HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-09-29, Page 1I C . I ;r - I t__ � = 6 - . ��. I - � t t X - . t � - . 1 - KW 21 � I �_ . . - � - .11--l-1-1 -_-111 � � - . ,� _: _ - , � I - � . � 7, _7-`-­ . , ,A P�_ i . . � . . I i !�__511 -7 ­ ­, 7"T . I . , ; I — � I . . - I ! 1RRrT1_ I I - I . - �_� .� I � � . __ . 7- ­­ ... 7�p��:­­ I i i 'i ! ---,., ­ , . - . , . S ­_­­ ­ -_ � , . . I ­ .— - "I - - i,_ . I . .- . ��_­_­ �_ —17- — — - "IV `_____,_,..-1 - z r -It , I . P I . I . ! . . � i - . . I ; t _ � . - I I . I -I.; . . � � I _...� I 1;1. I !, ! i Li I ; i � i . I . . . . i �­ . � � 1, . I - I . . , �_,.­._, _. .1 - I � I I � �: _ z � : I : . i , . . 1. .1, I : : � I . : I .. 14. . . I - : ­ . _ . --"-. - . . r_ � . ..�._ I 7 �i . � - .­ . . � I I - . i I . I I z � :1 ... . .. � - - . . I i I i ; � , � i � : . .. . . I . I I .. , tr i . . ! i � . -! i i : I - . . . . . I ; . � I I I ! : � . ; - 4 -Y � . . . . - . I _� . . . . . . . I I I I � ;, . � I . . . . . � . ! '. . . : I . . . I I . I � , . I I � ! A . . I i I � I I I I I . - I � I I . . I . I � I - I : I - - � � I . � � . . . , - I .1 I I _���. � .i � � I � - � � _. . 1- - I - - -_ , _;� I " _; - � , S t, � -, t_ �� , %, __ - , - �' -, ­�--- -�-­��. _--#�_ �_ ­_,�, ,���­- i, . I I . . , - - - F- - . . 4, . I � I � I � � '. : . : t, w - - I . I I I 1 , , � - _- !�.,�, ­ - P � . � , I _t� �_,# _­_ . - . 1 . I �, 11 -W____, . - . :� . I . , - I . . . - . 4� g�,--�!-",;i�4�--",L>�'.4,��.,,� . - _,� . I � 1-4 . - , * :.1 . � t I ! . - I I I . �7 - ___ � - - . . .. - i. _ -, , � .1. _-, - � I . . ; - __ . � . - I . . : - I � " � - I -1 -11. I �_ - - . ­_ . . � . � I - . . t I _ . 1. . I 1, ': - . � 1-1v--Aw-,-"�$---A�-���,-�,�,.-�#=, -*=�_­�­�,�� . - . I � � � � . . I , . : I I V - . . ­ - . - , __ - �� - ----.. �;i , ­­ . . I - ­�_�=,�11 ­­ - � - - , - . -­�� �, ­ �: - w p _ _� -. z,. _�11 m�.. - - , , -_ - - , . . - . . I � ; - I . � I � J . I .. - I � I I I ; I i I . ! I 1, I : . I . . . � t . ; . . . . . 4 - � . . . . .,, . : " . I - - . , , I . � . : ..: ... � .... - I I . i I- - I I , 11 I I . i ! I � i li . � � � . . : j I I I . i � I I � I . . '. I I � I I JI ! � i , I I � . I " " ; 4 � � - � � . I � I . : . i . . - I I - . / * � � � . � . 11 I !� 1. . I I . � i I - I I I . . . i I ­ __ ___ . , ­_��I - - - - . . � - � - I - - - -1 �, ­ . � t — - ___ - T" I - - , � ­ ------- - ­ �, , - , - V� �. . t � ,` - . I 1- I . . � . I - I -, . � - - _. I � I . � . . Is , . . . . . I . . :, I I . I . . I . � I � I 'N"'Row , . ­ — __ - . — — __ - I I . j. . . Ir, . I - , F;�T' -,', - 1*" 6001.01*�. � - it, � . I# . 1. # V * " v Im,&.4 LOT + - i n E 0.13 ':�'l G C .-I # -.0--m- . 4 # # A 4 4 # I # # 4 # * 4 # # # # # k V # # #� 0 4� # # - - # #_ + # 0 # 4 a 0 * 4 4 4 W t 0 W I - It . - 'A � . . I I I t : F i 1; � i - � .1 . . 4__1W . i I - I .1 �? I I "V : 1 X'Z=71. P . I I I � I I ii . � I ! I ­_ - - I ; �'ill I - . — --- __ � 'I 1 i I i � I . - - . T I I - ____ . - - .,� I . . . I .. � �___7_��_ - . �� - -1 _ - - I W �_ - I I �:,J . _;!.1 ; . . I I MeLEAN BROS., PublishOrs I .1 I I I - � ; . t _�,j f I 4 I . ; - �, : . i � . . $1.50 a year iu Adv=ca _� I - � . , . I � I I � � - SOPTEMBER 2-91 t916 i ; . �rl I I i �_ RTIR, FRIDAY9 11P . . I .- � �� _SEAF0 . - .-. -_ . . - -- - I - - .- I ___. - . , - __jft_._ � :_ 7 - I 1; I . � -_ =__;;V. - . . i ... I , , . ; - __ - � _ ­ -_ - - _;W�_ - - . . . I - i � - ­. . . I � I . . . -. .1 , t I- i . . . � � � � _� � I 1 p,., �p,d,*am,jo fij)5t ADLI lFecond cock, I I- lvingstone, Mra� R. Lwzon; Darning battahon dretsising Etation. ArA bj+ r.�, I I I $I*******"***+*** 'ORTHA I gishans, I E� Daley, Mra. D .Grieve; drawn heve, ne, f jIlOn't waate any tkne, T "" � I I , 'ZI I S�A] . ,8FALL, FjUR ' I Leen, copkerel, and paiii-A. Lan ' ' 0 YMPIA 1,1m., - -r �I:4 . #; , -, I L 'work, Mies: Uvim911P n, Nlr,:,-. - J. G, f or I was afra3ld it ; Aght Vt ,stift. � I . ,preven , -Urs. Hjuwr -1 I 11 rhr�abe_, i1pe w"ther yen d Sea- le, fimt fxx 2, -en ,and let 11 � � . i � I I 4 - war 'i - , 1 forth 'I frol"' h . or,d croWi* - . V4, . M4 L'a CheAney; cblld',s Aregs, jMr.a. W. Drig- and k -ave. me atrandedi between th& � . aving a rec, jVr pullet. Hauda I �� Ht"N'10 Col, I I LivIngetMe; IM'k-3 dress, br)@,,a iuit where rr.c*t of the Lshells I �_ . 11 Z at th,�J-ao ual ,fall taar of the 900tetY - vat an 2ndj ffic cock and h8n and The Largest and Most Ui) Lo tow, -Mlea - t . � 11._ T4- . I - I 1101�_ sit their groundist � [here on Thuz* :at for rpul]p Im,cust have twen ,un- I �j � _t; j. g. Ea,ttiex 1 -At for M . C. mith, 11m. Rico; farvey work w't I e 1A 6- . Date Res.aurant in Seaforth ' r�l I i I I d&a ,ab,4, Friday la&t" . I nuvelty, M me E. L,a*.:-;on, XlrR. C. try tol Bee me,hopping along from, hole � " - IS-H.F. i , � Friday MV11%, dockeiiel. Any Vaxlety P01an-d cto hole -and ,ftvlhg ,onto ,-ny 44y.r.f., � jr; wwr0brighf a.YA'cl�ear and A ur.r. jW apap I Smith; far-cliator, Nflisis Living-stonn, _; _11, lgq,amd §MoT Id, fpr cock, hen . 4 _1 - - . ol � I Cloth! drawn ach whenever a U cozae too vloaa. � uls - ll� r la - 'crawd ga'thered, 11� town, kerel, ist f,or'pullet; J. U. Rittler : � Mrs. Rose; tea work, . 1 4 d - t , . However I got there, was plars--tered , I i I but p4pprtly after dinn�r aever�l a,TAU ad for pulktt, Bj&ff Orpjmgtln6-H Meals' 4n Lunches Eold a Mrig J., 1G_ Cbesmy, ,mr2. W --m Dcls; tip, given� a *ltet and Ifted off agairr, 11-, I'll, - . ' � : Ish Wit-, � etere�d a ,good t.rany 1 frair, F Wuxd-,11, ipt for coc K, hen. cockerel � tea cloth, embrolder4&5 J. Dormn,;e, 1�7 9C ing, � to the grou-nos, However, � tler, �2ndl co . � Mrs.t H,DNvrlp,;; !tea, oloth, laze, Mrs. for another 'half raile x)r so towhere ., 1� I nd Pullet; .J. .H. Biat ., , ck, all houi s the ambulance4.. pick up their freight, � �1� in Isp, t,,4- her wndJtiona thi-' ln"d'( hen. Black Spanlsh-Cock, K r s. E.. Tia,wison, Mrs. Hvwxle; fooUtool, � j 0.1 . wle&t . I to Meal tickets sold They took L-ne to the Pield, Dres-�Jhg I L wt V,n� anb;, - wag f ully ! up to tb at ot owrte, J, H. Ba.ttler; ben, Mrs How- Mrs C. ShAth; glov-dis, woollen, Vire. ­ I . Station, where, the leg Weis agailk I i offier yeam, and the fair on the whole PI J. H. B4t1jer, . Howrie, Mra. Rose; :fancy knAtIng, 1. _ and, (2rill; cockerel, dres�,zed. arA T got a ehot of antvL. - W 4% a n 'P_� wellell t oue. � Th6r,&. -'V ra-'s, not ul lfinorcap,-Cock Hbrne-Made PieF , Mts. .19 .Lawson, MTs. Howrte; Iv -r.,-,,) �_ ull,--t, J. 11, Biattlex. I I teta-mis Alcpe, to .Say nothing of a -a,,& � 1 4 1 g, P., 1,disp;ay oj�; hor,rep, 10, � -usual '- - aji-de, Mra (E. lawstn� I qaan4%ry bag, � . .1. F. Wu,rcl-ll; 1,j.en6 H. F .Wu:rAlell; Tioa�e Made Candies Miss 1: VI oth-.r ticket. There I struck a rnqjor t� but 71 V!�. IjAlit� WEA mllet, W'..!Rallantyne ind 2r,4; cock,- I I ngetore, V:n. Sclat-r;.Lrat, L I , . . ! r .0oked x,af, � I cc mpe:lt,oa . waa keen. - The 44 0111� �Xjj, ,W. Bpjk-nty,n,p ard, 2'dL Sllv�,r Mixed TaMes 2 pouaes tor ...... 25C )7 Mrs, J. Q. "Chesney, Mrs. I car amd was bilf- di tror the s_4,me drosz.). I-, hi Xt , vao( th-, be�,t ft 'ib.dme, yea, ns and --. & Son, I PoIss.; mat, hoolw,d -wool, pNf.rz., .J. G. � . I .xved WyanA,ott6ft_-,P, Daley Pe�nut Ta�y per pound ........... x5c I Ing stab)on a- il WaP,, go Jxr_-� took .� - Kms very: fine* arimeflIs were eboWn., h4er , cockerel I Chesney; door rna,t, wool, Mris. Rmls; 2' . . -ne with ht.n much more quickly and show of �poulty, which t, and. 2rgd- fm coc , Cocoanut t�ffy per pound ......... 20C �aanld -wool trittis, Mr,--. Rcx.zs, Mrs. E. , . I W. 1!1e, ,, the � ��Id. pWle.tt.: Gold[en ace.d. . Wyan- I co.r.fortably than in an - a.r.bu1anL-_A . 1. 1. see=lis�; to Increme evoTy 'year, was aff t.tejs,_p,. D4ey7 &31g(uSan, 4st an. -I 27nd Fruit ta#y �er pound ............... 20C ipmison ; wohuanlry wool unitte, Mrs. 1 i. 11 1! � I Next ,day at noon ,we wi-rp nput on a �. .1 ,'etially good ,one. The ,display , Lman's nXht shirt . �j - e3f.vt onpli, hien- cQckerel ano i pallet. � White French mixture, per pound ....... 2oc C. _S�nith, Mrs, Base I �, I � I �� 4 j . hospital train and arriveAhvre about 1.1 In th lmdoor -depar(tmen,t -.w no 2 - eu"" TXr do, lot clock Chocolates,! per pound. o 6oc Mrs. C. ,Stnitih, '141 m, Dr. GrIeve ; trc-n1s - - i - "Ill ywaandottei&s�-W. F1 E . ... 30c t' ll p.G., ,were --scrubbed, 'put into Clean . -i jargie, i but tfie, building wais we I fill�, MM4 C.; Smith, I heavy wool soxv Mrs. Dr. Grieve, Mrz. ' I - � I 1;en, cockezel, pullet; . FancV Box S, f rorn ......... ioc to $_ � ,is t PYNa-mas and into a ni:2,e cle-an bed�j PA. ianN oh) -the, Wt4le compared favor& . � , �) B � 1. a_q,�son ; ,L_1w A Ine (,wool zox,.Mra ij I nd cock, hen, cockerel tam4i palle t� - Next day they took. an x. -ray ,or my - ly I ably With othex yeahs., The follow- I * Hawrit-, Mrs. 11ow; nettling, WJIUazn ' I ­ � .O. ,V. (Wyandott,eR-11 .F .Wurdc-114 . � 'i In, 9 - , Le. 1pt�k of the. IsuceefAsfuX exhM4- Try our 'Ice cream to take home. Sclater, Mrs. ,Hovirrle; patch on gar- knee and 1,kesterday p,perate,d and pull- � � '. 1. ; � . t p,nd ,2no avpk, Ihm, cockerel and' � ed but a P)L,�oe of steel ab,ou� abb�1,9. � t 1� � . � . Quart ... 4 ..................... ... ' . �, 21 - it, M � p.114 -A. 11 -ed Qa.pa-H. . Wuilatll, IrAn . ...... 35Z ment, Mmov E. 1-om,san,11 1ris. G. Harn as a fall,grawn flea. Now everything- � i . THORSBS I I pillow ebknw, 4raw-n, Mr,-. Calder,; F 3 I ock, lat hen, R ho lslapd, Re.-]-- Z. : You will get valu 'for your :0 i . * .1r,a.l e m ney 1-3 lovely, ..though, aa you can pprhaps ,� �. kgr�ult - Brood ]:-=M. WAIV -foal ock, -R. Frmt, W. �3alla-3ityne; &n, I I Mra. W. -m- Ddg;' colore-d c,�ntrepl,_�ce, tell, f= -n the wrm,-, I S;,-r� doing it . it , . . - In, -work, MI -99 Livingztoonp ; czet -4 bl'.., I.ek ..... , .A,lex. .Wright; fOQ Of 1916 . TxoIsit; cockerel, W, Da,llanjtyn(,, � , at Rd.na, upside -down -while lying on �.ny back, . I � I I lex Wright,'Heurbert CrIch; filly OT rrz.. ,Rrlatow; pullet, W. BallantYw�, W.akd table lciolthg and, napk1n3, � I ' x There . ar,e �several hospitale around � ! i; - .1 A g I y-4are oldj Joh-i Rdw­� Mrs. Ilawr.e, Mm. I iaw,n-n ; ecrbroid- � �. dir�*lg --ree . H, Ba,ttler. Bronze Turkeys - Old about here all in hats and un df;r 91 : �, c i . . 0` L Y I'l P -1 A - � .fte,' He vsia,ll, Mich. O'Rielly a�d 3rd,,; � ezed p!llo* apz:w, Rre. R. Daley; RnY �, 1 C I , rd -4 D. Daugl,as and �3on, .rW, G. . otl,4.r pfflow tsbia.-ra, Alre. E. Daley; carvas, but they have jso,.-ne ,ot the F . ; veldlA 'RgSTAURANT I mast expert surgeons In the world, t; i , . ; e1aXs �*93ftjadfoot; old 11,4n, 1, I : 1111y ... 0kr ff, two y 614, X -_ D. Dougla4s, & . pin ewshlon, Mm Ro-c-5, R Yrost; , ; - in . , u � 0 ,c . . . I a. lud, 'r; I & Son, P. Mak III -Y, S- - �,ob aand, 2n,d,,. Toplowce Geese - D. . , M4 , - I y- or, geldthg or . De yefar o'tj . purs�- or, 1aiidbig, lady'r3, Mliss I lying- inclading the Iman who,g:lves the bay, -4 � �i , - I klldugja4s and Son, Irst fu ndl 2n,l ',far Old ' . . .� Kayo- ;. f ,o B roc- rew fiRwis, nots-e-a and faice-s, He cer. 11 - 1i N ext dopr to Cardn . Stott.% Mrs. Dr.: Grteve;' pyrograp�jay, F, ;1 J, ROW . -, .'S. Keyes; -. teara . In , Anglet, younIg gan,d�er, o1i goose, and � T� 1 1 f fl- ' - I I - � . - r� Xn4��s, J. Xorrie ; awee,-__r�,tak s, * J. '� ung . gowse. J�ore-nen Ge-er3e -Fot-ter -K.,a-�- -- I.. il.. __ .- _ WW _ - I leather, M!se L141ngx.tone; fancy hand- I taInly 'Is a -w0Vd`A r- �1 i Ir il ! R a.wc�Lf te- ; pank of CoL=rreye 8-piec- Flowlex, list lo -Ad goose, . youniS . I kerchiefs, Mrs. t. Ltamson, Wm. Mar- I awrence 14erch-ne-r drops iT4 .to see - , � I ! ; 'I � C Dale, fr., W. P. Broa,,dfoot; t.hree vyn; wo,.Tan's wool 81ocking?, Mr6.. I zx­ ,every day, HV) has be0n hkVje f�w I _� �1 � lal,.J� Rawr-WALe.. I 'al goot--_oe. A.O.V. Ge��tiw �z- i I nde,p, young ^ i four months now. 11- had nearly all �_ . t. - R egiater ait-avy, ii�ads w1nter cabbage, C. Holbeln; 3 owrle; fiancy .work movelty not i - . Rea,vy Dral, .R. ElAtlex, jr�,t, ,for olkga,ndler, ol' . .. -we I I , .: , � , . I � . 1, I &-iatft: bM3111'. _' rle With foal by h,�r gtaP,Aer� young 9101OW-1- I., -,ads fall cabbage, C. Holbeln; thre, lj$ted, !Mra.. [A. MON* .Mra. HOW11111e, . the lo -r part of his face blown a* � i . I � 1.r.a gooz�-,,, - young . way and for two months could, not i i� . &� Son; F04 Of lje�&& ireng -cabbage, C. Halbein; thr-e P.j.mbrolder4& aoV6 jtilotw, colored linen �r; 4ide,'�'W, McAllliteer I " . � Pekin Ducks�D. Doug and, Son let - ,__t� 1. . 1916 b I gistered rxsa,re, W. hfx All1ster aj�,d 2n4,f,= Qjd�and young dralt- and hela.ds S-E�Voy cabbage, -,W. Q. Broad- Mrs. iE. Do�-y, VM.. Hartry; exbrol& speak. He lmkr2, joet the ;--arm- as L � ­ i. ly I and though h1s mouth is full �� t -& $d($j;, brood tnaxe, with. foal by he r old ,�ndi,young duck. -Ppkin Ducks- f6i6t, C. (Hclbraln,; Six tible ciW.ots, e.r,e.d centr,a-plece, eal;Dred liren, Mm ever � - " " j , I - of' machinery. can talk quite plainly j, 4; I * 1916, aind old; dilck, Geo. Stew- d, A4 Huglll, Thos Cole- 11. IT, ,Sproa,t, Mm. j@. lapMgoni; Py. L i . side, ,Frank. Colernan; foal of, I I dlnakjh atu!m,? rqbt, d will, evertually, be -ust x9 good! �_ � , k C- I10`b rogra.jk.�Y, 0 ,� '7orrei t,, Mr. an - 11. Fran Cole'miall; illly ,axt, J. H.I(Battloor; youn-gkdrake and :naA ; sN long table carrots, wo d XIW-o S N B � �, ; - ]P ab before, There ts really nothing too, , 1 , alt, James Carling �1 gelding ' bein, .W4� Gi Br&-dfoot; isix turni,3 Rose; quilt, fslfl� 'or velvet, not crazy, " , -'Ro Xt , I young duck, J. 1-1. tl-x. A., 0. V. � I i rg old, B. Njorthcoott, F. Van- blood betts 1 1W : Hartry, C. Holbein; hjr,s. Dr. Vxx1eyel Minis. Howrle; quilt, good ti s,ky or the treaknient we get - ,I � �,' � . .W.m. It i �_�, � 1 i - � '�t,��! Mris. Pr, Grl2v!, , ., � tl X,ee 1 Y�,a Oxydmgton� �_k,v Mris ,D. F-0-11, here from the ,Jsister-, and everyon-e, - i� 1 4 ; i ]a. Norttocatt; filly two. yoar.si I i 12 -xnd I WI. -A I ,,,,.y In ,otton� 11ris. Dr .Grleve; I t I � . ',_� aID".1 . I Ra,lla,ntyn They couldn't po.-�,slbly do any. more y_ it ' . -rs;i -1 Pank c, tamalw-R, qujlt, crazy 1� eilk, Mm Dr. Grlev�_-, .- ) ,gelftng, 1. 11 i - ,L -I , d, � iWatt, R. 1). Bell tt, �mpq. D. -Fen if -A and 2nda, S. C. UrIs- S- "eck L,Z!,- a obit. -1s,l a littlet , � HtaxfTy, , x -e a r,,,, Mrs. -WzrA W,g, , quilt, pit -C - I'L_� - t, V0 'tears old, Alex: ,Wright, An dpc w White Legborn,--COCR, J. A. Smith, D. W- (Mrs.� D d.t -Daley; I ed in cotton Or �,.­ swaet 41e, - I' Heaven. We have -a great w-_-ortmi�nt � 1.'� _4 rp -nd kP -a. DT. GiOv4�; qutlt, , - h bald ,_ f.,,Ily --or gp -,e yp-ar carn, Aq Hugill, W. Hax MI Vieced n i 11 , _ldlplg ol aglaA and Son a 2nd; coe -rel, of patients too -Anzacs, hn,perial�, Ter -4 I � . , ­ .. try; six eam Eeld corn, G.C. Dalej woo,11'en, Mn. Dr. Grieve; la,dy'la isllk _ 1_�._�Jl: od, 'O ,.J. M,Cj.jpba,ej and� Sorl, Jaznes ag I .Jr. , , ,D. Dcp tag aMA Son, A A. Smlt!h; pul- Mrs Flnlays,m ; collerton corn, 0 R-ol- sh,XV1 jqjs�j � i 11 7 (I In Llvi' 9140e, Mrs. D. Fell; I r1torlals, Can�L&ansl and �even Genman!i, S _�: _�arnetsc,, Int, 1J. � A. iRadtk D. D otuglals, ajo'd soh. , In I , I i .carL#, , beet,.'Iewn . " Brrjk�taw. ,several of the latter, including two- 1-11, Ill Xanl- j bein; ;wekfred ,oiniong, C. Holbe-n W. --n.an ,a fine sbirt, WIi. N. . 1:� r- obt 4, Wjtt, J. j. Merner, t. C. Wbit- leghorat-W. Deerin-9 ___ . .i - f ; X ,_ ,t-hjrt officers, were on the train with a�,. k 11 I 'i ��� ga%_th took 0,11 iprjz_�Is.- Brawn, Leglhorn'-cock, I i�l I � ' � , , 11 epatakes, and W. . G. gRmad _ck onlom, white or M.rs .A. ,MoNAb.1','man',3 coUrce . -_ 1. f3l ."Me �; *N W. yp-llow, 01 11olbeln, J. BowellfEe; two ,U-r.s w. -M,rltsst(�w; a-hir waist, ,-,-n- BUt W,-- Saw lots of them aryway. foel. I -I ! . Aobt '.Wa1t.1 ; Mr5s. I , - - , epeo.f r�, A . iii ti . � ; he " t . I 0. StewAxt, � take-doLena of prisonerE every day F1 A _IDIAI� u. -gam- andi JL,n,e,.3 M. r�a.ri�.g m,m Howrj�e - col h&0, Mr,s WAteAT,,e1[cW., W. 0. PrORAI`00t; two b;�i&rejk, mrs. E. , 111:wisft, Mr--.. WIL, r :-I. ! 1 4. ill- I U j u pa- 7 . I I and the great majority ale 9AV S. �,,np . e , '411verton., ,,� � . . Howrl% G. Stewart; pullet, G1. Stew- mtrows, : s Cole-rar., Mrlcl. Fin, ; 9 ag, Njfs�- L-Iving- I . I iay- Akywrl,.,; a,oppin bi . , I Itift. .foal art ,an4 2ndr A.0.7. Leghorn ` H. F.' SM; yf.�g,etable .m.4Tow, W, G- 4tm- v-. ; ,slippers, Miz--s 'Livingstone, )NIrs to deattA tia be taken. I .Ra;A,sU,r,ik-Br,00(1 Mare ,1w i . I . . I R.T. igt a,n(� W. Deering 2rud Bfttad .. , : I ot�h squwsh, -' W 14wpon, counte; ane' crocheted, Mro�- Boyal. Frne HospItal. b 7 h( rf I%J de, .W. MaTlOr, S- KeN e -s, Wtwd,--Il took � ' -rp ) i916, S. Key cock, beh, cock -ere A,nd pullet. An- G . R�roa -0 t, C. Holbo].D; is!x winter Howrie, Mri-st. Dr .GrWve; alumber robe, 1, 1,mdon, W.C.. . ; . . I )od(. 4�5; - foiaJ of ! f Illy - , W. for . EdwarIdg ; P�m, Hol-bein ,7,.. t puznpkints tor pJoe�13r, W. J,jrs .Dr. 69�11,evo. V. - 4G. &Ott; ,30ta. * I 9 I I . Sept. 14th. 1916. gaylakr, 11. T. Dod4;,, ig.eliOnT dolusiarus-cock, W, F . .. - I . I t iree , , ydam ',old, 14at Elliott,, E. J. W.,Fj Edw,ax*,,W. Peering; cb-ckergl, G. Dro - f 0, . : o '! : In; ,six winter' pillow, P-mbirol e 4 e , r1s.- . . proa.1 i "I OP2% a rVe I,- a w , e 1. ..0 gelding ow --W. ldwiax t: raAtsb, c " I - . t , 'e�oralpjjlow reedlework W. ,dre-95 ,for iwmc thre, though, of Villert, T. O'Elley; filly Or NLra. H r1e, -, F. I 'I, djs; pulle � �lu, A. W" Stable; thr F. !Frorsst, _ - I � W., Hiartry, -V�. a. Bro e" G.�avea; ,�!afa tdllow, I course, I -do rot know how long, - � old, T. J. McMicaael,'E. Mx,%, Howrte'. J, -H. Ba.ttler; Bouen CUP LmbP- ra, 9,4- Baliarxtyne,. 3 atn�ps, , . 7 two 1�yeja is. . . W! -n.. as ( wre, are liable to get ab�fted a 4 . -qle; filly,- o,r geldfng'one V,ax bldlb DuclGi-old ,jdp)ak.-_ land 614 duck, F. foot; qLaxt ,butter beaw, C. Holbein ans., otter, MrSIL latson, Mra. 11 Roa - I t- t-- beans, A. Hug- I I at � A. j4k j4(,ujs11%.on; Bbiaxlr3 V. tea..,L, Jwirte-2 Fowle.r; young duck, F. .Yowler,* J. A. Hugl1l; qu,axt whI D01g; ta-tting, V. HaIrtry, Mls,3 Living- f bcu t- on short notic,?.- If I ch&rg-� , , JD� . �, if.; six is -na ratom,, tea, coay' Mr- E lawis0n, 'NITS, Ritiazn1scon, J. C&vt-,r, -Ir-; Fj ng ke 14. Bo,ttler. Guinea, Vowl-cock and 111, GI C, 4gar . .11golds 0 _� I I I Joan ,cable. Cables ;are aboat .'N in,ter,, "' -- pest thlng,3 In Englar.d, I am ot , J anles ba,ttlex; dockerel A�ndpul- �ftrs. Finlayj8on, -T. Coleman I 't�.%,,a 'rota,d�tA,1 ton, O., H. I . MaX*yn. ladter. undierwear, Nfli3. ,J. G. I �n, .,r in harh,63�s"Wl. Ellitot ' ' I Fi.'rgu3011; ardell -an I second.:, Collec- medl,a.te zangoldr., W. G. adfoot. akp ft Li ,ft f �course Istj I , Dro aney, Mi.a., Vinjaypon.; whisk holder f�_-,Alng me, tho, .9 0 - 1 , I 11lg.g1nbcthx.,n-, Thols. . - I 1p -t' '14.' Fp-jjgWj-_ors,-P. Da,ley ..and Son. Mr�s. Q. ,I-�Lra; I -six .ewk!de turn!�Ks. C. Mrs E I'l-wism, '. c. S.mlth; work I h�.�jd. I ehouldt like to have istay,ed in Ga, " I ,-Foal of - 1916, J a�­n� a 3�rr I th, uoon of -VV.. G.:Rroadfoot. p_Jx . . , - 1&�, a littip- longer, for it began I 'p ncy, lgr$- WJ Bristow, Naes r, I e ,ars bid-, L. .B.,igh ' IjWpeis�F. Fowler , book all Holb,!in, ar,1Y b�ag, ta t f _lly [OT, gelam.jg tbr-(_,� y I aA - , !t I 10 Will ert .� ,filly oTj gelding pTize!a, A.O.V. Rabbit -t -old buck, Jae. other V,arlp y turnf��S, Thofs. Coleman; y .-De; et-tbxotdered towel�, Mic--5 to ,feel like ho.-ne thpre in Gur tent, I RatZ1t J: 'Pen of utility wl-Ate sagar ,be-ets for factroy, Turnr T IvIng,sto. - . -n - But th�,xp, are aIwa-,V,-:x' nelv MP,$ zo-nk . two 'lvefa ,,,a ,614 F_A. 'Wood, EA Will&t, Wxfght- ,and pewmtli i ,IvingAtona, Mtis. -J...G. Chesney; e". - I . i . , y;*- fi'il� -or IgIelding ode y'e.1ar I fowl, any purp. brce� -W. Yule. Pen bull and Mc1ijtos_h:;'whIt0 or -Yellow briAdere4 gd,nt tormels, Nlr,c. Howrle, in, so Ithey clear ,ever, ykhIP g out a's, dr�i . ' . . . I a$ po�*jiblp_ W-,- had a fairly 1, . I .rw1i carri- f* k --:V. Yule.i An- c.arroits,' W. ,G. Broadf oot; * larg-st a,w,son ; cp treplece ,eyelet, soKm . C,I( : - �, , Berry, !Jr.; ls)ngLe .,t�f exb4tion VW I . . I llection _�Irs. E. L, X n I I for the , wige ihms-e �A. Gardiner) Doagla,s" & j vma�s-ben, W. Deerl i!g; cockerel and gqua,sb. , W. G. . Droadfoot; co )4r,s4 Howrie, ra. !t D. Fell, Centre- comfortable trip acrosiz, i F I . . - : a ,� beat behavoir ard � : F; Vux4eli 1�beln, W. Har w Im Channel was '01 it,-- ' ' rriage te,a'n, pullet, 1H. - la,nd 2nd., Part-, g-,3xd&n -pip I -3 � luce, C. lio �c4-_, solid, Mris. E, la �Eon, .IA . J. Sou 1 1 J,a,s. Van Eg.-,n,Dnd; ca . � . 1) � nly littl! -.-iore . ; I I I ridgle Rlocl�c�%_Jeock, :W. Yule;,hea, W - )try; imusk.nlelOus, W. A, BrOla,df`00t, G. Cheeney; centre�lece, Coronation, I our ho,.gp-tal -est-1p wwz: .0 - ]!-,. J. -Vuliterf't. . I - - � Xrs. ChermeyA cent�epiece :z .g� W-? ztor,peil jowel � .,�-uja AnA aeoon(#. Judge4-Jirseph Atkinsup. punched I than ait bour �n crossir i udg6 -1-1. J. Dia,rzoch, Lis � 41 . I ' I , . it I I i adoir I at Char -ng Crosis �Etatton and I I i L. Ba,uvn i). DOMESTIC AND OTHER MANUFAC- -,%r4rk, -Nfris E. L-Awfson; 130 ) ; � . I CATTLE. . . I ' J udgn.'. J. . � I ., ! . . . . I TuItES cap Mrs. Horwrl,e, IV r.s. E. Law�-:011; I &-leM6 that w�.enever a hct�p_tal train . I HORTICULTURA-11 PRODUCTS. I -no. fly wo, , Shortl ornr-Beist e Broadiloot � ,Horw e s Lip or 4�3 f -people, - Pw, . Collection, twelve vlaxietles, Set alngle harness, M. -BrWerlCk. Ult Set dinner mats, Mr$, ri , Mr . R I -'s d ,' ow 0 � . . - 3_ro�;., j. j W. Be�a,ttje ,�tnd third; ReJf-er,. Apple -is- I men and -9_rls, ep-Ilect oat in. - frar t., I., winter aPple�5,- 2nd; jdodbl� Ite,uln barne,W, X. DrOder- T_4Xw&on;; day. pillow Islipe, Kris X. . - I � . ' L,a.wson, mrjs.� D. Yell; 'tray clot Th in Serro when we I - m. r.uu i6ars,old, Baxad�oot,'Brw-, Lta I' al -5.0 9IX VakrlP-Ue�s of. our varJetlea ick ,an,d, 2: . I . � 11. .!y were there d, as ,jve pa.srset - - � &nks 3 1pi..r . -r I 1, .n. JJ BowcUffp-, H. CAca; f . , -,e(; Ut,_zt &,zen bexks- J. ca,_ne out the gate, an nd' ." rd; h.e.f.er, two, ye rig, .- - ' Beat collection t112 ,�,Velet, '11M. 0. Smath., .Asi,s living- - . j W I Bpaj tj_ �c If I I .. a I Iro,,i,df dot Broa., . � -I � ; of.fall applels, a xj-,,h, J. .Rowel' fe " U. Gov�nlwk; s tone, ; tray clot'h, Isql1d, 11r;s, E. _--a-W4 thr,?%v buncTes of roigeE land carnaC. . year - old, 'W,n- 1 PC-. 3Per Raldwins, H. I cxl!cb� , �., I'Dale, Jr. ; jKing 3. M. (IG01"qn1ock; j&s,sortment of lea- ray cloth, drawn: t,tcns Intoothe back of the ambulanea I ... If �, 3-ne or 'tel r dalf,l of Tompkins, J. R: Gov�enlock, J. -tbex ja0d leather --nianufactureq. N1. -_on, Mrs.. Hartry; t -� f4Du_r of 115 jn�sjde fplt llke� � S C41 :at- Drois.; - viWOT tcl weliffe, J. Woderl�k. work, lfris.,� Howfle; Aray cloth corfta- till th Lalv�d)a�fter ,Sept. 1, 1915, Willia--a B r,owr,hf fe $ sp,_es, . J. Ro tjon, ,Nfrs. Qkfarvyn ; ancy towelro, Mrs. a xy��dft,g procession. or bull balt&. P. GoWDlock; plate of Ribston J udgeli$ ,r,t,)ojs. Daly, John B-attlp. . _-0— epper, W. %Black; Seni. . Broad- ; . Finlayson, � Mr.9 .E. ��aw--Slan ; kitnbrdld- It'Ite'r Sept. -1, 19161- J. �J- I Rdsaett, J. Rowrliff ', W. G i I alved ,, . � . I i ,FIND .AR TS -'rt"d p1llcW. CIO . vRrs, ' -Mrs. E. L,a.wson, A Criticism en the Fab- - - � I lerPet NI''. P.; B,rmdfct>t Bro.s., i foot; Westfield Seek no furtl.cr, W. Oil P41nfflng-Landscapp jXjr_z:. How- N ; 11 lo,r G. Drotaidtoot,-H. Crieh; Wealthy, Pee- . ' I ,jr.s,. ,R. H, Sprola,t; �jhome =ad,e� woven; Editor Huron EXPOSItOr.-'14ow that i W,Os�Iey ' .BeatLe; b0stj �, LJvingztMe;-%-narlDe, Mi3s, rug, N wor - all jnt.-!r,eAted in th . . - Duf I ldenjburg, and rLe 11tO flowerE, Mrs. A. C,aJ,d,?,r; dxialwu e $eaforth Fall . I � If ; Aived -after Jain. 181- wia5f,ee, -1-elsff * olf 0 i o, I .vingstonk Mris. I-lowrle ; quilt, Mrs, A, Calder. had, tl.-nei to dJ-S0115S and re, 'er � Oialf, C . I H. CrWb ; Ontar . Fair ba". � la t, D Prors., J. Benllwkn OX,a,n 9�e, ' Mrs. Wlm, .D(Y-9 Mh3c- _- i vin g�tton,e ; dges-An Brut-sels. 916,L, �_ Elzo rowdfoot Gravensteln, A. I Ju Me ,R, . RoQ-2, f lect 6 exl4bit, it aP- I � �. � . ball r­al.�, Cabled J. ScOkt, J- Dalr-�' Jr- ; d�, Mrs. W-11. - .., Dk�,ttje; jun.110.i, '� fru-t, mils 1: I ving- tor, . M jan-et Scott, Seafor�hs p,!ars that -the c0n,sensus 'Of OP'nlow,L I - ftv,r 1916, ;J. J . M4�rner, 9. , Ijugill, *1-1, CrIch; Sn MaWlls, J - R. I D ' -,al ljfp�, '� jjr�s. Howrle, , ,S� . CHILDRENtS WORK A fj,­,r yeare, the . : er J. Govenlocl� j. Row�aljffe ,; Colvert, I �,,_ an '_ Is that during tll-� PB,-- . WR -three yei 31 oT Ov ? W. ' ; ' -portr,alt, Misa Livin 9- g 'N . vingston! ; � ' ' fe- H. Crich, J. R. Gov niock; Majin. J. Hemxed 1':andker�hlef, 'Janet Hays townspeople a��d -dixect*Tri of the local ' -13ting ,of � four 1. Forrest; figure. Nirs. Ross, receive a � t . . stan,2, ,� See' BzaUl�, herd, con, - J -R19- ' ,,,!ty ishould Tbal'e-S4 a .bull, ,B,totadifoot tBrois, J. Sc6jtt, 11. Crich; Kalden Bl"h, - D/j. Forrelstt. iind 2nd'(; centrepleee, Uanet Hays, Ag,rioultuial .re:njmdin.g thez., thst ' t- 9 S:)(cial, ..14ugill, R.CrIch; Rikode(Island Gr,24an 11 rs. E. Dalny; wool v�rk Janet Hap fj_,w gentle taps W. D , ndscap�, Mr-. How- . - awjX4, - , p � pk�Lttje; o,.,r.ljjlon Bain � ... ung aj-d Fallawater, J. lRoWiCliffe, H- Waterco. or -1 a nA 2n,d�; crcohet worl�, Urs. Howrit., it tj high tl:nw� to _ A.5 one who I. aa - ' i '.1 Roweliffe I Graves-; marine, Nfrs� H,cw- a amt 11ays'; - ted, In th evelr-pMent orr I 0 Rr djoat DrW4 Wo yearlsi 0A W, � Cr.ch; Fall Pippin, . _; Can- rP, , doil outtit, &jrs. Boe.5, is jnt,!re,* e ,d r,r,,j�&-_�-Hetfer t r1e, _"� I 1�s, Janet Haya IthLs . 0 � a4A _RP -A di. C.4101 ; Talman Sweet. 'Z­n,'e Gravc.s; flowers, Mr�. W.r 3 CdT�.r.unjty, I writ-- thesp word -a, * 93.1ark, .a.ncl 2n"r�d third; Aeller, On e . . , �; fruit. Mr -3 ' collection fancy -artic Mrs. E ,not in . ; , a spl,rit of --nRI'VIDIence, but 0 � i � W. G. Broadfoot, H. CrXh. Dow, lwvpfl, LJvingston,_ . ,3. N - yeax old, -W. �131asck:" ., . d, Mns. DT. llmvrip; Anb.nal life, jas. Grave �jrs, D013e; co�ke, it. ;Frazt, of helpfulness, hopVVj, Dutcmis, -C,�ttie one yeaV, oldsteer . pp,a,che,,j--10te Or for tvingieton,��; portrait, Turnbull& D,11ey; fancy,candy, Mrs. W. BrIst0w, rath,--r In me 0 I i ar,gve- ,azy -other varje',y, W.. G. NLW-5 I . 00 I 9 I I n- E. Daley; bliscult-3, Urtz. E. Daley, R. that lt V.- not Y` -t t latz to"3tay # j. j. Mern,'Qr, M.P. ;. I � I gvjjjtot:��, .Nirs. Uarvyn; fig.ire, Tur dressed. doll, Mrs. Ross, th.!. h�,nd (of rulu -and, �-Dake our 100al # . 'Be '. - -V�intcr, F. Rroa,dfoat- b_).lI and McIntol--h, ov,�nlock. Froat; bei�t . as an, 0 3h-rsAq1,L- -3t coiw:. Robt p,P,&rs,-W_nt,er peans, 'Dur -h -cos of J. R. G . ,show ria.allze its true purpolee t Bcbjnv�n; 1,.Q�Ter, two year, ol , F. Ln.e� and -Peurre ,dl An;ou, 11. Dmcil Drawirg-land,sLape or ma- Jan#�t Hzyis. . . pal influenci� and ar. encOutlfq .. I ! Angau __0 . — educatIc . . * 13 ovill 34 M. I I k all Crxb; Fl-nniah De�auty, J. R. cvov�en- r.,,�, Airs. Howrie, Mr.s. E. I 1w -0r; . oy Was Wounded age Tent to the young far -Ter. Sever- # A �00 1. Forre;- , � things ' have nt T ,teln�_john �chjbald , P and ­nk skvt-zh, � A. '.Nlr z How a Reaforth B al mbine'd to preve # L4oi,, i lack; Cjapp,a Favo%r,tp�, A. Elcoat, W. Pm . cc, * tht�, - . ?jze,si in thi.9 63�5-31, � I Dallamtyne; Bartlet , J. L. BrOW'n, EA Liaw;on; any .m5ab,­ct, N11 r t'. Th,� follawing letters have been rtl�- this and to da -r.0-11 the enthugm-M 0 j ad­�-Harry S th Ha . I %3, Xr . W, M. Do.g. � :old Seaforth boy. :1 SN� I y � � Rvisis, Xr c,�-ived ' frofm an , those who would be its, oblef Pato .0 : 1 � -yon-tLand9cap­ or ­nar.ne. Nlri. who has b--,A-u gerving at the front Of r -g --t tj-.,eE,,e Causes Is I - * . � plu,W-Golden'Drop, A. W. Stob �, Cra - -- � 4 P. . ., I . r<Aj t 4 Chio f a, no - - * i � . -r-al Cage, Geol. Mf:- Rom, M. lForreFt; portraA or rigurv,. with the �30,yal Highlanders, anA who �pirit or anfa�rnes,F that b3,b i :, sh jr, �L in W. Hartry; lm,�pe the ie sr.r i I .!d0twjbs_4. Dunldh, fix he.s The fair �- 1. . : - -, ,s, .W.,'n. ,,Dolg; I n �Y wa;-,- re-cently woun4ed An the trene 'UftlDg, � .njbar.(js, Ja-rres G. Che2- Mrs. J4orWrj& Nir . " 0 I � . Gartw_y; 1,01 claraet rIzed the � # all: C* ow* - fts 8,11, ; Pond'is Seed- sub-.e�ct, �r,s. Roz -j. Miss LIvIngsto.w. ,r Franc/4. ated with that � I . 0 A.O[V ShP-e-)-W-:C- PR'a.rtC`0,, He way, Ors., -Dr. Gr.,eve . a ,s�e t, 4 or mor-,! "Tx'o4 �20- General I-josp;tal, has bortco--,Av1- ,13.0 L-rpregn ed thO . - # fjr��t ij,* -,d,ll C �P .,� 1.ng, J. -Scott, G�. C. Dale, jr.; BrEdd- Handp�lntk-d. ste . Sept. 8, 1916. zpLrit that It hlL' `,'v'c-n Pnt('r ', la(R_� - 5� Dorse pjec,�,s, jf�s, A. A. Mclennan, -Mre, Fin- : Ffance - find- --to * 11n,'ains-G.�,o. p6n�hale�, fj�rst In al' sha�w, Geo. McCartrrey, Mr.s.. S. So.11- yo have heard la,st plaor. we .9houldi-xpi-et to # � ! � � Prune Mr.s. Dr. Gr.eve, Uyson; Paintjing on china. Mrs. Mar- I jsUpC,:_1,. er-P ;h4 u snly jiparts and zien will !stOOV -. 4 c4s,so.. � i I exa; Ger.-nan � an pa:nAl or placquvi, through th-,� <l(.p­jT,-jj,-nt that I am a�- thr�- rr. ;Elcout, J n; o,ny atber variety, Ur's, Vyn; p:Lhbqng .an advantage for �he 0 ejuotej�-Ag,ed i,4r,, 'A- ' j A. .,W_LR0 jvjarvyn - ' M4 , Co,l_ - - .no,n g th., i p , to italt a - . cazu,,.lt,,(..; and I P ---er - L I R- , Sel � A. W -le -in. A. Aj Me . L,-nnam, Mrs. 1. I salcp of a dollar or & little honori, 0 1 ,sh�a,rllng r .n,, J jaancs, G. 'Ch-essney, a, Mr.s. A. ly hap,- hi.,d sen.se -tioush t(> , 4 Sn�1411 ,;Lnd ('Son; ix� ,3. Snp.1 Grape ' a, El, CrIch, Mrs, iectodn� k4�nd panitedi chin . use * & Sop, ,`A.'Elcoa-t;1 I am 13:.flb, a,--N:azar . 3,jan y a young Pxhibitor Tef 6 :1 ! we , IlLvino Nirs. Grieve, A. A,. M,-�' Lknnan ,And 2nd��. collection of to pLjt .,.sLghtly wo.ind­411 for that Btawn ; P, Dr. Grieve; 0-oncord . � of pnter because of the pwA reputation ' * & � - , SM4-, .J- L. . & Sor - - Rogers No. 4, (H. Cricb, A.- pierced birass, M. ForreRt, Mrs. E. ,s- all it, ,is. Thrre 1z nO Way - AY and the Only way to- # - . la7L-nl;�% fal I !�, J. S*11I . Blevat, � - , # .rla 4 ! ewe j. ignell an,( Hugill; Bv.gp 162, also any oth- T� -4 sej,ding a Cable firom here but �f cf th,'� 1SOCIP 4� ,s, by a corl-. � hearling : . ,xis No. IIWH30�4 0 be t � a A. S. WLeaa, Searorth.- I g -t o.v-,,,.r to,j3jtghty vr.thin the next ov,,�rc,o­nv that evil Da -T 14;�' Judge -Mrs. aton, b�v thi. Introduc-1 . Z, j. Sh ell an( , I .r V,arlety, H, Cr(lch. - : , e - tA # best ew . I few dayi I WAI ja0le from, theie. -1 rb� ! re-OTgaDlz ,f new ani. , ; � I i . i I . ., � )' - _torAte, 0 # I , M. Car(ko PLANT'gand FLOWEBS -r.ighl h - Wr-tLer three or four tion nto th,! dJrer 0 S10 _- L. Elcolt. , � . uAge-J. . E. -S-0. Tarr ull, Waltotn an'. I DAIRY PRODUCTS. � Cut F rs--Dablim, b,mt an'] I . r blood, with n,ew .degv!;, and - 0 � � dav-z but wais al-noet 6 ar,s tl';Lt poung`! of advertigirg. In * J . Sea f4 � rtlu : jaxge_�Lt collection - . ., Mr�s. S. So.-rvrs - . � a � ranuols zYstP-n � - . D ,jT&nC-e, - .. I 1 25 pounds ,of butter Ip. crock -3 or , ' th� n. x ; few hours wo�)d �ee ,ne in st ., n of the . � � - I # . I H 1. I , - -twlm, -6 var - - be 4 al th,t pavilion an t-xaminatlO . . I .Gs nt�Y, Mr3. G.Harn, p(a,.nsj.ejt,, .-W, Hartry: a.-- : A ma-, seWr # I � - now . I �1- I . . tubs, Mr,s.j.J. G. Clv?? col- . England I b at , ,ow.� tb4- saMP, Lt i -J,ore I get there, it .: 0 1 _�._j I -I,. B,attler �Gok the � M�ra, Flh�a,y�o,n;' 15 The t�.bl?� butter�, ietles . M11S. 801-Wrs; a_,t�,rs, best days bo the �- =,-robantz di-70ay hy shOLAdf on`6 1,01 !%birp - I r-4; -tock, .Nlr�. 'Pin- Idenoe. W . itj : _%n, �trs. ,Som,� , - v A happened. -splrit in ,Pv 0 th;is. C141 A., I urs. Harn, Kris. J.,G. Gh-_2pey; pound iec�jo I Dd ',-r!4�jat all. The wa, unerated foT his . . 0 . I iln- -.,r - Hartry; Gladl- rie _r I)e re -T 2AZ4 NIT �. V ja,ysion', verben,i, _3W . BattaLon went in one _�.!rchant, A!y - Wi:Sh (I � Pearce- :took th'� rolls or -prints, 11.1n. Harn, .- was th�ij Tb- s if tb . . I ; ba-:k�-t 2ut 00wiUm. day 1-aNurg about &X of 10 . Be4kshlre-W- i � tly arr artry; us bebin,t troubi,q, wh1le all other , . � i olao, W., H� # pr.seV fn 'thlll cia.V� . laisan ; ulnorSt -11P-A aD,ged plate of r W, Rartry ej in the $1,0W T06M, -T-Um-t Sor , M.rs. $.-Sp-Tierz; swel-t 1W.31- .., to advertis IS It becaWFO # ; Douglas� and buttex, Mjis. Chesney, Ure. Flnlay3DD; in the r4i,P1,V2­w6j.re._by t1w, - way w'! ,penze. I T-�-Ilwojltll, . for boneY; Mrs. S. �otnvr8; na,iturtlu.m�, W. Har- . JugGut bomr their own ex Officer? It X-51 * .W I jpvf�ly big I -14D ! '1claLqee-�. ! . n4rt,ry took all prizes . apl-d I a . I # to6k jln--d in AJ1 . --r., W. 1�axtry. 'c'ec 2712,ppens to be an TLrr 0.111 J- . DOT,anc, - huh -Le, -made ' lbrpaek G. C. Dale .1 try, ,Mns Sovner3; ra-e-�, two fl-9b.ts und,-rgroun4L They were jj,� in t.he beat Inter(,'StS 0 . ? u4ies-O- . ; Fuschla,s, W. Har- , one ro- I * i I v 4b; ba,k- Flo�w.em ln,�pot;-.- _r m : he day _q .ither fair nor aly "in a3t . � TRY. lat�, . ent further up * # ij L POU � j . Mrs. Dr. 'Grie e, 3drs.( A. MCN fgomers; flowerIng! Begon1a, t . o,rpBmy runnLng of th,,� f'Sooletv. an 1 Broa.; horn-. try .�Irs, a- ty of our C .* Cock, 1' F. W I Mr, - ers, �brea,d, Car Ac Mr.-. '31. . 'gonlas ,and collection of .nall psr h of Hu -ns ca,-ne out on empty PaV1110-11 and a dicza,ppointeA , �mnar- MIS. How*e. - . taada buwp Mrs, A. 11cNab, t ube r us, V, iet agaLnst �. buric tely the Svb. in crawd,4 I I ; . hen, II . Solal- e xnaApi tva Be 9 Lais W. Hartry; hanging ba;A , t� umfortuua :I-- lee . rs; 1�4&lf dozer. haz I:G�p, ba � W'. are te - Yule js,� an. ,day livIng in an age Or " -ed Rock*---lii . - I tmul Grj.ve, A, W. Stoble lawLirs" W. -H.artry; collection of pot .nt a ' , L, -(X bulla .-�' ,ta, MrE. ;� f � .. coM.Tan4d was k4ed. They Se � ration =,a the buSIMS-2 .13ar4 I cook, 1pe n Ckerel I . fancy bakr rlo(%v,v.r , w. Hartry. rr " '.,.e the next MOM- c,r,+-Qpe . # 2nid- ib - . ugla;,,. and Stoblej collecto-hl of � .3 - ,,es,gage idown for., T thl:� who thinks ,of th,e old MaxM, "every I ]Rocks,-Cc�ck, D : ; beEt lexon Judgp--A� p. Cluff, Seaforth. �.ng and after -4an,&ring about - UT , ist,U ,hold_v # 1 ; hen, J_ , B),ttjer., �rg, . NI.r,s4 s. Sol w. r s. i -I%oAf I gooaL if, H .B;a,tit1e.r pl,e, Mra. S. So&�ers, Mr.. W .BXISAo­w;, - 19LADIRS' WOKK t apd.: front Lne for- a couple MaD for # son, �, -� �h ; cocke 1, "ff - . . ( �1. . Sappor I d0oj.M;,,yj to A13appolm;LTent. No 1-10tt- . W I*gl� Al S, pie, W. G. Broa,dfoot, Mr.%. I Al. Stewart, Wra. W. cif hourO I fAally located the.m. The ,portanitle-, W ' I - , Dwjglos & -1gon; pullat beat 01pple Apron Mrs. . jp_-n� alli . a ata of ,Bhell tudon oft-_rs better 01; bUsiXeSs I # I Ea­w�lvdp, 1), � I)r. Grieve; neat, ­t and beat arra,igedi ]3rist4�0W'- kitchen kipron, M,13S 1-ivfn,g- abotat A: Nst r,s and urbaP, I , EdW,a,r.dtz, 'D. Daug.W 8; SOR- ) the artillery on b:pth ,sidee br r9ing farme + , V. V Cochi I ' F. F jr,�t b3p,a,l, Kra. C. Srrith; home n.ade pick.- dluone� Nlr.5. C. j9--nith; baby's OtAft'" 'holes. fqf firing, jand ult wais hard- fall fair', aMd * , Wft. , ,dwiaxdb., f � ,-n-,I) tagether, than the 0 C1 �, 0. Ir leg, C I I101beln; betust jar of boonle *msde i t,% of Se&-. , kerel. A -1 VIM Raw, 'j,im. Hawrle; Buttonhol;es ' rever -AoPs If 'th,e bank5 and --nerdhan � t W§ - + cok� hen . 1j. � ca�taup, C. -HoTbeln, Mrs. Dr. Grieve; Mra, Dr GrIeves Mrs. W. B4etow� ly as q�_e the place de!jc*be4 by ey 4 11 kv W. (F. Edw, d�a,,'J- 1, us. J. G. ChesmeY d ir he tad bad fortla, who MakP, 1--r0st 'Of their Mon L*_CoC w. -DIS -made � I , Xrr.. C. S.Mith. I'me rr hen aake , : . J. jj� a a a,P, I glovel ol ecollax case , Tor.111 'y w Q,jjdt I Noit frd:fi *0x_-ro-_M wei:e to dilArlbute & # I- It ,.r; 'IF I � t 1 �,__ I *t 'Aen, W. F. I st collection Jehy MMIR� I all jittla ,cnore W. F. pAWR,r�js ajid� G, C. Daip, Jr. ,, bt ja,vir,soa; Doyllea-, Mrz. J -G- S h*et tOw In F Of PrIze, � wal I -erel, ley; be-st collec- t vras so 61oa_�' quiet y or it by . . tier; cook C. H01.13gin, M.m E_Da ;,�; gisp­ LIVJngstOme; DrApe, axf I I , merchant, . .. j pullet, W. F... Ed(wa91%. silv­r" tim -W1A'P_, MXS. A. MzNab, ku'a. Dr. Cbe , , jb!�e. p .Fell; Centre i could hi,,sr a shell drop." I 119A been and oreditable d1oplays Of . - 'N ar, d Mra i -Wmson, I 'hour When a ismall dise, they twould -be am,`Ply rp'warderl q Dorldrig � �'. F. 1-Rdv�xrIdg t I , !.E. I U, NjfTz. i . G. tuhwere an I arle-Ver. piece is. 0. L-amso �e . 'It nd frlendlW I ..- a,ad P1111k t. NJ' ece of shrapnel 0, �jjelj ca;s4_ by inem,amed patronage a . d !Mle Cock, �te � icockeret. � I Judgp,-C. ,A. Barber, SeafoTtll. � � � amterpaine. Mrs . Dr. I c,tray p. . , 1H. . P .Chesney; ca . A - k, Vm -Y ule . . Mrs. ! M9 b . d: Into MY right knee. I r.,�09 oiX the part of Me Tural cUWA- " ON. Game&� : , BOOTS AND VF.,GBT_%-Bff,hS Croel-eting, IMrs- Rc`s�, * � W. H. I - GXL-v.a *0 of oar ptretcher bearers to i ar.dell; heh, , . Ykilel 00d 2na , . t, wool, Mrs- C. I got On � � Oul t H.P. Boots and V­get�bles uehel E, liwision; CrOcbe .4 : ke rel, I- � Q - Half b I etand cover, Wss , dreas �; .then beat it owk to our NO. 2, iappen. , 1Y urd4ell; ie ., , . 0* 'I ,Udell -A ' . , -,4ta,toee, 'Any othar late vartety, 4. , S�jj%j; Dx*jq9_er oT I : -, �Av CmWn. 1jan tjW.'3&--1 V . I . . I � . : . . . .. I . . . I i , I I -_ I . � - � � I i I i i I 11 I I : � . . : � . 1 'I � � . I . I li ; I I I j I I � I i - - � � � ; I . I i i . . I i - . i . : I i ) I - I . i � I � ! i. ! . I I �. I I fom - � I df I I ad 0' I I I i I ji I I I I I I I I ISP 4 Sot - I ", � Dil I I 1 1 � , . I . tr�) lWM i �, * I I I , I G12 ! : � ! � . � I . . t I I �. : I ! I I : ; 4 � � I : ,:. �, I? .. � I . I - ;. . I .1 I . � - I . i I I I I I ., , . � i � ­ I - i - _ - .00, ­ - ­ ­�. _--_-1_-;t_,-.- ­­ - __­ _-- I ; � _.i.1 _­ !­. . ­ . .- - .� . I i I _I � - I - �,_ _Z�_.. _ ­­ ­__ ­ 1­_� . i I .- , - - . . .- I � - . ­ . .. . -6 .. , -1 I .� ,- . . I I - 47-4J--_,--4-- :. �­_ � I . i � � . I ; r , . . � . . I i I � I - i I . . i I I : . 4 , � I . I I : I I I . � - . . I I . I . I I I - . I . i � I . : I - I ! - . L_ __ . _ - - I I ­ - - - -1 - 1� __ __ -,-- - ­_ - -, - - - - - ,---- - _-­ _11L. ­fi­ - � -1 I I I ��� �",' 6.1 - .1 usia , 4A L I �� 11. � 1 ­ __ . lw,�.Wm",%-.�� - - --- _______ gi���� I i I I � i * . i , ; # 0 I � I I ;: . * t . 11 # t-1 is ayo �. * a . # # . # * I 4 # - * I + I # #_ I Gentleme-l"I .. . * � .1 . .4 . I . I . 4 . : - 'I 0. . # # * :h vercoa S 4 *FortheBes . #. . . , . # . . � . # , I . I . I., # I . . ; # 9 # I How'11 you have yours? Top Coat . "O _4 *,Medium Length, Back Strap, Short.1 # ; Ulster, Form Fitting English style, * ; I - ? . whcau # + # ** I Full olv�' ersack Ulster, or . � I # # . . I # # i # # We have it here no matter what- your # , � I # fan-ey . or requirement may be. Best of its . 0 : in your favor .# + class too - And the price all � # + * .1 0 —not high, but high enough to secure a I 4 4 # # ood coat, but lower than you can get the, 0 * 9 I 0 # same coat elsewhere — if you can get it # . . . * . at all, � 4 + __ - . . . 4 * . � 4 # or $2 5 for lixury 4 140 $1-07 $12, $15 up tO $18, ! 4 . 1 4 * 4 * Step in and try on the different styles 1 4 # I ,� -4 * 1% * . 010, "Ile) to 1518. #* Suits 10. V $1 Ica I %. I : - + 1TV %R' - :08, $10 to 14 : neavy aincoats "" t:1111I.;,-,�,��,,��:,!""",.-"--,.,.%...--."-..,� # _,,______�______—__-_---_ 11 ... . ... *_--__-­� ..................... 1111`�11;111'�;_� # .. I ! I : , * 16 I � * A -9 14 eoft 4 AUL + �Vl� . Nt",Llnlng� * I I A . %A I �Oft . 41 ff I%- 4 '02%,OW& # I all In S1 z 1� Luilt i * / � i * I # - � ; 4 * I � � - I MAM ­ . ,00,6,O� # I womrol� * � I * I i i . * ' I - I One word regarding styles. I AI -k A glance through 00 coats, # * will show you that t4e de- * + signers have creatqd for 4 4 i9i6 i7 some of the! most 4 � + exquisite models ever, offer- * * cd. The chancring finger of + t t) I # ' can be ever�,where 4, 1 fashion I 4 I traced in these ex lusive * 1. I I i * �.. I I models. We invite eve yone to � # I � inspect our garments, ave a + . ; I # - I . . I the new -styles. Prices 41 � I � - look over . I + " . are moderate. i * j I I . I � I . I I 11 . � : I � + I � ._� �'.. � $S,6 $12 to $IS and ,up , . , . # . ; — �. * I . . to $22 or $40 for luxury * t I I # . 4 # 117 + _'T I -a,-% ff d # " . ar4:3 * DYroffhest FrixeS for Butter an Z098 - . 4V - ___ * - - - , * � .W--1-4 4 i ,�,, d"A & Thfc C 0 * lothing * 0�.� x r C eig U -9-r . * I * ST'INFORTu * - , Jr_ A . I , - - - - - ","zi&,A"#**,f"*"*0�s . ##+"++++#**,6+*aV#�,_'�_-# _:W ­­ , -1 I- _1 1 i V 4, t I .1 , tko,41. F