The Huron Expositor, 1916-08-04, Page 44 44.4 6 13 20 27 , .4. 7 NEW HtRON EXPOSITOR 'AUGUST T WT F 2.3 9 to Tr fa 16 17 r8, aa 23 24 25 30 31 85.1*.r.111.6 4 29 ADVER IIS1EMENTS COMMINIMMIIIMMION.Mk Seariertabre Suggestionst-Stewort Bros -4 Side Coattflueb--GreheOlothing Oushion-Sotelihoes-W. G. Willis -4 Qu%iity Counts -,T, X toZovish-s nelpW,,,ntod-Osnadaftlrimc1titla-5 iktiTerm-aintral Swatters Croll.g.e-5 lm SaShot Albures--Thonmporei-S Peatinger-Xentop Totoor'sLig---6 , Paging et Hibbert- Voter's 144-5 Bicycle Loste--Itera Rotel-S Tischer Wamtol-Geo. Coleman -6 MIK Wallin Expositor *SEAFOPtTli, Friday, Auguat 4th, 1916. 4.0.0.••••••••dar. Tho War Situation At the, clot% of twa 7eAr4 of war aad of the, first month of the Brite leh offensive. Sir Douglas _Heig. nOirercaacler-in-chief of the group of Rlritish Armtek in France, apeaking of :the eltuaticee laid particalar emphasis, Nts this faet tha,t the beginning of the third year of war aaav the inie.tive en- tirely with the allies On alit front, :?hilte England _for tha firdt titre oaks exerting actrething lute tilt': pewee' 'worthy of her aturbere and re- Oestrous- OR land. The tide bane turnf ed. Mire has beets with, allies from tne. fir,st.It Catly,a question of trore thas till we Win, la. decisive victory, :vrItich. Is the one eure vray to bring eleace Ulla are in other wars and tire til victory 'ta won. there will be na peace. Oa. the western front the Attlee •are steadily puehing their ;advance.. 9n. Mond,ay and thueslay with one great hottod they pushed up to the last German line of defences ancl at one feat they are actually- in posees.sioni f a1 piece of this 3,a,et line. This is the most Irrportant step the Allies leave achieved in their drive for at this point thE Germans have their loot line of defence between the Wiles forces and theParonnr-. rail - Way, wh.os. fall would peewit the flanking of the G-erman forces at Peronae and force their immediate re- tirement. It is a good sign tee, of the strength of the Alliers, when they have been ,able to penetrate and inold ever, .a small -portion of the enemy's tact line .of defen,ce, becauee it is a VIZE. proof at the inability of the Gerinans to hold_ out *against thz. Pre ure put upon, them. If the G-3* Maze; can oot cling to their last line loll fer.ce. there is ear,all ch.ance Yf their being able to check the Allied 'troupe when they have the open coun- try before them. The Germans re- oogreize tilts fact ta.nd they are eraking la desperate reeistence. Coanter at- tack after counter attack has been led ,against the Allied tr000pt., bat al have failed and our troops have hot only consolidated their gain e but laave pushed forward towarie Corrbles ;When. Permute and Corrh1a fall th--! Allies will be in posses:9.1mi of th e Valet railway line which at those ..points has. been the base oe cote -third af the nears of communication thre Gerrt ans have here-tofore. held in FratCE • On, the Eastern front the Russ1aa3 b.arve crvercan'e the last natural obt- tack JR the road to Kovel, the great fortified city, where five of • tea treat inportant Russian rail Way3 co n- yerge and whoee capture would al- troat ;a,ssare. dip force the emelt to flight or .surreader. South of this poir.t the Russians have 'forced their we,y fifteen trites nearer to Lerr.burg, the tatpital of Galicia, during the past two day's, and the advance against these two important p]aoe 14 now well ur.der way. $e vigorous and unrelent- tag bas been the Ruetaia offea0vet a-, garnst Kovel and Leirburg that thh. tArt,stro-Gertrant are in a bad predica.- Vent not knowing from Which point to hPare troops. land much needederee inforcements to other parts of the front. The Germans are having their 'hands full with the !defence of Kee vel, while the Austrian. army, with. - oat assistance, 13 StriV111g to protect the road to Lemburg, The PfussIAJIS 011 tb.13 front, have Iso far captured lacer 250,000 priacetere, and when the casualties are addel to this it will readily be seen that the enemy las- rses ha.ve been enormous. Ghat, however, as has been thn tatiCOE ES of the Allies, the end of the war is not yet Itt iight. It probably will not be foe another year, but the grtat problem of -the past two yea.r. fol. the Allies has been. solv...d. That torObkill was to hold the Ger:t3ns with their domina,ner in men, gune ar.d in munitiene. which their forty yeare of preparation had given thel and lit Id they Were. The thlr 1 yeir of war Ste tile Allies with. th hand .which they will, liSe carefully but with unrelenting forte. 1200•1111MIIMINIMMINM.111.1 Huron Notes -On Sunday afternoon of last wk narnirt Ford, youngeet son Of Mr. John Ford, of Clinton, ILA.: thi.", IT113- tbrtUr4E to fall cat the raltway track and break hte tett arm. The population of th t town of Clinton, hats been repotted by the Ste -healer as 62 more tha.n, last year. awl last year was a slight inereasi Over t1i prode.ding year. --Father West, of St. Thomas, wnp !Mas for four year, a priest in Clinton, was recently areeented with. a puree of gold by hts nongreg,ation. a Father Weat hats been the aerated) of the chu -Sire *Joisepla , n, of o the 3r4 chneteselon, HMI° , reeeiveid ttord oemettly that his ePhe*.,1Ser- goant TT E. Jaques h been killed at the frt. The eiecel I twee born ha Howick, but hie. parea VOW re.side in leatisplatra Sask. ' -Sergh W. Gibson, of k e 9th C,anioe Alan Training Diviedozo L at ' hie 1101114 in Goderlob, from I ShOrneeliffe Oamp, England, or* furlo li, ewild la at present visiting his mo" jr, Km J. it. Fowler. Sergt. Gibs° anlieted a Edmonton. -Dr. A. afteldrum Past L Of the al' Stone PreaShyterian chum Clevelan anal his tdaugitter,- are . lidaylig Goderich. They came fro Detroit in Powsrful motor car wh h .wae pre scatted, recently to pr. eidrum b his congregation. 1 -Mileol5d Yheritomto .G12 '64a4re ile .l. tt'WFill. ghingam hara' tran, na,stor of the Ba • fist C arc , who will get . poseestei cony! i August. It is lobe of thl best proper tIte$ in. Winghtaan.. 'go. ont1 . bills, Spooling, who have- been residerita 0 Winghaan for 'state yeareiptirposte• moV Ins to Toxonto, +4 I -During an electrical storm Las' week ,ia., 1Y0iit la lightnin r Struck M ri 4 Shaefertebouee Obi h 4th con oeasion, of Howick, d lishing one chimney and causing coneiderah datnage to the irtherior f the thous Luckily ao penson wa n the build , Ing tat the! time or retulth tnignt: have been More serlottie - - -'.While bbs. R.Oher.t oaughtera of Auburn, their hoese a drink at N. 9 'school houseone the tandinal took fright le,aving the buggy at haat line entre, nee. It [continued, i e run to Auburn hotel atable traltin ' the 'shafts as It wet The hoz: e was slightly bruitted and the ahaf considerably damaged. Repaire. ,vre e made sued the journey home was ma e the iia,rre evereing. --=-0.13 Thursday forenoon, of la week, as Mr. Simeon Sir -ries, Of A: born, was ,engaged. tdra.win.g .. wat- frokr. Mr George Hearlitonts; t horse became frighten, and the drivtr losing his_ bala,nee, was brown fa i emend 11CrOal tile shafts The hor t. was LetoPped, opposite the hutch r shop tend Mr. Saries was rescued fro his pErilks position. He treceir d. sever,a1 bad brnises and kicks fro his pony, and is sufferin,g conatde ably from shook. . - 1 -Sergt.-Major Donta,ld, McGildcudel , C.A. M. C., was in Goderich, reeent on a visit to hiE St3t4e,/i, Mrs. (Re G. M. Hohneat Mr. McGillicuddy, w le ia. fine looking foldlPr, In ta s of Mr. Thoinas McGillictuddy, of T norltom is a former editor of T Signal. ILE was the fir4lt man to e - list in, Toronto at the 'outbreak r the war ,and has eince had an even -4 ful time. After his eaXperien.ce n Fr,a,n0 he ;spent six Meinths in t e hospital and having nOw recover d he le 'awaiting word. whether he is to re turn, to the front :or remain n Clar.ada for instructional purposes, -The following bakefrom t t. Amity, 0,r,e,gon, Standar , refers o the 55th wedding leanly ary of n. unc - ,and aunt of the leGawans,„! • f East Wawa.n.osh : A varY happy eve t took plac€ at the McGowan h. _ ,south of the town an Tueed,ay, 27 n of June, when Mr. and Mrs. Rohe 1 McGolwanf celebrated the 65th an versary of their -marriage. Mr. a tel. vlians licatawan were born in Halt n, County, Onta,rio, After I their mar age they .settled In. lInron Coa y. where they lived until they molt d to Oregon, 27 years ago( Five yea s ago when they celebrated their Gol ,- ea iwedding all the hichitfren a d. gr,a.ralachild nen were present. cr a.nd ,onE half years ex ' their so Frank, an ,engineer on he C. P. died frein injuries. His son, Franc 3, elisted in 1915, and is gmrrzber the 72nd Highlanders, how in En '- land. On Tuesd,ay all th-, other chit rut gthere,d horrie. -There pa,ated away L, Clinton, n Sured,a.y, July 23rd, a y ung wan a the hereon of Edwin W. Jervis, f Weyburn, 8*A .,who d13 at tbr. ho' e of his father, Mr. C. E. Jervis of t. , I-lurion Road. Th,e id:ece,ased was b n I ir. Morris township less t, an 44 yeal3 ago. Later the fI. amily ..moved 0 Goderich township, whero they far .f- ed. On, the Cut Line, ianitit there ti e deceased, grew to m,anhobtl. Mr.' Je vie graduated fremthe C intori Colle t - ate and for a number so I years, h t. been teociiiing, being ve y euceesst I In hie profession, He rzari been teac ing in the west, far .E0M ' fiften yea 'and for the past seven Ir eight 4, beer. principal of the. W yburn Pub ie school. Mr. Jervis IS aurviv•-3d. - by is wife, who was. formerly elites Harr,ilt n of Clinton, ,and their fur childr,e Bertra,rn, Beatrice, Wilfrl tY year 1t h. _ rrLs ere givin 'taxa Se.ctio Lay recent' d rani awe 0.1'. 1. t. 11 4 .owing to Allehreellb elle weat .to reside With his tdatightere The late We Reenter- Was a Int rate,r of the Presby terialachtireh An , an 0 03) ernan. Four on EA on idaughtcr auv1ve; Da..vid Seibert and Wi11Lm and Thoma.at all in the. West .and Mo . Barthel, of Sebrtgville: i - , - Word WO rt4e, IV 1 _41- Stratford Of thc -aleotthein, .01tive 41,1 0„ on Sat4 ,iurtd4 intern4hg Of ,Ter.A celackerty, vitao Mark .McLaughLln,jforrnerly of tatrat rd. DF ed .a daughter of ft. rt licClatekert, said Was 27 years of age.' gr. and Mrs. McLaagla, lin, .ha4 been in Clevl' for nine It is. belleyed hatdeath Was. the ,excelsaive eat. The bod iroug'ht to Strat for late' fre haft -het awe n, Friday, 1st, Wilda. n, Of River South B1anshard, after a, 'severe agedavatS born about LIS %thee% farm, jast atryls,, now owned by y„ Aboot 36 rare a farm oln the river ,ct he o which' hes tr th oe hundred who lived up his • The dee( g charaee us at Sli d loving. be IsthilheY 4IY, lie f the North is sorvi a ta's formerly his farad' ver Road Mrs. Jam s ; and. Frank years due was Meat. -eT July Read, Mae% . The deo 64 Yeara ago on South of St.' lais *other, He eigo he bought raidt rout latclJoining I.re14d, Mal la to th tithe of acres rtext to it cea ter thr hus tnts wata Presb ed 'b Mi d. and Ha old. His father and mo her and t brothers Albert of Na nee, In arel Oliver of the Pose- Ina, ,and eleter, . Mrs. W. H. co4 r Clintoi oleo eurvive. IIMINIMININI414441.1=111m Perth Notes -Mr Walter Whyte Mass _Grace Hatnlot spending a few weeks w Mitchell and Ilibbert. I since Me Whyte went h.ae got on well enough qucni trips east and tak -Figures ceimpiled ehow the total number County erten, who have lives while on eative on 'Met firing hoe or w ing is 87, while Nursing G. Rose 'titled( as a read chatna.ctc•d while attend eeldiers. Of this number arc officers, the rest cones. 'and prive.tes. Stra has lost 59, St. , Marys 10 atd, Mitchell 6. In a art a great many who a :r.issing. • -.Martin Hourige.n, a old, pion.cer of Downie Township. passed away his 73rd year at his late residence ett the Go",e Friday, July ..2ist. Tht &ceased name front Ireton:I, so boy settling in Toronto, -but sherti afterwards moved to DoWnie, wher hi hatt rez--..a:41. Fie was. 1 andfavorably known and :ns. hi, n an: would. indicate was an iOutea,nth-ctu. Irishmen. He leaves onei son, Dennis of the Gore of Downie, !earl thre daughters Mrs. Youngs,j of .Nia.gar Fans; Mrs. Kitoran, of issourt, an Nii-sEAlleArrYtant hllneasialine. of rly tw years, the ,cle.a.th occurre last wee at the hogne of his da. hter• Msat John Barthel. •Sebringv , or Join Raney aged seventy year. Decease lar,a,S born In thee rtorth of Ireland an can:- to this country wen a. rn3r boy ,.sF ttling with his ar-ents nee Garlingford, where he lit up to , short time iago. About twt years ag M11 f' n,e ts 36 yea est land: o make fr things ea3 LStra.tfo, of Perth vete up the r !rrice, eith r ilej in tna.i aSister tiElnies_ ng woundee only t h e being, -f ford ohm-) 13. Littontjl .lition: three e tested se waa a Man of chest iond ind He woo. a aod father a by bin wife to faithful Member terien Church,. his widow, wit ta McDonald, a*: viviim, BliaTashoria, an of Creelnian, th sk. Londesb TO , rr• Soide-Mr. Ro er Sold la line farm, f Ms. Itroaaic . A. Nellands, • H figure. The, far and fr. Nelland,s will es. hofne. Hensal HO SE FOR ENT-Desir ble renkto suitable party. JA ES Mensal • 1 I) th of Mrs. Bre s, not only in thro, ughout the co ceeEl regre to' lea; of Mos. F. 'Bret even ,oecurited at 5 3uly 19th, f,n, her thl Tite deceased, whose Wal3 Se,seie McLean ter e Mr. taind Nits of ele village .a-nd Tock.rstrith where - eaal educat un, later the aforth Oollegla,t hel• right , net lovaal a write vith all. ago She w marrie Brer ton, o Toronto .they 'Entered on lif eetr prcepe ttand, th . for hapP future. to.e; isorc, yea,r,s ' bega . too alt. and „tried' I 'ski' end c R€Id h le Terrace." riock, at a a ,good e a beaut!f.t1 place, moderate BELE‘, D. D. S. 25374 et Maty the village, bat try will atin- the death to , which sa4 a ac Lake 'On- ty sccond len nate a -s the daugn- .D. B. McLE,an tv s born in he received. her gr cluatiogfr m tititote,where Ways made her El yen, years t -14,1r. F. tin d togethe- th aradoallyed, clisted un pea ° fully 'Wedae, thou:it her itineas tedi as.one n,d she in 1 e t.o live, for. the OVIng tanner t -0 many, patien v td by tihg'11,eset tha. Ittr idev ed her to the She tWo of! grela.tea 12 aur childre e, and ea.v,e filte , and and notberj will netor be forgotten She is lateo survived byl two broth - Ors, James- in Unity, Saskatchewan, axed Wilson „la Chi go, and by her pare ts, toe. hoar. hE death was a scve e blowtwho wi 1 have extended° to t eh-, tie tainceres syntpathy of ream friends in thei sorrocv. , Br efs.-OUr ,annual Citic Honda y hats bten Prociain: 4d for Monday, Aug 'et 7th', when, al placee of bled- Ilk...'r. will be closed. The an naal Liri10 Sabbath Schoo Picnic will let held on the 'afternoon of that 'day to' ; D. Belle' grov. ..vkhere it -V,43.i h,Eld a year ago, a de with Igoe; I twea her Conditions t ere will hot doubt be a very lar e gathering as It is an, ideal place a picnic and - 1 so c r..venienit of lacce s A. number of con- .ittees h,a,ve bee 'appointed to ince E a god time. - pur villager ware ,akocked on, Mo dl everting 't teo ar of the Wery a old n atei ead even in the death frarn ' ;drowning of r George Match ird, the young- est lean, of 1Mt. and Mrs. Frame's: years residents ho a couple of x ter. It" 0 - been helping - el -in printing, g 1,n, the Vases im Mo,nfl a y o,dercih and Some friende. mite or 80 be- hoticed his . tai s' journ,ey w brightest ho Bu it was ,agi her health deepite all that e .uid do ehs e end carre and al- e, long and d eve,rything st r- tn e. etb. at bu a husband ajtcI nd ten years her taking away can never he. than as a wife never 1 had ende bore it w d fortitu Blot of 'yea, Pte. !kta re ha.v offic foine whi hE fore idise! foun da.y rttaher ;and a rela.tiv teased was phoned, t erich . and left here o ir.g • ut at thedate ha.d .ot returned are a,ble to give mare pa week our correspond Sent in ear4ier,1 than count of Seaforth C/v ing ja,r1y In the w 4sympt thy ie felt for far11r as George w bright and fine yo year, of age. -Mies who sohis a gate, poi ate 11 ::11E spending a ff &cat 011 witli her pa liott, a graduated h Colie e, London, t and .1r,s. A. S. Cae‘ W. Johns-, ton and mcmhers of ardly are `here from Si. Louis, visitir„Mrs. R. Hunt, JohnStan's Troth r The Miehee Gladys and May Baant of Elmira, and forrr-Erly of Heneall, were hers: part of 13t wcelc and th:s Visiting their rrany friends.1---Picnic par ties to the lake shores coatinue, the order of the day and. searcel a day passes •withont ar&1y'picnic, .- WE believe that afr. NElsor. Blatch ord has re nt c4.1 Mr Robert ..3Carrerort', neat dwelling orthe. learner of Richniond and Nelson Sts. -.-Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nelland of Detroit, are spending a few el,a.ye holidays with Mr. Nellookile perents, here Sand Mos. illeilande relativeat Staffs. -On Sabbrh ETening last the heat woe e trerne that In the Methodist church, they held an open air service 1r4 t of the parsoteh age grounds, In Carmel Preesby-' teriar. charch in the ha,seiment where 11 w,a,e much cooker tUit in the trtain body of the church. -Mos; McLeod, of Detroit, who spent a namber of w-eake•I here With her *ter,1,114Oe .R. Bonet thron, has metalled heene.,-We are hford ;for many village • but . ago rroved to that .'George tive Lido g learned prin, at Exeter, an picnic to,a,rty lo in, .ha,thieg wi ddenlY eank his companione pearatee and qu te ate on M eventing the bod,- hi not a an, Mr. George i , carriage . the de - up to (lol- 1 0110841 even: of writing he We are nbt tie t lars as this ha's to be al on ac- oliday ear - k. Very much thee bereaved s an -unusually g roan only 21 tijlcc Cudmore in eToronts, au le of weeks entes.-tlites El- rse of Victoria e ueit of Mr - us ti --! If 11 pletosed to leiria that Pte. Dougall ' and '0. Jackson one both now imel proving nicely , 1 ur eolinoil are 'new engaged in gray lling Our istreate.- Mr. Todd Ciewee , of Caron, seak., formerly of this llage, Vent la: sveeTtc here lately ',with friends, Who w.9re pleased to rreetlin again after .an ateseace of some • teen yeas's-I-M.1v Baba), tap ly known Jgs "Atute. Iggs'-iteie0 here ;At ting from .wroroirvi 224 intends peroling some weeks with her' many f eter. The Voters'14 t:. -The Voters' Liat far the fillage of e Exeter has beeo oosted up in, the clerks' offiee. Toe list contahie the tones of 678 persona who are elegibl to vote. Of these 421 are elegible to vote at both municipal elections and electiona to the Legislative ss.etrbly; 167 are eligible to vote at manicipal elections cir,ly And 90 ellgi le to vote fat porno- ' ir.entary elections only. There are 130 female voters o the list and 280 are eligible to rve as jurors. ' .4a4edricDrh, oItoz.waing While b,athing •at j afternoon, George BlatehtOr6, Who was there with a Listowel picnic ia3rty, wise, drowned. ae. NI* 1.slon .of Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Sa,tchtleir dof eter land was 28 •YeArs oid. H « -a printer by trade 040.4 had been •king on a Liatowel paper lot about la north, having previously wor ed here- for Tao Times Printing ea at Exeter. His paegots and one sister, Maeieurvive, Tbk late Mr. atchford, Wlth 19,0Ze other Young men and some girls,were hathin from la rowboat near the mouth of the, oitland Rater, and Match s d got he.yondi his depth. On g'i down for the second tat e he, ted for elp, but none of Itta cearna• u a were t good sivimmere. : for th body was continued untli n a o'cloc At night And :712a reautre la the .1 'owning, but without suceess The sio ercurrent is 'strong and Ira y have, c ried the body out into tat la,ke. Notee.-The lan nal tournament of th6., E eter Law Bowling Club will be he • on the r beautiful grounds he're • Wetin da'y land Thur,sdas next. andecarte prizes have been etcure for th {afferent erents.- Edv,a, Archie meats, who left foe. Ivan*, with he 71st aatalion, row 1 France. Exeter Canning Co. have t held with the pea crop. t wets t a very large one this y jar. -Miss Kathleen Stewart 1,3 visit" with tencla in Port Staten esiers. We, lace and Harry Fake ;are a ;trip up the lakea-ailas Bennet of To .nto is the guest of her 1e ter, Mrs. J. A. Stewart..- Mr. Jaenee Creech, o New 'Dark Is pend- ing a. tENV idays with hie parents 111 town. Mr. lased Mrs. J. Delbrid,ge and daugh ee, who ave been visiting for seine .e with elaitivee here, left last 1 their home in, .11-tandota, ‘bMwec17111;t*nlq/..---lel‘:'19:4 Johnton, h the ovease,a,s forces sw-ho ha e Ir. Eg •t apd S lonlka, is the: guest of Mr, McGillic ddy for a few daylt. -Kra 0. H. cDonald and eon, of Lee Mi es,- Io?, and Mrs. C. H. Smith of Wine fir talre, vteiting Mrs. John nen in 'wn.-Mr. W. S. Har- vey 11 - mowed, hie dug business to the a used y the Patriotic Leas gue .has menced to tear down, the b ilding it recently occuplad, and w 11- replace it with a twist "abor- Ey br the w *Ranh letore ing 1.1 ell lap marl days t McDoa at th, Davis, itt Me re w which of the one ese ardaY llama Strat wate n, ate Q ly tu tan -pt but w re teas .dor k buildin , Which will occupy le apace betwen, the Mohons the otst office. The "old was one of the few remain,- dniarks i the town.. -E. Fow- W. W. Taman and soh mat - o Detroit land ,spent a tem re last eek. -Dr. and Mrs. ld of W se-on:sin were visitors Nine • M.r. and Mrs. Wrr. Ex€tei N rth, last week.-Trlv- orLaI rch has purchased a /don Jac, fifteenfeet long, will be. paced on, the flag Pale church. Mr. Thorn, Ba,ker kist his For • oara by fire on Sat- n,lght. Th-, chauffeur. Mr. Wil - was on Its way home from d,,,,and,' when near Kirktoa fire tied in the lower part of. The tr chine was iremediatea !di into he ditch and an at - made to put out the garnets, thout euc ess. The engine and ther 6E$ tial parts were 'It- o], an, It is oanaidereci the be repi ed for two hundred There was 'Ino qnsurano.e. SECR fia OF Tons f Man. Tha the task partna ni in B will a ;nee be menti ned that more ham.a t censor dt every parcel, while f cial c rresponde eign cetintries trade sranch in additi • n, from 3 grams pass thro censors in the U twenty-four hou The censors with the three -f ing information ter from reachi quiring similar purposes, and o semina tion of use to the enemy Allies. All, mails whit ed are'necessaril lay, bet harmle private or comn ped, even when enemy enemy bered, dresse trans open dresse therm of cod sage a ly une Alto mainly careful exam ler. in # _cabl fre In censor CMILI3 in ad strati Dire, h dot meat melt =go& country person. however, to an e itted unle d is enc to a ne ref letter or secre o be stop Pears to nnected ether ab civilians chose Ing and addition s in the e Colo la the Staff- of to 12 in va controls gel to Ph Mee, r the c re. CENSORSHIP. r Pass Through Oilice. - of the censorship de- tain is no sinecure obvious when it is n the 'private branch n of mail matter is week, exclusive of ur tons of commer- ce with certain for - dealt with in the a similar time. In 0,600 to 50,000 tele- gh the 'hands of the 'tied Kingdom every ip was established Id object of prevent - of a military charac- g the enemy, of ac- nformation for own checking the dis- ews likely to be of or prejudicial to the ft have to be censor - subject to some de- s letters, whether ercial, are not stop - coming from an or addressed to an It should be reraem- that no letter ad- emy country can be s its envelope is left °Seel in a cover ad - trait country. Fur- itt whieli any kind writing 18 used are d, even if the mes- e harmless, or total- th the war. • ut 800 persons-. ho have been most onimareborianget111-1P18m109Ycleednsomairel nited Kingdom and es. The chief cable or ()Meer of the the War Office, and - cables awl wireless parts ef tire Ilsz- la the Malted Mag- id over the GoiPOTA- d from the Contrail as well as messeve s of private cow : „ _ AUGUST 4 1910 OfitArio Vlbe,at-No. 1, Coalrercial, per: oar lot, according to freight oot- eside, 1.05 to $1.07; N. lity. z corarereial, $1.02 to $1.04; NO. 8, correnercial, 96c to. 98c ;, feed whe,ot, 91c, to 92e. ..................i.... Live Stock Markets Buffalo, August let - C reale-, act.; shipping steers, #8.00 to $10.00; butchers', $7.00 to $8.50, heifers $6,to *8.25; cows. $4 to $7.50; bulls, $5 to $7.5U; Stockers and feeders.$6 to $7.25 stock heifers 5.50 to .6.00; fresh cows an s ringers; act., #50 to. cm ; Veal." act ,$4.50 to $1 . Hogs -active, heavy, an united, $10.65 yorker s $10 25 to $10.501 pit/11;1110,15 to 10.25; 8 rou hs, $9 to 4945 s. 6.50 to $7.55 Sh p and lamts-act re; Iambi, #7 to $11 25;year1ingS0$5,50 to M25hewes, $4 to 7.76; sheep, mixed, 7.75 to 8.00. ontreal, August 1. -At tke Mont- rea, Steck Yards West End Market the receipts of live stock for the week ending July 29 Were 700 cattle, 2,600 sheep and larail, 1,300 hop; and 1,000 cal es. Offerings one the market; this morning for sate were 500 cattle, 1,700 sheap and lambs, 700 hogs and GOO eal es. Owing to the contined small su,plies of cattlecoming forward, and the scarcity of good to choice stock, the tone was vifry firm for all gradee, but there was no actual change in prices, as esallartared with a week. ago. On account of the continued extreme heat and the tailing off in the con. sui iption,. the demand from butchers an packers was only fair, and offer - in s 'were ample to fill all require - me ita,with the exception of top grades A few small -lots of picked choice ste re sold as iigh as $9.25, and car- loa L lotewere noted at $8.75 to $9. An easy eeling prevailed in the mar- ket for sheep ai d lambs,' hoice steers per 100 lbs , $8.75 to $9.25; good ste rs,$8.25 t� $8.60: med- ium steers, $6.7 to $7; common steers $0.23 to 16.50: tanners, cattle, $4.50 to $5; cown, choie $7 to $7.25 ; common $5.50 to $5.75; )uUs, choice, $7 25 to $7.150; commo , $5.75 • to:$6 ; milch, cows, choice, e eh, $80 to e85; medium $70, to $75; springers, $60 to $65; eb.eep eives, per 100 Ibit., $7 to $7.25; bucks and culls, $0.50 to to $6.75; lambs, #11 to $12. hogs, off cars. $11.50. 11r.ion Stock Yards. Thronto, August loe.The oattle offering of 1,500 head th rrolrhing was extremely moderate fide' . a Toes y, but the ram Woe trore them. aiu1e for immediate re- qa ements. Thee warm, awe ab.d a slow trade WI s. the result. ' Many d OverIS trriejo ged the situation, and w en the market opened thoaght they coi Id take advantae of the emallnees of the offerlag to boost itahues, ja trifle hu when, the buyers held off they le, ed of their ratetake and 'sought to corttent theriiselyes with the valets wl ich ruled th, closing market of- last week. In, this they were not tall successful, for here and there values W•E e rshadecT a little, ,axed the market cboc d shoving a further slight tatddi- tio al weakneee.. Even with a. coo- t ulnae of light rn,s, there is no 1.1 u pr spects, of the m,arket tone stren- gt er.ing until the weather cools clovrn coOsiderably, and the retail trade. which is ,abou ;k5 near vanishing pyhit .a.$ ever t was:, picks up. There Ls no: denyin the fact that drovers have beer. tom ly hit these past two weeks and eis An instance tone load) of 1 cattle, ,whi h cost $10 per cwt. in, th.. country w re ,sold today for $8.25 A 'LEW ;midi h tcheee steers eold this rrorr_ing at 3:30. but the highest price p,ald fo a straight load. , cif -heavy killers was 58.26. A number ,of loads of light to meth= ,weight ba.,:cher cattle 'met a pile range be- twjEen, $7.65 ,a,nd e7.90. bat there were td° many common cattle whica breought v,aluss $6.25 and $6.50 and Melt with a ariaggY trade. Choice coWs iand butcher bulls. were steal:t- on loa,d of 1,300 lb. cos Consigreedi to. J. B. Shields an4. San cashing in at $7.40, which is the best price paid a load for n -any ir.arkets past. W , ere the market weakened ri-„ost w s atmong the, common grade cattle. P1 • ke Crevw,,a,r eede 40sziestrcerlys ai-ao,cdtallitifors eithaner. i likely that mach business will be d ' E in either class until there has be n softieheaVy ram. Milkers- and springers-nalsbo Torntiectesa, es4131vidow hutsteadysteanadyy triade. Lo . th up to 76e, laind the, delcine was rtoi wholly 'attributable to a poorer quality. Calvea Were barely 'steady, bu .E.re gave out their bog quotations. buir light 'sheep were firm. Paeker- oil $11.90 weighed off oars, $11.65 fed. ftsji lathtd watered, $11.25 f.o.b., bat there were • 'selects which brought anl additional 10c, even with e ran, which was ecatcely large enciagh to constitute a market. Corbett. Hail and Coughlin ._ Id 14 carloads.: Owlet heavy ateers, 38 to $8.25; good heavy atcers. $7.75 to, $7.90; choice butchers $7.05 to $8; good butchers, $7.65 to $7.90; medium butchers, $7.25 to *7.50; coinmon butchers $6.50 to 6.85; good Clit73, $6.65 to $6.75e eornmoo cows, 5.25 bo: 5.50; canners $.3.75 to $4; best haa,vy bulls, 7.25 to 7.50; light handy ehtep, 7.50 to 8.50; choice Spring Laths, 12c to 12 12c; choice veal eally,E19, $10.60 to $11.50; rnediu.m calves. $9 ' to $10; Eastern, grassers $6 to $6.0. Dunn •and Levack ,soli: But - re -16 steers ta,nel helfera, 890 lbs $7. 5 e 15 .ateere ,a,n4 heifers, 1,130 lbs , $7. 5 ; 9 steers, ;arid heifers, 940 lbs„ $7457 6 Steers And heifers, 950 1113., $7.1 0Ows-9, 11110 lbs., $6.50; 1, 100 bleh $7; 5, 1080 lbs., $6.75; $1,900 lbs.. $5 7, 1,150 lbs., 56.75; 2, 1,115 lbs. 35.75 ; 1, 1,080 lbs.,' $5 ; 2, 880 lbs., Si 3„300 lbs., 57.35; 1 bull, 1,020 The_ 56.50; 1 bull, 1,460 hos., $6.50; calves., 38.75 to Sli. Rice and Whaley sold:: Butchers -10 1I 050 pounds, $7.85; 30, 1 ' 1020 pounds, 7,85; 13, 1020 lise., 7.75; 61 1080 pounds, $7.90; 7, 1210 lase 7.90; 11; 920 lbs_ $7,40; 12, 1,025. It. $7.65; 2, ,745 lb.s., $5.75. ODSVS-1, 1,200 lbs., $5.75; 2, 1145 lbs., $6.50; 2, 945 list. 5.50; 2, 980 lbS., $6.50; 7, 1060 lbre., $6.75. 3, 1990 lbs., $6; 1, 1,120 lbs.., $6; 6 1190 lbs.., $6.50; 2, 975 lbs.:, $5.75; ; 1, 9901 lbs.. 36; 2 bulls. 1250 lbs,; 37.35 ; 1. 1,900 lbs., $7. ; 1 .1,000 lbs. 37 ; 34 larrbs, 11 3-4e ; 26 larr.bf, 12 1-2c; 5 lanths, Ile ; 18 laxr.bs, 10 1-2c ; sheep, ;$6, 25 to 37.75; calves, #10.50 tO $12. The following were the quoa.tion,e; "ChOice heavy steers 7.90 to 8.75; good hci.vy eteere, $7,50 to 7.75 ; butcher cat lc, choice. 7.S0 to 38; medium, 7.25 to $7.50; oomm.on, $6.25 to $6.60; -blitchEr choice bulls ;7.25 to 7.50; do, good. $6.65 to 6.75; rough bulls 4,50 to 1$6; butchers' cows, choice, $7.10; to $7.35; good, $6,75 to $7.00; eneslitur $6.00 to $6.25 A tockers, 700 toi 850 111%, $6,25 to $6.75; choice feeder.s, &horned, 6.40 to $7.25; canners and cutters, 3.50 to 4.50; milltera, choice, each, 570 to $80; cora. and med., each, $40 , to $80; springers #60 to. #90 ; light ewes, • 7 60 to 8,50 ;heavy sheep, 4.50 to it $5.3a; aprir,g laarlee, per lb, 12c to 12 le2c; calves, good to choice, 10.50 to 11.75; mcdiurn, 9.00 to $10; hogs, fed and watered, $11.65 to $11.- 75;, hogs weighed off care, $11.90 to. 312; do., f.o.b., $1145 to $11,25. te- shion Sole Shoes If you are troubled with tired, aching Feet, our CUSHION sou 've you Foot Comfort not to be found in ordinary shoes, re made, first and last, for SOLID COMFORT. The de of the finest kid, the softest leather known, and the tnade of preised wool and cork, acts as a pillow for the ry several O•ood lines of Cushion sole shoes for:Men mad e pay partiOular attention to correct fittine. SHOES will Those Shoes uppers are in cushion sole, feet. We ca Women and LziLadtes and rubber he Ladies C plain- toe , tor Ladies C finest kid and .Ladies C sewed by the Men's C. an a comforta If the ho will banish th During I$.30 p.m. shion sole slhoes, laced style, made with fine kid uppers sshoileels3., saoaida ti4uhboesber, ihaeceelds fsotyr 14.e., omo Is and turn, soles, sizes 3 to 8, for 4.00 a pair. .. ____-,...r.Q.......it,r,„.... aadepaiwnith uppers of the , snton sole shoes, laced style, made with fine kid uppers with turn soles and rubber heels for 4.5o a pair. shion sole shoes, laced style, maee with uppers of fine kid amus Goodyear. Welt process, for 4.50 a pair. shion sole slhoes, laced style, uppers of fine kid saonid oe ssholoe:s e and dressy shape, for 5.00 a pair. weather is trying on your feet, our Cushion . Lt tired feeling in short order. 4 ly and August the store will close on Wednesday at EAPOOTH OPPOSITE COMMEROIAL HOTEL .........4........44.•.... ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • . . HELP! HELP! . • • , • Good P Thousands df Farm Laborers Wanted For The WESTERN HARVEST y and Employment in the Fertile Dis SERVED BY THE C.N.R. $/2.0Q TO WINNIPEG Plus Ha4 a Cent per Mile Beyond • Return Half a CeOt per Mile to Winnipeg plus $18.00 Special Trains will he Operated from Montreafand Toronto to Winnipeg CANADIAN NORTHERN ALL THE WAY • ee Later Announcements for TrainServiice and Excursion dates CANADIAN NORTHERN • I For Full Particulars Apply to Nearest C.N.R. Agent, or General Pas • s nger Department, Montreal, Que. or Toronto Ont. • ************************* ***********•••••••••••••+: ecial Sale ati.irclay, .4"tily 29th ,. at the tg, liarciware Store, headquarters for up-to-date first-class hardware. We still lead for quality and prices. Granite Ware 6o preserving kettles, 'regular 6oc, reduced to.... .. - . ......400 36 hdld. saucepans, regular 4oc reduced to. ...........25c 34 hdld. saucepans, regular 35c reduced to.....4..........25c 2 1 hdld. saucepans, regular 25c reduced to...... -..-........18c .ira (2 qt.) Oa and coffee pots, 6oc, reduced to..............406 (3 pt.) tea and coffee pots, 55c, reduced to..........,...40c I o pudding dishes.... 4 • •• • • • o **.......wroc and 15c7 :J ' 'otatoe pots,. regular soc reduced to............. . .............40c , ./otatoe pots regular 45c reduced to..................... -.....35c Aluminum Ware 2 dozen pudding dishes soc reduced to .......................40c 2 dozen pudding dishes 45c reduced to...........................35c 2 dozen pudding dishes 25C reduced to.- ...-.........-....20c 2 dozen pudding dishes 30c reduced to................._......25c 2 dozen teal kettTes 3.00 reduced to.........................$2.50 hdld. sauce pans I 20 reduced to,................................90c z dozen saucepans 45c reduced to...............8...............35c 16 qt. anti -rust strainer 'pails 1.20 reduced to ...........1.00 anti -rust strainer pails Leo reduced to.................... ...90c 2 dozen glass water pitchers 30c reduced to...........,.....20c 2 extra quality tapestry hammocks 6.50 reduced to...$5.50 Hammocks regular 8400 reduced to.. . ._...... ..$6.50 Guaranteed scythes. .. ......... . .. _ ...$1.15 Sole agent for Gold Medal Twine (650 ft. per pound 14c per lb. Also for Martin Senour, ioo per cent pure paints, no advance on last year's prices. Sole Agent for National Portland Cement. Get1 our prices on furnace wok, bath- rooms, and plumbing, evetroughing and metal work, We have competent workmen ofloug experience and can attend to your requirement s on short n.otice. EDGE B1WARE itRDiORTH 1 - •-• a Now a Ve in. En holesale on the commer hag resulted paten a female Arose ot maintaining u-tttt a the coun , women ar pante milkiest and lleoelanii. sad. Port of "work fa gertikort by women, 'hire and other�o being dOne eaten Wore they go to • Wooten are at th 0,11 and cap, in 'Averting, 1.2-4iour sh *woos or fashion' and leather; carti distributing. Befo to be said that eo trade. The same every Jill. Women in tro more and more n aionning theta in !every day, in.. order * 'where the skirt ia dTUCe. They do c1tnge, and it cann tract ill ally way f grace add carriage. Napoleon, it aeom- 1lever in arraying line attire itt time does not make the proverb; 'but Napol made the woman, her into trousers difference to her Reliable Englis,h ed to encourage wo ouline attire for ought to be man's that, so dressed, as good an account absent mate. Many -thoueands girls are serviug the tion workers. The dons -considers eve:. plating tho wo.r cording to Indust home totality, but for the lives women led and are likely t 'war. Many of the rnunitiort work musicians, embroi who had been enge arts, and hope to b drafted into a fae are sffee,ia, y looked lefty as t hours, ac rate a iayment. T week minimum are so a able to week bfr piece wo The nistry of -.tab1Ish1 nearly sev centrea throughout at these centres lea ed for the lighter v tion -vrotie, In the air department, in ernment offices, itt offi.ces, and comm ments, thousands of are now struggling betel books, ledgers cuments. SMM ritURSDAY, A Fail Wheat tstano 13 Oats, per bush. ..... Barley, per bush.... t Beans, per bub..... 13ran, per ton. -- Shorts, per ton-. Flour, per ewt.,.... Butter, No 1 loose, lAggs, per dozen...: Hay, new, per ton, Hoge..... . • s.f •.413.1 EMBALME h'UNERA,L 11. older of Govel and L •CHARGES n Flowers furratsn.et Night Oa Phone 10r, eamemaossamomos 11114441... ph /MOH- Wingharc 1.6th, to Mrand mrs. MA -HOOD - In tonic) Mrs. Fred Mahood, Spri MACTLAVISH - Itt Ses•fo and Mrs. John MacTar HAY - Itt Tuokerstnith, Mrs. Jas. A. Hay, ti.vin lagriVOOD BEDFOR1 at the home of the br ford Heywood to Evell ea:idlers. G. R. Bedfo2 IWOLLARD-HERR- parents, on July 25th; Rev:Percy Banes!, -tyro Mollard to Mrs. Vlnett Mre., Tospb Banes t wkila„ on Jnly 951h, b A. L. Muriel Spinks (la that yillage, to Mr. D- Sask., WATTERS-SVENCE-, nieb„ on .311y25tb, by Toronto, nopheef of Spence, daughter of 1 to Mr Richard B. Wad CDWARD'3- In Gc.fteri Edwards, aged 7t; yel) JERVIS-In Clint -4,m, f,!'l hig 44th year. EDGE - In'Seaf . Edge, second dat=he, Sri bier 14117, ',k's ROCHE -In Emoo!--7 of Rirktoo, TUFFORD - ford, el ‘..'rcu_ort.y. 4.4440,..:44, Funeral License' lertaeeine lows buil Stewart deuce Go Dr. Sept Flowers short no 40.0