HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-09-08, Page 4•
exttirdo ' the
-Zeppelint pertAed, the cleale;edre-
„Maine Of tili4 leogineet being found
with; ihin band on the lever., An tretn
CrOSIS /0=4 in the WreeiCage - was
rented to Ideate 4obinielen„ It Ins • be-
ved tkat a eeeor.d, Zeppelin wee lost
When it fell into theetiorth Om on
ite reiturre Jetinney.
e'W Coats fon letdies-Greig C. Co.-
tielveitya to Please Maotvatsine
New Ideas -Stewart ffirc0.,-4.
Neer Fall Shioat-W,OE
POO for Stde-4as. Co1ntneye-5
Sow tor Sale -T. ColeMan-
1e Wanited-hroperial 'Oil Co. -5
Setaforth Fall Fair -5
Auction Saes -5
Western Flair-Ottr.R.-5
Wet Broef Shoe -.L E. Willis -e8
11Vor SaZe-j. Suitherlandeel
Thens-T. -W111-4
it pMi jLr
APORTB.Friday, Sept. 8th, 1916
TheWar Situation.
te of very unfavorable weath-
tione the Angio-Frenneh, often -
Wen again resamed this week,
a eesult the French have
Diorced the Ge.rniteek linea aver a front
of tw ive mile% while the British have
V-Ahed flair:7414rd aver araki,_ 64\ a two
mile raven In thie, leet aelvance over
term thowand prisoners have beentak-
ere beeldes numerous . guns and otb6r
:war material. The objective of the
'Allies' greet push 1 Comblee, trete
wakatrongly fortified city the
are mow- only a quarter of
a mile, while the British are ,areile
neraye After the all of combine will
-come the capture of Peromee and when
eeee fall the retreat of the Ger-
twee will .become a,n abaottete neces-
y. The ;secret of the 4.1lieu-
Ir.. the' grtat drive this suiror
:the wonderful mee belt* made of.
It amenable heevy tga4 ad their
vast etairesofarreturetthen, the pro-
duefiten of ,whidrn 1aa jot reCently
ewe:Led the preTortior.e which the Al-
Liee 041,111141Atea wokd be necessary 'to
roll back the Getroan force,e with a
mintreure toes to their riwn troops and
-defeat counter attacke with
firneteed of 'men: The French
aritith axe now holding_ all their
t gains, not with the bayonet;
ith field and =defile c ut.e. The
.fantry do nett novr etami trenches,
bu.t tneeely wavy them alter thegure
have dote their work. Nor le -Mein-
tarqtry now used to etopt counter at-
tacks by hand to hand fightragg; they
Merely consolinate the captured lime
•velelle the gu.r.ners and machine gun
iertiors prevent the Germano from ev-
• eri.proaching the ground they have
icet. It is in this way that the Ai-
I!A Ioge. althougla atiller-elly heavy
coneidering the gainde have been
•alenoet reduced to a n-inicturn.
.Cercece hae beer. very much, -n the
litmelight thee week. Under pressure
izo:n Gre4 Britaic ' and FraFe 'Sew
handed over .the control of her rani -
:No -ye, telegraphs, harbors ar.ol other
iterritory which the Allies require nor'
their operation? against .Bulgaria. The
gazing of the wireless was a. greet
:blow to the eteney tiEi her spies and
-ether operatorhave :row no means
of comzur.loating with: the home gov-
ernment Jand the taideg of her irO.st
agtive' ageete, who have been plated
;Owed Allied warehips, will do much
to clear up Greece arA lave The flie
sie Ulr r tald on the effains of that
countren It is rbported that Ger-
Marty le about to take action , against
'Greece ea a result of that country's-
ounteiselon to her -enemies' dernande,
and that an ultimatum le in procee.e
reeperettole at Berlin. In the
Meantime. Gee ce in epite of ;her pro-
iGerrein. King and Queen, are ;making
quiet preparations to enter the war
at an, early date on the „eine of tile
Allies, a good part of her al* hav-
ing Already been remobilized and her
.citizera have been forbidden to leas?
the couritry.
Or- the Eeztern front the Reeelans
are tteedlly pre.ssing against Lem-
berg eed have WOn a great victory a -
ties the River Dniester, catering 285
efficere and 15,500 men, df venom
2,400 were Gernert:. The Rourraniane.
the Attlee* r.eweet member, who are
ctighting in conjunction with the Rees -
dares on this front, have. pretty well
;routed out the Austriares from the
inerpathlar„ paseeee and 'have penetrat-
ed te, coreidereble idistence tato Hun -
elegy, whiele le to be their pro:ideed
land, and have met with Vining' los
tee the Aestriaes have been re-
ticles before Ithem as they advanced.
Atother big Zeppelin raid wee car-
ried ottt over Ergland on Saturday
eLt het. There were 13 Zeppelins
in the raid, which Is the biggest af-
fah', of the kind so tar attempted,
but it eeded in ;almost total fa-ilere.
Only three of the craft reached the
outektets of London, 'and one ;of these
NY'a 61144' 'thAvwn by a 'British aviator
Lieut. Robineon, and fell to the
vowel In a beret of ;flame that light -
ad the country for miles around. Ljeut
Robinson has had the Victoria Cross
eanferred upon him for hie plucky and.
unaided achievement ani eke) receives
seem se0,00.0 le rewards offered by
weeloue orgarizations for the first av-
iator to bring down a Zerepelin on
British soil. Some lloases Were wreck-
ed by bomb and three liorees
it no other damage Wee caused by
amen NO*
-The- tax rate for the ntowie of
Goderich for the year 1916 .W111 be
36 mate. Teed year It Iveas 32 :,=.4,110,,
lered in ,190T it sviale; las lontias. 21emi1le
arkirMee. Rugh H. Hill o AO-
-urr• lannOUTiCe. the engagiment ot, their
orb' 'daughter,. Lary Evelyn, to (Fieute
gle Edwin inibbert, of Port Fillences,
04., the !marriage to ttake Pltmile the
third week of September'. ,
--Thie has been a. treceed year for
. freight traffic ,troin ,Goderich.- ; Dur -
leg the. neontit Of Augeet ap calm-
etely 980 care cd graire 150' c a a
flour and 56 car of Inerehandis were
billed frefee this terirdreel. The nontb
of June, however, beat all pr vione
records, as leegrain along the G.T.R.
ehlemerets tc.talled 1400.. care.
1-5,1114- %Sage Dodd of Clinton heel
the 01U -fortune ,to fail one day last
week tared fracture • twd of his ribs,
-A ;big Slikado engine of the 500
elagis Wade its first trlp.to Goderich
'eat Friday. T.his lie the largest type
of engine ho, the ae,rvice of I the
Grand Trunk and can Only 14 run
or, Certain lines where the ratio are
.built etrotg enough. .'"
-A teptiee %sued by the Marine De-
pirtmert la.st week is to, the
effect ukait. the breakwater at Gode-
rich hag beer, completed to itS full
length eon 1,400 feet, end the Check -
water .removedeeso that vessels can.
enter tthe +11,afrhar 011 O. direct eoutee
between the ',t'Wo erttmah03 Pterei
-For !seine reoeths drillera have
beet, drilling for aait or the twelfth
corceeeton of We-wane:eh acroes the
eolad tram where the oldwellit he
cannection with the Winshatn, Salt
Works. watS., Lagt week their forts
were ennead with success lend, atter
drillirs over 1,100 ;feet they , now
heve about 35 feet of ,olid salt, or
about three Aimee, as good a eupply
es 'whet the old well ;showed.
-The fielde of grain .Which were
entered for the Howiek, Stending
Field Crop cOmpetitior, were indgel
tart week BM the prizes were award-
ed ale follovise Viret, Richard
• Minto; second, Ed: Krohn, How -
ick; third, „Alex. nrclea.ughlire
Iik, fourth; 'Joeeph Davidsot, -How-
k; nth, W. 11. Brown, Howlek; .6th,
Harvey Spark:mg, HOWick; Ith, 4. A.
Edgar, Grey. The crop -wee Gate. The
;!-udge .wee: W. 3. LereneX of Toronto
-A bright young life wee entledon.
Suedey, Anguet 23rd, when 'Annie B.
Abraham, daughter of Mr. =de Mee.
Tholmae. Abraharn, first line 6f More
rt,pactaAsed iaway, site was thirty-six
yetan of mre aed Weia a euffe.ree /worn)
heart trouble for the peat .six :menthe,
The deceaged 'wag of a, (jolly awl love -
fable. din -Position, and .wiste a favorite
with all. She le eurvived by her par-
.2ints, and Aaur eistems' 'The ftineral
took plepe Vueeday afternoon Le
the Wiregheen cetrete,rye -
-There died in East Wawa -
nosh one events bat 'Week, of La-
verne Noon, 'aged 7 year7. and,/ 10
Months. The little girl belongs to the
Seugeete Indian Reserve, and was
there -with her rnother pulling fix for
Weer* alpines and Mills. No ,octor
was called to, attend the chite; but
Coronee Dr. Kennedy, after vienvinge
the body, decided that ten inques4 waa
receeeary, death being due to. atur-
caesee. The reMair.ts were, e4nter-
red in the Wingleaten ceer.etery.;
-After a, lir_gerheg 111ne rhi1i re -
,suited fn lddrey trouble lanyll lasted
freen earle epritethre, Annie Mciee,od.
daughter orfe Mne Murdoeil MeLeed. of
Wirerhatre died at her home; on Wen-
teondan morning of last week. The
decea.sed was ,beree at St. Helens over
tifty-21x ynars ago. She its survived
by her mother two 611s-ters, MO.
;Bell of Goderich, tared Mrs., Seen; Cul-
bert of Wiartree aleo four brotheree
Dorelld in Windeor, An;gus of Detroit
end John Olnd Murdoch at henoi.
ed about Clintoe on Wednestay a ter-
-Cor,sideranie excitement was
roan, 'when. two cans renefoul of eaeti
Other or., Huron street. Mr. 1Uer
Adagio? of Corestance was drivi
• ad was meeting another 1 rger
:ern faeter car driven by. Mr. Hil1,
the .weli known bridge .contracto of
Mitchell. Neither oar serned to be or..
the proper eide for passing and
trying to get into position the I ma -
chime., collided. Neither of the accu-
paete were iniered, but bath cans were
more or less, slatraged.
-The mealy firlende of Mr. and Mrs.
Welter Da,videon, second line of 'Mor-
rie will srnpathize with them
the losis of the*.r only daughter.naa
UaY, who died on F101ay of len. s, eeek
after a. brief Ilr.ess. _ Mises Davi Oil
wee a bright and lovable, girl andlevae
highly reepeeted by her echoolenetee
ar,d friends,. She attenned Wingham
Bich School ;a couple of year ago.
Over or.e hundred and forty vehicles
atterded the funeral, which was hell
cr„ Sunday -afternoon to the Bluevale
cemetery. „
-It hale eemaized for aulvtner vjsit-
Cin- lat Inereeetung Park, near Gode-
rich', to inatiguarate what it le hop-
ed will be a • .succesoful movement
to eafeceard from, destruction. the his-
toeic Durno,p tomb in Colborne tOwn-
'ship. For year epthing has teen
done to keep the plot in a ree &-
able coedition. A luxuriant growt4 of
weedhas covered the spot where the
•remetr.e of the distinguished pito eer
rest,. while the r,a,vages of wind and
weather have almost obliterated the
letterirg on the toith. When. this dis-
covery was made by sorre guests at
the peak 'who take a pride lc, zeal° sny
guardir.g and preserving for the en-
efit of 'future eger-eratoine all ,such
'nietoric sites, they eet to work ; to
improve the coreittion of the •Plot.
When all the •weeds and ;dead ;grata
were removed, a petetion e.,.igned by
Rev. 'W. H. Sedgweek, Rev, Dr. Dic-
k...se Niles K. P. Jaffray and others'
from the Bark, was forwarded to the
Colboree tovenelep council, asking
that body tmprove the appea,rer.ce
of the place so as to make ‘_t one
of . the beauty spots of ;the reighOr-
hood. The petition, 'will come uPfor
corgideration at A kneethg of the coun-
cil or, Septer4er 12th.
-Me reeidethe olf'Mr. and Mee L.
IL. ffeeti&r, Maitland 001e2fteeion, Ool-
borre 'WKIS the ;scene Of 11, ptrettywed-
dirg on Wednesday of 1jat week,when
their escond daughter, Plareeee Ireee,
wee united in marriage to Cliffor, d
Sydr.ey Gledhill, eon of ;le E. Gledhill,
ard a proeperous young farm-er of
Goderich township. The cerern ny
wee perfornied by Rev. P. S. es,
B. £, of nee-remiller .in the preseace of
goodie* bee-- • of ir,at1vne : and
I -040416.o. P. ptly at 111, otietic; to
:titeteni the Lab ngrin . .1 •
,lbhoileis ;este Sr; de
'ithe b Ann! OJ h
1fatheree 0 d autiful ere
lot vcrgreer.. love th golden rot
peek yellows Ow, erect' on. the lw
lIr' the, +Q-11,10.,....10i.g, NelyrsA tnapie-i. s e
llonked cheet*gnin a ; •orn of re
!de chene ivelth' pearl .it ma:inset. T
„iyou'ree coaplerewe,re un tended. Da
iins congratulations r Mend -else' lin -
!Wedding March 'wee. .Yel by M-1
iVeata Snyel ' eosin* �:the. brid , to
now -leg .1 te eutripte s repast W '3
:rVed. T4 at tneroue lend.
:peal nets, , • 'trig sev ral handso. e
cheques froin; the parert and rand
P.a.,re.r.,te teatified to th thigh r gard
iln wherte the young oo phe. ore e[d.
-wnheee .eteesed awe in eiea. ing-
tree on Friday last ,a, ormer we I
;known and highly eetee ed ,resi 'lent f
Vinghanunt section, 'in .. per , of
Sohn. Scott, Wife of il ert nix. wen,
aged $2 yeere. The de eael lady had
beer, enjaying good heal up to ed-
reed.ey evening of lest I week, when
.ellee `wee etuddetly etricken with aar
alyste. She was berm_ in DumfrieJfrd.
'Scotland ain,d Came to. Inane in 186
end eettled in Galt. • January10,
1856, .1:the was married • her no
beerettoper ,er in life, eetteing fir.
in, the. vi1ae at P.r1ncti, Coe tyo
Oxford ,raad moved w t to . rria
:tone/14(11p in 1859, whe Morrie' / w; ,
meetly la., t and W ghaare a plea
yet to be loeeted.TThey had reed
dente of bforris unitlI 3 yeenn ,itel ,
*bee' they epeeed, to t eir tete err
ir.t Turnbe,rry- di the u.ev.ale road,
iand a-,feese yeaar 'a.co fir ed to L ae:1-
Ington, trnaldng their h ee With thelr
ear., ,Rtibert Maxwell, . Mr,s. , taxi -
well Wee a, lifelong abe-r of th
Presbyterian church i 'wals 431, of.
thelittle berel Of pi ere, 'w11 as-
eisted Ir.i the entabli eat of th'
bhurch les 331.uevale. len yeses .244
• last january Mr. and Ire. MaxweI
0,elebratedthe fiftieth nniversoary o
their 4narriage and las January tilt
Siitieth anniversary ; as celebr tett
MM. Maxwell weee of a ,nly dtspoJT
time and Nael Very • k este ree
Y a large circle of ler.dc. She i
urvived by la fa'xily four, lsor
ed., faqir ,deughtere.
Pattavnize the Patrioti
.the Seaforth Fair or th
Cor rtein the evening You lane 'I°
pays in. the, tit- lichee.
Offering., M eting..
ther eater/rug trieeting of the Wo
(men,' MieSioneer Socl of! th
Prez Yterlat, churcli w held on us
27th, When Rev; D. 'Joh ton, Of Vja4rna
hed a very earrte t rr.is1onary
germ. A 'which ,wa ened to ,vlth
.wralt attention.; His s bject was' oai•
Saviour's conkrar.di '‘GO Ye into all
the "orld 'lard Pree•cli the Gospeirl'
Thiz eomminnd is binding on niS all W
!notaY reit be called. Itor go, but we ea
all Ip with' our Meenee by our ray
ers, isynipafthles end °nit love -
c wee a liberal . one ,
9128 4 cor.tributed an Ths
eezi ;society $56.28, Junior Soclet
930.0 and :Holm „ Help 42.13.
. -Mee. Wm. Sc t and giiandr
dens ter, Miss Elizabe Seat, iave
edfroen a vJ.slt th rela ivee
on and ,Weettni 'ete,r„ -
Swe t ,of Detroit, the
end at the home Of h sister, ArreL
Sr • er, here.- l'er,rde, has isoid
his aotice, -at A.ppin - will ave.
here ,shortLy.' Dr, Eoge e has r.oti yet
deci e •,dwliere he will lo te. - eut.
pure n Alicenhead •.spert. the eek
end at his borne hercI ile g to
Pete. O.,*40., for tr g. The W enn
'M orsery 'Society will hold thelr
aent 1 tneeiting of Hu 1 Tereebyt rial
ie church her on theaday ext.
k.ar. nliraber of deleg ee are ex;
peete Mabel T r will be
nardor.. Saturday ne t to Mr. Wal.
ter "ettet Both are ell krown
here. Mr. John Ew St 3i.:
lent •it Monday for Ed onton, w ere
he 1 freiriair, far a. w ;nont'lJ-
red ',Waldron who has • •beet
*err il le recovering ,31 - Irs.
Tour: of Sarnia, wee the cues, of
, •neither, 'Mr. T. Fra ex; last k.
4.-Meeere. Fox' and • Cla ence Ka er,
id • -trolt, 4Spent Leber 6.,yat thejr
horrin !here. -Wild tuicj. one ef the
wore, weeds is speeidt or) our
fa; t• and roadways. Mr, !W are
leae , turned to ld e Jaw af•
ter •
the eemme let the h ale
ee 1 r par rks. Tvir; and Mr. Ge rge
Hine Mr. : Addison, ,
WaS • tg 6st of .his o .Cle. Mr. J,
Addis. er,-M . WIllla,m H hry; of
ley, ex parches-edthe brick hcese,
row cupi d by Mr; 131 ker andline
tenth ;marl so into the tillage n
,J. Kett -cher- i visiting nee
broth, r, 'vire Charles Gibbons, I of
Ar'r: •
ere .L
BEA OROW1E3 ATTEN+io -T. Me1114 i noW
giving lie attentun to the, shalrpening of , ear
knives. Parties who are wamtit their kat lput
in orde would do eel' to have t eat F bo 1 i
gOod'tit e. All plonh repairing usual v ;11 r •
ceive th hest attention. Al lar stook of jfi w
casting-. handles, mottid 'Wards. ., in sloe
the old stablished stand. THOM El blELLIS, JI
PLUS FOR t5A1,E-T. Ifellis' • um crop, w 1 rli
is one o his largest is prepared to supply all 4, a. j
ers with riany varieties of the bee preaerving nal.
iti es. ickof fineht will he genera about, the t14ttt
of the ofith. !Ali orders either, or wholes% e or
retail w 11 receive Inn attention. jSefling pri e 10
quart b kebs 25jan1j35 eents4 T 01/1A8 NEL IS,
Wb n. you: atronize tie Petri tie
leg t e boye i.I.
Dib at the. Seaforth ,air or he
Cow II
in evening si ate h lp-
n thef tre hes.
Herrie an aged ' nd
lane; Whet hes er
.tr.e witi fiqx ,dau .h er,
alum? e, of Tuc er-
r ay 1 t, While out of
nee. el a,r.d broke her lege a -
he kr.ee At. r sr'. llia.xelson I is
vanced year it ,Will be :ngich
for 1.h r .to • b the eath,
hail he ey,_ p thy of rr.4ny
snrn. Jo.. ten end du -
of_ St.Y.,..o is werl .., past w4.ek
hie 1st tee, lir . 0Jhenensetoeneimi' ere.
., end this', is
J. C. R
1c, were he
lex. McK t-
, Mr. d,
itors tat he
B,ae Jarr O.,
• ane M.
of the
i "': Wseenz.1C liai thettle Il°
s dab -
50 i. we thie we k,
gaze Aelies .-M. s.
Id, of onclon; le *letting eler
Mee'. 13ohre Ander gallid owthheor
much' ,eeteetee.
March her 11
4re. cibert
eolith, or. t
feted e
It is 2 yeans arm Mr
bJJs f trip to Kip
hie 30 ' tare u tt
Very ew for er reel
this ardent 1 - far.,d
AMR BrUASO this -we
gaeste of Mr. era MO.
aeon land
Clegg , n, wer V14
home Mrs
friends -Iles .john Whi
bats en vitng eke
Peter re; 4i ai•tc
.3.,rd (lasts ter at'
lends at
'deg oer
nto, hes
retherred, having berth eanineed her
trip, Mrs tetnan-:,Speat her _Child,
hood' daya„l Teterboro and this is
tiest vieit there ir4 fifty yearsee
Bitta ..Zarrottwhohas -been
Aug two weeks, with tfeilenda
en, and Detroit thaw returnei to
thotne. This week 'Mr, Niellia tre-
ed tan order for _plums ,t}roirk the
Illeolse*Jialw. Ri/iderAW atr.
Me he', old ;rthr.e eseetonee•O do not
got him Mr. Meals' plum crop,
0rof/the tineAt ever, and will
ready for piekieg ak. few dees.-
k which had athrayed. op the rail-
*emelt; tried to walk over the
e land when i:tabont ttalfpWay, it
ped between the' strands of the
dgee The ten eillock train held .up
At It114. while eeve.nal utter:, releas-
the taanaLt
ave had placed ,n my hands for sale a neat
,dw lling property, empprtsed of two nice Iota in
the entrai parteet our village with stable. The
pro erty is in good rppair and will he sold on easy
ter and at a reasonable price; possession elan be
giv n to suit purehas4r. Anply at the Post-Ofilee
J Sutherland Real EstateAgent• °543-2
3412. patronize the Patriotic
at the Seaforth Pair or the
,111 th/e, evening .you are help -
131 kale ladle in the trenches.
ymer,eial;-A very happy event took
e at the hotn.e of Mr. R. J.Drye-
e ote Tuesday, September sea, .when
daughter argaret, became the
of ,Mr oy Stowell, of plibne,
molly wan perfortred
ek. The cer
by Rev. Mr, 8 th, of Clarzel $4 to
by erier.; churc , in the presence of ee,
.eenbe,r of datives and =friends. *5 en
hoose wa tesstefully' decorated to ;85
h ferr.e an roses. Precisely at 9 ;75; s
ock, during litre Ringing of the 7.25 to
et -Mks. Lon' Steerneore Sim
erne- neen
1-414PTEMBER 8, nio
Weam"44Y Bx'eter.-141164 Bisfgett °'1 Advance Showing
Exeter at 'grit, Peener of Cornwall
were thie Week the guests Of - •
Alf. rine
# Ladies' Ne._w- Fall
September Ath. - At the
rece Meek , Markets ,
0.1 k yards, 'west end tmar-
eipte Of nye retook for
ek rellag September 2, were
• Moe retal
the w
.feelir.g. in
prices tecor
cwt., '
of rale
the II
per c
fed o
bhe lo
6 1-4o
the a-�
to no,.
,ttle .3,400 eheep end lambs, 8-
e a,4d, 600 calves. The feature
te tbodey wee the weaker
e market for eattlee and
ek decline of 26c • per
the excepfloh, of canning
w h watspikteady. A feature
ern; I f/re,at trade .was the good
laarbe for shipment to
tlel Staten Another feature
enrotser feeling in sheen,
,s ecored an advance of 500
t. There 'Mae oleo a etror.ger
in the Market for ahem graea
vee, eareljefices wera lc per lb.
then( a ' eek +este with a
111; 1. for each at 94 to lOcand
-or rlarles. sold elowtel. to '4 , to
iper pound live twegthte Hoge,
tete and an active trade was
n e lected lots tet $11.75 to
lots tat v.1 to $1.60, ar.d
h leered heavy 'weights at $10
elle, gow,s ;sold isit $9.25 to
Staged', atd $5.50 to $6 per
ed off 'ow- The followits
8u..0401) al titoone;8:, ; Bk n en tohd i eufre: s7cattlteo,
cons:tole 95,60 to 6.50; cannere
5; butehere' choice cow% $6.f.4
0; rne.diutr, 5.50 to ;6; bulls
.75; milkere, choice, ,eaoh 80
be, $9 to coo; bags, off
c .. trot, imd medium, $70 to
ing re, $55 to $65; isheep, evves '
7.5t; touckEr Ind cullo 6.75 to,
.75 to 12.15. o
Stock Yards, Toronto!, Sept. 5,
,a.eng market approachetl very
tit& slowest ot pecord. Over
ad of cattle were ire the fpents,
quality reinged cniefly from
lle.dieuxe 'grade killers, the
ere `have i bent warned ree
are tot Wankted in Toronto
aye. Loads I of gond butchers
fficult to find, tanfl the Dom-
ly few head present were pick -
early except svhere 'drovers.:
what 'were cotresidered exore
PAM'. The !best among the
cattle eaeed off in value from,
fifteen cente, and for the
killere fro*1 25c to 30c. Buy -
also out to pare j damn( the,
or heavy c ttle atd in three
s dr,over.:_4 efased to make
ee$on. Many buyers in want
quality 11 ht betchere walk-
r.g the pew, etil they became
and retire with tWeris un -
Eve with e lower naluee in
buelniens 'continued 'wretch -
11 all ;day rel. the left overs
late were e meroure. Butcher
a 'fat cowS which ponsessed
' nea riage hytte, "Me voice that
• th t breathed 'er Eder," the ,brlide
1 etttered, lookin chlar:ning In s. dreas
of white tleilk crepe de chine, with
al 'veil land Joliet cap and carry: -
leg American unity roves. Dering
the ageing cte the reedater, Miss V.
k, of Fairgrove, 4iiar.g clah.
•lee Me." ' Atter the weddir.g
fast, Mr. atr.d Mrs. ttovvelli left
motor for Buffalo and Brockville,
ie leaving for their ',acene, in Du-
[Seek- The bride w,aie one of onr parativ
popuia,r young ladies, a ,me,...r.ber of ea, up
Qa, el Churn choir and will be tiuoh seeed
tnissed It 'our village, and the best mart
ilier to her ;new, but
Dubec.! A few, evenings ter: to
:the weddira, The/Choir of garenel come.*
rch, surpr1.s4d the bride-to-be lat ere ce
•horne and ehowered her, with poieeo
•Y Pretty ad wend giftsand a lento=
, pleasaaet evening was spent., T,he aty c
fol awir.g guest were preeent at the of go
W dirge, 'Mr i4nl lbw. Hoes ;and Mr, ed
ge Hese ;Z rich; /dr. iaed, Mr fl
C. foretell.
b uc
47; 14
oaric, 1
but t
sort id
; he
i• Ka
h, Ea -Liget' Id; /Are. A. ireDoleeld jjjj
daugleter, Anna Bell, Mr. B. Allen, oeerat
'Howeed, Zurich;
MiS. 3: Kirk, Frairgrove, Mich.; Mies L.
Pu dr, Unionvi
La ,en and MLi
! cee H. G. Malloy
'hL 'elf to ier.: auto. -Hr.
h: ntle putting a came
ID, .1Ohn Mc
• Summery' le teed .3
of john MoEwen,
ock recertly vielted
Bayfield ,and
H. B. Itgreen, of
lest -week relreWin
le, Miele; Mies M. Ile-
a E, Fulton, Ifeeksall.
those left- for
the fell Wir:ge John
Meter R E. Tea.quair
hn McEwen,
-Mies niers:
friends in
Seaforth, -
rec eetty vnitin
car retere, true
p• la, kvery bue
-rg overtime tr
JAI_ Taylor
• dau liter ..t. To
Nl'over vt
tag ae. a larg
T ue
lap ,
office of la% liverY.--
ur schoolhave had it
drn'and a umber of
,eerete. nea e and con
or ere the- speing 1
leis nicely levelled.
ardeon, of St. Tho.
na and
eealeore a
ing to k
vieli inc
onto. -
'y qtee tiy
.1-. umber ,
of "the ha _nay ar.d
fame to v sit other
byterees tee ts ir. Br
day, the 1 th, and
a large T. ...Tiber of
the McGre or circi
he me.etirs promises
eeting one. Kris. 3..
t a, few aye_ duri
at the Be with he
, who 'has a couple
.-Mr. feed
children, of
lholida.y.s w
es the pas
chforsi hae,
the viett in
lotic Le.agu
are Renting
ers or. Fri
ere' k ir., the e
public Are invite
mern with 'the
Ir. the town nal
bays a good a
MISS Kirk, of
Mis . Purdy, of
guens of nir
Bennie Urquhart
the 'holiday
reed t re.e
lot College.,
Elm ra, „ion, of
relays Lent
ar. absence
Terea, Swan
.er, Mir..n.,
✓ 'throat.
Left last
• in the Q
g the ho
eretei Mr. and M
r. Toronto,
ford erett
er.-Mra. r13
'Pa., is here isp
w: h her „EiStenS,
Mi s .T. J. Berr
We. Graesick ar
. land Mrs.
• Scotc'h De
ay. Sotne e
he finale w
nd Don,all
the cut g
G. p. -Pett'-
e. 3. Dios
roette and axe
-A Ir-tenber fr
ity °tared to
to 0.•
L abo
e the color;
Day with
R. Cedenore
were re
taxa her h
d reelaltiv
Mrs. Mellarg of
y with he
T., Pout -
tins at th
aen Belcha
I expected
may be the
eta,ving for • (ROM
eyed Tuseecle,y
1 a
ar.y real 'quality were about steady,
but .thc other gr .7. not eheded vale
uen There was or. y a 61lght demand
for et Ite teed f edere, cattle ev-
&legit fr 660 to; 900 pounds eellIng
frorel 5.58 to $6.50, the higher
price bth.g paid for good cattle,. Milk -
ere an
ondon, was steady
,acquaintane quality
treated mer.it
T. Merdock end
t fl• in - active, la.rnbs ;selling at 10
he trustees cer.t kr pound. Ce1ve,9 were eteadY,
'e fer.,cea re- quality corellde,red, het .eheep. .were
other ler- Lr.c1jned to eaeder values. Hogs 'were
mpiate thie etetady- lait $11,75 fed areinwate,red, and
springers were a aloW but
trade. Alt ugh the general
it, imbs wa nott an lrguectvp-
lalt week'.4, the market firm -
250 per 1i0 lbs, ined ;closed
Me 'beet
leave the $12, we ghe
Mr, George leble t
3, -was here tempt
.-All our The r
Pa-nters re -
id are work-
cp. up --Mrs.
or tan and
labor Day
ar.d. 1e,
for Pu
fed lerr.
'I% Hu
Ir our vil- tle, 950
ook advent- 200 la
cheap rail- Gutne
ntac es.- The n teers
field on $6.50
t is hoeed Jerkins
the W.M. pounds,
will attend tree f
O be a very cattle.
utherland to $8.5
g the past to $7.50
brother, A.
tb. off care, but it Is prob-
e packer -buyers will at-
br .g down pricee totr.orrow.
eipte were.. 195 care, with 3031
40 ealvee 736 hogs, 1,124 sheep
he and 280 home. R. Carter
de: *pee, bought 100 hogs, 11.75
• waterel, and $12 off ears.
eileett bought 100 butcher cat -
to 1.000 pour.de, 7.26 to 7.80;
•0 at ter cents eier po
tel'1 bought 2C0 cattle. Bute e
and helfees. 7.25 to 8,25; cows
$7; bulls, *5.50 to 7.50; W.J.
bought Me lead butcher.% 920
at 37.10 to $8; (George Rown-
Harris Abattoir bought 250
Butcher steers end heifers 7.16
; cowe $4 to $6.60; bulis *5
Riee teed Whaley ;sold: But..
• Chere, 18, 1040 Bee $7.80; 23, 930 lbs
of cottageme 'pounds:, 7.30'; 23, 1960 lbe, $7.10; 4,
Mre. John Ca:neroe 950 pounds', $7.50; 11, 925 Pounds $7*
n, ,spent a
rer.itis here
Ise Bertha,
th his p
retume from, a, 21, 1010 pouods, $7.25. Cows -14 990
he west. The Ladies A.30; 1, 11401 pounds, 4.15; 1, 960 lbs.,
and girls recruiting 4,60; 3, 11901 'pounds., 6.7'6; 1, 6801 his.
1, 990 pounds, 7,26; 6, 995 pounds,
6,85; 8, 860 pounds, 6.85; 1, 1100 lbs.
$13.75; 1, 7701 lbee 45; 320 pounds, 5.90
a fowl, is
ay eveni
uncll eth(
to a tfre
at e
,•. Co,:ne
• he arty
;al r view,
• . 3. Drys•clale.-Miss
who has
with h
e her du
Mr. Roy
Mr .A.
ent her
ppor ito,the 550, 1, 11001 pounde 560, 5, 1;10 lbs.,
g At Isven 6.50; 3, 1216 poande, 5.50: lf ball,
leer. The 1160 ince $5.60; cheep 6.50 to 8.35;
'entertain- calvee $8 to $11; five lambs, 10.50 to,
ght o•'clock 90 Lambe, $10; 39 laerbs, 9.75; 20 lambs,.
!give the 8.25; A lamb's, $9. Dunn and Le-vack
reception.- s.old-Butchere, 3, 1140 pours, ;8; 2
ieh., and 1150 pour.de, 7.95; 17. 890 pounde $6:
lidoh., are 17, 920 poutne, 7.25; 9, 850 poantle
6.85; 2, 1180 reeled:zee ;7 ;50; 13, 81
pounds, 7,50; 21, 916 poored,e, $7.60 '
2, 1520 pound, $8.10; 18, 790 pod.
$6.5C. Cow -45, 1110 'pounds, 6.40; '
1140 lbs,. :$6400; 1,661010 t lbs, 44.20
1, 1050 pour.els, 6.90; 1, 1100 pound:
6.75; 3, 1110 poutele, ;6.25; 1, 910 Pourel
6.25; 4, 1160 'pounds, $6.30; 4, 1130 lbs.. .
poureie, 5.75j 3, 1085 panda., 6.60; 27
123e1 wards, $6.25. Bulle-1, 1060 lbs.
$5t50; 1, 050 poutde, ;6.25; 1, 1,550
potincle ,7.80; 14 970 mune, $6.25; 1,
1520 pounde,. 11.80; 1, 1520 lbs, $7.00;
3 Milkere, $80 each; 'sheep, $4 to $8;
calve, $5 to $11; 40 lambs, $8; 150
latnt $10 50 lambs., $9.76. McDonald
.04 Halligan .sold-Cboice heavy steers
8.40 to ,8.65 nor cwt.; good $8 to' 3.25;
choice butchers' $7.85 to $8.15; good
$7.40 to ;7.65; medium, $7 to $7,25;
conirrbre, $6 td $6.75; chalice colvve, 6.25
to 0.56; good, $5.75 to $6; medium,
$5.25 to 6.56; colonton, $4.50 to $5; can-
ter e and cutters. $3,50 to$ 4.15; choice
bulky. 97 'to 1.25; good 6.26 to 6.60;
eneditor., $5.50 to $6; commot, $4.75 to
$5.25; beet feeders, $6.25 to $6.50; med-
lune 5.90 to $6.15; con-enon 5.25 to 5.75;
best !milkers and springers, $75 to ;90
beach; medium, $55 to $65 each,
The following 'were tile quatiatione:
chalce heavy steers 8.15 to $8.75; good
heevy steers, $7.75 to $8.00; butcher
: „cattle, goad, $7.35 to $7.75; .1.xedium,
$7 to $7.15; cora:rot; 46.0 0 to $6,15;
butcher choice bulls ,7,25 to 7.50; do„
good, $6.50 to 6.60; rough bulls 94.50
to $5; butchers' cows, eholee, 96.50 to
90.75; good, 96.0 0 to 96.25; ;medial -re
$5.50 to 95.85; etockers 700 to
850 lbs. $6 to 96.50; choice Leede -.s,
dehorned, 6.30 to 97; canners and
cutters, 3.50 to 4.50.; milkers, choice,
eaCW, 970 to 990; cone and rted. each
$40 to 960; spinge rs $50 to $90; light
ewes 97.65 to 8.50; heavy sheep 4.50 to
$5.35: awing laMbs, per pound, e 9c,
to 10c; good; to choice' calves, 910.50
to 912. medium 99 to $10; 11ov,
fed tad :watered, 11.75 to 11.80; do"
weighed, off care $11.90 to ;12; f.ob.
911.15. „ . . ( t
e en; seer; d-
✓ parents,
Is RA Dean
Brandt, of
andt, for -
.spent a
eek with his friends
of about
has iretu
on fertile
Miss Flo
eek to
Igta,ry se
days wi
9. lieynol
nd are ita
Nellie C
Initer Da
tremill of
Mxs. E.
lard. oth
-night ha
six years.-
ned to Ito -
ence Reyn-
esern,e her
•1, after
her par-
-Mr, Lind
eir daugh-
ng In Abe
ichael, of
with her
few weeke
Bell- ar-4
r relatives.
e returned
Wee tour ey on nab-
y Dr. Har-
w:ho cap -
Mr. and
_led by Mr.
red; to To-
nds 'there.
and vlein-
nep Border, laet week
Ibert C
-Mr. teed
etly visi
„ N
rt. -Our
last le
-re Welni
ago prize.
ale, mot
citing fri
to the
more spent
Mr. and
Far -
by a
er places.
nit Wed -
Ur. and
e Beichert
home of
Idler boys
week 034
ve before
-Our school op -
wit) the nie. staff
Faultless workmanship and a very careful selection of
all the New Style characterize our lines of ladies Fall Shoes.
The New Boos iri medinm or high tops, for the short street
skirts. Choice I athers of vici kid in dull or bright finish,
Patent le .Coite*high and t 0 su with
i t Itlh elongta vamps Metal
s and spool heel is an attractive
eight inch tips, for 4.50 an s•oo a pair.
. Ladies Pull Kid Button Boots with plain vamps,
Boots Kid L
with plain van?ps, s
, • spool
hheeeeil: and
eight inch bops for 4.50 a pair.
Ladies Bright Kid Button Boots with plain vamps and cuban heels
for 4.00 and 4.50 a pair.
NM Lad* Patnt OcilE Boots, Buttoa or Laced, with plain vadmopths, ctl °opt:
tops and spool heels fbr 3.59, 4.00 and 4.50 a pair.
Ladies Gunmetal Calf Laced Boots with plain m
and spool heels f9r 3,50l a. pair.
Our Shoes show their goodness at". glance while our experienced
service in Fitting- inztires every Woma4 a shoe that is right in every
September 8th to 16th, 1916
Art, Music, Agriculture and Amusements. A Fine
Combination at London's Exhibition.
A real iiVe Program of Attractions Twice Daily
Two Speed Events Daily
Fireworks Every Night
New Process Building Every Building Full of Exhibit
SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all inforfrom the Secretary
. J. REID, Pre ident
A. M. HUNT, Secretary
* ************* **********************
* •
• ••• •
chopl of Commerce
Olintoll, Ont.
• •
* •
• • Guarantees to you a Commercial or Stenog- •
• •
• •
• rap lc Conrse equal to that given by any •
• sch ol in the Province and a POSITION •
• wh n you GRADUATE. Individual in- - •
• stru tion. Students may enter any time.
• Fall term opens Sept. sth •
• •
C4,na4 bleeds You
• •
•• •
What are you doing to fill the place of one of
' the boys at the Front ?
• •
• B. F WARD, B. A. M. Acct. 44'
Phone 208 Principal •
• ***•••••*****************
are inade i▪ n a high-class. careful manner. They have
earned their reputation from the way they are tailored
as well as from the pure materials from which they are
made. 1The quality has always been a prime factor in
our tailoring, and always will be.
I in spite of the fact that owing to the war, British
woollens lllave advanced greatly iu price and tailors all over Can
ada have 1een compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make
worthy made to inea.sure clothes at a price that is within the
range of every map.
--and wp never had a finer range of Spring and Sum-
mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of rich, fast color--
ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men,
middle aged men and old men. It does not matter whether you
nre a style enthusiast or just appreciate quality, tailoring. and #
value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and
examine these new materials.
e‘de to Measure"
StlitS ecnd
AS ALWAYS been our aim and ambitron
e our customers the best possible satisfaction
he tailoring business. Our suits .cnd overcoats
Let Us Be 1' OUR ailors
De Bright 45‘k So
scab Quackerben
lite,PiAned away at hi
Bay, oh
his 63rd. 5*;,
e .44.1 a few ven
trouble atd altho
ble wee done, 11
• deatia as etat
r the farm onl
d his early d
p regret. Hie
one by -a forene3
ve8iLm. %mit :synip
the bereeeed relaties
as held on Titsur.e
ieising place in
metery. Ilevd7., D. 3
. J3. Meyer conducten t
4.-M1ss flaBawde... of
r.; a position on the e
W. T. L.Wurne.-Vir.
eon' of Jacob
visiting here. He h.
.'‘west for e number et
Appel is vieltir.g Th lite
vaav Florerce Hartle% is visiti
tier eiSter 1r. Terontei,-4fr.
re.fnemnier Toronto, wee he!
!Melt vieleng bin Parentroen41
leeenert land son of Detroit, all
the home Oif Mr. and M..e.e.
Seibert. -Mi. Louis -Weber ha
contact for the mason
tte -new dwelling being erectel
• .Urries .1(P.T.,ston h Ilensall.
Xbele Teueenter, of Detroit,.
!Vele her =other here. --Mr.
-Weirs new residenes is tea
e-Thohiae Skinner, a VT .
ghli respected resident ef
expired sud,dex_ly at Keter-
tit uare.day afternoon last. He
etg3112 hone in shape for ,
,areat4 was seized with
pale f4ir.g from the seat
eulky d a. few
Soldier Turned drey.
A phenomenon that has
aroused curiosity is the sudde
g gray of the hair under tb
ence of great emotion, S.,
torical instances are open t
aneb as the ease of Marie 4t.1it
411.0 is said to have become
the night before her execut
there are several well seethe".
cases veuehed tor by medical
era. One of these refers to e
\ tioldier in the present ware
He was ie. a, trench in- tho
dimisntrel.et He
ehlwchas wparsojeleelotewanbze
and then. fell beneath a IJile of
When he was extricated h
found to be deaf, and a fee
later an an English hospital le
ed. to his great surprise tha
were tufts of white hair on
eide of his head. The lots e
was eomplete from the roOte
ends of the hairs and the
heirs were just as white as thi
est. There was not a browi
amidst them. The gray hair
tolidly iniplanted and could 1
ed out only by tortsinera,hle
Subf3e4uently investigation
out the fact that the patten
side of the head and face WO
injured by the explosion and
of earth. liek_aleo ;suffered, f
incessant twitching a the left
Agb13 hafr was the phwhyitseicilleaansg°
the eonclusion that the injur
tabled were directly responsi
they arrived at no definite
siert. In fact, science has yet
a cause for thesudden turnie
ef. the hair.
t • ... e
ZurWO •-••• . . •• ...Sept. 2
9 i
Melton .. .
Winchene Sept!
iiitIRSDAT, Sept. 7th
Fail Wheat tstan.)new. 1:22
Oats, per hush. ........ 59
• Barley, per hush........
Beane, pee 26)
Bran, per ton....„...,. 29 00
Shorts, per ton........ tel
Flour„ per 3
Butter, No. 1 looee, lb.20
Eggs, Per dozen
Hey, new, per ton..." 8 On
Etto.neeteeeeene •111.11 JO 49 le -11 11 11
esday, Sept. 2Ctb. on lot 12,1
in stock, Implements arld
1 Son, Frep„ T. Cameron. A-9
y, Sept. TIM. on Saturdn.:;
toek.impIernents-nrid HO -
re, 3. J. Roach, T, BrOWn,
On Monday. Sept. 2.5th, on Int 12.
lp Dear Dublin Farm Stock, Trap
Ho usebold Furniture. Thomas Mgt)
Bron, Auct,
Holder of Gnegernmeet
and Lieebee
• Mowers fennel -eta on sn)
Night Oat!
Phone inn
Saik,we-InColborne, on t
and Mrs Wan. T.
Colborr.e-In Gederich
te ntr. ar.d Mre.
• nd-In Wing -hem Ge
Acee. Augast 20th
W. H. Huebend.
way -
by Rev.
c'rgar-at C