The Huron Expositor, 1916-08-18, Page 3• A T 1844 I assamminmiliaxiganntursorinwssisiani ere aria - - - • See THE RIMON EXPO ITO THE 7-- Trip Wann t a ass- assi, :T0 EPIIPEC rip Ea 'ROM lakaaassasisaia. g Dates t17and31 mato Sudbury [ East, but. not' :.; Small's Falls es;.a. also frore a East of Suds art no includ- I it Bay. st 19 and ember 2 t Groat°. also [Soutlithereof part tCulan. ircim F'`acific Ticiort- ! W 3 liewatd. :assengv Ago's. r..LEGE 4BER TEEN FEEN Therms, Ora. im ong en am mon me: im IV titre of heat— ire-pot which he Sunshine Chit is noted. 61a r , g e owessioM _ id ambition I satisfaction ndY overcoat--; They ba' - are tailor iich they; me factor vary Br: all over t aintte to s avithia •tf and 1ch, fast young r whethe ttailarirar Come i. 4 1 rAtablisheal Cispilal and -litextry* $13,000.000 Ar2 N BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACItED Savings Department Deponits of One Dolly andamtards receive& bluest paid cr added to woods ter* a yew, Efficient service. SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager. X X SO I ra*XXXXAstai*NAIIVIESINISNMPOCOOKX0*XXXINSMItiMPOISIASIMMIlli XXVII 'seine time efore the war, a eihtp- load 'of scraps the Waste - Maas along the 1134tjh Cohnnbla coast, iwhere Uri, ca lwere, made for the fish cannaaries, w sena to many to be. anal made 11_ a there in' the or intdu try. No bat We ivirill roc 1 er got oys rom er- Many, we aray find ne d of our scrap tin ourailveis,t f One of the kliCat Gei1ou1*, wastes in owe couritry is in costa ction -1tlb sahe wood supply. We have learned, be Isaac: to use greater flare and j dg- knerlt fin the cutting tor our forests, than ogee w did, but wei'still slate far too ue1 of each stick ave cut. • The matt° f r the auture Is to ase.i every fragm r.it ofwod fibre ani reaent discosfeAeSs aeet likely to mite that aible, The strangest of discoveries is that be Male out lof sawdutlt- grade f su.gar too' COS e fOOK- tUFItall u, bat exeellent or cattle toed when mixed With a dasall prOportion of at. ft may: yet riC jou-114 rinesible to Teffne it 1 intca table., food . ft el, ttion E DISTRICT MATTSIRS Walton. Notts. -Mr. A. R. &nail, of Straaa tad, speat the week oil iat the - WO' of Mr, and Mrs. John Was Olive Reynolds, of Reeton, haa 'asaturned after visiting with the Masses ra_retabald In. MeKlikaas-Rev. air. Lox% Mc- uf Whitby, conducted the se - is in the Presbyteria-a church, th.e twat two Sundays are hass cermoias Owe very acceptable.. - The Matlia old friends of Mrs. . ewas McDonald wllogrot to learn, that she/ pad &Way at her heir& in aleaforth •Irs Fri- day lax macre were r� zervicee Ithe yethodist church seat Zuneray aft tber are acme improvereeesta bein.g • ita the builling. Nes* wirdotwe t ing putt WroXoter • and' Mrs. earl Brown, asagoanze. the engagement of their, daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Chester •Biggirs. the, marriage to take place lithe -latter part of August. - Pte. od a aril family left for Orange -1 kar. Saturday. where they will. raike their honee.i. -Mrs. W. M. Roble.: Consider then, the x ffer. wad Miss Sophie Robinsot. ier Canada- it week for a trip dowr, the St There is. test of all, tawrence. - Miss Kathleen Puther- I tricamt Of waste 'paper eord waed Vera. Johnion, were succaas- baPs ona, thing has fal candidates at the recent Entrance 1 leasly 'wasted ae paper. ht h re the Ore Order. Di. D. of Faakatebawan, grand ritatate Orar.Se 459C1CiAti021 of DAM:sal A; a broaber of Mr. Harveat Listowr-1, 1434 is 'ass oat' at liort4 • bay. B. Murphy, ICC., Listowel, is deputy geatesd rneet British .Arica. Mr. Ar A, 1 grand 'master of the Prasad. Knights of Ireland for titish. Orarge. Association in askatc Hurst, provincial grand ter 0 tea is ars old Elms aop Is alao an old North Perth bay.; White, praavinaial grand Oraage sAsadlation in biotheisatelava to Mr. Ito Listoiwel, and la an toad. firay. North Perth is Oreagemen, especia ly ,so o above grand officers. Waste lessons as a aster f beeta, t Car North ud of 0 New Ways of Usin t These are same of th are being impressed • t days farce of ciao (Wart -tame, Nir4 see that, Canada May__ be, it is ou ercise encsonofeety. The waste heap is be valuable. Much that hitherto .regarded as us should 'be put -tia a, p' aascl athat is well, wain ,at any time. I , Matasace however gutty t lug fou sae _less c ofitable SirVi VA/84-pH a gre n them. been tea We ma in, our Ito Nolotal Schools exa.rn.s.-Reeve Re ta kTUCh Of it and family are visiting in. Milvertan. country, Why save it? Taut One earliest effects of :the war' On 0.5 tO able sup d partie h. -is ulp. E se ships y the paper ountries negnelaxamilla w reat qu his kirs reat s. here gorre up by leaps and baureasa We tare dependent u Eur by 'the congregations. The pastor Is some of the ingrediesia of thft' away on Ms vacation" --Miss Adaa Illairellaind, Principal taf ctur school, ba,s grades, ;such aa book and a , doyen or more separate Itelsaughlir nas returns d freal, a trip to the ..westa-air. ar-d ,Mas. Fred Batches:. are saenkling a Meath witn frineds in. Essex County. Bev. A. Love and family are spenaleg • touple of weeks in eaSt. Thomas. market of the wart very seriously the las, paper of all kinds, a lot printing paper, wh made chiefly orf wool felt it first, end beca tot be secured to es Ethel from the producing - Notes. -The lest half of July make supply to every publisl apf• ebeese at our factory 'has bear4 sold to Ingersoll Packing Cce. at Et:gland an dEurbPie 18 0EXfitS.,---Nfi55, Sarah Oa/laza, of De_ beer. cut dolma In AL trolt as vtsiting rela.tives. and 'Trends have the advartage of b..ere.-Ilev .F. H. Gilroy, Brussels cona te raw material for darted the services it's Kr.ox church pa -Per -making, but so He preaeheia. / lane the demarsd that pric here or .Sursellay: Sermon. which was much ,araereciated 05 or r of E. Various other uses f4ir Sawduat have. ineen rePo nettaib1$. thie pro- duetion Of ol 'and briquette feel lEaPerlillanit8 an the later direettore has beer made very euccessfully Vatcouver, 'where the great lumber rnlfls adeuntulatte irnntearse quantities. of wood wastte. Under team heat and Ivressola very good el pradaced re in this 'wawa. Eulta,b e for ;tiOntestic ohni ar.d either esea: The heeae of saw- duSt piled ,up at the verager Wood -1 ue, thin hav,e and hjtierto on 0 GC country's! rea • _to: working establishment "ersa‘" cor.aidered or no' Nsever,a1 tastable' uses e which will add. to tit is a y of e via hPr thee, that VW - Int ticb tex-' Id to have aria ; IGUt t a - Pe ra care - e sc oevn tae the essea: ly oif lariy now rope coula taken a. Summer School Course at PaPers• Guelph Colleger-Mr. D. M. _ u made eras of the paper we calay, hardware merchan,t has • aaignment.-Miss Myrtle Bowes,has. that used for prinain passed her eatrance to Normal. &toed.' "11-tich wie wrap our p -3a& Hollinbeck Will remove his very hard to obtain. family to Pairterstor., where he -9,hemleals, dyes, and employed. They will sell their horse in PaPer-anaking, and he.re, also his fifty acre paeture Tarot corae fram Europe. 0 /33, Grzy towaphipa_aese and ears. stuff la particular, w Armsteang and tarrily. of R34 r"...t% I war sold for forty are visiting old frientia, here aafl are now costs tWiCritY 430 Mr. and Jam John grediersts have Vouble ails:, guests of meDonaid....eur, sg. Jamp6 pato aad all have i are less. The bas of Br -sumer os Astoria, Oregon, here visiting relatives and frIend.s.- Morris Notes.- Irene bicLaughlin bas 'auccesefully passed her entrance ta N 1 Schaal• xamina,tion. - The 1916, was first pratad up Monday ef abundant Old paper, last week. There are 795 naanes discarded strapp, tias the list, aubadiviaed as follows : Part worthless, can be use L 649; Bart II, 115 ; Part 111, 31. 452- paper. R is here t are eligible as jurGr5.-Yfiss Eliaabetn I heap becomes of hr. Fergusan, ath recently under- c mwspe4)exs, write 0 arr e 1,r reels, air A grea4 1acida a sost of e kind leis efi tints a as. 0 or 'tr reassd ✓ fire paper -s raga but eitsqe the( w rags arc hard to gel beeau, land, whsc foTmcrly upplled quantsties of it,hern, h now exposit -rig them. Fortunately there ;One kind nt `material th t pape Vateras List for this tawaship for use, the is -ripply of which even t seen) 1 In mak! thr ta,nce, allies a 'wept an operation at Fergus hospi-C. cclianeous pieces :0`f Death of Mrs. dioushier.-We regret are in it, have a re The piles of last sr tal and is recovi.srinw. to be called upon this week 4to asecard fashion journals, up i the demise of Mr3. John - `7dilaiers ith ericalS of new;spape who passed away Monday rear4ag 0.rsd the contents of of at week, at the, horme of her 'all ape worth some Pareats, Mrand ales. R. B, t Alcock, indeed are rightfull sixth line, at the ran'? ags of 2° , Inational- resources. years, 5 marsths. The funeral took, i Thc Government h Brussels Cerfle•tery. Pt _ear. R .E. Page, t be saving iorf our rea to out a call to the Ca' place on, Wedniesday a.fternoon, her pastor. being in charge of the, spect, and instead gy service. Deceas al was burn in Grey accumulations of way towaship and was married last Marcn- -gather them up an to her now bereft partner. They made market. Nurrbers their home on the sixth line as d doing so. In Hama pecaptets we re pleaaing for a happy children, a short ti lard SUCV Urt:. when Sickne55, enough old paper a •etsued. A medical examination allow- ed the prez4era- or internal cancer tar Wch nothiag could be done to save her life. Mrs. Giouahler was a fine. person and hal many friends who deeply regret her early densiae and whose -sympa.hies go to the be- reaved husban-1 and the parental terra. The deooas was oily 18,1d a- side two weeks, ht,r pluek keepirg her up. . _ aper it 1 mark asaa fa the a in. t o iw sate ing n A par s alre ri,adian urces destr rte pa sen0. f peo GM the e ago, ;1 rags eleven railway freight cars, elf which brought raarly $20 Grose Funds. Eacryt lay t tiara Army'a wagon, call three hundred houses. in To take away quaraities ,te r paper waste, which are a sorted 'and weighed., bassi* bales Or packed i ag,s, a to the paper mills. ,! The p to the Army's woradertul r redemptive work but even kind o e toi Ca raeanii, Perth Notes, f a -John J,. oaughlin, Stratfordas kg lawyerhas been appaiated Coune ty Judge of Kent. - • --Absut forty , la Mitetali and are n-Y.St busy plaii.01,-; tlaX ir. Log u fo Mr. Wm. Forrestsr. -Th•-.engagement is anneanced of Mies Ella L. laseakey. B.A., oral elaught r ef Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Hawkey.• Ruseeldale, to- Mr. W. E. Martin, P.A., Se.. D.L..S.. of raorcsatol The marriagi• will take place . the Littx:r rE;1.11 of August. Mcon...y Disuit and Canty Co. Ltd.. with el r r. • s t Str at fora , Mont treal, Winniag and Vancouver. has madsas.sign:r.,-nt in favor of tt- creature, the,r,••c,-saiary documents be- ing filed at Stratforae Mr. Malcolm H. Rebinla ann, c•rtired accouatant,. of Toronto. is noire d aseignee. Nothing Ilea bier. decal -tat upon by the credi- tors as art, hu t the local plant will eon-tin:IX to fill ordera. The case-. 13ar.y was erganiad at Stratford Ir. 1902 ar_d th, ha quarters was .e.ta- tiorsed there until this year. - -We doubt very much whoth?r there •ithe in-. , has still titles of been, -have e for etter rating+ greda! , or Ori. 1 Ir'Ow man.y. used, the.sel f dye - e the un(., er In - led In Iore or even Eng- greatt topped 1 othei, aker still n and /quit g e waste - or tn.1! mia- It that valud.- ok le, ani baskets and ,of leer 1501.1reRt3. . I; Similarly, tha swasteeheap,s OfJ coal dust tat tbe11 iminest etre 'belt* urns eel-' to sew nt. This durst is Jnotti treated,' .. tressed ihaict • briquette 1 at4 aollicli afs a very od -and eOnvena era fel. $ I ; The. fOrm of wia.et *root 4 in the. 'prairie count:1y s the left loth the grain 21e14s fteri 1 .ing. Every year 'to of 'Wheat, and flax ataw are burned it. tiethtfires t t do Ehej roontry direetion. at this, saseer i fulness!, ea.y the frmvrs& aad experiments are Ong rda converiting the at w into, ceaaliet in. arcarlette an or la Some feasibse rt.eth al of ust conur.on and :abuadani assuredly be found. s $o the. list of c -wastes ar,d the v them rrigb.t go on.: fascinalting chieverne salersce are In the w rubbish .1nb4 articlee as ,alrieady i1lcated, ly concern* in me. Ora mace v ry impor taaverrerstnust be m -i) the utiliaati in , of 'w illar traw **4 oats, °huge Slates sta.! de In fuel, jgaa- g Go a atertal will efore lon. Manly poked s new' 11$ 31 for me of the moa -Mt ta of adero y of conv .rtirg of value, and., anasda is, facet - y such e raves. lit Phase e the etiontea, -aroeiy te land. If we are , to have an, !ncreas4 crop 1 in. Canada by means or which! to imsset the heavy taste whit whjci the war ts piling uponOs, areas laed, rONV waste or idle Must be ' made productlace Last year over two wad atreabalf mi111on acres of land that were idle the year bc4ore boaecrops. Every hamestea r 4 th Peace iver country, or :every new Settler tthe back courstra of On lo tieber, whits turns Same of the Wa- nes's infba terms contributes toi the resources of the Dominion. aleithodieal farming of waste land resparirse to tberail for pro- uctior, Ana thrift ' these presetn.t Imes, '4ass already ehowa some won-, eraul results' twelve acre piece aceatep -ecaa- Whitby after re-: lamattior, by iirainirg, pr-adueed last ear tea tans of e allege corn per Ala asbanid•oine mill- bond at eckville was drat ed, ploughed up, ..see4ed.: anti 260 jI uishele or barley aere rvested fror its eix acres. ta.Ste „buSti land la the Northwest n, whecileared and broken, yields cad i4bato arid ba ley eraps in try! last twlo y,eare, ard- iventy to. thrity bushels1 of wheat Iler ,acre 1. the third Year.Nature Is always ready to co-eperate with i those who seek to turn its waste pliates or its waste - heaps t • useful accpants. The l,eStt kind of econamy art -thrift in dhcs or any thaes, is in neakisg the be t usc of U4ngs around usi! y ,ser.t Ole to this re ing tte r, heir) :to e •apo, ischooll ollectea a fill he sale fo 'Red f. Saivi- sm is nao and arid erward,s into ehipped cads. go of ansi the salvage da in if eoliss ' 11 114 industrial side, till is a direct assistan times like the xreA so -at any timer Ar,ather striking as affecting the w eault of ete-heap sud 'cm. rise in valuate of city For the past fifteea yeara New , w York has pal nearly of a million. dollars a yea removal of its garb ge, but stead of 'being an 'expen York's (garbage is an arset Jair.uary last a manufacturcir to pay $140,000 a scar far ai forthe privilege f re.not disposing of that . stela explar.atlon -was ti -tat g rba in becomes (Ether glycerine can. be m 13 aretts have in, it some empty tin ca. s. whit are perhaps as eOggestive ofworth Icssr,ess as anythl of. Yet piece of could be cut out la,r,e of use in. Irna • ho.e Your Orders 1 Stewarts Sell'at For Less gREMVPWRIWORMag. Mail Your Orders w Fall Clothing for Men and Boys w Style Features Demonstratated in the Fall Showing of Stewart Brand Suits and Coats For Fail en's Stylish Suits PTIH.L.Fe many new features in the fall 1 uits and coats will commend them to men of discriminating taste, The Man who wants sensible dressy appearance, good honest wear and comfOrtable fit, will find all three in these handsome new suits, and ilri spite of all the alarming advertising you see of greatly in -Creased prices you will find our clatlies show very slight advances laver °tiller years. Tweeds, worsteds Itnd serges are here in reliable color- ings in all sizes. Price.._ to $22.00 Stylish Fall Hats at Old Prices ArOd can buy Ring and Fitwell hats '1. tiiis fall for the same prices you always paid. The quality of these hats is unquestionable and the same high standa d is maintained in the new stock .1 a standard that is unbeaten by any other kat made. There are some veity attractive young men's hats in fedora and truth styles and s me cleverly shap- ed genteel's apes for the more conservative dressers. Call and look the ne ones over. itf-r • ; Wi Es 1 An Nnxiotis Time For Ail Parents CHILDREN OFTEN: SEEM TO -PiNE KW/Y.-AND ORDINAR1 MEDICINE DOE NQ' HELP THEM. • The healthof chtldren betwsen the age et twelve vein ,eighten years, par- ticula. ly la the' c 'se of le a serioiu- worry to ,rearly every •moth- er .The growth an, developmen takes so mush ,of th,cir tat ength that in mazy casts hey actuall teem to be: goitre' into a decline: Th 4 aapetite is fickle; brightneas givez I, ay to depreasione the war in the garbage. el'icy of quarter for Us, now in - New for 113 offered -e yearHiss Ind e greme, rocvs3e.,• now de. Oira t treated with steat from which by f glycerine and :nit much in. diertiarui., Every waste hea a g one mi ap tin, • .discaa me, toy -13,, • stny county in Caeada that has that industry is tore estab Civet as many grand officer% to Car.ada, a ,Market far Ulla aTY a:rth Perth, has given rubbish nay br ened up. .„, ht thin Such a: ed .car.s. n.d wh 'shed 1 kind In fact there palpits tic blood • the. au are headaches, fits of dizainef.s, tion, of the heart at the least r. ,aad same irnes fainting „The. ias become t aril watery and fferr must 1ave '6omething that will bring the bio'od back to its normal canditim. At this atage 'no other medi- eir.e. C1' oqtlal Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills Their I will* missictr, la to make new rich blood [-which v. aches every part or the bOdy,,, arirgi back health, strcrgltt 1 and energy. Miss Hrleers. Taylor, Wes t To cat°, says: "Two ye,ars 1 ago I was to badly run floats with ,ataeletia that 6 oirr.,e of my friends t. dad c t believe 1 cold get better. I could ;r.ot go,upsta* s withartetopping to rest, elufferee fsrom headaches 1033 of ,appotita and or months of trio time was confined to the bouse. I was under th.¢ care o a doctor but the Medicine took dld. not help nee in. the last. A riend aaalsed my mother, to give fine 1. Willi -r.s' Pir.k Pills, and although 1 daa ea sx.pect they would help me , after tl doctar's rnediclee had fallels I thee ght they might' be worth te ir..g. Aftc r taking two boxes there W8S such a marked charge eer the -bettr that pc1opit askedme if I had cha-aed doera. ! rs, nfdt I readily told them the tr.e , are that was help- irg:me. conlie ed taking the pills mail I bi used fight boxes, ' syhera any health was f ily restored. ar.d I IONIC. sir..0 cnjoe1 the best of health . 1 'hoiac y exper ence n:ay be 'the mearss of convir.eihg s.onee :sickly per - j soin that Dr. Will...ems' Pink Pills csa /restore i hem to health. , get these pills through any Tau dealer int medicine, or by mail, post pa.dtest a bo or six .bocae,s far $2.50 fr. Vhe. Dxl. Williams' Medicine Co., :1 e•kvillte,. Otnt. raPrice:sa e as lastyear, 50c For Fall Boy's School Suits VP21114&*:, rr0 have the boy respectfully dressed in a suit that will stand school life at a price that is with in a reason- able figure is the worthy ambition of every parent. And nowhere can that desire be better gratified than in our boys' Clothing department. Boys' Clothing is a Gpecial feature of this I store. We carry the stock shown, the • variety, and have the advantage of special prices. Bring your boy I Te here, we will show you that we can save you money. 4 Price...”••• •••. 098 ..,.$2.'!O to $9 New Fall Caps lo Men or Boys THE new caps are here in new fall colorings and designs. Some in the new golf shape, others with the stitched bands. Made of good quality tweed, serges and worsteds. There is a special line of fancy checks and plaids for boys that is particularly adap- ted for school wear. Rich in color strong in texture and becom- ing in style. Price to $2.50 25c to Four Specials in eadynto-wear Garments Slimmer Dresses at ]Clearng Prices pOR quick clearance ofsummer dresss,you will find a large table of thi year's street dreses, made of voile, crepes an4 chambrays, all istylishly made and beautifullyf trimmed, in plain, stripes and spots in all th new shades an costing $3.,5o to Sio.00. Reduced an sh to ia al Children's Dresse 59c de of ging-hams, chambrays,n-uslins, prints crepes in a big range of colors, long' or rt sleeve, high or low necksin all sizes 4 16 years. Reduced Price 59c Balance of Voile Waists 69c ese are waists that sold at $1.25 as a spec - bargain. There are about five dozen left, good dean stock. Reduced to 69c I tier, Wool and' Wanted SI Hosiery QOOD 1-losiery—Hosiery that will stand wear and tear, that will keep their color and fit comfortablyt Hosiery for man, woman or child and the very best values that can be had anywhere. Men's Women's hose.......... Children's hose........ .....15c to 75c ..15c to $1.50 to 75c - Ribbons RIBBONS in every wanted shade la all widths and materials—in all the glory or the autumn colorings and 40 last but not least the qualities are the very best, Crochet Accessories WE pay special attention to the wants of crochett and fancy work accessories. Threads, needles, pat- terns, stamped goods of any krown kind. We call your special attention to B.PC. cotton in white and Cerise and cordichet in white and guaranteed boil proofcolors. Stewa rtBros. aLl - Butter Wool 'Eggs Wanted 1 SEA_FORT11 ' 1 . 1