HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-07-07, Page 4JULY S 141 I ., W T . . . . . 1 -2 3 4 - 5 416 7 8 9 ro 1/ 12 - 13 14 15 17 r8 19 . 20 11 22 . 23 , 24 as 26 ' 27 s8 29 eo tor .. - • . • .... s • • , . • • • NEW ADVER riSiC S i -wa.4 a tat4 W ninnix*.. of -,yte eider "Ick the c the( communit reeved. - The f •. • 'anent della concessl cense cry and Work r the San. aY; superinteadent tor :a 9; and was. so .atel 'unch. iThe syni thyl goes lour 'to th• •• , Aerial took p .e oi n .fearn hts r- 1 .44, ICirktO Unio41, lattp • EGokernment Recrniting Alet Inds Nrits t the sh ewdeat critics c cif lie net the. lacknese of the ven- Gznnt in re e riting, but the tat d ineff nt methods -it enp Man °awns° and an eye to e ares. e two is ano,st neei heed rarters Jtr. ,The t gotra .ICitcthri.er tributeto M1or Genie al Sir an Haghes are a- pale OAS ttikt .for real, idea,s on, t e plait of ll•finiste of Militia. The Gener- al awl is' t. if Sir Sam . itss priar ng and .hard work tbings /nigh' sr,t x better.' t , Xt gorls w1..t 24Y1ne th - '" Oa.naUax Caine nment could. fa r cOm- P y servi . of Canadians in l a war rre tho san4 miles dist t. iu.r assistan,oe to J e -Brother Coo try. in. 4, tale grrat •lki. Aap .j.% ii, tr gift, of tt .snirit •hioWsaager th s,pirit is , be by the measure of Our !alp pad:•coerce that gp1riE•by . cornpk,lsory ber ice .vniteld be an re h• if,lbot ti gave ,the strongest tie ttiiat bipdgl 'WI Bit Empire toge her. It As ad flafig n beep, that 'there aWill, The War Situation never be • iltotiori -In .Caneada; ex- • cept 4r.,•defe of Or own shores' and \ ' WO Vir.okls news is a. tale of the. there the eh are that it 'Ni44 startlinued progress of the Anglo- tever.be ne 41. Not to pet 1:too :Om? ; Vranell offensiVe. Healey fikAhting is a Polint on it the Militia, Act covrs I ong liThthee ;ground rand no ' anno furt er . prozeteding all althe ne. ,e legislatior.. wo 143. be needed. Iirltish maintain all the.ir positiOns MearrObi a I re ie no vaild , reasion SOulth, of the Anere River, where the why.tlitc• raement should not attie. still rages. The British pent._ a ugurate System of regiatration ple learaed for the first 'time aion-i which - wol d, rve the purpose :of day night - that the famous French Priovilding tta tkero,sf weiihgolb,alexe rieceret.,cliA General Foch, who has -won .a. great Itirtidib rotec rom the indiscrimin, te, fltn- war; b idirecting the oper.ations south reputation during the couree of the recrUi ters nee a.ibove ever yth ni n:le e portonitire of e urgers. 7a.,t ,t1t he is ha definite statement of these of the Somnie River. This has given who rlan be ap roached without e til - increased confidence In tue. result of meat to the I dustrial welfare of the the Allied tra-ensive. • -caluntry.' If 1 e 'five hundred thoUse In the: early part eel the week the eand li-nark set by the Borden Govern- ment is to b 'anything more than French on the south of the Somm. stagel th..inder for the Germans : to •eaptured H.erbacourt, Assevillers, Feu... alear ;i it 'meet e ,arrived. iLt in a relas I flares. and the second Gernian. line on_abk.: -way. 0 auto'works. the I'd- ,, as far as the outskiras of Estreese ore, the- you g meta with na re- Contieuing their 'advance they Passe spolibillties ad, the woods .are Pull of it 'ern -are he onee to be reached. ed beyond the second, German line., preen 1 ethods reach too fe w _ anc*a to-Ok pee-a.ae ssi on of Buse our t and: of ?this sqt d too many others Vlaneourt, The .ground conquered e.'* whose re Id ty and hlgehst useful-. a , ,.- terede,d to a depth of three mress is hme iles, Many invidi us comparisons have. making a (total depth of six miles been, made as to what this province r sinoe the •drive was 'Inaugurated- thatprfovir..ce. is tdolag in the Way, -Since then success has crowned the. of anerultin,g. It has been 'said; for Efforts of both the 33rittah and 'the Pttlian),an,,Athle. thatit)leeceatirartpriscop titolTir°enal°Jelayli French. The latter now command the it bale furnished more reen for • , the. main road between Pro nne and war. froLs, is illy a halfitruth whiel. Chaalnes and. 'greatly hinder the eels' disaaears'.avb it. we consider that the erny in bringing up uppties. Wee is kirge made ,up frorn youreg a ' rixi1; ' of the st , 'h Th non-ceenmittal charaeter of the whomthe azard Oit w- fort ea took to -that part German offlcLal .,f statements . issued Of, t - e count. ., As a matter Of fact is considered in London as a virtual confirmative of the sucoess • f the tilallut;. e ThPrave. 1 curt 11414 ind4c!itnhge lksytehtpenti: of recruiting, which' overworks :soma leksigto4French opera,tion. %alb . .data parte of Can da and underw.crrks 'are. yet fortheomlng from either girls a as the. ca.sualties suffered. 'Accorda. YF9exampl , One great reCruiting to % ! • 1 't lth og to e German cornmunication, the icitY in Ontar is apresent het cre for ril e regiments in po- r AnIgWFrench lossess were ",extraor- entCOM 'Of fo one Xf two 'regiments 41Inerily heavy." Acoording to unof-.nsteof • were recruited at a Iad Mal British reports, hrSirever, . the timr the irets lte - would. work. Out 431.1tish. casaaaties were less than had Much better. Not only would 'to regiments fill up more quickly but the -been expected. , . Fxpenee of inaintainIng a skeleton ior- All..r.eperte ernplia.size the trernene ganitiore for the otherTseven, wol <lode snatarei of the -British bombard a be; c t out un, 4 their turn !came. As . 'no me.nt. The gunners worked so Meese matters stand now the best method hase .en chos n ta killatime and keep nantly as ialmost to fall a,sleep at their ' Ca.na . an rfeg nts from the frOnt guns, land when there ovas a slight re- , ' , = as 14 fig &a i ussiblP. Therefore sotne case( in the' firing :they slept easily reginien.ts has,' been recruiting ever amid tbe. thunders of the nettle, since the war started.; others have got 1 s far a Bermuda. , Whoa one Great irraertance is attached to a rigfIectat, that °thing chafes (an eager Vsesarly-jnvented mortiar, which. PlaYis o• 1dt4 like .e • •tion. one can easily liaste in the- GerMan trenches. Air- see What a. , presSin,g effect these stupid, delays ust have on recauiting. -craft are %aiding an important role in Another di eragernent is the way the operatiOns.? , - , - in wb h train ad regiments from Can- -Thus far tine new ,offensive eaVear3 ada a broke d -ii p afters they realeh to ltave. 104 little Influence on the Eng . At St. Julien, ..' Feetubert, battle around Verd.un,. The Germane Lange rek, t the bloody' salient es Ca diens have ' are still slaxwing -undiminished vigor niYnrn the earnedaarce-Ae for tt selyes' ,and by the In tllai Ireuise region, and, the Freach fit.r}c glom, they have earned tbe a‘re as $teakcilly resisting. right O keep that- name for their An entire battalion of the 186th (Awn g orY 0.01 Inscribe, it on their own ners. Reklinents recruited In 'Regiment .`Of Prussian Infantry, ee- Cana.da 'should receive Stone assur- erulted. frozn the upper Rhine, sur- ar.ce that tl1ey will be keit ti'e- rendered to the British near Fricourt. ether wisen, hey rea.ch the firiag The prisoners numbered twenty offi- line end tbc c urns Who .enlisted tO- gether jwill ... be !dratted to diffeta ears eandi six hundred men. The bate Ent parts of ts : field The Cansr- ttalion had been assigned for de ty only Wane lhave a . - n thelar Mettle. They a short time before to replace hea..vy reed ' no r`tate, ying'! from *itish casualties. The British fire was so battertelas. The are as good. soldiere- heavy and the trench /accented by no, as 'any in /the world. What's more, their o Beers, ately at sleastr have Prussian% was el,ama,gled SO baday that beer I Lightly well trained, ae,.well the men refused to fight longer, trAir_eidi at ' all , vents as the oPficers ' The_ 'Germans have brought , up Er.gla'in is no providing bar her Strong reinforcements from other citizen army, d st120111421 be alleweri l'Art- to retain of their line tend are stubbornly n their ornmands eJterreache contesting every yard of the British Ing the flaunt.; We have yet te Get the Etc3t. boy ikho ii,s, good, enough pAivp.,ncts. Torrential rains, however, to tsupp t a 1 -u -sky young Cana.diaa hampered the offensive operatioas, lieutenant who knows hls book. ' The iand the Reitieh aetion is confined r.ext tine Major General Sir Sam mostly to consolidating the • ground Hughes goes toe England he should already won; discuss tbie matter with the War Of c t flee, It is far 1 more Important te ' Up to th s present the Anglo-Vrench Canada than hie views in the "TpreS -captures in the battle of the Somme eallent r his h gh opinion of Colonel total more than 14,000 prinere. soJahn Wesis$ ,A1 son. 0 ...krothbr leak tthat can be tstOPPe4 twelve heavy gulls a-nd twenty-aight is the tne.4ter 0 double Pay tO M. I.ji •flenel guns. ' colonels, who tar , supposed to he rat s !l Latest reports from Bucharest te Iing reghnents but whol are re -ally raise' lag talc wind, 'the. difficulty can; be of the.. ,Rua.sia,n eaveary patrols , have eolved Nery eaell , A man is ten M.P. crossed the Carpathians and entered or A. calomel. ac Ording to the IdOnYl Hungary a.n.c1,-iwhile. RueMan and kGera on whielh he isl actively engaged. It Man reports from the eastern. front his tdatY calls tilln tee the House of. Clotalmo 1 pay lim- his IsesSional ! Aro! cannot be reconciled it is generally de mni tf as a . mber l or Parliameni-r conessecied that the Russians , .are if his duty kee s hint at the head ste,aailly advancing. The Italian re- of his cement ay tilM tas colonel of the Ca. dia.n Expe-dtilenary fercee ports prove that the Austrians are Separat on allow nces ernight also I be 'getting decidedly the worst of ' th a ' looked into. /vie: y poor b at proud; stru,ggle along the Isonzo es well as people . efusE tol bleed' their countrYt In the Trentino, by ta,k r.g th 4earaUon allowanees a0100100=000000301001100010i0i16111111101 to .-whi h they a e fullyentit1ed..114nt; all !tilh. people 9. Canada are ' not. ' --Alfter a year's illness from poor -as proud. Quite a- few of therre .spinal trouble the death took place are eic ,and g ee.cisy and believe in or4 Saturday morning, June 241h, of teWng all that's 1 coming to the. na Ire 1Wil1ie,m Glifinan, a highly esteemed bent c,als that I @ave in mind -and -Itl TelEAdettt ofd Urborne Township. He iel tonly one of 1 e many -the mort err wick reachethe age lof (§7 Years a-`41 oraan Of Leer Wire Is ini reee pt •M`Yelli toliakYsa, Tile late BilreGiitalIin of his full civil salary of 19,000 al born in Scotland, and came to year Nile he 1 po duty at Sharn- Ole pedantry- with his parents when cliffs, it iatwo bisi full separation al- thrrae• Yea -Zs et laile, and, settled on the lowance: in order to keep . want : ftarm on whtich : he died. He m-arried of lan L(fpensive 44artment Which she!: Miss /leniency' .taindi ape taxa six child c keeps, locked up ile she Cis Ini.E.ng-;, ren istavive. Two brothers, john, of Ito bs near her n. The Militia. De- , Uaboante, and James of Meronto, also narrtment could ave MU country a ' paroles. . Desessess wfss, respected by lot of money 41S jaying aeParatiorti ai- 1 Summer Shirts --Greig Clothing Cle.-1 Bummer Dresies-Stewart,8 Bros. -8 tahildrelfd Dresses ---.T. Maetavish-fik Summer ReadIng-Thornimon's Book Store -8 New Barber Shop -8 <lelebrateJnly12th-1 Attract/ye Trips -5 AnotIon Sele-Jae, MoCkmnelt-5 StosarberryTes-Preebyterian obureli-8 TesgLoet--.1. B. MoDonald-8 Ford for Sale-WrIght's Garago-8 Flour, Flonr-Vir. E. Kerelake-8 iPotiktosa- W. E. Kerelake--8 Olympia -5 Western Fair -London --4 Operator Sale -Zook Bros. --8 vre.nse Servloe..-& Tandem Wanted-BroAdtoot drain -8 *want Exsumittur SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, July r7, 1916 lokenaces teirt I the th ie Sepa podkat yi o 401111, de ratand, th n nOthe W mean, s incr. saaitSil S th ou off cera ell,gaged ,arf Engli of the o ay. itoe. .a,ts ..feerv the Brit diaf, an Of to buttofr their • tare - needed tto keep an &or. People Avlio reg tion allowattc as e tr ey handed out. IbY a ge y ehould bct given ' to rt., iat 'they are nothing o -re HE HU-it/ON E stly abtie.e hat =hill -drew Jattention rasng 11OTKIe of non-com ee two hundred.land, fyy( of the.rd employed 'n vale ing When, they might toe betsr n 'fighting. The batm instIttAtion., He is a c ish 011. 143, 'tli dlaYA "alien: offieered eat o Were accus t In times h arrnY is c rmy of citize s' ,Most leers have be4, accusto their awn Peo s -ers, ow In: fln shoes, the batmanis chrf am' and -a a bish one tr And .lif, he ,is put (Of place , rjt14th arrny he cis touch mere nadian army -Whoa-el ab t to be to prove ,themseives g rs iajt4 stout dom rats taal t piece; Nothing can be . lud crous 1 ilar some a yo ng .serig i a e'ufte ht, with a. fi urteen co Ian dam's, apple. 'th$t' (dm, like: an eies tor, etalk vefth a big, burl batman he rear, Whit , wbo never .flore than a shoes for five he ]3r1ely by orned to peace. 3titutted a.r.4 pan s to Pk tenon va ting gl his ri Oat hal 4. I one col net would be better. (without bee, use pulling on (one own b The best extension e ereise in wi41d for improving th4 wind Ing wn the paun h. The • draa figh r'a pay ught, Ito be altowedlto do A 0 work. When -this w t our Canadian of C,anadians n s a at ect °ad ,,e qf la,r up Ing g ten right has a. d any o e Greek w cents -w t h.; he to kire. P strem,g of t • fighrng ,just to comb. for him? colone rnity h c !nae for a batman -3.e cause a 1 has many duties -but even he I re. go 01.1. Ul at his vie ol- ne, ots th,e at- • red 11 te- is over we cers to t poor im ta- Of the British ttle batman, erage, at From Petawa a ntajor 0: N. Lewli,s, M. .„ of Go .er- ,Jcb, inotvii with che To! a S. at - ter • F. A.: itraining .t Petawawa, se ds The ,Expositor • a. escriptio of their life at camp ,wir ch is pr ttS,d, strenuious for a /man of. is age ;. ,5104 , are n,o, doubt ware, I A, vas -1rarum-eital, !to( a 'cert in extent \In o.r anizine- four new at te ri es el f art Wiry in, the first mil tary idivisiea, wh headquarters at Guelph, hie meicesitated my going to the Ro School of ArtIligry at IC ng tst en, where from 20th !arch until 16it M'ay I ,wfatrked, toiled, and, -r- spi ;el& and kept ,awak from 4.50 ev ry rnoening until ne, rly midni ht. Tb class consisted of 3004 mot1 ms •not boys, ga.tbere4 from ,a1 of CaAda'*ancouver to alifax, lTd ev ry clty from Oast t coast b lag re resented. A great jnlany e • re, professional -rnen,l menu ars tu ens, etc., all intent on one Ile- , aeld I must say 1 tall the dell serivants of Co.nada, wa ked ard a 1 Ito. the. -purpose as the artil eryi Inaructors of Kings on, d r Roy, who was the gut In at and nx-pert over al, there c Wel be no cOmplaint r d, with ivii ser m 'ftier the school two., over„ JOR net battery at G elph, an on MaV 9tIntwie ttertt uP Ph at lour p.m. with one train of 22 ca-rs, be. tween the. two batterie , the 5th and 56th.The other b tteries, the 63rd and ,64th went ro ondon Ca p, We retagaetcl here nex morning at 7.30 la.m.,: much to our Rurprise, nd. WE r were agreeably ; nati aally these like myself, at 3tbk game, with (the te had heard that Petaw arlqi sandy plain dense" with black flies and The tr.:air-trig ground square miles 'and the t'en the r▪ illivgehra0r°1,11114 Waive. The ground is 1 grass dated with d1 k es, roses, etc., 044 la f “KInha,lilek" the I for tobacco.. This cank flower. Here 1- ps of Small pir.e.s re es. The plateau Is 00 feet above the rive TO !th r ;north the. rioeldens out Into L h is here dotted 0 tied, esp-e1. hat are ew tuatlor.. We wa t was an pop:11 ed esquitoes. covers m ny amp is s tu- plain be - and. P ta-li ered ith zeds of fl w - eat quan 1-34 eubs Or as a bea ti - and th re and ev r - me 90 to s. ttawa ri er Alume t vith islan s. kasrl to the r-orth, across ln QUi!',€.2 43,C1 from the Aver lie the grar. te 11.s ,arad. Cliff.% the Lau entiani, the Idg1 t mottiaal as on this con tin e n t This is the largest ,Lutiltery ea ever held Ir.. Caaa.da a d has t 'Siete 'artillery for th 4th ici s or., consisting of 16 R. tterlea, rigades, Ammunition Ce umn and 1 iviiinn AremanItion C. -ttin, t - ther with tb.e Corps iI Er.ginee s, rmy Service, Army nTr seort,..'.`igri anici. other branch There a tween fosr and five t u.sand me The air and climate far ha ben tall right. We had three de 3 wing to t' t drain e st idisc sanita y Each,. ba inciner,at r is burn mater fi iel, is ca y dawn t ear eitha.r ' c e got 0 r meals t ut ul pe. 1- 4 cOnstant heavyrain, bat light os of the soil and f4c1Ut1e, a)ot the slight ft was experienced. Th a4rargient.s are excellent tery OT 'UTat has an kverything that can what cannot be, ne w at natare, solid or lig ridLt way at the 'early Vr a, far dietant dump, inoit rilver. 4 o. few days until 1111',W running, we Oat on hcladquartera mess, which came he fIlbm Kingston, land is la ous for its gco4 Ilvin,g, btst we jam \all leased c get td.u.r own brigade me s, and m uat. eery, that as takmess an tat th game, I am 'more [than pie sed wili &he aineals all through. T e officer sE gegats, aid. the .gunn eat have their own mess. W re 1"..; NA with the same atIons an W1IQn we. were ele,sieoes, av put ou reds in .oer packets to f rnish ex tr4s, but g'ven, veljthout teis every 1 av hi g .amDie and of go ipd quaiit th ne exception, the bu ter, whic is lithe tell Vale ,an„y tab e, khas at ve Ye been good. The bozon is al w1ayB Al, coffee is a general drink bu t is ,av,ailable for t se tha re mire it. The bread is oked urrd, in our own lb eshop fo awl p end ls excellent. The mea IS plenty of everyt , an horses which lax worke _,4a,rtd, are In mast cases gettlri fia,tlitrs 4 The or„ly 'essnplaint I personally Oa4 .11,1t...ye, are the hours, * labor, 10 litalra haat been, te bAcusto ary work frer la, man 'hi, civil life, but 5.00 a.m. t L0.0 p.m. with .very e time da between are !the ilo re Set here.i The ialst Ica for duty t •fticer4 is a. 'lecture at 3.50 by the '1h •alliquarters staff, for the, div lo The men are relieved of this brea in their evening by being f e fron sapper ,tisnea A enclkoise you, a is Lies uS for one 'of iwiflef.!lit le thne ifnorn llour week's rtrairetng fr which you e that very Reveille at 5.00 a, at 10.00 p.m. and i h 111011-4313 to the az-title ym Any SOare time( we have la de -ot d, to stu4,0..n.g the artilleryman% I known by the Calbalestic lette , .A.T." Or in other words, - Field • tillery '11r,aine ing, which littleboo es 436 pages he must alsohave in hlis ket and if ltliere is tadelay parade; or march, he is sup .. d, to pull it out andi study it, rwe: haive seven. ,a,r 11 ry 'nstrectoos for each brigade, 28 4. (all, not In- cludin,g Colonel Roy. the for4tnost arTtiliellerc,aanYrnapA. cornia-CarimandanS" is COlonei - BurfklOglivie, who is '43rIgstdier of the 15th .Brigaele th Western ai48.1 ( !While (there iare over0,0r0e0,sbhot,auriv elge.erseeal camp, (there shOald withol,000 the divis shossiwhen in revie ( Drury "lain. 14, elan perismolly - $ec strongly im- preesed .with the effic Dee ,fof 'the Witbiet camp for the pu poise which Lt has in view. I have discussed the matter :with numbera ere wive are experienced militia Men and a num- ber pf wham, haire tse imetive. fier- liVjeeA irmatrin'my 4tb'eYal;v1fe e 4 all, agree WItb The quick firing 18-a a unders which we have been firing 'raw a missio; two pounds heavier th rt the famous F,resecht 710.s, but thel sharp, low ea,r-plercing reports are very deafen- ing, I lain glad to :leain from those Who have had the ex* •rience with such ;matters that 'the, reports from the heavy guns which our briga.de w1/.1 ito uae :the front are not: Po 4eallening4 1 As regard the irnel quitoes. and black files, I have irgolt as yet sem 0111g . I felt a. Inoscialto vhen ,down by the triv.er, tbet 414 plotsee him So Car 1 havs not had time to leave the camp precincts, whinh re clear gy.:* a.11erch pests, that I experienee no neionve nience. Warrant Officer Slade of R.C.H.A., who has been the len.gest le the ser- vice in Canada, Stated that oar chirch' para.& last un;til.ay- was the finest in marching, , ana. physique of the men that he had aer sern in _Canada, and Brigadehaplain ;Capt. Harrison, who has had many , ep-eri- enCee in wars in SOudesie and else- where, corroborates this. Warrant Officer Slade reterned from the front after foarteen months there, for training parposes, and we are very fortanate in having them both !attached to the heavies. T.he vonly tr-oeye that seems to be worrying our chief Instructor, Capt. Stacy, who gave up command of ‘`C" Battery, to take thie work, IS that he cannot go to the front, too; but the government considera his services more valaable as he /Is. Huron lints -Rev. ,Fr. John .YOuX1 , Of GOdeTICIL, WhoCwals ordained at L nelon a week isa.gt arikhlipahsonstbe JR: CahPuProolha,te ,, icndrsaotre, at -The merchants of Hellinesville have decided to close their :bares at five O'clock nn WednesdaYaJlternoons }dar- ing July, August 4,4 pternber., -Misses Nora McC..a,u hey and Ale )berta, $ bothers of Byh lef t lase Wgek for Regina, Sask. having', se4 cured positionon the istaff og the -public schools there. -Mr. ancl Mrs. Gorgie R. Bedford of 'ETIsbornE, announ e the engaga- ment of their daughter Evelyn tO Mr. Gorden C. Hewyoad, tso of U.sborne: the .ana.rriage to take pia e this month --CW,hile- cr,anking his 1 car line day lastweek,Mr. Albert S eley, Clinton, sustai‘.1n,e'd an Injury t jhas left leg which forced him to al stain. from labor for a coapk elf d.ys. -For the first time lin many years the county; Jail at Go•deilch lis WithA out . a isingle prisoner. ..(While Unoc-i copierd (the premises a being sires painted and thorou gh ly re novat d , -Mrs. Margaret A. i Campbei GE Morrie, iannounces the engageme t of her ?eldest daughter, Mi s Mabel e C. to Mr. Robert H. Jelin, on, of East Wawanash, the marriage to take Pace e.atriy in 331,y1 . -Rev. J. L. McCulkieh, of Cr,a,nbrook -whet had the misfortune to fraCture ofno ta his legs a start time caton is .improving rapidly and is now able to take( charge of the ,Servi es at Cran- bra(a14, but he still Iles la supply for Ethel./ 1 t , -John Clark of Aiburin had, the. Misfortone to lose a, h se recent -Is" it was pasturing on the road .ben an auto came (along an, , frightbned tht animal which 'was lingi. It ran .initO is heap of ‘old iron I t the black- er-n:1th shop and brake 48 leg. -.Nee. W. p. Ellicitti Hugh Mc- Kay, Harold Brandon M. Toms. ,tik Brandon, Waiter Welatlake Wilfred Tome, Peter Clark, Jatnes Rouatt, Al.,4 [le McDonald and Arthur Clark, all the 161st battaelon, and private Wil- ber Erwin 'KW the 118th Of LO1140f1, Spent the First at their homes . In Bayfiesd. -Harold, Sprung ,of the, __Maitland Mock, Hullett Jost one Of his barns by fire: No particular reason can S be tassi.gned for it ,as no one had been near 'the barn for abeitt a week. There were also several implements in the, barn which were burned. It wasin- eured in the McKilless con -warty for nine hundred 'dollars. ; C -At ,the cease of the rerelar league meeting at Ontario a tree t! ehtirch, ; In Clinton, on Monday evening lastler wl'irh a, nureber of the otr members of ..the cor.greg,ation Were 'preS% t. Rev. "Mr. Ailln was presented with an address and a purse of gold. Mr. 111. Wiltse read the address 4nd Mr. ia Olte.Oojurtice. made the presentation ; In be.half of the congresatien. -Mr. and Mrs. „Alex. ,Robinson. ;of ialegerich, recently received 41 word( that their son, Ina ,William J. Rob-inson Imola of the Canadian Mounted Rifles, tis reported missing since June 211.d. Pte. Robinson has theeti ifi the tren- ches since September .1915, Weltier Johnson,. son of W. C. Johnston. of Goderich, was also re/Sorted missing, but wiord. has !since., .arrived that he 14 fa, prisoner: Ptes. RObinson ,a..nel Johnston were In the .aarne ba.ttallorn -A deputation. of the Members f Murphy 'Orange Lodge, -Clinton, call sat the home ofeMr. i and SIM, James Dunsford one evening laSt we end on. behalf of; the brethren, presentedelirs .Dunford with ta Ilan 'some eat glass bowl. -Thia iiirt w -tuft la, token -of :-,appreellaitio ' by ble brethiiert lot -Mita ..DanfOrtd'. courte Ir., fsuPplying them wit,h oof ee en. se ercal occasions' when they ,wished 10 serlve- refreshmeate at their r gultar meetings. I, I-On Saturday' June 24th, a, 1 quiet wedding took place at the hoiie of i Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson, God- I- Erich when their tdanghter, h I ris- , . , 1 tinwas -united in marriage to Mr. George Ste.nley; nuciernan, so4 oT the late Captain E. A. Buckni41n, oll lBrockvilk, Ont., the Rev. A!. Mc- F,apilane officiating. 'There weIre no ettendanta and the bride wor.e her trsiveliing suit, the happy coup' leav- ing directly (aftier the service for their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Buck- man Will reside in -Brockville LeadbUry Notes. -The circuit picnic he In. Mr. Leenthrice 'grove, on the ter - noon of Dominion Day, was a and success over ,500 persons -be1ng in attendanee. As ell children un4er 12 years, noi anatter where they ri$4cd. t Mt, run of ,the grounds and free supper, there was aniar,ge and a trac-4 tive number of children presentThe tent where candies, lee cree and lernolnade, etc, were sold, ws4 well pastronized. The wea,ther was Iseant- Jul, it was one of the most „pleasant 'affairs which has taken place 1 this se ctioh 4 ManleY Ns. -?r.. 'F .Eckart is at present spending his honeymoon in thelorest- err. Citleo.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr and Mr Lard M. C ,Eckart were viSitors1 it' pur burg 4astSunday.‘-lifrt J. Eckart Mad a successful grav J. bee last Friday, which adds ' im rove- ment to his (lane; ---Mr. W. M Nabb ae.4 fan -illy have. moved Linter Mr.i John glernewleW residence. As Mr. Narob is in a critical ocindition, Mr. Bennewiee intends to aare • 1 him carsd for In some hospital to gain, his health. Mr .McNabb's many f Lends - wish him a speedy ,recovery. 1111111016INIMmummum.11 Mitchell Killed in Action. -The casualtly list* recently otantained the name Of an- other Mitchell soldier who has fallen on the battlefield in F This time it is Ate Edward igall, well known in and teraund town here be (made his home for some yea s. In latter years he worked. for Mr. Fred Hanson and Mr. Joseph Weseaberg, and Athen came to Mitchell and enlist- ed. He was a most obliging- len4 well- ( behavedt young fellow and this 'friende In this neighborhood, will re ret to hear of bitn bein,g killed. - Another well-known boy from Mitchell has given his life in battle in France, in tile -person of, Pte. Charles „7-11anTe. Charlie was raised and cared( for by A. Herbert, West Ward. Fo a time he (worked la Nichols laind Hugheees blacksmith shop. He went Wert for a. time and then. returned. Pte. .J.all.ge 'Was well-behaved and highly thouglit of...1-1-e 'had many friends ifrt town, who no doubt will grieve over 1 -is death. He 'w-er-t overseas with the Firq - - Canadian Mounted Rifles, and was killed in action on June 2nd.. 60001000!0•001001110100911310E012 Rensall The Races.-Doznin1on1 Day was obs served as ta hoeiday In our village, and Henseel Turf Club were held, the the. r.aces, under the a.uspie lesthe ; track, which was in good shanse. Quite a large number were ln attendance aind much interest was taken In the digferent events. In the 4aY4 Pros gram was .an exhibition half rn by Captain Green, owned by I. en{ bsrrY, an4 driven by Miss CeiL Bose senberry, the titne being 1.09 .1- . The 'next was the Green Race, wh chre4 suited as follows; Mack, ow d by irhornas Kyle firippen. 14-1;flarkey Mack, ownptt lby P. Eisenbach, o Z Jr4 rh, 2-2-2; Harold S., owned bYN. Kellerman of Dashwood, 8-8-8 best thre 1.11 1-4. Free for Ail - Peach Bars, own e.d by J. J.IMerner of 7ieir4 ich, 1-2-1-1; Captain Green, awned by H. 03ossenberry of Hens;all, 2 1-3,3; Aiken Gates, owned by N. Kell senan of Dashwood, 3-3-2-2; best tins, 1.09. Mr. E.' ,Doessenberry acted as tart-. ere land Mr. C. Eliber a.,nd Mr. lamp 'e,S jadgea. The closing event as an Exhibition race between. RoadMaster driven by John Lorimer and LadY Hunter driven by her owner. Arthur Ai derson: :This race was one f in - ,tense interest, land WAS evenly con- tested, the hor•ses coming in rider the wine rso that a blanket wouI4 have covered them. The time .was iven ;out as 1.12. -Brisfe.--THensall had so inenY visitors here for the ist of July our eorreepondent has net tile sp,a4e to give a list of them. -Mrs. James A. il andher slater, MTS. Taylor motored with Mr. Arnold ab- Br- t mred kirk to :Grimsby and. localltY to •SP9rld .a, fow days.-Ttie concert and tea heed Ln the Methodist ohurch, under the auspices of the ladiee Aid, for church shed funds on Wednesday evening of last week proved a great success and the church was crowded. The ladiee . served -a, spiendld tea. and the concert ! given by the Forest City Male Qbar- ittte wa.s a treat from start t iish The sum of $160 was realized t -Mrs. D. McLeod, Of Detroltelis here visiting her 'sister, Mrs. R. Bouthren -We regret to state that Mrs. M Drake, was taken very serlouslY 11; on Wednesday evening or Last eek , 414 she; wan taken, tut Ittaorle.ose. pltar London where ,she still -is p tot- ing X -Ray treatzrenit.-Mr .and, Mrs. Witham Fulton, 'Toronto, spent the past week with Air.. Fulton's penal erts here. -Messrs. McDonell & Mur- dock have sold out the leave un)b-r of autoa they had, on hand andare getting in another shipment. -Mr. *toy Dick, who has been assisting the G. 'T. R. agent here ,Ptx. isorne year, 4.9 been appointed night operator ,at Hyde Park land has entered .upan his de ties. -Mr McKe nzie, recently from near Brucefield is erectin fine stable tan his property at th2 west end of Qeeen street. -Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dry -alders and ,frlende re- cently motored from Port Stanley. - Mr. A. Dent of London and el,aughter Mrs. C. iNichoils ,and her daughter, ac- coo.panled by relatives, motored tO He.nearl on Monde,' large ,nurnber of our ooldiers in train g tat London, sinint the holiday in ur viitage.--Mrs. Weir Acheson was 1 in Toronto, last week, to see her spa, Temple Acheson, before he goes over-: sea,s. He is the second son that Mr. and Mrs. Acheson will now have in the ,army, one of, them being for some time in the trenches. -Mr. Abe Case, G,T.R. 'agent here, hal purchae-k cid a Studebakder 'auto from Caine Broe, Akssrs. Thomas Anen of F quhar, Mr. Oellmh of Zurichand Smith Of Ueborne hare OM 4 chased ?c,ars from the, Mears. sa.k. -Mr. and Mrs. B. RIercee of For t took an auto trip ,bo Hensel/ the first of the week, taking Mrs. J. S•aheriand and idies H. D. Suthe 4 Land with them fio,Clintonand Ab ern to spen4 a, diaffe with trienele JULY 7 1.914 Handsome Footwear 1"'"1-166.1.1111111,1111111k,... .gsl.MeP".s..sP.es.,pey.•os,".....11.,..p.,, Your new gown or suit may be in the height of fashion but if your Shoes are a little shabby it spoils the whole effect Why not select your new Shoes to -day and feel dressed for the HolidayS? We have a, splendid assortment of Summer Shoes for every member -of the family -- shoes that are exclusive in style and yet moderately priced. Choice styles in Men's Shoes in Patent Cott, Gunmetal Calf and Kid leathers at, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 a pair. Men's High grade Oxfords on the new English last M Patent Colt, Gunmetal Calf and Mahogany Tan leathers for 4.50 and 5.00 apart, Ladies Patent Colt bouts,Button or Laced models, cloth topsenr dull leather tops, for 8.50, 4.00 and 4.50. Ladies Patent Colt Pumps, the season's latest styles for 2 50, 2.731, 3 00, 3.25 and 3.50 a pair. Ladies White Canvas Pumps for 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 a pair, Misses Patent Colt Pumps in sizes Tr to 2 for -1.p0, 1.85 and 2*. a pair. Children's Patent_ Colt Pumps for 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 a pair. Children's Non -rip Barefoot sandals for 75c, 1.00 and 1.25a pair, according to size. During July and August this store will close on Wednesdays at 12.30 p.m. YotiT SEAFORT/I TELEPHONE, 11 OPPOSITE OOMMEROIAL HOTEL Fib:a LEAVE TORONTO UNION STATIONI 10.45 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saska- toon, Calgary, North Battleford, Edmonton, Vancouver., and Pacific Coast Paints, Tickets and Berth Reservations from C. Aberhart, Druggist, Agent, telephone rrz, or write R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, 68 King St. E., Toronto. EANADIA!' rir,H h {ii[ WLr „Th WESTERN FAI LONDON, ONTARIO - September 8th to 16th, 1916 Wrgriercg-irgyrk-TO-P-g POPULAR EXHIBITION Art, Music, Agriculture and Amusements. A Fin Combination at London's Exhibition. A real live Program of Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night New Process Building Every Building Full of ExIlibit-# SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary "Maxie to Measure Suits an& Overcoats Is c lie a11 I he, fro ison ire . IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambition give our customers the best possible satisfaction in :he tailoring business. Our suits 6.nd overcoats are made in a high-cla.ss. careful mariner. They have earned their reputation from the way they are tailored as well as from the pure materials from which they are made. -The quality has always been a prime factor in our taioring, and always will be. In spite of the fact that owing to the war, British woollens have advanced greatly iu price and tailors all over Can ada have been compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within the range of every man. —and we never had a finer range of Spring and Surn- mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of rich, fast color- ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men, middle aged men and old men. It does not matter whether you are a style enthusiast or just appreciate quality, tailoring and value. We k,now that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and examine these new materials. -Let Us Be lOtlit W. D. Bright & So Seaforth ,