The Huron Expositor, 1916-08-25, Page 3I - 1 r0.0r,0" 6 xsissossinoiststocutiossisssiitatiossissimilsostosasins A Established 1871 • s s * CAPITAL AND RESERVE $13,000,00t ; . * * ...........-- it Savings Departmen - Have you money in the Bank? Are you s Ting? • By 1 „ * is putting away a few dollars at a time you will son poiSessi i XX w a fund for emergencies. , IA X X ; Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received. is s interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. all A X X SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Mon ger. A X XXXXXxXxXxxXxxXXXXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX/1 • of a invites Lerither at will iOd as from of rife d baek- [d have e,lIs and. tichant` son and d with ar Won - ds for. I was and . and I lid and smareS pOsined. Lydia zeived COW hoi.e....•••••••• 0 • • 4 wrtr-A. ' Var.COUVer. 'Where ittatt gOtter7S, past six yews; wi W. A. Turvey vita ritg DrSTRICT MATTER • visit duthe Barris Sask. He Seafia-th Collegiate. -The board of adueation, and staff ot the Seata'eth Sollegalte Itstitute, are Much graltfied, 'with the showing of tbe candidates at the recent departmental examinations Despite. the digticult nature of the examinations of this year. Only eight attidents in the :entire anhool were =success ikul. the school having Ism average of 84 per cent. for eucceasful .puplis. Twenty out of 22- were succeiS- Sol at the lower school, while fifteen/ Obtained their entrance to fiatulties exaniiratIons. At the latter exarninat A0074 four obtained honors in Part I., this doe a not Include the 30 students Selo obtain certificates by working on faxit5 er_d enlistment: Stephen Robert Catnntell Dead. -On SuodaY of last week, Itir „Robert. `Canapbell, of Stephen, passed away onfte aud- sdetly at the age of 55 years, 7 namths and T days. The deereased had beezi ailing- since :winter but was not considered to be tiierioUSly tL On Sunday he was taken' owith 8. bernorrage of the 'brain. and passed law,ay in, a shoot time. 1 -le .survived by hia widow land risoighter. Nellie at •home. Four brothers and two sisters 'also survive Mrt. Albeit Esterett, of Washington; Mre. Arthur, Coxworth, and George of Saskatchewan ; so mai= of Herssall and .john of Oa. The tusterai was liekl cal Tues. day, cenducted by Rev. Corriere, di -I- tem -lent in Grand Bend cemetery. Mitchell miteheu. Boy Killed in Actioni.-Mr. 'Alfred Price received a letter on Monday of last week froM .his• brother Pte. William Prize. of the •Royal Army !Medina Cors. Later Ufa same day Mr, Price, received a rtleSSage sasirg that Pte. Price WaS 'r actior. oo August Oat. The latter Went to Frianpe with the first can - Urgent from England, and had been actively eroraged ever since the , war started. He -was the youngest of a fapaRy of several bays a'ad (the news of his dealth is keenly deit by his brother in Mitchell. who has the the synosathy of the citizen C Wounded lat the Front. ee Official rtvord, has been. reeeived that Pte. Frank Dent had been ad:natal-1 to the hospital euffe'ring with. a. gunshot wound in the knee. Pte..Dent, vette Man, about 31 (years of age, ens listed ;With the 34th Battalion., but was trentsferred to a Toronto Mote. land Battalion when the 34th r broken up, At the Utile of aoitieting he was world -mg on a fttoin na ear Russ eeldale. His 'wife and three children, rer. tre living in Stratford. Minton ; Floody-Chant - A church ;wedding took place at Wesley church, at Ineon, en Friday. August lith when ?Wax,: Mary Bevan Chant, elder eda.ughter of Kr. and Mrs. 1-1. B .Chant, heestne the bride of Wlllttrn Edward Floody. Rev. Dr. Routiedge ,pastor of the church. performed the ceremony. The bride was .given, away by her father, and wore her travelling costume. a tailored suit oe blue cloth. with 'blue _ French hat. The couple were un- attersied. The weddixt4 guests being - only close relatives. were ;seated in the centre of the laurch, the ushers 'were lassie.: .3. Sutter food D.; /Coate - 10n, Jr., while a number of ladies 'were seated in the body of the church end gallery. Irrortediately after the ceremony autos. conveynd the entire Tarty to the, home of Mrs. Chant, were a reception_ _was hheld andi uo- -cheon served, the -bridal party leav- irg on the three o'nfock tramn.- tar Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. Atter a short 'honeymoon Lieutenant ,Floody will relain his regiment the 136th at Valcartier, and Mrs. Fioody will 'remain in Quebec until LS is iordered overseaa. The bride is a native of 'Clinton but has b em in Auburn N.Y., lois the wast two -years, Lieut.Floody is also a native of Clinton,' being the( sot, of Mr. E, Fioody and was on 'Toronto World stag. The bride is a tlee,e of Mr. Robert Holmes, former- 17- of the New Era. The wedding mrty cor.sisted of Mr. and !Airs. E. Fioody and 'daughter, Miss Olive Cof Toronto, M.r and Mrs. Robert Soimes -of Toronto; Mrs, R. G. Emerson, of Wirtnin-peg. a. iter of Mitt "Chant, Ms Phant, at Unto -ovine, nother otr Mr. Chant ; Rev. Dr. and (Mrs. Rut-. ledge, Mrs .1) .Canaelan and idaughter, *.s .Wea,therwax of Orillia; Idir. and Irra. A. Cantelon and .two ;daughters, Mr. John Sutter, And the 'parents of the bride. The Expositor joins Mr. and Mrs .Floodyss tnany friende; In the county in exteading congratulations. Morris Notes. -Mrs. Suirivan and brother Mr, George Garress, or Detroit, have teen visiting friends in this vicinity. --4304ne of Ur .vir -a. Forrest% haleike; clover measured 49 1-2 Inches, It Wfl.s. BL exeeption.ally good crop. - Pte. John Anderson. who ha.s been helping �. his father's farm on the t -4th line, foo four weeks. hes returned to 'CAW Borden. -Mr W. 11. McCuteheen. tof the Sth line, has purchased a Cheverolet car from W. Atnent In Brussel.-Mr. James Gibson, an old and highly esteemed resident of the 9th line passed e way on Wedriday, August 16th, aged 72 years.. - %MISS Annie Geddes, 3rd Iine has been. en- gaged to teach the MoVittle school or: the 13th concession, Hullett„, near Lotdesboro at fa salary ssf $600.-Mre. Wifln Fowler 1.8 Vigititte her broths er, David Sproat, Belgrave ,also her olece, Mrs .Jornea Anderson, bth line. sirs. Fowler hat Suet .returteed frosi 1 for the post 11 taker. with It. 111 Calbicla formerly Mrs. James ticOr ken, 5 several .ribis fro -attired as of an, accident reeently, okii4 shO has! epent rt h her 41 oghterto home f a ta sho past ' eek, for has -bet.,we e„ans , (au Is qtkit wife' s a ' f - this own,ship. line, ba the reSult Death or TheosA Garg omits resid 1:her, Co e ofr 81" oat tim roke ' on. of iti ars, th acciden 1, hia I de se. It i since th decease e w ever mar s, RObe t in Mor rrnavgle:O.115:14,f. f -aan' e(fuSnt ear't at sdate,iertroxj t Rery • r. Thom nserV . Mr. Gar incoln.s: Ire, Eng ted to well -to do. Mrs, 'Brewer, 1.t whas home h died ,is a niecee• e ;- The Late James Gibson. It we with sadtp,se. that the pu le genle,r ally learr-ed•en We n,esday - rning o 1 the death of )Y1T. araes G, son, i 0 the ninth concessi n o f1 rris) 6 Sunday night, he was ,tie rtl wit paralysis 'which lett MP 1 a pre eariouS condition ,34. even he IP mediate feanity di not 'ea !se t11a the end wa,s 190 near. Pew t en. werl 'better known or more hi, ly : es teerned than th 1ate Mr: sono genial mann,er and kindly d spositia ,ga.lted him the 4espect o a who had the p1aAi4e of this quaint erne. He was one of tlVel O der real der.ts of tali& raecti 71, ea0 tp eyed, ri. small part hi, the making Of he early history of Blyth land Aetna . The, late .tr. Gibsor_ was born ia the Townahip of Kitly, Leeds c Linty% 3n, the year 184.4 ;sod came to YMorris to the lioine of h cousin:I r. sehn mocr.ey, of the 5thl ConcesS a, •whek, nineteen Yelars of ae; Hera los sided until 1811 tv en lie tt ik up, lot 6, conoession 9, orris, tv ion etv,as ' then in its iri eya eta,tet•a d in the same year was no reed ;t Miss Phoebe Asui 4.1c0,rt Itsto 04, tilss, 4th I e, corneeslon of the itaerie 1 celonsnip. To this union was ben, a l amily of eight skis and t o boy's, i alnely - , - Miss Ella ar41 . 45. J. E. Taman, Barth; Mrs .11-roCall Morris; Mrs. At- kinson, nagereville ; Mrs. 0 le, Fro- bisher, Saftka.t.chew n ; Miss ! Roby, ,a milliner, in Edroorton, Alta ; Miss I Gertie. a milliner, t Tharree ord • ..W ; . , of the r.inth conces ion -of til rris, and Miss Sarah and Jo , ea at ho „e. The decrease ol was an enthusiss le meal - her of the • Orange Order, 'havialg been conn,eOted, wI1L that a satiation ;since he was zeve teen. 'years of age ,and at the Otte .11.18 ;dem se was. the oldest memberl of )31yt Lodge, He.- had filled all the offiozs l .. the primary lodge eir44 ;haat 40 \ BOnle; years ,been gterj of Cerearonter. Besides his: ,wife 4_1% y, ceased leaves to mourn. thee brothers attd one .siet r. They rartAl- William Gibson, In t e Meet : Samuel, in, Winnip'eg ; Tho ' '..in Smith F,a.11s erre]. Mrs. Ga diner, of, Kitiy Township, L4eed8 Cou ,ty, all - of ivilioto vth4 ynlOath of the community in tbeit berela.ve ent. - Perth *Totes -At a meeting Of st.mary. Chaser of it,be Daughters la the ui.1nei it wags decided, to adopt a pr sorer of war, Haseltoni Moore, eon f 3arne,s Moore, of that. totan, who .3 ';101.Wa prisoner in GerimanY. They. vvill un- dertake to Bend a hamper of food creel month. • ; -Mr. August Grieve, a to der.t of Mitdhell, died at It ListoweI on Sunday.Th ed had beer, 'ailing for ab011 . Mr .Grieve lived t1, Mitchell tirne, working at is trade •m.aking, fixing e7rrployed in Coles Istore.. About two yeil moved back to Liatowel, . ; home. -Mr. W. .1 .Eve, (4 .8 WIEW ',Coaled an Mo day of by the 'Wax Off e, OW Lieut. W. L. Evi , 011.ithe was killed in acti on. Fri belonged to a Liverpool regi went overseas last !Noverabe talned his degree of, M.B,. ronto Medical Sohtal last '3 noffiaillitiasx, fbartwathearewtiitsieronbettir 63rd Battery, at hohdort. -Or. Thursday lst, Mn Walks, passed awIty at he or. St. •Andrew8 Sltreet, in, year. The deaseki whose name was Phoebe tarVey, th Whitby ar,d ceethe to t shin' of Fullartare es a bri 45 yea.rs later, 'she and her retired, going to t. tiary Or. Wednesday, gas; taker. El and on the folio pass -ed away. Thr e zor.s . William, of Galt; Isaae of a.r.ecl Jelines of 'the tjownLI.ne ton land Blanshard -Bev. Dr. Taylor, son e W. Taylor, reetorl of St chUrcb, St. Miarys,and a f tor of Trinity c'hirch, 'Mitt came back from C Lila, Whe been, exigaged for a nuMber on'aecount of the 111 healt wies, Ws been otteredj isev portant positions, ,E0110nirwii post of geteral cre 'ry LaymerSe M1ionay kr ern Anglican chureh Li Can a, ary of $3.900 a y ar Ortith Teronto. It is pos Ible that Acoort WA PoStict$Ii 140 1 day, ;August lath; old land 'Well 3rel line, died !at and Mrs. Fired Bo at the advanced o rim months. A Garnis,s }fell ar..d.' hips land at his Y• ever sixty years to doubt, hastelleci, eatne to Morris. ited. Four brothe ria; 3ohr1nAlg Bluevale; and G and twa. sistere su. took place an Tu Bluevale oe:metery: san, conducted the niss was born in lard and 'was repo On Sitn. a rt OS. lt -of cestion, 4, ar8 841 rag), rner real - it home decease a year. fOr sortie . Shoe - 11. e AO he s forrr.er . Marys, at week is Seta- , ay. He exit, and , He ob- the ¶o - e. Doe Niobe at s to the . DaVld her 80th. polder. as, Sorii e Town- e. Aboitt husband to live. isudelenly Ing (lay ;survive,:i t. Marys Fullars Rev,. 3. James liter ree- ell. Whiz; e, .he 114 oil years. of hie ral tn. h is the tire the At of 't at atieW efiiee - 'he ;may ; tirit* iliang:111114I•Mr'S%d log:',1attra: .'11r4a$s IhOpes: of ; 0. • CJ ASS ande ate eakfeOtion tiMe. Het Was a wl promitent ! in, tit- ! ,en a !mild= :.venal 'years. H 04: land .always of .eveirything.. deeply, 'regretted ceased :hint 4-1; and hiel leaves t daughters :to tiro In his last, of who. e Mrs. 'Charles Stallnp, of 14,10404 ontinue to improv era:W.1'4S hie wor' rit claSte Of Otitna. lorl are fl01Wsummer 0Ore,• f tia 4th . ,died UifIefl1Y on melt, kft... year& Died Wit tar some rater a,i. I._•. tin ndil to. y respect - ft aide , will be. • ;His 'wit. trber or Years ago 01 15011/5- and. thre E POSITOR 9+++*+++++++4 "+)•404P++++ Phone Your Orders 1 Stewarts j. -79r Less *******4wo+444++ Mail Your Orders 1 rr-1 Li Ulf rr d the , Co Was iLj w the ,.b.r Ls death 11787 t.rrraaramegrwmgereorsearrig,Ar.irserrogar.020* Crompton Corsets daughter. 1 Sch-o1 u i °axles and Furnshin for Boys and Girib • • ga.by's Great Danger During Hot , ' , 0000000trees eather More little ones. die cluring the hot weather than at f m fly other t e of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentryi ob.oler a in t faritlana and stomach troubles come without warning, and when a medic Inc ia•not at hand to give promptly the short del ay too frequently -Means that the child has passed beyond, aid.saby's Own Tabtr Tablets shoild ?Say 't be ki ept n - homes where thereave? ' ..g children.' An occasional dose df the Tablets will prevent stomach and b,orvel rouble,o if the trouble -corn es suddenly, ' th t proropt use of the Tablets will cure the baby. The Tablets are Old. by medic - n inc dealers or by ail at 25 cents a bot from the Dr. W, iIHams' iMedicine 00. O Broekville, ntt ; Munition Deliveries • TIein Monis from dellvT erles-rf7r1.5. ntiwrio a,re r soing .far behind' t1e qn:antities • Omiaed, end wal • are seriou,slyi• preherisive If the : elating CCCOlti zts canhot be better. _ : , • 0114 10 the eta. Int of the Itn- perlial ,- utitions Beard , to 'thepro.; ir vinetal rganizati n. of ItesOorces Coen- tnittee, ' nolt been conducting a : isreihithiary inye gallon, into labor , conditiOrts in, mu ition plants in Toe rontd, 'Hamilton 4n4 :other Ontario! citied.- . ,; 1 . This' snort,age, ItflL1 production ' has �een,liaMelly glue tel the fact i that' thee Inera been, a, -err' inedequa,ts. aup- ply ; of , labor out Iciently stilled to make; ;deliveries elffeotive. : This. 'nos '-hattinered feet lee turning r out forgings ani component parcs. :which, Pii, turn, have adveraley affect.. ed operations at ith,e' 'madslining and assembihig plants, But thee, e also, have been -unable to 'make deliveries as eeheelttled, even when, they aos ful- ly. Supplied. 'with forgirgs ' and ' co:TI- NT:oat parts,: largely awing to the shattag.e , of labor • •:; The- Provincial Comtntttee,, there- fore, in bringing hese facts' to the attention, of the public, •delsirea 1. - To hall the attention • of all those engaged in the munitlions and alliedirohistries tO the fini3ortaincei of their 'service ;and' the great respon- sibility ate;sting uponthem tti individ- uals to co-openit and do . all in their power to etre a ateady and increased eupply of munitions for our forces at the fro t.t . ' I . 2. To urge upo an those who are ineligiSee, fOr Dye seas ,service and -who are anxious to voluntarily da their beat in finis great 6tru gle. (s- pecially those noW engaged .n, *DOI:- productive work cr in the p oduetion ef cointrodities wlhich are duxurietl tnore or leas) to 4onsidei e. ployrnent cor ntunitioas as tberl next best :ser- vice to going ov ,reees. =, 3. To urge W Tnentt • Emergency Corps te register womentor muni - ton- work or %for work which, • will release anem for the rr,Maitions in- dustry. • There is no need to emphasize the fnaportance of the highest possible prot ductioa of munitions. The lies -of our boys and the euecess of their en. cleavers depend upon it. Statemen,ts from: the highest authorities' tn. Great Britain land from the front bear no small tribute • tO the • part that munition workers are playieginbriag. ing the war to tt, succes5to ' conelusa ion.' . The Officer CO manding a brigade of Canadian arti lery, who ,returned from the front 1 t 'week laald ,trite Geranate will ne er- break, throtighe row. Before, the4r had : 'Munitions, guns, equipment -everything but the -"nerve." All w 'had Was ("nerve", But twat we haive Mood uns and plenty of good aijnmunitbn.. Whereas fOrtmorlY$ /,We. la . limited (to ten to fifteen atunds a kalif a, ay, now we u:se 500 to .101)t) a. gun, and one week lately we 1ept 'going all ,week r.ight land day.. I 's all itnportant that glom' ebei kept' ,up • 1 Are made so m n)7 di erent models to fit so m ny •. different fiiiires that there is no excuse for w rnef*ri0 having er- fe t fifttrig corsets. 111 fitting corsets are not n- ly uncomfortable but un - h althy and make youarp- p at -to _disadvantage las w I'. Your correct mOd- el is in our corset clepa4- m nt, ask to see it. P ice.....50c to this eva bea NT many da*374<s until school opens. And with it the demand for all manner of school wearing ap- par 1 for both boys and girls. We have made special pre aration for school daysin the way of good sturdy rnerchandise that looks well, will 'stand the wear and is not too costly. Boys' seiti, hats, caps and bloom- ers, knickers, stockingssweaters, shirts and girl's dressep, stockings, ribbons, hats, c aps, skirts &c. Do your shopping for school here, it will pay you. omens' Nlew Fall Coats ERE aretwo advan The usual advanta year the additional' ing any future rises tiful coats: reasonab, ages in buying your coat early e of getting first choice, and clvantage of buying early and in prices.. We ,have some y priced. Call and see them. Pric ••••• ores rre ,�S,... 40c0 ••• 11 Price The new fall hats are here - men who know Fitwell hats need no fur- ther description, ;They know from experience that " Fitwell " stands for head ease., superior quality and correct style at a popular pace. ,NO other make of mi ir hats embodies the same gree of distinction value. They, ,.made in both soft:a:rid stiff felt I in every wa4ted color . • • , .enb rrel 000 ars AL-Nt. _ .ar to - Vrt . .$10.00 to $35.00 e. bif" -t en's Suits New Suits for Women Teti -1E first shipments of women is suits for fall have have arrived and even at this early,date are be- ginning to move out. They have so many new attracoe five features that you will want to buy- yobrs early too; ask to see these suits when you are in. Prices.. ..„$15 00 to $30.00 • 00 •••• 0 •see160.10•0 4 Women's Suits Made -to -Measure Made -VI -Measure We want every man to see our new fall suitings. There are so many.pew patterns that description fails. The one grea point in our favor is:that we are able o the ,supply of _Amu and .therlettaed." Efforts to use women) an ar.unition plants are (meeting 'with; fg':' SUCC258. Itt ;a number of !places Wave registered, land are waltin /to be called to work asi mon tacestary ' arratgements can. be made. In Well-' and, for instance, 95 'women se01)0hd- ed last wee`it: to that call t.of a lacory there which needS 150 (to 200''iwornev, Fury !per cent. of those whogatnivwlesr-f ed thecan :had never beri to reg- ular emploiyment before:4 Wages In anunit ants planta should be sucli as tot attraot a Iarge number of workers. Four t01 seven, and even, ten dollars a de.j le not '1 tlearnMon, for Men ensployed on the iece-work bia48'Il. you can't 'be the . Be the tnan behind the, rn 41)beehhillIndd the gun, the gun." Catarrhal Deafr ss Ca n)t by loc.a.i appileattims, as th reach the diseased portion o cichatarererh.alisdearnn efJ aly :de 17711 coati t u tional tOmeds. . deafness is caused my an condition of thr: micuos lin Eustachian. Tube, When th laffmmed you hear a or imperfect • Ing, ,and entirely closed, •$ esti is salt( Unless the 'nfiarum.atl reduced, and thil tube reetoed to its normal condition, hearing wI4 be des- :troyed jt)rever. ; y oases of deal- t:0B are caused iy catarrh, which is an inflamed eontion of surfaces. Hall's atarrhl through 'the W.. oath, in faces Of the s tem. We. WLLI give e Hand :for 4$34q _case of Catar tliat 000* be cuj,ed by Cure. Cirtimlars fee. All Co., be Cured y cannot the ear. to 'cure is by a Catarrhal inf Lamed( ng of the tube Is ng sound. rhen it Ls the •re- n can be F .CHBNID 4 mUC0118 re acts 1109 sur- d Dolla.rs Deafness Catarrh ugglets„ ledo, 0. The styles for fall are set. The new fall suitings are here, and our tailor- ing department is already to work on new fall suits. In spite of the great scarcity of materials, we are well pre- pared -to meet your wants. Gu rantee the Colors Co.ors Vilaranteea • of evei y ted, twee uitince we have whether wors- or serge and we guarantee the fit as well Let us measure you for your next suit. -e 1 in a beautiful line of materials specia, ly adapted for women's suits. W will be pleased to show you the neW plates and materials. e - Price................$22.00 tc $35.00 Price...... ..... to $28.00 isery for E erybody Men's Work Clothes 5 Fir stor ful bes 'for wis inte t last, and always this is a specially good hosiery . We give the que+tion of hosiery our most ca.re- ttention. We make it a point to always have the hoe for ma..p,) woirran or child, and always sell it ess. It is irnpossille to give details here but we to impress on you iihat you serve your own best ests when you buy your hose at this store. Wearing qualities, comfort and flir price are the three points to consider in work clothes and without any one the garment is unsatisfactory. You will find all three in our work clothes, Peabodys, Ovefills and SmOcks, Flaixman and Sandow shirts. Penman's un- derwear and hose are all undisputed leaders in their different 1ine It pays to buy the best especially when 'the cost is practically the same. Butter, Wool , and Eggs Wanted ro rrr, lor. -.v.. • 1 - , ,