HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-09-29, Page 7I l0a
a c-
of .
if it iS
dit ark .
iatjt re -
ewe 7
d the
eve Sir
rte. i
G° .—O g . t error in ke-
t week's iota:,ort lef the
tva,'3 sowlreat nixed, and, we
.erefozae Pu ng ; it : in nor-
MO. . tw elt'.r
ted rZ ..tflue of ',opt. 11itha
t[ —a marvel!" she enth i
Id him. ashamed. in some
at she so much admired the
it lay in He,r palm.
it.o ver to _hint.. and as his.
ors she felt the tingle
�'or the rst time. It was as if.
list had. inadvertently touched an eree-
baay, and sbe jerked back her
Betee teem they dropped ttie alia-
aterad, and it relied under Fern's chair.
tensmY Reeler picked it up.'
a'Swat pebble, Ben," he approved
sled poured it into Fern's band, where
oe glittering and glittering and gilt-
and would not be still,
h, you darling!" Fern murmured
leis :-"Where did this drop from?"
*Present for Molly," explained Sledge
modesty: "Too big for a ring. Can't
a glove over it. I'm goana have It
let in a neck se."
Time days later the necklace came
but by that time Molly had given
hope ot heading Sledge off. The
wily thing she could do. sbe resolved,
k a hilarious conference with Fern,
would be to accept temporarily any
eraxily extravagant gift .he showered
iron bee After the need for tooling
idat was over she could send them
%k, and this resolution.. once ba ing
beenformed, the girls spent Much
time in eager expectation of what _ the
inset surprise might be. Sledge was at
ax king the game exciting. €ind
hfectly mad, but equally earnests
-antics gave: both holly and Fern more
fan than they had ever mown.
` In the meantime. while Sledge and
his cheerful co-worker, Tommy Reeler,,
Were keeping the girls busy day • and
night, the preparations for the secret
wedding went steadily , on, as did the:
business preparations ot Bert and
Illrank Thanksgiving day ate
proae sed,, and things began to focus
themselves in the Marley home. _ The
representative of ` -e up state syndi
eat-& came tot on schedule.. He
sow,nt three days in going over the
books of the company and examining
ixito Marley's loans. Also, he looked
illi the matter of the franeh;ves. The ;
company had been .given originally a
twenty year Baty charter,which had
been twice renewed for ten. year pe-
mods-, in present renewal having three
"'It looks like the regular .thing,". he
IBM to Marley. 'Pm satisfied to give
Jett thirty-six straight through fee
?oar stock,take up your .loans and a1- I
low you the difference in value; but,
before I do bnsifess, 1'11 have to see 1,
" m s ri y'" "co32i thlit y ung,
-lady- '"The fun's all ov r."
"It saes ten, wasn't, itrf admit
Molly, startled t) find that she
regretted the eeelingo it. "You stili
have Tommy, " though." • • •
o," ,denied Fern, have to put
Tommy in my pretty h le blue ca_ and
send them back together Poor Si gel'
"Here's where the gets' the first bl yr,"
sighed,Mo ly. "You ha a to go up ant
phone him: that Tisa 111 and carr.' sen
. limn tonight nor tomorrow.' '
"Coward'" hissed Vern,. , . ," ock
tragedy and went In to telephone. She
came hack slowly. "Nor fellow she
said. "Honestly, It's a shame, Melly."
Molly herself was rather listless. She
was standing in front of a huge vase
containing Sledge's latest consignment
of red roses. She broke off one of the
most perfect specimens and planed 'k
. at her belt. •
"Poor fellow!" she agreed, then her
eyes snapped. "'m going to make hire
send nue his dog."
"I wouldn't dare," declared Fern
`l'd feel miserable every time he bark-,
ed. I wonder what Sledge will do is
interesting News Fo
LEDGE did wha
lover would hay
the Big Boy.
any other fool
done. He tel
eploned three es that ever
Ing to see howoily. was, axe
when he went home he drove two Ire
out of the way to pass the house, 11
was equally solicitious the next
ess, with sin
ing and handled his h
'viler lack of concen tion. The las
two weeks had made + ++ more slavisht
ly in. love with Molly than ever ani
he missed her as a morphine fiend doe*
his "dope."
Goldman dropped in to see him at
"1 want to talk consolidation wi
you, Mr Sledge," heti offered, sit
smilingly in the visito s c..hair
•` W hat consolidation " asked Sledge. j;
"The street railway.'
bane jest purchased t
tereat in the com. rany
Sledge turned on him
"Preto, Frank Marley
:ompan(ies. Vire
e controlling
sow operative."1
a slow glance.
?" hedemandec .
"From Frank Marley i'" repeated Cold -
man pleasantly, lookizig as if he exi-
peeted to be applauder for bis enter-
"Yolz're up against it," Sledge ware
ed him. 'Diel you pay?'
'•Gave Marley my check .yesterda_
"Today's a holiday," advised aledg
"Better stop payment. 1.
"I, don't understand.1' faltered 'Cols -
i i
"You ' will when you're stung
vfsed SIedge.
"I'in not stung." announced Coldma i
emphatically. "Our people don't take
chance ola getting in wrong. That
Sledge about this franchise." ► f - �.aaed."
"`"It was part of our understanding
t you were to stay away Born him."
insisted. Marley. "If your presence
std your errand here are known,
Sledge viii do something destructive.
He has it In -for ine and will wipe me
light off the map."
"He aright have it in for me, and
_have to see what he can d0
make it a share. and you
ale him afterward." offered Marley.
"Now, I'm bound to see him." -de-
tired Mr. Coldman, who' was a wiry
little man. of great energy and de- ,
elsiveness. `"Don't you worry. He
won't connect me with you. I've been
ha this game too long not to be able to .
ewer -any tracks"
Coldruau's interview with Sledge
was brief, concise and satisfactory..
and he began by stating exactly who
he was and whom be represented,
"We're looking for street car bar- -
gains," he explained, .`and we've been
advised that stoat: len the Fling City
street railway Is well worth picking
ap at its present trrie'e. Do you think
t0?' •
"Illyhunh!" grunted Sledge. "None
for sale, though."
"It does seers to be scarce," adrnttted
Ooldman. "Still. we'lltake what we
ran get if it looks good. i u ntlerstn nd
there's stnue talk of consolidation."
"Ph -brads'.'• grunted Sledge
"That 'would • probably bring the
.Stock up to par." judged Coldniun.
"Can't tell." commented Sledge.
"Is there any trouble about renewal
of fienc•fi:ises?" inquired Coldmaan, pon- told hire. "Why?"
kering deeply upon whether Sledge was •
reanarkahl-y frank or reihaarkanl iv ,dept
ki seeming so.
tug not," said Sledge. "T' ere s
dam'" and be went to Keep it, wearing
his new Prince Albert and his silk hat
his gray gloves and hie red rosebud,
with such complacency as almost to in-
duce Phil to give up his job.
Marley went home intoxicated with
elation that night.
"Molly, ginl, we've wenn' he annoWtc-
e;i "Go ahead: with you wedding to -
ad -
!, . as iii the fu
e Mist fo r al one. p
adoir, -.'fro„ ' one en
as clattered with du
# let• aeeesso les, with.
$ems Biirbaa
being -.1n a
Oetn. rooms to
witty thanif h
4 .,somebody
contact with
who, under
sten, had op
. tie of chant
there - being
teilect; had s
bbe gloom of
The most
heWever, w
teem imm
ensconced bi
ha somewha
ndetion with:
beat burin
:e even
on t
how as
on .was
ssible, o.".
oto the
two maid
the 'thrce'latter
te closely bor4.e
g on
Bert Glider wata ered
room : fee . more J the
were an unbidden est
ei se's ' ding,
On bele an oc
the thin legged
eexcitt of the
sed a eptitio
gee in the pantry
lenty of
e oceaai
elf in
and so(
and fr
41 his lull
th to te
; alone
he coin
to the
pied one
his den,
hed hl
artily no
ib brough
be p
• ize
f all,
con -
ds of
in to
'Right awn
in aicord
take' Froin
and he tri
which aro
;ready for
'come. 0
iuproot ,old
;`best years
i worked h
land had h
ihf ehad
,:much o
I place.
.It yr
;and. h
1 he had
, In bis
E duet=
"Go to it," ordered. Sledge ana puna e
ed the bell. . "Where's iBendix?" h de- i It . w
minded of Adolph.
"Don't know. Want;; him?"
"Quick!" ordered Sledge.
didn't you tell me you was after co
trol? Now .you don't get Uythjug."
."1 get out that's one . ciilchr' stat)
Goldman, rising and looking at b
"How?" asked Sledge
"That's my affair. Pd be a s
lay myself liable by, an a
the kaovledge."
"I want to know." ersisted
"I want to be sure of E t"
"You're gunning for Marley,
wised Goldman. .
"Bare I am!" agreed Sledge.
want you stung. Have do you, 'c
"Do 1 get back ip after i
straightened out?"
"You can have a entitle or Its
surveyed him thoug
',They do say you stick to a l
like that," he mused. "Wel
weeks ago I. had a written ad
to make contracts, conclude b SinE
and write checks. In ,the nameof z
corporation. Day Sefore yesterd
that authority was revoked. We
ways do that."
Bench came in. .
"Marley got out from under," S1ed•e
e ofra
e to
on of
s 411
tial It s
t o
ori y.
"So the wedding 'could con:
returned Bendix, with an invo
glance at the red rose gouion
"The wedding!" trepeated
"Look here, Bendix, don't y
mer' •ash
"1 wI was," replied Be
showing, foe the firs time, ads knorl-
edge of how important all this was ;to
the big boy. "Molland Bert +Glider
are to be married right off the bate
No man had ever seen Sle' e Pirle
before. ,
xnoteow. and be as wen about It as •"Whenr" he -wheeled.
you like. Tomorrow I lift the zaort °Right away. This
gage on. this house and sell it to Kurd They're big married now 1"
tone, who has offered to buy' it as 'Although there were to be n
soon as I can give it to him unencum-
bered.I have already soap my stock
and Bert's, including the amusement
park; have delivered it, and here is that
"1 told you we would ,whir" exulted
Maltr_asad rsa withetFern.
news to
at the Marley wedding, the h
naturally in a stateOf much'
the time approached. Molly,
hurl before the minister
rive, was engaged int e
touches her of "htoilet, whith : Y ferly
ii as ,elub€li'ate. thein") net so eon'' *n
This afternoon! . 'they're
g'marril d now!"
th the an who 'jvas to
his otherles • j Molly,
to rue the fear or her
.him. Moreov , Bert
the new ife which stretch -
and a was n . quite
now tat the . e had
was an ld man, real-'
fa a d gerdus ei to
trees. a had li - o the
f his lif _ in this , had :.
and ad marri • a here,
t up his ortunes :re, and
up e4. position some
respect. And, as he
could.: n t look til too
ence ' u on achie ^��; g the
as a etrajnger in a[:trange
wrong he told
old,. apt leven be perly
the deb b of lu ` .+ which
ted few the by + ' e feast.
et,he had: the cher which
from the nerve; eking
of his street car f ' rtunes,
ice' • Moly and - .rt and
entranc e foto a n - w life
pportuni'Oes, which made
e 4, rrn Sledlte, and yet he felt
t tailors.;
relief t him wh Molly
to look at + where
d ' t the heed of the •: ' fn
1 , wn, a mesh and > lowing
b .pure, binamerIfl white.
f her gse him al ' du of
too, the Fillet of thle day.
"You beauty, tt Molly," called
to er. `"I declare, I don't ::: how
have lucky enough to' • `p you
" e tie ' long as. this."
.s N nice daddy," she . ly as -
from the co,•ervatory
of intid
Bert: l
I for thi
to be
quite pro
down the
'And a
are only 1
: ed. Bert.
own a
action Which ha
Hour's Sickness Since
"I think 1
"Fruit -a -ti
Three years
down and t'
from Liver
Having r
thought I w
was sux°prisi
past, I.have
would not eh
not had an
menced usi
know now
of a healthy
60c. a box;
At dealers
of price by
• canceled an
"Don't ne
fleeting ins
the franehis
the less. .`
"The All
its final p
. "43h, yea,
Marley. . "I
"You don'
on the adv
scenting a s
erative fro
"It won't
portaaee in
"No?" que
to .make a
They'll emb
Oise • Clause
"I though
visions of
delighted to
gbe to the
ly 'extends
in the last
years of lit
their ori
the last ten
"Now I
juiced W
enmity for
liked a
ly does n
original fxa
the case;
the end of
hip i
"Get y
ed Walter
dl in macre
street in th
by franc
�+lFor� just
strength 1
pulse due•
til Imp
old com
"It's a
he was charged,
he J sale appro
"It's a
"Fact of
unless yon
tion with
three y
your roll
Did you
"No," la
ment Wal
he had
the news.
date. • I ss.
"On the
Did you gE
"I got the cash. but that's . all
answer," laughed Marley. "1 mfg
reseal somebody else's secrets if
ore," and despite the plea
ters he refused to make
from rhe telephone,
but .suddenly noticed
trembling as if it
Sig body seemed
before his mind the ov
disaster which be bad
g not only
a.dmieing mai
the bo doir, th
nap ent th
and would have
any .means to do
def ated,
an joined
m doesn't
w," he conyenti
"You'l diseove by and
, that thle lords of creation
by proxy."
to scare me," protest -
to enconrage you,
e happiest
who finds a wff
him and genero
new loft to nie,"
went iihrouerh
as he et111!csed hie
*used walking
be ttie library. "1 prOistr
the minister Pt: Innen
thext," la Maria,
to his diet esed the
as. the bell of his extension
Muriel'!" hailed th 1 voice a
*04 your Maas
Amee, Ottawa, Ont.,
August dth, 1915.
my duty to tell you what
es has done for' me.
o, I began to feel run -
d, and suffered very much
and Kidney T'ronble.
uld try them. The result
g. During the 8,1 years
aken them, regularly and
nge for anything. Ihave
Ur's sickness since I cone,
hat I haven't known for
ears—that is, the blessing
body end. clear thinking
6 for $2.150, trial size, 2504
r sent postpaid on receipt
Fruit-a-tives Limited,
d it," replied Marley, re-
ntly that he was! out of
worry, but curieus never -
hat do you mean?"
on bill was put through'
age last night," explained
the Allerton pill," smiled
ew all about that."
seem to have got in early
tages," remarked Walters,
its passage.'
hurt anYbedYr chuckled
ere svasn't much of len-
ed Walters. "Oust enough
tides' corpse Allerton.
older that fifty year fran-
on his shroud."
*clause? I don't under -
you didn't know the ifro-
bill," went on Walters,
have unearthed a new an -
Story. "The thing Is -so
uggled that it automatical-
franchises granted with -
years to an extra: fifty
timeon the same terms as
1 chillier."
eturned Marley. "All m
tie been renewed wi
w you've been asleep, r
re, not that he bad
ley, but merely that h
otory. "The bill Knelt!
apply to renewals, but
Irises Why, yours ab
in three yearss if that's
oreover, the franchises at
time belong to Sledge's!
r gasped Marley.
alarm clock fixed," ad
4menday eight the co
city, including—now,
those streete now cove
when those franchis
a moment Marley felt th
ving him, a spasmodic
an entirely automatic
n that be still owned th
d faced steal?' he hot'
dignant at Sledge's who
pippin?' agreed Wal
matter is, Marley, tha
completed that conso
ledge *at the exPira
he can make you ar
stock and other !teas
hed Marley, and for a
professionally hoped th
mentally unbalanced b
"No. W Marie
hen he te tatteteded
his' Voice; a e; --tee .4 -else!
level?" queries!! araileees
t the cash?"
told you
other stet
He tu
his haiad
been yals
have re
Why, If be kad not eold out at
would be
entire co
than the
out equip
the m
not have
would ha
ute he, did hie stock
pane would not bring
unk heap value of its were
ent He could not have met
ge on his house, he couM
a der ar of his debts, he
e. emu lea withoutoakelIPT/
I se
ruptcy hundreds of poor f es
Heary Peters', who bad the all
estea in his enterprise- True, they
eeined anyhow or would but
stepping out from under before the
h came and by being no Ion r at
the head of the doomed compan be
was paming along the moral res oast -
Nifty of their downfall to the un gende
cater and to Sledge. Thank God,
ain his bell rang.
aria?" queried e tense
p ce the voice as that of some e.ws-
er man of his acquaintance and
re ling again tba.t comfortable s of
'Mods is Cadman," rasped the Voice.
y, Marley, we're in a pickle."
What's the matter?" inquired Mar.
le , watching his right hand curiously.
It abbled spasmodically where it lay
on the ;table, and he seemed to have
uo control over It.
revoked My atEtherity to aet
days ago. Just got their notifica-
our queried . Marley, with it
ge inability quite to gras this
g of this.
ell," went on Coldroan, "I'm seed-
outyour stock by a mown boy'.
1' may as well tear up that
The Minister Corsvis
anythbig any more," regret-
ted Peru, resetting *
corded shoe of Mare fro*
trie boudoir couch and looking
arbera her for any *tikes
irreas of untidiness whieh the Mae
toted melds might have left lieleted
them "rm solemn in spite og my -
lease don't," objectea Molly ed.
piteously. "If you them sioleaals
last prop i* gone."
I didn't mean to," apologized FEM.
getting married Is rather G
lay thing after all. Besides that.
conscience hurts me." •
betty's should. whyr
"I *ever caa sementhir him with gis
thought" admitted ifolly. sit
sympathize with him, theueth
started a rough game witifIRO,nall
that him I had to be rough to do W.*
"We won aeon to him," deemed!
"IN. a notion to marry IBie
serf to mtfla6 iiVrOr ere
The pang of disiaste nitith Molly
t at that speech was not jealousy;
from it. If anytdiug, it was a
re questioning of Fern's taste in
g such a remark. That was- iti
"I suppose poor Bert's lonesomer
e suggested. "We really ought to
down and keep him company until
e minister comes."
"Murderl" objected Fern, "Molly;
oh haven't a bit of style about you.
eu mustn't even see Bert until you
elk In . the parlor Orl 'your father's.
and take him. for better or—Veall,
r better."
"You don't seem any too hopeful,"
ueb, but remembering her gorgeous
wn. "I don't believe you like Bert
ery well."
'Indeed I do!" remonstrated Fern al -
too quickly, "HO etill the himd-
line looking an4 die via best
cer I ever swung serum it floor
th. I just eouldn't get -through en -
g you when I first came."
"Yes, I was jealous of you," con-
fessed Molly. "Bert ls a fine &ulcer."
"All the girls will be envious of you,"
went 'en Fern, determined to see: nice
things. "You should be very happye
oily, about the new home and the
hue businees prospects and the social.
triumphs which I know are walthag
or you, and you'll have a polished
usbrutd, of whom you can always be
roud, and just bughels and bushels of
ve, of course."
"Of course," agreed Molly, looking at
little Dresden clock on the mantel.
, Fern, the minister is due
arrive In ten minutes, and Jailed°
eters Isn't here yeti"
"If she knew the Importance of your
ormal invitation to call this after-
oon she'd have been here hours ago,"
ughed Fern. "I don't wonder, Mol-
yethat of all your girl friends she was
e -one you insisted on having here.
"She's true," added Molly. "Some -
ow I always feel safe, even agalnat
self, when she's around me. I love
ou to death, Fera, but you're wicked."
"I guess I am," giggled Fern, "il
er can see anything else when
Mina knocked at the door.
"Miss Peters," announced Milne
oating once more over her handiwOrk.
she surveyed the handsome Molly
d the pretty Fern.
"Have her come right Illa" directed
Molly, brightening, and waited nath
an expectant smile, which chang,ed to
look of concern when she saw the
poorly concealed traces of tears
shag eyes.
"What's the matter. Jessie?" she risk-
ed, stepping hastily forwaed, and. Jes-
sie, forgetting or not seeing that paire
fully fluffy wedding gown, ,threw leer -
self dismally into Molly's arms.
"They didn't want me to comer she
gulped. "But 1 had promised you, end
Dicky said I might."
"Where is DiCky?" asked Molly.
"He went on downtown on en er-
rand. He'll be back after me in half
an hour."
alrora tirae to thee we learn. of
eases where the free sample of
Gin Pills' is sufficient to relieve the
distressing pains in the back.
Nero is WW1 case coming from
the eri h West Indies.
Brit on Hill, St. Michael's,
May 24th, 1915.
"I re ssi your sample of Gin
Pills au would Nay that I was
suffering from a very is:Manse pain
in the small of my "back for some
days After I had taken the
"You're go g to very happy, J
ale," admitted Molly, refnsing to o
she was envious.
"I'm so happy Pm seiftsh," repli
gotten to aek why yon were so in
ent this morning upon having me conte0
over at such an exact minute."
"I wanted you at my wedding.
smiled Molly.
"Molly?' exclaimed Jessie. "That's,
why you and Fern ere all in wait&
Oh, end I eadae over in my old blue
tailored snit"
"That's lucky," lauglied Molly. "Yout
know the Old rime. /Something old and
sample ths pain was sous. something new, something bOrroVred
Sanford Weeks."
All druggists sell Gin Pills at and something bine:' -
ass. a ox, or 6 boxes for 22.50. "1 shan't be something bine," dee
finagle if you wirte
NATIO DRUG OPIRmICAV I dared jessle- "Pin too haPPY for that,
00. P CANADA, MUTED and so are you. You're a lucky giri„
Toronto, OM. 72 Molly. Yon ha.ve everything its tisk
sat uo-vrn.
"It's the street car stock," Jesele ea- -
plained. - "Dicky just came out to the
house witir the news. There ts to be
no consolidation. The old tracks are
to be torn1 up three years from now,
and nobody would have the stock for
"That's on/y some wild rnmor," Mol-
ly aseured her. wondering, neverthe-
less, at this new and avkange turn of
finanetal goes*. "Even if it were true,
.houl, hew is father to blamer
"1 on't know, except that ro.y fa-
ther'st like a maniac about it ell and
forbade me to come near this house."
Molly held her closer.
"Diekn brought me. though. He said
lte:...iatiocdt:ehe illi, Anaad't thiltha:nicle .1.11i. laMiftilele mros;'wyeeda
o17411411y," 0.4dcdtilink•herg. elieJestsie,13 at er'gredi e.,,DlleetktYle,
on Ind fatherie :Ault, itte rainea
efor the ilirettiene to fully realize the
Iklanhan:regddge utn4s7e434wht3lifflelch srhellse ainndthili'vuelliagghe
had played. "Mr. Sledge -anted to
marry me aud I was engaged to Bert.
He hrekel Bert. Then fetber daid he
had ;.-1,a4tey enough ftse Ili 1 us; so
!Sledge ultel to breat eta .40 and 1
flon't! know lam metre .e eie- besides
tjlsetkihateveenl'111141, P;esTtlefftZt efIt's,..: II. 'It's
vennineralye 'Se in the stoat eruel
and *id* man in the ':wpridt, I Wake
trDiel:31weilti:13.34, es: els ase rehoald be kille&" '
"He 't ireally po bed " declared
:1141 tiplejsy
"Why didn't they want you to
come?" asked Molly anxiously.
"On account of your father."
"Father!" gasped Molly. "Virihsre
about him r
"Don't you 'mow?' wondered. lei.
sie, half crying again.
"Why, no, child," worried Mat&
'What is it? Tell me," and she heard
Fern OUPPing quietly out of the ream
She led jessie over to the muck and
*It forgetful of her shimmering 0,164
wittb its beautifully =creased folds,!
people. Re doesn't know
,he hurts. 'Hee like a foot -
hands, :with you."
Mar lit Maberlyla ctendsy
turrjarotind and be reugh to me."
Melly laughed softly at the idea of
Sledge's !being rough to little Jessie
Peters. I
'Why, he'd be so gentle to you as U.
be ridienlous," she said. "Not even
Dicky coluld be raore gentle."
JeSsie Straightened immediately.
"How absurd!" she laughed. "Yon
4ion't knew Dicky, Molly. Re isn't like
othee men. Why, when we found that
we ha& lost every cent we had in the
world atd would be in debt besides
.ands woeld even lose our home father
Warned mother for signing the mort-
gage and has been cross with her ever
since he; got into diffieulties. and there
isn't a 'better father than mine. But.
Dieky! Why. when the West End
bank. failed hecause it held too many
street railway seturities and Dicky toga
do you know What be dia? ale took
me to the theater and patted my beet
all ihrottgh the show and told me bow
young we were'. and how*roucb money
we were; going to make. and how happy
we'd be eveli if we didn't. end be
woaldn't hear to father'e baying 11,,
Terbia. Molly, be can't do withotif
:ilia cen't do without bun wen
"l, guess you and Dicky love eatel
other very much.° sbe suggested.
fessed Jessie shyly "Love is sueb n
was startled silenee
\lint was this thing Leta she was do
lug? She was eniering Ant the west
serious relationship 114 nre as the ter.
mitlatioe of a game in whir!) love. such
iJessie knew had had uo part. hi
mseipulations, to real e de:118 -,11 lid
she rereembeved coarse
CURED 01111.
bir. Fred. Stevens, Raymond, Alta.,
mites: "1 ant writing to bear lily testi-
*my Of your wonderful medicine. I
had ,sttffered for several months with
kidney' trouble. I had been under the
dectoes care for two months, when I
read yew advertisemeat I at once
purchased four boxes of Dosues Kidney
Pills, and when I bad toed two boxes of
them I was cured. I have recommeuded
tlOs` treatment to• emend of nty friends."
They Found Frank M ley Spraw
the Floor,
world—friends And money and
ty home end everything you W2B4,
dnding the man you love."
"I suppose anclecky," agreed
iy, putting her arm more lovinglet
about her friend. Somehow she
not like to tot go of little Jessie.
There was a knoek at the door,
it was Fern who stead there In pla
Of, Minn. Qui
"The minister is heren wh
Fern in her most mysterious a
her eyes were dancing. "He's
parlor, trying not te see that stun
picture. and Bert's in the library p
hig his thumbs, and your father's
the den, tnost respectably quiet.
leiqh#Yagt"lietask"tolla°rThlatt;." s TkorldileYwniNotirlag
grw end our trade mark "The Maple
peeks Paley rigs see 50 cents pw
ba‘arr3 hem ter UM; eIrdeelerk eft
weileditiNseetaa nee* of price:by The'
MKS adablakeei NW* ITV!**
sie, you come down
up Mr. Marley, and
ly start downstairs
wedding march, wl
under the chandelle
to their posts."
She tiew down t
reed baek to the de
the d they roe
sprawled ou the fir
check crumpled in
Atm* TB
en he and
Yee to play
I back Bert liter
Row, eftrerybody,
stairs and
and, ranniee
Frank Metier
'with Colaunutlat
Molly Starts For a Drive,
LOOSENING- of his r
dash of evkl. water
Frank alarley to co
aess, but he was at, old
seemed. vilely to its ve sires
lithos and the dent to Vseai
W wiles they filet bine In his ehair,
the attempt was a pathetic WNW
"I guess rm out of the gem; k
tatstessei -kty heart's bed."
"Don't!" he begged, stopping herwItle
Ms, hand. "It isn't phyffical; it's mew
tat. I've lost my nerve. Molly, Sledge
Wing. We're breke."
"How eau. that her ihe peutzed, ust.
tble to ( comprehend it '4You ewes
ihowed. me the check."
"Here it is," said Bert, who
ml it from the Boor and wee mationtillil
tt out'
"Ve7orthleser IdarW grasped stole*
Bert edged between Matz
Fern, so that he could stand Mese**
in front of Marley and see his lana
"Do you mean to tell nee that sue
whole plan has fallen to the prewar
Marley nodded miserably.
"How did it happenr
"I don't quite understand, winolsit
Marley. "I haven't the details, hut
5onie trick Sledge hai maned tax
gear franchises for every stet* in tile
lty, including mine." 1
"How does that affect your persiole
%I Bert, his eyes falling again to
!heck. That document looked se
Ake real money that he was
believe it ratite' than Marley.
"Affect mer prottedaferley,
el lao a trifle more of ilfe as lie
plateed. "It readers my street nidt-
way company a Junk heap. We loge
"But 'the sale," insisted Bart,
ot authorized to act"
Bert ttpped out au eatia.
s'I suppose tl&et it the see bad
palatable one you
heard of the freendIty.
Marlar,saoleditail Amok Vs beatLi