The Huron Expositor, 1916-07-21, Page 2"1. •!f-1 4. ,) 2 Freparednes NM" - Should be adopted by anyone desiring a furnace for next winter. The long days of summer offer better opportun- ity for installing a furnace, more light, less bother and this particular year with prices of stock mounting daily we strongly advise buying now. A REAvy furnace saves doctor bills by warming FLANGED all the house evenly, yo cold floors, no FIREP" soden chills. We, have years of ex- perience, good mechan:cs, and full stocks of PEASE, NEW IDEA rand KIR BEN furnaces on hand to be sold I Erizz 0, now at the old prices.: BUY NOW, have a reputatio for Quality, n ness and long se 1"1'ee. Examine forks, with sel cted hands, s temper prongs aid ferrules tha tear t e•hands.nt, Scythes, guar ntee Section Grinders.. Pulley Hooks Hay cork P Special prices! pure manilla h 20c perlb. G. A. Sills, Saf HARDWARE PLUMBING • •• • • • • • • • •c• $ • • • o • • • 40c eat - out &Jai nor 25 00 Oc Oc on oilg fib y fork rop ah onl rth FURNACE WO re e. RK TheMcKillopilititual Fire Insurance Co. Head office: Seafotth, Ont. DIRECTORY Officers: J. B. McLean, Seatoxth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -President Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec-Treas. Directors: D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; S. G. Grieve, Winthrop,: Wm. Rinn, Saaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J. Evanr, Beechwood ; A. McEwen, Briicefield ; J. B. McLean, Seaforth; J. Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, Harlock. Agents: Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth; W. 3hesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holrnesville. Alex Leitch, Clinton; R. 8. Jarnauth, Brodhagen Iron Pumps & pump Repairing am prepared to turnis all kinds of Force and Litt Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs Stancheons and Cattle Basins. Me Price is Right A4so all kindsof pump repairingdone on short notice. For terms, etc., apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St„ East, or at residence, North Main Street J. F. Welsh,Seaforth Butter Wrappers. farmersJarmer or Ds.iryrnen. requiring , But- ter Wrappers as provided for by the raw agricultural regulations, can have the same on the shortest notice at 771-213 EXPMTOR OFFICE, Sea,fortla, Prices: la lots of 1,001/1 ........ $2.50 In lots ,of Ft.0 . 41.71 C. P. R. Time Table Guelph and Goderioh Branoh TO TORONTO Goderioh. Lv 7.00 a m 2.30 p m Auburn 7,26 " r.56 7.37 " 3.07 " Walton 7.60 " 3.19 " AtIlverton $.24 " 3.54 " Linwood Jet. 8.35 4.05 " Emits ...... 9.00 4.30 Gitiolph 9,35 '1 5.05 " oronto- Ar. 11.25 ' 7.10 • FROM TORONTO Toronto Lv. 8.20 a m. 5.10o 2nelph Ar 10.16 7.00 10.45 7.88 " 11.65 7.55 " 11.26' 8.16' 12.68 8.42 12.10 " 9.07 • tuburn 12.20 9.19 coderich 12.15 p m. 9.45 Connections at Linwood for Listowel., Con nentioneat Guelph- Jot. with main line for Galt Woodstock, London, Detrol nd Chian° and al immediate lines. Linwood Jet Wilverton Walton to SI Grand I runk Railway System. Railway Time Table. Tr:alne leave Seaforth as follows : /0.46 a m For Clinton Goderich Winghana sod Kincardine. EZD 11.20 p m For Clinton and Goderich 6 IS pm Air Clinton, gingham and Kinoo dine. 11.06 p na For Clinton and Goderich. 7'61 a in For Stratford, Guelph, Teront °Allis, North Bay and Points west Belleville and Peterboro and point east. 3 21 p m For Stratford, Guelph,' Tennis', f4c o treed and points east. 82 p m For Stratford Guelph and Toronto LONDON HURON all BRUCE! NORTH rasseng-er ' ',oxidant depais 8 30 4 40 Centralia, 9 35 5 4.6 Exeter. 9 47 5 57 i; Hensall, 9 50 6 09 Kippen, . . 10 00 ers ;1: 1 Brueefield, ........... .... - . 10 14 5 24 Clinton, _ 10 30 r.: 40 LondesPoro, 11 18 f 67 . , * Blyth, 11 27 7 05 ave, 11 40 71S Wing -ham, ariive., 11 64 7 40 SOUTH Passenger WInglram, depart.. ....... ..... 6 35 ," .,•> ,.. _. ve, .850 131 , • 7(4 Lonclesboro 7 13 3 5t: 7 3": 415 Bzucelleld, 8 23 4 3;1 4 41 :3 4 9S Dreter, . . ... ... - - --8 51 5 01 Jr.dev.,,eirrii- -..;-r 06 E` I 11,4_ 0151 ., Clinton, Eterzall, 0. . KEEP THE AN CONS When the they become poisonous ma biliousness, si all kinds of liv Milburn's latelthe bowel free easy pill 'every ni cure the worst ' 244. John j. writes: III ha _while with co different reme I happened to Pills, and.I ha ficial." Milburn's ,=nts per vial, sale at all de receipt of pric • Limited, Toro BOW[LS REOLAI O AVOID I PAT1 0 hi. wels 4.e not kept r ogged up with waste and , casing constipation, headaches, piles, and troules. -Liver Pills will so t4t you may rnotio4i every day. t fo thirty days f constipation Smith, Elginburg, been troubled for a sation, and tried ,es which did me no Milburn's La.la- e found them most axa-Litver Pills ar r five vials for $1.0 ers, or mailed dire by TLe T. Milburn to, Ont. Reside For sale the reAidr owned by; the late./ solid brick with ilat; ed attic. It is heate hot air furnace. GJ There are four b -carriage hous. ce for Sale ce :on Grieri,Th Sea . McLean, The hone roof, sPlendelcellar and by coinr,inraion hot write tains eVery modern (leave s with splendid stable t O' o itir- and n ere and r further partienkrs appl - at The EXPOSITJROFFICE :Senior h $1 000 RE 13/"A Fot inforrna the discovery per1on or p Nervous WARD ;on ti.it will _lead or whereabouts of elions suffering fr ility, Diseases of Moth and Threat, Blnod PoiS n, Skirl Diseases, Bladder Trouhl•-s, Special Ailm nts, and :Chronic or C-oMplicated Complaintswho c not be cured t The Ontario Me cal :Institnte, 263-265 Yonge Toronto." Correspondence invit to lie he 1 1- t., d. 40 IA Ws Ca Chang RHOE4 sed By of Diet,•E Dirrhoea from many ca such , change Of diet, change of w change of c nte, catching cold, eating of unripe fruits, or anything will cause or induce an excess of bile. On the first sign of any looseness of bowels it should not be neglected, shoul4 be looked after immediately, if not idiarrhoea, dysentery or some o seriotits bowel complaint may ensue. Mr., Geo. Smith, Victcra,. B.C., "It i five yea ago -mace I first Dr. Pier's itstsirt. of WU Strawberry. I was _then on a Untrbosurevaty, and =t- iered iaeoptily caused by assuage of diet, etc. A. friend in the ileaa low doses Irldch Shit then I have mal *mid as soon, otft na a trip without ounspas MI blankets as without supply of Dr. Powier's Extract of • ,, Nail* I consider the w ben friend." Punktea Extract of Wid has 1 an the market for the vim= and is universi4ly ses ter, the - - - - • .-..- • ME HURON EXPOSITOR -- r Expaothir EAFORTH• IrBIDAY, ifllY 21, 3.16 British Cable Perhaps nothing !has contributed, ore to the commercial .s prerna,cy Of ritain than her enterpr ses with ea, ard to the .sobmarine, c ble. Durii[ng, he last sixty years Bad ain has ex-, eclittd all other countries in ,her qu ck om unications with the -emote, parts f the world Europe eceives its ,cias through London. hen at last other cou tries south to re themselves from this mono ly khE, had to seek the al' of Brit in Wi.e.n France and Ger oO993 ca les of th ,Am rica, they had, tc g ma ufacturs and lay th-c the ma Is& Fr \wit. started with gov -sidles. and. the awakenin Fie ts to the s aloes' of ca ;Ten arkable. t ntil fe eubmarint telegraph prl at s lia.ncle,, the eapital cribed by the ' publi m In late years fact ing -of cables have been -establi.th-r by Carmany at . Ord -mham, ; hy nee at Calais, and by Reds. a- Ia. The; foreign anufactoilee rnment set-, of .Gova stS les has biatn years tlIgn wereall, in being whally . There ar than eve and .,..- th fey he various hoid the any deed 1r own. I. Britain cables les for ed to o Or ;see i- ar: et‘lis°- go \ lar est number. Of tin:. `messages sent ma int cables, ninety pe bisiross, It is ;estimate; British spend ,abotit thr b undre d pounds at 1113 to th United S usand po rids on ca La, and. nother on 4 a on cable to; India, .outh Africa, na and t. -e Easit. • - t the out reak of t c war ma y had ,e1 ven submarine, ca 5 olf them -the most is -r. Irt,ant of landed ,at Borkum. Two, of the ca ran to the Azores, ae placed with lths t to Briset ther to Tena cables passed annel, thi.v eel]. England seven y th,ese . e Ib - a at 11 control, tlet on the seek to send rough Den- nd Rolla td ; reach Bri ain under the eye In the &bath crifor tun ie. (-west in lthe operty of It1e ny, a Bri isn itish EJO11. t.elegrapli to erself in the er ish no Ph ere ch at presen ue-a.n,d nin ei cables, srnments, t no fewe s hundred and of the Britis fiv gr th tra da Ch y the 5. cent. are st- C1 that ale, thousiend day on t R- ates, one ks . o us.- thousa.n ma y in communication Un ted States. One we an ther to Vigo ,an,d an eri fe. As all of these: tel oag-h the English C we. o 'promptly cut. Bet an -Germany there wer lea! .and. c-ommunication on passed tinder Briti 14o.ctking out for an o north, Germany might and rec-eive Messages t mark, Norw,ay, Sweden but' such imesSages would and France 'and so fail of the vigilant censors. Germany was eqaally Th- cables laid, ea,s(t. an. It Me terranean! are the p Ea tern Telegraph .omp co cern. and, land on. Sh old Germany wish t eat ica, :she. would find, 15A, E ;dilemma -the certainty of telegrams passing through Bi British hands. She would be better off if !she tried, to telegr to Indla, -or Milne, overland, as t tare no ,lines she could use except s as are controlled by the Allies. i Kitchener As I Saw Him By AleIxandier Gray "An English heart skees sounder th; sea" -England's Seal Soe it the Waves ,and !winds will Kitehener's gee -at frame might as repose ' "in the cradle Of th. dee Westminster Or St. Paul's; Ole p and panoply of a State Funeral; po lar manifsstation, of sorrow, mi attend and. be tho scene of hi fl resOng place: It would all be v, glerious compared with his m tragic burial where Britannia's trld holds sway -to windware' of the. 0 11 it in it, ell p I rap nsi Dr In- nt k-, nes-is-the Empire's northern outasist. o _formal obsequies could. add. 1 to tlit lustre of. the world hero. Sea. - weeds are ilia shroud, instead of Is uniterm of a Field I Dor as eupplies the salvos and, procession 1. Indefinable as Kitchener was to snahy, and however depLorrible ha, antler of his ,death ,his fate will be abed in the pages dr history. he ore -enduring because' it has no aralkl. The confidant ,cf kings; he cor-ervator of kingdoms; he, COn- :Imarider-in Chief of \ tho mightileit arniy the volunteer system has ck'- he might occupy .a niche 1 :a Valhalla worthy of him, were he less Material ancl more mytho:ogical. Having been intensely harnan- nd saperhuman-it is more logical . to have Kitchener's body -which loo ed large[ in.. th.t Allle.d Empires -c ri- 1gn€d to the SeVenSea,s. The unive s - silty of the ma.n, the magnitude I of his 'missions, th manner of his id,eat13 Suggest a. grave for him exactly wl4re Ifond it. Rhodes :night have rostted in ,a, historic shrine -but he ehoc the lonelY Matpopos, wh re there is a world view, the limitl ss veld, corresponding to the breadth of horizon of the Empire builder ot wilco the Kaiser said:, "I have rbet a. an," thus reaffirming, the remark Of Dederick ithe Great with regsrd to Pitt : °England has long -been in travail, and ha,s at last produced a marl." Kitchener held that "a lot of fuss" could be -avoided by sudoen d.ErfiiSe. His special work was in the finishing stage. Unlike Rhodes, wh .se ch pli re dyirtg words were: `There's so m t yet to do," Kitchener w,a's fait accon -or nearly so. He never let "I -d sa not wait upon I will," when incofrie we pftence of the right was involv ; but y•c_t het was not the implecable masa-, for net hot has been pictured. To tjhe er contrary; lie. was a dual charac er -.a soldier th To ughout, with an 4" of drollery -a diplomat Who' tiered to "the square deal," 'once issate, were defined in, of the Empirk. Kitchener had. preferment for men who could further organisation at lhe ass. - and those who capably ed reaa forces in the, field. Such natio CE put to the( test by nim, nelter ijackd.his support. He condomel roinor errors -but not serious over'. eights or shortcomings. With WM 4010 ring wasa business -when be ed founp their faraillea in concentratiott I d the Boers too elusive, he round • w- s, strung ba.rbed. wires by tb4 reds of miles; put the co - does in paddocks; dotted tios svaa.1 and °tangle. end parts fof d e ma cure for all ts , , keen a' looseness of the I thr Cape Colony with blockhoutese- - When you oak for "pr. Powlesris" be ' and then substituted mobile colum agere inn receive 'what ask far as for the e.lowersmoving infantry. I AIM are natty icank of Ode - d-7.nia11y °loch" corps, irregular troo ottani remedy Aced an the novice! in N. ,hol:.: objective] were Boer cattle. we errand fool the anasspezthlf Pailie- 1 : t rnid loose, the idea, being to c Tai is by aThe • td the ratiOns of the -enemy. - ob.. frommia, a med to ehtarten the guerilla wart m. eamrLitin an Trar 5. 14 . • and eh ass nev weapons. Boer co ndants fetallated by raiding Zul nd and .fri.endly British colon farms. Bethune, BottOmley, and oth• I r Kitchener men, with Zuluta,nel, 6.5 as theiri base, in, turn %took the cattle of the Bothe, Brothers land their friends. The conflict :waged fast and furiously -but "K." rias ssoilelly de- termined that those only who were wilting to cry quits receive con,sida eragtion. Moreover, he ha.d to ellea, cipline his own officers - leading mobile columns -one Of his orders, which I cull from many archives. 1st - Ing ludicrously as followso 'Th s CommaredelisisrleChief in a)ut,h 000 French and, English, AalonpE ap-4 Africa, de sires to impress on. officer::: 1x-ar s over -populated. This is partly In command of neobite. columns, Alia: the object of such columns is rapb11- Ity ; that he haa learned thatsuch forces carried about with them furni- ture, kitchen ranges, pianos and har- moniums, which nullify that obi, et ; that these articles must be handed oyer -to the nearest stores." Musicales on the march were not:in conformity with "K.'s" _programers. Nor did lee -enkhose over the Gouda Brigade habit of 'carrying long tiathsi tubs. Ht wanted results- and once, when Sir Leslie Rundle, of this Guards Brigade then quartered at Harriet milli, was elsewhere on duty -'K.' quktly slipped down, to Natal from Prk ; got eff at Ladysmith ; syefootee into Harrissmith, end Kit.- csr.i.el that hospital nurses could gt:t e.long without ord,erlies. It was un- kind of "K." rudely to curtail the recreations of the' Real Cross tee-, hood. His sence of dully svoei die- concerfting. Occasionally lie had. difficulty in locating enough, junior officersto handle troops. He had every °Weer In Johannesburg pulled up short, to explain why !they were not ,With their commands, The Mt. Nelson ho- tel, at 'Capetown, Was a rende for the fair sex -and. uniformed lame. Luxuries al ,fresco, on Lawns, relies, d the 'tedium of service,. There were sounds of rrierrl- aunt, if not of revilry-officers were paying court -to thee ladies-whste all of a sadden, a et updy chap. avresom ly exclaimrd, AS hastened tto Make his exit o "Ki" is in thc Suet; Enough °X." was there. It did not take lo -ng to thin the ranks of the male gutsts, The unannounced ar rival of "K." pot ,an. end to 1hCt frayeef" ties. n Ke kewich ,d1 sci plin e d 'during the Kimberley siege, Kelswicis was sustained. When a young officer was assigned to' takc a trainalo.d of horses to ,a designated place -and (f.19-1 obeyed orders by giving the ,a.nireale a. chance to kick' up their heeis: at a etatdon, where the train had been side"- tracked. -there -was A row. Th' officer w,a,s severely reprimanded. by his fossilized immediate superior, and was' summoned by "K." expectirig to have that a.wfal eye wither him. "Why did yoi 'disobey orders?" quer-, led "K.," in his coldest tones. " -Beca.a.se Sir," replied the penitents the horses ,after their.- long journey from the, Cape, would/ not have been in condition to taiee the field, if I had not „taken advantage of a stop to let ehem loose, have a roll and cavort the msevesi" "K." softened. "Is there ,a,ny-' thing ase," „said he blandly, you cao a€1 some of us, that we ought to knOw?," The officer w.as promoted. It is the common' view that ‘`K.'' was somewhat of an, ogre. He was arbitrary in exacting to the fail whatever was necessary. Laxities of conduct he never condoned. Crooked -army contractors W•Eire his pet aver- sion. The ,doubtful ',officer was ase; signecl to .a line of :communication, or given garrison duty, If not sent home. Fr c nch, Hamilton, Haig, Dorrien, knhy. Plumer, Alderson, Byng. Mahon. wart field officers on whom "K." learned to rely for execution. " was also revered by 'Sampson, Lukin, Scoberl. -Brabant, Mackenzie and oth- ers who won distinction as leaders of South African irregular corps. it was his masterly sprlit that revolaei tioniztd the army. One blast icon his begle born" was worth, ten thousand croakings of those who craved a Te.a- tonic rcapprochment gave Britian markt Os to a perfectly equippid foe - and who would bavt relegated to -Sumus-vhere East lofAden," ••••••..w.m. fish, ,and In the street itself, with French automobiles and trolley lars, men who are still beasts of bu den, who know no other wase of carrying a bale or a box than upon their shoulIn,e rs. 130.-ionika, even th o trollessesear 13 not without contra.st,- In each car, there are four .seats that can be hides ,thri by ,a curtain; 'They axe for the Turkish women. •'At any time, without the added presence of 100,000 Greeks and 170,-1 voase• gal- th ctive In Crowded Salonika Sa,ionika is •at present one of the centres of , world interests. Its P0P-1- tation; always a mixthre of races. has become st.,111 more Mixed, and its streets in. 'ioema,s times full, are now constanLy Icrow,ck d. Richard raiding Davis, the.. weel-i known nov .ist tand war -correspondent write s in. Scribner's Magazine. of Sa,- mike, and sketches Some of the Coni trasts and, out(-Ittanding scenes in the strange little ;Greek city. (Mr. Pavis' death has since 'occurred.) "One of the greatest assets of t use who .ive ire a seaport town is at view of their harbour. As a ruse, that view is hi,d,den, from them by zinc abatis leeson the wharfs ,and wane, 'looses. But in Salonika she water front belongs to everybody. To the With it encloses the harbor in .a great half moon that from tip to tip Meassures three miles, "At the; western tilt 'of the crescent are tucked away, the wharfs for the big stea.xnees, the bonded warehouses. the castoms, the g`oods-s..thed,s. The r et of the water front is open to the. ople and to the; etnall sailing yes - Is. For over as mile it is bordered ba. stone quay, with stone steps 1 ,a.ding down to the, rowboats, Along this quay runs the principal street. label ora the side,. of "it, that faces the h ,rbor, in an unbroken row, are the h els, the houses of the rich Turks Jews, clubs, reetuarants, cafes. and movingapicture theatr es. At night, when these places are blazing with electric lights, the curving water front is as bright, ,as Broadway with ortc,-.ha1f Tft the street in darkne,ss. .0n the dark side ,k the street, to the quay, are moored hundreds of sail/ g vessels. Except that they ar: paint 4. and gilded differently, thy ?DIE doctor, but it diel not do oie look like sisters. They are fat, particle of good. One day a 111.00 uat sisters with the lines of MI a , (a.slead, me if 1 had etried Dr. Williams ntaioupe. Each hal- a single mast 1 'd a lateeeefeall, likes the Italian 1 my I Pink Pills. Though ,as rssult or lubca, and the sailing. boats of the , condition, I was! greatly disebare aged. 1 began the use of th' Pills. Nile. When they are moored to the j and thank l to that good 'friend's acla4 quay and the sail 1st furled. each vice after using a few boxes I bgan y.ar,d arm, in. a graceful '7.-N•ii:gP< to feel much better. Under the con curve, slants downward. tinu,ed. use of the pills I gaino# the sky. in wonderful confuelon, th weight, my color came back and, 1 follow the ed.g of the half-moon, : gee te gr,a,clually stronger. I loOked he masts .a forest of ,dead tre' /So much better that people would the slanting yards giant quill pen- ask me.favhast I was taking and. I had dipping into an inkiervvell. Their halls: no' hesitation in giving the credit to are rich in gilding and in colors, red. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am so green. pink, and blue, As night the gratefal for what this medicine has. Electric signs of a movingepicture palt acc on, th.e opposite sae of the street done for me tha4 I will do all 1 can to Jartnd ilts user them from bow to stern. You can gtt these( pills from any talt finds n eai.,Ea.t onieofth,tchoNseb1zarrs, o eeonna, trOsntes me;dicane dealer or by mail at 50, yo 'peas a box or six boxes for sl2.50 hsidotex.i,ofon,thethestroetehte,ra, ,•a,perfectlyboatunimoodadeinrgn, ar., Brockville, Ont. from The Dr. Williams' Medi, Inc kesta, see: - because the streets are narrow, and because in the streets everybody gathers to talk, eat. and, tradel As in otlf Torkiell cities, nearly very shop is ,a.n 'open shop,? --the cooneer is where the window ought to be, and op'. ns 'directly upon the sidewalk. "A mars does not .'nter the door of a shop, he stands on the sidewalk. which is only thirtyteabo inches Wide and makes his purchase through the window. This causes a crowd to col -s. lact-partly because the man is hloelt- ing th" e eidew.aak, but chiefly beceuse, there is .a. chance that sonsethir.g note' bought and paid for. In nOrm ti titre s -if Salonika is ever norreel to has ,a population of 120,0,00a.n4 .ry one of those 120.000 seems pessee- intsreeted in any one who ( ngaged ,or may be abous -nese in a money transaction, A r11; r coin ',changing hand e e y ryt :it ' 65. "Of OAS local charactori‘-tic, Jehn T. McCiftcheine ,and. I triads a earefei study; and the rssuit ;.1.1r gatton produced ct.rtain stetistids : if in Salonika you buy a reeve-paperi f a neweboy, of the perseee pans two will .top, If you pay your cao driver his fare ; you; hie-2kthe 'side -4 walk ; and. if you try to changc s, hundred fra.nc note, you cause a riot. "In each block there are . nearly a halfsadoeeen money changers, thtiy In littk shop s as narrow as a ;door- way, and. in front of them is a above ease filled with all the money o' th° world: It is not ,alone the1sigh of your hun,dredatfranc ncise tha enchants the crowd. That collects the crowds; but what holds toe Crowd Is that it knows there .are 20 differ- ent kind,s of morkey„ all current in Salonika, into which your note can, be changed. And they know thee mon Ey-changer knows that and you:do:al. So each man advises you. -Not' bast cause he' eities not want to see 1 you cheated -between you and the Money -S changer he is neutral -but because he can no more keep out of a money deat than can .a fly pass a sugara-liksivls" T „" _1 1 9 0 Movies of the German War we The man with the mosin.grepictoree machine. hag his part to play in battle.; Kinematograph films taken 'rot air! craft over the enemy's lines ' have, proved immensely useful to the Firencia General Staff. ' 1 The moving(epictare man who Volunr-I unteers for this work, .accompliehes one of the most' difficult .and daring tasks possible to imagine. He!must, have nerves of steel and be willing to] take great risks. More often 1tha.ni not he. ie obliged to, fly at a lord altitude, otherwise his pictures lvouldl be valueless. Many men who have go,n.e, out! on these perilous expeditions have never! retuned; As a. precaution againSt the! films falling into thet hands of 1 thel ,:nemy, the operators are provided' with a epecial apparatus which, should' they be compelled to descen,d 4n the, snemy's lines, enables them instante ly to 'destroy their records. These war films show the experi- enced observer a great deal of what is going on behind the German lines, The enemy trenches are clearly visa ible, emoke from bursting shells lndi4 cat's the accuracy of the French artillery fire, and tin- dots moving across the horizon, are recognized. as troops, convoys or guns. It is even possible to ;discern the Germans digg- ing trenches or placing big guns in 1305.410r. The kin.ema. men have toftm brought back excellent pictures taken from waterplane 5, showing the- move, - molts of .hips .and, the track o ens emy periscopes. Good Rich Blood Means Good Health .•••••••••••••••;• Just a Little More Rich, Red Blood Cures Most Ailments The lack of 'sufficient rich, blood does not endj merely in al pallo compkxion. It is much :rn,ore iser ous. Bloodless people are tired,' la guLd, run-down folk what do not e joy life. cpcood does not nourisi there's indigestion, heart - palpitatio headache, backache and nearly 1 a ways nervousness. If this boo tessness is negledted tool long. .4 el tithe is .sire beg follow. Just a litt more rich, red blood, cures tall the trouble's. Then you have I ne haaeth ,new vitality and pleasure n Life. To get more rich, red, blood, the remedy is Dr. Williams' !Pink Pills. No other medicine incr,asss and 'enriches the WO* so quickly Or so surely. This is nett a. mere clainsol Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done ' this oyer and over again throughoOt why thousands of ps.ople always :hare a good word to say for this medicine 'Mies Ger tr wci,c, Haffner, Kington. lOnt., says: About two years ago I was suffrix1g greatly with anaer: oda, so much set that I had to :give up my situation. I beanie so weak, that I could soa,roely walk without help. I had /10,ambilon, no colcno no appetite, and was constanItlY troubled with headacehs and dizz spells. I was taking medicine from • ! a SII -OE POLISHES B L AC K -WH I T E - TA N KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT F. F. DALLEY CO. OF CANADA, LTD., HAMILTON. CANADA •14/,'' , • , = No warping, bulging or brealdng at the centre of heat the strain is taken up by the two-piece fire -pot w permits no ashes to cling or clog. Didaalyb .117.1laCC Let me show you the special features of the Sunshine. that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted. Sold by Henry Edge - 810 Five Cents is all you need pay for the best and purest soap in the world unlight Soap. 'the inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap; but it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes, as it does not wear and rub the fabrics like common soaps do GC. a bar at all Grocers. Lerousrami 41 11 11 !-• 11 1 1.1 11 11 • x spFac., 1._..11 serY 1500, :rnswo Ast Bai et 0-1 'Ica 4 Lt.1 a Jo.. vacrly 4-,'. Ws al 1111€%. tst-1-16,74-;-1 i':' I•7:11 ;art'., 41 turyle- i L- 1. ra,c4141i..ii ' ..; ..3.F..,.... ii -fa .gin li'l, afk.n.r. 414 tel i'y lien (31 .DWl i ' :tab teeal 1 l - Note -4; lait S.Inri bt ralr4 lirs. .Ft Aniroctel road chi ;hey aij L riore raes t.t4' tatstriberl Tororitei this pl,., *OS 'fl o I.C.t.ti V13.9 11:j bin, 10,41 lirath wo: tut t.nanci..1 liere,atividi fita.wes witi: LI - , e el, War' 0> i Mrs!: dr4 1 ae.sIg1111 birkiA.:. 't_i tare;61)E 1 ItArAW.3.1. 1 EnCf-ii anon, nvenal-.1 -,..1 i I Nr4'. II .Ci. '.1 tbr8:;;rali-:::i111'1:11, toe& „.il ItilF..4i; 1 auwn 1 *Unix xi toolunt‘A 1 ok.nt:s. ' tkik. at ht.Ing ; 1144t ' wilt ircoor:., Sar.g... • er"