HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-10-13, Page 5081 OR Stor e t t but, 4-50, the 4.0o, and e our and tsfac- �►���.li�l+��A 1,,11800141114 ibttron faction rcoats y have adored ley are ctor in British at' Can :o make Mn the Sum - Et color- er men, [ler you [lig and ;- in and a r f'or still -400 .35c ..20c 2.50 .90c ..35c .L00 ...90e ...20c 5.50 $6.50 $1,15 bath and men your AMIE Ifif. omeseeker's Excursions Otind Trunk Rallwey 8-y1*ift xteirA trip Ildmeeeekere? tickett bey fares from static= tn to points Manitobs„. Ss* min laza Albert*, each +Tuesday October Slat, ineleisive vie North Cochrane and Trarocontinental " or vls. eh:testa-AN St Patni and are goodi retir-tog two .fzoa date of Issue., tourAlhAt cam are each Tuesday tor Winnipeg Am Ir01-011t0 10.45. pro. vo, the raCeintleentel route withouteluinge itederratenn in tourist eleeeers may be ,:lotaluedat Ittlahltel; ehlerge on tppll to any Grand Trtiiik Ticket °Li- ne Grand Trunk Pacific Bait, the 19X/Orteet and ealokeit route Winelpeg, Saeltatoon. and Ede With =cote roadbed, Idea ted sleeeing ears, through the *swot, MO* pliatuea.sque and coat develoPirg Se0t1on of Weetern, deckling ott yaw trip ask Trunk agents to furnish full evh wr*t C. E. Heerning, • PagliefeDger 'Agent, Tororto, sti SEAFORTE MARKETS .1.1CURSDAY, Oct. Leta. 196 41411.t W1Ieitt18tail.) new 1 50 GO 1.50 illate, per bush. . 50 !t o 50 4fisrlay. per bush . . . - 60 to 6-5 likens, per bush 2 50 to 260 - Wen, per ton . .... 29 DO to 29 00 lame" per ton.. ... . .32 00 to 32 00 -FIourpBr owt.......... 4.24 to 5 00 NO.1 loose, lb. 30 to 35 per deem . 33 to ' 34 see per ton. 8 01 to 9 ¶09 - ....... - ....... lo 36 h ' !mosso 40, SALE 'REGISTER • : - Mateo% Tockersinitte. on "Oet. 16, at 1 -tfoloak. Ferro Stock. Tas. Flannery, Prop., Thos. *Browneehuot. On lot V, too. 3. Tuckersmith, on Oet. 19sh, at 1 cectilk FarruStock, Imptements, end Housieheld erneratore. Saie Ryan, prop., Thos. Brown, Aucte Satarday, Oct. late,* • 10 P.Mo ein Smith Bieberiond ;street Heroall, Omelet -old Effects. .1ab ape; plea-pson, 'Prop.; E. Boseertberexv Acta - On Wednesday_ ditcher. 18th, at 1 otitzeh, •on 4,Seale 'Boundary-, 1 let mires west pf Ireppert faro otook dente and household, furraure -W0tater Buchaan, Prop, Tinotnae Anotecneerte 0o44********* 4 WT BOX 00 a • 41 • 41 • 41 • EMBALMERS AND - - • FUNERAL DIRECTORS • C. BOX o Holder of Goverrarient Ihpicena • and License. • 4'. taiARGES MODERATE 4 4. Flewere ,furmahed on etort * f notace. 4 • • Night Calls Day Celli * • Phone 107 Phone 50 : • 4 4/444...404e40.4.4041 -****40410.441.40.6* Sixtha Plack-In Tackereeeitt, km,' Oct. 8th, to Mr. end Mee. Woe Black et„ tore Setiggef-ral Celeelheret, atie, Set4 16th, and Atha Frel Spriggee awn, MoKillop, 'or., .Oct. fifth, to Mr. artd Mreo Wraa. Oke, gr., a enc. limiamlaallill•a•a10111110•4•••41111111111144119.- Marriages Turvey-Arotibiald-At the reoldence of Wee brides father, On Seeit. by Bev.',D., Carswell, Mr. Roy C. Purvey of Plaevale to Mine Mayne, daughter of (Mrazei tMr Thomagt Antibald Of 'LeaAhury. Trapnell-Brcona-At the manse; on °etcher at, by Bev. D. Carswell, Pte. Herbert J. Trawled. , Met ,Blattalior„ to (Mies Violet; daughter of Mr. mild Mn. fillesa-eatei M-0437. of . Deatha mark-rn Tuckeremit,t, cal Oct. 8th, Seeillepf Mfr. Wed VIT. Wm. 1:lbonk. feareln-le, Hallett, (on October 8th, I Frederick W. Martin, aged ,36 Yre. elled 1.1itrinieetts. •yerman-In MeXCilIp.ion October 8th, Augast Byexeran, Wed 60 yeans, 16 eozeithe ar.el,k28 Alayre4. r 31~ 41211111016111MROMIIMIMEMMOSMINNIMMINGENBI • 4 .4 4 4 • Funeral Director and 4 Licensed Embalmer I Di lertaking pariors in Oddfe 4 tows building opposite 4 Stewart Bros. Rest- # I deuce Goderioh st., op * 4 I ..• Dr. Scott'. • Flowers furnighed on 4 short notice. Phone Night or Day119 4 I* -,• bol**********414/411.446664***4064* S. T., Holm& 4 4 Farm for Sale eseeeeen,,,e First class 100 Acre. Farm in Tuck- ersmith with good buildings. Apply to. PROUDFOOT KILLORAN & COOK, *afore' ad Goderich. Ont. M36.tf BoarclWanted t Any person having accotrenodatfon ter Boarders please apply to The BELL ENGINE CO., Seaforth, Ontario. Residence for Sale For ale the residence on Goderich at, Seaforth, owned by the late M. Y. McLean, The house is of wild bnek with slate roof, spleadidcellar and floor- ed attic. It 1heated ley combination hot water and hot air Menace. Contains every modern convenienee there are four lots with splendid stable and carriage house tor further particulars apply The EXPOSITOROFFIOE Seaford' Building Lots and Howie for Sale The property is ertuated on the west side of north labIot.forth. Two-storey briok house with tone foundaision, cerant and. brick cellar, frame kitchen and woodshed. Large /*erne barn. There are six. lots upon which are twenty five fruit trees. "Meet the house with one or more tote to: suit -tf s WeL;AMEaNT, Sealorth Stratford, Ontario . Commercial, Shorthand an Telegraphy Departments. Students May enter any time. We place graduates positions. During July and'Augp t ,we 'received applications for Over office amnstaaits we could IOWA supply. Write for our free catalogue. Farm for Sale or to Rent Por Sale or Real,t good farm 100 acres being.Ltit, 7, coomelor4 Tackentnilliti. There are on .pemresea two bank ha ;tat With at eta ape 56x49 .and gi • other 80 Large frame %owe Turn Itere are 25 acres am rgra*, a 50 acinigl'eadY for Seed tg, :20 ac bui*.1 „and; 2 aoree of art an never failing wells, ales* fifty feriae. being 'sough half of let minable for Pasture faxvm T farm will be mid. iented toge or separately: Inaccredlitte Apply on the preeelafea or R. Nd 2 Kippen, or pitistne 3 ori 2516-te MRS; DANIEL Me.M(L e 1••••*... AUCTION SALES.. A UCTION 8ALE OF FARM STOCK -Th e -e, Brown has received instructions !torn th dereigned to sell by public auction on Jae, Monday, October 16, at 1 o'clock pon. the folio Ilorsee--Heevy draft Orond mare with foal hy "Side and supposed twhe la foal, general pu p mare, grey gelding rising 3, general purpose, filly rising_ 8, agricultural, black carriage ge d disingB, general purpose sucerieg colt. Catt e young springers, 4 covre to calve in Maroh, calve in April. 2 to calve in February. 2 cows n osit, 4 two year old steers, 2 two yeanold heite one year old believe and steer, 10 spring Pigs -1 Bow with Opine by her side, 9 pigs abou pounds, 19 pigs about 70 pounde, 2 sows not I Igood feeders. Everything must be sold as fa nearly aL in grass. Terms -12 months' credi be given cin furnishing aporaved joint nbtes. count of 6 per cent per annum allowed off for on creditamounte, Thos. Blown, Auctioneer, FLANNERY, Proptietene 00 13 11 cash JAS. UCTION SALE OF enitoeiseeeld TOO A Tuesday, October -24, 1916 at Oroinarty Yards con. 10, Township of Hibbert, at 1 o'e 0 k, the tollowingproperty-Eforsee-1 pair gellin Sr 4 and 5 years, agricultural, 1 brood more tenet fit and 3 years, ag., 2 coles, 1 Year old. Cattle -5 due at time of sale. 2 heifers due at tine of sal cows due in November, 2 news with calf at to beef ring heifers, 15 Esteem two -yr -old, wood fe 26 yearling steers and !milers, 14 calved. He A number of sows due bsfore January and some h litter at foot. Poeitively no reserve as the e 1e have been on pasture and cannot be hsid over ter. Terme-6 menthe credit will ne given on idling approved joint notes. A dieconnt er cent per annum off for es9h. DAVID GARD T k JOHN fICOTT, Props., Thomas Cameron'A e- . I 2 tioneer• 54 =ION SALIC-OF HOUSEHOLD FURNEr RE 21, AND EFFECTS:ALSO HENS AND OH 1K - ENS -Mr. Ed. Basseaberry, auctioneer had ree Nod instructions from Mr. Jas. B. Simpeon, Soueh idh- mond Street, Hama to sell by public auotio on Saturday, October, 14th at 1.30 p.m. the toile ng property -Bed room eittite, 4 iiedsteads, try bureau. 4 wash stands, cherry writing d la 2 coaches, 4 parlor chairs. quarter cat oak hall k, oak arm chair; man's easy chair, a number of thee chairs, parlor table, 2 cupboards, piano stool, • este rack, 2 mattresses. 2 feather beds and pillows, ate, coal oil stove, wood heater, hanging lamp, en min poles, pictures, bedroom dishes, table dishes. e leer cruet, sealers, crooks and other articles too to tar- ous to mention. Also some minlook lumber ond GO two year old thoroughbred white leghorn ebs, 12 eoekrels, 19 Wooed rock spring chickens ad some heos. Terms -Clash. RD. 8 SE 8E R AUCTIONEER, JAME%le SIMPSON,L PROP k 12 5 6 eretLEARING AZOlION SALE OF FARM 0JK AND IMPLEMENTS ---Wm. E. Nairn re aired instructions froze Robert Heal to sell by Public Auc- tion on lot 29, Con. 9, Fullartora25-miles north west off Fullerton village. on Wednesday Oct. 18th,, 116, commencing at 1 o'clock, eharp Horsee--G- rat purpose mare, "grey 8 years old, 2 ngrioti tdral Fektings, rising 6 years, 2 general purpose mar ris- ing 5 years Cattle -Holstein, eow due to calve Nov. 10th ; 3 Holstein cows due to celve ' the spring; 7 Durham cows. due to eelve Feb. and 1 atoll 8 two-year-old steers; 7 two-year-old heifers, Dur- ham and Polled Angels) 0 yearl ng steers ; 9 ye rling heifers, 8 spring calve& Hog Brood sow w' h lit- ter at foot, brood sow due to farrow in Deceal 4, 3 shoats about 126 lbs .30 hens. Implements Mex - well binden Maxwell ineweg, International hay load- er, Peter Hamilton seed drill, 12 hoes, hay rake eel. tivator, land roller, set of hes-rows, 2 sets of t acts; hay rack, turnip sower, bugoy, 1 valking, 2-f rrow riding ;flow. root pulper, stock scales, 3000 Ibs. cern cultivator, wheel barrow. ie horse power ga ()tine engine, 2 unit Hineman milking mac ine, new; milk can, 3 mirk pales, 2 cauldron kettles, 1 logging I hajn, 2 sets double harness, democrat, 10 emoty bee .. Xes deva harrow, circular saw, ferke, hoe,, c.vel and other artieles useful on the farm. Positively to re- serve as the proprietor has sold hie farm. Te nis- 12 months credit will be gri.en in furnishing a peov- ed joint n-tes, or a discount of 5 per cena p r en- preetor, W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. num off forcash in lien of notes. ROBT. HEA'7P4o- A UCTIOti SALE Ots FARM. STOCK. MPLEM NTf3 t--1_ AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE- °Inas Brown hap received instruct -eine from the ncler- signed teoell by public aucrain on lot 20, c n, Thursday, October 19th, at 1 o'bfoek p.m. the f Ik'- ing: Horses -horse 12 years ed, mare 13 yea s old. Cattle -cow 8 years old in °elle cow 7 years o d in calf, cow 5 yeare old in calf, 2 heifers coming 8 rrs,in calf, ail Holsseine, yearling heifer. 4 Durham rade ca. 5 due to calve in Nov. & Den, 3 steere ris n 2 3 ear' old, 3 heifere rising 2 years old. Hog: ow due to farrow in Dec., sow due to farrow the 1: t of January, 10 store pigs. Pouhry-ILO hens, e turk- eys.mand a nuber ducks. IroyIe ants, etc. -good heavy wagon, spring wagon light, ouble carriage, Eureka oombinetion bay rack and *tack rack, good gravel box; McCormick mower, Mci mul- l& cutting box, disc harrow, prng tioth ba rows, corn planter, heavy sleigh", cater nearlynew one old cutter, two horse plow scalier. garden pl ugh Eureka garden drill combination cultivator eo .. bin ed see double harness, 2 set single harness ineu ator taro brooders quantity fertilizer, 2 logging c = sins, ane light and one heavy, a Standard separator near- ly new, forks, hoes, shovels, wheel barrow and other articles. Household Effects -God heater, burn, either coal or wood, took stove, Bell organ, step ladder, 6 dining room clesirs,betleteads, Daisy c urn, 2 cupboards, a number of nerrir crate,: and berry boxes. Also a quantity of ha,: and green feed, some potatoes, number bes. of pears, and pile of wo . Al- so 8 5 -passenger Ford Touring car, almost new, lgo reserve as the proprietor has;, given up' fa ing. Terms -All sums of 810 and unOer, cash; ove net amoant, 12 months' credit will be given on fu nish- ingapproved joint notes. A Iffiecount of 5 pe emit per annum alloweii. off fox' cash, on credit am ate. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, JAMES RYAN, Prop lam. ACOTTON SALE OF FARM sroog, e ?LIMN -TS AND HOUSEHOLD FUBNIT Mreltiomas Brown has receiv instructions if by public auction on tot 4, south boundary, tit 1 1-4 mites west of Kippen. on Wednesday, 0.3 at one o'clock pow. the folio Ong :-Horses team fiend 8 years old, mare and gelding, mar posed to be in foal to CoL Graham; aged Ma -Wilkes driving mare, quiet and reliable, good harness, supposed to be in foal to Jabot; colt rising 2 years old, i carriage hi* rising 2 old, Oattle-7 good Durha • cows, all milki young but one, cow 6 yrs. old . ue in May, cow old due in May, fresh cow, 8 3o L : old, cow 9 old, extra well bred cow, 4 y re old supposed in calf, cow 6 years old snppo ed to be in calf, fr rowel years old, 3 9 year pl st.ers. 2 2 v . r heifers. 5 yeatlinge, 7 calve Ilogs--Yor ; Berkshire Bow with 11 small pi :, pair young pis. Some chickens. Implemen etc. -Deering grain binder, Deering corn binder, eeriog mower, Dem- ing rake, Noxon seed drill, aesey Harris 'roan cast seeder and cultivator, co bined, set of axon disks, Kemp spreader, steel I nd roller, 4 e aton harrowe, half share in Massey- aerie bean hail ester and cultivator combined, 2 fur ow riding Coe htitt plow, new, 2 walking plows (I, e.. and 1 stubbies 2 14 horse ceitivators, Charism ev • .n, top buggy, liht waggon, 2 cutters, set Bain slei hs new, set Ch b ra truck scales. Chatham fanning mill, with b rgipg- attacnment, hag holder, steel itching scraper h rack, sides sides for stock rack, gray 1 pox, root p 1p r, knives new, eream separator, 2 corn pLentere, rind stone, wheelbarrow, stone boa , set of team ha ness, half set of team harnees, large 'ze collar, set o WV - y harness, 2 :waterproof cover , 2 hay forks, 1 Leer, heavy hay •ork rope goof as ne , slings, also trip rope, log chains, tongs.. ice to ge, barrels, sh$VP s, fork, pulleys, cow elms, cow bell, scythe, w, . e• trees, doubleetreee, neck yokes saddle. blanke .1 and whips, robe, a few cords of sto e wood, w000 in 1 s, pile of lumber, plank and se ntling, 2 piec s f square timr, waggon jack, 2 les of coil wir hog loader, ladder& grain hags, h crate, cress en saw 200 fence 8 lats, adze, base hu er coal stove BOO able for summer kitchen, rrel churn, pri nieg shears, pails and other attic es too numer us to mention here. Terms -All s rns of 810 and u 'ddr, cash; over that amount, 12 m • Um' credit wi given on furnishing approved joint notes, hi h bank will accept, a discount of per cent per an uen, allowed off for 'ash on credit amounts W bster Buchanan, Proprietor. Thom. .- Brown, Aucti.neer I it FOB •:st4 100 woo, at KoKille On the Orme frime Mien summer Ito 45x66 drive h 40.16od he ho leIstre of -torch rd, 10 &ere h A ply to John r Wilton, R. *RPO " smith, co tat nadir bush. The fa find in a gaol te premises a ood fra *en house, drlve ho Mime and Pa Jou iron Mal. J)IUI vetoed,Oon g 100-aoree. atio • is well ,fe c otiltivetion.s T hone, lank andtwo lgoo 3 apply on the LOY. Remo sc0. 10 0 s�h n , eu n dr- wood ; 0.4. on 0, T t'seveft. and el ere We in, pig a 1 wells. r lone p er t. OR ed - • Fow eel eutepare folvl rdeltiv Hoter, Ctlackens, 16c Turkeys, 170. ?45x4-tf to boi lank% of ed at tke 'Royal 'IlbureidaY mornieg. rs, Pucks, 10c; McMICHABLe Seetertt ARM FOR, SAL i dace of editly bank lean endetio, r, *ranee frora.so he Odell canoes miles of Mill or qutok sale. fire. Katherine :Me 1- Oae hanired ittnetwa sto pod orcherd tool, and 2t hn of Tate bad. Price ri Or furthee p zle, Kippen, y hiok ab ndanei ilea from to snail h I. R. ht, and easy rti Wars ap nt.B R CI ig rg at Oa to ItriARM FOR SAL -'or sale la 23 eons:mei o 8, ir ItesEallop, eontaining 100 a res There ar oa the premises a good !)rick Wiese. la e bank . rn, 54x5$ also good dri Arne shed find os. r out bu Id. loge. The -farm is 1l fenoel arid1 ye 1 underara ed ard in Mot oleos seats of .cultiet io Two - in les from Seaforth. Rural mail and iho e. Two g od eprinz well& one it the been:end )1 a'-. tile Is icI'1 r farm. • Will oe sold right and ()ad *lion given at anytime. Apply creo the premle r address B; R. No. 5, Ele.aforth. :Peon° 8 on 16e 3 nEs ooti T- 264 .._ eGeARM FOR SALE -For sale I IP f'MoKill p, co Ltnining 7b as the premises a bent' barn 40x60 cement floors also 4 en 24x5e a stone etatiling.1 e grinding work shop above,ooi cone 41 kitchen 13x21 wit Iler under tern and good sr a well, 195 into both house an barn. Eig bust'. the balance c ared and in tivatioa, ohoiee o .141 rd. The and ;emceed and is o e of the bes ship. Wilf be sold hreasonabl thee partIeuleasap y on the R. R. No. 1,Eleator , JOHN $ ooneesstoi 18,- 8. Therea on e ; etablid and rive exhandi h ,e16x8080t h te cuss 24x32 th d nd. wrirr ipedele" est a t nes of ha• a gif erste °teet- h well drfined f in the wn- mai For fur- iesenspor 261 !zoo OOD FAI1M F I SALE-lor 5 le ben partof lot ' Com:session 14, MoKillo raining 120 sores L here are dn he prem ,modern brick ho with hr9 and eoft 'There is also a g. ''1' rn 60426 with stone illation LIM dahlia nderneath, et ing shed 'oilstone founded° pig pen ajd nen houi 1m good repair. t . re is also a goli art chard and two nev failing welte. The farm Iunderdrained and 1 fenced and In a high lcuitlyation with 10 • res of harlwoed bush. well situated on th North grave roe.d 1 mile ;of Walton O. P. R. tation, also totophoneean nein delivery. Thi is a choice aerie and sold on reasonable ruts. For further pa apply on the Wend s or wittiest W. J -11M0 ; Waltor. 8 e, 80 11 13 ad a 1. Utii all or. gell of t is th rat be ars .t xrAwstx FAR' 43MR V ate tor the esta f the tete offer for sale, Lot fourteen ( Concession of the • ship id M ,00nalerts of 10) aer ot cls kred a land in a oleyn an hood state o situated in a splen 'Mg d to markets, salamis amlehureh are erected a oo f rtable fra 18%24, with kiwhe dabbed. 62x70 with stone s btiflir under and seater in barn, alao a good in barn also a good pig pen an ;farm is well fenced ad extra we title is perfect and poieesslon w' purpose of doine all heeesaryfaI particulare apply tc Boma ARC 13 t 0(111 )t &dint lese Hit re, See.forch. Gil i- i ern, Ir e admi u h H. G 4)1i the six Ki op. Tel d hnproved caftivation st st, weir n the pr welling ti -tram , cement en and n house drain e ple eat ece liven f r the work, For alter D iMoGRE00 , tore, or to e I. et al:, rd h (6) f rat f rin nd is ni nt baro The Tree lenitIttl FOR SAL -For sale +oath half Lo 3 -31 jr Concession 1, nueltireMithoontaining ' ares more or lees. Th_ii are on the remises go.. d frame louse with . tchen and wo shed, -e& ent msternAirood Dank arn 40x64 with scone s 1 ; b ing and dement 6 sore, drive shed and h .n houlla w ter in house and bsrn impelled hy wind mill aud c m- ent enk. The far is In first class oiondition e eed and drained and th e are 10 apreS of firs c1ae bush and small °rob rd. The rfar. is the e and one half miles fro Haan, fis; Iles fro eite ns forth and from 1 I Vora chuth aid Bohm , rural telephone in house The farm' is„ all on th e sat Rid e of railroad tra4 and is in that class shape. Terme-Reasonabl wins forlorntee etor wishes ro retir bet urbtle 1 i opt' ply on she preinise or. . CRICH, Clinton 0 rico. . rly - AS Notieo P.= lf:rfli...11/6.1[81VIRIONe Notioe is hereby given tat C urt will be 'held, pursuant to The oi ta reo Vokrs' Lits, /Act, by Hie Honour he Judge of th County COurt of the County of • H on, at the Town all, Seafotb r, on huraday the 26th t ay` of October, 116 at tl- „hour of /1 o'clock a.; # hear and deter ine c(implaints of ors a d evelssions in the Voters' it of • t1e edu.nricipa ty of McKillop r 1916. r'P Clerll of Too ra Dad ttcts leth diay f REGO Qt. 191 Broa loot A meeting of th IMunicipal don /ship of Tuckersm` h will be belii I eaforth, on Satur a,v, October 14t terested in the B eaifoot Drain cash may do so on eir before tbnt d GREGOR. Clerk. ra il of th the Tow . Par Ns ishing Ito te. DF. W n44 131• pay Ma - House for Sale In Egmondille, eight ed house, good cment e11r, soft water; good stale ; on road half from Seaf rth. sold cheap r quickeale etethe er 18 removbg from cto AP the premises or adre W CHARLESWORTH, Seefoirth P. ick and ain Ube Iy on G. FAR For eale; B. Si, Tao hundred aor triiale barn etotne foun toed well; fartn. F bly to 'PET B.R.: No. 4.L F3R SiALE ot 3, CO nemith, qon There on 9s65, frabs 110014 freq.' river o itu-tber ipa CL-E.AB vion 3, ining the p house bar bac Oat% Seafo 264- Sell niey, reel ek P. blop n all draft- yers g, [all trg to be sh nce Homeseek Excursio s' mind trip tiekets to poin in M ni ba, Saskatchewan and A berta via orth Bay, Cochrane and Trarscn. nental Route, or via Chicad, aul or Dulu h, on sa,ie eacia Tujs4ay ntil Oct. 31sI, inclusive, at low axfes hi ough ars to bove dat -45 P-1 rs, via oute. tteturn xclusive of rn limit on Berth rave ars at all Gr write O. ID enger Agent Somervi Tourist lee 'NNW s, no ch Transcoin ineit, TWO ate of sae. all tickets, 31 atio nsstd ft nd Trunk tic Horning pi Toronto, • or to ng of tine+I inth Finr4I Dec&u 1 parti cu - et Ot1ces strict as- er .. Tvn itgint Dot iee,nat C. E. H RNINGs, D4 P. A., Union S non, ToronO. Oat r"- Mortgage Lands in liiab ert troder and( ib at sale coo gage, wilitti t.1ne ot sale, for sale by Cettorterdal !Ura% on Sat October, 1916, a by Thatnap following Lot nutnher Twent conaession of the To containing one hund Upon the property house, and a ooieniod pair. The farm N si cultural distrias in cheesed mrkets. Terms St Sale -Ten ey on tha day otsale days thereafter, with leFurther p artinuiars on to either of the ale .of Farm he Township of in the Caunty f Perth virtue, Of. the powers i',0rtain Inor* 11 be produced at the villE be offered '4Uett•ii- st the I, xi the Village of ay, 'Until* -day of. the tour of two p.m. mictioneer, the ty, narsodyv• -three (28)in theTitirteenth nship of Hibbert aforesaid, d acre/ Of land. are a comfortable dwelling us haen in a fair state of ro- usted in one of the best agi- eteie, handy to schooltachur. per cent of the purohase mon- d the balance within thirty nit interest. may be obtained on applies.- ndersigned. • PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Solicitors for Mortgagee Thos. Bro ern, audio eer. Dated the 25th day o Septerieher,-191,1 246-3 !We have just irottallect New OXO Acetylene Welder which will] weld any repair: in a few minutes. -AlleWe have also put an P New0X0 Carbon Cleaner This machine will cleanyour engine pistons and e 'Uncle rs Without taking down the engines. Both these ma- chines are:of the improved type land a good job is glaram teed. J. H. Wright illGarage and Machine Shop, North • oaitiVi Main St., Seaforth . • It4M1110161111■41115MINNISIW eshing Coal Whethe you have wood or net, iou can do adays threshingoncoal uft the same money as it to get the old cross-cu petted up. Secure a load or eh° costs vo saw she vf our n ce.cleso 10 in. LUMP. Pall Wheat If you are putting in a piece of wheat it will pay to get a little of our BUFFA.0 BRAND FERTILIZER to put in with it. It pays for itself and then seine. Vie also handle all kinds of Lees & Lninber, Lehigh Valley and Scran- ton oal, Canada Cement, Dress- er/ Lumberi & Shingles, Canada Fibre Bo r , Metal Building Mia- teriels, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc., JO h B. Mustard Brucefield ok to di Land • wtI)he tied prudent meal tUatfliao the 'lied" for hie livelihood in thiS supreme hour of the cell is cel. We ,cirre HURON'S Largest e al e21late deaens. Do't buy until you ut or wrie! ue. For Instapce look at 108 acres, Goderich tP 109 acre, Colborne Tp. Anre, Colborne Tp. 50 eerie, 4iaif1ejd TO. 401 acm, oderie.h acres, Goderieh TA. 7,00 46,000 44,800 $2,200 2,800 ;1,000 thee eve of good 8101 nod helide free. The lAggest bargains in. the county. Ask us about others. We have Goderh towEl Properties f°1.92ete ?DOM 9900 t� e5,000. O'Neil and Co. T J1ea1 Estate People. GODERICH, ONT e'er' 1.1010114111110 CANADIAN BANK F COMMERCE SE. EDMUND WAIXER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President ORIN ItIRD, General Manger. la V. F. JONES. Asset General Mang*, tau the Are AL, S15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 ARMERS' BUSINESS The Caiadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every lity for lttie transaction of -their banking bushiess, discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes supplied free of charge on application. S54 Seafweth Branch Q T. =MO8QN nager Exelcutors Sale of iirmLands in Township of Sinley. The laxteneors of he late Themes War, offer for eale tholes very v litahle farms belonging to the Estate seed situate in the Township of staniey. These must be sol in order that the 'Mate shall be wound up. The farms are in a good locality and hi a good state of oliitivation, and most 'suitbly adapted to mbod fiermireg They are handy to echoola, churches arjd post office, being adjacent to the Village of Varna. For terms and pertioulors of Sale apply to the u dersigned Executors. Christopher Ward, erns P. 0., or, Emanuel Ward, Clinton P. 0. 25445 Valuable Farm Lands torSale 1 I That very desirable farm, being ellstr pced of Lot Numbera Seventeen and the Sooth half of Lot No. 16 in the Fourth_ conceesion of the Townshni, of Hibbert, ,containing in all 150 aerea more or lese, is offered for sale at a sacrifiele Ir ()oder to close up the 'Etate of. /the Late 'William McLellan. The fano le * a first-cio% &tate of cultivation toad the builklings thereon are In good condition. Thie farm la an exacpUonally good one for mixed farmin, For *eras sad apply to the imideescaed. • ANDREW MeL ELL AN Admini3trate of the Estate of W. kr-Leila% deceased. 26454 r.....f.b.un P. 0., L B. No.2 Good Farm for Sale ailEaatElei.rwas• Lot 21, Cooecesion 1, Tuckersmith. H.R.S., 10 'acres all cleared. Goad frame house, and bank barn, pig hen house ,axid driving house. 'A goo& orchard and plenty of good weber well tile drained , well fenced, oast all 1...11 first class oeedltion. On thet Huron Road, 21-2 miles from Seaforth and six miles from Clinton. Will be sold cheap and on Razy terms. Apply to 3. H. HENDERSON, fkeforth. • t 2508..q 4.4+4+444+444+ *+++40+404-40.41 4" Wo S.Gormiey • vmbalmer and Funeral Direc•-or Undertaking Parlors above M.Williame grocery store, Main 8Veet. Seaforth • Flowersofhurareger mdodoneshort notlt, 4. Phone night ear day - 192 • e•de c.o.** ee ee **eve* 44.444-4, and ilmesellas Stllion Bering fliteu Itin **Rattle of the Sono.." An urgent call felH help again goes forth from the Motherland's mighty life saving agency - the British Red Cross. The Empire is called mon to give greatly, give lovingly, give qickly, that the sick, wouned and suffiring ,f3n all the battle fronts may not 14h and perish in their hours of deepest need. Mete is a great work in which all eal' share. The Joint War Committee of tbe British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John is the only inititation whilch carries voluntary aid to the sickand wounded of the British forces on land old sea in every region of the war Thousands oi livls of our braveet ad test are saved through this splendid work. YOUR gifti may save a life. Isn't it worth doin.g ? It is. GFSrE! Make 'Our Day" Your Red Cross Gift Day G.:Lvem OefiolTr On cla B ri the CO Th gro No th The Red Cross looks after the transportation of sick and wounded -it equips thousands of hospitala, rest and convalescent homes, it supplies countless requisites for hospital work, clothing and other com- forts. Over 2,000 Red Cross Motor Ambulances are at work on the various fronts, while "rest stations," hospital trains, eteamers and lannches, food for pri- soners, books, special work for the blind, etc., etc., are a few, only, of Red Cross activities. ario's princely gift in 19 1 5 a $451.4,000 rang, a ion mercy call, tlaroughenit the Empire. The ish Red Cross were gratefu1ey nd me-astire, and 1 i appeal through Lord Lensdown , President, low es to us as to friends wo, syrn athize and help. fleet is greater to -day the* a yeer ego -it Is ever ing. Will Ontario do lees than she did last year? GIVE -give a day's pay, give all you can, GIVE. , . Premier Hearst Has Seen the Work "My vt to Pg -land and Franc, has aroused deeper appre- cambium than ever of the splendid work of the Red Cross. dee4rves every support, and 1 trust the peopte 01 Outartio wifl re rad with their usual nurosiO to the British Red Cross ApPeal for October 19th" HO. W. H. HEARST, Prime Minister of Ontario.. Ho Rives twice who gives quickly. Your help is needed NOW! The; Motherland's only direet appeal to us for help in thiel great war le her great 'had Cross mercy work. Oatrio's response must and Will be quick and. generos. through the Treasurer Of your Local Committee - end your subscription tor the Clerk of your !natridete -or, mkc, it pay-h'r' TTnt T W liteGarri, surer British 'Red Croas Fiend for fel.n....che. merit Bnildiags, Toronto. 't Let Your Stricken Defenders Call in Vain, but veandhe The Sick and Wourre, Ca'l FGT Heo le Give on er 19th Your oft will go entirely to the British Red Crooe • where, again, throngh much voluntary work, the working expenses are cut down to only 2% 1Y of the total revenue. Theta, if you give $10. actually $9.77% goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero. The expenses of tee Ontario Committee, adertising, printing, etc., are being raet entirely by the Provincial Government. Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., Brings a Red Cross Message "I bring a message of cheer ho those who have relatives at the fret and who fear they may be wounded. I believe evry- thing human skill can do, that human care and sympathy can provide, is being done and provided each day and each nicht throughout the year by the Army Medical Corps and the Red Croes. It is a perfect marvel of efficiency." MR, N. W. ROWELL, 1(.0,, Leader a the OppottLm. 4 • 4.4 71 11 „ • 41 43 ;1 • 1 Tenchei.--01fictial rile °Sakai of the lioniate