HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-10-20, Page 541.11005.85.12. eye $3.73 soles Put* •Unts Ss.00 OTEIL ntton ction 'coats have Iored y are :or in Can !inake n the 25c •25c 1Se .40e -40c •15c .40c .350 ..40c ,356 .20s .25c .50 .90c 356 .00 .90. .20c 11%50 50 .15 ath- an tieU RE Fe 4, 11040.4011441 4114111tiala; a Walt IS SURE OF HIS UFE. Warkar in a. Nitride, iiileffer Ateme-4, Catlin *meads Coolness, 9i -redoes. sitiseing--Chte Marls Experienea• .- 14teigteverin is made by °Maw *esti* acting with a statue. *Sad selpberie and nide acid. ViegtO*00* &I/PPed by a Tory tide odhstat slowly kite a infinite of Wee serni nitric an& See parts sulphuric Daring the proem the coataka gag valid hi bit cosi by I water, joek- .et. and the acid mixture is agitated by *stream of cool air. The temperature imintained at about 80 degrees. Ait- ati the egeraelea the whole agitate hi WR elf into a tank and is allowed 40ostand iu this vessel, cooled by a wa- eiejacket. The glycerin, whieh is new hnxiediatelY begins ge otellie.to thte trelf) like cream en Utak, Ws is' at ewe taken care of and pat through various processes to -deans, it of all remaining trains fit fr 1110 department of our plant numt greiiter care be exercised than in the eittutor, 'which is the name given to the building where nitroglycerin is Illentiractured. Fetplosioust are frequent, and it takes -a man of iron nerve to conduct this die -partnient It is like going tato battle *veryday Yet in the face of this we gave one man who has endiessfully Lade eitrogbiterin for twenty years, and he lives to tell you about It, only be won't Ile is as reticent as the gpthL Lae any other man o.f great courage, ihe does not boast, and John Viewber- ger *ill talk about anything except the miracle of his continued existence. I oeut only sayethat Dtvine Priovidence, a Cool head and hands and a, stent heart lave kept him at his work. The acid fumes ieet all the bididlag at all times when nitration is taking place have long since eaten away the very teeth in Ids head, but not. his teluck. It is a fact that he is provided with a new set of false teeth on an average twice a year. . The hair on his -head has long ago disappeared, and the fumes have tanned his skin to the color of bronze until he resembles a -OMB- TO= of old. And yet he has never had a day of sickness in these twenty .years He thinks, as I do, that no dia. -ease, no matter how virulent, could successfully combat the nitric fumes that he inhales. So his -work has its compensations, If you are pleased to look at it that way. - While nitration of glycerin is going ton Viewberger sits on a bigh stool, his itrIlls stretched over the nitrating mat chine, one hand on a faucet that cona trols the flow a glycerin into the acid, the other hand on a valve regulating, the cooled compressed air that is forced into the mixture and his eye glued to the thermometer that " exteeds well down into the mixture; I have said that the glycerin undergoes nittation at a temperature of 80 degrees. The temperature is regulated by the quan- tity ot glycerin that flows into the acid. If the temperature begius to rise above sa degrees he closes his valve slightly, reducing the now a glycerin, and in- treases the flow of cool air. Any little foreign substance that might get into the raixture, even through the acid of glycerin or other- wise, would cause immediate trouble. The slightest leak in the water cooling coils, permitting a little water to get into the mixture, would be the algae for the thermometer to di) a marathon, end in a few minutes the 'whole mix- ture would reach the degree a heat that would result in an explosion. Viewberger cannot desert his post when the temperature begins to rise rapidly. This condition frequently takes place, and, most of the time it -can be reduced by cutting off the now of glycerin entirely and by turning on the air to the full pressure of fifty pounds. Sometimes-, however, in spite ef all, it will continue to rise, and Viewberger knows or feels that he has lost control. Ere must leave his mix- ture to its fate and "dig out." His building, the nitrator, Is located eta a hill higher than its surroundings. The hill is a high sand dune. reamed!). olely back of the otoot on which be Bilan 15 a big door that is always left opea When be is manufacintiag. Viewber- gees method of exit or getaway is to jump out of this door and roll down the hill. While he is on his way the explosion takes place. He has done this some twenty times and yet has never reeeived an injury. He has nev- or been struck with flying debris, al- though the air le filled with flying pieces of lead and iron. Does history record a greater miracle? Dug out It the sand semiconscious from the inn naet of an explosrlon, in the course of holt an hour he bas been quite him- self again, ready to go to work if need 41e. his only regret being the loss of property sustained by the company. -- Willard_ Fay in Collier's Weekly. Hew Geld Plato le Made. Thera is practically no olid gold *de. The so milled gold plate services are diver gilt, and only a few pitiees of pure gold are owned by the Roost WI crown or any other crown. It may, *tenet oar readers to leans hew this be, mercurial or water gilding -for it k kiteese by all of these three names -- h donee Pure gold and mercury are anted to a paste. The silver article to be gilded has been cbemicaLlit.clean- • rubbed all over wtth tkielpestet tableh has been placed in a ilk bag, Alt as tke bine used in waaking is put le a bag. When the piece of plate kas beta rubbed over It is perfectly white. :ft isethen put into an OTelt, mid grad - * My the mercury goes of ia fuses, kavbee ea the article a deposit if pure • We has practically becous en* tke piece of sneer and will lest he treaterine gee-- - 1 rtisirato s' Sale i • m., Farm S ock, iged hes instrite Mr. Thomas sere to offer for sal at publio r'ofe- emises Wedneeds the 26th da , at the hour of one • clock pan, the • • :Mere being the te ot Frederiok n, deoeoed, vim . 4, con 18, Hull* ownship. Ths ekes otto oontaining 100 sores nor. er eultiv.blon and h tring no wIete namable hie bite' d inage and tie ; there on the p mites a frime n Meal) with neate t floors nesrly shed; gold onto , 3 malls .iid en is located b miles from Walton At the same time lad fferect without reser e the hello ng vy draft horme S ye.rs old, 2 hcavy are. one 5 years and tke other 8 y ars to be wth foal; y ling heavy dr.ft ohms dri ng mare, .gd roadeter qtilet rade oow supposed ti be with ma , 4 ar old steer.. 2 tonny ar old heife ; sows, 12 ring nYeseejw,71°000, Dearing hela 915)0 butt g drill; iron It rows, wago with box ten vel /t rake with poIs .n buggy with leighs, seater; ihs; set team harness, rings go, ro forks. sh vele And other dist* ft!". lie=11 eof Farm -10 per • nt at time lot n 30 day. u • • !session on peer - r cent of price any -t • e. • Purchanes of 810 a d under, • eh; grain *este; Pine)) s over 010. 6 t on approved joint otes or dise unt er [molten fbr cash. les and nocris are be leered to b as int the 'Fender, bein a trustee nly, nal 'guarantee as • same. For further •artioulgie apply to t e undersig ed. Dated at Hul ett 16th Oa._ tabor, 19 6.• ATT. ARMSTRONG Administraflot W. BRYDO E, Solicitor AlICTiON SAL cation to any Grand Trunk Ticket 0 place wanae. lice. The Grand Traric' Pacific Re obattels : h *ay is! the storteet and quickeat you draft brood between lirbersipeet Saskatoon and ' rattrtraiii mooted, with =cloth roadbed, er and rensable; first class 2 rtlo lighted. eleeping cam through lit,reempestieett tePncistteeetelePi°tgareecelegguleon anordWiel osrtrelifirrelb: 58eteithbehe:riefverset;itainsbrfo ower nearly Car ad kshutt walk Beforst denixling on y'our txle particulars Or writ" C. sweep neleusetta two n ly new, o • 1.!ADBURT. e******dallio 40 prowl& lel dig ete; for the fi ple in WSW Ontith. quilting at thi'liiime of recently, ° meeting whieh- has been tad in of thii noble work. -- The hind now hVecindition felt ploughing the. farmers are busily engaged this work. -We are informed poultry thieves are getting in the work on the Leadbury tend out most tender and heard m. their sad bereaveme syman th7 to Reeve Goverdeek fed. The death of their son, while tigh Ing for the Empire, has caused v great regret throughout the to, ship, We also wish to convey o syrnpoathy to this young soldie s grandfather, Mr. T. E. Hays. loss of a son and now a grandson, s a very severe trial, indeed. Di and limbalnaer el 1 %king, portersiri Oddfe to s building opoelte wart Bros I d nee Godench et cpp 'CnID Soott'e.• ' I wens irnlhed on Phon or biayinnl 1 mormonommoneenimmiiimommo "MOOR= PIELIKET9 Inettunneen Oct. 19th WA Noti e to ditors. In the matte el te 01 redertek William Martin, 4reeae. /Motive is ereby gl ein the all persons kaning otainee *gibe the estaee of Frederi k 4Vl1Iim lifer - tin, late ot Me township of Hallett in the Oennty man, dee:teased -who died on or about f October* 1916. are z utred to deliver he 21th dee of Novein r fall state- ned„ Administrator:Ire his Soliellors claims together with articular' tnerer eure of themicuritiee, /it any, held by verified, ny afIldevit. leternelEtleatatter t e said hest Mele- e Adinhilseratortwill proceed be °die- eetate if the tid eoessed &Moog entitled the to, hiving regord he shall ha ot irseeived due •-• of Huron, Y ii'FWkest (titan.) new 1.60 as &.0 the 8th day Gets. per bash. .-. 50 to bo the uncle / on or befere latent of thee of anti the n /, therm all dul / AND TAR tioned date t lidbuts the like parties only to suc uotiee and la NM. ARK :Dated -at Barley, per bush . 60 to Beene, per bush...-. . 2 50 to 9 Bran, per ton ...ann. 29 00 to 20 Shorts, per ton ........32 00 to as Flourl per owt.,..... 4,24 to & nutter, No. 1 loose, lb. 30 to Biggs, par dozen SS to Hay, 'new, per tone. 09 to a Hogs .... . . ....... 10 4 Homeseeker's Excursions The Grand Trunk Railway tenste twee: round .trip Holelegeeloerat Mike at ;eery taw fares Inns tatatiotne Canada to pointe 1 XanItot), S katchewan and Alberta, eachallues until Gototar Slet, inclusive via Noe Bay, Cochrane and Trarmientinen Roate. or vie Chicago, St. Paul a Duluth and ere gOodi returnire; t monthfrotrt date of Witte. Through Warble 'Ititeateng oars a operated each Tuesday 'nor Vim% leaving Toronto 19.45 pen. v.a t Trarecentitentai roate trithont chin Reservitticet en tourist ekepers May obtained at nominal haige i *Pp 3 obeses sie s000rdados therewit NO, Adinfnistra Walt YDON111, 0 - [citadel th intim 0 18bh, 1916. arvigi nt,on. Ont. Administrator 4 Adm Of Fa Y`' '• Brovitn,64Aucte tion, at the en' October, 191 • foliovring pro William ifs T Fenn lot NI lane is a fi g or less, all n e land; there toil Is all go house, hank 1 ' new, a drIvin adleguate fen forth and fro . 7 binder, riding plow( cultivator, se ins on rack, Grand Trunk aiemta WI furnish 'netts! 10 f Toter top for same; cutter (new) set bo District, Paw/eager Agent, fanning mill, set Ginn y moles ) Ontario,. , I harness, set low harness, set ligh I nearly new, BR swat tools* Terms of o onelock pan.. on sale, balance' took and Inentse ment of 25 minietrator, Thos. Of Chattel Ali hey and t 1 o'clock p.m, months, ored el 6 per cent The proper represented, givee no per SALE REGIS On Wedneeday, Oct. 25th at on ot 4, eon. 8, Hallett, farm, Wm mente. 14atthew Armstrong, Ad Brown Auctioneer. On Wednesday, November 1st, On lot 17, con. 6, Mullett, farm iptock and Imple. ments. Bruce Medd, Prop., Theo. Brown, amt. On Tuesday, Oct. 31, on let .25, con. 2, Tuckersmith. Farm Stock `and Implements. S. McKenzie, prop.; T. Brown, auct. On Friday, Oct. 27, on lot 22, con. 2, Farin Stock and Implements. Thos. Coleman, prop., T. Brown, auct. Wt BOX AL -CO ei EMBALMERS AND - • UNERAL DIRECTORS • • • ; H. C. BOX • ii . Holder of Government Dtplter.a 4 • and Emerge. • • • * • , (CHARGES MOD t'R.ATE e • a Viewers tfurinehed on short : • • " notice. • 0• • Night Calls ' Day Calle • * Phosie 107 ' Phone 50 : • e ..••••••t••••••••••• ,.••• BIRTHS. • Sproat -In Detroit, at the Woman's Hospital, on October 81th, to Mr. a d Mrs. Hugh J. Sproat, daughter. Murray -In Hibbert, on Set. 6th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. James Murray, a daughter. McMichael- In Hullett on Oct. 7 h, to Mr. and Mrs. Ga ield h- eel, a son (Franklin urrows). Leeburn-In Tuckersmith, on_ Oc ber 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. L burn, a eon. Anderson-eAt Angusvil e, Man. n October 12nd, to Mr. nd Mrs. Jo Andersoli a son. ( obert Les' e. MARRIAGES. O'Reilly -Cleary - In St. Jam s' Church, Seaforth, by Rev. P. r - v coran, on Tuesday, October 17 h, Patrick Albert O'Reilly, of Tuck -r -- smith, to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. Peter Cleary, of Tuckersmi h. McLelland -Hays -In eaforth, n Thursday, October 1, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, Bessie Rerno1ds, dau h - ter of MajorandMr. R. S. H ys to E. C. McLelland, f Baden. Reed-Girvin-At the home of e bride's parents, "Eve green Fa " Nile, on the 12th of October, 19 6, by Rev. J. W. Hedlete Elma P t- terson, daughter of Mr. and Ms. • James Girvin, to Melvin Reed, of Ashfield. MacDonell -Dods -On October 10th, at the home of the bride's par- ents, Alton'Ontario, by Rev. Thos. R. White,: Dr. Hugh Gerald Mae -- Donnell, of Goderich, to Muriel Eda, eldest daughter of Mr. John M. Dods, of Alton. Lundy -Kennedy -At Limehouse, pn Thanksgiving Day, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, of Walton, Thomas Janiles Lundy to Miss Jean Kennedy. DEATHS. Fisher -In Wroxeter, cm Oct. 4 Donald Fisher, aged 71 years an i3 months. Forsyth -At Frobisher, on Septe ber 28th, Aletander Hugh, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Forsyth, f r- merly of Morris township, aged 3 months and 27 days. Harris -In Brussels, en October 4 h, Elizabeth Morrison, relict of t e late William Harris, aged 75 yea s. Montgomery -In Gorrie, on Octo 4th, Mary Corbett, wife of Will' m Montgomery, aged 75 years. Haley -In Goclerieht On October 6 h, Sarah Ann Currie, widow a t e late Robert Haley. Brownlee -In Goderieh, an Octo r 8th, Catharine Seaforth, widow of the late John Brownlee, aged 4 years. Gentles -At the Alexandra host) Goderich, on October' 6th, Margaret Gentian • A COTTON z ALE or CHOICIE Falittl. STOOK ON 13 TuesdaOctober 24, 1916 at f Cromarty S k Yards con. 1 :Townstrip of Hibbett, at 1 o'clo k, the following propert -Horses-1 pni- oe Tngs 4 and 6 years, grioult rat, 1 brnet' i 1 i • e. Mies 2 and 3 years, g., 2 colc., 1 yea • 0 t 0 e eows due at time o sale. 2 heifers due ..a IA.., I, 6 sows due in ovembe , 2 cows wittcalf at, (ot, 6 beef ring helf ..rs, 15 s leen two -yr -Id, ;rood fee era, tc 26 yearling s ars anrt heifers, 14c t1ve. Hogs --A number of so ve due before January arid some With litter at foot. Pratt vely no res rve as the cettle have been on pasture and cannot be held over win- ter.t Terms 6 moot 7 credit will e given on furn- ishing approe ed joint oaten A iecount of 5 per cent per awn m off ter cesh. Dal ID GaRDIaTER• & JOHN S ITT, Propea Thomas' Cameron, A c- tIoneer. ! 264$- A UOT1ON SALE OF FARM STOOK AND I P- IA. • legelE T8 --Th as Brown leas been Inseru t- ed to sell by •ublie a ation on lot e, -con. 2, H.R. 8. Tuckeremith on Friday, Oct. 27%h, 1916 at one o'clock' p.m. he following: Hoes -7 year, Id brood mare t' ea 37 7 dr fa 4 year old heavy draft; 1 - ding, well br nen, 2 year old Mfr. heavy dr ft, one general purpose melt ri ing two year. ci cow 8 year o d, cow 7 yeara old wi h . calf at foot, 1 cow 5 year o with 0 calves at fo t, clew 3 yearn Id with calf at not, 2 year old heifer vith calf ree lout, i year. old cow t orobred to calve in I es - ember,' 6 ye r old cow dus to calve in Februriry 8 heifers do tog 2 year old, heifer I year old, 3 steer @ 1 y ar old, 7 steers calyes and 6 hot er Implements A planbox cut t) ter Imost new, black calves, No utside Wick allowedonthe prein ee, goat robe, e t buggyiNational gang plow, Frost and Wood walki t a &wee cedar ancholj posts and 'about 16 tons of ha . Everything Will ositively be.s Id as the prowl tor hae leased his farm. Terms- 11 sums of fele nd under cash; over!"that amount 8 montbs.cred t will be given on furnlshing banks le note' A di count of 6 per cent on the dollai will be allowed • for cash on credit amounts. fhy and oedar p.sts to be earth, T. OLEMAN, Pe Thomas Bro o, amt. I A uorroN SALE OF FARM S OCK AND IMP. .LL LEHE TS -Thos. Brown haR been instructed to gen by pu lie auotten, on lot 25 con. 2, Tucker - smith, on Tu'day. Ont. 31st, at 1 'clock, p.m, She following- orate -are. mare nein 12 yeare sup - pod eo le i foinagricultural reRting rieing 6 Yam old, agricult • 1 filly eleing 8 yeare old,sired by Ring Thomas, bro e to ha ness, driving colt, rising $ eire ll 'Ltd by Mr T mpleto , broke to-harnese, aged driv- ing mare wi foal by her side, sirnd by Mr. Temple- ton, drioing orate, ring 6, good in all harness and an exception lly goo road horse. I Oattle-cove Ka. ki-r 5 due to talve Dee. 25, cow rising 5,due to naive Feb. sth cow rising 4; due to calvei March 1st, now 718ing 4, due to calve 10th Maroh, bow rising 4, due to calve 20th of March, Holstein pow dein?. 8, an extra heavy -milker, dne te calve nt. of Apni, ' mew rising 8, supposed to be in calf, freshened the end of Aug., otei rising 9, :freahened ir. Sept., cow in ing 12, supposed to be in cent, 8 ieffers, r1sIg 2 year old, e E teem rIsteg 2 years ol , 9 opting unites. Aeout 60 bens all young and about -26, tone of hay. Implements -Massey liurris bind r, no. 6 sheaf car- rier and true xe, Deerin6 Mower, Ilay rake, waggon, land roller, walking plow, Pre ier tieing piow, combined cultivator and seeder, ohm sealer wtth bean attachment, winking Blunter, 1 dine, set har- rows, set tile ohs, 1 cutter, 2 top bhggies, set heoyy harness, set plow boniest', set single driving harn- ess, set Omen 140 ft. rope, ear, fanning mill, ' &fi- g. wheel bar news r of other ar ions All Bums cif $10 t 8 months credit ed joint notes. A off for cache on , Prop., T,Blrown pite oremo separate_ ,r lused 2 yea chain,, forke, shovels lend a num too numerous to mention. Term and tinder cash; cverethat anion will be given on turntting. appr dieeount of 1 per celiteer annum credit amounts,. S. MoIERNZI Auce. INIPORTNT NOTICES -EIOR SALE OR RENT -Lot 85, Con. 4, licKillop, ..0 100 acres, with bush, windm II, fruit orcharde. For further partioulites apply to MRS, M,A. Werra- MEYER, P. 0. Box 259, Seaforth. tf • 1 FARM POE SALE -400 acres, qt 10, conceetion 18, McKillop. 01 the premisee there Is it ood frame house 22x30, also Bummer kitchen, bank arn 45x66 drive house 2640, good hen house and drilled well -1 acre of orehaed, 10 acres hardwood, bum. Apply to John Barron, Walton, R.3t. No. 4. 2546x8 FiARM FOR SALE 4 --Lot 6, t3on on 9, Tucker- emith, containlog 100 aeree. rlbout seven acres ander bush. The farm is well fen ed and dr.4ned and in a good gate of Onithution. There are on the premium it good frame house, bank' barn, pig hose, hen house, drive homes and two ood wells. For terme and partleulare apply on tb4epremisea 01 ad - deem MRS. JOHN MoOLOY, Egm tidvflle P.O. i aneARM FOr SALE -1- or sale lot concessio 3, 11 Moinulle , oontai Jog 100 acr s. There sr on the premisea good brick house,lirge banks , 54x68 also driving shed end of bra her out b tid- ings. The fa Is all fendv ed Elnd Well unclerdra ned aed in flint el se seat Of eultivatlen. Two antes from rieafeirt RuraEmell and phone. Two good reprIna walla ne at t e barn end ohe at the back of farm. Will sold I' ht and p °eaten given at mi. . ,to 41,110fte 3 on 162 JAMES COURT - en he premises or addreas Fa R, tf loam _ -2m" tkiltditrr X it • aig 1,013 8 OA - 0 tietlts.:ItIrgi sta Pi of oultivetiontwa seorykboit , bank been end silo, *toed artihend •atierr &nee oe seat Me 11 miles trees solt001. luld Pal ne town. On the second coseismion if Tueitioreadtb Is it. 8. ,I stitas south of Mill Rasa Mai eight, Ind sesy tonna ter qtdok sate. For Stinker partialities apply to Med Katherine /gatemen &ippon, Olin' R. R. No. 8 1541x4-tt 'flq UM FOR SAGE -Few sale lot 21, oomieie.iou 18, .1141/101 p, containing 7b sores. ere are on the Tenoning shank barn 4000, stone *tabling and torment ftoore also barn WOG mina drive shed and -tone stanlinga 410ne grinding house, 16x80 with work shop above: Goo i conerete house 24x3-1 with kitohen 18121 with °eller under kitchen. Good Ws - &Intend good artesian wel1,195-feet alzd, water Pitted Into both house and barn. Eight -sale lof hiwdwond bush, the balance cleared and in a iiIgIi 'Nati of out- tivation,•oholee °echoed. The fararinwell drained and fenced and 111 one Otte° besb, tonne in the town- ship. Wilf be eold on esonaletil tame Per fur- ther particulers apply on the mumbles or Andreae R. It. No. 1, Seaford], JOHN STANFORD 2647-4 fel OOD FARM 1'0 It SALE -For note atom 25:And 1,3r ported Lot 24, Cloricesstone14, MoKiliop, cod. twining 180 acres. There ars on the premieres • modern brick house with hard and jeoft water. Then Is elso I good learn 60x126, with done foun- dation and stabling underneath, drivio shed 80k44 on done foundation pig pen and hen tout', CI In good repair. Entire ts also a goo nein it or. cultivation with 10 acres of hordwood Imele. It is ohard-and two never tailing wells. • Tblof itann is well underdrained and well termed and In* igh state well aid:lotted on the North grevel road t mile south of Walton 0. P. R. station, also-tolephone Ana rural midi delivery. This is a choice farm and will be 'mid on reasonable terms. For further partiOulsrs apply on the preinises or addia-m, W. .T.IMORION Waltora n468 -t 3TALUBLE FARM roa &LE -The lminietrat er for sale, Lot No. fourteen (Min the sixth (6) ors for the est eta of the lste Hugh! . Gordon °dominion of the township of illoKillope This farm translate of 103 sores of clouted ism improved term lands In it elion and good state of oultination and is +hunted in a splendid farming dietriete iconveatent to markets, schools and eburohos. On the pretniees ars erected a comfortoble frame *ening house, 18x24, with kitchen atteohed. ' Splendidtame barn 52170 with stone stabling underneath, lament floors and water in barn, shwa good pig pen and water in barn also a good pig pen and hen tou.e. • The farm is well %need ani extra well tile ined. The title is perfect and possession will be given for the purpoee of dole r all necessary fallaror !For farther rtioulars applyto ARCHIBALD MoOREGOB, oe )B5&r fit )N, A. latinistretors, or to It. II idl& lid loth, el 'it 714 ' elet.i /CORM FOR SALE -For irate sbuth half Lot 31-32 ee Concession 1, Tuelteratnith, containing -94 acres more or lees. There are on the premises it good frame house with Idtch n and woodshed, eement cistern. good bank been 40x64 with stone stabling sod (lenient fl or, drive shed and lane kouse, Water in house and bern gimp! ei ey wind mill and cem- ent tank. The farm 1.1 not clam conditionlenced and drained and there a e 10 acres of ; first class boob and small orchard. The 'farm In three and one half miles from Olin n, five miles ' from Sea- ford' and from 1 mile 1 ron church and inihooledural telephone in house. The farm is all on the west estie of railreed track and is In first class shape. Terms -Reasonable reasens for. lent r ropri etor wishes to retire, fa ply on the premises or , i L'IPAW llele • ORIOH, Clinton Ontario 1 Fowl I atn nne.pared live WW1 deliver Hotel, every Chtnicens, 1c; Turkeys, 17e. b 2645xt-in anted bc% abrasmyat'lelar,reer:rtitnYifi- vie 12c; Duct," 10c; . G. Mc' Ini8HAEL, House for Sale In Egeiondville house, good ce soft water; rota half Inule solid oheap /far er a removing eight roomed brick ent cellar; hardand stale; oi Main E l 'Seaforthe Will be dick (tale aethe atm, hewn.; Apply on 1,110 VI WILMA. 0 DEAR TASWORT evuuramo , Seaford' .VY Da. 1.1. Pp. FARM z For aale, Lot R. S. Tuoker h tuedlied acres. frame barn 40x6e atone foundation gooti well; also of fait -m. For fu ply to 1PETER R.R. Nce 4. , 3R SALE OWNOWN. 3,Coeoi, ith, eo4aining . -re on t frame good o river on ther par CLEARY,,Seaforth, • 3, H. one e plane a ouee vine 1 ard and back enzif 'Wens ap- 254ettf Farm First clue 100 :rernith with : ... PROUDFOOT. IC I 5eaforth and GcderIch. or ale in Tuck- Apply to fe COOKE; 1 2536•tf I Acre Fame buildingli. LORAN Ont, Board Any person! having ror Boarders please The RRLX., ENGINE Wan acc apply to CO. Seaforth, ed . modation Ontario. _ .Residence for Sale on Goderichj et, Seaforeb, McLean, he holism is of • 1, eplendidoe ler and floor - comuination !het water and 8 every modern nonvenience wieh splendid , stable and rther pareleuttre apply e EX POSIT3ROFFICE ! ,Seaforth For sale the residette )vvned by the late M. Y olid brick with elate ro xi attic. It le heated b hot air furnace. (Motet rhere are four iota Arriage house Por ft ' Building Lots for The property is situated Main st., &Monte. TWo none foundation cement kitchen and woodshed. .re Mx lots upon which will sell the home vith rchaeer. Apply to 2.517-tf i and Sale on the west storey bricle and brick! Large frame are twenty flee one Of arare • WetnA l' Blouse Bide of north house with cellar, frame barn, There emit trees. t43 to: suit •. le. T, &Worth BeechwOod < to e Public 1 ifor tillo to me in and wist, prepared in cash or delivered fteee. e. ecIA . , An 'Ope0 My Custome ritruok yriu. Seeerotie !supper busineas go ‘far tot harden you 1 les pay the tightest trade foe all te ... id• 71.... .....7.... Letter s and t very =limb 'accorded tilts year, Mat I a.nt prim poultry ..., aaana weather, every ‘1111Mrsday„ We are ITO *coked with grocerlet, bootee slimes and rubbere and; dry geode tong all moods ottually kept- It general a,tOrel Well bought le keele told ; good( valuen in "those linee. I WOW also retedte4 thole InAebted it it takes totolney and a good deal of IX, to buy "took new tend la theta to pay se prOmptly faiA peePeele, accounts are readylk ' tea* Respect! G. K. H01+1. A.ND October 2nik 10161 - le•-• 4.° ",OLYPIPI A I THE CANADIAN BANK The Largest and Most Upito I Date Restaurant in Seaforth OF COMMERCE MINIMIII=PINEiNesva Za1.011925%.14), Meals and Lunches sold all hour s. Meal ticKets sold Home -Made Pie:. Horne Made Candies Mixed Taffies 2 pounds tor 2 so Peanut Taffy per pound.......... 15c Cocoanut taffy per pound 20C Fellit taffy per pound . 20C French mixture, per pound 201c, Chocolates, per pound ....3oc to 6oe Fancy Boxes, from wicic to $3 Try our Ice cream to take home. Quart 35c Vou %%RI get value for your money at oLYriPIA RESTAURANT Next door to Cardno Bros • Broa,clioot Drain A meeting of the Municipal Council Of the Town- ship of Tuckersinith will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on &tunny, Ootoher 141h, Parties In- tere.ted in the Brea -Mot Driin wishing to par cash may do so on or befere that date, D, F. Md. GREGOR, Olerk. ? Stratford, Ontario Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. Students may enter at u v Ilni. We piece graduates 111 positions. During July and August we received applications for over 304 office assistants we could not supply Write for our free catalogue, 1 Farm for Sale or to, Rent . Bon Sale or Rent, 'a good tar.= ot 100 acres being Loft, 7, conctessioe 10, Tuokensadtht There are ' an th,ss premises two bank bane with atone stabling, one 563E48 and the otJaer 30x6e. Large fragile !house with nurnagis. There fe.re 26 acres 'under grE113.% abOat 60 aorea ready folr tseeding, ,20 acme Of bit* eindi 2 name of orehare and 8 never failleg wells, also fifty acre tar* being isoutb halt of lot 5, fulltable fOlf :paisture fetere Tt.e.te fartme vrill beisold ot rented tiegetteir ger 'separately. Initrediate poeneteasi ,Apply on: the pretenses pr eeldeeee R. Not 2, Kippen, or phone 3 otti0 25464f MRS ; DANIEL MoM1LLAr FARM FOR SALE IN TUCKER SMITH. Lot 13 Concession 3, Huron Road Survey,in the Township c: Tucker- smi ith, n the County of Huron; 100 acres moreor less; tile drained; one mile south of Seaforth, fronting on Mill Road from Seaforth, and adjoin- ing Egmorpiville village; good dwel- ling with furnace and cemented cel- lar; telephone connection; bank barn 76x44, stone foundation, with ten bex stalls; well with windmill at barn; well near residence; live stream at north , end; no waste ground; ho house, capacity 50 hogs; hog hou e cost $500; other buildings; good ore ard; immediate possession will given; will , be sold at a low price en the owner is giving up fanning. Ap- ply NOAH CONCENIA, Egmond- vine post office, to eroudfoot, Killoran aud Cooke, Bkristere, Sea - forth and Goderich. 4 Valuable Farm Lands forSale That very 'desirable far' -n, being emn- ,poLzed of Lot Numbers Seventeen and the South half of Lot No., 16 in the Fourth concession of the Townshigi of Hibbert, ,containing in all 150 acres more or leas, Is offered for sale et a hoe-rind/el in order to dose up the Estate of the Late:William McLellan. The fax is 91 a first -chute state of cultivation 'and the buildings; there= are in good condition. This feentle an exceptionally good one for mixed farmirtg.i Pee tome and part1ci4ers apply to the undensigned4 ANDREW Ma ELLAN Anagni strata of the Estate of Wm. , McLellan, deceased. 26t6-4 Dublin P. O., R. R. No. GRANO TRIM RsvrINNE t\1 Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Maegi- toba., Saskatchewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Tree/scorn tinental Route, or via. Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuescley until:Oct. 31at. inclusive, at low faree Thiough '.iourist [Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change of cars,rivia Lransconti nen tail Route. • -Return Limit, awo Menths sag Exclusive of date of sale. a, Final re- turn limit on all tickets, December 31 Berth reservationsstd full partici- lens at all Grand Trunk ticket officem or write 0. E. Horning District PEW' senger Agent, Toronto. W. Somerville .. Town Agent W. Depot Agent C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Statien, Toronto. Ont. Slit EDMUND wwuris... Preskiesa MI64 .14.1R13, General Ibleasiree. It V. F. JONES, Met Gweeral lettwaseve OAP1TAL, $15,800,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500 000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 863 Seaforth Branch W 0 T. MORSON fog Manager Mortgage Sale of Farm 'yr Lands in the Township of Hi bb ert, in the County of Perth ifillIWN111111114 ; Ur4e„r and taw value Of the powers of Ofile conestned fn a certain re-1.er%, gage, what' will be produced at the third of stale, there Sell be offered for male by Debbie auction at the Cocrererciel Hotel, In the Tillage or Henget% �t Satanday, thetfilet day tee October, 191t, at the iliour or two p.m. by Thetnern Menne Aootio' neer, Ow following property, Lot nuneher Twenty-three (23) in the Thirteenth coneession of the Township of Hibbert aforesaid, oontaining one hundred acres of land. Upon the property are a comfortable dvrellIng house, and a commodius barn in re fair state of re- pair. The farm is sitlieted In one of the beet agri- cultural digriets in Ontario, handy 1) snhoolsoleur- Ghee and tnerkete. Terms et Sale -Ten per cent of the purohase mon- ey en the day of 13113 -end the inianoe within thirty days thereafter, without interest. Further pertioulare may be obtained on applies - ion too.eithet of the undersigned. PR3UDFOOT, RILLORAN & 00010E, Solicitors for Mortgagee Thos. Brawn, auctioneer. Dated the n5th day of September, 1918 2646-8 Brcefield and Bay- field Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards COAL is going to be dear, scarce and hard to , co 1t rig have your or lers now and ere frid nipple,- you with "The Oos,1 thateatiefies" if at all pos- sible, We are going to stock a few cars d COKE which will come constderably cheaper than coal and if you would like try a load of this, let us know at once sp that we may place ourlord.ers. We also handle all kinds of Loes & Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scran- ton Coal, Canada Cement, Dress- ed Limber & Shingles, Canada Fibre: Board, Metal Building Ma- aterials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. if in the tnarket for any of the above itemset will pay you to telephone John Mustard Brucefield HELD OFFICE Back to the Land The, azd prudent men taunts wto the "lar.4'' for hie livelihood in this auprerne hour of the eat-10We crests. We are HURON'S largest real estate dealers. Dors% buy until you see On write ten. For kat:nice look at 108 ares, Goolerieh tp ;7,000 100 Agree, Colborree Tp. .45,000 90 !wee, Colborne Ta ... .44,800 50 agree, gehfield TP. on2,200 40 Oren God 2,600 5 Tin ;1,000 All thee ea1re of good Eno' and build: - leo. IThe biggest bargains in the counts,. Ask us about other. We have Goderich tovea ProPerilet f"iiriwttit from 1900 to $5,000. el I O'Neil and Co. The Beal Delete People. GODERICH, ONT " losmilmsksiresnassiimmeitimemimminsamsar LOOK. We have just installea New OXO Acetylene Weider which will weld any repair: in a few minutes. We have also put in s New OY.0 Carbon Cleaner This machine will clean your engine pistons and cylinders without .taking down thel engines. Both these ma- chines are:of the improved type land a good johns guaranteed. J. H. Wright Glinege and Machine Shop, North ` Main Ste Seaforth Notice Neil:lee heeeby given that a Cort will be 'held, wsuent to The Onteekt Yawn' Vete &et, by His Honouring Judge of tne aunty Court of be County oftBttrn1 t ible Town SettfoottitYn �huiday, Me( 26th K3/4 of October, 1016 a.t tle ,hour ot 11 o'clock Anne to her and detern complaints of ',errors and tneirseione the Voters' Vat or he ioritteipaatat or licKmop toe. D. P.44042111E00R Clerk tit Tleakeenneenttenn Daetr.ite briif \gette 191i. 4.11.64e• Executf)rs Fatnil.,anda in Township of Stanley, The Paeautors of the Lite Thermo Ward often fed sale thew very valuable farms betonglag tiothe Estate and situate in the Township of Stant These must be sold in order that the Estate sh be wound up. Toe farms are to a goert localit he a good state of eultivation, anti most he adapted to mixed formin,g They are handy to school., churches anti post °Mee, Wing Aden:writ to the Village of Varna. For t,erme and partionlors of Sale apply to the undersigned Executers; Ohristopher Ward, Varna P. 0, or, Emanuel Ward, Clinton P. O. 2544 Good Farm for Sale trot 21, ConceesiUn 1, Tuckersmith, ILLS., 100 teares all cleared, Goad fnaroe house and bank barn, pig pen, hen house Jaaut driving house. A good =hand and AntY of good water*. well tile drained, well feneett, all in first class condition. On the Huron, Road, 2 1-2 HALES from Seaforth and six miks from Clinton. Will he sold chetae end on easy terms. Apply to .1. B. REND -37.30N, Seaforth. 25,06 -ti ea4ohdonetat +++ 4; 4-0 -nee+++ S Gor • • v:mbalmer and \ Funeral Dire'-orc' 04 Undertaking Parlors above M. Williams' grocery store, eeMain Street, Seaforth ; Flowers fur....died on abort notkQ. • Ohaagee moderate. • Phone night or day - 192 • *41.4040.40•'..•••••••••••••i$4 'g Are You Bald 7' Have You Thin & Faded Hair?" Is your appearance net what it should be het cautre of the lack of HAIR Thencome and see. DORENWEND'S Display of FINE HAIR GOODS AtThe Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,Ont The latest productions in LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS, POMP- ADOURS, WAVES, Etc., and For Men Who are Bald" THE DOREN WEND TOUPEE wnieh represents the kighest achievement in art of hair -constructing. Feather- weight, hygenie and en natural in sp. pearanze that the closest observer could not tell it from your own hair. They cannot, be disturbed or removedt except at the wearer's wish. NOT •A - FA BUT AN LBSOLUTE NECESS- ITY TO EVERY MAN WEI° IS BALD. HAVE A DEMONSTRATION ON , TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1916 (oNH DAY ONLY) DORENWENDS Head Office and Showrooms 141, Yonge Stree POTION