The Huron Expositor, 1916-09-22, Page 2Is a household necessity in which every woman takes a interest.. There is nothing finer in the kitchen - than t see the shelves filled with beautiful blue pots and let les, tined with 'nowy.white. . The cleanliness and just pride strikes us first, then the good taste at the bousewi e in picking this three coated enamelware, 'the most durable and dep end‘hle of its kind. We have pinned our faith to goods (74 this class. They may be a. few cents higher le price but they give the sitts- faction. �, Special pt•eservink kettle blue and white........: A full stock of sizes in this first-class goods from 500 up- kitchen tat 0 to $ . S Food Choppes Save time in puck- ling,grind peppers a» well as meat and can be used every day on the , New Lantern s A cheap insurance. Our short globed lanterns, save glasses, give satisfaction and are guaran- teed. Tin lanterns....... . e ...... Wtic Copper lanterns $1.50 Brass lanterns........... 2.00 .'3 a sDnet and tnusli of,fall ,will track he/tree tre ►brit the work of cleaning easier with a 13ISSE'=-'S, Ail ET SWEEPER-. : ' e75 to 3.50 r BAR boasting :. � an, Will be - needed for Thanksgiving fowl and all through the year. .Round granite pans Oval granite pans Black Iron Single black pans pair. save money, 75c. Half soles Heels soc 1.15 to� toe to oz Es ! B PRO T TRAP 1 G THE QERAANs E itir. aperience I 3n a....•nb- ir.g Raid. •Ar .offiner In the ne easalrias g . in Firs, gf vim. lou a 'letter foflo > g istyld e 'ion.' c; a r.1gh bc. b1ng: ,raid :'. It ha ppene' like, was lookit g ,out- froth hat was a little sheltered pet •alor<._1Ade .the et trance ; to what e ball the ing S;1 throughI very fgn: inlet -One snare One ;ii.ad''s int to ►Ci., Wer. stzddeltl ► i sple . ' a i sticktr.g up against- a little !d d dolor ' to it was a Bap t g,s. I stared Willy hard, an •1 the whole thing b rI4. to line.' The eta had rar.•l r Stir. I rew 90cP>L'e l slaw ' �o sh65cFru 3cPete Cobblers' s s The kiddies shoeseed repairing. .441" nail or two will save buying . a new Get one of these .sets and 25C €� I 30C pr. cer ar niop:. are no.experi ment. y deligh, ;ev- lery ,user. ''Cuts the trouble of eep- Ing ands scrubbing.in half andisa • the Ift ukn: ' '1 Try One. Sizes. 75c $1.00 $1 f50 O'i .edar Oil 25c 50c $125 G. A. Sills, Se afo r# ARE PLUMBING . FURNACE W IhelicEilift111 ttivol Fire Itistfratice Co. €fix Sectforth Ont. DIRECTORY Officers: J. B. McLean, See oith. President J. Connolly, ooderieb.yietpreddent Thos. B. Bays, Seaforth* gen-Treas. Directors:, D. F. McUregor, Seaforth . T. G. Grieve, Winthrop ;Wet. Rion, ssafmtb; John Rennewers, Dublin, J. int,, Bee_cnwood A. McEwen, Frencef eld ;J.13 McLean, Seaforth,, 3. Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, dock. iia ents: Ed. Hinchleys Seaforth ; W. Aesnoy,� Rgmondvi11e; J. W. Yeo, Ilelmesve; Alex Leitch, Clinton, S. Jarmuth . Brodhagen Iron Pumps & pump Repairing am prepared to turnis all kinds of Force and Litt Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs Stancheans and Cattle Basins. `' 1 7 be .price is .uigh,t Also all kindsof pump repairingdone on short notice. For terms, etc., ' 'apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St9, East, or at residence,.* North, t Main Street I. h,Seaforth or t P. R. Time Table eiph and Goderich Branch TO TbRONTO iloderich Dv 7.00 a m 2.30 p n3 ti ,..,. �...... " 7,26 "a 2.56 ' Walton ,r....,.,e....r "` 7.60 7.87 ,"8.07 8.19 "1 e Illiverton '* 8.24 't Linwood Jilt " 8.35 9.00 ,4. h.e..f..1.,e., 9,85 " onto. ......... Ar. 11.25 " FROM TORONTO 3.54 4.06 4,30 4. 5.05 ,. 7.10 oorontc Lv. S.20 a. m, 5.10 *, Guelpph .. . A€ 10.15 " 7.00 10.45 : 7.85 - Linwood Jot .. ""11.06 , 7.55 " Miivettan.... .. " 11.25 " 8.16 Woolton " 12.58 8.42 Blyth 12.10 "' 9.07 • %uburu,..,,....... 12.20 9.19 acclerldh12.45 P. m. 9.45 " Connections at Linwood for Listowel, Con nectiona at 'Guelph Jot. with main line for Galt Woodstock, London, Detro} nd Ohicazo an at immediate lines. Grand l rank Raiivrh:y System. Railway Time Table. 0,45 a m For Clinton Goderich Wingham an 111.90 p m For Clint -on and Goderich 6 19 pm /for Wingluun and Moos 7 61 a in For Stratford, Guelph, Toront North Bay and Points west Belleville and Feterlxvo and point 3 21 m For Stratford, Guelph,: Totoz.ftvt ' treat and points east. r..;;„" - LONDON HURON M BRUCE' NORTH rasgenger ggish �*USES LOTS OF TROUBLE. RK . less the liver is workingpr . per1y yot stay look forward to a great any txoles arising, such as constip w tion, severe headaches, bilious hes f a - , sick headaches, jaundice, sick stomach, tc, Mrs. J. Shellswortls, , 227 Albe •= arle St„ Hahfa , N4 ,.avix$:: ' 0,T, taken' pleasure in writing you cancernin:: the great value I have received by usin : your Milburn's Lam Liver Pills fon a si ggish liver. When my liver got bad I cold have severe headaches, but after u +ing a couple of vials of your pills I ha ' not been bothered with the ilieadach any more." Milburn's Lada: Liver Pills are, out a doubt, the best liver regiila the market to -day. Twenty-five y a reputation should surely prove Milburn's I;axa-Liver Pills are 25 per vial, 5 vials for $1.00; for sale dealers, or mailed direct on recei price by The T. Milburn Co., Li Toronto, Ont. Q' 3! 'th- rown rs of is. is t all t of 'ted,. REWARD For information that will lea to the discovery or -whereabouts o4 the person or persons suffering ors Nervous Debility, Diseases op the Mouth and Threat, 131:./cd Pdr s.in, Skin Diseases', Bladder 'l'roubles, Special Ailments, and Chror c of Complicated Compla'iits wh=o; can- not be cured at'Che Ontario edi- cal Institute, 23R-265 Yong -St., Toronto.-reare�pondcnce in ittt(!. I Nearly Lest Little Girl Sita Was Cured By Wog &butt of Wild Stra Centralia 9 36 6 45 rs 10 06 Loudeshoro, f t. • II sort 11 18 5 57 6 09 6 10 6 24 0 40 6 67 7 IS wfhbrun, 11 54 7 40 Winghatc, depart- 6 35 2 22 ., Myth, amewax as 7 04 11 48 7 18 8 66 Othiton, 111.1.044 vow 88 artioeSeld: 11.111%.1.1. 111 As 41. 8 28 ityfter, .6 01 entrails, - Mon. Ca 15 od arm f rt 4 15 4 83 41 4 48 tiq tai !- o -igh :cot Pah C.0, feta list be said, it have out had Otte far; deet t'ta' cue orae artd than that Dysentery'manifestaltself with' degrees of rams*, but in well eases the attack is commonly off appetite, and same diarrhoea, which gradually sty -ft-4 and is accompanied with, in the abdomen. The d ti tuxes alell :War Mery tame oely, tee t- ev� Boe gips ani: doh ell.; .. ` ; lve you away nutih, in grotand as full sof dldt.nents and ttt�nevenn,es,~' a' this is. aaed-'bye. Slade ;give'' a 't e t -g t miry' jerltkin, S istent d Just made ,o'Lt footsteps. Tv ,;nl tads later six eight B all ffiiiig along the l asap, ea.rr •an, ebOvels and jabbering: seen • to- the ,dozen, j When eta Were' fairly under way di ve signal with My left ,e: as a bo nb , in ; :`r.•y rig d tinntly hear 'the safety vu orf their.. ,six bombs, even hear thbreathed i�nu fin 11 , at x{ y_ }' shoulder: -a ps; de as rrA est. .l'.,indredo.ari5 on tr *; 1 fully stilly 'yards from, ao+iht' was. and ththee per- t it will he flit trench, whfeh .at this ter 250 yards from Ours. It `opposite our Stirking Sap. more 'titan 110; yards from o4 ,', It. I walked use 'to beadquartars - and !informed who w,s delighted. "`It's.. ciar, they Gout! have e right, and` it's -certain they Irg on with it tonight," 1 was awfully deeer;t bout agreed to lr,at , r . go-, rinse I the;' Quoit .tof spot ( it. Going .to a , 1oar myself. 'the C.O. a bl,g : hell -hole', shallow , .about . fifteen or twenty fee Ade of the new Boc)ie sap-] zbsol tely . ideal spot far cov stake: C+ax orae' Slade withi ca a he 1,s.< Much' a fi+r.;e b x b- ,er, beildes beteg' cool her. 1 also 'agreed to othe. 's. n fro! try own piitrialke taon e of �•`nan from each the ,,, r plat -Sons. The C.O.'s Idea was we •'4 reach the shell hole e the sew oche sap a�s .crown ibik after da, k, aired beta• the .esumcd wok there. . 5 it sett, *we were ail' lying in :the for three-qu:a'rters of at ie a the The -the ghts the new till. flees at, cn't :adie but to ead. 1. 1 h i ore , isirgle ,l3oehe an T here was a ,tire gain all :arid it was' pilt4h dark. til S No' didn't like was 1 the flares and parachute 13 le 'ed tot ko up from line right alongeide this However; we lay." rfectly, flat,1 hands covered and. , and, is�s long as :you dD - flareis in the a lw ld : cam nine Vet cool eon cool loos ernoiall 011 In lit - ward. In or Iches yin g away the gir,.g and. t, i ?jn19 arid" :-r•ur nae- , 'a lly,.tWQ, a. .httndtred' an' t74rel.' orfs timing the fuse -cif his iaterrb ly.;:' al theta, 'And then they t , c t. Our six bonigs landed ono e1 e . ge; .and :the' other five lame phtvad'before as, right) the the six or eight BochesI dig - re. ' o cortds after they left ' oar s t ey diid'; "thein 1gb. And Iwhen ren "g "ro'w wan Over. we l earl on a Vd he tuoa.ning, so I now at learn! six •or :seven ,warden e DO tnote naglientren. Now' they w `s . that directly our job was w ,should bolt back for the of Stinking Sap, But while! we'd 1yi these, It lead occurred to that the Bodies, knowing x,11 k- w w t distance bo;r bs could! . be ne anal' thinking that we I �-nust i pini the 'open near the . sap : uid be able to sweep I tha ,gra nd I -with machine ,gen fire be for nee could get to Stinking Sap a" ' irha$i having dome that, t*ey would is, ly end; a whole lot Imam .-nen do n it new sap, to tackle what w:: le; t elf usthat way. So Pd, cn,. 44 a .e 'le of wry fellows carry our bo. be 1 trr.a' pooke.ts ; twenty-fousr in all. An we only used (six. Theeforck we aga n lay ab$olutely still win ie. Fritz r ine+d' parachute lights, stars, f - -es, and every -kind of firework in t e y, and. ;just as I hatle$iiected; aw, pt s cap -head with a thenesan" ro nds sof Machine gun ,bullet ::, no ;a¢• : of Which Igo (Much ,as grand ,s, w e We lay in the mud of ths.t,shel And ,then- death cstlefnoeF. ✓ be nb,s real y, 'lads," -I td ct gr. owls, A ' few Seconds - late , w heaj;,d. 'the Bad;h,es, ;streaming alon itxroiw; new sap. They took 1 grafted that; we, had cleaned bac ourline, ,,and they !:evade Atli at t $q ,gaise their coxing: W ited.{antti the near: end of the sa f ti 1, " slid then we gave i es ou nd. gin. - T nen tie 0111 alta stra d Vista «e bee me bou 3 y0 fel vee fto w. w lay by eie f the bowels succeed each other vnth en and the matter4libssed which at first le N.,:r theme of orcrmary diarrhoea, soon. change 1 tt their ch)fracter, becoming scan „_ , 1 ar- , and subsequently wilia, ri in Never neglect 'what at first appsoxs to I - ba a slight attack of diarrhoea' or' dysen- , a tem may set in. Cure th' e first syMptokns , I-°' SI SI, -Mrs. John Petersou, 4 writes: "I cannot speak too hi hly for rkr. Fowler's Bertract of Wild St= berry.. , / nearly lest my little girl, three . 'tan. I took her to the doctoro an e told inse her tenpere.ture was 104, and braid ine taking her out to mei home, six miles hem town., but I was faireed to op to amount of leaving my man baby r halm Vice rmaeaged to get hed home, butt the fever did not go any lower, wail we thought we would lose her sure, sis she W113 SO bad with dyseny she 15.1111. patillell- -- blood. A neighbor came , it and lateaght Dr. Powler's Eeleact of Wild Strawberry, and told me to give ant day the took a change for the better, but it was quite a time before ehe was an bar feet -again. I do herteve if. it bud not boem for 'Dr. Powler's,' nV little esse would have 44.10A " renahse "Dr. Fowler's" is menu- toontrest `only by tbe T. Milburn Co., leGe thouideto :the left landin reg evia !as fa quit apee" to t ja, th .4: neva eeconds af ed we. heard. a .fres 'their way :down th -.made tracks lik#.1 ,gre Iperfe#tly, and Slade I the, &par over the parapet .'nnoche cestehine gun's:. And d -skin Coat for ere, ak I, ice that ' Altogether ndid job. And :tha best of et ille0 .110 t3gister.kl. on that just laboat gong te blear It aceose oWn fire trench hand on the pugnao the other thr e gave and bolted fa ktStinkh Slad lot sa ha v le PPe Stin -A Serious aecident occurred juat of ItetizaY, near Brandon, Kan , SitUrday, when Henry KnaPP, ell -known ;fanner of the Alexandee t, !tad- a narrow escape freak al214 leap was 'driving home in UM have a spi w zest whi theme a f } orite pr frait,ands veralex reties are plentiful Preserve all you h malice serving ellentva- his year. an with for the s : e of eco �olriea andwhole-one dee: ertsnext winter. .° =_ rticsugar omesin 2 and 5 -lb Ca: o1nsrl 10 an t_ 20 -Ib ags Purecani. FIVEgr mutation "The he Al Purpose Sugar" PRESE = 1 -0 LABELS FREE 54 sad priacc,l is bels for a rod rade.m ric. Sand to Atlantic S=gar Refineries Ltd.' Po $ $ ,'ase. '1`iido3,trooa 68 eery. His h away 11i ids, t trait! tt.rpw. ig akir.g ,hire 1 ting h1» y. es were crossing the when ar eastbound t the rear of the wag- napp ,some, distance. g in two places, and. y about the head anti mmary D Von Fal Coo HE a; Mars] 9.5-e eral missal of %€+ he most Inc the Kaiser ei ce the outb es at the n t the Teutc si ce the grea lis s of their;= added to by d Roumani tic's in h n fra 'tf the two year 11 +, denburg us at the, ale Berlin n Falkenha significant. ong move many mo cing von MOONS missal of enhayi!>< Means - Party's Overthrow pointmext of Field al' von 1 Hindenburg f of the tail, and :neral von G-erman gen- he summary Falkenhayn. un,entous change made s • mints, commands rink of t e war. It coat erit'cal moment nic empi: conflict Oes Jia e interne While allied c es have seen vegan, $s the ds . just been ltio. of Italy avven military jrntriea have tencedee throughout of the ar !that von as the a; lest military hilee n has n dismissed There , has been a era afoot in 1 Germany GENERAL VON FAKENHAYN L the _gene nences hav ward that Last mon laced in s tie to Ga Austria General Ft f the gene t early uth von as generall staff, and powerful In - been bought to bear h the Field Marshal was preme edmmand of tile rian arna).es from the cis., thus superseding high conimand. lkenhayn has been chief 1 staff nee the retire - y attribn ed to the out - of the Marne b ttle. Early in the war the Germans round eci ,<y disgrace mach s F.0 feat of th Ma't'na. Von Falkenhayn, the grey t of German military or- ganizers, uccseded. Be held the highest pl ce en the. staff for nearly two years No-one knows whether the Verdun disaster came of his policy, or whether the Austrian .con- centration against Italy --a woeful blunder Was'; of German or Austrian ordering. Plater the Roumanian de- claration of war forced a Oat dis- agreement between him and the Kaiser ; s to Bow the new menace should *b Met, or convinced the Kaiser .11 popular apprehension could mile- be ,soothed by the placing of the poputne idol (Hindenburg) in the post. The enthusiasm iii Berlin over H ndehburg's appointment seems to i Meats that for psychologi- cal effect In Germany -the change was well-advised. It remains to be seen whether Hindenburg, a field general, is a strategist who can get the beet team work out of the many armie$ of the Cer tral Powers. A Horse Reformatory. A friend: in England sends this •tory: "One result of the war is the establishment of a reformatory for wicked ('t) army horse. "One vt theee horses was called Crippen, but the Camden Town own- er of that nine 'vas a saint by com- parison with hien, according to the soldiers who tried to tame him. "Crips. had killed one soldier who had tried tg,aaddle him, and was sentenced to be shot. "That aentenee was commuted to one of detention in a horse reforma- tory. eforma-tory. In . this reformatory; near Shrewsbury, the horse criminals, under the :care of Lieutenant rr im- inton, beotne in time so docile that they willeat sugar out of a lady's hand. "Orion met his equals at the re- formatory. Vicious, sullen horses, horses that looked like 'villains and acted as such, roamed about the pad- dock when Lieutenant R.i2nington caked, like a Daniel; into the lions' den and the animals at once became quiet. "The officer cried neither! arstick r whip, ` but underands !hors, and apparently they understand him. They owe : their lives to him, and seem to be aware of the fact. "Anyhow he is soon. on Crippen's back, and Orfppen is buekjumping in ftne western style. Neither stick, whip, nor ,spur is used to tame him, but tamed he is, In very short time, like the rest of the savage Simons who have been condemned for eii - dd;rous practices. "`The Shrewsbury horse reforma- tory, through which hundreds of vi- cious horses have passed, has proved such a. s'cress that the whole pro- cess of .ta ing the animals has been filmed, u er the title of 'Reform- ing Army : Outlaws,' and will 'shortly be seen in Wardour Street, where the picture is sure to win. the approval of all lovers of horses," While the vast majority of vicious horses are undoubtedly made so by those whd have handled them, a horse is (sec- sk:maily born with a stubborn, !perverse and ugly disposi- tion. Even: in such a ease we do not question heredity plays a large part, and the b .d `dish 'Lion may be due t 1 byan to a sire r dam wiledowner Or 3 or trainer. F. 11,- it., in Our Dumb Ankmalsa 1 Twelve Pipes a Day. Henri Harpignies, the famous landscape paireter died in Paris the other day at the age of 91. He prid- ed. himself on the sumptuous table he kept and on the fact that he could drirth three liquors and smoke twelve pipes a day up until the last week of his life, Henri Harpignies was born at Va- lenciennes on JulY 28, 1819. He was a pupil of Archard and did lands- capes of note both broils and water oolors. His water colors had thin strength and breath of the English sehool and were widely exhibited. Manitoba and North:west Notes -F Ire of are nknown ellen San- danodeetroyed • buildings and plant of- the' Pacific S eel, Products corn- pary en .the nort arm of the Fraser river, about ore: 'mile fitre Eburnee B.C. The oompar. only had been in is estimated at 150,000. b -Martia H. Fraser, a brakeman on the G.T.p., 'was the. victim of a fatal aceldet Om on Saturday when late that evezing near the town of Dalt- mody he fell across the rails while ur.coupling cans and was instantly killed, The body -whdr.„ found, was very badly Mutilated, the heal being completely isevered from the body, The deee Ai, who Is wren- kraewn la Begin and came from Nova ache , farmer, of Wilcox, R. Hirst, of Nova dal', is lying in a nos- ty with both leg,s Regina, oae Sat broker, and other injurie,s f a minor character. The smash occurred wher. the automobile bit a freight train sorne-fifty yards. Hiret was killed ire etsotly, and Butcher . was rushed to the hospital, i-lire. .H. „Fr.averer was blown to pieces ar.d her I husband badly injur- ' ed their reisideree at Cobble Hill, Van- , ver Ishatd, t seven o'clock Sature oudly boasted that viotory• would pp eveOng. G avenue had atored t all -wise G-en.4ra,1 Staff. Foie • beadteg caught fire, and before th.r... years he Germ IL military ma- couple oesized the darger-the powder land it was not from th ers, trained was eoun asset. The nae the vas one direeti The genera Russia, sue looked. u ata's little had a staff Wee "eonte seaddent tow ba tie Tlise of Pone aithisst ask ealkatiati • had asaa 141 tbat Irbe *oath= of the n in co uilt fro bottom gnineen cers and in a life d Germ skill of t , terrible n and t staffs o as the with c hundred - n a min and pro belie ed that its me/la clams fp, this .country for years. It rse of building, blew en. Thje rose of the exnlosion the top down, was heard for miles aroued the }courier - p. The posses- try. Mrs. Gr,aver.or was • an English array of gen- WOMAT., forty year's of age, and had fioefld socoiretdraerican&g, _ lived 4 Cobble Hill ten, Yeats. sfilnilgitallst-E; with local aPP re, 1 CATARRH CANNOT alil CURED licatioree as they can.. ese men was to en in another. rot \reach the seat of the disease, Ca.. ?ranee and teerh ie a. local dtsease, greatly ie.. . were' lre- lalnd in order tO cure it you must take mak. rt "0 1 the blood or.; the mucoua f391-fra0 Of Cure•is ballet, internally and acts thru dGermanYof its Etzhe7 the syStene Haire Catarrh' Cure was 11111. A PTENtil -‘R ow Good Health Through Use of Lydia E.f Pinkhards Vegetable Cprripound. Say it is Household All women might to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seeMhopelessly ill. Here are three acttial cases: Harrisburg, - enn. " When I was single std. ered a great deal from female wealmess because y work compelled me to stand all day. I took ydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound for that and was made stronger by itS use. After I was arrie..d I took the Cf' =pound again for a female trouble and after three months I passed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came Away as one generally goes under the knife to have them renaoved. I never want to without your Cona_po_und in the house -Mrs. 1 KNOBL) 1642 Fulton St., Harrisburg, Num Hardly:Able to Move. Albe Mirm -" For about a year I had sharp pairs across my back and hips and was lardly able to move around the ho My head would f....che and I was dizzy and had no appetite. taking Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, I am feelhi& stronger thRn for years, I have a little boy eight months old and arn dding my work all alone. I would not be without your remedies in the house as there are none like them."- Mrs, E. YOST, 611 Water St., Albert Ika, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her up. Pittsburg Penn.-" Tow* medicin.e has helped me wonde y. -When I was a girl 18 years old. I Wail always ckly and delicate and suffered from iaTegular ties.; Three doctors gave rne nic and said I would. o 'into consumption, I took Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Comiwimd and with the third bottle be and. I go able to • All woine are Invited to write to the Lydia E. Pink am Itle:di- an o feel better. 41. soon became regu str ng and shortly after I was na.arrie ve tWo nice stout healthy children and a rk hard every dap?' - Mrs. CLEMENTINA. Easily rocked are the three -bar grates whiz smash up clinkers easily and last longer because each &rate is three4 sided. TTUR arin quantity e of Izabella Dt.;:m. s Hull. book place t 'Wortley, eoneezt, ased was 43 years n In failing hes fe. 'learn Cook he -acre farm t -ion of ub Ytinogf naft3hre,liblIrd- tywn4 Y'--'evTIlt7gam7a:t 474.-.Pv!aeliviZed ebe 'sees /Cross tea held In, the Ubtary on T:re.,:haoiry novientihnge wrraes Bruceileld resented Miss Llahe bode and grown have the bee a, our "villagers. -Miss Mary entertained a number of -fri boner of- the bride-to-be, re5toMA9-3''1.7noredaennd Ailankte :weer. WM. Swan who has been p. egaringinetlaN..:4thholiadaydritrhoineee To eetest time and will I', suze his 6. - McGregor is visiting relatives 1 Daunt -A. -Mrs. Sam Taylor is Bev. W. ;Bell, is visiting her Dashwoed and Mhe. W. England. wedding of the for tock last week. i - gone to Berlin, pted bie andambr::: aatreGe:enn:ing honey:noon with the f0 ere. -Bev. F. Meyer and nto his new esesidence,--Mr la e on Vonday. They Nun gee atter ,..-mgirly .aanrcte Igt%cur; n Yale, Orieh.-Mr.• aloe have :reeved vace.ted by Mr. and Oire, Ho:drew-hire and daughter, lend Mrs, 'R. .hdaess attended funeral of a relativee at One day last week. -E. &haat. *honer and L, Goetz. are beg Coileslate at Soenfortir. at the Dlethodit•t sr the cees.siop oi• tit* B011'elsci6tiseaMriLBgsisn2'it'istiair* lik)ott ,014illthNevb-v7,11aTe.e olfb3C;itediot;) tiit:olotiturseitet.uag:-Ifiociiig:lattleradhea,agryse:cs,ai:tdeery;apotepfiero:aBrisufanivis; blue taffeta 'silk -with pale thine blouae and hat of blae tr,Gor.n, Mr. Molise Snell, tt tAtr. and Mrs. Snell, and Is a young man of splen filtlea and. abilities, He purer lite honorable - calling of no young eouple are tenth esteesn land bad the . es ast (the entire coogmunity. The man who designed. the Pan a .evir know that and that is why it carries my guaratttge as the makers'. -gbr Sale by Henry Edge ecm141 rt be rafting' composed of eome of the best todcl .. alration ofR- the Ingredients In Hall‘s eng* '116 L-111.31"1" Qatar rh Cure s .wnst prcelueee suet' far slerPer-kaunaa. F.3. MENEM f‘ Co., Tolulo, 0. • Paint Loci's* Alilte When IVs New You can't tell much about -the quality of paint by ioeithig at it when it is Ifreshly- applied. Colors are easy to pro- duce, and the glisten of fresh gives even poor paint a temporary beauty. nll But look at it a Few Years Later! The cheap paint, that started out so bravely, has faded, aucked„ and peeled, It is unsightly, and -more ixa- portant still -has exposed the wtood below to the destructive effect of sun, rain, wind and snow. The other, 14 ENGLISH PAINT is still a good-looldng, weather -fight coating, that will give years more of reliable service. There is no mystery about the reason, R lies in the fact that B-13 "English" 1,) aint is perfectly proportioned to meet Canadian weather conditions. -it contains 70% of B 's B.B. Genuine White Lead, and 30% of Pure 'to Zinc, grOund to suck marvellous fineness that it penntrates deep into the fibre of the weed. T, G. Scott Seaforth Ont amminionalinalimmuienss LIME 'EC 0 HENDERSON RANDRAM TWEAL -itALIFAX * 351'...101-1N --rooms-To- wits re War, • Ethel occurred at year, watt bran a:me to Canada e a child. Atter to Huron. • of GreY amont. of they lived continuouAy o *tr.-4'A until the: death of yearo, ago. The dr -yeas t-rn Ethel two oral a- ha at the ittrne her death, Slhe ftothehee„ ably at the latten•pa -hleatweeo- but loving hands son, Nomeary, on tb.e Pad Urn. (Vampire Turnbei, us-vive. Three Donald ere -decease