The Huron Expositor, 1916-07-28, Page 110.
tialit,y Stor
hem. by
wt, order Trit
`°. t -ati
" A
ng the
Athe and neat
4howirta' o the
z1/4t to 75c a yard,
Leas in
:J 011,678 •
oar dis-
m and in -
nd biack,
5C ta 1.25.
:d lustrous
Eue, cotton
ting kriit
d separate
,ddition to
rrom the
75c to 5.
hings that
t received,
4 37-
4 ,
action of
Em9' JPani,
W*OI *UMER 2537
*, Beginning July
Continuing until
* ,
• SIau
August 8th
For Men & Boys
I Hats Underw
Shirts Rairico
Pants, est.
Entire Stock of
grade Clothin
fthrown on the
Market, at the m
1 of the buying ptibl
the eommunht
gardless of Cost, Loss or P
44 prices that'll open your ey
• azemen t.
• NM
• The name Greig Clothing
• needs no- introduction to buyers
of High Grade Clothing, Furn-
The most complet
• ishings, Etc. For over 25 pendous s owing o
.• years it bas stood for only the clothing ever sho
• highest quality merchandise forth. The
• go on sale.
• procurable from the best x:.
4, wholesale markets of the . These Bar
• • world. Our reputation for
• honest prices and truthful ad- are -with comin
4 vertising has becn of para- and :-'ioutd be the
• mount importance to us and forc ha will ma
• we promise you the same poli- all i t •I need for
:cy will prevail during this sale. come 1
!YOU will receive a special l'ill a
2 ing some of the attractive )::iarga
2 space doe3 not permit us t give
The whole of our enormou stoc
eluded in this great slaug4ter s
- •
i Be Sure You C
S W1
Bir.Salles WariBabies
sixty housarid Ross rifles in stock;
The appoditnet of F. R McOu i Since Olen three hundred thatisand
tM.P., as Under Secretary of militia, :has Ise n, isaued. This represents a
taken, here to mean that Sir Sam sheer waste of nine million dollars.
WI:* eaSed mit. The thrie has came • ...At I events -the Minister 0,f Ashitia
le' disappwing. AL Sam'war hal, did itt ,soon thether,eBrwItioxsh 0,1Willair oOnfe-
its have been left on his Assrstep .t
orsse. It is ex akft to do—the British
to ngland wjgive th
rctd thaf Awes vis t acted, on ititself. The latest word
13 s e public the e
to 'forget a44 hat Unclip Secreta Y tiagf Can8412-11 "al -tilers are Ise --
McCurdy, Who IS As rni14 ai mannered 4, with the new type Lee -
rifle. The Gerseanane* Jets
own easy by making a. State -
the effect that thel new
fleld ,einneslies many of the
atures of the Rea rifle. This
Is ood EXCUSE as far as it go -:f3
a t elpeprOt go far knough. to ex-
- Inc million dollars blosisn in
d. fle• that had long ago demon -
that it was not up to ae-
rvice conditions. H.F.G.
Lower School Exams.
• ,
_ •
oi •
Is th,a,
Lc -E
hest f
is a
tine s
Pan aftSa is brusque, and as +SRe t
Si is o a1�ujs, Will not aggr • -
vteenbia. . ,
Mr. McCtd has evidently be
eholsEn becus he operreth not h
mouth. Sam dpne4 his mouth - tc
mhuc-anal, e ve . y time he opened, h
mouth he pu his foot in, It. A.
SaM has 04+ SalVall toot at. that. -
I The three war babies that are eau.
ing San the most trouble are the Be
tram Shell. Committee, Camp Boode
and the Ross Rifle. The two Lett
are already crying at hits, &kir a
the latter wilt probably set up a ho
by way ofi the Duff -Meredith re
befosie this article see 8 print. Ca
Borien is the first of the war babl_s
to ake a h er.
Asi centralization camps go, Ca
Dor en is equal in size to ;the rest
S,am s pet schemes. It is high gro
am , dusty „ani alot of oth-
thin s which 'the soldiers have fou
out.i The chief objection, to it Ls t
duatl—but the, dust is part of sa
vain glory. the 'soldiers had, to
nd at
h am-
Positi e
Birgai s
?7, Highest Prices for Biter an
I The Greig Clot4in
• t*****4******0********•••• •••••••••••
and stu-
high grade
n in Sea -
stock will
miles for
e you buy
months to,
ns, but
ful). list
o f
dust becanse Sam wanted to bo
th Englaind ,that he took is 1,
eas ,and Male it into a camp
months. If Sam had. left
a's Where they were anot
month, the cencrene road for h
trial le, w,hich° will relieve the ea
fare of d.ust, would have been, fint
ed. the lasheS .anA dust where
b,ru. Ja w,a,S lotrned on the rna,noeuver-
L ground Would have settlei do n,
the headquaaters staff would, h
plete,d their organization.,
p ovens Would have been Mir -
with (bake,r,s; the commissa.
d have had thing,s in shape
p Elordeir would 'have bgen
t that did not stilt Sam's
was,idue in, England .a;r4 he w
to tell tem all -about it at
Savoy a.nel. t Ritz, 'swell ,his r
tat on as la hustler, which he; coul
do if there were no ,soldiers in .
den. So 'jail raw as it was:, 0
den I was filled With soldiers
at in i th ,e • sun and, eat -dirt
c Sari's holiday. 'The soldiers -sig -
4 thIlr 431AaPPrOv,al, some by lo1.-
oth4rs 'by taking V xEnch 1 vs'.
this Wri. Log the are monk than
thouana illega.11Y ab.seati and
•kers on. [the moving picture h1 -
say that not a day passes hat
't get offer a of thirty ol-
lams ande mere for their wor
rl hes from soldiers who wan
rid Of the khaki and Catnp
at ehe aarne -time.
Ot 0/11Y W045 the,re rioting, but
ester of Militia. hirnsell suff
J.n4inity of being "booed"
tab, the mutinous battalions
en h wia,s leaving at the station.
s1 -
f Ler
was 'purrounicte.d by a crowsi
ki kers who frightened him
th ir bakful eye. Briaye though h
Stif Sam retired to a prepared,
tion on the observation platfor
hi priv
dr esod.
with m
au on, the. ice cream and other
ties a,w,a,iting cartage on the st
p tfgrm That lttle speech of
guaged by its weight
Or arn, Cost Si.,800, that being
age asses.sed on thebatta
w ich took part in the demonstr
A 1 the /al/dents related here
w messed bor this writer.
fortnight from now Camp Bor-
den wil be the :same oaMP, t it
will be with a new lot of so ra.
'is hurry to give himself a d his
fr reds- a. rare slaw has given the
cainp a, bl k eye in the mea Nme
a4 ha, 4 a lot to stop re ult-
. he ernment is solving the
Ikn Sir c 'e impetuosity got hem
to by se ding the. present u-
sts of P- Eiorden overseas In
ge Jaftfs, ten units at time.
'Ui4J cneta.ry moCundylis po y is
full swing. He Is getting a.
t 4E. kick by removing the kickers. life
in hpf.i3 that those who take
t eir pLa4xs will find A CAMP, ead
t live M 4n4 will -b more Ape, :
t discipli
WhetitiEr tile policy of centrali
ps tn, tie wilderness far f crowds land pleas
distract on of big -cities will
cjt1nut4 Lfter the. war Is
problem Sir Sam's impetuosity
nSairitain a standing army. Wha
of these great c
te car, from which he
a • jollying speech to
hiS speech was
iglc4 sentiments—cheers,
d hiss€ s unmis takable
away the kickers too
e .
to th
Candidates narred below, under
0, have ; sassed the 'lower
oastriaasions for entranee into
Sch000l and faculties of
!ddition to tbe. above. they ra-
ta pas.9 the. piddle school exam -
before they oars be admitted
normal -Rebook, land the upper
exaseination before they San be
to the faculties of eslueation
Those who have ,already passed, either
as examinations, are reminded.
hE normal ,schoola open on Sep -
1,, and that application there?
iust be made to the deputy nitn-
cf not later than. Au -
36. For information concerning
fauitieS of education, applicants
eferred to the registrar of the
rsity of Toronto, or of Queen's
of th
fore :1
Utiverrity, Kingston*
•S.ij Allan honors; G. E. Ames, G.
E. ew; L. E. Adams; D. A. rooks;B
S. M BresOts; E. M. Churchill ;til3. K.
'Chap an, M. L Cuthal; L. M. 6:mites;
G. M. 0e; W. K."Drasper ; F. Deem:
Dickson; E.K. Elliott a E. S.
Evans; M. M .Editunds; E. H. 'Ele'er ;
F. A. Fingland; A.J. Gilchrist ; E. E.
Gold harps ; H.M. Godkin ; J. A Grant
L.M. Holmes.; J. R. Hayes; L. Holland
F . Harvey; M. 43. Harvey 'J. A.
Husso ; E. James; B, J. Johnston, A.
E. 3hns, B .A. Kerslake ; Percy Ladd,
M.M.L. Linsing ; E. M. Maxwell, M.
Mor an, ',Helena Middleton. honorr4;
A. 14 urphy ; E .0. Miller ; S.L.,
D.L. MacDnell E. -,Ge MeNtath, R. P.
Mc th, f. McClinchey, N. N. Me-
. E. M. 14fcBurney, honor's.; JO.C.
Meti aid; E.C. McArthur; E. Mac -
Ken it; A.B. MacEwan; W '.F. Nigh;
M. .1 Nolan, M.G. OJC-on.nor ; A. M.
Pick tt ; M.E. Perrie ; D. H. Ratten-
bur ; C. G. .Ross; -D.C. Roth;
R C.L. Shapley, M.T. Scarlett, G.
C. hillinglaw, M. G. SilleryJ S, K.
Seca h; L.B. Sanders; L A. Sharp, L.
V. mith, V. Stewart, L. B. Taylor;
W. .wnsbend; Frank Tate ; IL C. V.
ale • Z.M. Terve y ; D. E. Wilson;
M. Walters; A: S. Wilart:Son, E.
Ls the, Pur
imation cai1P9. holding anywh,esse
thirty ethisand to fifty thousand
Canada is not a military rountr
have t lye volunteers special
ducemests in times of peace
their • • ry occuptatiOns end,
day s mn-4er soldiering in cam
Venten ly in touch with all t
source of civilization. Are
like :.rd and Valcartier su
Induce- ' en —that is the questi
The o4s rifle trouble has
to a bea& The weight of e
is A g
is tha Ross rifle
get r1Le, but not strong tanou
active se otos. conditions. The
tsh ,ar Office reported to
feet ore than a year ago—bu
report -was pigeon holed. Eve
crala. 1 Al arson's famous letthr
to ,dr w 1 it out. This rE port
ed anIon other things that t
rifle a3rthEd, that its barrel
, .that its breach w
°avaEar t .a it heated up When
likE red hot stove—but ou
that it as all right. The
War Of1o€ believed so tho
in i own 'report that Can
diers were relieved of the
rifle in England and Provide
Lee- nfields before being s
the t. In spite of all th
Ross rif f continued to be ti
service arm and every
con gent aiidway
In their hand
thtalri begaln, threkwere -
in -
o ten
e ea -
e 112.8
h an
d, tar -
h for
Brit -
is ef-
In use
ide of
an soh
✓ Ross
nt to
e Can --
3. When
Partial Pass
B A. Argo, grammar ; J. 5, Bagie,
rt; E D. Chown, arithmetic ; A. I.
Fulto„art ; C. M. Isard, art; M. V.
Kelly .art; R. C. Laidlaw, arithmetic
A. I Sanderson, arithmetic ; H. M.
StWrt, ,art; B. Wright, art. •
McLE.LN BROS., PriblisherS
1.50 a Year in AdVanee
Grand Fair
of he Allied Nations
1;itest Huron Junior Public School
Grad -dation
S T e following students were speceso
:n last thE junior public school grad-
uat examination held. in. June, 1916.
rrh. Idiplomas will be sent to the
her or the secretary of the
isehlsol board. ,when received from
thE IPEPartment Of Ed11(.211011. To pass
a c4u.d1datt must make 't•rty per cent.
each subject and sfitty per cent.
en 'Leta]. of the obligatory sub -
The highest percentages made
lich subject are as follows.:
1.1,d1ng—Irene Jefferson easel Oaf-
Soatchmer 88.
riting—Lucy Woods, Maxie WA -l-
and Gordon Duman 90.
Iling—Lucy Woods, Alice Shp -
ad. Freda Smallatombe,,100. ,-
ieature--Gar,don Dncan 94.
ition—Bari 13alkwell i36.
—Gordon Duncan89.
adian Hitry—Goron Dune an,
75. (e
raphy—Gord,on Duncan 87.
itmetk—Inta, Heywoiod, 92
ebr—Marie Watson, Inlet Hey-
; Russell Mackay 100.
t—Feeda Sm.allcombe 664
ence—Lucy Wo(15 68.
keeping—Male Miller Is.
Total--Gardon Duncan 86
Pass mark, 600. Hon,ors, 70.
liscy R. !Woods, 742.
iVilbur Brown 702, Elmer Shakle
d of 161st Huron Batt.
Victoria Park C4th
Wednesday Aug. 2
See bills for complete list of
Sports, Games etc.
Yout attendance will be appreciated
,/idmssiorb 10e
Mrs. (Major) R. S. Hays
Oha les Stewart A. D. Sutherland
Treasurer Secretary
Irn- Pollock (M.C.)
Nete.—For g junior i
h ,,hn,1
same 'alas, walks to be
taker..; th &a the woods and .30rn/.
very pret y scenery to be seen, The
Co&e BEMt Store of Kingston has a
branch in camp and, all kinds !of rel-
ing mat si can be obtained there,
The or lleryman is free from duty
most eveing3 from five pm. until
AightS ou1 at 10.15, .an4 thi-s is the
time 'which would seem long if there
was noth ng doing. If he does not
care to a tend the dobigs at the Y.M.
C.A.M th re are 'other -sources of
pleasure. IThe Ottawa and getawawa
river) p$ ide exce.lent fiahing paces
dor the 1 ver of red ,andi line. The
Ottawa i ideal as a swimining place,
but tilE T piras of tlie Petawawn make
it a little treacherous. There is as fine
a stretch of beach along the Ottawa,
as one cOuld wish for, and the water
is nre. Well patron/zed after a hand
ay's drill.
The riflosic of the camp which is
'quite an item 'is of the hest brad,
iWe :have- band of the Royal Can-
adiat Artillery of Kingston and the
Garrison Artilkry Band of Halifax
has Ibsen! excellent, and there is no
dortiht but when, Obis Northero Camp
breaks up there are some who will
leave it with regret.
From Jack VanEgniond
The fohowing loteresting letter is
Cron Ja.cilt Van Egmond, an old. Sea -
forth boy, who bas been, in the trench.-
es with :Ilse Royal Canadian Regiment
for ovr1 a, year. It was dated Bel-
gium, July 4th and was written to his
sir Earl Van Egmont].) of ‘the
Post Offine ata.ff. He say
ertrance examination, the au.bsects of ell old boy, I guess you 0,,re won -
in again and read,y for those brutes(
Group I will be 'accepted Oil the teach- derilig 'howl1 alx, faring
ch Well Earl to tell the truin
out here
think they ,are about fed up and know
when, they nellie on again. but I really,
they ,are beaten right now, still they
won't girt up.
S°klt on
eW(oldplo4111dsli ,a. -s
behind We met new troops coming up
talkve thoec still int he front line,
but as it was still dark we could
not sEt them, only WE ICIlqW they
VI/M the Impe,rfai Guards and as
they enquired who we were,:we an-
SWkierti the °R.C.R.'s" (the Irian
Guards they were) they yelled bak,
"Good old R.CR's 1" But jnat
minute, Earl _as I want too tell yoa
We were the only Regiment of a Bri-
gade who 5:toot off the first hard
(tirunt of the attack, The P. Ps., 42n4
and 49th ,are in ths same briguk as
the R,C.R's and every one of thesas
rgiments- • stood up to a ma,n and
fought a fight, that for bravery and
sacrifice cannot be equalled in the
whole war. The Princess Patricia.s
Canadian Light Infantry are certain-
ly a bunch of re -al fighting men. Tire
first PrilleESS Pats got a •goe1 name
In the second battle Ypres; yes, and.
the second. Princess Pats are jUgt Nt3
gOlod a bunch of scrappers as the
old feliows and they certainly deserve
the greatest of credit. Other •goo&
Old rcgirncnts who came up to relieve
Ctur lariga,de and who afterwards dieli
as bunch of hard scrapping were: th
1th Highlanders, of Montreal, and
the 48th Highlanders of Canada, ani
both /liniments have -some good. Se -
forth Lads in them as I will after
wards Oa ration.S•Vell Earl, we all
rnade OUT, way out safEly to a ret
ramp ands after fourteen days rst)
we went baek in again to th.-am
place, for sight •slays and are now
out .aain fer a short rt. but b.. -
fore you receive this WP will be back
efe certificate AS provided in examin-
ation form 14, the 'same as this, year,
unless the Minister provides papers
for Group 1 on which the ca,ndielates
ma& write at same time as on, Group
II ubjects.
The following in West Huron wore
by God's great ,xercy 1 ,atm ,stil alive
and well ,but I can tell you it simply
-af real Miracle that I ameveo living
a, all and only Gd's proladtion has
breagh„ pee through What I have come.
hrugh ' the past fortnight. 1 As you
probably knew ,our regnr.enr. was in
• he firirg line when the. 3rd battle
of 1Tpres corrmenced on June 2nd, and
WE had to stick It out for six days
sucCesful:, t L. continuoas shellin, which in intens-
Cediton—Muriel Galser, Clara
ity was second. to none, except at
Oe e tre Leber. • t . he
Verdun during twhole perio 1 of
Bayfield—Ethel H. Fowlie.
the niarin fact, the shells were fall-
Dehwood—Mina Ehkra. ir.g so thick and fast. that you could
Zeirieh—Gertie Kaercher. ,
actually see them, like rain drops.
J. ELGIN TOM, I. P. S. and cannot ds,cribe it, Earl, in. the
Secretary of Entrance Boardle.a4St, bat I thoughlt on June 3rd, that
eVerything wa..s alup for us, Our
raariapEt was knocked down all along
• Artillerymen in Vaca, don at by the enemy's artillery, big high
retawawa Cam exPlosive shells, which sent everyone
and Evelrything itito eternity wher;.4
t short time ago we p
they struck. My rifle and equip -
interesting letter from 11'
trent and all my grub was buried be-
neath about five feet of sandbags and
earth, as I n-ysef received. afa
Kelly and Muir, who by
hose's load. of earth on my bh bac IX Y'
their names, you would almost think
a4 head, but I . left everything a,ne, they were followers of the Casement
beat it away _only to find rry niext
gang of IT15.11 rebels, but happily not
plc c- ,Even -worse than when I left
so, for they are all a good trio of
‘vvih dcad an dwoundedt on ev:Ary
loyal Canucks only they appear a bit
side and the great Hun rressefiKer out of order in skirt, but never -
of death still pouring into our Linea
the less they are a fine bunch of
But atilt the R.C.R.'s stuck it oui.
soldiers .and along with Nial Murrayi
thOugh :they were being b,aliy cut.
they have all done credit to the town
right here I decided to stay and
and country from whence they came
down and awaited results in par
Ln this last battk of Ypres, as every
man of them has leapd. the parapet
and made a charge on the Germans
and thank God they have all returned
without even a scratch, and are well
and abl, yes, and even more they
apallE, willing for another chance to
go over in the same way and here's
hoping they all come back again., The
heavy kilts seem at sight to be very
warm now but the boys say they are
all oK., as they donit have to' wear
any short joc s under them. Things
could, do *as to crouch down, low
aan very lively here all along the
tr and keep under as lcuch whok front and we never know a
t: 699. ,
MDonaid. 664, Russell Mac-
y 747, Mark Miller 699, Freda
ilacentbe '175
,arl •Balkwell 691, Viola. Bell 748,
on Dunca.n ,honors, E89, Into,
'wood, honors, 754, Vera. Heywood
Gesorge Kemp 719, Har,old Tufts
ons, 760.
lifford Scotctuner 698: Edna Scotch -
671, Aliee Stinson 64.
Alice° ShenOserd. 715, Marie Watseka,
blish d ,an
'or Lewis
ribing the
for We.,st Huron, de
'strnuous work being carried on at
BE This letter, on the other
.fiside of camp life, by another writer
will also be read with interest. He
The inany readers of your wril
known paper ,having reaa about the
(strieruous part of the life at Beta-
awa Military Camp, would, perhps.
like to hear a little abut the lighter
side of the life. The old saying, "All
work and no play, gives Jack a sl ili
day" fits into the situation here fine. I 'sa
Most of us like Major ewis, right on, the old. town
poreig9istharttsw:b04,easdcanilteres 40fof the arp1sfur:Itinbit; fan-ou Village Of Hooge—
have. heard, of that place,
had been rather discouraging. HOW- 13.1-4 I V'ta.. ;all the tirre thinking jut
when, We tarrived under canvas aad haw 7rach I mut suffer before the
ever, we were agreeably surprised,
fitl end cere. The suspense was_
Tfcalhimele ,,ruiloutfishopwiainco,n,,diditelaonswaresaclolympTate: ething awful for at the end of
the borrbardmenh we knew only ton
ly shattered. Of course, there Is well that the Huns v.ruld make a gen-
h.arrack life it took us a little while
a Abefnke; mai advance and attack U5 frOal all
fit frOre the long bernha,rdment but all
to us
usr tdhabAuta itdiiscs ormaftolarctr.
s. We were all very nervous
to get into the (-swing, but now the
machinery is running smoothly with
every man on his job. The life 33
far as work is concerned is pretts4
hard. and for anyone who had. been
used to a "sot job" 111 civil life the
pare is a. little fast. One thing we
might say in, favor of the training
agd thpt is, it is very interesting work
a,nd. is ,so ,a,rrangesi itictat it ntvnr
grows monotonous. Most of the men
also forget the severity when they
think of the glorious results to be
a.hieved. by it.
Providing entertainment for a
camp such as this is quite' a, problere •
The bright light of the camp is the
YM.C.A. organization and its merits
earorcit be too highly praised. When,
it coinea down, to workingits nemhere
bO.VE 11/3 ail in the shade.
They are on the go early and „late
P arming for entertainments and.sports
T following isydabus will give an
idea, of the nature of thel work they
are doing.
The other day I was sitting reading
a magazine in an old building use u
as a Y.M.C..A. here and I saw throe
soldiers come into the building all in
kilts. I looked. at them, but not know -
Ing them paid no rnore attention to
them. After a short time in - thry
ea,m.a, up to my table and one of there
asked if I Wa ever in, Seaforth. and
certainly was as I said. Then I
had a. hearty shake hands all rounl
for they were no other th,an than
throe young Se,aforth men and when
they told me their names I was right
at home again for I knew all of the=
or at least their people. They were'
W. Pinkney ,and E.A. Kellye of the
13th Montrnal Highlanders, and Alex.
Mitir of the 4th Highlanders, and
Last but not least by any means was
Nial Murray of the good. old, Princes4
Pats ,and you can bet Earl. we lased
a good. old time among us, that
night, The three Ilighla.nd eye, Pink -
Mall Finlay.son 733, Jo.4 141nLeod,
6 le, 71115argaret McLeod. 696, Ten Mae-
' KINTAIL, No. 8r ASH IELD add much to their appearance
DREWE • fkSa.bliorday afternoon being a ha.lf
Belle MacKenzie 722.
holiday is generahy given up to field
KINGSBRIDGE spirts and anyone walkir.g Stround
tlie crnp can. see one or more
Ruby Kilpatrick] 698. .
Wionie Hackett 611.
John Cranston 662,
Irene Jeffersdn 688.
Waaz%ItelrioNiietzo16z8691 j4,1R1,croen. apai, son alto)
Program of Activitks on Y.M.
C.A. CAM13119 fOT July
,Monday, 6.30 p. m.—Volley hall, soc-
cer, quoits, baseball, pictures. Tur
r--Gsos nes as on Monday ; address by
.,„. Biirw.. ,Wednkalay 8 p.m.--
xing and wrestling practice, pictures
hur5dAy 7 p.m.—Field sports, reeve,
etc., meeting. Friday 8 'p.m.—Concert
by party from Sembrooke. Saturday,
8 p.m.—Boxing and wrestling deaet,
ktures. Sunday 3 class
zd evening service at 8 p.m.
It is the ahn of the nzembe,rs to have
Mething doing Jaa.h night, ,artd ao
iar they have been very successful.
When it is known that sow of the
best arnateiir athletes in Canada ac
with the batteries it is not at all sur -
rising that a keen interest is taken
in the Events. In field. sports bic--4/.aiL
td soCcer take the lead with to,y,by
close second. Through the eorss
the Y,M.C.A. leagues have been
o wed and at some, of the games teen
itement runs pretty high. Some hf
the more enterprising teasr s have
outfitted themselves with suits which
coVer a,s possihk AMA just watch and
wilt or rather wait and pray, as I
know the most hardened sinner that
dal surely did aak Gd's mercy 'za
forgiveness and L know It was cer-
tainly 'granted to myself at least
on, what a, relief it was when dusk
set in land the artillery let up and
then all of a sudden the machine and
rifk fire of the Huns cmMenced, and
we 'mew they were .attacking, 2,1-
t.401101 WE couldn't see them for the
oricoMing gloom and the smoke of
the big shells. Which had. not yet
clared. away. But on the corronand
from our office, every man Ireaamd.
bO tIlE firing sttp and showed his
ri prait and coormenc-
tc occupy o
the terrible str
bardosent and nervous and shaking_
kixa WE were, whn, we got into action,
crmed to cool every man andt put us
to our normal condition and yon
bet WE gave it i to then a5 hard as
we could. Just .110W =any were kill'A
I cam-st eay, btit they neveroir reaelsed
tTE11C13 We I know that, yet not
anqf us shut an ey4 for four dans
afnd our nights, except those who
f-11 for their country's cause, and.
cy 'Wr?. not a fc,,w I can assure
u. At the end of the fourth 4ay
E expcted to be relieved, but to
Ur ellnappointmEnt, as the regiment
r oar relief .could. not get up to
on secount of the continuous Ethell
ing apd we had to stick it another
�Lay and night and at. the- end of the
tifth day our Ool. a.nd Brig. General
ent us ward that they were more'
ban pkaned w th our fine work and
sited us to s ick to it another 24
our, , which e did, and which mao.
Six daye and nights, the 1a.St twwo
with4ut a bite to eat or a Arop of
anyt ing to d,rinit. I had sorre tea
and ugar, but it was useless with -
it, so I mixed the twn to,
gala r and chewed it, and so re: et4ds were W.65. -D4ring the after -
cave sore moisture as well as n 110037, Mr5. John Olivtx, Uri. A. 11
ilitk 11.0tiriahmOtt from it At the end,
relieved. us—that is, a coXpany of the Stark,n2ibt intik' Utter 'trom Toronto,
of the sixth day thr 28th Battalion
'Ggaravent,a,37heoe'214:ro:asi*eie2sidof Wra:1:.
28th relieved is, companY of the
a.c,tirs, and the bombardment :was —The garden partl on he beautiful
still on in ..1.1 its fury; but we bad grounds of Major Inws, (oder1ch, on
to Th.,aatl our way out as beat we Friday afternoon and -eening of last
,and it :was while going ova week under the ,auspices Of he Maple
sone moat heart rending seene.: Leaf Chapter of the Daughters of the
to our : notice, -043 all along Empire to raise funds to earry' 1311
rmds weire dead and wows& their patriotic work, W2,5 highly sde-
Ell.. iti we could not stop, w-:: cessful, about $150 being realized- Tea
was served. neat boxes of randy -were
sold, fortunes were told, etc., ,and
the Stewart Orchestra, WaS 011 hand
1.11.Axtlarace evening to rive a n-uical pro
d fir&and suri ,.we
ve soztAhins to ido
Ulds and take ,a,Way
of the day? -s
games in progress which ever way
they look. Surscla,y Is by far thc quiet1 could
est day of the week, in f amp. This that
is quite eontrary to the stories we ca=
hear of some camps being busier on the
Sunday than any other dy. Ed
The morning is .always given over jut lepton anbd it was all every
to church parade except when the Iran could do to keep from going a-
wenther is very bad. In the after- ske , as sleep 11,20 conquering the
obn some of the fellows tak.e a a est of us, and to sleep or
stroll, others write and §oine read. stun just then =cant certain death.
• 1.
t s
minute ahead what is corning. 'We
0.e 11,01t to be rushed up to the front
line -any minute even before OUT eshortl
rest has corntrenced but we are al
ways ready and if a few good hard
months' fighting would finish it, why
let it &Me right off and be doroK
with it, but as you will $€k by the
papers we are giving them all lhatia
coming to then. Tell Sean Hill an.d
Margaret Jackson 1 received their par-
cel O.K. and. thiank tilbem for me, as I
wn't have time to -write just now.
Do't expect many letters Earl now
for a tine, but I will write as often
as I can, anyway I will -nei titid
cassis regularly so you will know.
Hope you are .all well at orne. ais
I ,am here. Weather fine and hot—
just right. Best regards to all the
co4 pals sad best love to you 4,1. at
Huron Notes
--Donald Boss and son, Gordon, 01.
Canora, Sa,sk.. are visiting with the
fome's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ross, of Drunsels. It 13 Six yeas
since tir. Ross vcas, emit. *!1
—The death took place in GoderIch.,
on. Tuesday afternoon of Mary Mc-
Ewen, wife. of ,the lath Peter Ed-
wards at the age of 78 years. Born
in 1838 in EallbUlgil, SCOt1511d, '
came to this country while a girl and.
for over 40 years hadallved in this
vicinity the last ten years being in
town. About five years ago her has -
band idkel. Two daughter. Mr. (Dr.)
Ilcilemann and Martha and one scio
—A pkasant Ulm was spent 4. -at
Tuesday afternoon at the Red Cross
Circle Tea in the Public Library anal-
Ellee room, Druiels, despite the ha-
triclity of the atMosphere. The hot-
ESR:E.- were the.,ladies of WA C, T. U.
who presentedl. Leropting bill of fare.
plus an attentive :Servie. The prc-
-- 1-