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The Huron Expositor, 1916-10-13, Page 6
the tortures of 'Nem ▪ p art its because of ins - e broad; and a suing seems re to until rheumatism ttie whole system. t rheumatism it is quite as im- _ c to improve your general health a n y Mood, aand the cod liver *ii u Scott's Rmulelon is nature's grmt blood -maker, while its medidnai nourish - meat strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbld your sngth. ;wit's Enr111 ou is helping thousands everyday who coi'ld not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic siastitutes. LEGAL. TRINIDAD'S P1111 - O. HAYS Jew, Conveyancer and i Solicitor for the Ilam- .1 icy in rear of the Dom e forth. 'Money to loan J. M. RPM Solicitor, Convegau e1' and 1 fr over sG. �� re store, 'fin street. P. H L mer, Solid tes, Conveyance aha MY Public. Solicitor for the Cana, alas SIC of Corerneeee. 'td'onea to loan. Puma for sale. Office. in t o't's bock, WA t, Seafortb. ale uperoeseoe i.,LORAN' AND 004' e, Boliautom. Notaries Public, to lend is Seafortb on Mon- tb week. Office irk gild block mot,. K.C. J. L. Killoran, E- eJ D , SWARBURN, • . of Ontario Voionin- onorary mber of tion: Of The Ontario Treats diaseat of is by the moats wod- :.,.•� DeftlstrY and Milk Tele _ eneelelite Office oppoe :tea Dick's INK Nein. eft, Seaforth. All or - at lent at it'he hotel will receive prompt ~ice. Night Calle dived at the WSW r_- ORIEVFN. V. S. tie Of Ontario Yetatin- _. d`eliesas '01.. treated. Calls pre/neatly atteatd - �,,.. arnd charges moderate. Veterinary tiestletry-* epecialter. Office and real- teamderich etreet, -one door eat • De. antes office? .sor _ ., titEDIC O. 3. W. EARN, PLD.O,M, %hmcxnd sereet, London,.. Orli". • Surgery and Goalie -Orin. of limo; and women. R. I OB.G HSiA.id-.iEMANN. • Osteopathic Physician of Goderich. igeetalist is wexnen'et and children's Vis, rheumatism,acute, chronic iservous disorders, eye, ear, new _� xtbroat, Calletilta tree: Office Wamasercial Hotel„ Sedmile Tuesday DR. ALEXANDER MOS Via: & Surgeon ',:pence. Main Street; s. Hears. Dr. 3. W. PICK ' usts a 'Faculty a Medicine, Mc- University. c-Un1 eraity. Montreal; -Member of of Physicians and Surgeon of ,. ; Licentiate of Medical Council Canada; PmltaGraduate member of Medical Staff' of General Hoe- Montreal, SSMosntreal, 1914-111; Office two east of -Post Office, Phone 61, Seems% Ontario. DR. F. 3. BURRO Office and residence--Gederich street of the Methodist church, Seaa.fortlt. Mae Ne. 41, Coroner for the County ef H: DR& SCOTT sic MAY. . 3. G. Wit, graduate of Victoria and Ooiiie s of Physicians and Surgeons. L Arbor, and member of the Ontario Dormer for the Oou. nty' of Herren.: O. MacKay, honor graduate of Trinity, Dalverafty, and gold medallist of Trn- etedkaI College; member of the Col- lege 1? bssicia a andtlt:.rgeons, Ontario, • SR. H. HUGH ROSS. • Gra late of University of Toronto Oraculty of Medicine, member of Col- e of Phylan$ and Surgeene" of. On- tario; pe graduate courses in Chicago Meal semi. at Chicago ; Royal Oph- thalmic Hospital London, England, Unieersity College H to , London, England, O1fioe--'k of Dominion Bank, Saeforth. Phone No. 6. Night ccs answered from re idence,'Victoria street, Seslorth. - AUCTIONEERS THOMAS O Licensed auctioneer for the coun'ieat of Huron and Perth. Correspondence Arrebitemepte for sale dates can be snide by ailing saa none 97, Seaforth, or The Entodtor office. Charges ;mod orate- and eatinfention guaranteed. . B. . LUXBIR, Licensed oto for the Oars * Huron. %Isletla ,I'itesied to be t et the. l les , lav you* et and-bakateltewaM reasonable Mao Ike Silk meter Natraila P. O.DL B . 1.Ordgee eft The awes -I soittase or -les orth, promptly beaded tes `1# 4.P �' 1st r Hams led Perth. Beteg a practical- andantandiug i e 'lam et teinseteek sad fliplemeate ear ies self aerieis sj Vie mixt aliveMantes a fietistaetent gtoreateed or se' erne-: All swim telt la Suter will he prostrate r.trivirelo4- i Mystery of the Island's Cur Lake of Pitch. MOLES FILL UP GVERNI flip - ovi Three in a Vet And Great Trenches More Than Feet Deep Will Se Obliterated Week—The Great Mass Is Solid In -Constant but Slow Motion.. .' Thigh disappointing at first sigit to people who have the crater of a ac- tive volcano in hind, yet the - famous "pitch lake" of Trinidad is temar b1e enough to satisfy most thoroi1ghly ere the visit bas come to an end. d The lake is a level plain about a hun- dred uhdred acres or so in extent, surro ded by law hills and dotted - here and here a isa. . with bushes and trees. The surf not a shimmerbag black, as migh be supposed, but a dull," grayish blue o ,col. r, lataarsected with pooisof s water. Altogether it is a very p saic looking place, giving no bent of its real interest. - One can walk where one pleases on the space of the asphalt without any fear of sinking in, for it is quite solid enough to bear one's - -weight. If you stand in one place for a little while it feels hot to the feet, just likean as- phalted street on a very hot day. Much of 'the time a fresh breeze blows, and one remembers with amuse- ment the stories of the imaginative writers - who talked about- stifling heat and oppressive atmosphere. The digging of, the asphalt is a sim- ple Operation. -A mattock is the only tool required, and under its' blows the pitch breaks readily. The negroes em- ployed are very skilled In the work and break out lumps a couple of feet across, far too heavy for an, ordinary mean to carry. , Only a very small amount of the ma- terial gets broken into little pieces, so that scarcely any basketsare needed to carry the asphalt to the cars A - laborer- simply 'lifts one or two lumps, puts them on his head, - walks a few yardsand drops them"int€► the ear. The crude asphalts as broken out, is somewhat brownish or earthy in color. t It is usually quite wet and filled with many holes, like bubbles, measuring up to an inch or more in diameter. The gang of barefooted workmen in one place may number thirty men; of whom half~--a-doze = d -_tom-d4gghtg. ` They work on a space perhaps silty feet long and forty -feet wide, anti -=inn the course of a --day they will dig d wn to a i depth of three feet, or mor in_ some places. Ga to that.saine spot next morning,. and you -will find It a little rough, but approximately level: with the rest of the slake. The Bole has been mysterb otl'siy filled up during the night, and in the course of a week all traces of the digging will be obliterated. {' This does not mean necessarily Haat frena asphalt has come into the ake from underground sources. On the on- trary. the exea.vatious are filled b - a very slow settiing or leveling of the surface asphalt. There is no such thing as "new" asphalt, by the way, for the transition from -liquid petro- leum to solid asphalt by nature's proc- ess involves a period of time that must be calculated in centuries. The digging done in past years has . caused the general -lever of the lake to - sink several feet. so that it is not abso- lutely inexhaustible, as some peopleim agine. It is believed that fresh asp alt very slowly pushes itself upward nto the lake•from the subterranean dep hs,' but haw large a -quantity is thus ad ed annually has not been calculated. Near the Middle of the lake the a- terial is Jess hard than elsewhere, nd in a few places -soft asphalt may be seen in small, irregular patches o ing up from below. This fresh asphal is . of about the consistency of putty nd tan be kneaded and pulled in the h ds without soiling them greatly. In the main, however, the lake is solid as- phalt. sphalt. No one knows the depths of this, ys- terious lake, the only information on the subject being the fact that -..1 ng ago a boring was made to- a depth of 135 feet without reaching the bott m. The "cores" of this and other bor- gs show that in epnsistency the asp alt rename the same to a very cons' er.- able depth. Curious as it may seem, there" re many evidences that the entire m ss comprising the lard• is in constant ut very slow motion. The surface a series of great folds, and in the cre ea between these the rain water gath rs. One writer has aptly compare& he surface of the .asphalt to theskin d a great elephant. the creases being he folds in his hide. Along the edges of the pools of water grass, bushes :lad small trees take root, forming gr "islands" of greater or less erten Victor Pitt -I ethiey in Wide W id Magazine. An Aid to Canned Music. In the Woman's Home Companio writer makes the following sug tions Into a blank book I copy words of_.songs and operas that I for tat, phonograph olid; hand this to iny: friends as I play the teco Understandl:ng the -words pert adds much to their pleasure." His Interest. Mrs, Quizzer--Dideet I hear that - were interested in the steel eons tion business? Mr. Doolittle--O-h, 1:'m deeply interested in it. Whene I run across a gang of structural w ers -I stand around and watch them the hour. • Do not be too cteduious, yet if a s &aye "Wet Paint" believe it, --You (lamination. etter from a women I wh , but was tow ?weak and'suf- uch to co ntiae. • Howl she alth . i Ky.,--"1 Offered so each weakness that I could not ajo My own Workp had to hire it one. I heIard so uch Lydia Fe V g et bund th i. /took ree and -I found be all you Now I feel as evert did and Leto do a 1 my ork agai . I n suffering a Yon may u y� '-Mrs. J, es t 1'd ankfort,Ky. or >t suffering from any form of ., u_ blas. should lose hope'; until n Lydia E. ham's jVeg- and a fair 'al. ous remedy a .11nedi final ofwhich ar der: -ed from has or orty valetab e • hie' ale o:: ism.. d. to ' 'to alb �:• • di for t' coal de abou hair' Com tried hotel� it t0 claim well Sill as own it to any 9i}y2 weakness. rif� you wish. St. Clair St. 1`e.^o female aro mail+ frorfL 1 • lish ray et COete ,151, No ► AEI b , etaThbie is f : in . i m hich nail a roods and herbs, ye s droved to be a mos and °nv;lgoriator of the fe All. *omen are in to the i Lydia E. "`- cine a., ynn, lllas sed a—tt will Pet ink- b 1 e. t' I z t•it ttie or uer tutu ne eet.i tall rite die.`eetnes a of I,r #t$tae``of to business (,ttt,ttr ti' letters and discus tt•iFt' whit-the•men. ..' ti'y sap :is different," ;Ind Yet: She 'last is or the display of h (,lark. "I wish she ,] elicit) t) some one els ambled- as he rose looked up from her ain later. We ma the mill." thanked ber and we where- be overheat wrote "some- letters. e town was lessene of that Iiandsozne that he lnigft see b him impatient of t did not appear i and When-Norcros whether. -she took otel or not the, e sbe goes home. cr re: ars bile l�' t Siy lit reef.,. bo tit aatt.l (sr t ell{! Mil cl Sh Emit Nee the :Not few miles Otvt t t on � a e d teed( naily we invite ber. thin mob of the cookin On - Of the young surve w or'' : "I shouldn't thin r de ten miles any McFarlane's dinn s;", agreed :Nash, vii in Lis eyes. "She's Ind 1 join the boys •i t luck than mer -yl As Iop from lane: The Forest auh SQll1II G the neer trove ere talking the hi rse. It was morning, surveyor. ded at No yourself " he repii leg," do y er ir1afld m gala an slid • Ila[ Fare •' she one ow Pointed ` in . t ed .round irregular - Zorn the "Goo cro mo grass that' get i cora milli "I .'ward :t snr1 ao for a es- know• he1e uy k y; It ou e - es; er rk. by n d was ng," she noj�ded at Nore w do you find yourself this ds. "It isn't very pretty, but you always fore t looking u -at the. I igl>A en you 'up to tial ow. I+ have;rn't bad anyr eeker, and can't react! one." . - , e line -Is short circ teG But they've sent a - close:.itr-minute. Or?" aaa ked over to Moore's cat u getting on with t ossi ri have 'em all in{a t>• • and make the girl the papers. ssnlled. • orgotteu it." Wowed her is 'w more ab from- bis yourself .et Nor !e oaste the oc nt her. OS previews. a t TAS FF DAND .0 'P, i STOPS FALLING r I- a ri -Get. a 25 cent be the ndier.Fine right i ow-mAtso' at 7' itching eerie Thine ttle, eoloi'lela i antd scraggy hair is u evidence o ' a neglected tw aIin : dandruff--tha awful scurf. The is nothing so estruetive to the haddandruff. It robs the hair of its lin trre, Its strep land its very life; evelitually .product a feverish- ness ai,4 itching of the alp, which if not• +t edied cause') e'' hair rants to shrla loesen and le --then the hair out fast. A li le Dariderine tonight nciw--any tlm. will surely save y flair. Get 06 dent bottle of Knowlton's D ndednee (roan auf-deteg au—dealstore. You surely C ve beautiful !hair and dote of it if . Will just try a little 1 az'.- derive. ve your hair! Try it:. Save y' of Its gir .I he ti e was puzzled, d the brevity ratan as she' ed their con - thought Nor- omething by ✓ proficiency would leave • he inward- go. desk. "Come be able to t back to his ed .his outfit His disgust by the pres- irl, and the r at luncheon e= elects. . the dining inquired -of her meals at peri replied: be 'anch is e valley. Oc- but site -don't ort in a s put . she: would. e to eat one a reflective mighty fine wishing her g Cliff Bel • is it settled that way asked Nor cit HIS. "Yes. The supervisor arned us! alt, bu even lie nevet tale an' good words for Belden. Hes a surly cuss and vio leanly opposed to the erviee. Elie Ins tt er is one of theeirup letots of the M Ler mill, and they int a all -tried to itt :doze Landon. our rand r ova• there. By the wag, you'll like _mime He's it trvard man and a ood ' ranger. '[11 shack is only a ha f mile from .11 l.er's house. ft's a pretty well kat wn fact that Alec Belden; is part pr p'fetor of a saloon over there that we ries the supervisor wo a than any - Oa g. Cliff swears he's of connected avi it, but he's more o less ? sympa- tti tic with the crowd." . occross,, already ' deep y in. ted iii the present and futnae of a . girl wh m he had met for t e first time onl the clay before, wit quito ready to Are im 111:1 tririn° `leerier, C eintinuOd. Next Week spoiled the°Corapiiment. "Yes," said . the vo able •crank,• "1 )sed to be as bad s ou, but I made 1p my mind tol quit m - king and drink - gag, and I did le'. rink-stag,andIdidle'. , "Indeed' aremarke , Manley. "I tress a mart who can quit smoking Ind drinkieg could gjnit almost any - g"— j "Oh, yes,' "Except . , g eboiu1, it." A Dpo0. uI know tin actor who wants to rent the haunted, hpuse eon your hands." "What does he want with a haent- !d house?" "Says he' I jilmp at anye place where the ghost eallf;s regularly." Domestic Note. Heck --Th yens" say tba when a man is frowning 'past' i 1a3brought np before hien. Peck—T at happens also when he has a quarrel with hie wife. -e Boston Tr Griot. qme DifFt�tu rhea. teacher :of h ch i the .., a e "Now,ell sad , arithmetic, "w!hat is above par?" 9 think I know," !ventured 44. e - ate boy. e "Well?" flaked the teacher. "It's ma."—London TelegrapW. Optimistic. Grubbs-- never realized until now what a th roughly c¢nvinced optimist Rinks is. bbs—What made you form your new ars matei of Ohm? Grubbs -- The fact that a is trying to raise chick- ens, roses en two bill) pups all on the same lot. --i hmond Times -Dispatch. IA Large Truth. "I wish !I could earn a large for- tune." "You've got the wrong idea, my boy. Fortunes aren't earned.; they're saved." —Detroit Free Press "That fe oyster." "Maybe lb as they are w a ste."—E The Ivor a Greek d blessed de tient cuato .(lead. No Safeguard. ow is is dumb as an , butte ►' err- ysters, dumb ad it hard to keep out of erican. altimor Mao at rani. '?lnacaroihi" is taken from 'ration, Which means "the di" in sl vision to the an- eatioe of feasts for the OOTOBEI 13, 1916 • T S ALL RIGHT" Three of T m. • Dearborn—Do you know the seven wonders of a World?! Wabash—Weil. Z ow three of ,11etn. •Dearborn --Only three? Wabesb'-Yes. ! I've only got 'three sons, you keow.--fIxchange i R;evege No. 1. • Adam partook of the; first shad.. "Xon made sash a friss over losing a bona I thought I'd gibe you plenty." observed Elve. Liberty exists In proportion to whole - e reatraaIt.--Daniel Webster. - H l E -t .A 7 5 iF You should always keep a bottle of Charrt•'rlai ata Stomach and Live' Tablets on the shelf. The little folk so often need a mild and safe cathartic andh t e do p appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils awl ix tures, For 'stomach troubles and constipation, give one just before going to bed. All druggists, =, or scadto CHAMBERLAIN RfEitICITrtE CO., TORONTO 1© ,u us* Itiatuter-elbst ranges Itave, te be Fot ale by Henry Edge ' 8 , , . G 1 Arrow points to new and imp oiled, f 14,14;a:ed. Upper half overlaps lower Absolutely rain -tight. dcshiPeht, speedo -peter, electric stoning c.n..ltigAting plags and ammeter. Wider and longer seats and de er cushions, as indicated by arro SPr gas To t in. t prov Arrow shrn4ps old and new spring construction. New springs much longer and mare flexible. improved indshield, stil lonlger and more flexible gs, wider' S ath',, deeper and softer cushions, dashlight, line gauge, Ind" 4ther equally im ortant refinements. e Maxwell produc le theSe extra im- merits have now en a;ded. This is in line with th Max ell policy— so w dely advertised—. ot to ;change the Max ell. in any essen ial delta% but to f continue improving t so iifhat it will cons antly abreast of he best practices of industry. No ithsta ding the upelOative and mad in be Of of various tatornobiles, we r state our gincere con iction that Max ell M tor Cars offer inoi-e real value Gegrge C. per dol ar than any other car in the world. This too, iIs the belief of the thousands th u ands of Maxwell owners. And tangibl acts. We actually know that within b entire histow of the automo- btle busmeSs, no motor car—in any class or at an piricel—has equalled the Maxwell hon t;4Iollar7for-dollar value. And if ot4 will examine a Maxwell, ride in it, cot4are it with other cars, consider its sple cilid 1-corcl,, reputation and past perform Aces, you too, tall know it. Call or hone for a demonstration. ell, Agent Wright's garage Seaforth Celt 4:13.2to little story is the two VIPs (neither of which a Beer Tooth forest) idueing 1909 and 1.910. The Igolden. t- gicWality for me. The eam lake was mine. The rale. met, the prying COAnD rob grouse, the Muskrats, the bee my eompanions. Rut Berea was with me only in imagine' erftd handclasp of at western %Laughter. The story of Way is fiction also. But ranch, the milt end ranger stzedon.s are elosely titres of realities, Allthengja a my comedy is Colerade, held to any one locate - It was my Intention Istrita a much longer and tent hook slender story of a ye lrhn, being desired of =en, bestows her love * _whose 'weakness is at !on enent and her Imre. The a Problem, the sociologiC wise to have made the Pritese, got lost in .vollie low frail and never cattrart the lov=. sorry,i but so Ha lin tO fosmd in all the St east. one genuine Co fro faded, so saddened, so NC; splintered ,thitlt Ohildre MR FLEUR ak attd kid sad paie teat the kitisers are oelt Ott the fetA elf, kidney trosiges writes! deem Allow the wonderful resulta strived from the tm Fee knig tam* need toad= the most e Aireer 'Geoid haray Move paw. I add do ose to give Doenre sad I am glad I did f tigneys is gone; my .11. Mt pato= itny 4/41- good nisektis boxes of the pills.' bar, or boxes for $1.21 END STOMACH' Diapepsin" make ay Stomachs sure in 'five If what you _just ate i your sbamach or lieS lead, refusing to digest, gas and eructate eou. food, or have a feeling heartburn, fullness, eauseae in mouth and stomach-hea •ean get bleesed relief in Put an end toetomach troll by getting a large fifty-ee Paee's Diapepsin froth an* You realize in. five minutes less it is to suffer from 'dyspepsia or any stomeeli tor in the world. It' F:aZ3 WINDSOR SI 000. ere For information the discovery or w perori or person Nervous Debiliti, Mouth and Thrxr.i4 Skin Diseases, J3 Special Ailments, Complicated Come not cured at The 0 cal Insqtyte, 'Toronto.' Coil