HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-09-29, Page 8s o ers verybody 1011111011101•1•1101. Every Man, Woman and Child should have a good pair of rubbers at this Season of the year. Wet feet always travel the road that ends in the hos- pital and it'S usually a short trip. We've the best rubbers wade. We sell no other sort, for poor rubbers are. always worse tgan no rubbers at all. We've rubbers,rtiOdelled to fit all new styles of Fall Shoes, c 60c 75c to 51.20 a pair. 4=m Expositor DIETIUCT 31LATTIERS Th111149VVillg BerVipeit BaTVeat Thanksgiving Services will be 'held in St Tishman Church, or 'Sunday, Octoht, bet 1 Belt;1 W. Robinson, rector of Clinton, will -preach at el. services At 8.0 aim. Holy Cohartimion will be dhiranSed, and the regular aervihea will be1e11 at 11 ,afro.. antler p.tr,. All are welootina, An Acknoialedgernent -The rh-erch. sad Ovenseas Cogr.Mattee take bits old- portunity of publicly thanle.ng Mr Roy E, 'MIRA threttigh whose, effort trch warp -able to phicure the hDritalra Prepared" ,fitn and the. Pohlio far th'rgenerous -aappriat of thhs enter- hainmentee The tat receipts- of ,Fair Day were as follovera:' Picture play', $460; tea MOM, $50; chair donated by' W. J. Walker and $n, $116,5(4 Leaks lhowleng Touthateetent, $11,50. Ae Old Roldert Med;i Detroit.e- A lartner hvell knownlresident of thh dietriet in. Ate periaoni of Janet Alexf- We fit the shoes with the sort ardor-. wife of It?. Alfred Brewer, of rubbers that are just right. (.4eAt--gis- her balms in Detroit recently 1 in hear 6/itht year.i Tice a titre (she roil -het/ in tRoatera, where M. J. E. Willis Quality footwear dsite Expositor Office, Seaforth mes • atson Succiesor t» W. N. Watson anesial Vitra Life and evident Insur- t *nee Agent, Real Estate 4,nd Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds. of property effected at the *oast rates, Dishier w oriel, White and New Home Sewing Machines and National, Create belearatora, ha full ;supply of sewing machine needles, attachitants, 011 and re- pairs always in stankr ertat bottle panted as Z iStiSteri 47:10 .neceive for int to Sea 2nd f Nab t and hi JFh Mies G York ard tr Lern .3912.e C Sard fta vasItir S. SOY have welsh, Boyd. Veatch Zurkh Crotty home /here k.berh .sican 1ast crate - -115 vi Edith arevter had- ahralht ibtat for a goad, r and Ai eldreeistda: kf,4- the 11tO[a.. She as awe 0.5' • .[Torrorit ;by h Mrs: , rich , &met, w Oak time 'since co. on Mon 'Oetob '11.30 her, Slate Wright, Of .OttaVI ht. Sciat Galt, G. Kru Ne • a- lictapit AhA. ng Torodte..-ML OS the g :est IkYf hothr .tatr M aghter .ari have be rand Mina ."3 !McT rued to . el1W11.-24 da htr, GI frOP:111 t 'p to 'they raited Mr, Geo. Maw en, Watson ainoh, who ar teaching senoel Were, here over 'Sehdy,a- er hot on, is a. :guest at .ftafil, a 41; Airs. Willitear ee of Clinton, laitirg her atter, Mrs.. Chas. pri at LS9[ ar ting Shott Mirr y to et lieret.hth tali a, 1 Ars ylait of St, 'ff rate ael 1c da 34.r. Le eturp, here d Mrs. y went i/ L ha e Von wU site w al as, 5. he ge99 i n he . /hereon Grieve • the off cer,h rid Borden on. . Fri Duggan Of Winir.1 her home here eh): Ina gore to °rant°,, to rnary ye,ais tehe tee, been ,a revalent ; restart her et dies. at tt helyeraity .g ay -g of tin 'State & Her death was very -Wh WoIqrg at the bievators] at audden an unexpected and Mr. Brew,. the, •ci vie :Flour :Mills, hir. Arthur Per wish toting here at the tine. The towel ad tiiqorhsfortuhe to have deceased My weals a oath/hoe mrs.bie NN.riSit 0a and rateh, rds-i W. MOirlyw', of itowo, 49,-od of Mien •quIrp ,afeveral atitahhe tio close the Bmadfoot, of 'Tuckersioath4 , and laying 43.17.0 at 3 a he,vr Fraikee Roberts has gore ta • NeW York -Te Methodest Sunday Millinery Openisgre-Th, ladles of Shoo went d their Or ual Rally Sea,forth and vithoty certainly took Day ext (0 ay at 2 80 -Mr James James advantage Of the invitaron of ohh Rabb has ned from la, visit with ineedhants to 'hot th.tiz e .t1;b1islimertg hiis b Detroit..--rr. Richard ea Friday and Saturday tof last week, r atharines here the, 'formal hillinery openie t days. icing hie n1 la -At a ecent oh:eh Th.ht the visit was a profitable ane for rurg 'thlconof the 'Egtmenda trerchanta and an opporte Ilty for viUe hard v. Mr. Aria, wasgranti- their cuatmeers w a s evideneel by the ed t ee fact , that all the laesl'. and !vete erg t 111 1 tient hats In the show rooms of this, Frida, ,MaCtavish, Stewart Broa. and Mina axd ihr hohnstort mete sold The hats dtiple,y- the p a ed Ws seanon are rather large, tandi pf felt, velvet cloth and fur in sub- atteehtie in blacks, 'brown a Emd. ptha te8rni°3:1 oderat , apply Expositor FA MERS4 ENTION-Petc in your old hem', ohicke s, and [ ueka that are read to sell an get the hi price for them at Th mpbonie P uoe Store arida forenoon, Oetobs bth, Phon 04 io A merican coal 140 per gal, cash them filled. Gale .00. G. A. Sills ki w • Jeweler arid Optician. • Issuer Marriage Licenses $EAFORTI1 - ON T Butter Wrappers. "raters or Dairymen requiring But- ter Wrappers es provided for by the agricultural regulations, can have SW name an the shortest notice at EXPCSITOR OFFICE, Searortil. Prices; bi lots at Iona .... . $2.50 lots tot 600 ...-....-- .-....- 41./6 ILADIE4' TAIkOR And Furrier Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing a Specialty A Trial Solicited liff+444;4444+4444444-4.4•4*+ • 4, Bephotographed this year on your • .1. f'V4 birthday at FELL'S STUDIO SEAFOILTEI t in tat : re- leave of absence (13w-- _aki He exp t3 to I ave , afterroon r Ca ary 11h y frier:4s he e hope at d tre, change will tee. ore wail good °AN- plea, Making 'up int odd angles what famish d house to rent they lack in diatinctive coloring. lit le the failiape that counts and they are practically untrimmed, being derora- al rather than trimmed. Paint and e LrabreLdery, fringes of fur, metal ornaetnnts and flowers and tiny feath- ers are the -decorations and they arh placed in sone Inconspicuous place a- • way 011. thIS brim or crown. Many &tains hoar (soddenly rata med-air, bat • emare demurely turned; down in a couihroutt, agape. Tana are popular • and many start small hate are *hewn, with whach the new circular veil looks we/1. The window 4..aplaya in thee StOrtgl are always very artist:0 an d attractive!, hut on FrAay and Sahara day they were :decorated even more elaborately and beautiful, and one had to look in Wiery Wale one hash. 0A by. In Stewart' and Macta,vistre ready to wear departer,tents all that ask !akar and uphto date an coatethalts dream and funs were &splayed. a.; A New Idea in I Plow Shoes I: Why wear heavy ill-fitting uncomfortable plow shoes that makes you foot sore and tired, when you can buy a light weight good fitting, comfortable shoe that is abso- lutely waterproof and will wear longer that the ordinary kind. a se They Cost You Less Think it over—then come and see them. ' Two fctigths-6 inch and r inch tops. All sizes. Besrquality leather. Prices - * L2 f rd .R.SC,OTT Home of Gctoi Shoes mu i41hatt Wee Local Breefe.-Mn. B. Houghtoirwho has 'been, lapending a month, with her aunt, Mra. 351n9 Devereux, and with IC -attar friends, hats returnechto her hotne. iBuffalo.-Mrs. Little and wile the peirion ‘•ho in mistake took a fanny hou- for the w nter, [ We upply 40 gall n lots tanke nd biro plate tdp[, 'Po saLE-ri /Tome and several d,stone foundation, (btable ft watett; on Louise St.. so Apply at esidvce. to John Dew M. A. Keefe,iR.R No. 3, Lucian venee ande . 111.Oano, efor [ Sath. FO SILE-i, A lie passenger Apply to RUe f4JST-4.,os on Saturday evening lant on the Ki perrIto d 11 ar Rod Sehoi • Bootie, 4 ;tubber buggy rug. : Ind r please leale at the Exdasitor [Office. • 2!1461 • , i V E OF T AN S-Oapt. Fo of the Saltation [Army, %Meg la extend a hearty vote of thabits to All W 0 cont that d to the Harvest Felitivals [Fund, " the 0'01 amount b i g slightly over- reach . - *0-1 ED -LA good goner , I servant Apply 11 any Monday in firing in your nized tanks cpm - forth 845-2 oto for saleibrick frame, 18x2 ,hard th of Markt St. emir, Seafozith, tar Ont, 2644-tf McLaughli4 oar. 6-1 W A If you are goin to-do any papering thi fall tt 17,411 pay you to' inspect cut stock before buying. Ave a number o Room Zpts which we a e offer- ing at big reduc ions rito clear. Onipson5s Bo kstore Seatortb Ow Shades and Pict ire Frames ents for New idea atterns bdar well the and One anco for the era. wee larg tern Vtas tee. 511)0 11, Mr. pre day. to M The will h work store t WAN . Sayan £grnonc ld sal n Satu ormerl ons tha e, Jithn St. Seafo th. 25-10-tf N the a ibl cut Sea M ea bug ep en itse froi:n. the buggy the harrow:at-Wee L. St has t been: anong t15 for les, has returned to hoh, •Eckar t and Missvfr. Mr.( F. Nolan, Mi55 Nolan and ,Mr. Geo e via:tore 'in our bang in the palls ball known 1,1eNteol trio ThW aPill be Pleasant eventh of the eause- as a here ish.huld be a whea the ill furnish re of the he (seamen t worthy ge attend.., Tuckersniith t Notes.-Miha attie -Turn ft an Monday or this week Toronto, *here she acuity of Education. varied her anal' or 'two in the pity nutnber' attended th Bdbert •Plewes, an • last. The late an old resident of th and *was held!jth ve by aU who' knew he ir, ef Folmosville, urnerls (church next S 'Agnew igtoos to Hol. h ano:r.iversary 'sent Manley e. -Cutting corn :Is day, an4 74r, °F. Koe blbS'...ne15$ with his taa, -1%-Q...cite a nuf:nberr orth Fair and repor Vera iEckart had, a from, being thrown y She w .ted horse, when it and collided w:Xli ,a w .Mr. art, gte Varna. N ts.-Bally Day saw z for the Su day Sehoole were held an the Presh by !rim and ,Nletheidtst 'hurchesoa Su day lash' At the. Met od:etchare,n Re. . R4 C. Burton, of Wa week, an pld pas Or of the church, gav anaaddaese on Loyalty. .The enurch was taisteh y -dcorated and the 'nuieal part of the program was in han,da oh the Sunday Sehoolo-Rev. E. Wanleas ill attend Mrs. Tn- 111 hpend a -Quite a Vimeral of tuaday a,f- .. Plewe- ghTleighbortir high ant- . -Rev. 111 preach day, Rev. syllle to on, that tre order of ler is doing n- meth corn ttenaled tho good - arrow . out of a 3 arivIng a aimia frigh tk• st, freeing nd brealang pies, Whir e past o er hoMe- Kate T.Xl- ry and Mad- ge F.olland laRt ;3unday. • . - — - - - . • plow.0 -CladreWats nOsverved Co:in-Arty Charell Sunday. Twelve pup.ls receivel th Asemby% rek.' wands for tee- ing he Shorter Cate- chhnt or ir.e.rorzi Scripture verse's. -The, second- arraial meeteng of ehe CrOmarty Red Auxitary Je to be' held al urch on ltiond,y, 0tObar Ist,i at 200 m. All the worler p.m afs'twellN berls, of the Conk. mttees are • attendi4 Us. rne o Thames Road' N te.-Death .reacra ea tone th ei old pioneers ,on Friday 24. week in • penson of M.Hlen Monteth, at the a,ge of ninety at whet kliteA at the home of her on-lohlaw, .h 'h. Allison She had keen a anstdent lan the Thames hoed for a Feat many years ank was a tregular at dant of the Fre bytrian church re until prevented by the Lies of old age. She Is sLwaved by e In the wet, and tone da ghter„ Mrs. Allison, also three stStere, who reside in the neghborhottehr Th funeral on Morn: day 'wee theld„frol Mr. Allsonre aard was largely atten thin Rev. Dr. Flet. cher had charge r the service. -Rev. E. G. Powell conducted the serrce in the Presbyterian church last hnday' morrhag and 'Dr. Strarthe, frOx. the what, occupied the pulphtt in the event- ing., Both Aerviee were well attend. ed. -Rally Day w observed at Beth- any last Sunday natea4 of the reg.‘ lar ISerrlee. Rev. Muxworthy W9.5 preatert and a.taitseell "oat the serviee. viite hranoh Of the Red Cross Society an ahhtny (said; goodbye' to their rel - of 1 (nue cooking ani'y andfano fan 30 o'clock, in the ati. inthilywitezegkeraarlidd. a-et,o0u. gejadt to thewler hardwai e' A . ll h oclo kful ept_• 30th r.t pied bY Edeg y receied. Notice -H1 h gr de buggies 10 salealso UeLaval orean separa bre, DeLaval hard eparator oR best quality of bar ee, hahers, farm ate, plow 'points, etc, on hand. A. M Oatriphell eaforth. .1616x1 +6'1 con gratulate Mr. Nelsen ye of the daughter? Maas Kate, of Goderiee, her ha horn the Seatorth Ar cultural 1301 on spent a, few darts last week aihth I Fair Dy,kily le ve same at E. positor Offloe. 9.5116x1 her parent here ard whth friend's lei FOR tAta S Ro d frame housb and .about 3 acres of Znerdi. °W,e1- . Baker, Centre St, Egmondville. They arotored back- to Gode_rch on , Sunday wattil ?Mr. Geo ge Seaforth. 0563c4 1'att1P-MAS Nellie Devereux is ispend- OYSTER iii PPER AND E ERTAINMENT- I Ba lon Line, on the, pri s his mare an wits secured at Se forth and Z Ich fairs.-bils E. ,Ro mo; a the, G. I Line,:leaves eek for the eneles training. Sciesl, Toroto.-- Mr W. tRobintson went Toronto tti re aster at Victoria Call'-ee this week, te Birth , ng a fp.-w tweekwith friends/in Dee The Ladies Ai of 'he Methodis ohurch will,hold a OtteS-BeY. W. H. Ilab nS trota-Revand MauCrane or Walton. ha k i 1 nte tainmee aluI 71yetez tsubmr in 4. ,, will preaeh anniver .. . . their Mtuch ri T anksgivitbi ' ,t. 111 the 'Methodist thurCht .rd Miss Peterkin of Mortreal were ' Further notio will be givent'inn u9eh 'ext week% vsitars last week at the 'home of ca .ted olut,was of a hig Mr. , 1 4464 OC . 2nnel.-Rally 'Day .,..... :itfltItitili.'roauxento te. S day and the prograna .r. and Mrs. Thai:has Pr.ce, North Ma1 ih:fe chaihn NOTIOpi vll be home on Friday aftrnooIn the' ,Mothodist Sunda St rerti--Mrs. Chapman of Kenora mp e..ent , 0 receive acitu. a guest at the bottle of MX,S. G. E. wagons, lnd ciphl '1 engliies. 0 Ker. Main Sitn. Her hereon .-The anhual meeting of Beaforth. ; 2p46.1, co ctioni almovnted to the Bed 0ret0 Society will be held/ The an iver of Duff's chu 13, 111e1l10 , will 111 a4 la poor ischoolai in the Carnegie Library on Thunshay iiierneittelyi8c1)1 li radayi o 15th, whe Rev. eisi nogr olt Li lw ip aipepher al and, children or WI atternoont Och-ober --nth, at three oat lowing Monday ev Oanna ienLorl: rt g her; 'Oter, Mrs Dr. clock. Al] are cordially inaltedi to ata . wino ent wili ud held, Watch he date an' l watch tO le avm g for ti3efir ne for further articular p i 2546-1 E. We Land onf Wedneday. td -Miss -Violt elaff, gratihate rum,' has returned tot Tarphto aha Send 'In tit •The Ti•entah Ler spendmg a week at the hcarta , , ,,, of her Tether, Mr J. Chaff, in town. ararh "vharheah,5 oomposed of -Mas. M. Collins and gon Aliehae.I an& the ,e1„„5"1°41ha Of the I Sea - daughter Katie or Buffalo 'and, Kr, PurlD 'W, N.- ' d the, i Bei' Peter Nevem of the Medical Corps, cr°, si3 rkS htY at all •thases Analierstburg, were theiting ;with wilcA ;r1alY4 Ibya 'n kii 1 overheats, friends pi .town hest week. -Mr. altbk ames an h aide Mrs. W. Sotnerville returr,ed on Satre. Watson,. coal. unia.y evening froth( a pleasant trip to ei, .5eortar, the. Maritime Provinces. -Mr. Robert •rer that!none B,e11, Dr. Mackay and Mr. A D. Sathh to get thei r erland spent a few daya last week Chri hr. aS Of tS in 'Ottawa ard Montreal, returning rpig tin biscuit Mime on 'Monday -Lieut. Bex 'Pearce, any or. , hand son of Mr. W. K. Peelle& of Toronn ee by lahding to, and fortnerly manager of the tklicr 5 troomsl. Ara minion Bank here, was killed int action been ,a- ade In France, .thits week. Mr. and Mrs. ns ta rdeon, Pearce have (many friends here ho each 11. you. will extend !sympathy in their great t and 'hand' Loas'-Mr. Gatee .of Blyth has pirr,. 81st i , chased the Oleg Robb property in Hart purhey for woo and inteudh to ,e4- EittrY ar Or. Names Contt execativ =harp .request vce..11 pis dreahee t venter, :or beforerOc ti off •thA Christa bo have, ho boretal A will oblig them in rargementa w...th the Sea these beatee have a it over before Oct9be are Ar Urgent. Appeal f C.ahlyor Stewart comooatication from t error of 011 rio, atat the appe ill be cithera o Ontario for :11,d their+, t 3arnie,77 o s„ Oscar is be j131a,:h.fa?,1::,,3, It 1.n 1 one •having the -cornmit t Red C avea1for .t -Or t4 th gr a Deserving -tablish a market garden there. -Mr. has recelifed 'a, A Lieut. Gott; Frank Docherty and tiles Mary Cowan. that a left this week to resume their etadte les at the Med.ical College in Tarona to, and Mr. S•tewart aon af Mr. .A G. St-nil/he has left to attend Britl,sh lted [arose. hoe Torte Univers' ty. -The haaaah reenerthered that or Cardne :ft this week for the wet, of last ykar,: October where they 'will spend !some neo.nhs heal wath Made which- ,. hsitin g their hrother,s and others pgrehovinerL, ehLoreveeo, multi friendea-Mr,a. Arthur FOrbe, 0f. Forbes, of Chrtore was visiting with dollars baing.stilascribe •frh.a.dts in /ton this week. -Mists G. eteere-d appeal. Is toi be ef Reid who ,h19tiIn response to as beer on the stafh at the '3. Mactay*sh store hor communication the Ma tle, has resigned her poeitian midi a Palle imeenting or t toll leave shortly for Toronto to: hhheld in the Came undergo treatment ,for her thra,t be present. haat year, Mss Maon Will 136 'her eaccessor in shonse. ht,h2 hhe of Xhe Mactay..sins.-Rev. E. A. Wanleas, past; 01 any town of 3ts tor of the faht Methodist Episcopal do leiswli dt iyeelathe r wechaenelar gafreae., afford ot rdirt church, FrAzgerald, Georgia, who has beer neiting at the t.cente of his ehter, Mita G. T. Turnbull and LtJi peig other relat.ves in Varna for se ral p ndla week, left en Wednesday morn brother, Mr F. Southern home. -Mr. and Mr,s. Tre peiohle in he on Welber. ifanals for ty. It IU be afalger Lae, st, a like apat et with a moist roughout the h and a half This year thtade to the the Governorie ar has called Id citizens to 'Chambe_r on. Seaforths., ret moat generou9 Orharica chiselhur Notea -Masi, Balangt a few weeka w.th ier ph.ggs.-Most t tth s part took one -T1rehaing le a wbto have aloe, hhhehl in a few • these parte be weth US his wits and family for ti of the fairs. ay, of Stratford, spent the week T farmer's are busy arvestmg their with Mr. and Hrs. Tretheway, and, .bthe appe ranee of. the Goeletich street. -The regular mee thee ire pros, , of the Women'a War Auxiliary wi I fhoekitir onSaturdayke"eioeihe , afternoc%snxmart Mural°, a Japarese atadeet frolea Wy cliffe college, coeductedi. the se& vices he St. Thanes church on Sunday-, triorring latand at the Presbyterian claret, in the eveirg, epeaking on behalf of the k."Upper Carada TBible Society. -Pt. George Brin:ner, son of M.rs. John Bronrhr, of Egmondville, ard Percy Ralph, are two Searorthi lxras whoee rattee appeared on the casualty lists- thts week. -Mrs. Fred Beattie are/ two childreni who have beer operant tie 1 ler at khei be ero y.el tit rill oro tbr int?. dan 0c, tale hash 1 La Of a good t throughandr' wrn begin tof: aye, the! corn, g exceptinally. CnOisf3 Reertatm oh Of the Red • hl. an en Jergiffz. 4th. . The hor?' he 104 Btait Wstiodbf hoth anr.d154..traall arch thj. maktThere t.-Thei local ost4 SOciety tanimeht and evening next, • held 1..ancV 043144 rney left 'o'n Monday to attend the Univensil ta e an advance of tone do,, October '2n1 mak' • tits. a quaitt.-Mrs. E. ve4 word that her poral Lorne Volker„ ance. , wataherutsly •hereon has two bre CF.!' • ,F 1 or Hilbert The Cutc11.-The counoh .rret on to Monday, Sept. 18th. Court or Revg- Sion on the ray led Hooper thanaria, 4$ seeement wah tak n up, but no appeals a; being fried ag t arasehanents far 4, either of the ea- alTain, a, er.otion was 4. carried that the espectve by-lawa be I* read a second n4third time. copy of a reaol ton paeased - by the 4. poliez trustees .o the pohce village t of Dublin, .re q LI tin g the council to T, pais,s -a bji-laW eu rnitt:ng to the elect- 4. ons *entitled to yote on 'money bYr laws, the. tivoStio "Are you en fv r of obtaintng f orni tne Hydrd-Eleh trio Power Cona eaelonm of Ontario a a supply of, eke ric power, and also a by-law NO taut orize the borrow:ng or $5,000.0C to •rovide for the east oh a 'plant to die r.bute electric pow.- er, etc." was pr rated to the cow+ ll e, and esaaith bra w will be 'submitted to the electors • f Dublin on October 16th next. gr nt of $40! wastmade to wteheu an ar. Tenders for the Gray and pP dram contracts were owned and the ter 'drain contract was awarded,. to John Cottle Tenders for 'the Gray Cr k- were eonahloretth too h..g'h and nor ha Were accepted. 04- dens were 1..a6. ued[ on the treasurer a- nountn.g t. ;16-.2$. John Reid was pa..d. $836, bala.c., of Campbell dna contract and ,ext ais. Council then ado loarned to awe &gaol on Monday, OCtiober 28r4, at one o'clock. -JAMES JO.RDAN, Oerk., SEPTEMBMI 2,1916 44.`1+1416444,44+,4.44.11+11+++++++ +44.01.44444.4.444,,+++44-4.444+444 4; 1 MACT VISH,9Li Stty4e and Quality ,Store Phone The Best illinery ening Yet :t• ert, or Win ga ry aervIces •n Suhdar, Ws Observe4 School last Wite orderi The lh .and was O'Donh ton, are visi- Allison, prior hejme in Mis,s Dorothy fOr Torono, i--MiLk eni, on Mon - .g it eight Robnan, ree other Lance. who es in undede Mrs her at thh. • S Hullett iedhh, London Hospi lop ,Wafe. of Albe sed away art the L September 12th, ;a e deceased tad bee health 'for a n umber of t five months ago ts. .e. was taken e teat the eft to her, ail death re',- erngs, heafr. te came of was a kind. fr long an- ew her. She te Wim. Dun1e des her huh - four brottr rt and: Hugh., hr., and Wm. alter Roger - The reurains e' eemetery. al.. - Annie Coulthorp, don Hospital, er 56th year. f yearta and a to Londor wIth the ho change would be or ben but ehre. gradually sank hayed her .coe her isaf oi hahe. bong the 'ultlit deathn Mils. CowIthorpe Clfriatlan wolotan acid wi T. rribered by all Who w4is a daughter of the 1 1011), of illullett and be - ba .d gslicA -is i.sarvitved) h ers and one isistr, ' Bo of thh tovvrahp, 'and .7, In the 'west, and Mrs. fo Tuekershath.' w re laid to rest ir B Cromarty Happy Event -A p acpurred at the holm° of DanaId D. McKellar, o September 20th, When daughter, Janet 'Grace, marriage to( Mr. 3. Rua she. of Mr. and Hes. 3 The ceremony was perfo by 'Bev R. Ma.elCaY, ther-ineraw or the ted by Bev. D. Pete sredLate relatives bein de was prettily orgette crepe over S no attendants A • and Mea Scott, we tchell by their brothe w ere they took the tr d their /honeatoon N gara Falls. Upoill their return they ei take I up thein resid nee upon the g mm's farm east of •romarty. The ba who Ilia -deserve y popular re- d ulaeful iferth hartsea Mr. thof friendan happiness fete Kay, f Ala . weeks 'with last Thurea ealos are now ficient rain them ta etty wedding Mr a and Mrs. We diPeaday, heir isecon-d 8.13 united in 1 Scott, eldest ne Scott, r. red .at noon, of. Alvineton, room, ah - e, only tha preent, The edl. in white tin, There er luncheon, e e,scortedi to and aletere Th and will itt Galt an re ved many beautiful grace her handsame d Mris. Scott have a o wish thetn ugh their wedded line -Mrs R. !G. M 4.$041, who apentta tfe parenth returned y-Farxhs -who( have sy, fxlljng ithAm. r heet. fallen( to to a th h stra 11 hone b will Also be h eter Notes. -Rally unhay was observed In James etreetMethodiet church on Sunday laat. cial services were held both imorn ng and, ev-eninge In the afternoon a Mama meeting or the Sunday (school as helth 'In the auelh. torthm- of the hurch The &cora-- rlonh Were in ke pir.g with the day - James Street ,chqrch will hold harvest ho:ne services or October 'let. -One of Exeter's anost esteemed • re,aldente Friday ,lait In the .1, %O. Clarke, 'wife oh nag -sr of the Molactro biad been ailing for Mr. George Bedford, changed his etore for olf Mr. Tower, in the laco(ughe He le ,a,lso WO beautiful hou.se ahd this two housea it. Mr. Bedford pun - ss, froM Carling BrOlii. 11111a.9 L ulu Hase a position in a dry odna-Mr. Nehoh purchased a, gasoline work -Mr. W. R. the ten acres be - Thomas Welh, of on the isoutheaet cora ancession 2, Stephen, one af Mr. Elhottih d. has gone to Brant-. ntservatory of Music, n, daughter or Mr. isborne, has gone ho McDonald Hall, In auelph to take a course. -Luella, the aeven year old daughter Oh Mr rand Mas. James, Stan - lake, coneeesion 2,- Stephet, had the misfortune to fall and break her collar. hone.-hilas Emily Case, a former resident ,of Exeter, hogaid in Alaca, Mich, en September 15th, aged 72 hearse She Ils a •daughter of the late Wl1Lla Case. Interment wee made le Exeter cemetery. Passed away on person of Una. . W. D. Clarke Barak here. She (several trochths. merchant, has e the 150 -acre far, township of Al offering for 'sal on Huron stree, on William etre ehaeed the basin a few years a tine's has taken goods stare in Stanlake has tractor for fart Elliott purthase longing to Mr. Exeter, eitaated ner ihr Lot 6, being a 'part to farm, -Miss Bal fold to tahtendi Miss Jeni/ Str 11. Strang, of , Zurich The Late Ileary Kalbflelach, -Ant. other Of the Welknow.n pioneers of tints tsection paehed away on Monday of last week, 4i the person aah Mr.! Henry Kalbfl rech, aged 83 years, 11 months and *la dayek The del./ ceased hadjbeeh In; failing health for sothne tarth but was -able to. be about until I a few days before the end came, He was a elan of uph right and taterling character a goo -di citizen and was:highly re,steemed by all who knew him. The late Mr. Kalb. flengeh was boxfn in Germany, and caate to this Country when atill yeung man. Re: located in Gay townt- ship, On the sixteenth concesslortb, where he hewed a home out (of the. virgin forest for hihrself. For tratay years he operated a aawnall on hie farm.- He reterad to Zurich with hia wife and( lived iere until the death of the latter in 112,, Ile then returned to the (fait vi ere he livedwith lila son 'Mr. Iowa Kalbfleleoh, until hia death, The funeral was held on Wed- nesday, intermehe being ur.a,de 1 it: the L utheran cemetery., Bev. H. Rembe, pastor of the 11.1itheran church, here, conducted the. 'Services. • Note—Thefourdation iar th. residerce of Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch is completed -Mrs Henry Wurat has re, - turret/ frotn D4troit, where ate .ne-tic 4110 the past five w elns, Her saanddaught, ter, law ,Ada area of Ohio, aeccera ponied her and will viSit here. -Mr. A. G. Edighoffer purchahedi a new 917 Foxd tour g car. - Mrs, Eha Barry has ret rned to her hOrae In Montreal, af visiting her parente Mr. and Mrs. h db Ilowald.-Mr. H. Ewen, Who been etgaged with Mr. !.1. Deleher, , alsblacirhnith, has, has returned the west. We are j toe to Tom* .-Mr. Peter 'Lament sorry tot learn athlfr .1„,anceat Is not . tat shod 'hea ondi 0 at the no troot2nt, lizta, Jar* Yolerly la ir&rneist-i . , rt. f 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. We thank the Public for making it that The ttrongs ,of ?..nterested persons that crow -he -Aar store at the Fashion Display lag week causes us to tthink thiht in all likeihoOd yu, the reader, waa usanarwe thank you. Our Opening waa sa eucceseful from: every standpoint that wh could not plashibly have leaped for better results. The great punier or hats that wereold, ard the coMplimentary remarks- tnahe, lead ins to believe that the er they co buy frOhnt us than from the large city stores.' p4elple Of Seafolh and vicinity tavt; some idea hOW TnUal cheap. I The stands made empty at the openinv are again filled with beautiful hats. • Place Special Orders for 111i.11inery Early We will serve you honestly and well • eautiful Fierewith is shown an exact ifteness one of our New Coats It will ive us pleasure o have 3: you come and see them all ind try them on. ime Is Fast proaching andsoine New Furs Now on View * The snappy cold days that are u.ns forth .with, a rush to clatm the hidn la o 'pickd for them for Fall ies are luny gharanteeh and prices almost here will bring the New proud-osition that fashion has and Winter, 1916% Our quat• right In every intstance.i e Have Corsets $.4 of Superior Quality FALL MODELS NOW ON SALE D. and A. Corsets { Biggest Sellers are: B. and 1. Corsets P. C. Corsets We give these makes a strong featuring and Welly reM- - mend thema The demand for the better rnake of Coresta in't t zrely increasing -its -doubling. The growing Popularity or ° ouh ji,a /their ...strongest arguenen4 Tha Coesets you buy from 4. , 4; , es are guaranteed to be perfectly zatis factory In making and results You'11 Find. the Best Kinds of Underw'ar in our Store winter Stocks com-ii piete now Five worthy makes we carry arc' Turnbull's Penman's Stanfield's Crescent Zenith Ours is a big collection, int - eluding everything needed in underwear for anen, artf- men and children. Priv* right on all haw.' te Attter w cotted aseemossoure • Eggs Waited Ji-JIacktvisk Seaforth, • ••• 6 <0••• .4.+4,4444++4.444;4r4.r. • 11!HOLE THE ' * **• lt :et- :• n:dia efhe * 4, Ment of garments . ilestyaonfymthainteia gril Bought only rith latest models,„{ ab rooms and at A sk. 4.41k +IP**. VERY Ntree ateria Fine Silk Pliush, Curl Clth, .lac without trimming. mixtures, fan9r g maroon, Roman s Prics Very IBea Red Black Fe*. Natural Wo it Black W91f. ANaturaljaskasOatspieo The Abov