutional con. itions 7' Chu in the. evening as Wesle rch With A +Iq a eol came suddenly inquired. requires! con�otituti al tr -vent. Mm idrew its service -ge numbers. to Pjoin 14, the "None," I answered. -nave you Hall's -Cure is taken internally up in lar t of Lon- -I got my pocket hit by a bull at and acts� blood on the Mucou's :Service' Rev. W, G, Hows0t, oming up here," Dilly answered. and Surface of, t, Sys in t�ereby de - Aon was the preacher oftbe da smashed." stroying eloquent and thought bottle got the f tion of the disease, ke aelivered tW6 Iodine is so necessary when dress- giving t e p ent strength by building I" 0S fial sermons. In the morning he chose ttew, W001 ewl, of rood, ing wounds. Somebody might get up. the Matitution nd assistingna- Du for his subject, 41"The G14 lis Train hit during the night. tnre in doing its I'll go to . i taking. of his text words 'I $ .1 the dressinF station and The proprie -ovening Uell in the curative ant Filled the T!�:Lplel" in the tors hav so much I arvel of Squares' et some," I said to Dilly. "You can Hall's CA �arrh Cure that his subject was 'A M IV -"a d �sEAFORTR� ve a sleep." pow'�rffs JUJUY'S an "that we may compre- they o One Hundre I Dollars for any lis textbein- -U-4. is +he I put my coat on and went o POCA t itfailstocure Send forlist hend with all. saln'L-5 clambered up the rain sodden paxa- d4-h aur length And height and of tes onials. 3- brea each dos and got into the open Vhere Ad s MT CHENEY& CO., To- deptl� of the love af God,12' On a shell hole yawned at every st( Mr. Howson preached elo- ledo, o. SW by all. druggist, 75c. 6009ow y d where the dead lay unburied A occasion,,, earnestl proving to the an quently and ,4 A