HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-30, Page 50 he height of fashion but if your role effect. Why not sets ct for the Holiday? x rW" have a r every member of the fam- moderately priced. ent Colt ; Gunmetal Com' and apair. ew English. fast in Patent Colt, [ers for 4.50 and 5.oct a pair. Laced models, cloth tops er dui lastest styles for 2 3o 2,75, r : 1.5 d x.75 a pair. i r to 2 for I.6o, r.85 and Lee 00, 1.25 and r.3o a pair. for 75c, r.00 and 1.25 a pair) will close on Wednesdays at 7 TB OROIAL HOTEL S Seaforth mber lar Shingies Ages ool in simmer. They are in anv climate. They tee of alt buildings. They he last cost. They last a FencePogts 9 Foot Iver Board all Coverings[ey Haxd iornestic use ly for next winter ne to buy. Seaforth Ontario iimminossumam leasure " cats r aim and ambition rt' possible satisfacti9n )ur suits .nd overcoats mariner. They have way they are tailored Lis from which they are been .a prime factor in s. to the „ war, British and tailors all over Can we will continue to make price that is within the of Spring and Sum.. - shades of rich,, fast color- s to please young intra, not matter whether you te quality, tailoring and satisfaction. Come in and. s t Sort JUNE 30; 1916. • 'FfEilt. q ROi EXPOSITOR f Zurfck 1 io --lir. - William McKay, ethic's AZ! tea of the Hens aall Alb& school pre ! i on. tat the dde ,artmental, examines 1 Elsetpe Ili here `.week. +-- Mrs. Made Zeiler pt Wit, woo here for a tor #1,,;y . last week visiting friends, -3 r. Rlflliam Seibert, Jr., ;has ac- fixated . is pods tion, las mail clerk on' obe of the trains from 1aondoh.--Mr. D. S. Man,* has ¢qoE sheen enjoying pa t of health but his many; trfanda ape hewill ibe around again Mr. Boil Rae has purchase rialalitcolle esAd lest sadJolining the ;carate schabl, in Drysdale, fro f. Frank Buskin—There' will be no' *s rises in ,the 1. athertan church, on s; t!, Ind, as the pator, Bev Mr. I ember,. will .be on Ia mace-, S ` He.:vr'ill be married can '11 1 Jr -- • r Lily 6th, to Woe W. Lissy, of $anuli a, -nrid they will occ 1py the 'ibe L.ithenau ,parsonage., Mr. Nor- woOd i tdebert, of New Eaten, Mich., Sevisiting hie grandmother, Mrs. J. • icbert and "other relatives hare. neettant of the. holiday on July 1st, ;when .the atlohres w'11 he closed theyw.11 be :*fit pn Fr day evening of a FZ £Vdit►ltl s Tt~rlow'fr g# de .—The Al 'County Herald, of Lincoln, Michigenin gives the foie **leg accoant of ass tlgormer well sicansws resident of this township .en the perms, Of byre. (W3.111aan II.13rowne sister—slew of " MT. George '., of Seaforth. ;The ,Her-, old nays(` '`Mrs. Trate BrOwe tee, wife SSV. Vii. Bro rn1 ; tai: (Liaicoin, and t^: of the ntlon ere of the county, died scat 'her, biotne lit this village ;Seri tot midnight. Jerome.20 years ago set attack of blood troisor111g prow, pd nearly fatal to =M1y3.; Brownlee, and es abet t time ' her health had not =bc n,. of true.. beet and - about" five ye'ore *le ..atarted on: la'decline which iy 'wed in her (death. s She UapI`her birthpi a ee, in Bolton fir. instil her marriage ;to `.,William Brownleee, which took ,,?lace till •,B a14 Set, tieA rj1 22Nd, 1858. Afters their marriage, ;the co axle , ,remained in Canada sfor twenty years, then, the Proneer ;s 1rlt asserted; • tltseif, and they ctiatne t4 the States, .settling it st in . Alcona, After e at time in tie bet - days. there, to home ,wax (bath oin, the shores of ;the Ioke in what is now ,L1nco1Si and ;here, the deceased lived, antil her ,&t 1L She, is survived by her huts -i bared and family of two sons and three 4a,ughter;e'_ SEAFORT/I MARKETS i'$URSDA'c1, June 30 19) 6 Fall( Wheat (sten.) new co Oats, per bush to Peas, per bush .... Barley, .per bush , •,o Beans, per bush.... 2 50 to 2 60 Bran, per too . > 24 00 to 24 00 Shorts, per ton 26 00 to 26 00 Flour, per cwt.,3 00 to '4 00 Butter, No. 1 loose, Ib22 to 23 _ gs, per dozen .. 23 to 24 r'ay, new, per ton...., 12 00 to 14 62 Hogs 11 00 to 11 00 Live Stock Markets U e Mock Yards, Toronto, .,l ane. 27th.—Cattle broight prices- on the Union Stock Yards, Toronto; yesters unsay, 4hat have. never been egaal1ed LIS ape history of ;the ltrade, exclusive ;Of (prize- animals.: Load lots brought 311 pad $11.10 per cwt. These cattle were dry fed, weighed 1,170 to 1,340 Pounds, and were nicety finished. ;Ale though rea.1 choice, they were not. prime. These prices represent an ad- s ;this week over test for beet ;offerings,. Oeld choice,' weighty bal- Lbeks,; 1,640 pounds, ,brought $10.75. On all other hitcher cattle trade was ITraggy4 The balk of ;steers ,aid heifers was oomposed of noMmone to ,d1 am grassy butchers' et -1d they- iscAd at a r,scession. o -10 to 15 cent% per cwt. draught $8.75 .to 9.25, > mon all tate way t flQom $7.50 to $8.75. 'The ren of fbu,tebers' cows and hills was unusually (heavy. Pack- ers tat orally held out t for lower Pews ,and sec.zred these. These cuss 'IVY t begging ontii :25c to 50c .was knocked ;off cows ,and. aOe to 75c .off bells( From 7.50 to 8.25 ;was ' p i,d for shotes ,and $6.25; to $7.50 /for medium Ito good. Choice:. cowls brought $7.25 'to 58.25 and 1me.d1 ern to good $6 to 57.25. Atm -kers inclined, easier, $7 to 18 being plaid far''the 'bulk ,of -good to ehoic, ,and. $6 to $7 for medium to good. Miles cows were unchanged a,t ';60 to 5100 Each (for the . extreme, range. The market for . calves ds swell maintained, In spite :of sa r fairly Jibe crlal ran of 470 head; $10 to $11..75. was paid for good to choice ve als- and $7.50 to $10 for medium. These rates :Tore steady ar-tii the 'close of - the week,, "Small ,meats shaded t,easler, the wooly being fair. Spring lambs., brought 13 112° to 14 1-2c per tpo und, wbilet light sheep ewes went -at $6 ''to 58.50 per cwt. With very few hogs ort pie open market packers were in- • certain ,aboat quotations, -fearing to oast¢ too low, fns their ;agents in the country would fail to ss€cure requis= iste alurnl ens. Some packers quoted as low as $10.75, Lob., country points. $11.10 '.fed And watered, land $11.35 off cars, Actual sales were made, b•oW- etre.., a,t $11.65, fed. sand watered, and this 'alas probably 'nearer actaal value;l. Following are the quotations ; Choice heavy steers, $10 to $10.50;1 butchs eracattle, choice. 9.50 -to 9.75; good, $9.10 .to $9.35; mads•' im $8.85 to $9 ; mammon 8.00 to $8,25; butchers', ,bulls, ehoiee, $8.35 to- $8.80; , do.. good bulls $7.50 to ;7.75; do. rougn $475 to- $5.25; butchers' cows, choice-. $8 to 58.25 ; 'good, $7.40 to t $7.60; rnedlarn, $6.50 to $7; stockers, 700 to 850 pounds, ;6.75 to 7.75 ; choice feeders, fi-&horned, p60 to 1000 lbs, $8.25 to $8.85 canners gild cutters, $4.00 to $5.00; milkers* choice, each, $75.00 to $100; da. co a. and med. each, $40, to $60; eprLngers 650 to $100; light; ewes, $3' to $10; heavy sheep. 6.00 to ;8; spring lambs, par lb, 111-2 to 14c calves, good to ,choice $9.50 to 512; imedi am, $7.25 to $8.50; thog"s, fed natk.nvatered 511.40; weighed !off cars $11.66 -to $11.75; f.o.b.,$10.90.. 1 ammommosmewsilmwswIsses W. T. BOX & CO. EMBALMERS AND . FUNBRAL DILREOfORS _ill. C. BOX !Holder of Government Diploma sand Licence - CHARGES MODER.A T E3� owersfurntsaee on snort notice Nwht Oa`__, Pone 1C'% .uay Calls Phone 50 Iirthie- 1'DER -At ; , ring + 0 5th to Hr..a + Mrs. Near'sHen . an June o n "Elder a . n. N—]n 'lsbo e, on Juni Mn. Hector a son. D W . • n, On June Mrs. e.'0.'Denn , s son. HO ES -In B e, on June Mrs. WalterHolm s, a daughte ant,. Sleeeali, Alexander, d Or, to Mr, and to Mr. and Otte to Mr. anct 4Ltgs, ' to Ir. anc;l • (I arrlagd SELGNER—HULLER—In Qtiuto Pear viola, eideet'daughter of Hull r, to Sergeant George . 8e ova b b ttafjor CAMP ELL—LANK N—In Exe Rev. Samuel F. Shia , Vera Ad est d ugbter of M and the 1 bell o Dr. Geo Edward J life ilton. IDE —')ONN In Olin by v. B. , MoCO Adak. Lulu Steri n , • LAWS s pIS—Ab the eter Jo , e 28th F oeeie Fran of M . and rg I. 1. F ranofe, Sar . wrens of MoKillop CAi+%E You .s�n n June 21st d MrsGeorig nee of the ;.Lot $lie 20th b E heline, ye ung Simon: Camp ben Lannir, o on;: June 21st ivt Connell a , , age in lir only daughte T .roes ;ta r ON it Tuokersuiltheon Seine 26th♦ Annie g, , of of tbb late John Oteneron, aged 90 n e ion on ey, 4 years, 2 EWEN---At Z 8 Neste. GOOK y -In aged REID Iny9 ea Ann arke years end 2 EMIG —In beloved wit ►• +T% i♦ 44 London, on June 21141, Mynard Al mer - son of lir. and Kra. J. B. Dui*, aged onthe, [7 days. 'ch, oix June 12th, 46011 Ew n, aged; loR. oh June 20th, t1 i ry W. Gook, and 9 months. leyywnehip, on Jllne :24th, Eliza; relict the late John Reid, aged 77 ,ant Lyth June 26th, Anne McNamee, off Emigh, aged. 69 years: es Fu U1 3e to St de Dr • Fl eh i® Viii Phone ta****41 eral cens taken s but wart` Bros. Rjei�i- ce i*dderich st., epp ( Sco t'a. , wers furnished : on rt no ice. Director' and 1 Embaler 1 parlors in Oddfe ding' op ' ositee Night. or I7jay 119. a► Ft. 1 41 tit Flowers Pho 44®4i® F Uncle M.W Ma i S.GorMie'.• .balmier a neral Direc of taki4g Parlors above lila s' grocery store, n. St eet, Seaforth tied on short pea, e bargs moderato. e nig'jht_or day ; — 192 444+,►osa••e••44. • I I It 11 ARES LOD' E -PARK-Furnished 8uiiimee ot ages, wide ve - ndas,. and location. -Bentt,, modera ,,Apply to GEO 0 EE, 60 Stanley St , Loud n. ilii 258 4 Sum cr ReS7ts BAYFIELD 1,1 i !AHous .r it te Underhand b ed in sager/sin •n the time of sal leo auction on tthe Ooznm the hour of 2. o Ilot namely --L market et. in F of Seaforth. Also a good we per cent of the :day of sale and .or further pa orth, `Wender' 1: homas Brown rt age Sia r ▪ - , an Lot in — e S aforth virtue of the power of sale mtain- Mortgage (which willbe produced at ) there will be offered for male lay pub- aturdey the 15th day ,of July 1916 at 1 Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth at clock teen. the following house and t number 42. on the ;no th tide of C, Spailing'e survey n.th said Town ere ie 4 frame house on th property. II and some fruit trees.' Terme--Ten purchase money to be paid on the the balance in two weeks thereafter. tioulari, apply to J. M. BEST, Sea! Solicitor. Dated 19th June1€316. Auoti>neer. 232-3 RTtT NOTICES `1. [�TAN�LED i''Y for 8,8. -after summer !H, ALEXAND Teacher, A Normal trained teac No.12, MoKiliop.dutles to amine olidaye Attendance 14. Appl K, R.R. No. 4. Walton, Ont. 2522- er oe to EtSTRAY C the uncle Hay, about re, two White Wort -nation le ted by the 0 TLE --Strayed from the premi signed, west half of lot 5, eoneess he 15th Of May. three yearling h nd one ked and all with horns. ing to their recovery will he appr ner. $ WILLER 2531xt 0 on f - y 0 - FARM FOR JCI good lan Ion 8, MdKilIo dwelling nous house and you ply to JOHN ALE—A, small farm of eight acres of all cleared, part of lot 80 on °once , at ReIboraugh. A seven room -d in good repair and a been, -bug: v try house are situated thetteon. - p- oM1LL1.N, R.R. No. 1, Seaforth. 2524- t s• MIAMI M FOR 1' smith, co under bash. land inaeood ,premises s g+ , .frame ileum, bank been, its bons hue house driv= house and two Rood wells. F !terms and pa ;Altars' apply on the".premises or ldrese MRS. JO ' McOLOY, Egmondville; FSO. 28564 GOD FARh' FOB SALE—For Sale Lit 25 a d ilkeT part of L 24, Qoncession*l4, McKillop, co 1.taining'130 aeras. There are on the premises a modern brick . owe with hard and -soft orate . i' There is also a ± ood ban 60x126, with stone fou ;dation end sta.ling underneath, driving shed 80x• 0 ton stone found, tion, pig pen and hen house, a 1 in good repair. There s also a good bearine o ,chard and two ever tailing wells. The term Is :11 underdrained a d well fenced and In a high state • f .cultivation wit 10 acres of hardwood bush. It e :well situated o. the North gravel road 1 mile sou h of Walton 0. R. station, alas telephone and rur • 1 'mail delivery. Thee is a choice farm ; and will e sold on reasons le terms: F,or further particul iapply on;the p erises;or address, W. J4DI0KS rN Walton, 2458 t ALE. i.ot 6, Concession 9, Tuck talning 100 acres. aboat seven ac e faro} s well fenced and drain ate of rcilticatton,. There are on t r- e e i` MAPLE T BRACE" FOR SALE—A 'first el :s 'farm of 100 nor • : within easy distance; to Seafor h, Blyth. Landes .oro and Walton, on th'e 11th Cone • e- ;tion of Hullett. Rich clay loam, free from stone a d very fertile.. I a high State of motivation.A.bo t `eight acres of v linable bard wood, comfortable bre k house on stone foundation with oemeliteellar. La ge bank barn, goo + stabling and out building, also el o, 'wind mill wit water flowing thro>igh pips ; to 'kitchen, soft "titer, cement eletern., : A desks le farm. For In ther p4 rtleuTars appy to ROB t l' REID, Loudest oro, R.B. No. 1,• box 2; McKillop r - .al telephone 15 on 170. 12581-t ALUBLE 1 V ors for the 'offer foe sale, 1.Ooncession of consists of 100 lands In a Clea isituated:in e Ito markets, se are erected. a '18x24, wash ki `52x70 with eto nd water in b in barn also a farm ie.well fe ; title is perfect ptiu :of do' ionises a OBERT 0 .HAYS, gator ARM F)R .SALE—The adeeinistr state of the late Hu%U M, Gord at No. fourteen (14) in the sixth e townehip ofhicKili9p. This fa acres of cleared anti improved fa and gond state of cultivation and lendid farming diebriet, oonvenie oois and churches. Op the premi comfortable frame I.welling hou hen attached. Splendid frame b e stabling underneath;.cement.flo rn, alae a good pig pen and :wa ood pig;; pen and he house.. sed- and extra well tile drained. nd poettession will be ven for g all necessary fall work. For furb ly to ARCHIBALI) ec0B,F>GOR ON, Administrators, or to R. , their ;Solicitor, 1421• sr' 0, is t es e, rn re er he e he er or Notice to Cred In the (*tate of Pe of the ownship County Of Huron, nod cy Wan: of Sianle arne$s li ed Rotige is hereby given p ream ant to th that behalf that all perm) s having alai the estate of Percy Wao eee, ~late of t of Stanley, in the county t Huron, har deeeased, 'who died at Graven1 on the 8rd day of February, , required to send by poi ., prepaid o Gladman St Stanhury. Exeter or Menem,i ;tors for the Administrster or or beton day of July 1916, the full particulars of and the nature of swami ye if any, het Further take notice that fatter the said Ic ed date the administrator Will proceed is the mate of the said deceased amon entitled thereto. having r of which he shall then hat GLADMAN Solicitor for Exeou Dated at Hensall, this 26 gaols only notice. acSTANBUR re, Hensall yofJune tors est, late in the alter, de - statute In ne against to township fess maker tures, Ont. 1915, are deliver to , Ont. Belie - the 18th heir clafws, l by them. et mention- distribute the parties the claims Exe ter 916. 2188.8 The Se Corn l er Clintons Ontarl • gives a. thoro Bookkeeping, T all commercial s erate rates. elsewhere let us we can dofor given; by mail. B't F. Ward, Phone 208 • • ++++• +1++1++3++�;+ •+:+ 0 4. f ,, gh cours in 0, pewritin and +1. bjects at od- fore en fling , ell you What + ou. Ott reefs a .A., N. j. est. * noipai ++4»H +++++ GRANVO TRUNI\ SY1 EM Domini 1 n SINGL FARE Good Going Jul 1st. Va id to return sa e date ay FACE AND ®i E-THII Good Going., Ju • e 3oth, =1st, valid to r turn Jul 'Betweenall station in Can of Port Arthur, als. to Detr Port Huron, Mich. Buffalo, Rock, Niagara Fall and Sus ' _ Bridge, . July '3 daeast sit and Black tension W. Somerville....... TowAgent W. Plant ..._.. DepoAgent C. E.; HORNI G, D. P, Union Station. ornnto, A. Ont. �r Now st1_.a Tiave to have your OAL Bins . filled up, and we can do i it using ou celebr ted Lehigh Anthra (the coal th For June aid July lowing are o Chestnut Stove Egg Soft Coal Yale♦ cite it satisfies Delivery Ito Bay.Piels- Ya '.ta 150 ,cEin is ; to Bruce. field We ia,]ss° atandle all L um r, Canada •Brand' Fertilizer orders e fola it prices $7.5o $7.25 $7. oo $6. oo 51 per Ki(Ppen, 5 25 ftp. dk- Ceadsmentf, . Tongue gue Grooved Flooring and V Siding, Canada Fibre Boa jai !Building Materiel„Tile Pasts, etc. .. ; to cents; ogs and( Buffalo and -etched, Mets - Cedar John B. 144st rd Brucefield Thoro Stallions The following Imported 01 Stallions, which are all in No service this season at .T. Berry'iStable 1 form, will tend for Hensal Ont. KING THOMAS Clydesdale [9 ] (12625 CUMBERLAN Clydesdale [17 1$15 to in COMMO ORE Clydesdale [9 96] (14633 $15 to ure J ABO Percheron [31 $12 to i 'S GLO 46] ;15788 ure sure COLONEL RAHAM will travel the same r lite as last Tr. Will stand at the a mares, after which d to training NOTE—Igo mareS fabove UV* after 11 ve stabl s until ited nu ber of te he will go in 11 be bretl at 'the In The Grand MAC 2.041 • the Stud ircuit R4ce Horse HISTL 48971 A.T, araelthistle is the fastest horse that was ever offe ed for ser e in this Part lolf the try. He Tenet]. through the largest ling circuit in the world .gind. ted the rand ()Ir- ma Sitars AS ten th y; defeated full brother to s.ledepende e Boy 2.01 1-2. tieerhistie himself has been miles nlit:24e is aa grata big, b stallion; Ise; 5a 'a? mada Ito order horse, having size, quality, dividuality-, breeding and. brains. will stand at his own ham,. 03lyth, is season, a limit- ed piwnber of ; es at to insure. Acoommodetion. mstele for mares from ias distance. Write fdr breeding and full particularei THOS. 00IILTER L. 0. CHARLESWORTH, Blyth Popular Stallions. The following pnntlar stallions will stand for the The Choicely Bred Clydeedale Stallion Jansen Murray, Prcenletcn. gild, Manager Monday Noon—Leave &is own stable at Peter ,Mc c.ession *3, William Dorsey Hibbert, for Jo Williams' lot 2 for noon; t 28, concession day—To Edwa rt Stp., and go to s lot 21, concession '1 gists Tuesday—To Pat , concession 4, Hibbert, d Gormley's, lot 17, to ;Webe,r's Hotel, Dublin, for night, 3, cooceasiori fl, MoKillop, for noon; then to ,Andre'w krauskopf's, lot 7, claY—To his gown stable where he will remain until die following Monday The Standard bred and Registered 'Trotting Stallion RED MCKINNEY 42946 Enrolled. and Inspected. Monday—Will leave fhle own stable, Egmondville, at noon, and go by waY of thet Huron rosat to Clinton, at R. Gr,aheen'a Hotel for. night. Tuesday— South by way of the London Road to Walker's Hotel, Bruceflekl, for poon; then south to Commercial Ho- tel ;stables, Heiteall, for night. Wed- nesday—To Exeter; then eolith 11-4 miles to John Blair's, for noon; then to Centralia, at Moffat's Hotel for night. ThorodaYi—East to Wm. Brock's Uaborne, for noon; then. to KirktonS at Taylor'a hotel, for night. Friday— West to Jas. Ushorne boundary, for noon; then north to Dublin, at Weber'ss hotel, for night. Saturday—By way of sHuron r.oad to his own stable for noon, whore he will remain until the following Monday noon neTarne,s Berry, proprietor; W. R. The Imported Clydeadale Stallion (14 62) 13547 -Enrolmen, Nee 353 Form 1 J, Livingstone, Proprietor & Manager Monday—Will lieiave his -own stable, Staffa, and go Weet to David Hill's, for noon; then 'South to the Cromarty line ,then east to his own stable, for tynee, Hibbert-Usborne boundary for noon; then, south to Thames Road, and westi to Robert McDonald's for night. Wednesday—Saab to Blicnville, ,then east and south to Jno.Delbridge's Wincheisea, for noon; Alien south to Brook'a, Uaborne, for night. Thursday—East '3 1-2 miles and north Blansherd, for noon; then north-west to Kirkton, at Taylor's Hotel, for the night,. Friday—North to tile Thames Road, at Thomas McCurdie's, fdr noon; then north and west to his own etable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale CUMBERLANDStaSCUOTTkm 13979 (16981) Inspected and Approved. s I Enrollment No. 2892 Monday—Will leave his own stable, lot 4, concession 3, Hibbert, anal go to John .Cerpenter'S, Dublin, for noon; Hurom road to Boundary line, thence south and e,ast to John Murphy'r. lot 23, concession 2,' Hibhert, for noon; thence to his own sta,ble for night, Wedneeday—Will proceed to, Wesley Leak's, lot 21, concession 3, Logan, tor lot 6, ccmoession 2, Logan for night. Thursday—To Con. Rates, 'lot 15, con- cession 3, Fullarton; for n000 ; thence to Peter Smith's, Sot 18, concession 3, Downie, for niglit. Frid.a,y—To John Herttants, lot 25, concession 5, Downie, for noon; thence 'to Barley Robinson's, lot 16, concession 4, Fullerton, for night. Settorsday-eTo Gardner House stables, Mitchell, :for noon; thence to his own stablet flor night, and until Mcmility morningeTerms to' insure, 515. ROBERT DuRcioLL, Proprietor and Manager. 2526x8 The Pure Bred; Percheron, 'Stallion INDEX Enralment No, 363 Inspected and Approved --"--"'Forrn Wm. Berry, prop. and Manager. Monday—Will leave Ins oWn stable, Brucefield and go west, to Varna, at the Temperance liouse for neon; then north to *the laiyfield line, GoderIch townEihip at Ben Rathwell's for night. Tuesday—West to Switzer's corner and north to James Sterliag's for noon; then north to Jas. for night. Wednesday—North to the Huron Road and east to Jewell's Con- ner then by way of 13enrailler tof 3. C, Durst's Colborne, for noon; then ea.st to Harry Sweet's Holmes+ille for night. Thurodetyr-By way of the Hur- on Road. to Clinton!, at the Graham House: for noon; then!. north by way of net CRAAP Like. to Albert Towns4 end's for night. Friday—Eatt through I:Linea to 3/ McBrfne's for noon; then east by way of Roxboro to .ses.-s corner then west to Robert Eagle's, illor noon; tired by wagi of London Rosat to his own stabf4, where he wt.11 rensalio For terms sod conditions see manager. / The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Will lati3,nd. ut the Royal 'Hotel barn, This is a very fashionably. bred colt,i and While not -yet three, years old, is a big horse. Look Itizot over, No. *01832 Atreric* Trotting Register; No, 0101 Canadian Standard Bred Scolety; En- rohreet No. 4419. Tertns,'$12 to insure with foal. Dd. Johnston, propsietor, Clinton; phone: 8 on 162. LORD M.OSFIELD Jarnea Evans, Proprietor and Manager .Monday—Will leave aIii3 own stable, Beachwood, and go to Pat Woode% Logan, for noon • the.ncet to Ids lawn :stable for the night. 'Tuesday — To lop, for noon; thezs :west to A. Ross', 60210eMill011 McKillop, for one hour; thence to tli.3 OVelk stank,* for night, where be, avill remain( until We-dnes- day nom. Wednesday Noon—To Web- er'a Fl.otel, Dublin, for night, Thurs- day—To Joseph llagles' for noon; then —To Moran, Curtin's, 1 1-2 miles /sant of Seaforth for noon; then to Matthew Ilabkirkes McKillop, for night. Satur- day -11111 proceed to his own stiihle, where be mill remain: until the follow- ,Mconday morning. Terme and conr ons Same as foinner years. Lord Mansfiei.d has been enrolled, inspected and approved. %Terms go iesure, $13; JameS Evans, Manager. tUMBERLAND GEM. (9869T) 8L681 Irovected and Approved. Eorolment No. 1367, room I. John J. McGavin, Proprietor. Will stand, for seovico during the present season ell John J. McSis,vin's 13, McKillop, Colto from Cumberland Gem won first prizea at Clinton anti Seaforth shows -this spring. The Imported llydesdale Stallion. EA.RL 0"CLAY 12035 (13458). Inspected and Approved. Monday—win leave his own table, Brucefield, and go weat to the tecbod concession -of Stanley, then north to John Butchardssa for noon; then north and -west to Wm. Glenn's for night. Tuesday—By :Vey of Ban- nockburn., to -Varna, at tlie Temper- ance Hotel. for noon; then by way oi the Bayfield Road, to the Goshen line . to Albert McClinchey'Si for night. Weil-Dead:ay—BY MeClymont't side road to the Parr Line then south to Wm. Foster's, for pooh o thence to AleieMee Beath's 2nd concession of Stanley, for night, 'Thursclay—North to the Say. field. Road.. to 'his own stable, for eoon remaining ,until the following Friday ;morning. Friday—To George MeOartseere Mill Road, for ',noon; then the 2nd. concentelon, . Tucker - to MeAclesn's side read, thr north to smith then weot to James Ca!rnochan's, fon night. Sa,turday—Treet by Broad- font'e bridge, then south to the Mill Road, to his' own stable, where' fie w1)1 retrain the following Mondey morning. Terme—To insure, $15; tint): February 1st, 1917. . Ro D. Murdoch, Farm tor Sale For Sale good firm of 100 acres being Lot 7, con - (molten 10, Tuekersmith. There are orl the premien two bank barns with stone etabling, one 56x48 and the other next)). Lar e frame house ith furnain. There are 25 acres un er grass, about acres ready for seeding, 10 acres of bola and 2 ea es of orchard and three never failing evelle. aleo 50 re farm, be - log south half of lot 5. suitable for ure farm. Thom farms will be sold together o parately and with or without the crop., Immediate possession. Apply on the premises or addrese. R. R. No. 2, Klppen, or phone 8 on 185. MRS. DANIEL eleMILLAN 2629-8 • JeJackson • • • • Practical Boot Repairer Seaforth • Entrance through J. Willis' Besot Store. * Prompt attention to all repairs. 4, Best leather only used. I stock as workers and hard wearers. T. • J. JACKSON • • Note the Address Opposite Expositor Office rrIT., CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WAIXER, LL.D., D.C-T..„ President JOHN AIRD, Genera/ Manager. 11, V, F. JONES, Agee Ceenerel Manszer CAPITAL, $15 000,000 RESERVE FUND $13,500000 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, Including the disceimt and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes - are supplied free of charge on application. ss4 Seaforth Branch Manager Nissae LEAVE TORONTO UNION STATIONT io.4.5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saska- toon, Calgary, North Battleford, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Pacific Coast Points. Tickets and Berth Reservations from C. Aberhart, Druggist, Agent, telephone x or write R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, 68 King St. E., Toronto. • Drain Tile We too/. have In istock tile from 2 1-2 ifiett up to 10 inch, of thir veryi best KRUSE BROS.., Phone .2 on 146. lagmonaville. Stratford, Ontnrio You Can Secure a Positon if 'you take a course with us, The de- mand upon us for trAned help is many times the number .gradnat- ing. Students are entering each week. You may enter at any time Write at once for our free catalog. D. A. McLachlan, Principal.: 1111111111 New Issue of the Fxecutor's; Sale of roo acre farm in Usborne and Househo'd Effects, etc. The Executor's 41 the Pee, e nf the late John tan will offer for sale on the, prvinises on Tuesday July Oh, 1916 at 2 o'clock p.m. the folicwing Yaks- tbe 12th OonceaBion of the Township of ITeborne in the County of Huron, containing UM acres more or less. On thie property are a good 4 storey brick house and two bank barns. There are about 60 acree sealed down. 20 res Will oe left ploughed this coming fall and 0 acres fall wheat and the purchas- er 9,411 have the privilege of ploughing after name*. possession will be given on theist day et WM), 1917. This M a firiit-clos farm and isonly about half a mile from a sohool.houee. Chattels—Organ, Bed Room Sulte•s, Tables, Cheirs, Couch. Cergets, Bed- steads, 1 Coal Steel, and 2 Wood Stoves; Dishes,. Kitchen Utenelle, also a quantity of firewood, 1 Top Buggy and 1 Cutter. Term of Sale—Real E4tate— Ten par cent—On the day of sale itt cash or other satisfactory security and the balance on the let day of March 1917 without intereht. Chattele—Oaeh. Furtber terms anl particulars will be made known on the day of sale sior tan be had on appliseetion to B. B. P1IILLIPS, Auctioneer, JOHN R. ntrifokk tors - Jul 17 Monday Telephone Copy for the next Telephone Directcry closes on the above date! Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue! q Report changes required to our Local Manager tO-day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 • 2 2 • • ROLE THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE • • 4+4,4 .4+44 Complete Phone 95 P'-`' 0 0 FAB. Osha $6 / GDI D. HAIGH, Agent. Sealortn