HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-07-14, Page 5tT Y 144 1916
Shoes are twenty per cent
age if you buy your Worki
to res on that all of our stock.
tvauc : prices came int° effect. We
d all nurses. All the best wear
id, Chrome Calf, Chrome Pebble,
ere represented in our stock. We
g at the old prices :—
►d kip leather with plain vamp and
made with oe-cap and water
black or tan, tr
li;t'e Soft and
Calf le
calf leather th
Muieskin Tea er w11 t0e-caps
gent wea*,for 2.25 a p
T Jephon * Directory
'e clad
'hone tn, so that
in the new issue!
wed to our Lt
of Canada.
•a and House
or Sale
The - property le situated on the west aide of north.
sin at., Stafer0h. Two storey brick house with
6ne foundation', cement and brick cellar, frame
When and woodshed. Large frame barn. There
e six tots upon, which are- trre.ty five- fruit trees.
ill sail the haute lith one or more lcti to suit
srciaser , Apply to
2fi7.tf Wil. ANENT, geaforth
A Boy Who Graduated
The School
Clint �'. ,. Ontario - a,:
n June 1915, 1._. • ow command- 4,
frig a salary , f undyed
' Dollars (31200) per _; ear. What
. we have done for of . rs we can .I
do for you' +
B.1'. Ward, B.A., N. Acct.
Phone 2 -C -i1 Principal +
ekridr:et oats
our aini and ambition
best possible satisfaction
Our suits end overcoats
kful mariner, They have
the way 't#ey are tailored
frog ;w ich they are
ys been a prrme factor in-,
ti 'Nee
ring to the wa. British
price and tailors all ver Can
trµ�s, we will continue to make
a price that is within the
nge of Spring and S
and shades of rich, fast color
Mics to- please young men,.
does not natter whether you
eciate quality,tailoring and
you satisfaction. Come in and
14, 1910
cturtruloN RECRIATER.
�11f ator- Viler of Toronto
' _
Nearly 4, Men.
Did you ever know a man. who h
bash a soldier all his life, who hay
been wounded and given up t0:
dead by medical men, wit* ha
sone through various years e
hardship and queer experiences, an
who still does not fancy that his lift
,as been one of romance? asks i
writer in The Toronto Star, Sue
:sum a man has been found in this
vitt'. He is. Sergt, Major :Staple,
Puller, . who has identified himsel.
With the 204th Battalion as a recruit
.err and who, at the same time, etai
the record for securing the most r
.nets for; the Canadian expeditio;
forces of any man in. the cou retry;
,$ergs. Fuller has, been working as
recruiter ever since the war brok
out, he has been using all the ex
perience gained by his twenty yea
of soldiering, and with the wiles thu
'learned he makes the proud clai
.of' having personally secured the en
listment of between three and lou
iiiousand men. .
The record is an astonishing one
but when it comes to talking the' ad
-vantages of being a soldier SergE an
Fuller knows all the mei. _ Whe
-rhe war broke out he went with th
36th Peel Regiment : as a recruiter
and during the next seven mont
'was conneetel; with ten. battalions
Later he was transferred to Lindsay
where .ti& claims to hare persopall
'brought into the ranks at least 50
Men of the 100th Battalion. Whe
he came back tQ this city he beeam
-.connected with the "Beaver Battalia
;and is doing fine work.
His personal history is an interest
lug one. Since the age. of slxtee
there are but six years In his lit
.that he has not been wearing a uni-
• form for the King. - He comes of a
large family of soldiers, the Fullers
of Minster, near Ramsgate, Kent -a
family so soldierly that when he was
.still fifteen years of age his mother
had won a special" medal from. the
King for the greatest number of sol-
dier sons sent into. the army from
any Kent family. That brings out the
`interesting fact that there are four-
teen brothers, every one of -whom
.has, at some time or -other, been in
the Imperial army. At present nine
tot the brothers are on. active service,
while the whole family representa-
tion in the ranks, including near re-
latives, runs over fifty. Just to show
that the family has high ideals, .every
one of the fourteen - brothers has
been named after earls and dukes
and men famed in the annals of his
tom -
Coming down to Serge. Fuller'
•-awn experiences, he enlisted wi
the Chatham Engineers at the ag
of 16, and was with that bran eh o
the service for six years befo
joining the Garrison Artillery. I
was during the fourteen years wit
``the latter branch that he had - all
his troubles. First, he was on boar
the .Eutopia, the transport whe
. •sank off Gibraltar with the loss o
350 soldiers. Then, while handlin
_ gun at Gibraktar a handspike wan
- driven 'nearly through his body.
• When- the South African War brok
-oiIt, Serge.: Fuller's breath was sen
into the active fighting, and h
weathered that all right until he go
as far as Swartz Kop. 'There a but
'let caught him through tee -abdomen
and put him out of service ter som
months. When he retained hie unit
Sergt. Fuller was just 3n Ante
take part in the famed bele0e of Col
-Ienso.-and then was so badly lure
by shrapnel that literally te ate
front for his body had- to be bsdt of
-silver plates and borrowed �tzsh..
The Taste Acquired. •
All British troops get bacon' for
breakfast, largely Canadian bacon,
Canadian packers have received num,
erous letters from soidiere in ; th
trenches in appreciation of the bran
provided for them. it is their favorit
diet. The taste has been acquire
.anew, and after the war Canadia
' hogs will be preferred to the' tat
greasy, cormefed product of the Unit
ed States; Canadian- Wiltshires are
now famous, for it is in that form
that Canadian hogs are unbeaten. "I
is not a question of price," said on
packer to the writer. "I do not know
`that the price will go higher, but I,
know this: that the -demand is grew;
pr then the supply. The stuff we aref
shipping continuously is the long
streaky side,. with- solid fat that re-
mains when fried." When asked
what particular type of bacon was
preferred, the packer said best re-
sults came from the improved. Yorke
shire boar and the Yorkshire, Tam-
worth, or Berkshire sow. "If the
high standard were dropped," he
said, "it would prove fatal, because
immediately the premium paid for,
Canadian pork would cease. At pre-
sent," he concluded, "the Canadian;
hog is the controlling factor in the
English market, It will' he a pity if
we cannot hold that advantage."
Canada's Big Chance.
Abroad Canada has been - famous
for her hogs. Long ago in catering
to British tastes this country im-
Ported famous English breeds and
with its unequalled feeding system
produced a hog that in the English
market was second only to the Dan-
ish. product. The Danes have made a
fortune since the war began selling
their hog products to Germany, with
two results: relatively few have.
come to Britain and the killings in
Denmark are just half what they
'Pere a year ago.
Teaching ; wrench Warfare.
A hive of industry in these days
15 a Canadian Divisional Heads -,
tars in Flanders. The Trench War-
fare Schools for instance. Helm t
Canadian soldier is Initiated into all
the "tricks ! t: the trade" of war as
now practised. Trench-ing, dug-
out building, bomb throwing,
ing, machine gun work, and ant
her a reach perfection with all'11111111-
leer of cunning devices to protest the
man in the first line and harm the
-ifelne3 M. IlcMillart, a, native barn
- r : ter nisi
;ice er and a half has been chief
Via,% aura: i.t t Gr tete Retie fes, Chicago. zetas teen alrointedsere
1Cie.t eaperinterndent and anaesthtist
a,t - dna aeries—el HoOpital, Winene;
n'ehisher in Sts Itfarin
been -leaving that. town recently
for ib'Lr l m Land, dear ng that t.ie
.'Praiinit is critic l :tom- < in t le
tory o Chi; ,fit grgat even
'= shaping itlleniselvu, Ali t Iwho(
leaving tieStare.thentatelyee 30, he me m
bens Of - t Eepabl etherho
of Sash Chi .,'r
at they -
1 aving tint --0010 60) 41' repubilcan _ r
st[t.ttto,i inlni :the airs'' to hi li
y believe(' .these inatit itions , rt;
oat to be •.subjected . ?That as. r-
ioxs crisis1e+ irnnend,ing in t t-
ivy wintry � the ".genela,1 141 f n
to Part of b11e Local Ce_esti
Fatal Laborers Wait d
of F
always ys n eeO9 y to hring from two
ty-fleo t€at{blrty that La
from sotcrn .Datnits ter ,the
cateran P nei es of -
perieRceld lase etc: to s
Laborers for Spring
Subiner wrlofrk thin near.
7i.'31 ititroals c l vvera .
out Canaria moreover, 1
As ''luatartrta hay
h As a
cinoip is pre ,tt tea „lb t
grave - tfe,a r is :'be1rit it
tot that Cana4.1- -No
,,DDDR Of rOf
aced ln 4tektnIng
€at a4. work and,
whic#rl sFt in the
lthte o.. ;N. R.
further particular
hart, mg t, Pb
or ,wr$pe' to R.
Passenger Agent
to, Ont. •
C Atte
• F
58 K1
• 1'HIJRSDAye 4uly°13, - 9)6
Fall; heat (stare) new •
Oats, er bush.....:... , t
Berle. per bush.....:... -
Beans per bush.. 2.50 t
Bean, , er ton .. ..et: '. 00
Short per ton -:,. 00
Fleur, per cw.te 00 t
Bitter , No. 1 loose, lb22 t
Eggs, per dozen . , . -1 23
Hey, ew, per •ton.., a, -12 00 t
Live Stock Marr ets
Bu lo, Juiy Ilth tittle-- he vy
cattle slow; shipping, > :50 to :..10 7a",
butch rs',- $7.75 'to. $10.2, heife i s $ a .75
to ; oi's; $4.25 to 8 bulls, $5 to
$7.75; stockers .wed.f • e ers.`-sp in: =en
active $5,)0 to $L1 eats- ct ve;
$4.50 o $13, Hogg - ctive, a `vy,
$10 ,50 to $10.55; mixt , 10,50; or +ears
$10.25 to. $10,50; pigs, - $ 0 to 10.25;
rough , $9 to $9.15; . st 6.30 t $ .50
Sheep and lambs --acev; lamb , . to
$11.50 yearlings, $7. �5 $8; a es $4
to S7. 0; sheep, mixed, . 0 to 7 75.
al,, July 11th. weaker f ' 1-
ing - veloped in. th a.rket .ay
and prigs generally red, a sd-ec hie
of 25e per cwt. .duue, ' the increa,- d
of f errg of half -finished grass ed
ale. There . were • eve choice i ste rs
ertt thmarket bulb a, f w good o es
sold, t $9.25 to $9.50 per cwt. A'
weaker feeling preyed e= 'in, the mar-
ket for hags, ,a.ad ;pr • scored.' a st-
aling o 25e to 50p ese wt. th ; f-
terings being Are exce s of p c . Ts'
wants The trade w quie to t an
issued, with', Oaks' of `1' :-run 1e,c gid;
anorak t '$11.76 tth Si.; , r eh un
Looel rough Shock a $11 to $11 50,
while ,s ,sold at $9 10 ,and 'st gs
nit 5. t3ot . ,$ A per cwtv sighed off
th A sew lots of . ong run :e-
I"ete,d hogs ,were'deli 4Nef4 on c n
traces needl:,late facie week at $12 25.
Prices of calves decii ' edt 1 1-2 to 2c
part pw und. The de • was • in"
Mtn ian4 tai's of ch dee stock w re
msa at lOc, gdod s.it c and th • m-'
metier tote telt (roil r •a't down oto 5c
pr pCe4, live. weig t. ' The ar L
for sheep and lambs eras also wfea 'er,
nal r dor the, ter r wer' • 5c
Ter cwt.. &Owlet. . tiha tat . Sc to $1.
At, thief' otetaction the. de d '' aa.
good lata,ly each de
Butchers'nd catfairtle, chaoliceiv$9tra.75e todo '.10.
do., medium, $8.50 to $9, 0; do. c•m-
anon, $7 to $8„ butchers' -tattle ho ce
cows, $7.76 to $8; do.. m .dium, $ s .
to $7.25; do., bulls. $7 to $..25; lk:rs
to -$85O d
choice, each $80 to -$85O ., 'co ..:on
and medivan, eaclx, $79 ! . 75; S 'ria g-
ers to $65. Sheep -Ow s, $7.25 to
$7.50; bucks and culls, '. •.75 :7;
lambs, $12.50 to$13. H•les . o . z,
$11 to $12.
:Union Stock render Tor • nto, J yt 11.
ifrher. wells Agent) of evide a on
the market this . n: in: tee a gg $'
that there twos a at effort a-
iroasd• on the' .part of the buy
to brEalc JdoWn buueher ttle lent
From the very ,start h • : ve cat le
'wer'e left (severely 'redone, °: id the lieht
killers and handy -weight . were oe
nibbled at 9untii well son (I I the in n-
-ing, when both domes ere ickled
up as1 Iy ►414 sent ova the genies
at value On a, par with i set eekl's.
At eleleei not he of the" 0,0004 heed
offering were ,solei,. Dari g- the we k
End 20 oarloiads of b titch ers a rive et
at th &ding booked al et a t e
packees. The cattle had. teen, u ht
in't`he 'country at mules s• id to b in
keeping with those whitruledst
t. With ;th supply to
y.,ers the •rning coid
-easy, wirlc the did.
:tentlon was fest towa
t wit* ;a,
2 60`
24 00,
4 00
14 62
11 90
we ell's rnrark
hand, the q
afford to .gc
Their chief ►a,
cows, which
tratdee, and se cleaned(' up, t
high ter butcher' cattle bee: . e t' e . f•.
trapftion Hasid ant with(- fair tr
at It •we,elc's closing prises. H: nd
weigh were a eiower bat s
toe&. Ittines-9 afot .until .fter
thiat the ff'ayers rna,de, en>,iuirl's
,titer the heavy cattle, a ong
they operated a la-ckada:s ! is al • . itit
even ,a,fter values hAet late : 'erit to 50
cents. The feeling which pre 'ailed
was that heavy killers, yen a i a
el.rable reduction, were net
wranted, .and it may be hat . efore
long the; 'iclaa will be •for to the
Buffalo mar !t. i e'9n'.hexf Abe m rket
closed. there were . mine t us . the
still in the:
Sitoclie and, ced-
ers were ra slow trade at ,r -reit' : eac4y
values. Springers were m- rate
tive, bat anilch cowl met ' ith'
ception, Wolter to that . ven tie
cattle. heavy cat. Lambs, a f -' riY ?Tea y
offering, dropped s muo as . jteco
dollars in .wen, t h pick selling at
141-2 centre per 1b,t. land It . woulnot
animet ' n. g ,t surprise.( ere ouO-
bnicees for; th+e. bee;ld
t torou to 1 1-2e
b ore the. wed' l ottt. lght sheep
were A moderate 'trade at steady va.
uirs, bu " yy same', We
an,d.- er. were. s - SAX,
ih! ! faUIng off, Hog
to ee , ei a 1►owered 25c, • , lkera
leg 311:5 fed and watered and
weigh r, off 'oarn Phe quota oars w
choice -avyt steers, 175 ! X10;
heavy e -teems, 39.25 tel 0.5 t b
€ -,s Cat + lee, choice, 9.26i to ' .75;
$8.54. $104; (rnediu n, e8
$9; mon $.00 to $8.25; bu
beds, Wonr 48.00 to 3=825;
.. , b ;, 37.46 t4 $7.65; o.,
34.75 to 35.25 ; butcher' c # ws, c
18 . 8.15 -;7.35'medi�.
tuts, 6.25 to 6.76; s
860 pounds, $8,75 7.75 ; eh
d therm d, 950 to 000 lba $8
oainnere and cat s, $3,75
= stern ch. , each,
$95; rune medium,
to $6t springer $50 to
ewes, $7,75 to #'.50; hes,
5.50; 44Pring
14 1- ;,dyes,
$12 ; .mei atn, 37,
and watered, 11
11.40; f.o.b., $10. 5.
to 47.50;
kers 00 to
ice feeders,
25 to $8.85
to 35,00; -
75,00 to
:ach, 340.00
110; light)
ehesp *5
bsz pert b., 18 1-2e
to .iii. ice, 9.50 to
5 to 48.60; hogs, fed
166 weigh : ;1 (tiff cars
Td B
tifol+ er of Go ernment iploma
and Licence
lFiowere fornta.. ea on sat: -t'noble e •
Night Ca".
vay dansPone 1O ` Phone 50
Mo8PUMEN-.-In Mo
*Mrs. Zeck. MoSpadd
OUGHTON-• In Seated
Mtn P. Oughton, a: d
Mrs. 10.•MoKinnon,
WAL11EY-In WiJunetie, to Mr. an
and' M James Look
THOM ON- In Bluer
tdrs. O. D. Thompson
and M. Edward Sol
op, on July 4th to Mr. and
, a eon.
, do July 11th, to Mr. and
ton, on July tet, to Mr. and
(nee Msy Ranee), a son.
m General Hospital, on
Mo. 0. Walmley, a son.
Sham, on Judy 5th, to Mr,
ridge, aeon.
le, on July 3rd, to Rev, and
a eon.
m, on July 2nd, to Mr.
oway, aeon.
lilt 400
MAY--IROL'LINS-At t - e James Ste
Church, Exeter, on my '.4th, Wi
Mies Mei Maude, da - hter M Mr.
Ins of eter.
POLL& 0 --SPACED/ N :atBayflel
by Re A. Maofarlan , Oheire, elder
Mr, a d Mrs. James S • ackmao. of
tiara Pollard of Gond. .
D Mho,
HOLMES-••In Seatorth, on Tuesday,
hells M. Henry wido -of the late
aged years.
PLATO ER ---At the M nae, Thames
day J 1 10th, Anna Augur, . wife
• Colin l etoher. .id/ :
LEECH --In t orrie,!on u11' 2nd, Ja
89 ye a.;g
DAVID ON ---In Goderl h, on !hurree.
1916. Alex. Davidson' aged 90 y
and 9aye.
TAYLOR--InSeaforth, on Siefert
July 19th, 1916, Jest Louise Bell
of Percy Taylor, and daughter o
of ESeaforth.
BERRY -In I.laborne, . n June 21st, f
ton, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. flu
7yea s.
T. - of
set Meehodfe.
clam May, to
Wil€lam Roli-
I. on July 5th
t daughter of
iayfleid to Wil•
Atn Holmest
road, on Mon-'
of Rev: (.Dr,)
es ' Leech, aged
f le
ay, July 6th,
re, 2 months
, on Monday,
beloved wife
Mr, R. P. Bell,
arold• Weill ng.
h Berry, axed
•••• ***IP
lows buil
denee Go
Dr. Scot
short noti
one Nig
irector nd
Embalm r
hag op site'
tarnished on
or D
ensARM FORS LE- small farm o eight acres-ot
Jr' good land all elea ode part of 10 30 on concern -
Ion 3, *Killep, at Ro borough. seven roomed
.dwelling house In good repair and barn, buggy
houee and poul ho„ are *tasted hereon. Ap-
smith, o tattling
ander bush. e farm
end In a tgood et te of
premise a g frame
hen ho rivehouee
terms a particulars
trees JOHN M
-well ten° and drained
mute, bank. n, pig hoose,
ad two g wells, ler
poly on the: remises or ad.
000 FARM FOR S LE -For Sat Lot 26 and
pare of Lot 24, neession 14, eleillop, con-
aining 180 acres, Ther are on t e premises a
moderri brick house et ith hard an soft water.
There is eleo a ha 60X1.266 wit stone foun-
in • good eepalr. There also a goo beerlaz or-
chard and two never feting wells. T e farm is well
tunlordraned and well I need and in a high etate of
cultivation"with 10 acre of herdw bush; It le
well situeted on the Nonh gravel 1 mile south
of Walton 0. P. R. station, also telep one and meal
mail delivery. Ibis is a oholoe fartn and ' will be
sold onreatemable ter Fed furth r particulate
rrn of leo acres within •••fteey dist-ance
iyth. Lonclesboro and Eaton, on th
very fertile, da a high te of oultiv
eight Ores of valttable h ed wood, ets
benk barn, good goblin and out bull
wfth water owing. thro
al ne 16 on 170.
A fleet class
to Seat oreh.
11th Oonces-
om stone and
tion, • About
fortable brick
cellar. Large
leg, Also silo,
h pipe into
A desirable
Ors feeflie estate of he tete Hugh M. Gordon,
conside of 103 acres of e esned and int roved ferm
lend; in a clean and go state of motivation and is
situsted in a splendid fa hag distrin, convenient
to markets, schools and ehurehee. On the premises
aie erected a comfortable frame dwelling house,
18x24e wieh kitchen attached. Splendid fmme barn
52x70 with stone stabling underneath, aement floors
and watee in barn, also a good pig pen and water
in barn also a good pig pen and hen home,. The
term le well fenced and ware well tile drained. The
tine ie peefeet and possession will be giVen tor the
purpose Of doing all necessary fall work. For further
ROB r GIBSDN, A4ainistrators, or to R.
No-4ce to
Notice is hereby
tressp&seieg on th
undersigned. on L
Tuckersmith, for
otherwise, will be
given that anyone
property of the
t 17, conctssion 3,
berry icking or
11. -0
pee 4
House and ot in eaforth
Under and by vistue of Ike' power of centain-
the time of sale) there wi I be offered sale by ptib.
the Commercial -Hotel in the Town of Seatorth at
the hour of 2 o'clock wit the folloui house ahd
Market st. in net Spun eineyey in he said Tewn
of Sealers -le There is f e home on property,
Also a good well and some' tress. Terms -Ten
per cent of the purcheeedino to be peed on the.
day of isle and the halm two -w thereafter._
For fin -the: perticulars, ly to J. M. RUT, Sea;
forth, Venders Solicitor Bitted lilt AMP MC
•Thennas Brown, Auotione 2432-3
m�er Resorts
• DEER LODGE iPARK-Furnished Summer (lot-
ages, tviverenio, !coedit/cation. location. Bent moderate.
AI`p1y _ ;'EO ROWNTRIE, 00 Stapley St, Loudon.
Pot a e
Deaton 10,- oke
two bank barna wi
the Other 30x81.
There ate 25 acres
for seeding, s0 sot
and three never f
fng south half of 1
These tern will
with; or without t
Apply on the 'p
lcii peen, or phone
tor Sale
1th. There are on the promisee
h stone stahlinge one •60x48 and
rge fratna house with furnace,
ales grew, about 60 acres ready
of bash and 2 acres of orahard
ng Welk. also 50 acre farm, be-
t 5. suitable for pasture term.
sold together ateeparetely and
crop. Immediate itinseselon,
On 18e.
Attraaive Trips
Istueltoka Lakes Loke Bar
Georgian Bay Algonquin Park
French River ICawartha Lakes
hitiganetawan River
.Round trip t urist tickets now on sale
et very I rates, with liberal
Lea** Toron 12,01 p.m. 'daily except
Sunday, and .05 a.m. daily, for Mus-
koka Whatf Connections are made
at Ittuslioka harf for Muskoka, Lakes.
Leave Totem 10.16 a, m daily except
Sunday,a,nd ,06 sere. daily for Hunts -
vine, for po nts on Lake of Beys,
W. Somerv lie .. Town Agent
W. Plant...} Pepot Agent
Union Statiola. Toronto, Ont
Stratford, Ontnrio
You Can Secure a Potit en if you
anew bilnis th: ,gr
Stu itsee est en -nous etch
0. A. :L tettt iteintit
Now is the time
to have your COAL Bins
filled up, and ,vie can do
it using pur celebrated
Lehigh Valley
(the coal that satisfies)
Foctune aod July Ctrders the fol-
lowin are our prices :
estnut So. 5o
StoVe $7. 25
Sof 'oat
Delivery tro y $1. per too; to
Varrol. 50 (xi) to IC•ipeoft 50 cents ;
Veld 25 cents.
We, Was' all kinds fo-f :dogs an -di
Lumber, Cement, Buffalo
Brand Fertilizers, Tdngued and
Grobved Flooring and. V Matched
Canada Fibre Board, Met-
ed Banding Meterial, Tile, Cedar
Fre, tete.
John B. Mustard
, Stallions
The following Imeorted Clydesdale and Pereheron
Stalliom, which are:ail in No. 1 form, will stand tor
service this season Eit
T. j. Berry's Stables, Hensel!, Ont.
Clydesdale [0254] (12625)
$15 to insure.
1 [31 t,o insure
Clydelt,le [17846] f15788)
\\\ Clyclesdnle [95961 (14633)
$1.15 to insure
Pereheron [313.1 (84214)
302 to insure
will, travel the same -route se lest year.
Wiu stand at 'the a GAM ',tables until
June 20th, to a limited number it
mares, after which date he will go in
to training - •
ifors—Nom4ei wig be bred At the
fabdrt hem after, nine o'clock p.
Funeral Dire tor
Undertaking Parlors above
M. Williams:- grace store, •
Maio Street, Sea orth •
IFlowers fur -ailed. on shortnoth e.*
In the estate of Percy vOanless. late
SIR EDMUND WALKER, c.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President ,
V. F. JONES, Ass't Generel *Er
HN AIRD, General Manager.
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE, FUND, $1,1,500,000
e Canadian -4%A of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking bu-siness, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. s54
of the Township of SiOnlev in the W. 0, T. MORSON Bra
County of Iluron, harness maker, de-
Notioe is hereoy given pursuant to the statUtre
that behalf, that all /tenons having °bents &gainer;
of Stanley, in the °minty of Huroa, henna maker
deeesied, who died at. di venherste Ont.
.required to *end by post, d or,deliver to
Gladreart & Stuntmen Exeter or eta, Ont. belle-
itors for the Administrator, or or fora the liith
day of July le10, the full partieula of thedr cleirrs,
and the nature of /temerity, if -any, held by -Mem.
Farther take notice that After the
ed date the administrator will pm
the assete of the NU deceased a
entitled thereto, haying regard
of which he shall then have noti
Dated et Henson, this 2atheday of Jane 1 10.
I The Imported Clydeedale Stallion
(14032) 13547
Enrolment: NO; 853 Form 1
XnsPected, And Approved.
' Monday -Will leave. We own stable
idiot mention.
to, distribute Ptaffai, and go west to David HUN,
ong 'the parties tor noon ; then South to the Crornarty
;title eant to his oWn gable, for
the night, Tueseday-Wili leave his'
ovvn etablet And: go to James Batten-
tyne's, Hibberttraborne boundary for
anion; then isou'tla to .- Thelma Road.
and none to RObert McDonald's for
In the Stud
The Grand Circuit 1.acellorse
MacTleletle is the fastest hoese that
wee ever offered for servIce in this
part ice the couptry.' He raced through
the largest rading elm*. in the
world end defeated pie Grende Cir -
Milt eters as often as tiliey defeated
him, MeeThistie 2.04 3-4 Is anso
full brother to Independen.ce )3oy 2.01
1-2. MaeThistle himself lees been milee
Thistle Is a, grand big, beown 'stallion;
he is a: made to. otder horse, havin-g
size, quality, Individualitte hreedIng
end brairte. He will stand at own.
bore, Blyth, this seasone for a limit-
ed number of mares at 120 te insure.
Accomnuniation ..-tatle for mares from
idlotance, Write for :breeding and,
full partleulare! to
The Choicely Bred Clydeedale Stallion
KING KAY (13020
Jam* Bitarray, proprietor and Manager
Monday; Neon -Leave this own stable
for pooge• Thee ter T. Cpomileyls, Iot
38, .conpeSsion it, tor Atilt; Wednes-
day-To:Edward_ Ploraileyes, tot 17,
conceesioe 6, Hibbeet, foe noon; thew
to Webee's el, Dublin, for Welt,
8, COneelaSied 6, McKillop, for noon;
coeceseloxi 8, McKillop, for night-. Fri-
day -To ells pwn stable bere he will
remain tuttll the followlag Monday
The Standard Bred and Registered
Enrolled and la thd.
Egaiondville, ae noon, an
of the( Huron road, to
Graham -Os Hotel for nigh
South by way of the
to Walkeies Hotel, Bru
noon; then 'south to C
tel. etabhae Herman., for
nelday-To Exeter,' the
miles to John Blalree fo
to Centrailia, at Moffat'
Thtiriday-East to
Ushorne, for noon; then
Taylon'e hotel for nig
West to Jas, Ballantv
boundary, for noon; th
Dublin,' at Weher'n hetet
Saturday -By way of .111
his own eta* for noon, -
remain until the following
-Jaznea Berry, proprietor
Swink, niare,ger
own stable,
go lay way
ondoo Road
efiel for
xtere 113 -
night Wed -
noon; then
Hotel for
m. racks
to irktont
t. Friday -
'0, ttsborne
nortif to
for night.
ran toad to
here he win
Onday noon
bight. ,Wednesday -South to Ellniville,
;Winebelses, for noon; then south to
William Breeltte Usboree, tor night.
Thursday -East .'3 1-2 miles at:d taith
1 1-2 pollee tti G, 0. Allan's, Base Line,
IBlanehard, for noon; then north-west
to Teirkton, -at Taylor's Hetet, for _the
oad, at Thomas Inceurdiere, for noon ;
then north and west to his own
Stable, where he. will remain untli the
following Monday morning.
*he Pure Bred. Irrported - Clydesdale
1 Stallion
i CUMBERLAND SCOTT 13979 (16981) •
, Enrobrent No. 2892
Monday -Will le,ave hie own stable,
lot 4, coneeesion. 3, Hibbert, arid go to
tohn CatpeoteVe, Dublin, for noon.;
hence to Patrick Carlints, St .Coltune
lian; for night. .Tuesday -West aleng
17luron road to Boundary line, thence
eoutb sad Rsat to John Murpbrie tot
3, coneession 2, Ilibbeet, for noon;
hem to his 'own stable for night.
esda -Will proceed to Wesley
ea 21, ct;iiiiision, 2, Logan, for
men ; theoce Inn.
ot 0, eoneeWon 2, Logan for night.'
to. Peter Seabee 18, concession 3 -
ovtnie, for night. Fri -day -To John
for neon; thence to Barley Robinson's.,
I,ot 16, connention 4, Fullerton, for
Setierday-To Gardner House
,tebles„ Sor noon; thence to
ts owe stable( or night, and until
ageir. 2526x8
The r ure BrolDP:xeheron, Stallion
Eneolment No. 363
Wm. Berry, Prop. and Manager.
Mondey-Will leave ble own stable.
Bruceffeld and go west, to Varna, at
the TO-naperanee House for noon; then
north to the Bayfield line, Goderieh
townsbip at Ben Ratiewell's for night.
Tuesday -West to Switzer's corber
Rind north to James Sterling's for
noon ; then north to Sas. McMillan's
f bight Wednesday -North to the
uroo Road and • east to Jewell's Core
ner theo by way of Benmiller to J. C.
Durst's Colborne,. for noon; then eaat
to Harry Sweet'e 11olniesville for
night. Thursdays -By vosy of the Hur-
Oouse for noon t then! north by way
c4 the as,e Line% to Albert Townee
eed's. for night. FrIdaye-East through
then pant `by WAy of Roxboro to re%-
fOrtb ot the Queen's Hotel, for Welt.
turday-East by way of Red School
ner then west to Robert Eigifee, for
n n ; then by way of London Road
bie own etable, where he will remain
until the followitag MondnY 'morning;
For ter:ns and conditions see manager.
color, .whit4 and Week; height, M
hainele. Reputed -to be the prettlege
pony 111, Ontario and is the, erie
inaAY beatrtifui anima. R., T. DU
The Standard Bred Trotting Slanted
Seaforth on Thureday of each week.
and -While not yst three years okt
a big hprse. 'Look tnni, over, No. 01
Aereric* Trotting Register; No.
Canadian' Standard Bred. Society; ttn-
raiment 'Se, 4419. Terms, $12 to insare
with ford. Ed. Johnsen -4 propsletor,
Clinton; :Nome 8 on 162.
James Evans, Proprietor and Man
Morday-Will leave We own
Itie.echevcsOd, and go to Pat
Logao tor noon;' thence to his
table 'for the night. Tuesday
lop, for boon ; then vtest to A, Rb
concesslon 10, McKillop, for ono halal
thence tO bit own stable for olghte
where he will remain until Wedne.s-
day noon, Wednesday Noon -To Web -
to Joseph Atkinson's for night. Friday
of Seaforth for n000 ; then to Matthew
day -Will proceed to his OnInn stable,
where be will remain until the follow-
ing Monday ',morning, "ferias end ccetn
ditions same OA former years, Lord
and apprOved. 'Menne go insure, O13;
James Evans, Manager.
(9869t) 82.681
leepected and Approved.
Enrolment No, 1867, Form L
Jobn J. Monavin, Proprietor.
'WM stand for service during he
13, McKillop.,
Cone from Cumberland Gem won flr:54
this spring.
0' 'CLAY 12035 as458).
:Enrolment No, $99
InS*Petted and Approved.
Monday-WIII leave hiti ()fin
Brucetield, and go weft to
second concession of Stanley,
north to John Butehard'a for
then north and west to
for night. Tuesday -By' Way of
nockburn. to Varna, at the Tempe
..ance Hotel. for noon ; then hy way of
the Bayfield Rated; to' the Goober
line to Atlaert McClinehere, for night.
Wedneaday-By MeClyrnonte side rued
to the Parr Line them swath to Vilta.
Foster's, for noon; thenee to Alex.Mho
Beath's *d concession, of Stanley, f*r
night. Thursday -North to tbe 'Seg.
tient Road to hie own stable, for
noon. rertaining until the following
Friday =toning. Friday -To neorge
McCartrey's Mill Road, tor noon; then
to McAdam% side road, then; north to
the 2nd ceneession, BLUM., Talkers -
smith, then west to James Carmehants,
for right, Saturday -West tiy Broad-
foot'e bridge; thee zouth to the Mill
Road, to hio own stable, where he wiR
remain until the fedlowing Monday
trorning, Telme-To Insure, 315; two
mares front one owner, ;28, payable
February let, 1917. R. D. Murdock
Proprietor and Manager.
IPhone 95 GEO D