HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-07-07, Page 5tilitY 7 1916 te otwear fr THE :he heightlof fashion but if your bole effect. Why not select for the H4 hdaya? We have a i t every Member of t moderatey priced. _ tent Colt : Gunmetal Calf and , o a pair. iew Engleh last in Patent Celt, tiers for 445o and 5.00 a pair.. Laced n4dels, cloth tops or drill Sores late' j t styles for 2 50,: 2.. 5, 5, 1.5o 4nd 1.75 a pair. 1E.I to 2 for r.60, x.85 and z:00 too, n=25 !/end 1.50 a pair... s for 75c r.00 and 1.25 a pair, will close on Wednesdays at LITE OMP.,O oTfL r •CTIC3', 'iday for ur, --Fort Ska- lmonton, j 'Torn C. ate assenger _t 1 FA R Akio 4 1..thi 1916 DEB2LI Amusements. A Fine on's Ex ihition, -actions Tiwice Daily ats Daily ry Night pry Ruifclipg Full of Exhibits ways -Wcat gA Toronto ION DAYS and all information [etary A. M. HUNT,. Secretary nasommusomiumpowswomsg Forialsiffimmiamm .vileasure " and- 'woasts our aim and ambition .est pos ihle satisfaction Our suets f:..nid overcoats' ul manner. They have he way they are tailored _. Mals from which they are s been a prime factor in ilg to the war, British ice and tailors all over Can es, we will continue to make a price that is within the ge of Spring and Sum - d shades of rich, fast color �rics to please young men, oec not matter whether you ;ate quality,tailoring and pu satisfaction. Come in. and l F 3 • fit ,2 mom Walton. 1 o McNeil-, of ,Ororoitto. who has been holidaying here tfor meeeig3 t, hag oeturned to the Queen It is la fin, prop.—Next isJn- Orangemen will worship a.t Alms church, at 11 ia: rn. Visiting luAthren coor'ily invited, -^ Seaforth Beam nd wad the famous Lawrie molly of Eamilion, have been engaged for ma Walton garden party on Fria ivy ht of this .week. It promises tet brF the best glen party, poi: • the seven no dclekt everyboy will, be there las usual 01 Blake Notes.--Priv+a,tes M. Johnston and T. go)yers spent the week -,end at their bomos dere.---fir. and ,Hes. Wm. Dol8', us d fart friends in London on Tocaday last—Mrs ,G, Freckleton has returned =d bine after a olsit with her sister, Mrs o. Campo :ll.—A number from here Attended the social a.t Hills ,Groan an Monday evening.—R. , P. Doogias and Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Doo,ghi B paid e. visit to Grand Bend Sunday evening.—A little girl has come to- .brighten the home oft Mr.. and Mrs. Jamat Cantle, .. (eranori's Institute, — The Blake, each • of the Wo en's Institute held their euminer meeting at the hope views, :Wdiham Douglas on Wedneel ,e y, Jun 21st. Miss Anna. J. Coutts of Thaiilg,Ivltle «ave a. eery intirest.4 trig laiddrFtss on 'Institute Methods and r kr) A short program , tor -vocal and instrumental. music Was also much niay d ,by tboise present. A. dainty lunch was served by the lad. les at the close 'of the 'meeting. Th next meeting will be held on July llth at the home of ors. Wrn. •Finlay, - A cordial invitation is extended to fail ladles. GOOD FOR ARMENIA.. Bessie's Victories Are Delivering Dns., tressed People From Islam. Wm. T. Elis, LL,D., writing In The Sunday School Times,- concerning what Russia's victories over the Turks have done fortheAr-menia3p, says: e When Erzerum was conquered by the Russian guns it marked the be - inning of the end of the Armenian atrocities, the opening of new chan- nels of relief to the surviving Chris- tians, and signalized the doom of 1nrkey. Only our own provincialism leads us to disregard. the importance of Eraerum the very name means 'Edge of Rome," and embodies the significance of the city in Byzantine days. In the heart of old Armenia, amid the Caucasus Mountains, and Wider the shadow of Mount Ararat t elf, Erzerum has proved to be a key position to the whole Near East- ern phase of the war. Apparently its Ia:b was esteemed such a disaster by e central powers that in the opinion • sonic; experts the battle of Verdun Wei precipitated months ahead of the 1p esdulea time, in order to seek to Sleet the effect upon the Oriental bead of the capture of Erzerl#m. Natirally, in the light of her his- iy, Turkey herself has never under- ated the importance of the cau- •tl site; the news from Erserum set sinister rumor's of revolutioip laisiinst the Young Turk regime, and KA the latter to put out feeler 0=- a =a separate peace with the They understand full well Russia'a victory in the historf mountains of Alenia cuts line of Turkish communications Bagdad, nullifying the etpeditiow. is fighting the Britiish ,on this below Bagdad, and that it can- aille the Suez expedition of the Turk - army, thus releasing the bulk oC ViCritian forces for service in the ;a or elsewhere. Jibe area of Russian operations ble • iinIE the centres of bitterest Ar - >1 4&11 suffering. The land lm.medl- Only involved is old Art:teals. WW2 O4 range of the T•urkiett following the fail of ria are such Armenian centres Disrbeicir, liardiu, Urfa., Velideond, Hamot, SiTOM, Mare at, For these the R bamine an "army of dell!r- ,icHA Pio i sf light Oa! Phone 1C wads :AND RAL I31REOi R C. BOA` (Slovernment E plotila and Lie,eiree. GES MODER.A E rl ianea on snor , is foe u p 4=els • "etP one 50 i nag 'pay gk, a eon.* LY—In re. Ootidily, W1CLLW00D-e Jul 1,44 Mr. • Birth cad, on Ju y End, to PIS "VI xeter on June 24th, deugghtet.. fielKe t 'Ninghsm General y nil Mrs. Wilbert Well TOR BANOE .In doriander, Sask. on . Mr. and Mrs. awn. Torrance, a daugh • Warrlages. _ _• AIM ,ir BOKMAN-•-ttN --I 24th, `Chrietin ieholeen, to Ile. ERltOR Li Lillian more of thexi AvgaJ-WflL Daehwbbd, on ter of Ms, and to. Edwaid F. I LINTER -yin 0 aged 65 yeers 1' err—in Wing of Sub •Wawan Ai ge, aMEETT•-1 11 land, wife of t years end $ m OTT—In Agin Seott, in Me? :I e. a,.• Sire Mr. an °epi ut, o cod, son th r. • HOLSON—At Ooderic a jun daughter of Mr. an+ Mr " Joh rge Stanley Buokmn oi; Brook ATE AN—In Clinton. on ne:22 Oen_ of pls'titon, to henry; Li.er rom,oSO. • •1: T --At the Lutheran (lhureh une 28th, Mise .Aima Rader,:laugh D) Henry Rader, hw art formerly of Daaehwoo . Dast6ir n on June 28th 3 g neo thy, _ sn, nu Tune 27th; Geo h, aged 49 years, 3 m l'oodetook, on June S01 + , E_ fate Richard gamine it, .a, n . n 11e, .on Juno dOl h, *Years: . hn. on M, The- "' of the near approach biday of reckoning with civilizes - 11210 n before the affrighted of y.' Individual omci;� w preparing to, escape Russia's part in recent events in the Near East has been singularly that of a Christian. deliverer. Some- thing like 12,000 Armenians found rescue across her border. For the relief of these the Russian. Govern- ment has made an. additional gift of a million and a half rubies. Russia is co-operating with the American re- lief committees. Her military forces have emancipated Armenia proper, and put a stop to the continuance of the atrocities. NOW Russia is plan- ning for the repatriation of the exiles from Van and the regions occupied by her troops. It is evidently the .in- tention of Rues! . to retain the terri- tory ;he has -taken from Turkey. SEAFORTH MARKETS L`HURSDAY, July Fall i Wheat (Stam.; new Oats, per bush Barley, per bush Beans, per bush 2 Bran, per ton 24 Shorts, per ton 28 Flour, per cwt., 3 Butter, No. 1 loose, lb Pens. per dozen Ray, new, per ton..._- 12 Hogs....... .. .:11 6th 19) 6 Gu t0 ;o 50 to 2 60 00 to 71 00 00 to 26 00 00 to 400 22 to 23 23 to 24 00 to 14 62 90 to 11 90 Fun Li '�➢ 'iert low Bte 'CO -den Dr. Flo 8110. Phone Bunte Page and#, 0 lea' Fol ea 6 atthe ohno ral Director 'a d, ensed Embalms king parlors in ddf building opposite art Bros. Reg- e taoderich st pp Scott's,=r•�7C7it r : ers furnished on t notice. Night- or Day 11 . A he Largest an • Most R to ate Restauran in Sea _ orth eats and Lun all ho Meal ticks Home -Mac Home Made fixed Taffies 2 you /1 eanut Taffy per pd ocoanlit taffy per suit .taffy per pound. rencl mixture, pe hocoletes, per, pour) ancy Boxes, from ry our.Ice cream uart ou will get value at OLY I RESTAU Next door to • , es cu S. sold Pies andies s for... nd.. ,..... and at •.25C ..15c „20C 20C • 20C ound.... ...3oc t hoc roc o $3 • take , ome. 35c r your oney 11 IA NT rdno rbs. t •e••••t 4•••N`t•siife•`••4a4 tock And urnitur€_. prOwn,' ALE ilEGISTE1. y, July 1tlh, on, Scot 1, 9, uckerernith, : IFa,riri ImPlerei is and H•oue-eh: 1 Jae. 3 cOozanet, prod' , • T, etioneer, ain Tenders Wanted I Drain tende swanted for the cone ructto of het Broadfoot dra n la the township o Tuck rem th. Iane and ape ifloatione to be Been at the oe of he clerk.-nderete be opened or) Batu ay July 0th at four o' look. DI. F. oGREGOR, Ole _ . 85.2 Live Stock Markets Union Stock 'Yarde, Toronto, July 5. --- Following are fide q .so tatlon s : Choice heavy steers, $10 to $10.25; butch- ers ca.ttie ,choice, 9.25 to 9.50; good, $9 to 9.15; ' medium, " $8..85 to 39; caommoe, 8.00 to ;8.25 ; bu.tchers', i ui.1s, choice. $8,00 to ;8.25; do., good bum; $7,45 t 0713.65; do., row $475 tb $5,25; butcber'e' cows, .choice, 58 to . $8.25; 'good, .57:40 to , $7.60; madam, $6.60 to $T; stockers, 700 to 850 .pounds, $6.75 to 7.75 ; choice feeders, dehorred, 950 to 1000 ib , $8.25 to $8.855 =ner,3 and cutters, $4.00 to $5,00; milkers; choice, each, $75.00 to WO; do. coin. and med. each, ;40 to S60; sprtngera $50 to 1;190; light ems, $8.; ,£tO ;10.59; 'heaver sheep $5.25 to 7.50; o1 ng :iambs, ,per Ib., 14c to 14e ; calves, ,go=ad_ to chicoe $9,50 to 412; t edi.t11, $7.25 to 418.50; .+,ho'$'e, fed t dweeered, 11.40 to 11.50,; weighed: die cane 11.65 to 11.76; f.o.b. 10.9$. uildin Lots and 1164e for Sale The proper y is situated on the west side.0 no th Iai_ et.. Seaf•rth, Two storey brisk ho ve th lktone foundet on, cement and brick cellar, fro e ik-when and oodst�ed. Large tram baro. �� Th re re six lots u- on which are twenty •five fruit( tre s ill sell the ouse with dne or more lots tel Butt urohaser. ppl to' ; 251741 I WM. AMENT, $eafirrth The Fees *t School of ommeice Linton, Ontario + 4 - +. may be ower than those at other echiiols .moi. 14. but the pouraegilven the etude 'ts are equal! .i. I to those given ; by the mood expeneive, 4 4. echoote in t e Da'minlon. Get' partiouiarsl •f • + of this s, hoot before enrolling elsewhere , .¢• : *le' COURSES GIVEN BY EMAIL ale ele 4. BI F. Ward, B.A., M. AeOt. 1°,'PhonePrincsipai vet •'+++.` 4-4.4e+÷+÷÷+÷4-44.444.44-÷ i ! I„ Mortgage Sale j A Houlse and Let in Seaforth Underan ed in asce the time of lie auction the bomme the hour of lot namely Market et. by virtue of the powe Of sale 'Is taint in Mortgage (which I be erodu ate e). there will be offer for sale b pub} n Saturday the 16th d y of Jul 1 1 a ia1 liotel in the To of Senor h a 2 o'clock p.m. the following hens an4 Lot number 42. on the north si e o F.C. StiarIing`e surve hi the Wild ow of Seaforth. There ie a frame houe n the pro erty Also a good well and some trait tr Tenn Te per eent of he purchase money lie paid o th day of sale nd the balance in two weeks there kite For further pardon r.apply to BEST, Se forth, Ye er's Sol:oitor. Dat 9th JSne I9I Thomas Br. • • n, Auotioneer. 25 2-3 - ITANTED—Teacher A Np Ii 1 for S.S. No.i2, Moaine after sumtaer holidays. At 11. ALEXANDER, E.R. No. , al trained ,duties to co -n•aim D4.. Walton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE—A. sinal g land all cleared, p fah 3, Me iilop, at Roxboro dwelling ouse inggood teal house an poultry house are ply to JOHN McM1LLAN, B. 'VARA FOR BALE.—Lot Bl smith, containing 100 a tinder busk. The farm is we pnd in a good state of oultiva remises a good frame house, hen house, 4drIve house and terms and particulars apply ,dress MRS.. JOHN McOLOY, 1 000 FARM FOR SALE -4 - part of Lot 24, Conte: taining 180 acres. There ar :modern brick house with 'There is also a good barn 60 Idation and stabling underne: !on atone foundation, pig pe •in good repair. There •s ale° chard and two never failing underdrainod and well lane- € cultivation with 10 acres of well ted he No ' of Wantosituan 0. P. tall! station, rth g a mail delivery. This Is a °hot cold on reasonable terms. apply on-the;premiseaor add Welter, arm of eight of lot 30 on h. A seven and a barn, uated thereo No. 1, Seafo noession 9, es, about rev fenced and n. There ar ank barn, pi o good well n the'ppremi gmondville P or Sale Lot • n 14, MoKHii on the pr• and and sof 26, with sto h,.driving she and hen ho a goal bear •els. The far • •ndinahigh ardwood bu: vel road 1 m :o telephone e farm and .r further p+ ear. W. J.a teacher Whence pply to +22-3 res of oncesa. Domed buggy . Ap- h. 2524-11 ticker. n aores • raided on the house, For sorad. O.6-tf 25 and p, con. muses a watex. e foun- 30x40 se, all ee or- is well state of h. It is le south nd rural will be rtioulars IOKSON 2458.t . 1 V. MAPLE TERRACE " F farm of 100 acres within easy Blyth. Lendesboro and Walt sion of ii Ilett. Bich clay 1 very fertile. In a high state eight acres of valuable hard house on,stone foundation w bank bare, good stabling an • windmill with water flowi kitchen, [soft water, °emen farm. Per further �& No,l ASID, Ldndesboro; al telephone 15 on 170. SALE—A ti distance to , on the 111 in, free from. f cultivation ood, comfo h cement cell out building g through eietern. A re apply to 1, box2,Mo ret class eaforth, Ooncee- tone and About ble brick r. Large also silo, ip3 into desirable BOBERr Slop rur- 1263I.tf "ALUBLE FARM FOR, 8 ors for the estate of the I offer for sale, Lot No. fourte Concession of the township coneists of 100 acres of clear lands in a °leen and good eta situated in a splendid fermi to markets, schools and chu are erected a comfortable 1Sx24, with kitchen attaohed 52x70 with stone stabling un and water in baro, also a go in barn also a good pig pen farm is well fenced and extr title is perfect and possessio, pur of doing all neoessar pa iculars apply to ARC - ROBEBJ'i GIBBON, Adw letratore, or HAYS,/Seaforth, their Salle ter. LE—The ad to Hugh M. n (14) in the f MaKiilop. ano impro of ouitivatl distriot, •hes. tin the Creme ewel Splendid derneath, ce xl pig pen and hen ho 4 f inietrat' Gordon, etxth (6) his farm ed farm n and is nvenient premises g house, me barn ent floors d water se. The well tile drained. The will be give= for the fall work. F r further BALD MoO EGOR, o to R. 2431•t AUCTION BALE OF F` RMSTOO , IMrLE- HfENTS AND FIOUS ;r : OLD ITURE— M.r. Thomas Brown hoe rete ved instruct one to sell by public auction on lot 1, 'concession , Tucker - smith Township, on Tuesd y, July 1) th at one o'- clock p.m., the following ; Horses -1 dr sing horse 7 years old. CATTLE --3 n wly calved a Ven, with calves by side, 4 cows due t calve at tem of sale, 8 head of youog cattle. PI 9--4 sows d e to litter in about two weeks, 20 pigs moothe of . Imple- ments -1 Massey -Harris bin er, almost n w, 1 ['leer- ing mower, 6 ft. out almost ew, 1 Hum r , waggon, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 hay rack 1 manure s reader, 1 set diamond barrows, 1 2-10 ,row plow, 1 single bug- gy, 1 fanning mill, 1 grain rill 1 whee barrow'1 gravelbox, also .oaalns, fa 'kW, w ip letrees, neck yokes and other arti les, House old Furni- ture -1 kiteben range, bed teach), chairs, oupboards tabloe, stands and other ouseho1d a este, All must be Bold, as the�sropri or has eol his fano. Terms—All sums of $10 an undercash over that amount„e3 months credit w 11 be given on furnishing approved notes. A 1 Dunt of 6per cent. per annum o for cash on o edit amountls. THS. BROWN; Auctioneer, JAM 9 MoCONN' L, Propri- etor. 2534- Muskok Georgia French ra twe Trigs To Lakes Lake of Bays Bay Aagohquln Pa k liver Sawa rtha, La as MagahetaaWara River Temagami, etc. Round trip tourist tickets now b sa from certain stations in Ontario at very low rates, with liberal stopovers. M !KOKA EXPRE$ rot I2.01 p.m. daily: e and 2,05 a.m. `ley, f ot. koka harf, Connectio €i are; at Musk ka Wharf for M kolas Leave oLoat° 10.15 a.m. daily ej Sunday and 2.05 a.m. da 1y for' 1i ville, f r points on L ke of Equip ant the finest. , ; ull articulars . on ,application agents. ' W. Solnervilte....... Town A W. Plant .... Depot A Leave Sunda e ce e eft lnti- aye, U ni HORNING, D. P. ;A. Statim, Toro, i y_ u Beit a last Thor Imp Stal bred rtes ions The following I=mported Stailione, which are all in service this season at T. J. Berry's Sta KING Clydesdale $15 to CUMBERLA Clydesdale 1.$15 to COMM Clydesdale $ 15 to IlURON EXPOSITOR e MEW Stud The Grand Circuit Race Horse MAcTI ISTLE 2.04, 48171 A.T.B,. M.acThietle is thefastest horse that was ever offered for -service ire this part •lof the. country. 11e raced hrough the largest r,acbi _ ci ult in • the world. god idefeat e Grafi Cir- cult Otars AS ate r , llel a defeated him.; Ma+eThietle •r)4 3-4 is leo a full brother to an a deface y 2.01 1-2. afee Chid tee hi ee Jess n miles in 2.`41; half an '57 eecands:.. Mac- Thiatleis a, grand big brawn tallion; . hie mnaaldte to d r- horse, having size, quality, indiv du lit », reeding lied brains. He 11 stand 'at is own barn, Blyth, this eaepfs, for limit- ed ;lumber •of ens et $20 to insure. Accommodation rn de lfor mares from diletanee. Wel fee breeding and; full particulars - THOS: COUL ER ort L. O. CHAR EA VO 'TH} Blyth The 'Choicely Bred KING X Clydesdale tallton James Murray, Pr teeter and anage.r Monday Noon— ve gills ow• (stable at Peter Skean.. 'a, ilot 80, cod- cestion ,8, Hilbert Tp., and go to Hibbert, for eight Tuesday— o rat Williams' lot 21, c cession 4, ibbert, concession 5, Hibb rt, for 'noon; then to ;Weber's *tel, Dublin, for night. Thursday—To Will am Flannigan's, lot lic 3, concassion 6, NI Killop, for noon• then to ,Andrew rauskopf's, lot .7', concession 3, ,McKillop, for night. Fri- day—To his ow,n stable whe,re he will re.main until the following Monday Color, white el Week; height, 11 pony in Ontario end, is (th,.-.i ote. 0 LOP, Owner, Zurich. 1, The Standard Bred end Reglgtered Trotting Stallion ' RED MCKINNEY 4294 ' Enrolled arid laspecte No. 1 form, • ill stand for les, Hensiall, Ont. HOMAS insure. 178461 015. fa DORE insure ) JABOT 3139] (84214) nsure Percheron $12 COLONE [9255) Will travel the sa The TROTTI ANDY win stand at the June 20th, to a mares, after whic to training NOTE—No , PRINCE GEORGE • Monday—Will leave his ovv stable, Egenondville, at noon, and go ley way of the Huron rosid to Clinton, at R. Grahaeres Hotel fee night. Tee,sday— South by way of the London Road noon; then tsouth to Commereial H3- neaday—To Exeter; then sooth 11-4 miles to John Blair's, for noon; then to Centr,alia, at Moffat'a Hotel for U3borne, for noon; then to irktorf, at Taylor'.3 hotel for night. rlday— West to Sas. Ilan tyne's, Usborne boundary, for no n; rnen eth to Saturday—By wa of alluron road to his own etable fo noon., where he win remain until the allowing Monday noon —James Berry, roprietor; W. R. The L-nported lydesdale Stallion ,CHL RODYNE) (140 2) 13547 Enrolment o. 353 For 1 . Inspected and Approved. 3, Livingstone, Proprietor & Manager ' Olonday—Will leave his ow stable, Statta, and go weet to Davi Hill's, line. Shen east t his own s ble, for tyne's, Hibbert- sborne boundary for and westk to Robert Aid/mold's for ,then east and s th to Jno,Delbridge's Wincheleea, for noon; then south to William Brmk's,1 Usborne, Per night. Thureday—East 8 1-2 miles and north Blanshard, for neon ; then. north-west to Kirkton, at Taylor's Hotel, for the night.. Fr/day—North to the Theznet Road, at Thomas McCurdie's,ifor noon then north and vreat to his own etable, where hei will remain until the following Monday morning. route as las year. G ST LION ove stables until date he "11 go in 111 • The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion ., Will etand lot the Royal 'Ho el barn, 1 T C HE JERRY 3. ril This is very fashionably br d colt, and while pot yet three yea old, Is I a big horse. Look hine over. 0_01882 A:merle* Trotting Register; . 0101 Canadian Standard Bred Society; En- rolment No. 4419. Teems, $12 t insure Clinton; phone 8 on 162. " LORD MANSFIELD James Evans, Proprietor and anager Moeday—Will leave Ms own stable, Beechwood, and ,go to Pat ooda', Logan for Awn ; thencek to h 'own atable 'for the night. Tuesda — To John Murray's, conceselon 11, McKil- loo, for noon; then, west to Ross', coneeselon for o bout; thence to hit own stable for night, where bo will remain( until ednes- (ley noon. Wednesday Noon— Web- day—To Joseph Nee& for noo ; then to Joseph Atkinson's tor night. Friday of Seaforth for noon:\ then to tithew day,Will proceed to ada own stable, where be twill remaire until the follow- ing Monday moraine, Terms d conr ditions same as former years. Lord Manefiei.d has been enrolled, I peered and ,approved. TTerees •go ins e, $13; James Evans, Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM. (98691) 8L681 Inspected and Approved Enrolment No. 1367, Form John J. McGavin,,ProprIet r. Will etancl for service( A:Turin present season at John J. U Stables, Leadbury, ..eat 22, Co 18, McKillop. Colts from Cumberland Gem en first prizee at Clinton and Seaforth shows thie spring. The Imported tilydesdale S Mon. . Enrolment No. 699 Inspected and Approved. SIond,sy—W111 leave his own stable, Brucefield, and go west to the second concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon; then north and .weet to Wrn. Glenn'e for right. Tueeday—By way Ban- nockburn, to Varna, at the =Def- ence Hotel, for noon; then by way of the Ba.yfield Road, to the Goshen line to Albert McClinchey's, f r night to the PILT14 Line, then eouth t Foster's, for noon; thence to 13eath's 2nd concession of Sta night, Thursday—North to t field. Road tO his own stab noon. remaining anal the Friday morning. Friday—To George ,mecartneees Mill Road, for noon; there to McAelanOis side Toad, then; north to the 2nd concesplon, H.R.S., Tucker - smith, thee weet to James Carnochan's, for night. Saturday—West by Ba'Ped- foot'e, bridge, there south to the Mill Road, to hie own stable, •where remain until !,the thliewing Moeda; renews front one, owner, ;28, payable February 1st, 1917. a., D. Murdoch, Proprietor add Manager. the cession ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDIVIIIND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. - IL V. F. JONES. A set Geetera1 Ielanaier CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13500,000 BANKING BY .IVIAIL Aecounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadiait,Bauk of Conunerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the careful attention as is given to all other departments of the. Ba business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. ssa Seaforth Branch Manager Stratford, Ontnrio You Can Secure a Positon if you take a course with us. The de. mend upon us for trained help is many times the number graduat- ing. Students are entering each week. You, may enter at any time Write at once for our free ca.ta, log. D. A. McLachlan, Principal.: de road ley, for e 'Bay - for llowing Farm tor SEO.e For Sale good farm of 100 acres being cession 10, Tuokersmith. There are on two bank barns with stone ettsbling, one the other 30x63. Lar e frame house WI e premises 56x48 and furnace. INow is the Time to have your COAL Bins filled up, and we can do it using our celebrated There are 26 acres un er grass, about 50p.ores readV for feeding, 10 aores of bush and 2 scree of orehard and three never falling wells, also 50 mite farm, be- I lag south half of lot 5. suitable for paiture farm,. These farms will be sold together or separately and with or without the crop. Immediate poseeselon. Apply on the premises or address. irt. No. 4, iiippen, sr phone 8 on 136. MRS. DANIEL hictilLLAN • • • • The Pure Bred ler.ported Clydesdale CUMBERLAND SCOTT 13979 (16981) Inspected' and Approved. • , Enrollment No. 2392 Monday Will leave his oWn stable, 4a, lot 4, coneeesion 3, Ilibbert, andt go to John Carpe,nter'e, Dublin, for nooa; bare for night Tueisday—West along Huron road to Boundary line, thence south and east to John Murphrie lot 23, concession 2, HIbbert, fOr noon; thence to .his Own stable tor night. Wedeeeday—Will proceed ta Wesley Leak's, lot 21, cOncession 2, Logan, for noon ; thence to 'Win, Winteringheires, lot 6, conceasloe 2, Logan for night. cession 3, Fullerton, for noon; thence to Peter Smith'e, rlot 18, concession 3, Downie, for nioht. Friday—To John Herrr.asse, lot 20, concession 5, Downie, for roxvn; thence to Barley Robinson's, lot 16, concession 4, Fullerton., for night. Saterdar—To Gordner House stables, Mitch -ell, for noon; thence to his own stable for night, and until Mentley morning. Terms to Insure, ;15. ROBERT 13URCHILL, Proprietor and Manager. 2526x8 J. Jackson I Entrance through J. Willis' Boot Store. Prompt attention to all repairs. Best leather only used. 1 stock • special leather o r foundry 4. workers and hard wearers. • Practical Boot Repairer • Seaforth Note the Address J. JACKSON Opposite Expositor Office Lehigh Valley Anthracite (the coal that satisfies) 1.• June a.id July orders the lowing are our priceS Chestnut Stove Egg Soft Coal $7.25 Delivery a° 134ayfOield CI. per ton; to Veoore ,50 cents; to Kipper), 50 cents;, We, also 13;andie all kleds ki*•-f Logs and(' II (=hers 01-34840.• Cement, Buffalo Brand PptrtiliZerA, Tongues' and Grooaed, Flooring and V Matched Flidleg, Canada Fibre Boe,rd, Met- - 1131,114.11g Ma.terial, Tile, Cedar Post,s, etc. John B. Mustard Brucefield Summer Resorts BAYFIELD age; wide .• =Wm, „gond loeation. Bent moderates Asply to GEO.ROWNTME; 60 Stanley Ste, Ierts. • W.S.Gortniey t • • • Embalmer and Funeral Director • Undertaking Parlors abow • • M.Williame grocery store, • Main Street. Seaford) • • s Flowers fur.00led on short /loth • Charges moderate. * Phone night or day -- 192 • • Notice to Creditors In the estate of Percy rlia,nless, late of the Township of Siatlev it the County of Huron, harness maker. de.. Notice is bereny given pursuant to the etatute Bet that behalf, that all persons having -claims again ,_ the estate of Percy Wanlees, late of the town410 ot Stanley, in the county of Huron, harneee maker deceased, who died at Gravenhurst, Oat. on the Srd day of February, 1915, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver tee Glailman k Stanbury, Exeter or Hensel!, Ont. solic- itors for the Administratcr, or or before the 18th day of July 1910, the full particulars of their eis.jra. and the nature of seeurity, if any, held by them. Further take notice that after the said Last mention- ed date the adminlatrat,or will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the part:ism entitled thereto, having regard only to thatiatneu of whioh be shall then have notice. Solicitor for ExecntorV, Mclean & Da4Pd et Hensel], this 26thiday el June 1916, 2133-3 si Copy for the next Telephon closes on the above datel Order your telephone /tow, so that your name will be in the new issue! Report changes required to our Local Manager to.d.au. Telephone Co. of fresetlyNNIENISIfrfr The Pure Bred Percher= Stallion INDEX Enrolment No. 363 Inspected end Approved Form 1 Wm. Berry, Prop. and Manager. Monday—Will leave his own stable, Brucefield and go west, to Varna, at the Temperance House for noon • then north to the Bayfield line, Go'derich townebip at Ben Bathwell'e for night Tuesday—West to Switzerle corner and north to Jsznes Sterling's tor noon; then "loath to Jas. McMillan's for night, Wednesday—North to the Hurom Road and east to Jeweire Cor- ner then by way of Benntiller to 3. C. Durst's Colborpe, for noon; then east to Harry Sweet's Hohaesville for nig/at. Thursday—BY way of the Hur- on Beed, to Olintonl, at the, Graham Howse for "wee; then north by way of the( Base 'Me to Albert Townse sedoi tor Web , Friday—East through Hunett to Mil licBrine's for noon; then fault by ay of Roxboro to Sea- fortb at the Q-ueen's Hotel, for eight. corner then west to Robert E18**11: tor to Ms own Ntable, where he wei remain until the follOwIng Monday morning. Fur W710 Sold conditions see manager, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r 410...,..4144 0. CH.EVROLE THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE MODEL FOUR NINETY complete $6752-9- F0 08 Osha GE(1 D. HAIGH, Agent Seaforth Phone 95