HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-09-08, Page 5on o Shoes, rt street his attractive Fleets an :eels at ban heals cps, cloth ath top* ed every i E'L Fine bit • * , ♦ , ♦' ♦ •*,♦ • 3 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ 4 ♦, 4 ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ 3 4 ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ • • (loan tion oats ave red are a t i in t S an .ake the lore er4 you and I alai EPTEMBER 84 1916 Mirka Quaack nbc hi, --sib. Way at bla Male olt Tuesday. , 1r4aeSsi 58r d year. bee 41 a ftew Veelzkla ago _ trout a d although eve thirs peedble was donee ►dor hili d In deikth aa stated.. Sle talo over the farm( only about ?es ago and his early de ya.ee ,r of deep regret, His 'widow twc ope laya former enctl- fir. liabh sympaathy 1;, the bereaved a'ela4tivee..'1e waa held on Thier y, In. iloat 'tom :place In. the Bronson uee ee `tery. :Sevil+s. D. Johnston, id F. . Meyer conducted the .!'er- - • i . ,-M1s 11a Baw4er, of Clinton, we men a position On the millinery Wf -of Mir T. L ar:ie.--Mr. Wim. aowne eota of 3,acob Brown, Gown • K le , jai here. Ire has i the sweet for :a, slumber of yearee- saw B Appel le visitir.g in Mo bre ,- attles Flo h3.rtieib is visiting 'wl,th tier elder 'lit Pc* onto) -Mr. Norman Treenezter ,ott Worento, Veva here this, !seek vklentirhis p , e -iris. B. t pad son of Detrob€, vi=sited st tito hcLne of Mr. and Mere, W' L. -Selbert.-Mr. Louts Weber ;hal itak•ria. the cotta a;Yt 'for the mason work of eta yew dwelltreg being erecter. by Mr. g Jetzeton Mins sale T =leer, of Detroit, is via:. her ,cher here. --Mr' Jbbn bowie's: rev residence le nearly c - t. Ids Skinner, a well known andel eeepeeted resident of .Mitchell cuAlaray at Kiel Park, ole aafterroon. last. He was get - • hie in ,gape for the fair an:ce, aaal was seized with a weak ll„ Wang tr..g the mat of 1i13( lky ,ar.e/ d in a few minutes:. Soldier Turned i rey. A phenomenon that has always aroused curiosity is the sudden turn- 1ng gray of the hair under the in8u• ence of great emotion. Several his, torical instances are opento doubt, such as the ease of Marie Antoinette, who is said to have become gray i11 the night before her execution, but there are several welt authenticated eases vouched for by medical observe era. One of these refers to a young soldier in the present war. He was in a trench in the Argonne district which was blown up by a mitre. Re was projected into the air and then fell beneath a pile of debris. When he was extricated he was found to be deaf, and a few days later in an Englrllch hospital he notic- ed toe- hie great surprise that there were tufts of white hair on the left side of his head. The loss of color was complete front the roots to the ends of the hairs and the longest hairs were just as white as the short- . pat, There was not a brown hair amidst. them... The gray hairs were solidly implanted and could be pull- ed out only by considerable force. Subsequently investigation brought out the fact that the patients' left side of the head and face was most injured by the explosion and the fall of earth.' He also suffered from an Inceseant t,wvltehing of the .-left eyelid. As his hair was whitened .solely on the left side the physicians came . to the conclusion that the injuries Sus- tained ustained were directly responsible, but definite conclu- tlley arrived at nofile to skin. In fact, science has yet to find a cause for the sudden turning gray of the hair. FALL PAIRS yti d............� ..Oct. 10 and. 11 Myth . ......... 3 er.d 4 --••tiweelikneOct. 6 `as d 6 -' D,,ganh>orl Oct. 6 and 6 Exeter ... . Sept. 18 -e .+d _ 19 erich_ .. Sept. 27 to 29 I< don Western Fair ... Sept. 8-16 Seth . ..... Sept. 21 and 22 Zurielt Sept.. 20 and 21 Mitchell ,.,... �Y �S$.ept. 23y ICIrkton . ...... ....•.........1 .Sept. 28, 29 Wing am ....... ..... Sept. 28, 29 ii Deaths Rif e' --A Ho .V kl, <� , t 28, Grackse Render, *Wed . salcxoe --ht Clinton, on .itteguakt 2 the, Zebu ►Maori, aged 79 yeazr • 10. Wroxeter, n Ang)t 21, waxy , > Matt - Ott 4 at4erltw, aged 62 ,y40,0, -o lel ,1 Ar..gus-In Geldaricb on Juges 2 th, - x Mlaegapret ,Alregtes, aged 91 ye are '7 new i •. Gallagher -At Carlow, ;04 A.uguet filth. Harry Gallagher, aged', 34 years. Q+ell-Itara Goderich township, on ug. 22x d, ' 5wrence Stirling Bell, a: ed 23 . yeia re ' k • Brolwrlee-In Goderich on. August 22, Ella May Srownilee, aged 12 ye re. { SBAPOR1H MARKETS r'HVTRS)AY, Sept. 7th 19) 6 Fail Wheat Wan.) new 1.2 to to 12252 flats, per bush. .. , ... Barley, per bush....... 60 =:o 60 Beans, per bush........ 2 50 to 2 60 Bran, per ton 29 MI to 26 00. Shorts, per ton 28 00 to 29 00 Flour,per cwt., . . 8 75 to 4 55 Butter, No. I loose, lb. 25 to 28 Eggs, per dozen ... 27 to 30 Ray', new, per ton8 00 to 9 00 llegl..mo•s1a*Si& ••41100 P-6 11 16 SALE REGISTER On Tuesday, Sept. 26th, on lot 28, con. 13, /lib beet, farm stook, Implements and hay. Thos. Wren and Son, Prop., T. Cameron, Auct. On Tuesday, Sept. 10th, on Saturday, Con. 4.H1b- bert•, Farm Stook.Implements and Householdrurn- iture. 3. J. Roach, pror.; T, Brown, Auut, On Monday, Sept. 25th, on lot 2, con. 1, MoIKill- near Dublin, Farm Stock, Implements and H' toehold Furniture. Thomas Matthews, prop., T. Brown, Auct. W. T. BOX & CO4 EMBALMERS AND . . ifiliNERAL DIRE J sORS- II.. C. BOA • Holder of Gceernmelei; Diploma, and Lieehric CHARGES MODERATE Floweritarmar_�u on start notice Night owe u y Calls Phone lir . Phone 50 • • • S. T. Hof 4 ♦ 446 Funeral Directs) and Licensed Bulb er Uf lertakngpalr1orssin Oddie lows buildisl ' op ite tewart Bros. 1Resie ,4,dence (*oderieh s9 ., cep • Flowers shed on ' short noti; • Phone Night or bay 119. dko Card ojT To the. `Couicieil and gas Bays a Tackle ,r.er.nitila 1$ Fair F elet :,c7al ,-Wilile -tering tnY i arvc t furlough at the harm my utele caged a.ln°t, qtr. and Mr Caldwell, I ;mss cotnx unncatedi wi your ° worthy Reeve tared was to wouldreceive les a tokgr,; Of 'rte tion from . the town i p a! w watch,wlhh I rblw have in Pc :- land of. 'w 'i I ere proud Indeed. Believe me, I; fee le altogether beyor d my - abUty than., kyou hi wordee for your great - khidness to. urian, - so ; pi accept my many fhaxlke. !Oar !eat purely filleditne with r greater eporesibility to faithfully do me hi 'Ki:g rand Country and to Help this honor and freedon ewe TOW! ee So saying, I bid you all f well. Hoping God. will give me he etreeigth and courage to de ; ey aar g2it. - Yours in tailolnPeritYi, PTE. JAMES C.. BLL S n of by. I ist-. :nth ery .it to cry sae has nor ave re- lth, City No. 72742Or C Company, 11004 B: ht., Camp Borden, Ont. , AUCTION SAI ES. AUCTION SAFE OF FARM SfTOC IM MENTS AND HOUSEHOLD ° FUIfti'I Thos, Brown has been -instructed to sell by auction on lot2, concession 1. McKillop,,near I•in, on Monday, September 25th; 1916! at 10 p.m, the following :-morass--1 team heavy d 6 year oia,1 team Hackney colts,' rising 3 y Cattle: 3 newly calved cows, 1 heifer due in 1 cow:due in Dee., heifer, due in Dec., 2 cows Feb.;' cow dulcin March, 2 fat cows. 9 spring e 6xheep,'2 eters old, 19 pigs. Implements -1 out, John Deer wagon, nearly nets, truck w new peter Hamilton cultivator, Massey Haul drill. 13Ice;; new Coukshutt buggy, box set heavy sleighs, hay rack and gravel twx, rack, fanning mill, set heavy hareem, set sigh ness, a gaantity of stove wood, 2 water tro 1 magnet cream separator. nearly new, 1 mo clover hay -7 acres of corn in field, ;mow of Mee and millet ; 2 -furrowed riding piounh, 1 plough, set harrows, diamond to h, cutting puler, grind stones. forks, *shovels', spades, chains. Household Effects -Bell o an Pa dors range. base burner, wardrobe, glass eta oard, gide- board, extension table, rocking chairs and • ther household effects too numerous to ruenti..n. 1 Daisy churn. No reserve as prop. is leavin y the -farm. Terms of sale -All sums$5 and,. ender, cash ; over that amount 9 mon. credit wi be given on furnishing -approved jot t notes. A dis-, count of 6 per cont per annum a wed off for cash on credit amounts. Thos. Matthews, 'pro •., T. Brown, And. LE- - unite Deb - look tight are, et., nein. Ives. aee- ey Harris mower, 5 ft. can 1 Deering: binder, 6''ft. on, seed tter, reweof reel mels box,• axes. Birth ►4alILwe-Ir. Colborne, on Aug. 29th, .to Mr. ,ar_d Mrs1W'ai.. 'T. gallows, a daughter. Cllborre In Goderiele on Aug.. 25th, to Mr. aanad Mrs. Alex. `Caliior`he, awn. Huebard--In WIngha,m General Hos- lxltal, or. August 29th to Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Huobasd, a son. UOTION SALE OF FA%MI STOCK, I PLE- MEHTS AND IiOUSEI OL» ftn IT RE= Mr. Thomas Brown has receiv d inetrueti • ns to ublie auction on lot 20, oncession 4 ' Bib, •.m. Ings lying lying keit- of in r old Ives; o lit - ens. der ; Shutt box tter, gales, 'bey(, o y, Sept. 19th, at ne o'clock the followin .FfbrSes-1 pair o matched gel 3 year old; 3 fillies 2 years of ,; 1 grey d mare 7 years old ; 1 aged worker 1 good d mare; general purpose mare. ca ,tle-6 cows era calving in October and Nove ber; 1 cow calf ; 2 cows coming in February ; 10 2 y heifers and steers. 6 yearlings, 6 spring Sheep, Pigs and Hens -6 young ewes; 1 sow ter Sept.; 8 pigs 150 lbs; 10 stare pigs. -8O. Implements, etc. -Seven foot 3 Cormack bi Deering mower ; steel rake; fan 2 furrow riding plow new, 2 wale, Harris cultivator and seeder con hand cutting box. set of harrow and coring seat, farm truck, -dial, buggy, set of sleighs, set of 2000 lbs, weigh Yenning mill and new Massey Harris cream s e trees, neck farness -set m harness, s, collars,' -b s. robe, 2 dining oh roller, Coo ing pplows, blued, seed waggdn. wi harrows, o tor, shovels, forke, cheins.whipp and a lot of other articles. , mounted new harness, set of tet plough harness, get single harnea and sweat collars, horse blanket spreads. Household Furniture - rocking chairs, 2 extension tabus, 1 centre t bedroom suits, 2 lounges, 6 kitchen chairs, board, cook stove, 2 heating stoves, 2 parlor quantity of linoleum, a quantity of dishes, w machine, sealers, crooks, etc. o reserve farm has been sold. Terms -A 1 sump of $. under, cash; over that amount, will be given on furnishing appr discount of n gents on the doll cash on credit amounts. Thos. Roach, Proprietor. 3 months' vedoint no r allotted o 3rown,.Aunt. 2 para- •okes erase et of idles, sgy 4 •1e,3 side- : Mug • the 0 and • redit es. A .for S. J. 3-2, STT NOTICES • e ORKS.HIRE SOW FOR SAL I shire sow, 2 years o14. l first 12 and second 14., Pnone R. it. No. 3, Seaforth. THOMA -For tale a york as had, two I Iters. 1 on 150 or = , dress I COLEMAN. 25 2.4 %KEN WANTED -Lowest wages 22e per hour. 11'1 Good prospects for advancement and higher wages for steady men. Apply The Imperial Oil Company, Limited, Sarnia, Ont. . 25 3.2 t a a a til &RM FOR Sat, the .4th Once cure 60 acre farm a premises there i d woodshed. (;E ultrsy building. mead, Two goo gty apply ratite seveR.R°No. no AR)/ FOfi. SAL Tucheremith, are on the premises bank barns 40x60 a ed and drained and S tuateia..on the Hu n and Seaforth a Idon reasonable t a house. Thor fu lexander Jamieso For ode e oil of Tim This isac a goad fret cd hank 9a e term le a ells, For pulses or a Kippers, (halt I ersruit aloe pr: e hone n, dri r: (fenced archer dress, et. , be *pert • k hon and art ',tri+ 5 -For sale lo 28, ee ntaini:ng a out 98. a good frame 'hOuee d 20x60. The tam ht a - good state of n. Road half way be its all seed - to g m4. Rura mail a her panto lays ap Be R. 4, Oil + ton. ons res. two s -wet ulti wee ly t 25 it on ng a • On When e' and oder Mara is;,Mc- 12k4 • on 1, There large I lene- attton. Olin' la be phone etre. 7x8 OOD FARM F. ^ >3ALi--b'o part of Lot . , Conc ssion Ming 130 acres, here are o modern brick hon : with har There is also a good barn .60x126, dation and stabling nderneath, o • stone foundatio • , pig pen •ar i good repair. Tn te is ale a o • and and two neveirfailing wells u • derdrained and wwell fenced an c ltivation with 10 res • of hart ell situated on th orthgravel o Walton C. P. R. 'tion, also t ail delivery. Thiis a.choice it • Id on reasonable a+ply onthepremt es or address altar. ALU BLE FAR !FOR SALIT ore for the est e of the late o . er for sale, Lot o. fourteen • noesslen of the t, ivnship of Ni stets of 100 aer .sof cleared a d improved ode in a clean a • good state o cultivation I'd farming d striet, gone: nd ehurdhe_ . On the pr Portable fra e dwell as attached. Splendid tiling underneath, cis leo a good pig pen .hen It tiled be gi 1 work.. LD Melt tors,'-' a 9 Sale 14, Me the and s with 8 one riving : hed d hen hous good be rin- 1 The farm i lin ahigh e wood blush. road 1 jnlie elephon ,, and rural arm and w 11 be further Parti dare SON imin istrat 0 rdon six Tel farm term rid is nient raises apse, ram . barn tent floors and water ►use ',The ins . The r' the urthor OeR, or t 2., and ilio , con. rem -et* a ft star. foul- Ox40 ,all• or. well to of Itis .uth VW, J. DIC -The a Sugh 5 4) in lb Killop. s busted in a splen to markets, schools are erected a co 16x24, with kitoher 52x70 with stone s -ea water in barn, -i barn also a good Ig pen an f rm-is well fenced ad extra ws t tle is perfect and- • ossesslon wi urpose of doing al necessteryfal rtioulars apply, • ARCRIB6 OBERE 011330i, , Administ HAAS:Seaforth. r, Orr `l,ri,lair 11 I tinntARM FOR S Concession 1, more or lees. Th 'ft- Me house with aOsten]. good ban nd cement floors, in house: and barn ent tank;. The far and drained and t, oush`and small or ne halt miles fro •+ forth and from 1m i+•lephone in house rde of railroad t erms Reasonabi tor wishes to retl fly on the premia RICH, Clinton 0 n ror RE t f r esessessawams- -p AWN FOR SALE -For sale a good barn 36e56 in 11 Tuokers'nith in first-class condition also - frame houseand. kitchen. Apply ly to Boley. o Alex Kennedy,R. R. No. 4, Seafortill P.O. or phone'3 on 131. 2592 -If AM FOR SALE -A small farm of eight ao es of V e good Iand all cleared, part of lot 30 on co cess- ion e; Me tillop, at Roxborough A seven roomed dwelling house in good repairr and a barn, buggy house and poultry holism are hittiated thereon. Ap- plyi tO JOHN MQM1LLAN, R.R.' lo. 1, Seaforth. 1e 2 24-tf M.itirrlagetk hurt Holloway In Clinton on August Seth. ix3' Rev. .3 A. Robielson, Rett Alberta, daughter r Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway, to l,asc Rafe Ratter.hu<ry. Store -M.cllavish--In Wingharm - on "Wedepeeley, Allgtligt 30, at the manse, by Rev. D Perrie, Mr. Richard Steep,. to Mics Maargaret Catherine MLcTav- iah, both of Titlegiaiam.. VAR3t FOR SALE. -Lot 6, n ession 9, Meeker - smith, containing 100 acre bout !seven acres ander bush. The farm is well ell ed and drained and in a good state of ouitivatio . There are on the premises a good frame house; Bonk barn, pig house, hen house, drive house and two good walla. For terms and particulars apply on the:ppremises or ad- deess Bis. JOHN MoOLOY, Egmondville P.O 2358 -ft Far I First doe eriith , h ROUDFOOT- +atorth E -For sale • • nth ha ' Lo aokeremith contain ng 9 e are on he pre Lyes iitchen and woodshed, arrs 40x64 th .etc e e rive:shed a • hen h'uae ppiied by i Ind mil an is in first el: es gond lion ere are 10 , ores of fire aid. The farm is th Clinton, file miles fro e front church and echo -The farm is all on t. �Z and is in: first c ass !reasons for 4, for furthe or addrei tario. i4 for iI M-32 Ores od ement Wing Water cem- fenced class ae and • Sea- , 'rural e west shape. + roprie apply Ob1AS 9x16 ,• 40 Acre Farm in, �M" �."r11 � M asp. A KHALo1Al■/��.}��& C Goderic + . Ont. ii a tfek- ly to OICE, 11.tf Building ots nd or Sal 11 rThe property is situated on tte west a de 4tsin Sc,, Seaforth, Two do ey brick oee foundation, kitchen and woods rre 'six lots upon Y ill sell the house rebase r. App! lto 2517 -tit - W i. AME ' T, einent a* brick c ed. *Large name b itch are twenty five yith one' or more lot 0 liar, rn, nil • use C. north with frame There trees. suit Worth Ph . •, elatelietat, Cr 2642-4 clixerutity, of 1'1 .node 4,ariett . s: HOARE a-ttrtall{'lit - i Clru1irit S an• d area ." At. Reside i For sate the rest caned by the late olid brick with a attic. Ii is hea of Mr furnace. C here are four Triage house cefgrS:1 nee c-nGodrich et S-aforth, . Y. ' *Ude The hail e is of Won sptenklidcellar an floor- dby: oomt,i etion hot we er and tains every modern eons, Mentes to with splendid stab e and r further ptirticulars ;The EXPd3IT3ita app y FFI •F, Deaf'rth OU Young men bre to ,en serve- .t helping ;, Should work to - go S.oi ert Bell Limited, y -Lae EM FOR SitriF - One him red acres in a big .11 state of eultivation,two to y brick houee,larg er, miles from school, and 2 m les front to vn. On the second concession of Tue ersmith L. st S. . ranee south of Mill Road. Price right, and easy terms for quick sale. For further paniculars a ply to lira Katherine McKenzie, Kippen, Ont. R. R, No. 3 -......-.1 or otherls who for O erseas air Kin and i uniti o a. n Wor . I Doing Hie al . .I men. ; Apply -t v• ery teady The ✓ Co., Ho i, ARYI FOR SALE -For sale lot 23, eonceseicin 3, MeKill op, centaining 10 acres. There are on the premises a good brick ho rge bank barn, 54x58 also good driving shed and other out build- ings,. The farm is all fenced and well under rained ard in first class state of cultivation. Two miles from Beaforth. Rural man aod phone. Tsr good spline wenn one at tbe barn and one at the back or farm. Will CO sold right and.possession gi en at any time. Apply on the prewses or Wine R. R. No. 5, Seaforth. Phone 3 on 162, JAMES 0 CRT. se for -Sale house, . good neenent . bard and Oft water ; good- staple ; on Main er" a -le mi from Sea -forth. --vhd, from town. Apply on% • CREAM WANTED 'rEE nu-RoN xpowoR The Dat Mea OLYM Largest and Most Up to Restaurant!, in Seaforth sIand Lunches sold ga Meal tickets sold :5,3 Home -Made Pies Home Made Candies Mixed Taffies 2 pounds for 25c Peanut Taffy per pound.. 15c Cocoanut taffy per pound 2(10C Fruit taffy'per ound 200 French mixtureper pound 21,1C Chocolates, per pound ....3oc to 6oc_ Fancy Boxes, from roc to $3 Try our Ice cream to take home. Quart •• 35c You will get value [for your money We have our Creamery now in ful age. We'are prepare4 to pay you the highest p ices for ewer cream, pay iyim every two weeks, lweigh, sample and give you tatemen of the Ea me. and give you n hones business d eat. °all in and s us or drep us it card for Particulars I le Sea • 1 On oLYri PIA RESTAURANT • t door to cardno Bros isamenmonamma rna for Sale fr housel bank barn, pig pen, hen leeeds driving house. 'A good well tile drain d, well fenced, and all alest c condition. On We Hu Road, 2 -2 miles from Seafortti and 'miles m Clinton. Will be *weld. cheap an on easy terms. Apply • ekson trance throu;h J. Willbet Boot Store! • est loathe Only used. I stock Practic I Boot Repairer Seafdrth orkers re, hard wearers. : Note the Address : J. JACKSON : • tte • • Fal Public School Sight Stnging Classes la4ses 111: Piet' Singing will held in the Kindergatten corn of ehe Public School &ire .g the corning school peer. ee elemeee will be ,under the itior. of Miss A, Govenlock, re Academy. The couree iese will be that recommended a for ,uee in public /schools. • • Term from August 28th Stratf rd, Ontario phy departments Our raduates are placed in positions. pile tions for rained help. Write us at once for our fr e catalogue. A. McLachlan. Principal. Notice In the th Latter of th town of Se dow, decease to Creditors. Not ee is hereby that 1 ehalf, that. all the es ate of Elin day of June,i910,at a or deliver of th of the r claunnand ed ate the Ad tribut ci the oases the ernes entitl only o the claim have een given. Estate of Men Hann:nett forth in the County of Huron • ti r:mbahner and Funeral Direeor • • Untertaking Parlors above illiams' grocery store, in Street, Seaforth iIP fur...eued on short noti, e. hairs moderate. tt ven pursuant to the Statutes I persons having claims against arnmett, wee died on the 3001 y of September, 1016, to send' to the undersigned, • Solicitors ick Ham me t t, Administrator he said deceased, full particulars hat after the slid last mention ministrator will proceed to (Its ea the said deceased among of which notice shall then Seaforth, Ontario elicitors far Administrator 25414 Mor gage Sale Lot in Seaforth tue of tree powers contained in a which will be produ3ed at the will be offered for sale by Public y, Sept. 18th, 1916 at the hour of afternoon, at the Commercial of Seaforth, by Thomas Brown, ollowing property, at certain parcel or tract e Town of Seaforth in the Conn - evince of Ontario, being cow - umber seventy (70) in block "E"' id down on a plan of part of the y James Beattie, the ertid.lot lot number twenttesix (26) and surement one- fifth of an acre of nd also part of lots numbers seta eventonour (74) in James Beat - of thel,said Town of Seaforth and particularly deeeribed as fol - at the, North -w esterly corner of said Survey, thence Westerly Street a distance of one bun. ear ; thence Southerly -lit right reet fifty-six feet ; thence East - entre Street one hundred and ee Northerly at right angles to eix ft, to the place of beginn anis a 1 lea storey frame dva r and ckstern arid good wee, ae foundation and cement floor, table. Terms -Ten per cent. of be paid at time of sale and e paid in 30 days thereafter rhe property will ho sold subtext For farther cullers and ma - to PRO FOOT KILLORAN KE, Seafort , Ont, Solicitors for the Vendor. th day of Au net, 1916 H use an ce rt time Auet two Rote Aneti name of la ty of pose on w said. Se a bein cotai er and by vi n Mortgage n, on Mond clock in th in the Town neer, th y:- All t d situate in uron and of Town Lot t Street as I own of Seale d registered part of farm land, more at lesse en by- whic lows: Lot paral d red angl erly eight Cent On t large barn with and .lso a smaller pure., money the balance to with tit interest. to a eserved ditto of sale app 8th to 16th Return t ckets at reduced fares to London, Ont., from stations in On- tario : Belleville, Scotia }cr., and south o west - thereof, Special train ser ice and low rate excur, sions fro principal points on eer- garding rain service, fares, tickets etc., con ult Grand Trunk Railway VV. So erville `Town Agent Depot Agent Union Station, Toro4toe. Ont. hree (73) and urvey of pa may be mo Commencing eventy (70) In el with Centr ad eighteen s to Centre S arallel with feet ; the e Street e property use with cel Threshing C00.1 Aeolis Wh4her you have wood or not, y ou can do a days' threshing on coal for about the same money 118 it costs you to get the old cross4cut saw sharpened up. Secure a lioad of out. nice clean 10 in. LIMP.. Fall Wheat If you are putting in a piece of wheat it will pay to get a little of our BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZER to put in with it. It pays for itself and then some. We also handle all kinds of Logs & Lumber, Lehigh Valley iand Scran- ton Coal', Canada Cement, Dress- ed Lumher tk Shingles, Canada Fibre BOard, Metal Building Ma- terials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. John B, Mustard Brucefield 5 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President -- JOHN AIRD. esicrai Manner. H. V. F. JONES, Am% General Manager CAPITAL, $15 000 000 RESERVE FUND, $13,508 000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be operied at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's buSiness. Money may be deposited or withdrawn, in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank, ssa • Seaforth, Branch 119 SEAFORTH IFALL FAIRi will Is held under the auspices of Seaftirth Agricultural Society on THURSDAY and FRIDAY I Sept, 2ist & 22nd SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS 1:...,. TUG OF WA.R EPEEDING CONTESTS 4. For Prize Lists write the Secretary e. j. McD0 ELL M. BRODERICK .1; Presiident Secretary Treasurer '1,! 40,000 FarniLaborers Wanted 2,00 to Winnipeg SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN NORTHERN Leave TORONTO Union Station' xr.00 p. m 3ist and Sept. 2nd. Through ttains with lunch counter cars attached. SPECIAL CARS FOR LADIES EXCURSION DATES -Aug. t9th and Sept. 2nd from Tor- onto west and south, including the N„ St., C. and T.Ry De tination Territory -Tickets one-half cent per mile (min- im m soc) till Sept. 3oth, 1916, west of Winnipeg to any , station' east of Calgary, Edmonton and Tannis, Alta. Return' Fire and Limit -One-half cent per mile (minimum 5oc) to Winriipeg on or before Nov, 30th, 1916, plus $18.00 from Winnipeg to original starting point. For tickets and leaflet showing number of farm laborers required at each poiut, also weges paid, apply to nearest 0,N.R. Agent, or O. Aberhart, Town Agent Big PeCial up-to-date first-class hardware. We still lead for !quality and pr.ces. S a Thorobred Stallions The folloWing Imported Clydesdale and Percheron tenons, which are att in No. 1 form, will stand for aervice this season at T. J. Berry's Stables, Hensall, Ont. 'KING THOMAS Clydesdale [92541 (12625) $15 to insure. CUMBERLAND'S GLORY Clydeadale [178461 (15788) sl5 to insure COMMODORE Clydesdale [959411 (144133) $15 to insure JABOT $12 to insure COLONEL GRAHAM will travel the eame route as last year. The TROTTING STALLION ANDY REDLAC Will stand at the a ove stables until' June 20th, to a limited number of inares, after which date he will go in to training NOTE -No marea will he bred at the above barna after nine o'clock p. Granite Ware 6o preserving kettles, regular 6oc, reduced to ...............0c roo pudding dishes Aluminum Ware ill 2 dozen uddinf dishes 3oc redur....ed to,........................250 16 qt. anti -rust strainer pails 1.20 reduced to...mm-1.00 anti -rust strainer pails Lao reduced ...90c 2 dozen glass water pitchers 30c reduced 2 xtra quality tapestry- hammocks 6.5o reduced to...$5.50 Hamnfocks regular 8,./oo reduced Sole agent for Gold Medal ,Twine (65o ft. per pound 14c per lb. Also for Martin Senour, Ioo per cent pure pamts, no advance on last year's prices. Sole ent for National Portland Cement. Get our prices on turnace woik bath- rooms, and. plumbing, evetroughing and metal work, We have compet ent workmen along experience and can attend to your ronuirements on short notice. H EDGEBPallarDwARK SEAFORTH ship The, . u tite Nort 13, in th il7 acres bush ; COundati stabling, floors in with tw aevey fr sideee,ble nipxl C£S1 water-. : :..eeek /le and only it '41. s sels. of Morris Cheap ell r he %tie 20 G. of reigned Half of First cleared, frame , one and 0x40, and stable. Soli acres orchard_ the buildings tile drainage rails in - three rear of one mile tion. PeentrealniOn is prepared to Farm Lot Nuke Ceonetralon of 1 and 13 acres house on etone a half storey, S5x35, coribrete goad and clean Farm fells and. has den- ; fences, wire good condition; wells and aepring farm. Good roads trots Bluevale at ende 2508- ri A , aTRutt RAIL AV We tern ondon. F air Ont. 8th to 16th Return t ckets at reduced fares to London, Ont., from stations in On- tario : Belleville, Scotia }cr., and south o west - thereof, Special train ser ice and low rate excur, sions fro principal points on eer- garding rain service, fares, tickets etc., con ult Grand Trunk Railway VV. So erville `Town Agent Depot Agent Union Station, Toro4toe. Ont. hree (73) and urvey of pa may be mo Commencing eventy (70) In el with Centr ad eighteen s to Centre S arallel with feet ; the e Street e property use with cel Threshing C00.1 Aeolis Wh4her you have wood or not, y ou can do a days' threshing on coal for about the same money 118 it costs you to get the old cross4cut saw sharpened up. Secure a lioad of out. nice clean 10 in. LIMP.. Fall Wheat If you are putting in a piece of wheat it will pay to get a little of our BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZER to put in with it. It pays for itself and then some. We also handle all kinds of Logs & Lumber, Lehigh Valley iand Scran- ton Coal', Canada Cement, Dress- ed Lumher tk Shingles, Canada Fibre BOard, Metal Building Ma- terials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. John B, Mustard Brucefield 5 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President -- JOHN AIRD. esicrai Manner. H. V. F. JONES, Am% General Manager CAPITAL, $15 000 000 RESERVE FUND, $13,508 000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be operied at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's buSiness. Money may be deposited or withdrawn, in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank, ssa • Seaforth, Branch 119 SEAFORTH IFALL FAIRi will Is held under the auspices of Seaftirth Agricultural Society on THURSDAY and FRIDAY I Sept, 2ist & 22nd SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS 1:...,. TUG OF WA.R EPEEDING CONTESTS 4. For Prize Lists write the Secretary e. j. McD0 ELL M. BRODERICK .1; Presiident Secretary Treasurer '1,! 40,000 FarniLaborers Wanted 2,00 to Winnipeg SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN NORTHERN Leave TORONTO Union Station' xr.00 p. m 3ist and Sept. 2nd. Through ttains with lunch counter cars attached. SPECIAL CARS FOR LADIES EXCURSION DATES -Aug. t9th and Sept. 2nd from Tor- onto west and south, including the N„ St., C. and T.Ry De tination Territory -Tickets one-half cent per mile (min- im m soc) till Sept. 3oth, 1916, west of Winnipeg to any , station' east of Calgary, Edmonton and Tannis, Alta. Return' Fire and Limit -One-half cent per mile (minimum 5oc) to Winriipeg on or before Nov, 30th, 1916, plus $18.00 from Winnipeg to original starting point. For tickets and leaflet showing number of farm laborers required at each poiut, also weges paid, apply to nearest 0,N.R. Agent, or O. Aberhart, Town Agent Big PeCial up-to-date first-class hardware. We still lead for !quality and pr.ces. S a Thorobred Stallions The folloWing Imported Clydesdale and Percheron tenons, which are att in No. 1 form, will stand for aervice this season at T. J. Berry's Stables, Hensall, Ont. 'KING THOMAS Clydesdale [92541 (12625) $15 to insure. CUMBERLAND'S GLORY Clydeadale [178461 (15788) sl5 to insure COMMODORE Clydesdale [959411 (144133) $15 to insure JABOT $12 to insure COLONEL GRAHAM will travel the eame route as last year. The TROTTING STALLION ANDY REDLAC Will stand at the a ove stables until' June 20th, to a limited number of inares, after which date he will go in to training NOTE -No marea will he bred at the above barna after nine o'clock p. Granite Ware 6o preserving kettles, regular 6oc, reduced to ...............0c roo pudding dishes Aluminum Ware ill 2 dozen uddinf dishes 3oc redur....ed to,........................250 16 qt. anti -rust strainer pails 1.20 reduced to...mm-1.00 anti -rust strainer pails Lao reduced ...90c 2 dozen glass water pitchers 30c reduced 2 xtra quality tapestry- hammocks 6.5o reduced to...$5.50 Hamnfocks regular 8,./oo reduced Sole agent for Gold Medal ,Twine (65o ft. per pound 14c per lb. Also for Martin Senour, Ioo per cent pure pamts, no advance on last year's prices. Sole ent for National Portland Cement. Get our prices on turnace woik bath- rooms, and. plumbing, evetroughing and metal work, We have compet ent workmen along experience and can attend to your ronuirements on short notice. H EDGEBPallarDwARK SEAFORTH