The Huron Expositor, 1916-07-28, Page 6}JR
that every third'
tarrh in some form.
s shown that: nasal catarrh
icates 3t general weal less
• and local: treatments in
;miffs and yrs do lithe,
teerh you should treat its
mug your blood with the
Scott's Emulsion which is a
and a building -tonic, free.
y haemo drugs. Try at
Scott& Bowie. Turman. oat
0 LO
To the thou.ds toy-, le who are
tossing on sleepl `, r :.. ht after.n
d to whose eye p wM net
burn's Heat: and Nerve Pills ole
bleesang of sound, refreshing ,siumbero
they tore the Oquilelbritun ;,of
e deranged n, thusor-
strength d vi `ty to the ._
. Mg b. Arthur {Lela, MyL�,- 1 . � Mt.
4 i'.B., writes: `f have r!''.i mucktrouble
with my n - : ' ' . ihot steep\
f r hours after I would : • to bedT
g d toss and +- from r • ride to
etibefore I oduld go to - .. I w
then waketip inl the t, and lie a
a long time bei I guild get to sleep'
ag . 1 . • .. . t I fir • . d try Muss.
Ham. - ,..N- :, they were
r comm F • . , • e` I now get to
Sleep without :. . 4 , '-; my nerves
seem - ',tit 1 lie's 1
eredto who is
th A ��. `: n onld:s
box on hand," . n T
' Milbur"nn's H-: and Nerve Piers are
50 cents per boz 3 boxes for *1.25; at all
dealers or maim direct an receipt of
rice by The T. Milburn _Co., Limited,Toronto, Ont.
r, Solicitor, Conveyancer said
lie. Solicitor for the Dom -
Bank. k. Office In rear of the Dom-
a-. Bank, Seaforth, Money toloan. .
oUItez, Conveyancer and
lie. Offfee up-sti'irs over
furniture stern, Main street,
CL ham,
ager, Solicitor., Conveyances', and
Solicitor for thea -
k tsf Commerce, &foray to loan.
for sale. Opffice, €a: , ott°a block,
,. i+•-
stitterei Solicitors, Notaries Public.
oaey to lend. In Seafortb oxs &San-
each week. Office In Kedd bloci
6,Proudit t, X.C., J. L, Killoran, H.
',ABBtJRN, V. S.
gr luate of Ontario Vetettn
e, and honorary member ot
1 llssociatioa of 'the Ontario
sfnary College. Treats diseases of
Domestic Ani als by the most trod-
entintlples. Dentistry and. Milk Fev-
* specialty, Office opposite Dick's
girdle, Main street, Seeforth. All or -
MOM teff et the hotel will receive prompt
allifiewition. Night calls received at .the
iftener gradueke of Ontario Veletin-
College. All, dlsearsee of Domeatic
T13 treated. Calls promptly attend -
id to and charges moderates Veterinaty
tItry a specialty. Office and real-
on Goderlch street, one door east
Dr. Seettt'8 office, Seatorth.
C�r �yf �
J. �yyw - 1• . N,. �M4D.C, f,
r Of Richmond street, London, Ont.
f ialiat : Surgery and Genito-Uri a
diseased Of seen and women.
Osteopathic Physician of Goderich.
wee dist In women's and children's
•Inesases, rheumatism, acute, chronic
had Dermas s disorders, eye, ear, nose
throat Consultation free, Office at
imewrcial Hotel $eeforth, Tue d y
-tom Pri.dasei,1j van. till 1 plan..
Pysiclag & Surgeon
face and Residence, Kan. Street:
nom Itt. I IlenSaLt
Dr. 3. W. PECK,
!' Graduals ot Faculty of Medicine, Mc-
eili University, Montreal; 'Member of
Vofiege of Physicians and Surgeons of
lOntario; Licentiate of Medical Council
nif Canada; Post -Graduate member of
Resident Medical Staff of General Hos
tal, Montreal, 1914-16; Office two
east of Post Office, Phone 56
email, Ontario.
( Office and residence-Goderich street
t of the :Methodist church, Seafortle
No. 41-. Coroner for the Coante
• DRS. SCOTT & MaA.Y..
2., G. Wit, graduate of Victoria arid
College of Physicians- and Stirgeona.
Sas Arbor, and member of the Ontario
er for the County of Harron.
MacKay, bettor ,graduate of Trinity:
talversity, and geld medallist of Trim
liedical College member of the Col -
of P1rksieians and nkingeons, Ontario,
! 4 '1B. H. HUGH; ROSS.
} Graduate of Unitveratty of Toronto
ll Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of On-
tario; pees graduate courses le Chicago
Olineai School of Chicago; Royal Oph-
thalmic Hospital, London, England,
ltbelver3ity College Hospital, London,
England, Office --Back of Dominion
Vitaok, Saeforth. Phone No. 5. Night
dale answered from residence, Victoria
street, Seafort-la. • ti
Licensed, auctioneer for the coun' fes
Huron and Perth. Correspondence
etrrangementt for sale dates can. be
nada by calling up 'hone 97, Seatorth,
or The Expositor office. Charges mod-
erate and ,satisfaction guaranteed..
B. ft LAR,
i l Licensed n ettoneer for the Cou,. '
'OM. Huron. -3*tee attended to in 1
pieta of t.'' • ca.i:y. Seven years' as
ee in 4asatobe and Sastkatchewa
realm:L de 1- Phone No. Idle B
--� bier i^.en' ilia P. O. L B
Na, 1. Ord, .s *eft' t The Huron R-
nositor Of" fFaforth, promptly •
tended toy
i tie the oogatlle
Beton eati Perth. Behar a peat sal
Wiser and therenOto naderstsndins
Sibv' v d tka tetecls Pod f'solemetttss
NW algle4 um stant
pet pekoe Oflardeit
ss '; "instead or so pay. Ali
,eft fa meter will be pros►ptle
{Continued front page seven)
Monett/Van' or fiance too' any` one
will fled where he Is bed."
walked on a little farther The Who'
thing was too unutterably sad, end
was about to retrace tuy steps wh
loud exclamations and. excited.
from the gravediggers � eat fee
sayer over to where the - nen w
at work. A moment later he care
rushing back fairly' creme g•:
"Mademoiselle„ don't you want t
come and see hint? They have fours
hi=re -they have found Capten. -7-,-,
one they were looking for."
"Captain -.-?" I said, dully wonder
ing where
� I had heard me,
Like a sh ft came to we, and.
heart grew sick at the thought. H
was the handsome officer Who, wi
his mother and sweetheart;had din
next to us our first night in London
His words carne vividly b ck to me
"Some will live, but mama will
Cobnt not the loss."
Rene had grown restive. He wan
to go back near where the guns, we
being put in position, and keep
with me a little longer I ofd him
was expecting to meet a friend.. Whe
I had about given up all hople of see
my officer again the three mend wh
had ridden away In the : soda
appeared. A little distance away the
stopped. I saw theta all : ►.: r . .g th
horizon with fieldglasses, but we, Ren
and I, saw nothing. It was a signal,
felt sure, and I counted my steps
waited for the teethe. . Once or twi
we heard aeroplaning, but throe h th
Blonds saw nothing. I bad rto
tn persuading Rene to stay, as he sa
he assured sous, Frencti tromps ad
ing in the distance. Later I found
was true. They were do
cover of the fog, but myy1it
were so tired from weeping and
lessness I coutdn't see
That night about mirbaigk I
tap at my door, so light >t1' to
moat inaudible, but nay ears were
perssensftive, and when it
second time I gently got up end o
the door. A form was outlined
dim candlelight, and I was beck
to follow. In the next room Lord
was waiting for me He rose at on
as I came in and said:
"Sister, I have come to you with
message from headquarters. It
been decided that it will be unwis
and perhaps useless for you to retu
to the German lines. You save give
already valuable assistance, and It wi 1
not go unrecorded, but to ,go bac
would doubtless do little gourd and pe
haps cost the services of a vainab
nurse. After last night's bap. •
undoubtedly you are watched and yo
every movement known. You ha
signaled, but the signals have in tm
instances been `blinds: When that
known to
to-.J9gt�be�e�y, iso sit rely
be„ you will have to pay' -he pa
itnd looked steadily into my eyes-. '
unthinkable penalty." e
I could hardlX wait until;be'1d
isbed to ask, "Do you Mean. tot 1
to go beet to my hospital safe
leave Frazer to be shot?"
"That Wall probability will At•
Pen," ' he answered, buts ltonelbe
his words. . .
"Your lordship," I answered in a
voice that could admit of ' no Furth
discnion, "I am going back o
German hospital at dad. 1 ha
nothing to fear from the German
try, and I shall ask sou to give
safe conduct through Our fines. S
ly you would not refuse res that, f
go I shall. Any instre efdlnns and
vice I shall be grateful far,"* He
and - came to me.
"Sister," he said, with +maim
feel I must tell you that Captain
is my brother. The great diaereses
our ages makes my seentialent
him rather like that a fatiiler !keds f
a son -a son within whom
all the hopes of a family hose
tions go back to the rota .,:,,, of
land by Agricola. Iran will be bo
my father's and my own heic--tv
alit --for I shall never' marry. So
see What he means to isms. But p
weal reason-hopesa ls! raz&
gags on eternity -by at Ian's
scenda.nta-or even t secure blas
itself, will prevent i4e w$.rai>
how dangerous is your uad
"I don't feel that I am in. any
danger," I replied, quickly; rev
frons the shock of knowing this.
was Ian's brother. "In Una first p
the Germans can't prove I didn't
my best The only pesrsomti who
the truth is deed. Ilia cent
niay saps but can't be au* and I
don't believe without actual proof
wiU dare .shoot "
;outlnued Next Week.
r..3 K. F,airfell, pates: of
C i_z,o_i and Auburn Baptist ehere
has. bb•ea :appointed chaplain Of t e
161st Battalion now at k 'Camp B • r -
den. Mr .Fairtell esesepresidene o.€
Clinton War Auxiliary anAd was vs
prominent in the recruiting marina*
Sums three months ,ago he'enliSted n
the leettation, •ass a private.
Securing a
ads should be
missoner of P
The term. foto
tent is limited
patents are als
Twelve years, iia
another Twelve
t�rely, when ti
Aired. The .fee
full term of e
for twelve- yea
Any intending
who has not y
tion, and is in
of his idea, ma
fice a -des.crinti
far, with or witn,. ion p
of $ 5, causes t e doe
called ,a caves , to
secrecy; but th seer
anent ceases w en t
tains a patent for hi
Patent in Canada.
for patents in Can-
ddressed to the Com -
tents, Ottawa, Ont.
he du atid' ii of a pa -
o eighteen years, but
o ' gra ted for six to
bjeet extension for
or six years, respec-
e first term has ex -
for a p tent for the
ghteen y ars is $66,
s $401, f r six, $20.
pplicant for a patent
t perfe t d his inven-
ar of be'ng despoiled
file in t e Patent Of -
c n of his invention, so
14.s, when the
meant of a fee
mint, which is
e preserved, in
cy lof the docu-
e applicant °b-
in :entiop.
During a de
tion at a recen
City. Council,
',lamed of the
quacy - of the
under the
Councillor Mo
no resident of
ing. :This "elic
tion. Munici
maintained the
dissent from t
The Sedalia
staid that he . h
tient at the R
tal for month
may the diet
Herr Hoffman
dent von 13ato
lation Board,
ficient rood w
the method of
wrong and th
lin would titan
The popula
ed over the m
ment that m
postponed ind
six weeks, owi
The-so-calle you
veling kitch s are
cient and are esie
morning by cr was
sons, =while holisewi
the Vorwaerts says.
o D"
ate o
ass f
ted a
re wa
re So
ry h
e food situa-
n f the Berlin
oc alists coin -
lit and inade-
tin of food
ng ' scheme.
eclared that
as yet starve
rp contradic-
ician Weber
question of
es of strong
ata). -
or, Honxen,
.hard been 'a pa -
Virchow Hos3pi-
:knew how seri-
been reduced.
sins ded that Peesi-
ki, of th Food Regu-
ould be gid that. tut-
s 4ten ' a .Old
but that
distilibu on was; all
the Teal eats of per-
il net 10 ger. .
on of'Coi omit) is excit-
's announce
has been
some sat for
lack of pota--
s fe
tog to
as -cannon trs-
en irely ingufii-
d from early
of hungry per-
i o dinnerleass,
In spite of
of the projecti
navy,- the gun;
the e
es us
than twenty-four s
time of the order.
gun is made with
around whish is w
In the biggest
are between
.this wire. - In
tion works• as
thousands of
40 a
the g
d shi
mous weight
n the British
oaded in legs
ds from the
modern big
re of steel,
steel wire.
se now there
d 70 miles of
ea naval meni-
-building yards
re r now em-
ployed, usually app relied in trona-
era. They are fou$ tc excel in the
contrel of machine erhich repeats
the same moven ent. In one h ge
persona e
moss 13,000
�f their Work
is mentioned
vert: kinds' of
xeg1 in that de.
munition factory 2500
employed, of which ni
are women. .The scope
Will be realized when it
that there are seventy -s
shell. Women ` also
Beate and di
of turbinesa
know that; I
Great Britain
the Germans..
The Austra
£f to the mot
in the Commo
nu]nber ott
ances paid si
Act in 1912:t
d it
orithe blading
Years ahead of
inn. Gov rnment pays
er of !every child bora
wealth, and the total
se Maternity anew-
ee the passing of the
the end of 1915 was
Lan for S
The Minist r for
South Wales s ates t
the Marruro.bidgee
have been earraarke
soldiers, and that th
extended. to 1,000 o
Lands of New
t 250 farms on
irrigation. area
for returned
s num.ber will be
1400 as the oce
A Ito al illerriege?
It has been suggested in some
quarters that the recent visit of
Prince Christ pher of Greece to his
aunt, Queen exaadre, might lead
to a 'Royal en agement the prospec-
tive bride bei g said t be Princess
Arthur of Contis.ught's, sister, Prin-
cess Maud df Fife. It is declared,
however, that the Prin e's visit 'Was
in no way con ected with matrimony,
in spite of the arguments of the gos-
£2,0^00,(1100 }trorni Waste.
The Sta,ndaed Oil CoMpany of Am-
erica make 12',000,000 a year by the
- The Da) of the Veteran.
Of the mit empleyed in the gar,
dens of the R gby poot Law institu-
tion, the youngest is eged seventy -
foes and the ldest eigiaty-five.
and 0
A son
Let th
We 1if
We Iii
Hers 1
The' S
Dash t
Pry th
Bind h
Cast h
She sh
She sh
She sh
"A. Chap t of Love for England
her Poeta , " by Helen Gray
of hate is a song of Hell;
ere be ti•at sing it well.
m sing it ;loud and 1o110,' -
our hearts in a loftier song:
our hearta to Heaven above,
the glory other we love*
Engin d I
f thought and glory of dead,
t Hanipd and. Runnymede;
f swords ; tad glory of souls;
songs tinting as birds,
=mortal magical -words;
t Milton, ory.of Nelson, -
1 glary o Gordon and Scott;
t Shelley, tory of Sidney,
ranscende that Perishes not -
the sto' hers be the glory,
Engla r !
her beau ous breast vire niay;
frit of E land none can slay!
e bomb o the dome of Paul's -
e the rani: of the Admiral falls?"'
stone fr# the chancel floor -
ye that akespeare shall live
o more?
is the gia shot that kills
orth wal g the old green_
e the red ose on the ground-
is Beaut, while earth spins
r, grind r, burn her with fire,
✓ ashes i o the sea- •
11 escape she shall aspire,
11 arise t make men free:
11 arise 1 a sacred scorn,
g the live= that are yet unborn;
upernal, ...Iendor eternal,
TO BAN 811117071nit.
Russian Duma
the R !Eiden. D
for th firSt ti
was gi en over
tions orbiddin.
and t e advise
the ad antages
perity evidend
tbe be Darting a
The present
prescr bed by t
no op ion given
in the matter
nands of the
eariou parts
judging from t
t the Go
their ap
the re
tidn b
' In act the -neral sentiment ex-
pressed by the is embers of the Duma
was dissatisfac en with the laxity in
lay Put Out Liquor
trig for the perman-
vodka came up in
a a few days ago
e, and the session.
0 a discussion of the
the present regula-
the sale of liquor
iiity of perpetuating
f the increased pros-
d- throughout the
e Itaperial decree at
the war.
rohibition. bas been
e Government, and '-
to tne people eacept
f light wines and,
been lett in the
nicipal Councils in
the Empire. ' But
preliminary debate
s of the people will
eminent, and will
'oval of the peohibi-
forever the sale of
the enforcemen of the present regn-
Quoting the B ures covering eleven
months in 1915, n which, des,pite the
prohibitory reg ations, nearly 4, -
three and one uarter gallone-of
was becorain.g a prevalent as before
the war and ared that measures
should be taken to strengthen the
laws tow in opmlation.
oe, also had- been increased by the
use of considere le qaantities of fur-
'niture polish, au -de -cologne, and
other substitute for liquor consum-
ed by the peasa t population.
The measure making the nrohibi-
tion permanent will be put to a vote
at an early date, and it is expected
will be passed with little opposition.
Miler Honeycomb.
Would anrone think that rieb,
juicy honeyeamb, with honey drip-
ping from it, conld be anything than:
-well, jast rich, ,juicy honeycomb?
Our Levan petrel service can ten
you that 'there is a kind of honey
made by -bees which do not buzz
while ther-labo , although they try to
Afimpro-ve each shining hour" well
enough. Specimens ef it are occa-
sionally fouud in the blockade area
areund Britain. As usual, it was first
unearthed .in a ship that was being
searched, for co traband, and so good
was -the imitat on that the "honer'
bad a chance f getting through.
Part of the v ssel's cargo consisted
of case after labelled "pure
honey." Whe he cases were open-
ed they were f nd to be filled with.
the e square boxee of
comb with hon -or what looked
like honey-ru ing out of it. One
inquisitive sail r tasted. this, made a
grimace, and t ted again; then he
wrenched a co b frOm its box and
dropped, it on e deck -and, lo! it
fumed up and wn there right mer-
rily. Closer vestigation revealed
that the tombs ere built of rubber
and had bee filled with some
smeary, honey lored subetance to
make them re ble the ritiel thing,
r 3 they did. to e Wee A clever idea
lais for getting Ober into Germany,
lough it ladle
Lipton at a ba
"A chap was
other day with
"The erran
ful of sand, as
" 'The usual
boss replied, st
portion in 'day
Joseph, where
Tnen he si
" 'Only half
of sand, Jose
troops at the
of sand.'
told by Sir
andin.g his sugar the
is errand -boy% help.
nly. th usual pro -
like th e? Joseph,
your triotism?'
ed d added:
he usual proportion
nly half the usual
g as our gallant
out have such need
Th3 Russian
20,000 Chilies
in Russia to b
shortage cause
of all able-bod:
e Labor.
ewspapers state that
coolies have arrived
employed as agricul-
n consequence of the
be the mobilization
Thare are
conductors in
given to those
been killed in
en 757 women tram
ndon. Preference is
hose husbands have
e war.
A British solhditir who ham last an
is earn cling-tn.
lees than. ilit. ed. a
week, Such, pe Sions are liable to re-
assessment fro time to time as earue
from 10e. hd.
is Wessflit
but in 40 ea
Von Buelow Will Hold
Session With Black Pope
In Effort to get Peace
BUELOW, the former Ime
.. perial German Chancellor,
whose visit to Amerie,a was
abandoned, it(is reported in
me, becsmee of -President Wilson's
✓ fusel to cellaborate with the
P in.oe's efforts on behalf of peace, 15
e pected to go shortly to Sieritzerland.
T ere he Will meet, it is said, Dr.
P pe,"or head of the order of the
• Suits, 'who was expelled from Italy
i May, 1915, because of alleged pon-
t at propaganda, and who has since
ed in Switzerland.
Ledouchoweiti, though a Russian
P le, is known. to sympathize with
G rmany. Hifi influence towards
p ace is reputed as being onsider-
able, besides in neutral countrWs,
particularly in Italy, where he organ-
ised the Jesuits and initiated a peace
Prince von Buelow's plan, it is
said, ethisints of uniting the Jesuits'
e orts. in behalf of peace with those
o the Socialists who are casting
de their anti -clericalism and al-
dy ate praising the Pope's efforts
f r peace. The Socialiste have even
a voeated the Pope's participation in
dering it necessary owing to the
p tying idealism the Pontiff's pres-
ce would inject into the confer -
The Prince la said to be entrusted
ith an important mission to prepare
r Peace. Austria and Germany are
ported to be organising all ele-
ents and in,finences lest when they
s e for peace the Allies insist upon
ntinuirig the war.
Prince Camporeale, Von Buelow's
rother-In.-lavr, who lives In Rome.
Iluding to peace, said: "Even ad -
Ming that Austria and Ge
rovoked the, war, their responsibil,ty
less than. that of the Allies if the
tter insist upon prolonging it."
All pacifists in the Italian capital
re repeating the same refrI,
hieh is said to be inspired by V a
The Interned Civiliaos.
Lord Newton informed Lord Beres -
rd in the House of Lords that the
umber of British civjlian estettiects
eembey, 1914, was 628, and the num-
ber of Germans repatriated has been
1,160. There were about 2/,000 Ger-
man civilians interned in 'this come-.
try, and 4,000, British cfrilians in
Germany, Moat' of theen, at Ruhlebeii.
In, view of these figures, he was re-
luctantly convened to adroit that the
situation wag thoroughly and dis-
tinctly unsatisfactory', and it was
most desirable that every effort
should be made to secure the libera-
tion of these unfortunate Civilians at
Ruhleben. The conditime of those
men was very bad, and he Was given.
to understand, ori the best of author-
ity, that maey of them were in win-
ger of losing their reaeon. Out of
nine civilians repatriated el few daYs
ago three were described las insane,
The lot of the German eivilian In-
ciably bett r than. the lot of the
British civil an interned in Germany,
Such is Life,
" When we were first married r al-
lowed my wife $20 a week for house-
hold expensen"
"She a3.lowt. me $1.50 for lunches and
car fare." ----St Louis Post-DiSpatch,
Not a Musician. -
"Is that gentleman a lintiSiCiaUr
asked the inquisitive Mrs. Sinith of the
elevator boy as a long haired. individual
left the elevator.
"No, ina'anit," was the response; "he
ain't no musician; he's atsinger."
Rapid Action.
"Always think twice before you
speak," said little Tommy's Mamma.
that you mdst do some pretty fast
thiricin' sometimes when you git to
gedn' for pa I"
She -Wouldn't Mind It.
"And 4ave one baby,n said the
meek man. who was aPplying for lodg-
lugs. "Will you mind it?"
t "Mind it?" snapped the thin faced,
lady. "Of c urse not. Do you think
owes me mo
ally wants t
ate to meet a man who
n't like to embarrass him,
It isn't that. He gener-
borrow more.--i-Exchange.
Near a
the Havel,
expands an
woods and
war days t
summer res
on fine eve
and ladies
costumes, a
and listene
guards' ba
Havel beca
th outbrea
desolate tin
some mean
chanical sit
placing the
peaceful st
inviting the
Berlin to
this fleet a
lish coasts.
are now the
therings of
obtain sells
can at least
ing all befo
of the Have
the British lileet.
stern suburb of Berlin,
tributary of the Spree,
'flows throvrle pleasant
e neighborhood was a
rt of the Berliners, and.
bags - young gentlemen
sorting thither attired
n immaculate aquatic
d sat in. beer gardens,
to the strains of the
d. The barlDirs of the
e desolate sh rtly after
of war, andi remained
I an enterpris ng man of
and °onside Me me-
lt conceived t e idea of
model ships on those
etches of water, and of
inhabitante Of Greater
etch the manoeuvres of
d its ettack on the Eng -
The shores of the Havel
ying reports from Kiel,
en, and Emden, they
behold the "fleet" carry.
e it on the placid waten
JULY 28, 1916
you wili find relief in rn-Buk I
p n, stops bleeding and brin
ease- Perseverznce, with Zant.
means cure; Why not pro
is ? .4u .Druggiza wen Moran.
Practical Superstition.
°Heard a dog howling all night.",
"It means sudden death."
"I didn't know you were ST1Pered.
"I am. It means the finish of the
Their Effect.
'Miss Mayme case shoot such glanees
at one flora under those long eyelashes
of hers."
"Be careful; her , shooting glances
bave a killing effect.'" Baltimore
Her Means.
"Oh, yes; but the meanest part of it
Is that she evidently means to keep
her means to herself."-nrsehange.
A Pleasant Outlook.
"I wonder why the bride is crying."
remarked one of the guests at the wed-
ding. "Can it be because she is leav-
ing home?"
"NO, it ain't that," answered the
bride's small brother. "She's in love
with the fellow she married. end I
think she's crying 'tense sbe feels
sorrY for him."
The following is a bona &le state-
nient made by a seven -yearend girl
who .had listened to medical talk all
her life, Being asked her father's
business, she replied;
"My father is a doctor, but he isn t a
quack! My father's got a license, so if
he kills any one they can't arrest hirer
;Unless the liver is working properly
you may look forward to a great many
troubles arising, such at teinstipation.
seeeere headaches, bilious headaches, sick
headaches, jaundice, sick stomach, etc.
Mrs. J. Shellsvrorth, 227 Albemarle
St, Halifax, , NS., writes: "I take
pleasure in writing you 1mi:teeming the
great value I have received by using your
liver, ...When ray liver got bad I would
have severe headaches, but after using a
couple of vials of your pills I have not
been bothered with the headaches any
Milburn's taxa -Liver Pills are, with -
oat a doubt, the best liver regulator on
tie market to -day, Twenty-five years of
a reputation should surely prove this,
Milburn's Laea-Liver Pills are 25 cents
per vial, 5 Night for *1.00; for sale at all.
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
peke by The T. Milburn Co., Intuited,
Toronto, Ont.
That is what Prohibition means
occasional drink, or who likes to
Why not think a little further al._
Our sale enables you to save wo-
need of disposing of our entire -
custom of selling only to the tracl
your home
mOst be
yc4ir club
'.11 entertaining must bertrensferred to the home. Every ma.n who likes an
. ye it to offer hislziends, will have to think ahead -and order by the case.
hefully on the price of any Wines or Spirits required. Only the imperative
by September 16th would induce us to depart from our established
y tnat we 4140
Selling direct to the coil's at these wholesale pric s:
Per Case
Walker's Imperial Qts.. 8.50
Walker's Club Qts 10.50
Walker's Rye Qts 7.25
Seagram's '83 Qts 9.00
Seagram's Star Qts 7.50
Seagram's White Wheat
Ots 8.50
Corby's Special Selected10 . 00
Sovereign ts 8 .00
Per Gal.
Walker's Imperial' 3. 73
Walker's Club. 4.50
Sovereign Rye. 3 .50
Per Case
Markie's White Horse
Mackie's Laird o' Lag-
gan. 20 year old 16.00
Hill. Top Qta 13.00
Teacher's Highland
low Label 13.00
Usher's Special Reserve,
White Label,. 13.50 .
Usher's Green StripeQts. 14.50
Per Case
Usher's G.O.H., Black
Label 15,00
Usher's The Very .r 'nest. 20. 00
Dewar's Special Qts..
Dewar's Blue Label Qis. 13,50
Dewar's Special 15 00
Liqueur 17 00'
Buchanan's Red Seal
White 11 Ct)
Walker's Kilmarnock,
Red Label , 7.0
Walker's Kilmarnock..
4 14 00
King George IV. Top
Notch 13 00
King William IV . IS 50
Per Cal.
Hill, Thompson & Co.
11111, Thompson &
RUM Per Case
Sherriff's Jamaica " Bell" 12 00
If You prefer brands not mentioned in. abOve list, We can
probably supply you at equatly attractive prices.
Containers for Bulk Liquor will be charged as follows:
5 Gallon Jar, 75c. 6 Gallon Demijohn. $1.00.
Minimum quantity sold, is One Case or 5 Gallon Lots,
Terms Net Cash, f.o.b., Toronto.
Per Case
/no. De Knyper Imperial
Ots., bottles 517.50
Van 4legler Imperial
Coate's:Plymouth 11.50
Gortioni Dry Gin 10.50
Burnt -Afro Dry Gin ' 10 .50
Irish Sloe GC:11.. 12.00
Per Gal
Hoilanct G", London
Gin $4,50
Per Caze
Bash nullto Ots 13 ,00
Balbriggan Ordinary Qta 11.00
Pf.r Case
Ilennesty One Slat Qta .417,00
Hennesby Two Star Qts.. 18.00
Hennessy Three Star Qts 19.00
Martell One Star Qta... 17.00
Martel Two Star Qts... 18 .00
Martel Three Star Qts.. 19.00
Matte V.S.OP 24;00
Per Case
Saze.rac Qts U.00
La. Roae Qts 12.00
Per Gal.
Per Case
Convido $13.50
Commendador 16.00
Taylor's Tronco .. 17.00
Magnifico 8.00
Priorato 9,00
Per Gal.
Per Case
Pando $15.00
Fuerheerd's Emperador17 .00
Magnifico 8.00
Per Gal.
Aherry from 42.00 to 17.00
White Rock Qts., 50
battles $7,30
NI/bite Rock Pts., 100
White R,oat
100 bottles 8,30
32-34 Front St. West, Toronto
1111 Cannimmiel=3
aw▪ e
onek them we
ed as, and i
11 our macbin' e
Itnes, and when
battery snend
Wear this," hand
enange colored
your skirt after
peasant NVOMan,
carries extesordi
men can, with a
It at a mmat
some pletense to
tit o'er men come
do shade your
so"- and he gar
"for as many
guns in the batte
to determine
the guns, It is
treble eud
'What dssurt
ikeep- yon..
aoked, all the
the ideas, the pi
In ray brain. /
genie one neigh
so °Vex -wrought
knoen what
end he shrugged
dialog I knew,
By 'heteigng
Wenad be better
learn personally
zer? Ho is re
changing his to
have played fair
zer Will be sent
tines and proper
you get throng
have saved his
you the daugnte
"To return
the morning,
breeks, pass
must have seen
in done
under dm.
ftnt it will b
With the na.
eenery you
lug for
will c
answer in
will be there
"The onet.
til the eveu
are a hunt
ever earn
fere I go