HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-10-06, Page 3• -
serrbinerYe Judgment fort
Smlith ie a lartner • Virg ie.
kir $1,767.6,2 and loret wi
et o*aL. StedelbOer et eal'
auf a Moat age.,ar.el guarant09
t for ,tiffs for, $12,612.11.
t and coraU The plaintiffs ar I
lforreson and JamFarrell
cardute the Klefendants
E. Stedelbauer of Berlin, .an:
Recker, 0 Lietowelk I
P erth Notes
.W. Reck:nand, son Of Mr. each
ugh .Irchtr d ,of- Atwood„ wa
ashy kelled in aetiore He ha
rep the tr,eto s several cmonth
Was 'el 'bris 20 year.(
Pte. Charles ic of $t '
M wee k1IeA in aotI e Set*
aeer 8th. His e and ilieven eche
n reside in that towee lie wee
. I
42 ,yre is of age.
rly Friday eventing jlast,
W F. May, of M tette'', had occ
to a tei car. eluding chloritadine$
The rent the had bee o punct
'exploa. occurred whic4
et the can an, content* tp th
g, and 'caw ng not little fascia"
ad, the aoarn. Mrs MaywatS NAVA
tiletakailf abou , the face, wiale be
a ter, Wes ay, narrOwly ee.
the skew 'in Airy,' •
e tome of rr end gra., Henrje
ff013, of Hit .rt, was. the seer..
dr a very pretty ent, on Wednesday -
Sep -nbei 20th, n their 'daughter
Olive! Viola, was u ited. In marriage t
Mx .40eeph W. M e, Hibbert. 14
carecieeny was• lie for by A . J
1 Tigford 3.,n (the preser.oe of abut
4PIR n hsiness
to the badman of Parma
Xaio viotos ooliodod. ea
Wrings Department
of $1..00 mud pmt reeeivoL
teromt paid or Mimi to socounta twit* a year.
XIBthvat.Aerrice assured to depoidtors,
g vnk awore, ad 'NOON Mx. Az404 e, Hea,..
OWS? ( bort cxe4 to Londan ister L the
,,—_ day a..* ie ng reistio there ca a hiref
retilTRXOT X.$11,T4rERS
YterY Meeta. he The
Huron, Imet in $t. Are
IreN 'Irmth InYth, with a g
dance. The purpose thie,
was to deal wrth the call
hr Rev. D. Turner retitle Calvin church
treL Metre .D. R. Kennedy and'
J.Richardterof Montreal. Piresbrh
tery ard Calvin rotre'regaition, Woke
theittuanfreity of the call, and male
a atrebg plea for The transfer rtor
trtierer, aOsturbeg Mr. Turner a large
fled pretnMag flea of servi•ce and
free opporturItiese Messrs. R. . B.
tieGiewan, Alex Elder, 8. A. Beplee
pletene, arid 0 .K4 Taylor representedi
Mt, Andrew -IS church angA'sPohe• highly
tt the %work am-cow:Baled by -Mr.
turner during MS four yeans paetor-
tte, atio'iStating that ,tihe Wilde here
Owl& be sorry to lose hien as their
Otani The call was left :with. Mr
Turner to deal Wah a isse, sa,ve fit,
hind he f was asketito exorese
leftIn .reply Mr. Turner etated that
the Work here had been - cot mote
gerad and he d4let riot anticipate thut
ha Would enjoy the $ work thits rew
geW better than here, bat a large
la of endeavor lay open to hien r:$1
hater eduzateleal opportmitles were
hipen tor h.s feenre. r- was hie wieh
Apt the call. The Presbytery then
grartedehes transfer, tie taikistry to
*se aftee the rest Sunday' n Octobee.
Rev. 'Me 'Lang,of Auburn, was apre
panted liaterkai *moderator, to de{ -
re the !puha vacant lon October e.
The cocrartttee appointed by the pre*
bytery tot visit Willis aurch, "%Wine.
*tag 10111 Rev. F. C. Helper's tresignae
Wee reported through the convener,
Rev M. D. Turner, that it was the
ant .decialon: of the ccerniittee
that Mr. rarperYs res4nation, be aca
eepted, to *take effect atter the third
'Sunday'. in October. Rev. Mr. McFae.
laze•of Bayfierl& was appoirited
tertra moderator to declare the pure
• rItt yawn& ,cue the fohrto Sunday in
Weber. Mr. Turner then read as
gator of the Poebytery„ andi
Iker M 4Laing of 'Auburn was elected
lie fill• the vacancy- f
JGres—Snell—A pretty. vredebrog w
illb.V.holzed at thel'Acere of Mr. arid'
William Snell, UI -G-;• e„ *Pi-
Mber 27th, at 11 to'clock, When
'tele_ youngest daughter, Mil -2 °Tea -
*ague the bride Of Peorge Jonee, eon
Of H.enry .Jones, o the London road,
ilouth. The teremomy was performed
by the brides uncle, Rev. Jae. Snell,
1lMir-2ted by Rev „Ka BarnartA n the
presence of 100 gueste; The bride
Petered the parlor on. the arm Of her
father and wars dm -seed en white satin
with silk overlaces and carried a
bouetiet of white roiseS. ter alder,
Mies Meese, was briderenald, ard wore
a pretty frock of pink satin, ared a
bouquet of pink ropes. The groom was
*apported by lire colleen, Soy Franeee
tkfter a -danAer wee:Tng dinner the
reung couple took the evening London
Eurosi and Irrace train for a trip to
Toronto and'il3affalo: 0n their return
they will reeidie Oni the grottoes 'farm,
Louden Road, •South.t
Destructive Fire.e-Shortly before 3
lock and juSt as the crowds were
ler:raying themselves, fire broke. out
hi the pavillon at the fafeg rourAs on
Fax day e-ek freer) a cigar
or a cigarette stub, The Ere started
hear the main entrance and at tae
tale the buildirg was crowded wail
tglattoo.lere. Tee flames leaped up the
outer wall ard spread'. to the roof and
hi a. short tine *rhe large fraze bulk*
thg was a [mese- of flaeres., The buk11,,-
tng waa abut 100 feet by 60 feet
ard was leisured, with- Mr. W. P. May
* the Gore Mate& 'for $1,400. All the
texh_bits were removed without icree.
There were 'Scene narrow eacapft- but
fortunately, all got away evettiout lace
ieedeete A high wind, was blowing
and the If_remen were taxed to their
utmost to keep the !Ore frOt aprea.d-
thg the grandstar,d4 The Pavilion
* a Zga$SE, Of ruins, not 'a particle,
leaf and -lig. Latee, ae the day rain
zegar to fall whish marred the epi
tIng corpteat to some exter.t, bat not
ttefore all pre.s,ent had the worth of
herr money and we- think went lore
ttliir so -tested that they had seen ta
God snow ...n mitateu.
September Vieddhig.—On We.deceday
Ittnieneon of last week, the aoLme of
and Mrs, Hugh Hill, of Aeburn, ant wee Mr. J., C. Ma
4r -as the ficehe tor a AaPPY event wher, bar& all Acd Goderrh. J
their only daugater Evelyn, was ealte reserved. The other *c
in :marriage to Mr .Frank E. Hite. were dispotee(di of as
hert of Fort Fra.ncia. In the preaeace Govenlock v. Corley—
• at.out thirty gu.estig, relativezi az 4 suiting from the toose r
friends of the two fainallies, CELIA, 3. obeli on 'May 24, 19).B.
ehaplan of• the Huron was William'Govenlock,
lUttallon, and paator of the Auhural
0444 aurae perfon-ned the cere-
laory. The bride was !married/ 'in r.er
teavelling suit of navy raze cloth with
Mileage of cream silk tde chene.- Ste
tworei also a pretty ooraage bouquet
htf purple orchids. The decorations of
the drawn room were purple and
treen, the bridal couple etandtng be
Nee a. bank of palms ,terne and ;itch
purple flowers. There were ro attend.
Arts. Hibbert, oe Clinton,
Kster of the grooent played the wed-'
tog d( during' the signing
th: register, ML I•illian Fairfall
an -ng '0 Pee -feet Day."*: After the
te-reenony and the vette,” cor.gratula-
Woes and felicitatioos, the wedding
alleon was• partakec, of,, The land
table wa,S very daentily done in
honey tree They 1 have slace
taller up diciasekeeireeg, at' Fort Frark.
i.... Where the moiled is In business.
The Many fr..ende Or the young oosple
exterd 00re-retail:atter:a and good
The. Farr.—The weathertneri was LIN -
laid to the Northilweatern Fair which
held ritredresday, Plitt:6day and
Feeday 'Rain began 60.041 early
in the 'afternoon on Wednesday and
cortinued to fall. The entry lists
were ifell filled, mull a Splendid di.4-
play dri fruits, eta, were on the tables
The lor..al merchant exh%bitS were the.
Let ever 'seen here. SoMe of the
Leading attratticaus -were the 1Goverrik-
toent MS014? Of egg Pandamg and wool
treat:Tient, the 'kicking reale and the
Kincardine bagpipe bandi.1 The• 161st
Huron 13M:relive. 'Band 'Ve,rni Camp
Borden attraoted great interest th
sPlehdld Pxtolfw Dan Marty and
troupe, of Scotch dancing 'made a
hit The. Woimenls Isehiltute had got
Charge of 'the diningi.ball Wadi a the
preceeds will go towards the Bed
Cis funds. Sotre. good home races
including farmer's trot and, 2.40 trot
or pacerard. a green race and fre
all were ‘schedule.d, for Firday,.
had to( be cancelled owing. Ito reit.
cotnpetitior in this depar -cent
e4toeIC Ptallis were Id ola
very keen. The band concert fand
hIbition of Physoal &drill% by the
battahon Members wale iiinmensel
eyed ducting the after170011, but
account of ram Mei eventing pert
once had 'to be cancelled,'
Goliclen Weclang.---: Tuesday, Sep-
tetober 12th, was the 61st wedeEng
arn:versaxy of Mr. and Ars. DOnald,
McQuarr:e, BrusselA'„ • aid hearty
corgratulatens were accorded 1 this
Elly eeteetned couple as ,they Cele-
brated,. ":.13 a quiet way, 1 this inter-
estng ever#J Fitty(-nte yeeas Mr.
IticQuarr:e, of Grey towneihip, e
yoang inan ofn years of age, vey
ed Els buxern tat* Wee 1 3eanet M.
Intosh, of -the itlale_ trunkbality, he a
lureber wagon to Egarendrile, where
the late 'Rev. Williarn froor, Pres-
byteoan Minister, tied ellroolt. They
were attendeduby Robert a., -a Oka and
Miss Annie Sizelair, both . - wham are
d.eceased, Crre returntr. the yoang
couple set l'ap houlkeeping on the, 4th
corcesoon of 'Grey, where they re-
sided unt15 they removed !to a newly
purchased farm On the 4 ht line of
Morris townishiP 3? Yea* Pince. It
1892 they surd out and . yeti to the
tenth COMeeroion. of Prey and on their
sour Charlie, -taking over thio fawn
Mr. and him MvQuarrie bought a
property in Cratbrook, . a -re they
• trade their bane :until 4,0rning to
• Brussels War years ago. •r. MeQuar-
rile wais( born in, Nova Scot a ad clone
Westward .with Us Paren and fal31-
Ily to Grey township. 'la partner
was barn in Perthshire, '$ e' tlazd, in
1844, coming to Canada her. •1 nine
years of age. She wag a , aughter. of
the late Mr. and Mris. 3ott' !Marto*,
pioneer'," reisidente of the 7th ooncee!-
Biox of 'Grey. Seven chilier. were
barn 'to 'the home, namely Mrs Robt
Oliver. Btrtesse; Joihn of Mdetreal,
Mrs. Thomas Brawn, E '1 lor,ality ;
Daniel, Excel, Alberta; St itiel, Hew
ard, Sask.; and• Athol, ted1 and pro-
• prietor of the Victoria Harbor, Ort,
• New Era4 Mr. McQuarrie, has one
• brother livirg, Merles, o Dauphin.
Mrs. McQuarrie'ls ,eurvivir brothe
are Argus McIntosh, of Hartford,
MIA. ;Donald, Of Hance. 'North Da• :
kota wed. Alex of ,Hrtesse 0. The old
couple are erfoying c neparativel„
good health at the preaer . They ar
e resbyteria
loyal ,meraoers of the
ohurch, have a 'wide tacqu letance an
are highly 'esteemed by la 1 who acne-
thezre Their friends eat d coingra
• ulations to •Mr .and Mrs KeQuarri
ard hope they 'may pee t ear diaixon
f ubilee.
The Fall Assizes
Mr. Justine Sutherland resided a
the :sittings Of the: Supre Coirt 3
°Aar...la in Goderich last week. Cour
opened on Tueelay afterreon an
ciceed late or. Wedineada afternoon
There were six cases on the docke-
but th.e time of the Coir t was. ocCupi
ed chiefly in hearing the else of We-
havre es. Martin, an, a for th
oaratiruetion of the will of the lat
Mrs ..3.1 C. Martin and the donee
sion of personal property 1., The piai
tiff was ,Mr." F. G. We Mere, on c
the late Mee .Martin, an the' defend
in, her LW'
dgmet t w
on• the
„, action r
at Mi
plain ti
aforth, an
the defending was N „H. Conley,
Thronto, who acted as 'starter an
Judge at the races andt Ipreatemed
sueperd Govenlock for ani,allegedi nit
detnearrer., In connectioni with t
same cercirmstances the Ilaintlff 00,
*rem age eecured a verhet • again
The London Free Pres !for libel.
tits cakeef a eettlement was reacbedo
of court, defendant agreenr.g to p
ploltiff S8? .and .each paytug this
Steep v. Perdue—An adtion -•feT
dootion. Trantsferrecl to Stratfo
5-ttnses oninlizencing October 3rd.
&stets of St _Joseph Diocese
Baralton, v, Walsh, et i$1.--Adjourr
to November attirge. ' •
'et. Bell Engine & Threreter
Sealvoth v Aniittl—An action' for t
I 11
hankfull Mother
rownds tar thankful
bout Car ad — enemy of the. ,•
teel.'' • apeakt with th
t praLiss itf hat Ppletditi toed
Babylat 0, jt Tablets. Mae.
ns would haS210 other tred.cin
the14.Albei(141*N..e, •:°,314. Brl'°*gieutr, thelS5eaelt
0 Says; ‘‘I '1a'1. been, thzI
ijg Baby
n TabletA 'for 1, • pai5t e'even yea
they !have do el lay fon: I•cialdr
Id of good, would *Abe or -t
t 'the:n:1 'Ilte ablets are !acrid b
byerall at 26 cen
W.111ser's Medicin
e dealeee
aric lfran TILe
From Lieu. Proudfoot
follow:mg • ter 1,0 from, Lieu,
foot, eoet 0 Mr4 W. Proutlf •
., Goderieb, who went over 0
the 33rd Bat ahon, bi4 vi'hol ry
tranSfered a the Vtle Hig!
lt ill, fa funny Al entire* cdiffere
frcrn that 'of anyl previous war, in
Itvet arrs, '_tfpirins
he storoi leo! pSohat
titht witf:lea
w r or (Much orr r continued liar 4
eh Wan; theut is inteose fightln
mare sktrao : ling. Ilrakre the
or thegote..great dek.
al (if t
hard inarol- to get in cant
fle enettry 'gen short of r
• 1: •• Meyer o aleav
enades, etc., we
rest, there seldo
pt4n a, jlhg
1 have y i to encOunter, t
Is alt:norat 'Aloe. 3oa are
ren*ictnethef,12,17hileitIien we ave ll'a 4 rel
rgel for a ay or ail, then t
1 to Will 131-hig
str up and ept At. a?e. The
le exereitse in -the trench4.$
W there 'et prirolpally a train
es- wooaliquiget :nerolthinu• tatgo4to
r..11 is op to lac/bier ifhe*tar
ttle *show, or -one battaLon oft
a"rdirtirisenitd6e1%, yoraar
t 'ar artiller
tiller it Is la 3it-le laical aff,air or
g$ I : to develop to isomethir.g hi
their- thst $ • re,guPar• enipin
w- h a, fe:w igitella t long Ititerva12 3' ,
fel cotordiett he ything LS O.K. &nog
th-rervzsaeittgw, a::totbea,rworryiudiabot .Thi
trie work. •I 't speak of an 14
ng big, butt w el iaay, via you ,
from "the bow that tilts w
pt when, tte ;ha big mooave
on, :.1.4 trying on, the nerves ratter th
t * • body. , / 1
erbaps the w sti aersation of
Mr g . into the. renehea kor 4:file f
:.--walkirs a ong way thro
f lde io
the. dar ; etutnbling into 0
sa..lrlir ad
g ell and enchee, Over w
Ilet whaeht (feel a feorrit, aevai)raneda 4
obably a mile Wail yea get
ly clase, 'whe the lake is interni
n tly :Jlutminate with Bares, and
• close -you,* otock still 'With
down.* The t trip In la eer
d when yo. to the trencib
Is like itarte t least, :that ie t
y it struck t.
1 ave rot seen many of the boys
t ( two laitoethls I have been ace0'00.
S w Cecal Stua 1 ard Ilatold ylor
Irite thte %ego •ind Ernest Jord
s veral times.. T:ey are . all fthe.
eo 'saw Rens .1 tchinson, a couple of
t ,e,s, Saw Jack /Welsh one even
tesf with the Ifitti Battalion, 1
p etty well tire Oat as " he hats
b re frotni -tlibe f I hear Ca
8 h. es, t wittla kbe! 4th °Than&r..ote
- hiri, bat hay 't ran across 4
1, • 33r4 'have b mattereCt all r
aid isrtna -heck luck. Four w ot
$ the. 48t2. a et) le of week s befo I
and trointe a4 left—one killed, t
ouncle1d1, one I,.. ell sraick. E ht
,e to{ the lat:ter I got over—t
ft, two killed , two woundted,
At peesent are- very ocEmf
y biL?:teell in a fatrtra hous,e in
the lettle fa :ping villages so
tor 1.ii
th ais pa of Fran Tte
an the 0 ' larder the; trees
e orcharderf y prefer. They
e,ry tappy iand teted0
-tone. SUrg
Trerich cicala/Er,
1.1.0011OWE. As :for
was any. (.11e.re, e
Tralte f-Engl
We Offer On, litundred Dollars
.kor ay of Catarrht
,arnot be cured by Ball Car
Hail's Catarr Cue �ffor Area te.
C.ataerlf, erects for the Pat4
mime known, as
rist "anel.able tr zedy for CfltaT
Phone Your Orders
Stewarts Sell It Fol. Less
„Lail Your Orde
Warth Soft Flann-
ele* Blankets
90c each
With the 4pproaching cold weath.
er comes -tie demand for flanel—
ette blank ts, and to meet this de-
mand we offer you largest size
dark blankets with blue or pink
border in, extra heavy weights,
clean and Oanitary at
90c each
The I3st for Boys
years has st
boys' Under
better under
Soft warm n
to stand the
the old price
ture in this s
But in these
suiting from
ten fold to c
you can dep
ces are not e
he name that fo;ctr
od for perfection
ear. There is no
ear made anywher.
at fitting and made
,ear and tear. At
. to 90c
1.41141'11111:11Ul. 4., I;1I
• 4_41,4tir-
.• 1
omen's Coats
that are the very Acme
- •Exclusive Charm
Perfection is .the only word that
does justice to our new fail coats. Scarcely
could you imagine coats more becomingly
attractive and at the same time better adap-
ted to the requirements of our Canadian
winters. Luxurious, warm, comfortable,
strikingly stylish and last but by no means
least the prices are surprisingly low when
you consider the perfect workmanship and
finish. The new large collars and cuffs in
all their varied styles are attracting special
attention. While the colorings and patternns
receive the enthusiastic approval of every
woman who sees them. AP Come in and
look them over. Price $10 to $35.
Cashmere Hose for
women and children
at old prices
25c, 50c and 75c
These are guaranteed hose of best
cashmere, tast black ot the origin-
al analine dyes. We guarantee
the coloring- of every pair. They
are the regular winter weights
andwill give the very best possible
wear. 2 59e 75c
s Hosiery Galore
�d hosiery has always been a special fea-
ore. It always paid to buy hosiery here.
days of adulteration and substitution re
the great scarcity of hose it will pay you
me here. Every pair of hose you buy here
nd on the quality and the color and the pri
Mens Underwear
With one or two
sp1enth1 buying facilities
tore and the occuring advan-
to our customer is forcefu1-
monstr4ed in the fact that
the exception of Stanfield's
rwear Which is advanced IOC
garment. underwear at this
is at the old price.
Stanfield Grey Label
Stanfield R,ed Label
Government Standard
Tiger Brand
Red Scotia
Flat Knit
Penmans Fleece
$1 25
1 25
50c and 75C
All garments guaranteed up to
last years standard in every way.
Hall 10 Catarrte
Mood on, (the •
11re the
pad heat** 41 --
After you have
Care for raa'
ealthr Start t
Cure e.t Ohne
Oend or "WO
oW, by all
ume,- actam thiedusih
Lwow 4auirraee,
fibril the 131
.44seat5e01 portion
taken Sidra Cat
ttne y$301 win Re
t yblur ger
ittag 'MS Oa.,
d tet rid4.bt ealf
& coo Toledo,
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wasted
to 75c
Special Sale of Chii 1
dren's Long Drawers
For girls, ages 4 to 12 years, made
of heavy ribbed cotton just the
thing for this saasdn of the year
in cream and natural colors. Well
finished, strongly sewn and of
very best quality,
Price 19c
Sweater Coats
For Man Woman and Child
Checks and squares throughout th a entire coats or used
for trimrnme,r is the popular idea this season. Every
known color has been used to that end. Never were
coats more attractive or dressy, of course we have all
sold colors as well in nortolk and plain designs.
• 4 • IVO-. f••••90411•
to $6.00
Ready with the
Mens and Boys'
Fail Suits and
Ready as we were never readybea
fore. No need to worry about scar-
city of materials and increased
prices. We have the largest
stock we have ever shown in
men's and boys' clothing, ,bought
rnonths ago to avoid the recent
advance. These clothes are here
now ready for your inspection at
prices you will gladly pay. We
can sell you the best clothing, it
is possible to buy and save you
monek on every garment. Put us
to the test,
ewart Bros.
Rg s Wtte