HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-11-10, Page 3NOVBAIREWigi 1 • ••. ...?..row.4.**m***tio*.il*,,******;~***,,m42*, **********Itannififtele***' saleenuereneesee. I tablithed 187l. oformatamemeseems MAL AND RESERVE S13,000,060 0010.0.00,0•0.000 Farmers' Sale Notes do well to lettere their Sale 310tee with The Datainen BSI* for etelleatibile 00fletilt the Manager. XX SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager. • I ,, X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIKXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX on Expo attar, was reelected a follows: R. Cleg J. A. MeLean, r. A. J. Irwin, Vanstone, Dr. R C. Redmond, Dr. P. Kennedy, C. . Smith T. C. Kin Rif 74' 1 DISTRICT MATTERS B. Elliott. H. dusgrove an - - - - - - aanhtors. Tho .. COLBORNE lows: Receipt $232. , Funeral of A Sailor.—One of the $340.37 68; Ontart ; korgest funerals' ever seen in Col- town g grant, $275.75; borne township was that of William 29; cash donati ' .Botie one of the victims of the other than cash, -weekof the Steamer Merida on Fri- sources, $4,80; day, October 20th, in Lake Erie. The pertditures—Bu young man, who was only in his 24th year, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. bogie, Lake Shore Road, Colborne. Be was a member of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A.F. and A.M., Goderich, and the lodge attended the funeral in a body, The deceased was also a mem- ber of Leeburn Presbyterian church, end the services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. James Hamilton. Ile was one of a family .of five boys and three girls. His brothers areHar- old, a sailor on the freighter Taylor, and Reuben, John and Tommie, at home, and the sisters, Misses . Flor- ence, Violet and Christina Bogie, all 1.1, W. McKthbot were re-elected eports were as fo Balance on han vernment gran ant , $250; coun rom patients,$4,061 ns, $LL; donatio $381.74;, from oth tal, 0;557.63. E hers' meat, $264.4 at enesie fins was the fourth season buter and eggs $233.95; flour, bite "-• • moved; where dye has e 'color will not wash wool. NEW GERMAN S Stamps recently- reeei nited States, confirms ,Germany has increased kates. To the current e familiar 'women in ear added -the value of nd fifteen pfennig, put corm the new franking re The three new value increased in the same den e 734 and the 15 pfenni ew plates and the2', surcharging that value mainders of the ,two-pfe 4 AfestNieb****5444*V***, been used out of the . AMPS ed iii eports her ,,po sue bea ruler," ve 2% and orth to e n- ations! ' have beer. minatione— Made Aden leveret by pon the re- g dano 1 - The_newlots whith ave arrived from Germany containea a surprise "woman* in; armor" sta ps of he • hree new valtiO similar ed, in black, "th Gen.Gov. last eilines. the us*er as to the reason for these la is. It was i suggested that they had been issued especially for use by th population of Warsaw 1 and it renaa'neci to be learned whether other v hies of the current German stamps have been similarly o erprred. Thus another xigency of waras dded at last eighteen ne specimens o. the rapidly growing -I st of stamps arising out of the world eonflict, and ow number lig more tha 1,200,var- and meal, $129:45; milk, $138.91; te= and coffee, $45.35; potatoes and other vegetables, $59.18; groceries and pr. visions, $388.69; drugs and inediem $228.93; medical and surgical appl ances, $266.46; beer, wine and spi its, $36.50; general house furnishing $325.14; brooms; brushes, etc., 00. 99; fuel, $425.41; electric light, $92 water supply, $18.52; ice supply $2 salaries and wages, 0,527.97; taxe and insurance,. $106.97; advertisin printing, postage, etc., $46.30; con tingenems, $786,88; ordinary re pairs, $174.81e vish in bank, $210. • aLL. Bogie had been sailing and he r . ha4S. :ailed most of the -season on the $100 REWARD, $100 Taeler. Mrs. Bogie was absent from The readers o this paper will b hane, but retinned with her broth- , in ; pleased to learn hat there ie at leas eia James Roc, -from Muskoka, and cite dreaded dis ase that seieace ha me for the funeral of her son, 11.11liare, Rome .and his sofa Joan, of been able to eur in all its stages, au that is catarrh. a.tarrh being greati Toreeta, also w -tee pr asent. Harold earna influenced by co stitutional condition Boehe the deceee. .-de heather, irom the Soo to be present at the :requires cons tional treat eo Hall's Catarrh C e is taken internall sad event. The funeral took place I and acts thru th;blood on the Mucoa from the faintv ze.S;4enco on Friday afternoon last to Colborne cemetery, Surfaces of the System thereby de end the ver-- large attendance was el- s*roying the fou dation of the disease, oquent of the esteem in which the , giving the. patie t strength by bulidin family are held and the widespread up the constitu on and assisting na in doing i work. The proprie eympatilies the untimely end of this turd tors have so muc faith in the curetiv fine young man called forth. !powers of Hall' Catarrh Cure " the GODERICH. [they offer One H dred Dollars foams case that it fails to cure. Send for lis Novembee Wedding. — On Satur- of testimonials. day, October Vt,h, al high noon, the Address: F.J. CHENEY & CO., To mat/gage took place of Margaret E. Mos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. leclo, Ohio. Sold: by all druggist, 75e A WORLD -RECORD BEATING "- HEN. Moes, Goderich, to Dr. J. Benson 'Whiteley, also of Goderich, Rev. Fr. McRae officiating. The bride looked aerating in an ivory satin gown, Ontario's Agricultural College a trimmed with Egyptian hand Ilea, Guelph, has pr duced according and from the sho tiers hung a long the records in e hands of the De court train. Her veil of silk embroid- -Partment of Agriculture, a world record -beating en.- For some - year: ere& net fell softly from a Cleopatra tap, which Wag held in place with- now the poultry branch at the colleg has been special zing upon the Barre a dainty wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet Rocks species a a utility breed 43 bridal roses. She was attended la her poultry both for egg and meat pro duction. Dunn the past year on sister, Miss Erma, looking lovely a black hat, and catrylug a bouquet member of the flock laid 310 eggs of pink and white roses. Mr. E. Mc- This is the greatest number of egg' Laughlin acted as groomsman. Din- laid by any her of this breed in on ner was served at the home of the year, so far as Hide' world s record bride's parents, after which Miss Er- are obtainable. ma Whiteley rendered bautifully The world's ecord in egg-layin the solos "Because" and acensean_ for hens of -all reeds is 314 eggs in cy." The house was decorated with year, and the Ontario champion ha. thrysantherauras ferns and carna- ten days of her twelve-month still o tions. The groom's gift to the bride go when she fell a victim to the hea was a ring set with diamonds and and suddenly departed life. He ruby, and to the bridesmaid also a demise is heli ed ,to have spoiled :ruby ring, to the groomsman a tie- new worldreco d, since to the tim e was laying an eg pin with pearl settings. Amid show. of her dee as clock work. ers of confetti the bride and groom a day as regula left on the afternoon train for, To- The On io Agriculture College however, have net abandoned the cov eted goal. The poultry de artme this year has pro uced more hens wh have laid an ave age of 200 eggs pe before. Among thes s the daughters o ion stand among th: .rs, indicating tha they intend to keep up the famil BLYTH. tradition. So far as official records go, th Notes.d--F. Toll is buying all the high water ma k. in egg-lyng pre turnips he can get in this section and viously reached by the Barred Roc shipping them as far south as Km- • species was ea for the year. Thi barna.--A. Wilford, of Winghatil, was record was nide three years ago in town on Thursday, and he is fig- The annual average production of th 'tiring on starting his evaporator at ordinary barny rd hen is eighty egg Whirharn, but instead of drying ap- per year. pies as in the past, his idea is to evap- The experiments at the College ar orate turnips, for which, he esthete,on by Professor W.R there is a great demand for soldiers at the front—H. Homey, who has been in the west for the past month, returned home this week. While. in the west he had charge of a thresh- ing outfit, but on account of the snow threshing had to stop. — The usual number of, hunters from this section have gone to Parry Sound district, where they expect to capture their quota of deer.—The annual silver med- al contest was held in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening of last week, under the auspices of the Wom- en's Christian Temperance Union. It was conceded that this was one of the beat that has ever been held in. the tcounty. There was a large attendance and the receipts amounted to $24.65. The judges were: For singhig, Xiekley, of Belgrave, and Misses Far- quharson and Reynolds, of Winghaux, 'and for elocution, Mrs.McManus, Mrs. Southcott and WITS. McManus, all of Clinton. After a hard time the medals were awarded to Mildred Brown for ?onto, Buffalo and New York, the bride atired in a suit of toupe broad- cloth with moleekin trimmings and a elpoleonic hat to match. Beautiful gifts were received from the many Year than ever friends of Dr. and Mrs. Whiteley, successful Jaye showing the esteem in which they are the dead chara held. highest produc being carried Graham, regarded as one of the bes Poultrymen on the continent. Th Provincial Dep ent of Agricultur has already dis *buted 8,000 setting of eggs throu h the district repre sentatives and the school fairs children in On roto desirious of goin in the poultry business. FOOD TESTS. s of adulteration o ple tests for pur to the housekeepe re from The Scientif SIMPLE In these da foods, a few food are usef The following ic American. To distinguish butter from ma gerine, put a II quantity in lass and keep it for half a our in water suffieiently warm t melt its conte ts. If the butter i pure and of tie highest quality 't will almost c be clear. Ma gerine, or a -worked up butter, show a cloudy effect. Another test` is to put a tiny piec of the suspect' article in a, spoo singing and GladysFawcett for elo- and hold it o'er a flame. Real bu cuticle the medals being presented by ter bolls quiet, y,' producing a qua Mrs. M. Young and Mrs. (Rev.) Pow- titiy of small bubles; ina.rge ' e ell. Each of the other contestants were erszkies and s utters. presented with a silver W. C. T. U. 'Pm. There were eight contestants in the singing contest and six in elm*. tion.Miss Bentley and Mrs. Kine made these presentations. Reis-. Mr. Powell, of Clinton, gave a splendid address on "'Dominion Wide Franchise for Woine et' WINGHAM. The Hospital.—The annual meet of the Wingham General Hoapital sharehoders was held in the town cierk'a office in the town hall, on mon- tiy evening with the president, R. Clegg, presiding. The reports pre- sented for the year ending September ZDth, showed that the hospital had had the most successful year in the history of the institution. There were more patients treated than in any previous year. The year Was with a cash balance, and this la face of the fact that noe donations were asked from the public during the year. The Board of Directors 0' A simple tetfor tea is to rub a few leaves in a clean white cloth. e tea should leaee no mark on t e cloth; dyed will make a v t definite stain, not easier rubbed way. One of tie commonest adulte - ations of tea is the dyeing of e leaves to- make them look a go.d color. The addition of alum to bread, to make it white, is to be condemned, as aluni, taken this way, is ver harmful. To d out if alum is behig used in.your I read put a piece 'o bread in a saeuer, and pour -over a solution of carbonate of ammon- da. If alum is present in the bread it will turn blaeli: if the bread is pure , no change wi Dye is free may- be der - sample .of the egual quantit piece of cotta hour. Then t If the jam is 1 take place. ently need in jams. It as follows: Mix a jam or jelly with an of water, and BA e wool in it for half an to wash out the stain pure -the stain can b 1 ieties. - P RTH NOTE —The larfge plant of Biscuit 'and j Candy Com as been idl�.foi the Past '11' betakeki over and t Unary ho pital for w e County f Perth. —The fuiera1 of John G, MitehOl, resident o Molesworth or 65 ye rs hose deatlfr oceurred o Saturd v. ctober 28tl, waS held to Moleswo h emetery, Rev. T. A. Bel officiatiug. e was a Libe 1 inpol tics and an elder in the Pres yterian —Mr. and MrsJ. McA. ert, who recently dispo arm and stack, have gon , here they will reside. P eparture their neighbors resented them- with lea nd a 'purse --Sergt, 3 W. Ord, of t ngineers,and formerly i nd Lathe employ of J.W. eeecteijoven dhaasInpnalstsal medaln ere. Ord is the first o receive special diet revery. His name appe number d Canadians for ce at a critical time. -a-The saes& and .chur agen have been closed anger ..of the spread of .di E . he disease en that distiie lag: byeeeanr co)c skoen4, ob fY es that were taken mttohrecGos eath occurred, that of ardt, who died on Wedne eek. . ,' -a-Mrs. F, Kantel, an old esidence was in Toronto, t some friends in Brodh onths ago. She died at r. George Hillebrecht nd was- buried le the B ery on Sunday. She was ge and when visiting at Mr. Hil reeht's fell' and injured herself adly that . she hes been confined ed ever since. She lea s one s n hooesides in -Toronto, an who, with is wife, was with her at he time pf er death. —Mr. and Mrsi Joseph Norris. of Staffa, were agreeablyeee-- ''' - 1 tl. onday of last week . - ' - i i- ersary of their marriage, when th ir araily- all gathered home• celebra he event. The wedding upper w 11 prepared by thefamily nd broug in ready for the table: Mr. Nc ris was presented with a old head cane *Ind Mrs, Norris ring. They also received iful chairs and (ether a and Mrs. Norris have bee residents of that1 neighbo their lives, and it Is the wi one that hastthe pleasure quaintance that they may years more. ; —Mrs. Georee Vie. an well known settler, of St. on Thursday, aged 85 yea ceased was born ia Scotia nearly eighty-three year maiden name being Phoeb At anyearly age she was Mr. John Abbott,who was publisher of a Brantford few years later eurchase Welsh, the St. Marys Jo known as the St. Mary and removed to that to as it was then, irt the s Abbott died about a quart ury age and a couple of his widow married Mr. Vice and took up reside home in St. Marys, where sided ever since he Mooney any, ,which two months •ed into a • ded friim hurch. eere of, lb - ed of th ir and fri th 'or th ir to De:rr,e her chairs. e Canad' n if Me1ch1l Blowes, or brave y. itchell boy nction for red amo g special s r - h at Br d- ill all the htheria ii- utbreak of seems fto ung me s - bat it. Oae illiam, tJie orge Leon - day of last lady whose ame to vis - gen, a few he home ,of on Frid y ptist ce e- 83 years of e- 0 1 , • TEE HURONIEKPO hone Your ITOR )rders 1 Ste varts Sell It For Less MEN'S & Ys Mail Your Order The Largest Assinstment of Warm Cone. ri Overcoats W( iave EvkAr how This is a sho ig of Intercoats, the equal of which has never been in , ''sale overcoats,* made cheap to sell cheap, but stylish, cosy coats, honesty made to give the atisfactory wear and comfort. forth before as t d rth a go d two beaut- cles. Mr. hoodrespect oie h of every f their e- njoy maiiy early a 4 arys, di c. s, The e- d, Ontar o, ago, her Ann di arried t that tine aper, but a from r. rnal, th n Standa d, or villa e xties. r. ✓ of a ce t- ears lat r, George ce in she had y. e - The Door ti‘ leath, Is Through the Rich d Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Aceually Mak.. The blood is responsi health of the body. If it ease cannot exist. If it door is shut against good ease is bound to appear or another. One person m With rheumatism or scia with anmia, indigestion, tation, headaches or ba strung nerves or any of th er forms of ailment the the blood is weak and w is just one certain spee Williams' Pink Pills. Th rich blood and this strengtehens the whole brings good health an Thousands - owe- their p health, some, life itself Miss Devine Leliberti, Que., says: Last year I cerncd grad- ually to grow week and ran down. I did not sleep well, had a poor appe- tite, and grew pale and g nerally lan- guid. I consulted a doctor who told me I ' was anee ic, and I gave me a tonic. This I fa thfully took for some time, but it did not help :me and I ep- neared to be growing IVOIs e, and final- ly I was hardly able to go about the house and almost wholly ineapaeitated for eork. While in this condition a friend advised ene to tey Dr. Wil - Hams' Pink Pills and Igot several boxes. It was not long after I began their use when 'could se an improve- ment, which just manifeSted itself in em improved appetite and better res at night. Pro* this on the improvement was rapid and I w0 not long in regaining perfect health. I think ;Dr. Williams Pink Pills are 'ad Teal • bless- ing for all weak girls. - eari get these Till; through any medicine dealer or by Mail at '50c a box or Six bo es for $.5t from the nr. Will --re 1rdne Co., Bork- ville, Ontario. Ifo se good, ise. is bad, he health, • is - n one fo ,!y be Se" ed anot er heart pa pi kaches, many h - comes when tery. There y mire pr. y make new ood blood ystem and happin esent god s. O the p s. t. Jeronie, • en's Overcoats $7 to $20 . — - It stands to reason, that a store selling the tremendous t,&m this store dos can ghoul you more coats and sell them for less. Men g and Boys' Underwear at _Last Years' Prices THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST — and while it may seem almost incredible, the proof of the state- ment is simple. Come in and see for yourself. Stan - field's is the only line advanced. Red Label is to cents higher than last year. We are forced by the mannfac- verer to make this advance. All other lines, in both wool and fleece -lied underwear tor both men and boys are at • Last Year's Prices Beautiful Fur Sets at Specially LOW Prices OVERS of benuitiful Furs will de- lete light in our Fall Display. The new styles are so dietinctly different,o graceful and becoming and giving such a wide range to choose from. Fox Mink Ermine Persian Lamb1Wolf Lynx Sable Marnot Coon Beaver in fact every fur thet Fashion approves of is here. We wish to emphasize the superior workmanship and qua;ity of our furs. A careful comparison of values will convince you that you can buy be tter furs here and pay less for them. We guarantee every fur we sell. You ake no chance when ye*i buy your fur at STEW ARrS Flutter Wool and Eqgs !rned 4 Boys' Overcoats 0 I '$35O Sweater Coats at Reasonable Prices MAGNIFICENT Sweater Coats in all the new color combinations for men women, boys and girls ; with shawl, convertible or rarsity collars ; well made throughout of wool yarns in the better grades, and wool and cotton mixtures in the lower priced coats. You will want one when you see hove really handsome they are. Prices 50c to $6, SEA ORM And Still More New Coats for Women THIS has been our banner year for Women's Coats. Nover in the history of our store have we sold so many coats. THERE is no secret about it. Well informed women have long since known that new styles are first shown - in this store. We are keeping right abreast with the new styles. No soon- er is there a new design out than by special arrangernent with Northway, Continental and other leading manu- facturers it is sent to this store. Ey. ery week finds new ideas in style and material and what is probably more than all responsible for the phenomenal selling we have had is The Reasonable Prices ros isminiamirmiwiminummiaimmismomilsrRr ommomme