The Huron Expositor, 1916-08-04, Page 1•
;ee the
a extreme-
ded range
Flier Wer.
:Les com-
to 13.50
and conn -
s, all sizes
Se to 50c
'rice range
:0 $1.50
first time
to $1.50
to $1.00
11 sizes and
to $4000
tai of our
dr eaut1iuUY
e the elerner&-
ve, thoroughly
tite VoleS at
ar-neliti C
rs, gingbai
e distinct
'om 1.00•
from as g
ia 25c tt
s Wan
1E= YEAR t
..44444••••••••••*••••••• •••••••••••••••****44“4
Every Day til
I August 8th
the Unprecedented
44 •
lau ht
Every customer enter
Bug our store durin
1 this great sale save
1 from $1 to $15.00 an
: more according to th
extent of the purehas
Youllave the Sam
. ,
I ing crowds of eager buyers co
; mg -every day compels us to doub
I our large staff of clerks. •In addi
ion to the bargainsoffering ' e gi e
I you prompt and careful=gprvic
I ,,
• Miss This a
: i
I Means a Great Loss
2 You
Disastrous Forest Fire� in Northern tion
Nearly Five Hitn.dred Overs Lot and or
put d
befor I got
uat above
t throug
band t
• Immar
Forcat fires, whic
have been. thratenii
Most towns and th o
rants of Northern OnL
day and, Sunday cuimirkated in a
holocaust which wiped out ertire. C011-
munitteis, licked, the fringe of larger
towns and lotted a. death toli which
curately core -
Inge from, 110
persoh3 aufq
any of whom
age Done.
for several dayi
the northern -I
tlying settle.,
rio. on Satur-
cannot at preaent be a
pitted, but which will
to 200, with ibscoras
AY, AUGUST 4, 1916
the tre b lanti killed all the
And ace n every bomb that
er eith r blew in our trench
Id or wou ed some one. About
p. I as trying to mark
Int on the in,a,p, where thesc
bombs were coming from
Sergt S ,ainsbury wari
beside . After our etretcher
,an4 1 his head up
knew It was no ups, for his
were ing out of the two
when w. Hop, I got It on tit,
my ilg it -leg. I be.aid oh and
lot of ot er things that I won.'t
wn, hare ,a,s they would0 look
in, print. Dick bstOpped a piece
are likely to "succuMb .The loss of hirin puttty ff,, it eaeight
tering from injuries _ a
Ufa ao Lar reporte4 o
(Is aa follows; r'g the I hlpd ton to
heart and went
At Nushka, a Preach Canadian eettlee propadd` hi
put eeAsh
mint, 57; at Cochrane( 18 dead and up "ur eresIng n his two
34 injured; tat Mathesoo, 34 ideal; at juf n hwe Pen
Iroquois Falls 15 dead and Many though t
In- st where he ad fit
.allen, ,a.s
jurade Porcupine Juliction. numbe.r ul- ctean't :do to move a. roan ,wourittei
known, but the town Wiped out with the lung0 we made hi
s, .5'n-.•
the -exCeption of tWell aed in into
is 1
to be.
knowe 'dead there • re many outlying
places which will rr, te !ally await the
list of victimwhep,. tie rescue par-
ties returr.. It is f tred that at
Tawas:ha. andlKoweech many prospect•
or3 have ber-n. traPpe .
Nushka _suffered eor t. It consisted
• score of frame datellinga and
Stores and has been threatened for
sores days. It woe' practically 3 .r
rounded, walls of f1ire (cutting off all
escape to, the nort ,a,Oel south and
with no river or laket hand the In'
babitants we doorned
Cochrane is' entirrdly urned with tha
exception of Second I nal Third. Av-
enues, 18 being' replort d debad, and 34
Injured. The proximinii of the Tem-
Lekaming and. Northerr4 Ontario tracks
Tr -abet of the resie
all settlement, was
it. the.son, Ls to
1 ,t»e exception Of
34 bodies are. laid
atform. So „an
lythe loss of
tion, and at
ere checked on
and the lake ,saved
dents. Ramdre. a En
CorrklEtelY wiped o
tally destroyed wit
two houses., and
out on the tat1on
Porcupine suffered
a sawmill at the
Turn -Anis the flames
the outskirts of 1he town, after
licking uP eevEnte n houses. At the
great paper mill at Iroquois
nothing remains but art of the, mills
aad one Istor-E. ?12ten deal and
secatee of injured are the toll of the
flames. •• b
The IL t dead Ls likely to be
largely I creased from among the out-
lying set Jars. On 8ett1er • wito ten
children perished w e the wife was
absent t 'seek ai4. efuge es, d Li-
tute of food and 1ot ing are, pooring
Into the more orgyii towns Lo the
dietrict. A large
tritiated to Now
Haileybury. Cit-
orked all night
e victims, prior
e t
• The name Greig Clothing• -
need no introduction to buyers
• of High Grade Clothing, Furn-
• ishings Etc. For over 25
4, years it has stood for only the
highest quality merchandise
• procurable from the best
2 wholesale markets of the
• world. Our •reputation - for
• • honestprices and truthful ad-
• vertising has becn of para-
• mount importance to us and
2 we promise you the same pol-
• will prevail during this sale.
Barg ins
The most cornpl te and
pendous showineothigh gr
clothing ever sh wn in S
forth. The en ire stock
go on sale.
These 13 rgains
art rorth comi g miles
an. hould be thle compel
for. that will nake you
all' I need 'for months
south of the bur
number are being
Liskeard, Cobalt
furs of the tow
to feed and cloth
Lo distr button.
The T miskarei
Ludo B.a way au
ea -
fon have received a sale bill, naming
some of the bargains.
1 Did .You Read It ar
I Read the bill again and come before the Sth of August.
• •Depend upon it you'll find everything as advertis d,
Highest Prices pr Butter a d Eg
I The ‘-'4 • •
Greig ulothnig
it444404.44444444404.••••••••• .444)44
the -gra ity - of
caine known
ures, caltfitting
pending hurled,
tate nee s of th
the torwln5 along
adit thrz: relief t
ped ' at vario
things needful and
with ice band peri ha
Hundreds of mi ea
dvalsta. ed, axed.
farms 11 ked up.
took to • the lake a
their •homes and be
un -day n gh
- at Kat kis4an, and en.
but it wLll take bees'
to quE1Cb the ire'
further eouthwa d
As -soon, as news
Cobalt of theort
meeting of the ow
aid a Olaf campal
The tei n, voted. fiv
for pr4v11GnE a id
pand ist res wepe. th
for foo1 and clo h
pi -antic lly bdeple .el,
werea ipped nor
kir mjireE boa
and wee:,accom
ty of • wenfy. .
New iskeard
was j• d by
from t
plka c
attached to the
cue tr , hiald',.
caught fire raev
ing th gh. , 'T
Blanch River,
hat, ok fire
train cold, get
d Northern Ori -
ties, soon a3
situation • be
energetic mea -
lief train -and.
for the inuredi
r fugees to all
Ede. As a rc.
W915 fully equia
s ations with ail
rcsfrigerator car
f bush have been
bens of plc:ever
reds of settler::
lvers, leaving
ohgings to the
rain was falling
eral •other point,
eel days of rain
and prevent
was received. In
ern holocaust, a
council -limas held.
n was organized.
hundred dollar
the townpeople
roughly c ao east se d
g. The town was
of supplies., which
Four doctors ,a,nd
4 the special train
anird by a relief pane
At Halley b ury a rid
he Cobalt contingent
the relief comrnittees,
ase town, ogether With sup-
Ilectd, • y them. Two bag
ars fill with caskets were
pedal train. The re,5:-'
up of box cars,
nal times when, corn -
long trestle over
jus north of Engle -
so the relief
no further.
Boy Was Wounded
le ter is from Bort
KU -op 'boy, who has
bit for many roonths
but who now in er.
Lnd givPs A flty
etrenuous life at
etter was _kindly
by Mr. Tsm_s
tal Brighton, Eng.
rte 6th, 191.
babout my
of steel aeing had caught me
one Inc above the shoe top
aide a gash right to the bone
the bac of my leg. ThA gash
btwen, hree and. four inches,
Ha.lf infch deeper and I
have t my leg for, It woad
get tin bone but it dida
o that haiftinch -deeper soI should
Harry I put a dressing on it
WE botla -1.vent out to see how
was getfing along. To nnaket
g story *art he lived, about an
ADA wasiconclou-s all the time.
dn't see to _suffer very icruell
re e01.11d. ._!e he wa. blee•dIng
y butt av couldr0. do anything
op it. S jast stuck 'mooed
le died. e ha1 been joined by
at two men in the trench. They
down friom the block to find
what wearers going tell Just
Dick :cl we saw a party
Line in or trenrh. I guess thy
bed that Evo-y one had been kill -
T hard b€,Itt it Account of ao
rifles ging around. Well thy
a. aurprit-e. We could have got!
y but Wel were not quite ready
o saa we cedo't, got either Sergt.
ge's or S rgt. Dick's personal be-
ings ea E decide1 to surprise
Hun. Pte three 'who were not
nd,d got their pockets full of
ha and I .ountd guar witha
to wo.,it for Fritz to conte a4
Al cor Er of the trensch 'some
er. feet rom MS,. When I firec1
bais a eig for that other three to
their bo bs into the next bay. I
ed for th Hun to get well around
the comer so he. would have no chance
of ,ettir.g :a ay if I missed hires the
first time, sh1ch wasn't likely. 1
got him throuell the stomach. I have
to elmile eve y time I think of th,
fan he mia,,dis. The bombs did_ the
reiS . Fritz t rneel and made for his
ow trench 1ut the, three boy a sa,w
hi right to IthE block. They left five
w oded be.94des the 'one I shtin,
ou trench bit they alldied of wounea
oa, the boy4 came. back We went
th ough the wholeoutfitr but none
of them ha even a wrist watch on
that we, made our way
the ba.n, trenchi joineo
trench thre we found
Ulcers and same men, I
t had happne'l and then,
a communication trench
ir.g station it sva.saelow
cg wa.s getting "stiff, I
I .would, have matte it
did only' any wound. was
I walked, down to
20th Battalion were in
t 600 yards from where
ded. A 20th • Battalion
.e., me cdon-e tea and my
tain gave me a big shoe
ut of a quart bottle, he
ded, It to 'me and Prfeseed trr.e to
nk, and
e tcher ta,
d they p
ere in an
e were eh
t to harnh done. I was in the 23rd
pital at Etas- before
arming, -I stayed there
d arrived here on tha
€. My wound Ls healing
At the present rate it
le4 in, three weeks, b it
•ubk ,starts.I can't move
t all and1 Pay have, a
r life. But I'll tell the
I be stiff until I get my
doctor here told inc
• loe, no rpoisiihie chance
11111111•MIMOINP #161•ZNIMMI#9
‘'OL Y M. PI All
The Largest and Most Ur) to
date Restaurant in Seaforth
eals and Lunches F. old
all hours,
Meal tickets sold
• Home -Made Pies
Home Made Candies
Mixed TaffieS 2 pounes for
Peanut Taffy per pound..
Cocoanut taffy per pound
F'ruit taffy per pound
French mixture, per pound .20C
Chocolates, per pound ....3oc to 6oc
Fancy Boxes, from toc to $3
Try our Ice cream to take
MeLEAR BROS., Pablishert
$1.50 a Year in Advamee
wekorne. The snaps of Uncle Will
are fine. He is come Sootehrnan
Tell him to s ir, Canada or Eng-
lar.,d, just as- long as vosible. Not
to he in a hurry to get over. F,o:n
,one who kno . Hone ana• Canada
never looked e. good. But this is the
place where Czinadlaris ar! nedt.. 1 •1./Lel
all is done fOr us that ' po..-ibl.
We have good officers and the men
have had expeiene. The Huns, what
I have seen of their, are very young
Land •scare d , and are made to fight,
aral are tickled to pieces when taken
prisoner. If thc German fire is bad
ours is five tirhes worse. So you know
I will bc -careful and with, a little
luck .and help -I from Him who wateaste
all will be wrll. Those shirts were
fine, but are all gone now. I honestly
25C believe If I should. by any chance
15c ever get rid of crawlers, I would be
resom. At first it was awful but
I ,drn getting quite ued. to them now.
20C You ask what to tend me half dozen
Gillett's razor blades 4 gauze shirts,
• •
You will get value for your
How a McKillo
Tb 0 following
Dexnaisim, a
been, doing his
ir. the trenches
English hospita ,
escription, of he
the front. T
forwarded to •
Campbll of L
Kitchener H
Debar Me. -an
ceived, yoUr let
was pleased. to
catilt eay- I afrn
ing nicely* and.
wheel couch
ir-g -out Into t
fresh lair,
Yes la. month
had. sorn, bad
•bean trench w
of German fro
holding just t
The Bean' tren
long land 119 °433
yards frOin the
My platoon w
June 5th land ,re
that was in ther
went along nicely nail about ten AZ.
[Tuesday, June 6th, when old' Fritz
-opened tip on its with a trench mor-
tar battery. e 06uldnit get retala
Latton froM our oWn artillFry, because
the first two r m ijug6- (trench mortar
bombs) blew In, our trench On the left
an:d on oor right the Gerinans were la
the sa,(Ine treoph (aa we were only
thfre was a. block thirty yardswide
between us. The next two kips blew
up the otly machine gun in our sc-
9 '
thern After
to wher
of our
ted wh
ad. tdown
the rhos
, as ny
do -t' think
las tar a& I
still blcedir.
e,re ttils
re erve. abo
1 was wou
geaot ga
.pany Ca
Mrs. Campbell-R''
er this morning and
eat- you were well. I
ell. but. I -aim progne,ss•
arn getting up on a
is afternoon axtd, go -t
garden for (sortie
ago today my platoon
uck. We were in, the
ch• Le a short piece
t which we l are
the right of Ypres.
ba.bout 125 yards
thrity to forty
rn-ran's front lin.
nt into the beam on
ved. the Liplatoon
Capstan medium tobacco not much.
and a few cigarettes a few sox, eats.
In fact anything that is not too
home. bulky. I have had to, ditch three-
, -c quartere. ef My stuff as we move so
often and have to carry everything
money with us.
ext door to Cardno Bros
immea•••••••••••••=mm vatiimemn=twicomon.
. H. Larkin (Pt.I), K.MacGregor (Pt
honors), E.R. Manning (Pt. II), J.
Middleton (Pt. I), C. Malone (PtI)
E. McKinley (pt 1 bon.) E. M.
athers (pt. Ii) M. R. Ross (Pt. It)
L. C. 5 cott (pt. 1), M. E. Snell (Pt.
1 honors), P. M. Taylor (Pt. II), M.
E. Turn bull ( Pc . I. )
• E. M. Aitehison (Pt. I) M. A. Climie
(Pt. 1)3. S. Cowing (Pt. 1, honors)I.V.
reery (Pt. I), A II. Dingman (Pt.I1)
. El, Dyer (Pt. 1), J,E.Hanna (Pt.II)
„,,,,, finet. (Pt. 1), K. 0. Kennedy
. B. Harris ( Pt. II) H. Howe (Pt. I ),
(Pt. I) M. V. Kinhead (Pt. I) H. D.
Lang' (Pb. II), M.H. MacKenze (Pt.1)
0. J. McLarkey (Pt. II), J. .Martin
((Pt. II), E. Ma.yberry (Pt.I), J.S.May-
berry (Pell), E. A. McCabe (Pt.II)M.
l, Ridley (Pt. II), 1. &Schenck (Pt.I),
honors), Ge Scrimgeour (Pt. I) H. C.
Soehmer.(Pt 11,0. E. Spearin (Pelt)
.1. I. Stewart (Pt. I), M. G. Switzer
(Pb. I), It. Wood (Pt, 1, honors).
ayte I didnt. He gdtea
d four Olen carrt it
• on anti], took me- to
dressing station. I left
Mbulance, about eight.
elled going through Ypre.
A Seaforth Boy at the Front
The following is a ktter received
from a Seaforth boy by his motior
after his arrival at the- front. He
enlisted in the west wadi has been In
training for aorne months. at Bram-
(shot Camp, England, from which place
he was •drafted to France. He says 4
wn, nkxt
th of Ju
1 be he
exothe t
iff leg
4 it w
ere WO
(me being fit for ,ativel service in
184r maid if -anybdy thin
laarl 8106*
unt 13
Dick Wale
is D.C.M.
bns two
Ell I wIl
to while -,a,wy a ylea,r her
pother think corning Bel
,ugh but ;soldieing) th.
in here Lc worse.
buried at Bedford House.'
care up on Battalion` or
aYe, atter his dath. 11
ha was getting it even
have to ring toff.
Yours truly,
From Saloniki
The following very interesting ex-
tracts are faom letters written by
Mies Minnie Best, a Seaforth. .girl who
Is nursing with the Ally hospital, at
Salonika, to lhr aunt. MrS. J. D.
Ilinchley, of' this town, who very
kindly allowed us their use for pub-
May 21st, 1916.
At last Our huts on the othrsr
side are ready. Am out of work] Dot
fortunately not out of money. Th •
hospital closed up yesterday ani ai-.
most every tent 13 down except th
ory in which we were livin. We ,ars
all packed up to go arid haven't a
chair in the tet, seed, this is Sunday
and they -say we are not going to
move until Friday. We 1-ia3 Presby
tcrian eerviee today for the first
time since Chrie.tanas, Our Presbyter-
ian Padre tOok ill andthe. p2W 03e
only came last week. So we had. a
real o,d fashioned communion service,
this morning and a Union eervic. te
night. I have never enjoyed -service
more than I did there to:iay.
You will have by this time receivde
several cards, and " one note Intirnat-
ng that I have crossed the charm -.I
Ir a large draft from the old 46th
arol that our company has been p it
into the bah a Toronto •and Ham-
ilton regiment, which has been la.
action. for, five month. WE were
pleased to leave 'Bramshott. tit.) igh
did not like to ;see our 4.t1i broken
up. No offIce_rs ro N. C. C.'s c.are
with us ,and it was, hard on SOMe
of thein to ;see us go. After a very
rough night on board a :smll troop
ship, which was crowded SO -ME, we
were glad to hit land, again and after
a very tedious, though intereting,
march, we found ourselves at' the
Crr.adian Base. A one day's stay here
showed. US LhE worderfal efficiency
of the men in c'harge and the facilities
for equipping Inspecting and chipping
men is wonderful. Oar party wee
lucky to obtain fairly good. accore.
dation on the fast moving troop
tr,ain which carried us through a
beautiful well tilled country, where.
the people .seerred very contented,
though very fe w youn_g rren are to
be seen. I3ut the old men the
:pots band look very fierce with their
lor.g blue coats and &till longer bayo-
nets doing their bit gua,rding Goverra
trent property while the women do
their Ishare in the fields. After two
days' journey, we could note a 'Ola
f,. tune in the country aad people and
here and there a buidling which looked
to have been, pounded, by a huge han until j even its owner, might
have trouble in, recognizing it, told
its own story -the Huns. At our dEs-
tina.tion We -were net •by an officer
of our battalion, who took us to
camp and, as darkness came on we
could see away to our front, the
illurrination and hear th E thunder of
guna, and bae we watched the light
rr ultiplied band artilkry roared, and
ome one s,aid, "We have got Fritz
'sca.rod, see all the flares he 13 put-.
ting up,' and, I have ,since found out the hotter the bombard.ment, the
more flares or star Shells, Fritz
to protect hirraelf a,n,-d give himselfi
confidence. In this earp we etayed
for 'several days before rroving "up
the tine" where we took our tern
in supports, front line, excursioas Ir to
ino rrants land working partie. etc.
Comparatively speaking, we had. an
easy dire that time up; 50 said the
olckr tnen but to us new men, It
was quite warm enough at times.
and though not at all in love with
dugout life, they sure look good
when the bullets Whistle, ba.nd a whole
lot better when the shells fly. One
of the finest things Is toSl'e the
way the rations come up, very sel-
dom do they miss. ,a_rol I can tell
you it means a lot oZ work to sapnly
a front line. When, our tarn came
to be relieved. every one was ready
to get out and get back where Fritz
is rot quite so busy. At present, we
have grand apartments, the beet for
some. titre. We have a etable and
ritra.w for a bedand are on a reef
out of range and -sould of guns.. As
dinner is coming 'across ft: cow
.peasture. I will _stop fox' a few n-in-
utess and. eat.
Just before 'going into the trenches
I got your letter of a o-orith ago
that le the la,st on.e, to breach me yet.
and while in some papers and the
Expositor came ,anel they e'er'. EUre
II per School Exams.
ThE foll wing list contains th
els of all the candidates in. Huron
no have passed on one 0
of the Upper School ex
for Entrance into th
education at the Univer
rorto and Quen's,. tiniver
d Perth
arc par
ty of
LJ, Kin;g4on. The. examination pass
cd 13 indi ted after each narre. TJae
tia staten:
ailed will
and ins.peatore. In due course.
Succesefui candidates who d esire
coining session of either
education must make arl-
the Dean at the UnIlver-'.
ned. from whom may be
e forms of application and
eceeeary Infrmation. The,
the faculty opens on Octo-
ber, all candidates must be
pplicants are required to
t 19 years of age beflore
of those who passed ar.
nt- of Tr.arks of those wh
be nailed to the principal
ttend th
ulty of
ity came
bta,ined t
11 -'other
Esion of
r first,
e at lea
tober ts.
• l
Sunday afternoon and all lls29twell.
We have moved. 1 sigh jOyfully and
say "Thank Heaven.I elo not oiled
moving anyrr.ore. We Moved_ on
Thursday morning banal we are pract-
ically 'settled_ new and our rooms looks
lovly. I mnst confess that whenwhi::
ir.g in bed looking op at the ceiling
r.d. top part of the watts. It looks like
a woodshO, yet from the door it
looks nice. The wahs •art
wood -and the ceiling circular .We are
not on duty yet as the patkntse
huts are not onite ready, So we are
getting a few -days wcll arneA rest.
We are quite near the Agan Sea an4
can go bathing.
1 ' June 4th
We have} had a delicious week -e
eurrmer vaatIon-the first we have
had eine we left home. -The hoepita..
is not quilt finished_ yet atild we
are not admitting for another week
and we erre loafing? I think not, I
have gone 'until I am weary. (I wish
that hammering would stop.) a cea.ze-
less whirl is what we have had.
• In the fir,st place, Edna &net I an-.
together and olone-a place to call
our own. ,after our own hearts, not
gr.aed you know; you cannot imagine
aiiisli-aving anything grand, but Suit
WE go bathing every morning at
CanWitri Se Veil t3tro s
idng, .44a thin1 an dte4
well. Fancy bathing in. the
This morning we were
later at eighOtthirty went
largcr. We wore so concentrated. in
tin tents that w, could dart acrIns
to any placc. in no time. tso wc sintere.
did most of the darting and there
r always tveo of Us to a ward
ar.d tht. camp is so large thc. orderlies
ust perforce -do the darting.
Ti; ne.w huts are beautiful twenty>
fcur beds ln each with plenty of
apace and thirty windows In each.
and each bed has a mosquito netting
and whIte spread. In all there art
for tylatawo wards and two offIce..,
wad; and in three days they filled
us- up and the carpenter work isn't
by arry means done yt. It is rather
hard working among saws 'hammer
aidnails but We are uhea tO any
thing. 1 hay been on five wards in.
three. days .as 1 am, not.placed perm.:
ancrtly as I am sure I /am on orders
for night duty the next ilift. The
most of the, eases are medical. bir.
we never know when the heavy- sur-
F-ry will begin. We ought to be 'able
to do a great work here. The pa-
th nts this- titre seem to be. sa.ri un-
usually fthe. lot of men. One of them
told re the other day that the cer.t.i.e
pedes are awfully thick at the front.
We have one Iran in with, 1> centipede
bite and one with the bite of a
scorpion right in the eye I think
Captahe willl save thr. eye.
We have four operationS this rrorn-
• ing -I am sitting between two ot
-thorn Ore is calling "Mottnr" the
ale( r one Is jut. sleping. The dif-)
ferent terrpermente shown up after
operatIor„ A patient fron- another
ward haa t:u•-•t lava. in asking for
volunters for to help with the con
cert band he certainly trade the sick
patkr.t s laugh.
Did I tell you about our baeha.1
tearr ; it i ,teat fur. but r arr afraid.
NVE are all to) tired to play much
rr ore .
As I writ' littl -drps of perspira-
tion stand out on Int; handF.. anti mr
clothts ar: soakir.j.. and as a rule I
do rot penpine ft- wai. 98 in, the
shade yesterday ani we always hart,
breeze from the sea but not Inside.
11. M. CiIrswell (Pt. 1 honors) ,K. $.
'owan (Pl II) NV . A. Crich (Pt. I) E.
•n (Pt. I) , C.Galt (Pt. 1);11
n ( Pt . 11 ) , E . Govenloak
ors). F.L.Haines (et, I), .
. Freera.
. Gilkis
Pt. I ho
an3es (P. I), M.K, Johnston (Pt.
six ,ann. -
without a
kg pretty
Agea,n, Sea
down and
for a walk along the shore, getting
back at tlen thirty, as A ,got too hot
for vealkieg, and we have reldever
since. We have been Into, saloikl,
frequertly this week, as our le•ae
WAIS unrestricted until this troubk
that you will have read about came
Wong. In the meantime' we stay
strictly at! hoe. Pli go itnto details
la-tEr on When I feel the censor isn't
looking and everything has blown
over. We aren't the least perturbed,
but rather wish for eontething
We get up at flso .thirty and go •
down for a. swim btfore hie akfrot.
It Is •gorgeou Yesterday aft ernoon
WE Went down at fivs pm but the
wat-.r was much too warm; and felt-
e:rvating and tit waves were Mon
and, cornpktely swamp -d ue when ase
trled to swim. Ir. adlition to there:,
recreations Edna and I art studying
fritorrolcgy. We go out with a net
and. catch mosquito( flies, bugs anti
httles; co at present we are cola-,
statir.g the acquaintance of a rt 11
eetentist and nerve speelaii-st. la
tht evenings we go down to the sea,
a.r.d quote Tennyson and watch the
searchligbts play. I have had far
more fun than I'xn having now but I
never lived in the midst or s.0 much
intrsh. I ,arr afraid a lot of the
glrls arL not going to stand. th: heat
ever.tually. This 1F,-. a -rruch aabier
spot than over on the NfOria.F Ur road
in the tents; and the view Le lovely
V7-€ can S: r, the entrarre to the har-
bor and. a beautiful view of the city
as it clhrbs up the hi'. capped by th'
citadel. Saloriki is situ-
ated on a slope, in a lovey view frwr
a ship .approaching the harbour. 1 been in town for about two
weeks and seem to have no Inclination,
to go. Life wags on ae. usual, I
'suppoe were you to come aiong things
would se'.9n very -trange to you hor
to us they are quite natural and. we
crebally so not seem so far away 4.
all. I hope to g2t to Aixa.ndra before
returning to Enigland if we everi do
re turn. This has been a wonderful,
expertence for as hasn't 111 Don't
;sem to me it matters, where we Hee
now ,although Canada ts the only
conntry in the world, as far as
I can rrakc out.
Did I tell you 1 oar, win/ fiftr, n
strokes .and breath at the same time,
feel 'as though I had fll.scveecl
&merle -a, but I must
I have
'WAY for
place.. In
the clerk was lyingarateep an tn
counter. In another the clerk had his
head on the counter sleeping. The
shopkeepers ,they ,aren't Greks, you
tly Spanish Jewa, who
h, and Turk; The avrage
rU knw, treats all contil
dirt under their feet, an.1
ad enough of Salonikt: any,
few days. ti is a f unny
one store where we wentt
kr:ow, Th(
talk Fre
rentals 11
haveeto pay for It. T -he s op
keepers p
see tor c
for thing
dohtt tie
Ever they see th our eye,,t w
will pay, If wc look interested they
e, indifference caste a fair
t up their pries. when they
irg so they tnake us pey
we wait. Other things we
d they give_ us for what-
ch-arge it
price, cot
We eat
all, none
is, our officers prefer us not to ea.
We eat no uncooked. Vegetables and
drir_k no unbolted water. You WO11i
10VE to go about with us here for
about a 'week and hear the /sounds.
and see the 1-.1glit3 itt141 smell th.,
ungodly srells-a. begger with a dead
baby in his ars a Bickly capariaoni
di Greek soldier with many decora
tions; the lonely Torcnu ti.rit1i his
alL and Sundlry, the womni
r fan s co-veredon their high
ioes of the Spanish demon-,
tempt low wtr mark, etc.
no riperLW fruit here at
:and ice cream, such as it
o,ths at
with the
s1e. tut enough,
June 15th
Your Most interesting letter came
yrstarday along with oxic from Moth. -
Er. I w.5 so very sorry to hear of
!•,;layrne rters death ;, that goes to
show yo no matter where you are.
death can find one near or far away
from bore. We are all well here ex-
cept one sister who has malaria or
typhoid. Edna is on special wi .4
her night and day. We are at work
again, real work: Since coming into
'the but S we are much more military
and red I tapish .and the cainp is mach
-Perth Notes
• -Mr. W. R. Davis has bought from
Mr. W. D. Jordan of Mitchell the brick
residence at present occupied by Mr.
P,a.hrer, for $2,-625e. possession to be
given in October.
-101. W3. Martyn o2 MitChEll
calved w-od last week that her nelad
he w, E. Schuler, who was reported
from the front sorne time. ago La
is now reported ki11e4d. ir4
-MT. T. H .1,ace, of Mitchell, 'who
has been travelling In the eatera
upbart ef the province in the interff
est of the Muskoka Sanitarium, is
'speeding a two weeks holiday at his
home_ • 1.
-Miss Laura Casey, who has beeTh
employed in T. S. Ford and Co.'s
lir.ery de par tn- Int, Mitchell, for
nUtrber of years Is going to Portage
Prairik, where .she has beer en4
gaged. by "a millinery firm -rd that
-Mr. George E. Rmage, B.A.
gnaduate ti:of MaWaster Tinlivtereit
Toronto. has accepted the poiltion
of Science Master in the Mitchell High.
School, and Miss. Florence M. Adarc4
son, B.A. of Norwod, has been
PolAted as teacher of EngllEh,
Wry and art.
-One day last week, the electrician
e.,t the power house, Mitchell, was
fined five dollarsand costs for trim -
ening a tree opposite Mr. Wm_ goney'ee
property without getting permits:-
sion from Mr Honey. The electrician,
Acted under the Instructions of the
chairman of the. property committee,
who is also the Inspector under the
tree pla.nting act.
On Thin -8&Y aftrrncofl of last
wek. the Women's Institute met at
the hOrne of the president, Mrs, A. 3.
Blowe-s, of Mitchell. The meeting was
held on the lawn and was. presided
over by the president. An interestiag
and instructive hoar or two was
spnt. A donation of ten dollarh Wa0
made to purchase comforts for th•a
boys at the front. Mrs. Saul and
Mrs. 'Blows 'Rock of Ages.'
A splendid paper was given by -gra.
W. Body on. the "Educating and
Training of Childrtrr Mrs- Muttoa
gave a humorous reading entitled;
"The Wrong Train and Miss Maude
Blows a solo. The day was
hot, and at the close oji the. meeting
rs. Blows servod ice trearn and